
akgranerLet me move some changes over for ya right qucik00:00
akgranerbkerensa, there ya go :-)00:03
akgranerall the chapters and subheaders :-)  Just remove the ......00:04
akgraneras you add information to that chapter00:04
akgranersorry I thought I had added those already00:04
akgranerOh here is another doc I found with some goals on it - thought you all might like to read it - https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfNzdoZ2M2cHpmMg&hl=en_US00:06
akgranerwe can update that list of goals....00:08
akgranerI'll send out a doodle poll tomorrow to the team members who have joined so far and see if can't use some of these goals for blueprints at UDS etc00:09
akgranerI am so excited :-)   THANK YOU ALL so much!!!!00:10
* bkerensa is adding00:11
bkerensawhy does this google doc not have chat :)00:12
CheeseheadThe LoCo Leader Training Series is interesting. Was this an old UDS proposal?00:17
CheeseheadChapter 7: Finally, the After Action Report. I'm very familiar with AARs, but do we want to rename it to something more like Event Review?00:30
akgranerCheesehead, we can :-)00:31
akgranerI used another document I helped write and just modified it00:31
CheeseheadOf course,00:31
CheeseheadPeople look at me funny when I use certain military-based terms.00:32
CheeseheadThey're just not familiar with them00:32
CheeseheadThey are sometimes more familiar with (pompous) equivalents like Continuous Quality Improvement00:33
akgranerI've got the other chapters I modified as well but I wanted to see what the community wanted rather me just adding everything00:37
akgranerbut I can add the other modified chapters if you all want00:37
CheeseheadWhat's the source?00:37
akgranerAn FRG manual I helped write00:38
* Cheesehead nods.00:38
akgranersame issues :-)00:38
CheeseheadI'm familiar with FRGs.00:38
akgranerthen you noticed the similarities with the style needed and used00:39
akgraneras well as the skills needed when dealing with all volunteer organizations00:39
akgranera lot of people aren't...so I wanted to take out the FRG references and update it LoCo teams first00:40
akgranerthe branch out from there00:40
akgranerbut I'm up for suggestions00:40
akgranerbut I figured we just needed to pick a place and start00:40
CheeseheadI agree that it's a good starting point00:40
akgranerI'll be posting weekly leadership tips and stuff00:41
CheeseheadPosting where?00:41
akgranerjust general leadership principles and stuff00:41
akgraneron my blog syndicated to the planet00:41
akgraneruntil we come up with a blog somewhere else...again - just a place to start00:42
CheeseheadI think that's a wonderful idea.00:42
akgranerI figure we can come up with a better solution at UDS and in subsequent meetings00:42
CheeseheadBetter solution to what?00:43
akgranerif we want an Ubuntu Leadership Blog00:44
akgraneror just using mine is ok?00:44
akgranerbut for now I'll just volunteer mine :-)00:44
CheeseheadI don't see a need for a separate blog at this time.00:44
akgranerme either00:44
akgraneragain just a starting point00:45
CheeseheadMany teams have blogs that are dormant. really, what do we have to say to the rest of the Planet?00:45
akgranernothing that isn't syndicated through one of our blogs already00:45
akgranerhey I need to run  - my dad had surgery today and I am wiped out  - but I'll catch up with you all tomorrow00:46
CheeseheadAll our best.00:46
akgranerThank again you all! :-)  add away00:47
bkerensaakgraner: How is the part in events I added so far? I'm gonna add much more01:06
Cheeseheadbkerensa:Chapter 7? I quite like it.01:07
bkerensaCheesehead: Thanks :) I will be adding a lot more and the akgraner and DarkwingDuck can purge as needed :)01:13
CheeseheadWell, there's a lot to say, isn't there?01:13
CheeseheadFor example, an After Action Review simply cannot be effectively learned from a book.01:14
CheeseheadIt must be practiced several times before a facilitator is ready to take on a group.01:14
CheeseheadOtherwise the group may deveolve into blame and name-calling.01:15
CheeseheadA bit counterproductive.01:15
CheeseheadBut that's an issue for down-the-road.01:16
CheeseheadIn the meantime, I'll do all I can in the book to prevent a Significant Emotional Event01:16
Cheeseheadakgraner: I an unsure that the second GoogleDoc (the Leader Training Series) is on the right track. It seems to be oriented on teaching leadership like a language01:47
CheeseheadA bit top-down and chalk-and-talk01:48
Cheesehead(Possibly for that event)01:48
Cheesehead(Possibly structured so for that event)01:49
CheeseheadDepending upon the venue and audience, I suspect we can tailor something a bit closer to the audience's needs.01:51
CheeseheadOK, I'm done blabbing for the night!01:52
=== Cheesehead is now known as Cheesehead_away
=== DarkwingDuck is now known as DWonderly
akgraner*yawn*  *blink* *blink*11:59
* akgraner looks for coffee11:59
=== Cheesehead_away is now known as Cheesehead
CheeseheadAnnouncement: I'm creating a list of trainable leadership skills. If you think of a skill, please add it to the list. Duplicates are welcome. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13VOmTgEqCzIW8oITV2d5fIRD3xsiKRVMd39OUlpx6xQ/edit?hl=en_US17:01
CheeseheadOne possible use for the list are skill training sessions (for example on IRC)17:05
CheeseheadOops, *now* it's editable by you.17:08
DWonderlyakgraner: ping18:59
=== DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck
akgranerDarkwingDuck, pong19:05
DarkwingDuckakgraner: any ideas on a meeting?19:05
akgranerI'll send out a doodlepoll this afternoon19:06
DarkwingDuckI have not heard anything back about the ML except to use LP19:06
akgranerto those members on the LP team and blog about it incase other want to join in19:06
akgranerhow's that sound19:06
DarkwingDuckI explained our wishs of why we didn't want to do that but, I have not heard anything back.19:06
DarkwingDuckSounds good to me.19:06
akgranerI'll jump on the thread as well19:06

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