
ScottKcjwatson: I'd ask Daviey.  I haven't been following dovecot stuff.01:59
pittiGood morning03:55
pittiif anyone is awake, I uploaded glib2.0 2.29.92, as part of GNOME 3.1.92 which is due today. I tested it a bit last night and now, and compared to our git snapshot from Thursday it only fixes a couple of more bugs. We already had the big bug fix backported04:02
pittiif we want it in the beta, it would be better to accept it now, as the test suite takes a while on armel04:02
pittibut an armel FTBFS doesn't cause arm images to become uninstallable, so it's reasonably safe04:03
pitti(the current version FTBFSed as well, need to investigate this)04:03
pittiinfinity, NCommander: ^ WDYT about the glib update? it's not really critical for b2, but would be good to have the current libs for .92; the apps will follow today, and some might depend on .9204:16
pittiah, there we go already, just packaging anjuta04:18
pittiignore me, .2 != .9204:18
infinitypitti: I'm fine with it.05:30
infinitypitti: Accepted.05:32
pittiinfinity: ok, cheers05:32
pittiso http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/oneiric_probs.html doesn't look too bad, although the recent nova upload seems to have broken05:32
pittiDaviey: ^ is that critical for the server images?05:32
pittirejecting at-spi2-atk, needs fixing; told TheMuso06:11
sladenhello all.  could I draw your attention to bug #844049 and bug #841885 ;  one of these reverts the "power-cog" icon in the top-right back to an earlier single item design.  This should not impact screenshots much if it's not covered.  The other change enlarges the percentage coverage for the desktop.svg icons.  This shouldn't impact screenshots significantly either, because it's the same thing, just enlarged06:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 844049 in ubuntu-mono (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "UIFe: Indicators - Device indicator icon looks like it has an emblem (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84404906:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 841885 in ubuntu-mono (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "UIFe: New show-desktop icon looks too small (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84188506:32
sladenthese are none-code updates and existing svg icons, and should be low impact06:33
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Davieypitti: I believe that the nova issue is due to components-mismatch of socat.08:13
pittiDaviey: right, that would be it08:14
Davieycjwatson: I do not believe dovecot has undergone any documented testing in oneiric to date, which means that by testing a new upstream version /works/, it's an improvement on the current known status. :)08:16
Davieypitti: blocked on security review btw.08:16
pittisladen: followed up to both bugs08:22
sladenpitti: ta08:23
cjwatsonDaviey: this is dovecot-metadata-plugin rather than dovecot, for clarity08:28
Davieycjwatson: Ah.08:32
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cjwatsonrmadison should be up to date again, thanks to sysadmin (re discussion last night)09:24
ogra_cjwatson, could your live-bvuild and seed changes to support usb key builds have had any unexepected sideeffects ? for daily-preinstalled we seem to only get 1.6G big iso images suddenly10:51
ogra_i could understand how the format changed to iso, but i definitely dont get why a seed seems to be used that makes us end up with 1.6G content10:52
cjwatsonogra_: unexpected side-effects are always possible, but if I were you I would trace the problem step by step rather than trying to guess at a cause11:00
ogra_well, i dont see changes in debian-cd/cdimage that could have any influence on live-build's behavior in that regard11:01
sladenskaet: can you track bug #84059311:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 840593 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Indicator-datetime month/year navigation does not work [regression] (affects: 12) (dups: 4) (heat: 74)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84059311:05
ogra_hmm, so the isos are not on the live builders at least ... but the ext3 images are still 1.5G11:06
* ogra_ thinks there are two probs 11:07
jibelsladen, it is a dupe of bug 807509 which is already tracked11:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 807509 in ido (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "Cannot click on Calendar to select another day, month or year (affects: 44) (dups: 7) (heat: 248)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80750911:27
lamontskaet: when you're around...  would you like freshened oneiric chroot tarballs before or after beta2?11:33
lamontI notice that the dist-upgrade time has become significant again11:33
