
hadsJust got notification of a dispute from the DNC. Will be interesting to see what their decision is.01:37
chiltsdoes it involve a domain we know or would recognise?01:38
hadsgigaset.co.nz which I registered to point to nicegear since we sell gigaset phones01:39
chiltsand is it gigaset who are contesting it? or someone else?01:39
hadsYeah, gigaset01:39
chiltsif it was them, surely they'd have talked to you first01:39
hadsThey did, I offered to give them the domain for a link on the resellers page.01:40
snailthat seems like an adversarial way of doing business01:41
hadsI quite like the disputes resolution service, I don't have to do anything.01:41
chiltsso they just decide without any input?01:42
hadsI can choose to submit a response and go to mediation, or, if I don't, it gets given to an independant expert who decides. The complainant has to prove that the registration is unfair.01:42
chiltssounds like you've been through a few of these! :)01:43
hadsNope, never. Just read up on it.01:43
chiltsah well, sounds interesting either way01:44
hadsYeah, very.01:44
hadshttp://dnc.org.nz/story/drs-home if you're interested, pretty straight forward really.01:44
snaili guess everyone has seen http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/5645891/Catalyst-IT-wins-contract-for-South-China-Morning-Post01:46
ajmitchnope, hadn't seen it01:47
chiltssaw that in the Business section of the Dom this morning01:48
ajmitchlooks like good news though01:48
chiltsthey're probably going to use Drupal ... which is interesting01:48
snaildrupal appears to be the way of the future01:48
snaili'm seriously thinking of acquiring some skills in that direction myself01:49
snailbasically to work on the TEI-drupal intergration01:49
=== Liz is now known as Guest80503
snailmorning Bacta, are you new? I don't recognise the nick...19:41
BactaI'm a bit of an old timer snail, I've been around since 0619:42
snailI'm a regular here and used to be a regular at wlug19:43
snailubuntu is the latest in a chain of POSIXs for me19:43
BactaWellington Linux User Group?19:44
ibeardsleewlug generally refers to the Waikato Linux Users Group19:50
ibeardsleeWellyLUG is the Wellington lot19:50
BactaAh gotya19:51
ibeardsleenot sure I really think much of spring weather19:54
BactaCome to Wellington19:57
BactaIt's warm here19:57
* ibeardslee is in Wellington .. looking outside at the dark and rain19:57
BactaOh you're right :(19:58
BactaWhat part of Wellington you in ?19:58
ibeardsleecurrently in the city20:01
BactaI'm out in the eastern suburbs20:02
BactaHave you been to WellyLUG?20:05
ibeardsleewhen it was running20:06
BactaI might just stick with NZPUG20:11
snailis "eastern suburbs" near the airport, near eastborne or near wainuiomata?  I can never tell...20:32
ibeardsleeI think it refers to the Miramar peninsular area20:33
ibeardsleeeastbourne, wainui is part the hutt city area20:34
ojwbhmm, smoke alarm plaintively bleeping at me20:59
ojwbslightly surprised to discover it has an asda smartprice battery in20:59
chiltsojwb: sounds like it needs a change :)21:06
chiltsyou've been here a while after all21:06
ojwbthe date on it is 11-200621:06
ojwbI suspect it was a new one which got shipped over in a box of stuff21:06
chiltswowser, that's impressive21:06
chiltsdo you check them every time the clocks change?21:06
ajmitchpeople do that? :)21:07
chiltsthey're meant to21:07
ojwbnot sure I'm quite that rigourous21:07
chiltsI'm gonna start this weekend - yay! :)21:07
ojwbbut it was bleeping, so clearly not completely flat21:07
chiltsand probably check the emergency kit at the same time21:07
chilts(once I have one) :D21:08
* ajmitch didn't even realiase that NZDT started this weekend21:08
ojwbi knew it must be coming up21:08
chiltsI hope so, otherwise I've been looking forward to the wrong weekend :)21:08
ajmitch"It begins again on Sunday 25 September 2011 (when clocks go forward one hour)21:09
ibeardsleeoh starts this coming weekend21:09
chiltsheh, I said that earlier :)21:10
ajmitchyeah, your comments about it made me look it up :)21:10
chiltscan't wait to go home in the light next week21:10
chiltsI wonder how dark it'll be when I get up though21:11
ajmitchyou leave work fairly late?21:11
ibeardsleenever quite understood that whole "spring forward, autumn back"21:11
ajmitchit means I need to get up even earlier on sunday morning21:11
chiltsnot particularly so, but I have a long train journey home ... so I mean when I get home rather than when I leave work :)21:11
ojwbibeardslee: well, you wouldn't - it's the other way round here21:11
chiltsibeardslee: think of it as "spring forward, _fall_ back"21:11
chiltsit's a North American saying21:12
ibeardsleesigh .. .. you  were all supposed to laugh at my funny21:12
chiltsah, sorry21:12
chiltsyou should have put a smiley on there :)21:12
chiltsmaybe it's still too early for me this morning - I do feel tired still21:13
chiltsI should go back to bed21:13
* ojwb smiled at it21:13
ibeardsleeanyway .. thinking of the suck of getting up in the dark again, and missing out on the sun on the way home21:13
ojwbyou should work from home21:14
ojwbthen you can get up in the light and finish work in the dark year round21:14
ibeardsleeI've tried that when I'm sort of crook .. but always feel guilty about pushing the cat off my lap21:15

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