
Durghey guys, I posted this yesterday but didn't really get an answer - I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'll take a random stab at it; I've got a theoretical question for you guys - I've got a SaaS type service that moves data from one point to another; sometimes, that data is behind a VPN. I've got multiple clients on a single server, so plugging that entire box01:34
Durginto the VPN isn't an ideal solution; do you guys think it'd be possible to connect an external "worker box" to the VPN and then connect through that box via a proxy connection? Would that work or am I pounding sand?01:34
twb`That would depend on a bunch of things01:44
twb`Like: is there a proxy available for the protocol in question?01:44
smoserDaviey, where'd that come from ?02:01
Durgtwb`: typically, proxies can be configured for any TCP service yeah?02:38
jmarsdenDurg: No, application proxies are protocol specific by definition.02:39
twb`Perhaps you should describe the service in more detail02:40
Durgit's essentially an API to API middleware app02:42
Durgtakes data from one enterprise system and moves it into another02:42
Durgsuch as a CRM to an ERP, ERP to Fulfilment, etc02:42
Durgbut it's built around a SaaS model; completely hosted environment, so accessing on-site applications and databases that contain critical customer data is a significant challenge02:43
twb`Is it using a custom layer 7 protocol, or is it layered on top of e.g. HTTP?02:43
twb`Then in principle you could use something like squid or nginx as the proxy02:44
twb`Although IIRC HTTP requires the client side to know it's going via a proxy, or for you to do dirty transparent proxy hacks02:44
Durgwell, essentially the goal is to be able to access network services and clients for single-use calls; that's why I thought a proxy option might work02:46
Durgthe back-end database I'm connecting to might be MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc. or even file-based02:46
Durgmight not have an HTTP endpoint02:46
Patrickdkisn't that what soap was made for?02:51
Durgwell, REST, SOAP, XMLRPC, but that requires the application to adapt to meet the middleware, not the other way around02:52
Durgmy second solution is to build a mini-instance that contains all of the network-specific code and can be accessed by a REST interface, but that raises my cost per client significantly compared to building 5 or 10 relay boxes for my entire network of clients02:54
twb`I don't think I really understand the problem02:55
twb`I'm not saying "there's no problem", I mean that I can't get my head around all the bits02:55
twb`A network diagram and/or user stories would probably help02:55
Durgunfortunately very few do, lol - it's my specialty field02:55
Durgwell, here's a use case, that might help02:56
twb`Well, it's also that I don't do stuff like saas much02:57
DurgCompany ABC has MAS500, an on-premise based application with an MSSQL database for their finance system, which is blocked off by their firewall (for good reason, it contains critical financial data about the company) - they want to move sales orders from Salesforce.com (SaaS) into their MAS500 instance02:58
Durgso it goes Salesforce -> DatixPanel.com (my middleware app) -> MAS50002:58
Durgfrom a low level standpoint, the concept is:02:59
DurgSalesforce -> Message Processing Server - > Action Server (retrieves, transforms and sends data) -> VPN Tunnel -> MSSQL03:00
Durgcompanies don't want to expose MSSQL through their firewall, because it would pose a significant security risk03:00
Durgso the problem is, how do I get to MSSQL?03:01
twb`Something like stunnel I guess03:02
twb`Er, no, brain fart03:02
twb`No, you know what, a properly secured TLS-encrypted version should be fine to allow through the firewall03:03
twb`I mean that's how stuff like IMAPS and HTTPS work03:03
Durgyou know that, and I know that, but they don't want to admit that03:03
twb`OK, so that's not allowed because <customer> is retarded?03:04
twb`I mean plan A is "convince the customer to do it right" :P03:04
Durglol, of course, but my target audience is small to mid biz, not enterprise03:04
Durgenterprise IT guys typically know that03:04
Durgbut small to mid are... frankly, idiots03:04
twb`IME enterprise-level ones are the idiotest03:05