sladenjibel: double plus good++11:35
pittilamont: how long does that take? it's fairly quiet right now, so we can do with some partial buildd outage right now11:35
lamontpitti: it's no outage at all - it's just uploading new tarballs to launchpad11:35
pittilamont: the "OMGneedthisbuilt" phase usually starts later in the day/tomorrow, at that point faster chroots would certanily be appreciated11:35
lamontOTOH, the lp-buildd rollout that's going to happen this morning, that's a rolling outage.11:36
pittilamont: ah, I thought you are asking because you have to take down buildds for that11:36
lamontnah - it's just a change, and y'all are near a deadline, so I like to check rather than jfdi11:36
lamontthe lp-buildd rollout was discussed here friday11:36
pittiseems fine to me11:36
cjwatsonI think you can JFDI at the moment11:42
lamontcjwatson: ok.  being vanguard this week so I'll sneak it in after I get done w/ the current triage pass, in all likelihood11:54
lamontright.  world on manual for a lp-buildd upgrade then12:21
lamont  linux-powerpc64-smp: Depends: linux-image-powerpc64-smp (= but is installed12:23
lamontnot amused12:23
* ogra_ cries ... i dont seem to be able to find out why we have 1.5G images, the livefs build logs dont install anything unusal, the seeds seem fine but still we have 1.5G images on the livefs builders12:48
ogra_i dont get wheer the extra gig comes from12:48
ogra_hmm, they are probably not to big at all ... just not compressed12:52
* ogra_ slaps forehead12:54
pittiogra_: all good then, or is the lack of compression a bug by itself?12:56
ogra_the lack of compression is a debian-cd bug, just looking nto it12:56
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
pitti^ rejecting ltsp as per stgraber's request (broken)13:27
stgraberpitti: uploaded another one that should fix everything wrap-and-sort messed up13:33
* pitti starts working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive, should help to reduce the FTBFS bug list, too13:35
skaetgood morning13:39
pittihey skaet13:40
skaetheya pitti,   all the bits for gnome uploaded?13:41
pittiskaet: some, tarballs still being wrapped upstream13:41
pittiskaet: we package them as they come in13:41
skaetpitti,  fair enough.    What's still left?13:42
pittiskaet: evolution-data-server currently being packaged, otherwise most apps didn't get an update yet13:42
pittipretty harmless so far (translation updates and minor bugs), though, except for glib2.0 which got some nice fixes for critical bugs13:43
* skaet nods13:43
skaetfrom the backscroll,  looks like there are still some concerns on the ARM side.13:44
stgraberskaet: Just got the e-mail from the tracker telling me Edubuntu got added. We'll want that new ltsp for beta2 so I won't even bother testing the current builds (I tested yesterday's and they were fine)14:23
skaetstgraber,  fair enough,  marking them pending ltsp upload for rebuild.14:24
stgraberskaet: thanks14:26
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GrueMasterskaet: Yea, we're gearing up for another respin.  Issues with the image build/publish scripts have apparently plagued us since Beta 1 (I was doing server testing so didn't notice daily build issues).16:23
slangasekanyone here using the nouveau drivers?16:26
pittihey slangasek, how are you16:26
* slangasek waves to pitti16:26
pittislangasek: ah, still no feedback on nvidia? darn16:26
pittiI was hoping we could put that change into b216:26
slangasekyes, I would really like that change in b216:27
LaneyI think I am, can maybe test in 4 hours16:27
slangasekand if we're not going to get it, I should at least upload the *other* plymouth changes that I have staged, which are needed to have logging working again16:27
slangasek(I'd really like plymouth to be debuggable in beta2...)16:27
infinitycjwatson: Around?16:38
cjwatsonCXXFLAGS += -O9 ... # things that inspire confidence16:39
infinitycjwatson: Could use a sanity-check review of 'bzr diff /home/adconrad/debian-cd/' on antimony.16:39
cjwatsoni.e. "don't gzip things that are already gzipped"?16:40
infinitycjwatson: Sanity tested the syntax in /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/daily-preinstalled/debian-cd/armel+ac100/Makefile16:40
infinitycjwatson: Yeah.16:40
cjwatsonlose the second and third @ (the ones inside the if), and put 'set -e; ' before the if16:40
cjwatsonbut otherwise LGTM16:40
infinitycjwatson: Oh, fair enough.  I was annoyed already that I did it in shell, until I realised there seems to be no make anywhere in that Makefile.16:41
cjwatsonoh and I'd use grep -q rather than redirecting16:41
cjwatsonbut nits16:41
infinitycjwatson: re-review?16:43
slangasekinfinity: is giving dpkg an internal copy of dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch still on your radar for this cycle, or should I take a look myself?16:44
