
ApOgEEhi all02:29
asterismohi people02:34
asterismoi need help with plymouth02:34
asterismoafter modifying the ubuntu_logo.png image at /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo and execute "sudo update-initramfs -u" the image at startup still being the previous one, but the shutdown image is the only updated02:39
ed_____Hi I'm new to using Unbuntu and having a problem logging in. Is this the right place to get assistance?06:25
urlin2ued_____, sure the main channel #ubuntu is a bit busier and another option, what is the login problem?06:27
ed_____Thanks, when I try and log in I get the following error: "Could not update ICEauthority file/home/ibok/.ICEauthority"06:28
urlin2ued_____, better try the main channel I'm not sure there.06:29
ed_____ok thanks06:29
Unit193ed_____: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6807163&postcount=206:31
urlin2ued_____, /join #ubuntu06:37
M0hiurlin2u: I think people here still do help issues06:38
urlin2uM0hi, I know but nobody answered, just getting the user to an answer.06:38
M0hi[12:01] <Unit193> ed_____: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6807163&postcount=206:39
M0hiurlin2u: I think that would have helped him06:40
urlin2uand your point they are gone and it was posted after they left.06:41
urlin2uyou were here why didn't you post it when needed?06:42
M0hiurlin2u: kindly see who posted it. It was posted by Unit193 exactly 11 minutes before06:42
Unit193urlin2u: I did, right before philipballew joined06:43
M0hiI am not going to talk about it anymore06:43
Unit193Doesn't matter really, he got what he needed from #ubuntu06:43
urlin2uexactly, and it is their option, the topic says use either channels06:44
philipballew#ubuntu is not a bad place06:45
Unit193I agree with the opinion bug 39279906:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39279906:46
philipballewUnit193, I have had that problem06:47
Unit193philipballew: I haven't06:47
M0hi+1 right away ;)06:47
M0hiI felt hard to help one there. coz the people seeking help dont know that we will get pinged if they say our nick. and its hard to catch who talked when and what is his next line. If I type this much lengthy para, then I will nearly miss his major points of the issue :P06:49
philipballewin #ubuntu its hard to have a conversation. its more heres your answer now im gonna move on06:49
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThayGuy
IAmNotThayGuyWrong nick06:50
=== IAmNotThayGuy is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
IAmNotThatGuySorry for the troll :|06:51
urlin2uthis is great channel when there are answers. :D06:57
urlin2uand the user sees them and use them.06:58
tdnHow do I install Danish spellchecking for Thunderbird? What package should I install?09:01
tdnI have already installed thunderbird-locale-da, however, this does not make Danish language available in spellchecking.09:03
Snicksiemaybe you should install https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/dansk-ordbog/ tdn ?09:09
tdnI think I already did. If I look in addons > language: I see Danish dict installed. However, it does not appear in the spellcheck language menu.09:54
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
drewbbNot sure how this works but... is this the palce to ask questions?12:26
Snicksiethis is one of the places to ask questions about ubuntu... #ubuntu is also a place to ask questions about ubuntu, but here are less people, so less talk but also less answers :)12:28
drewbbOK thanks12:29
drewbbSo i have a question about right clicking to sync a folder with U1 but I don't have the option, I know it exists12:30
Snicksiedo you have your ubuntu one configured? if it's not configured it won't work ;)12:31
drewbbinstalled via synaptic, account created access via the web but no joy12:31
drewbbOh the folder is in my home directory12:32
bobobobobis there a way to delete a post on freenode...I had a oopsy14:01
bobobobobor I guess I could delete a pastebin14:01
ashamsbobobobob: i think there's no way, sorry :(14:01
bobobobobno worries, I guess, it goes out of scope tomorrow....14:02
ashamsdon't worry, it go out of scope with all of us ;)14:03
battousai9439Sooooo I've got a teeny bit of a problem. I've got my Ubuntu box in the middle of an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10. All was going fine, I opened the terminal dropdown so I can watch the process fly by, like I normally do. Then a window popped up to have me accept some terms and conditions, no biggie normally.18:03
battousai9439But the window popped up behind the upgrade window, and the "next" button (at least I assume that is what it says) is behind the terminal area of the upgrade window. So I clicked to try and bring the license window to the foreground, nothing happened. I tried to roll the terminal back up into the upgrade window, nothing.18:05
