
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
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lurkerHello to the experts! (Or Ahoy! for today, Aarrr)19:36
dekarlArr landlubber, what is your concern?19:37
lurkerI have a mythbuntu 10.04 running and am trying to attach a Pinnacle remote.19:38
* dekarl wonders why two germans speak fake pirate english instead of their mother tongue ;)19:38
dekarlis that a remote attached to a dvb card?19:39
dekarlor is that a MCEUSB remote?19:40
lurkerNow I have catched my breath.19:40
lurkerIt's an IR remote with RS232 receiver. It was bundled with a Pinnacle PCTV Sat.19:40
lurkerI tried following http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-8.html19:41
lurkerBut in MythTV 10.04 some directories seem to have changed from what the standard mythtv docs would expect.19:42
dekarlhmm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165955219:43
lurkerI can run "lircd" and then "irw" but nothing happens when I press any button on the remote.19:43
lurkerThat's exactly the one I have here. Thank you very much.19:45
dekarlI wonder if one can run the remote install wizard from the first installation again19:45
dekarlif you don't find the files you can "locate" them19:46
lurkerThanks again.19:48
lurkerWhat do you mean with the "install wizard from the first installation"?19:48
dekarlI have a distand memory of the setup procedures asking me if I want to setup a remote19:49
* dekarl types left handed while handling his new pepper mill 19:49
lurker's too far back for me to remember.19:50
dekarluh, have you looked at mcc? it has a big point "remotes -> serial" :D19:51
lurkerNope, never thought of that. But let's see.19:53
lurker:-( It was already set like in http://www.mythbuntu.org/node/149 , but doesn20:00
lurker't work. (I don't like the ' near >Enter<)20:00
lurkerdekarl: Thank you very much. /etc/lirc/hardware.conf was not edited appropriately. Now irw shows the keys I press.20:20
lurkerUp and Down do also work in MythTV. Now I have to set the "middle" key to "Press Enter" or something similar.20:21

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