cjwatsonmy usual idiom is 'set -e; if ...' or 'set -e; for ...', but that's fine too16:44
cjwatson(I don't think it matters in the if cas)16:44
infinitycjwatson: In the if case, set -e would do nothing, so yeah.16:45
infinitycjwatson: (Or if it did, I'd be deeply concerned)16:45
infinityslangasek: Erk.  If you have the time, please do.  I'm still happy to look at it, though.16:45
cjwatsonin the for case I'm never quite sure and prefer to avoid the question rather than looking it up :)16:46
slangasekinfinity: I will try to make the time so we can get it in before beta2... we're still getting bug reports from folks saying nspluginwrapper doesn't work, where the answer is "you didn't read the assigned reading"16:46
cjwatsonmuch like the way I only ever change IFS according to a strictly defined idiom I decided was safe after much thought once16:46
infinitycjwatson: I try (ish) to fit whatever I see in the target sources.  But debian-cd's "make" (and I use that term loosely) made me throw my hands in the air and just type.16:49
infinityIt's deceptive.  It starts out looking a lot like a makefile too.16:49
cjwatsonit's much better upstream nowadays, it's just that the merge is a nightmare16:52
infinityI can imagine.16:52
cjwatsonand obviously breaking cdimage is not high on my list of things to do16:52
scott-workinfinity: sorry to bother you, are you writing up some information about the live build process?17:06
infinityscott-work: Well, the spec is assigned to me.  Currently, there's been little done with it, though.  Perhaps we'll actually figure out what information people want/need and try again soon. :/17:08
scott-workinfinity: i ask because ubuntu studio would like to move to a live image and shnatsel in particular though this would be extremely helpful17:10
scott-workinfinity: has the process changed recently?17:10
infinityscott-work: The underlying way we build livefses changed this cycle (from livecd-rootfs to live-build), but otherwise, it's business as usual.17:11
cjwatsonIt hardly matters since the process for derivatives that we build centrally is "ask the CD image team to switch things over and give a good explanation".17:12
cjwatson(But we aren't going to do it for Oneiric!)17:12
infinityscott-work: The problem with the documentation of it all is that it bounces between either docs that say "1) learn to program 2) grab the code and mangle it" and "Here's a nice list of people to contact about how to get things done".  I suspect we need some happy medium.17:12
cjwatsoninfinity: speaking of live-build, want me to backport the patch for bug 803547?17:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 803547 in live-build (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "live-build lacks EXT4 support for binary image types (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80354717:13
scott-workcjwatson: haha, no we aren't planning this for oneiric!  heavens no17:13
infinitycjwatson: Oo.  ext4 performs a lot better on flash, AIUI, it might be shiny.  Not sure if switching our images a few weeks before release is sane, but has anyone accused ubuntu-arm of sanity before?17:14
cjwatsonwell, it's a beta-2 milestoned bug which is why I noticed17:14
cjwatsonif that's not sane, I don't object to you pushing it back and we'll get it in a merge for P17:15
cjwatsonbut one or the other :)17:15
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, if you can merge cleanly, I think we'd be all over it.17:15
* cjwatson has a go at that then17:15
infinityI *think* we sprinkled enough s/ext3/ext3|ext4 in other tools to make it kinda work if we decide to swap, but I should double-check that.17:16
scott-workcjwatson: by "cd image team" i believe you mean the team who is responsible for that derivative, i.e. in this case ubuntu studio?17:16
infinityscott-work: I believe he was referring to ~ubuntu-cdimage17:17
infinitycjwatson: Oh, hah.  I should probably be re-added to that team, BTW. :P17:18
infinitycjwatson: Having my LP membership reflect UNIX permissions might be sane.17:18
slangasekcjwatson: in bug #853738, the submitter says a clean beta1 install did not give him multiarch support17:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 853738 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "nspluginviewer is missing in amd64 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85373817:18
infinityslangasek: That's disconcerting.17:19
slangasekhence me flagging it :)17:20
cjwatsonscott-work: yeah, what infinity said17:20
infinityThe dpkg conffile would sort of paper over that anyway.  But if the installer really isn't consistently writing the file, that's unpleasant.17:20
