
dholbachgood morning06:47
* popey sighs07:43
popeyhttp://twitter.com/#!/dslevin does this person actually work for canonical?07:43
popeythen I get this:- http://twitter.com/#!/dslevin/status/11567216999596032007:44
dholbachpopey, yes, he is07:48
AlanBellhow does one get 751 followers by emulating a spambot?07:51
popeywell I followed him07:51
popeyso i guess others must have done the same07:52
popeyno idea when i did it07:52
popeyprobably before he started this silly behaviour07:52
kim0Morning all07:56
czajkowskipopey: wow he comes across as a spammer09:03
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
Davieypopey: Can i interest you in a free trial?11:42
* czajkowski hugs Daviey 11:49
ejatkim0: ping!12:32
kim0ejat: hey12:56
ejatcan i pm u?12:56
kim0sure go ahead12:56
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jcastro<---- lunchin'15:43
doctormonigelb: ping15:45
akgranerjono, aq's interview will go up today :-)  I'll mark it as done as soon as it's published15:53
jonoakgraner, woo!15:53
jonothanks akgraner15:53
akgraneryou're welcome - can't be messing up your burndown charts :-)  /me is scared of you :-P15:54
dakerhello ツ15:57
kim0daker: hey there16:03
james_wupdating summit with new code, ping me if you see any problems16:07
mhall119jcastro: ping16:21
mhall119wanna see something cool?16:21
mhall119summit now has a read-only RESt/JSON API for all it's schedule data16:22
jcastroI wonder if the guidebook guys can use this16:23
mhall119it made more sense for them to consume ical, but they might still be interested16:23
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
mhall119look, it's my personal list of sessions from UDS-O: http://summit.ubuntu.com/api/meeting/?summit=5&participant__attendee__user__username=mhall11916:28
jcastromhall119: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJagxe-Gvpw&feature=player_embedded16:29
mhall119jcastro: seen it16:29
mhall119but very funny16:30
mhall119does it have something to do with summit though?16:30
jcastrothis is how I envision summit started16:30
mhall119jcastro: summit now has 102 unit tests that all pass16:33
jcastroI said started!16:33
jcastronot currently16:33
jcastrohey so I can schedule the plenaries now you think?16:33
mhall119I don't see why not16:34
mhall119oh, that long standing bug where it'd blow up before you defined a plenary room? Fixed it.16:35
jcastroI did remember to make that room this time though16:37
jcastroI usually forget it16:37
jcastroand then it's broken for a while16:37
jcastroand then Daviey has to remind me that I need to set a plenary room16:37
dholbachalright my friends - have a great rest of your day and see you tomorrow16:40
mhall119jcastro: also, the personal icals now have private meetings in them, but the URL contains a random 32byte hexstring so you can't guess other people's16:43
mhall119which means you can subscribe to them in your calendar software and get updates when the schedule changes16:43
jcastrook so like managers can just add the ical feed to their calendar or what?16:44
jcastroah, just got the mail from westby16:45
mhall119jcastro: not mentioned in there is the fact that track colors are now defined in the database through the admin, rather than hard-coded in css16:49
jcastroare they set up to something random or ... ?16:50
mhall119and possibly some other things, I'm going to write a full blog post16:50
mhall119jcastro: nothing that fancy, no16:50
mhall119the default to #FFFFFF16:50
jcastrooh ok16:50
mhall119and you set your own16:50
mhall119it only affects background color, so pick light ones so the text is readable16:51
* jcastro nods16:51
mhall119I'm also going to work on some documentation for the API in the next week or so16:52
mhall119jcastro: do we have more rooms that last time?16:58
mhall119the schedule looks wider16:58
jcastroI am not sure16:58
jcastrothey feel the same to me16:58
jcastrothe list of rooms looks the same afaict16:58
james_wjcastro, be aware that google calendar only updates from ical every 24 hours17:07
james_wso it can't really be trusted17:07
james_wI don't know what to do about that17:07
mhall119only every 24 hours? wow17:07
dakera very cool countdown http://dl.dropbox.com/u/164058/oneiricbanner/banner.demo.html17:07
mhall119daker: that is nice17:08
jcastrojames_w: ok so maybe tell them to use their phones or something instead17:10
jcastroto sub to that feed I mean17:10
jcastropleia2: yo yo17:21
pleia2jcastro: morning!17:23
jcastrohey so sabdfl can't make openweek due to scheduling conflicts17:23
jcastroso I recommended to clan to ping you about seeing if he might be available for user days instead17:23
pleia2ok, I'll be on the lookout for it17:23
jcastroso if you want to ping her to set that up that would be swell17:23
pleia2ok :)17:24
jcastrobut dang, I just realized that's this saturday isn't it17:24
pleia2very soon17:24
jcastroI'll be at a wedding all weekend. :(17:25
nigelbdoctormo: pong17:26