twb`Two-thirds of SMEs will just do what you recommend03:05
Durgwell, that's not 100% false either03:05
Durgbut typically the CIO is more intelligent than not03:05
Durgand they've typically done something like this with their data in the past03:05
twb`Yeah right03:05
Durgit's more about experience when I say 'intelligent'03:06
twb`My dad was CIO for a multinational for a couple decades, and he doesn't know shit about the lower layers.03:06
DurgI think that's part of the reason they're more willing to say go03:06
twb`He deals with issues more like "how do I convince Cisco to give me a 60% discount" not issues like "why do we even need Cisco"03:06
Durgyeah, that sounds typical03:07
Durgjust from my experience, I've had a lot less resistance from enterprise clients than SMEs03:07
twb`I guess it depends on how much their guy trusts you, and whether he realizes that he doesn't know what he's talking about.03:07
Durgwell, the goal is to reduce the amount of end-client configuration to as low as possible; so setting up a PPTP login usually requires less effort03:09
Durgunless I'm wrong about that?03:09
DurgI'm a programmer, not a sysadmin03:09
Smaughey all, I'm looking for a good resource that explains how the permissions of directories affects access to subdirectories and files with differing permissions03:09
idlemindsmaug: you talking about permission inheritance?03:11
Smaugidlemind: very possibly03:11
Smaugsounds like it means what i'm after03:11
twb`You can't have that with POSIX DAC03:12
Smaugu have a resource for it?03:12
twb`If you use something else, like POSIX ACLs, NTFS or NFS4 ACLs, then I guess so03:12
twb`I've always put ACLs into the "too hard" basket.03:13
idlemindsee acl's i think are really important03:13
twb`(Actually I tell a lie, there is one specific kind of inheritance you can have in POSIX DAC -- setgid dirs.  But that's unlikely to be what you want.)03:13
Durgand you guys just blew my little admin mind.03:13
idlemindthe fine grained options they give just outweigh the crap out of traditional owner / group / system perms03:14
twb`idlemind: yes but then I have to learn how to use them03:14
idlemindproblem is they always come off as an afterthought in linux, the tools just don't seem to be their yet03:14
twb`Personally I'd like to do it properly with grsec RBACs, but ICBF recompiling the kernel on all my hosts03:14
twb`idlemind: yeah that's the other issue03:14
idlemindsmaug: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:18
idlemindsmaug you will probably want to look into using acl's03:18
twb`AFAIK BCP is to use NFSv4 or NTFS acls; not POSIX acls.03:19
Smaugidlemind: thanks for the link, but I'm not sure if that includes what i'm interested in.   what I want to know is, if a directory has, for example, drwx------ and a file inside it has -rwxrwxrwx or whatever, what happens?  can the file be read by a random user?  or not since you can't get into the directory?03:31
Smaugthat sort of behavior03:31
Smaugi'll look into ACLs03:32
Smaugbut from your discussion it appears that they don't always work?03:32
idlemindit's an all or nothing type setting with the default rwx rwx rwx permissions as far as i know03:32
idlemindso acl's (nfs v4 ones) may be your best option to make it behave more like the ntfs file perms you are most likely used to03:33
Smaugidlemind: thanks for the link, it was helpful but also did not answer my question.  i am not seeking to make ubuntu behave as ntfs, I am simply attempting to understand how it does behave so I can use it properly04:04
Smaugthe umask was a pretty interesting read and i thank you for it04:04
idlemindsmaug that's basically it04:04
idlemindwhen you create a file it doesn't inherit permissions04:04
Smaugone of the questions i am trying to answer, for example, is - if a directory has a set of permissions, how does that affect the permissions of the files inside04:04
Smaugand if the directory does not affect the perms of the files inside it04:04
Smaugwhat is the point of directory perms04:05
Smaugdo you have situations where you cannot cd to the directory but if you know the path of the file you can still access it?04:05
idlemind1. a directories permissions do not affect the permissions of the files inside only if you can view those files or not04:05