cjwatsonas in the team that actually has power to do something about this17:20
cjwatsoninfinity: oh yes.  Reactivated17:21
infinitycjwatson: Danke.17:21
cjwatsonslangasek: asked for more info17:22
scott-workcjwatson, infinity:  hmmm, i believe i'm confused about the process for moving ubuntu studio to a live image, i had viewed this as we needed to do all the leg work on package and seed manipulation based on previously used processes, is this not the case?17:28
cjwatsonno; somebody would need to prepare appropriate live and ship-live seeds, granted, but the task of actually switching to build a live image falls to ubuntu-cdimage17:29
cjwatsoninfinity: uploaded.  dinnertime now17:31
scott-workit sounds like we should do some homework to know what changes we need to make and then perhaps talk to someone wiht ~ubuntu-cdimage17:31
pittigood night everyone17:31
infinitycjwatson: Cheers.17:31
skaetpitti, are all the gnome bits that are planned to be uploaded,  done?17:39
ScottKDaviey: Would you mind re-uploading backuppc using -v with dpkg-buildpackage so all the relevant changelog entries get into .changes?17:40
slangasekcron up there is a bugfix-only change; not at all critical for beta, but wanted for final17:40
skaetslangasek, ack17:41
skaetinfinity, NCommander, daily builds have been disabled now.17:44
ScottKskaet: Kubuntu will need to be respun for qtwebkit, quassel, and image sizing.17:45
infinityskaet: Kay.  I'm spinning some armel stuff to shake out all the image-building bugs we've had over the last few weeks.17:46
infinityskaet: Everything should be shiny once this is done. :P17:46
DavieyScottK: ah, good catch.17:48
ScottKDaviey: I'll reject the current one.17:49
skaetinfinity,  ack,  did ogra_ 's fix to debian-cd get resolved or is that still pending?17:50
infinityskaet: I fixed up debian-cd and cdimage, we should be good.17:52
skaetinfinity, coolio.17:56
slangasekskaet: where do we sit on candidate images?  I have verification that turning on flicker-free for lightdm passes smoke testing, so I'd really like this plymouth upload in for beta2 so we get further testing of that, as well as fixes for logging support17:56
skaetslangasek,  we haven't started spinning the candidates yet.   Smoke testing only until now.17:57
skaetIf the fixes are ready,  ok to upload and we'll pull them in.17:57
slangasekplymouth uploaded18:08
ScottKDaviey: There's a lot to review for backuppc.  Given there's a security fix in there, I'm inclined to just push it in.  Has anyone on server team tested this package?18:15
ScottKActually it's not so bad.18:22
pittiskaet: the main one we are still waiting for is gnome-control-center; the bulk is in, though18:33
slangasekpitti: care to review plymouth?18:34
infinityI can look.18:35
pittislangasek: looks fine, accepted18:36
infinityI love it when the changelog is more verbose than the changes.18:36
pittilive-build accepted, too18:37
pittiwow @ five-digit bug (in cron)18:38
infinityskaet: Verified that my debian-cd/cdimage fixes DTRT, removing point [5] from the etherpad.18:38
pittislangasek: ^ do you think the cron update is important for b2? or was that just queueing up the fix?18:38
pittislangasek: ah, you said in backscroll, nevermind18:39
slangasekpitti: not important for b2, just queuing; but if there's a window, we might as well take it now18:39
slangasek(very low risk)18:39
infinity(famous last words)18:39
skaetpitti,  so,  ok to start rebuilds from your perspective.18:39
DavieyScottK: Allison is the unoffical lover of that package.18:40
pittiskaet: not yet, some stuff is still building/publishing18:40
infinityskaet: Waiting on plymouth, at least.18:40
skaetpitti,  http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ubuntu-release18:40
DavieyScottK: If it does blow up, she will glue it back together, i'm sure.18:40
* pitti asks rodrigo about control-center18:41
skaetinfinity,  ack. :)   just trying to find out if the gnome stuff [2] is satisfied,  which sounds like not.18:41
pittiskaet: e-d-s done, pad updated18:42
skaetpitti, thanks18:44
skaetDaviey - so you want spins without socat?18:44
infinityev: Thanks for the f-k catch.18:45
infinityI guess we'll need a d-i rebuild to pick that up for omap netinst. :/18:46
pittiskaet: we just got another bunch from GNOME, working on them now18:47
skaetpitti,  thanks!18:47
pittiskaet: is it super-urgent yet that we have to do the "cut off point"?18:47
slangasekpitti, seb128: have pushed fixes to the upstart jobs for gdm and lightdm to bzr; I haven't heard any reports that can conclusively be linked to this, but a change early in oneiric reverted pitti's fix for bug #615549 from maverick without explanation18:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 615549 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 5 other projects) "gdm/kdm starting too early for DRM modules to load, no video (affects: 66) (dups: 10) (heat: 131)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61554918:47