battousai9439I tried tabbing through the other window to get to the buttons that are hidden, and nothing. I opened a separate terminal to test my keyboard and it isn't responding. Tried reconnecting it (USB), and nothing, not even numlock light or anything will come on or respond.18:06
battousai9439I'm not running compiz or anything, so I believe that is ruled out. I've dug around on the forums and elsewhere, but nothing similar to this issue popped up.18:07
battousai9439If anyone has any sort of idea as to a method to click that stupid button, I'd REALLY appreciate it.18:07
battousai9439Oh, and minimizing, maximizing, the works... none of them work all of a sudden, either.18:08
IAmNotThatGuybattousai9439, do you remember the contents of the popup window where you pressed next?18:14
IAmNotThatGuysoe words/package names?18:14
battousai9439Sorry if I haven't been clear, but I haven't pressed the "next" button because it's hidden behind the terminal rollout, and I can't get the window containing the button to the foreground. But the package it's working on is ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.218:15
battousai9439And that's where I'm stuck18:16
battousai9439Man, I still haven't found a way around this and I don't want to shut down anything mid-install19:46
urlin2ubattousai9439, can you repost the problem?19:46
battousai9439Yeah, can do, I'll just copy paste, one second19:47
battousai9439I've got my Ubuntu box in the middle of an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10. All was going fine, I opened the terminal dropdown so I can watch the process fly by, like I normally do. Then a window popped up to have me accept some terms and conditions.19:47
battousai9439But the window popped up behind the upgrade window, and the "next" button (at least I assume that is what it says) is behind the terminal area of the upgrade window. So I clicked to try and bring the license window to the foreground, nothing happened. I tried to roll the terminal back up into the upgrade window, nothing happens, it stays down.19:47
battousai9439 I tried tabbing through the other window to get to the buttons that are hidden, and nothing. I opened a separate terminal to test my keyboard and it isn't responding. Tried reconnecting it (USB), and nothing, not even numlock light or anything will come on or respond.19:47
battousai9439I'm not running compiz or anything, so I believe that is ruled out. I've dug around on the forums and elsewhere, but nothing similar to this issue popped up.19:47
battousai9439I've tried just about every trick I remember but none of them has worked, ugh.19:48
urlin2ucan you press the alt button and move any windows with the mouse?19:48
battousai9439Nope, nothing will move. I can highlight text and everything in each window, but the buttons are behind the terminal rollout and I can't get behind it19:49
battousai9439Minimize/maximize are out too19:49
urlin2uis it even started the upgrade, this "accept some terms and conditions" is it the start to start the upgrade, I never upggrade so just asking.19:52
battousai9439Yeah it's about 60% done installing new packages19:53
battousai9439So it's just one for a packages19:53
battousai9439The package in question is ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.219:54
battousai9439Okay seems like my window manager is closed, 'cause I opened up several new windows and I can't move them, maximize them, and the title bars are all missing19:54
urlin2uthat is no big deal it is installed with twe restricted extras I believe19:54
battousai9439Problem being I'm completely frozen in the process, I can't cancel it or continue19:55
battousai9439I'm a little apprehensive about  hard resetting too, of course19:55
urlin2ubattousai9439, I wouldn't hard reset that could be a big break, since nothing is working, to get to it I would just follow what happens I doubt that you will have a problem to be honest, the more you peck at it the more likely you will have a problem IMHO19:57
battousai9439Well seeing as I can't do anything to terminate OR continue the process, I'm pretty much stuck19:58
battousai9439Well, can't imagine it would destroy my filesystem or anything if it's just installing a font package19:58
battousai9439The files in my /home directory are things I'd rather keep, but the OS isn't anything I'm desperate to save at all, it can just be reinstalled since it's pretty much unmodified19:59
urlin2uyour still upgrading it has not stopped that I doubt any problems will happen.19:59
urlin2uI can understand your nervousness though. :D20:00