idlemindwell i guess i answered both there04:06
jmarsdenidlemind: True, but setting g+s affects ownership of files created inside the directory, though!04:06
Smaugso is the answer to my secondn question yes? that surprises me04:07
jmarsdenSmaug: Yes, you can set things up so a user cannot read a directory to discover what files are in it, but if the user knows a filename they can read it.04:07
Smaughmm okay04:07
idlemindwell i do stand slightly corrected u+s and g+s would allow you to force inheritance for files created within a directory04:08
idlemindso that maybe something you want to research smaug04:08
Smaugmy end goal is being able to add a user to help with creating a website, without letting him have access to other, private parts of the server04:09
Smauglike other sites of my own04:09
idlemindo well that's simple04:09
idlemindwhen you create the user don't give him a home directory (or assign his home to the web-sites root) and add that user to a group with your other users and assign that group the rwx you want on those files04:10
idlemindyou may want to then set the g+s on the web-sites root so that files that user creates inherits the group perms04:12
idlemindne who i gotta run04:12
idlemindtty laters04:12
Smaugthanks you idlemind04:13
DanaGJust got this oops on natty, when detaching a serial console from byobu:05:25
DanaGOddly enough, my znc is still running.05:26
DanaG(10:25:03 PM) DanaG: Just got this oops on natty, when detaching a serial console from byobu:05:29
DanaG(10:25:04 PM) DanaG: http://pastebin.com/E0JU0nmg05:29
ThomasB2kHow do I access the GRUB cli when on boot I'm taken directly into Ubuntu without a grub menu?06:24
twb`Hol- oh, he's gone.06:31
twb`Damn impatient kids06:31
s10loridri changed the ssh port on a 10.04 server, i can not connect to it with the new port (or old port) do i need to regenerate the keys on it after i change the port? I get a connection refused when trying to ssh into it now06:39
twb`Host keys are not port-specific06:44
twb`You probably forgot to deal with the firewall or something06:44
greppys10loridr: I would check the firewall, and you should be able to run on multiple ports for testing.  Just add another "Port 2222" or whatever line, leaving the original "Port 22" there.06:49
s10loridractually i made a dumb mistake, was editing the wrong fiel06:49
s10loridri used the ssh_config by accident06:49
s10loridrim an idiot06:49
s10loridrall fixed now, thanks06:49
koolhead11hi a;l;06:56
jamespagemorning all07:43
phretor"error: invalid argument in libvirt was built without the 'gsx' driver" - any chance that I can connect virsh to a GSX hypervisor on 11.04?07:46
twb`phretor: you can rebuild your own version07:51
phretortwb`: well, I'd have preferred not to screw with the packaging system07:52
twb`phretor: since 11.04 is released, you're unlikely to get a new version that has new features enabled07:52
phretorI'm trying to migrate out from vmware07:52
twb`Apparently GSX driver just backs onto HTTP, so I would guess it wasn't in 11.04 because it wasn't in that version of libvirt07:55
GeorgeJHello folks08:04
GeorgeJMy base instalation of ubuntu server 11.04 seems to come with udhcpd as a default dhcp daemon. Can I change it to ISC?08:04
phretorwhen I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, GRUB attempted to boot Xen DOM0. Does this have to do with the upgrade, or I installed Xen stuff by mistake?08:07
twb`GeorgeJ: try apt-get install isc-dhcp-client08:08
GeorgeJAye, just did so, I was just a bit confused because dhcpd3-server did not exist in /etc/init.d08:08
sorenphretor: You must have installed Xen. By mistake or not, I can't say :)08:09
sorenphretor: It's most certainly not part of the standard upgrade procedure.08:09
twb`Didn't kernels recently get the ability to be dom0's OOTB ?08:09
phretorsoren: I should go for libvirt/kvm instead, right?08:09
smbKernels, yes. But to boot in that mode you need xen-hypervisor08:09
sorenphretor: If you're not on ancient hardware, yes.08:10
twb`just checking08:10
sorentwb`: Right, they can act as dom0, but you still need the Xen hypervisor to run first (which then in turn runs the dom0 kernel).08:10
phretorsoren: I've got a Dell PowerEdge 1950 with 8 cores and 8G of RAM. smb: what do you mean by "to boot in that mode"?08:10