slangasekpitti, seb128: since I don't know of any bug reports related to this, it's hard to evaluate the risk of taking this change - but it does seem to be an accidental change that may cause regressions vs. natty, so I'm inclined to say we should have this in for release18:48
seb128slangasek, no objection from me to get it in18:49
slangasekseb128: have you seen any bug reports that look like they might be related to this (i.e., a resurgence of 615549)?18:49
seb128not that I can remember no18:50
pittithese look just fine to me18:50
evinfinity: don't thank me, thank ubiquity's shell syntax checking on build18:51
skaetpitti,  re: cut off point.  Yes,  we're running out of time to recover from accidental regressions, so need to start getting the formal candidates built.18:53
cjwatsoninfinity: we'll need one anyway - stgraber stpotted an IPv6 problem in netcfg18:53
cjwatsonwretched executable bits18:53
slangasekplymouth's kernel commandline handling makes baby Jesus cry19:01
slangasekalso me19:01
NCommanderskaet: thanks19:08
jibelI've been pinged by a lubuntu tester, there is no image available in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/20110919/ but images are on the tracker.19:14
cjwatsonjibel: have you checkd the build logs?19:19
pittireading the ubiquity diff doesn't tell me much, but I guess we want that19:20
* ScottK thinks we do.19:21
jibelcjwatson, the following error appears in cd-build-logs19:22
jibelmake: *** [apt-update] Error 10019:22
jibelin http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/lubuntu/oneiric/daily-live-20110919.log19:22
cjwatsontransient then.  I'll kick a rebuild19:23
jibelok thanks19:23
slangasekanything I can help reviewing right now?19:29
Davieyskaet: It really doesn't matter either way, the nova issue is server-ship only.19:42
pittiskaet, infinity: I updated the [2] condition in the pad for the packages we are waiting for (currently being worked on by seb128 and rodrigo)19:43
bdrungwhat's the status of bug #851659?19:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 851659 in jenkins (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "[FFE] Sync asm3 3.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85165919:43
skaetthanks pitti19:44
SpamapSAny respins happening for server stuff after 20110919 ? About to start testing the iso's..19:59
ScottKThink so.20:00
SpamapSso hold off? :-/20:00
ScottKTesting is always good.20:00
SpamapSthat RAID1 test takes 45 minutes because of all the reboots and re-syncs .. I only want to do it 2 more times (this one and RC) ;)20:01
DavieySpamapS: We have nothing urgent requring a respin?20:11
stgraberthere'll be a new netcfg to fix ipv620:21
pittiinfinity, skaet: nautilus uploaded, that was the last one we care about which we can get20:21
pittithe others will trickle in tomorrow (but are not that visible in the desktop), and control-center is blocked20:22
pittiI updated the pad with the version to wait for (building, publishing)20:22
skaetthanks for the update pitti.20:22
pittiI'd like to hit the sack now, anything else you need from me?20:22
skaetpitti,  nothing comes to mind,  sleep weel.20:23
infinitypitti: Go sleep.20:23
skaetwell even20:23
pittiso, good night!20:23
jibellubuntu desktop 20110919.1 posted to the tracker20:24
infinityslangasek: Want to give a quick sanity review to that jasper upload?20:35
infinityslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693316/ for the diff.20:36
skaetthanks jibel20:40
infinityslangasek: Or just accept it blind, because I'm oh so pretty.20:40
infinityslangasek: I'm game for either.20:40
cjwatsonthe combination of netcfg and isc-dhcp I'm uploading now has been tested in a whole bunch of IPv4/IPv6 combinations by stgraber20:43
cjwatsonit'll need a debian-installer upload after20:43
slangasekinfinity: looks sane to me, accepting20:45
cjwatsonI'd've used blkid instead these days, but meh20:49
cjwatsonless likely to be removed in future20:49
infinitycjwatson: fstype is used all over initramfs-tools anyway.  If and when that changes, jasper can too (or, maybe it'll be gone by then anyway... A man can dream)20:49
cjwatsoninitramfs-tools uses fstype in three places and blkid -s TYPE in four20:51
infinityI was going with the claim in comments that fstype was somehow "more robust" or some such.20:51
infinityAnd it works for this use-case.20:51
cjwatsonyeah, it's fine for now20:51
infinityBut I'm happy to switch it out.20:51
cjwatsonnah, leave it if you've tested it20:51
* infinity nods.20:51
cjwatsonjust a comment for the future20:51