battousai9439All package installation is waiting on me to click this button before it goes any further, actually20:00
battousai9439The whole 10.10 upgrade is about 60% installed20:00
urlin2u60% installed or downloaded?20:01
battousai9439Everything's downloaded20:01
battousai9439Well screw it, let's just see what happens. Worst case I reinstall the OS20:01
urlin2unot sure really, in the future clone any OS you upgrade that would be my fix.20:02
battousai9439Yeah but that would involve having the hardware to do so20:02
battousai9439It's like how everyone says "BACK UP EVERYTHING" - be nice, but I don't have the resources20:02
urlin2ubattousai9439, you only need a cd and a place to store it at least for clonezilla20:03
battousai9439Pfft, I restart and yeah, there's an issue with GNOME of course, but then it says "UPGRADE TO 11.04" in a new window? Haha okay let's just try this all then.20:03
urlin2uhold on20:04
battousai9439Eh, I'm working in "will it break? Let's find out" territory at this point anyway, I figure20:04
urlin2urun this in the terminal it may restart any unfinished downloads. sudo apt-get -f install20:05
urlin2uyou would not want to try to upgrade to natty without a full update and upgrade in maverick20:06
urlin2usee if the command works if so just run a regular update upgrade then20:07
urlin2uafter the first command finishes20:07
battousai9439"dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to continue"20:08
urlin2utry that then the second command20:08
battousai9439Well do what it says I figure20:08
battousai9439Yeah it's just screaming along now, giving tons of errors for things that weren't totally installed, but hey, it's doing something at least20:09
ScottSanbarurlin2u:  Is it the terminal window that is in front of the upgrade window?  If so, just find out which process is the terminal window and kill it, then the terminal window will disappear, and you can get at the button behind it???20:09
ScottSanbarurlin2u:  Oh, sorry - I guess I am too late ...20:10
urlin2uScottSanbar, I think they restarted, or rebooted.20:10
battousai9439No, the terminal I had open was integrated into the upgrade manager, and yes, rebooted into a root shell, things moving along now at least20:10
battousai9439Like I said, worst case we just reinstall the OS, no major loss but an hour20:10
ScottSanbarbattousai9439: Ok, I see - well, I tried :)20:11
battousai9439Well, I guess I'll take it from here and reference good ol' Google if more problems arise20:11
battousai9439Thanks for all the help, guys20:11
urlin2ubattousai9439, cool, you have a good attitude about it.20:11
battousai9439Yeah, things break, I'm used to it20:11
ScottSanbarGood Luck, battousai9439!!!!20:11
battousai9439Problem is just that I can do most everything you'd ever need to an OS... if it's Windows20:11
battousai9439Well, I'm just gonna idle and switch my attention to the other box20:12
battousai9439Thanks again!20:12
ScottSanbarbattousai9439:  Maybe ssh into linux box from Windows PC, tarball your critical files and ftp to Windows box before doing anything drastic????20:15
ScottSanbar(as a backup)20:15
battousai9439Nah, I'm back in GNOME and installing packages and upgrades just fine after a few more magic buttons.20:20
battousai9439"There are no updates to install" - Perfect, 10.10 is up20:21
battousai9439NOW we can try this a second time without the failure.20:21
urlin2ugood luck20:22
ScottSanbarbatousai9439:  battousa9439:  Great!  Good luck!20:25
battousai9439Be nice to get an Ubuntu setup on my Windows box since it's much nicer, maybe I could chop down one of the Windows partitions soon. I'm sure I could get rid of half of these files onto optical media of some sort.20:26
battousai9439P4 3.06 GHz HT, 512MB RAM, and a 15" 10+ year old CRT vs20:27
urlin2ubattousai9439, just be aware if you do the limitations of how many partitions on a single HD 4 primaries or 3 and a extended, for the linux20:28
battousai9439Core2 Duo 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 24" LCD20:28
battousai9439Yep, I'm aware20:28
battousai9439I'm gonna have to get clever to stay within limits, but yeah, it's more than doable20:28
battousai9439I'd dump XP, but I actually do need it20:29
battousai9439Well, I suppose I could use the VM in 7, but it's just not as useful, really.20:29
battousai9439Eh, not like there isn't other XP boxes in the house though20:29
battousai9439Mostly this box is just a file server anyway20:31
ScottSanbarapt-get ftp21:06
ScottSanbar(sorry - wrong teriminal window - embarrassed ... )21:06
battousai9439No wonder everything looked so small21:33
battousai9439I had somehow gotten back to 800x600 res21:33
ArtemCan anyone help me22:13
ArtemWhat does Can not mount /dev/loop on / cow mean22:13

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