
doctormopleia2: ping15:43
pleia2doctormo: pong15:47
doctormopleia2: I need your permission to publish a picture to my deviantArt scraps.15:48
pleia2doctormo: sure, what picture?15:49
doctormopleia2: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/drawing-2011-09-19.png15:50
pleia2oh, is that a drawing of me?15:51
doctormopleia2: Supposed to be, I'm doing character practice.15:52
pleia2yes, it's fine to publish it :)15:52
pleia2and cool15:52
doctormohttp://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Art-2011-09-19-259180430 Permanent Link15:54
doctormoThanks for the nod :-)15:55
pleia2sure :)15:56
doctormoYesterday was discord: http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Art-2011-09-19-Discord-259140675 ;-)15:56
doctormohow's Ubuntu doin'? I haven't heard hardly anything from the community for weeks.15:59
pleia2well enough, same old same old16:00
pleia2user days is coming up on saturday16:00
doctormopleia2: Lots of user days and other such, but no formalisation of the materials and notes.16:05
doctormoPerhaps the next step is attracting people to convert the irc logs into reusable materials16:06
pleia2yeah, that would be nice16:07
dinda1doctormo: just the person i was looking for!16:19
dinda1doctormo: congratulations btw16:19
pleia2dinda1: since you own the nickname "dinda" you can stop someone else from using it with the nickserv ghost command :)16:41
pleia2/msg NickServ ghost dinda password16:41
pleia2then /nick dinda16:41
pleia2to reclaim it16:41
dinda1pleia2: it's still saying the nick is already in use17:09
pleia2yeah, you do the ghost command first17:10
dinda1pleia2: I did :(17:10
pleia2hm, maybe they reconnected immediately17:11
dinda1pleia2: I'm thinking this from the Rackspace setup they had me do. . .17:12
dinda1pleia2: setting irc up so I could scrollback even when signed off17:12
pleia210:10:39 [freenode] -!- dinda [~dinda@184-106-204-95.static.cloud-ips.com]17:13
pleia2so that is you :)17:13
dinda1pleia2: apparetly - my old RS laptop17:13
dinda1pleia2: I haven't sent it back yet so maybe I'll fire it up and see if I can kill it there17:14
dinda1pleia2: well shoot,  I forgot the password to get onto that computer!17:21
pleia2doh :)17:23
dinda1pleia2: I guess I need to find someone at openstack to kick me off their server17:25
pleia2it's not really a problem, I was just trying to be helpful to get your nick back17:26
dinda1pleia2: I would like it back myself :)17:26

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