infinityI didn't mean I'd switch it out before the next publisher run.  Just "sometime".20:51
cjwatsonI think blkid used to suck more than it does now20:52
cjwatsonslangasek: multiarch> oh bugger20:59
cjwatsonguess what apt-setup-udeb's Architecture line is20:59
cjwatsonI suppose I'd better make that Arch any21:00
infinityOh, d'oh.  It was building on i386 and skipping some amd64 special-casing?21:00
infinityI guess that somehow beats the opposite, where every arch would now have i386 as a foreign arch. :P21:01
seb128^ would be nice to still get that gnome-control-center in if we can, I think pitti is off for the night so if anyone wants to ack it21:09
seb128then we are done for desktop updates21:09
infinityseb128: Done.21:10
seb128infinity, thanks21:10
infinitycjwatson: Accepted.21:18
infinityOh look, canonical-kernel-team/ppa is eating the buildds again. :/21:20
micahgskaet: I won't be able to get chromium in until late tonight, so I'd say not to hold up for it, but pick it up if there's a respin21:21
skaetmicahg,  gotcha,  thanks for the clarification.21:21
ScottKAnyone looking into the ubiquity FTBFS?21:23
slangasekcjwatson: heh, doh21:23
infinityUgh, indicator SOVER bump?21:25
infinityOr something?21:25
infinityIf no one's fixing ubiquity already, I can.  Looks like a missing build-dep.21:40
ScottKYes.  Please.21:40
ScottKYou might check in #ubuntu-installer first to make sure though.21:41
slangasekskaet: I've targeted bug #779382 to beta-2; it prevents users who use a 2d Ubuntu desktop and who have opted in to an update-notifier option that figured prominently in the Lucid release notes from receiving any further notifications on their desktop about package updatse21:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 779382 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 8 other projects) "update-notifier not visible under unity (affects: 13) (dups: 2) (heat: 68)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77938221:48
slangasekskaet: since this is a behavior change between beta-1 and beta-2 (nominally a bugfix in unity-2d to bring its behavior in line with unity-3d), I think it's critical that we get this fixed in the archive for beta-2 so that anyone upgrading to beta-2 doesn't get stuck there21:49
skaetslangasek,  understood.   should it be medium priority then?21:49
slangasekskaet: that's the bug bot being arbitrary - the task on unity is marked 'Critical' :)21:50
skaetslangasek,  ok,  that makes more sense. :)21:50
infinityTesting the build-dep fix for ubiquity locally.  If this passes, I'll upload.21:56
skaetinfinity,  thanks.21:57
infinityLooks like ev already fixed it in bzr and forgot to upload. :P21:57
infinitySo, I'll just upload his (identical) fix, if this passes.21:57
* infinity taps his foot while the build grinds.21:57
infinityMaybe I should eat something while this is going on.21:58
infinityOh, well, that's pleasant.  Fixing the build-dep issue just leads to the testsuite failing later.22:02
infinityThat might be why ev hasn't uploaded yet. :P22:02
* ScottK wonders why the failing one got uploaded.22:03
DavieyPlease can someone review dnsmasq, introduces a new binary package.22:05
DavieyI uploaded it.22:05
Daviey(the dnsmasq is blocking another bug.)22:15
cjwatsonargh, should've tested apt-setup building with -B22:15
infinitycjwatson: lacking a binary-arch target? :/22:18
cjwatsonwell, similar, it's a bit different with dh(1)22:18
infinityInitiating build ca0a9b23ee55ba8966f57b9c3e65bcf9c423c28f with 0 processor cores.22:19
infinityThat seems oddly appropriate for an ARM system.22:19
slangasekDaviey: +ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH_OS),linux) - technically wrong :)  should be DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS...22:36
Davieyslangasek: Ah! Well spotted, Stolen directly from the Debian package, is it worth changing that cherrypick for something which seems to provide the same end result?22:39
cjwatsononly if you were planning on cross-building the package using a kfreebsd system22:40
slangasekDaviey: nah, it makes no difference at all for us, it only matters for those who are cross-building from Linux to non-Linux ports (of which the latter, we have none :)22:40
cjwatsonor vice versa, yes22:40
infinityDaviey: You might want to inform the Debian maintainer that it's wrong.  For us, it probably doesn't matter.22:40
DavieyThe best part is, we don't really care about !linux arch :)22:40
slangasekright, what infinity said22:40
cjwatsonit's good to be in the habit of remembering the build/host distinction though22:40
* Daviey adds it to his todo to raise a Debian bug tomorrow.22:41
slangasekdnsmasq debian/rules makes me sad22:44
slangasekDaviey: why does dnsmasq-utils Conflicts: dnsmasq (<<2.40)?22:46