nigelbjcastro: for a moment I wondered who/what 'clan' was. Then common sense hit me :-)17:31
jcastroclan of the cave bear17:31
jcastrojono: we're on in ~30?17:34
jcastrojono: hello?18:00
jonojcastro, on vacation, remember :-)18:24
jonoheading out now18:24
jcastrowhoa bonus, and when he gets back I go on holiday18:27
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
nigelbjcastro: what kind of talks are you looking for?19:01
nigelbstrange I should be asking this :P19:01
jcastroit's in the comments19:02
jcastroend user things19:02
nigelb"Using Unity like a Boss" <319:03
nigelbSo meme-ful.19:03
pleia2I'm thinking we might get rid of User Days next cycle, it seems like Ubuntu Open Week has changed from being about Ubuntu and teams and more geared toward how-tos and things, duplicating what we're doing in User Days19:51
pleia2seems a bit silly to have both at this point19:51
nigelbpleia2: heh, I wwas about to suggest that.19:54
nigelbAnd we're running short of volunteers as well :)19:54
pleia2yeah, if I had known about this change earlier I probably wouldn't have bothered with User Days at all this cycle :\19:54
pleia2I don't remember it being discussed during our classroom stuff session at UDS19:54
nigelbIt was discussed.19:55
nigelbWe agreed not to do it.19:55
pleia2I know changing the name of it was discussed19:55
pleia2oh well, we'll know for next cycle19:55
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
jcastropleia2: or maybe have UD earlier in the cycle?22:38
pleia2jcastro: maybe, but it all seems silly now that the events are pretty much identical aside from timing (weekday vs weekend)22:39
jcastroor we can get rid of openweek22:39
* jcastro evil smiles22:39
pleia2haha, I see you there, trying to get rid of work22:40
jcastrobut really we have like 4 weeks of IRC workshops now22:40
jcastroI'm not convinced it's worth the effort22:40
jcastrolike, what can you learn in IRC that you can't ask someplace else?22:41
pleia2I was just talking to doctormo re: ubuntu-learning about how we should be taking some of this stuff and putting it into documentation (some of the app week stuff in particular is hard for new people to access right now documentation-wise)22:41
pleia2I keep pointing people to app dev week logs because it's the best stuff, most current we have22:42
pleia2then we don't need full-fledged week events, just "clean up documentation, tell people about it, show up for a Q&A session about it, maybe"22:42
jcastroright, I am just saying22:42
jcastroif we took the effort of making one class and just improved the docs instead22:43
jcastroit's like, well, I never have time to update the docs, but I sort of kind of self document once a cycle and then spread it over 3 years worth of logs ... does that count?22:45
pleia2it is a bit odd :)22:45
pleia2then again, it is the process that any tech team with an assigned tech writer sort of goes through, we just need to go from transcript to a tech writer putting it into wiki format (which was a goal of ubuntu-learning, back when it existed)22:46
pleia2anyway, something to think about22:47
jcastroI just thought of proposing to cut down on the IRC workshops for next cycle22:47
* pleia2 nods22:48
jcastrobut then that would be met with resistance I'm sure22:48
nigelbjcastro: Nah. You will be met with pitchforks and swords and knives. :P22:52
jcastro"WHAT! I like using the wrong tool for the wrong job."22:53
pleia2they were cool back when most of our new people knew about IRC, but I get the feeling that attendence has dropped this past year for all sessions as more new people we attract are not so much the IRC type22:54
DavieyDidn't jono's app try to address that?23:16
pleia2yeah, but then it broke for a year, we have a fixed version in oneiric23:16
Davieydidn't really get the adoption it deserved IMO.23:16
pleia2the current version in most repos doesn't work well, so users got a terrible experience, we just told them to use webchat23:17
Davieythen we should fix the package :)23:17
DavieyIs there a bug?23:17
pleia2there are dozens of bugs, I've been working all cycle on testing the devel version which fixes the major ones23:18
pleia2we got it in oneiric but not backported to older releases23:18
jcastroit fixes the wrong problem23:18
pleia2it'll work in older releases going back to lucid, you just need to install the ppa23:18
Davieyextra barrier, lets fix it in the archive.23:19
Davieyunless it's totally unviable?23:19
pleia2oh no, it works, I can put you in touch with the lead dev, I think we mostly don't know how to fix it in the archive23:19
DavieyI don't helping and sponsoring of that, if there is a patch that makes it work23:21
pleia2ok, let me get the emails rolling to see what can be done23:21
DavieyI'm not sure i have time to do-it-all, but i'm more than happy to mentor and sponsor.23:21
mhall119Daviey: I freed up all that time you spend on summit and awstrial ;)23:45

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