
akgranerpleia2, yep my dad's appendix ruptured00:04
akgranerthey did surgery and if all goes well he should be home tomorrow afternoon00:05
pleia2akgraner: ouch!00:05
* pleia2 nods00:05
akgranerhe tried to get them to go ahead and take out his gallbladder - 2 surgeries for the price of one - they said no00:05
akgranerI was laughing ...00:06
Pendulumakgraner: having looked at my hospital bills lately, I think he has a point ;-)00:23
* nlsthzn has very limited powers and knowledge on doing anything else on the newsletter and awaits the powers that be to awaken from there slumber and take it to the next level...09:19
akgranerI'm in a meeting right this sec will work on the other UWN stuff shortly :-)15:06
akgranerOh cool everything has been moved to the wiki :-)  go pleia215:07
pleia2adding the User Days announcement a bit last minute since it's this upcoming saturday16:21
akgranerpleia2, development team stuff still need to be added17:26
akgranerif so I'll do that right quick17:26
akgranerok adding that now17:27
akgranerpleia2, while I'm in I'll pull out the ## comments as well17:29
pleia2thanks, do you want to do stats too?17:29
akgraneryep can do17:30
akgranerpleia2, fixed the camelcases too - pulling the stats now17:38
akgranerpleia2, stats are in17:56
akgranerpleia2, updated google doc to reflect issue 234 and the dates for that issue17:58
akgranerDo you want to publish or do you want me to17:59
pleia2I can publish again, I am going to be largely unavailable next month so I should do it while I can :)17:59
pleia2I'll do it around 00:00 UTC again18:00
akgranerokie dokie :-) thanks18:01
akgranerholla if ya need me...:-)18:01

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