slangasek+Requires dnsmasq 2.40 or later and may not work with other DHCP servers.22:47
slangasekmaybe that's why.  But then shouldn't it be a depends?22:47
cjwatsonor at least Breaks22:48
sladenhello all.  Based on conversations with Mark I've filed  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/854264  I haven't subscribed ubuntu-release as there is nothing to actually review yet22:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 854264 in ubuntu-font-family "UVFe & FFe: New upstream version of Ubuntu Font Family ~0.80 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]22:48
infinityslangasek: "may not work with"... I guess they think it could possibly, if you will it to?22:50
slangasekhey, anything's possible :)22:57
slangaseksladen: is adding new font files the main difference for this new upstream version?  Is there an estimated disk space impact for these new files?22:58
slangasekif they're not going to be enabled in the default experience, we should presumably not break our backs making room for them on the CD...22:58
sladenslangasek: my estimate is 900 kB compressed.  Obviously if CD space is that tight(tm) it would have an impact on viability of the request, which I could then convey back up the chain22:59
slangasekspace is always that tight :)23:00
sladenslangasek: I also haven't uploaded the community wallpapers yet, so there's always the option of trading 3-4 of those for the space23:00
sladenslangasek: which is horse-trading that could be done internally within the Product Stategy Dept.23:01
cjwatsonsladen: I'm going to start recommending rather soon that anyone asking for more CD space figure out what should be removed to make room23:02
infinityWe can just remove English.23:03
cjwatsonsladen: so if you could figure out a trade-off, that would be good23:03
cjwatsoninfinity: -.-- --- ..- / ..-. .. .-. ... -23:04
cjwatsonsladen: right now, any "free" space you see is essentially by luck23:04
infinityI don't speak morse, but I'm going to assume that was rude and assure you that I'm currently flipping off my monitor.23:04
sladencjwatson: yeah, can do, but wouldn't want to accidently volunteer up that space prematurely such that it gets vacuumed by other stuff ;-)23:05
cjwatsonwell, it's not like it's super-strictly audited, but sure23:05
cjwatsoncould somebody review netcfg and isc-dhcp, please?23:08
Davieyslangasek: Yeah, not quite sure.. I wondered if 2.40 provided the binary or something.. either way, didn't seem to be an issue for us.23:11
Davieyslangasek: it is on my todo to poke that.23:11
infinitynetcfg looks sane...23:13
Davieyslangasek: you'll also notice i included the manpages without patching, or putting them in debian/ .. I didn't want to introduce a patch system, and also wanted to keep it as similar to the debian package as possible23:13
Daviey(new upstream version ships the manpages)23:13
Daviey<-- keeping life simple for future merge/sync.23:14
infinitycjwatson: Does that "keep old nameservers" logic exist in netcfg for v4 as well?23:14
infinitycjwatson: (I notice you added it for v4 and v6 to isc-dhcp, but only v6 in netcfg..)23:15
Davieywho uses v4 these days? :)23:15
cjwatsoninfinity: isc-dhcp's dhclient-script deals with that bit23:22
cjwatsonwe only need to deal with it for v6 in netcfg because we override the dhclient-script in the v6 case23:23
slangasekDaviey: given that versioned conflicts are a major source of upgrade problems, I would prefer to see that turned into a Depends: instead before I accept it23:23
infinitycjwatson: Ah-ha.  Then both look reasonable to me.23:23
Davieyslangasek: if people are upgrading from prior to hardy to oneiric directly, they deserve pain.23:25
cjwatsoninfinity: thanks23:26
slangasekDaviey: oh, I hadn't noticed that 2.40 was that old. ack, accepting then - that just goes in the bucket of "issues that should be flagged to the Debian maintainer"23:26
Davieyslangasek: along with buring debian/rules23:27
slangaseker, though now that I look more closely I'm not sure if I should actually accept the binaries out of new before beta-223:29
slangaseksince dnsmasq-base is a recommends: of network-manager23:29
Davieyslangasek: well, i wanted it on beta2 - due to the new upload of nova we are planning tommorow.23:29
slangasek(which seems dubious to me, but there it is; the package impacts the desktop CDs)23:29
Davieywell it's essentially a no-change rebuild for the desktop, right?23:30
slangasekskaet: ^^ are we in a window where dnsmasq can be accepted for beta-2, which requires a rebuild of the desktop?  server team is rather keen to have this new package in for beta-223:30
infinityDesktop still needs rebuilds anyway.23:31
Davieyso if desktop don't respin before then, it's ok - if they do - it should be no-change.23:31
slangasekinfinity: ah. what's the trigger for those?23:31
skaetslangasek, opportunistic at this point.   waiting for d-i update from cjwatson before the rebuilds start.23:31
infinityslangasek: Right now, I'd say the LCD is ubiquity building.23:31
infinity(And d-i for alternates)23:32
infinitySo, y'know.  Installers.  No big whoop.23:32
infinityWho needs those?23:32
slangasekah, ubiquity not fixed yet? ok23:32
infinityColin's abusing it.23:32
* slangasek nods23:32
infinityBecause Irish people don't sleep.23:32
infinityOr maybe that's Cambridge grads.23:33
LaneyI had another stab at libproxy and it works now. Needs some fixes still (what to do with the external modules? separate binary packages?); further eyes appreciated git://anonscm.debian.org/users/laney/libproxy.git23:33
infinitySo, I suspect we can replace all our triggers in the Pad with just two "ubiquity and debian-installer", and if people can get minor fixes in before those big two land, fine. :P23:34
infinityWhat I won't say out loud is that, while I'm waiting on those to filter through, I'm toying with changing the default FS on the ARM images.23:35
cjwatsonCambridge certainly did bad things to my sleep cycle23:36
cjwatsonI've got the ubiquity tests passing; what I need to check now is whether my changes to upower integration still actually work23:36
* skaet notes remark about default FS... sighs heavily. 23:39
Davieyinfinity: Changing it to? And on the arm server deliverables aswell?23:40
infinityDaviey: ext4, and across the board.  It's a more tested codepath these days.  Assuming the installers DTRT, which we're smoketesting right now.23:41
infinityIf they don't, I can roll it back in a matter of seconds.  No archive turnaround.23:41
Davieyinfinity: I'm sure it won't make IO speed on the pandaboards any worse..  what could?23:43
DavieyI believe the unsupported arm cloud images deliverable is already ext4 btw.23:44
infinitycjwatson: I assume we have no urge to change the wubi target to ext4?23:45
Davieybug 854189 probably needs release noting.. macbooks are not playing well with the default of using EFI, requires manual steps to use legacy BIOS mode.23:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 854189 in xorg (Ubuntu) "nvidia binary driver gives black screen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85418923:46
cjwatsoninfinity: strong urge to leave wubi alone23:46
* infinity nods.23:46
cjwatsonI'm pretty sure I have a fix for bug 774089.  What do people think?23:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 774089 in grub2 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Booting fails 3 times, works every fourth time after new install of Natty Narwhal amd64 on Macbook Pro (affects: 22) (heat: 137)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77408923:47
infinityWorks every... Fourth time?23:47
cjwatsonsymptoms vary23:47
cjwatsonsome people have reported bricking23:47
cjwatsonalthough we released natty with it because there seemed little alternative at the time23:48
infinityNo, the reason this fascinates me is that my netbook has a similar issue.23:48
cjwatsonthe fix is to install in BIOS mode23:48
cjwatsonwhich wasn't happening because we were failing to detect that these were Macs when they were booted in EFI mode23:48
cjwatsonif your netbook is broken-EFI then I suppose it's possible it's related23:49
infinityIt really isn't. :P23:49
Davieycjwatson: dmidecode doesn't work under EFI?23:49
infinityI'm sure it's not related.  Just curious.23:49
cjwatsonDaviey: we embed a cut-down copy of dmidecode for space reasons23:50
cjwatson... from before mjg59 fixed it to handle EFI23:50
cjwatson * I (Colin Watson) copied this in reduced form rather than using dmidecode23:50
cjwatson * directly because the d-i initrd is tight on space and this is much23:50
cjwatson * smaller (1.8KB versus 46KB, at the time of writing).23:50
DavieyDo we still spin a amd64+mac iso? I'm on an X-less system atm.23:52
cjwatsonbecause there's a sizeable subset of Macs where the amd64 image simply does not boot at all.23:54
cjwatsonbut not all of them apparently.23:55
DavieyIf that is the SATA issue, i thought i fixed that?23:55
Daviey(now in mainline kernel)23:55
cjwatsonno, it isn't.23:55
cjwatsonit's a failure in their EFI implementation23:55
Davieycjwatson: whilst i hate special casing hardware like this, would shipping the bloated dmideocode (not worring about oversizing) be a suitable fix?23:56
DavieyPerhaps i don't fully grasp the issue.23:56
cjwatsonI already have a fix23:58
Davieyi'll shuddup.23:58
cjwatsonI appreciate the concern about code duplication, and will concede that I've just exposed the obvious failing in it, but I still think it's worthwhile to keep the size down23:59

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