smbNormal upgrade should not pull that hypervisor package.08:11
sorentwb`: So a standard install can't function as a Xen host. You must manually choose to install the Xen hypervisor.08:11
smbUnless somebody put it into a meta package that pulls it.08:11
sorenphretor: KVM is what I'd recommend for sure.08:11
Davieysoren: I bought a server last year that oddly, Intel excluded virt extensions.08:11
Davieyfairly modern CPU aswell.08:11
sorenDaviey: True.08:12
smbphretor, In that mode means the xen hypervisor is booted and loads a kernel as dom008:12
phretorsmb: maybe I installed xen on 10.10 and then disabled it and forgotten. And the upgrade simply reactivated it by mistake.08:12
sorenDaviey: They still produce new models that don't have the virt extensions. The feature support matrix of Intel processors is a massive clusterfuck.08:12
Davieysmoser: slow reply, must have been an issue in my bundling.08:12
twb`soren: that's for price differentiation08:13
sorentwb`: potato, potato.08:13
twb`soren: like "$100 more for the VT version!!1!"08:13
twb`It shits me that the only atoms that have VT are the pouslbos08:13
smbphretor, Maybe. I have not checked really, but the last working xen hypervisor I know of in Ubuntu was 8.04.08:13
twb`OTOH my main machine I'm switching to ARM this month, and I managed to get the only one that doesn't have SIMD (NEON) :-///08:14
* smb misses a "was"08:14
smbSorry not fully awake, yet08:14
sorenAMD gets this right. They don't mix and match features. Each new processor offers a superset of the features of its predecessor. There might be the odd exception to this rule, but it's just that: and odd exception. Intel offers virtually any combination.08:14
twb`soren: I guess my point was just that it's a *deliberate* clusterfuck08:14
sorentwb`: True, and good point.08:15
phretorsmb: ah, true, I migrated all the way from 8.04 -> 8.10 -> 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.04 -> 10.10.08:15
smbphretor, Ah ok. Hm, interesting to remember that xen can be that persistent...08:16
sorenWell, if you've had the hypervisor installed, but not had a kernel that could be a dom0, you're fine.08:17
Davieysmb: I believe you are correct about 8.04 being the last working xen hypervisor release, which is why the buildd's never upgraded to Lucid.08:17
phretorsmb: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/478406/08:17
Davieysoren: I was rather unhappy.. i stopped checking virt extensions before purchase as it seemed they all had them now.. being left with a lemon made me cry.08:18
smbDaviey, yep. And thats why they really like us to have something before Hardy goes out of service. :)08:18
sorenNow that the standard kernels can be a dom0, and you happen to have a hypervisor installed (which would have been useless for the past X releases), suddenly you'll boot into Xen. I guess this is somethis update-manager should warn about.08:18
Davieysmb: Yep, which is why we single-handed pushed xen into mainline :P08:18
twb`smb: good luck with that08:19
twb`smb: wasn't xen axed in lucid, along with vserver and openvz?08:19
* twb` bitches about LXC not being ready in .3208:19
sorentwb`: It was axed right after ahrdy because it wasn't supportable (not being in mainline)08:19
soren...but now it's in mainline, so it's a different story.08:19
twb`soren: non-LTS releases don't matter anwyay08:20
twb`They are just an ephemeral fog08:20
sorentwb`: Also, the dom0 kernel in Hardy wasn't in main.08:20
twb`Nor was openvz or vserver, shrug08:20
smbsoren, phretor Maybe that is related to the old 3.1 hypervisor. On my test system with the 4,1 one there is a special grub entry for starting as xen and it is not the first thing08:20
twb`And current lucid-security .32 has LXC support disabled to keep stupid vsftpd happy :-/08:21
phretorsmb: that was 3.308:21
sorentwb`: whuh, really?08:21
smbtwb`, Not so much axed as ignored as it was already enough pain to drag a patchset for getting a pv-ops domU08:21
twb`SOmeone noticed that vsftpd used cgroups and DOSd it, so the "fix" was to disable cgroups (thus, no LXC), rather than to, I don't know, turn off that feature in vsftpd08:21
smbsoren, twb` It has net namespaces disabled08:22
twb`smb: still annoying, because the upgrade path from hardy openvz was to lxc, which IMO isn't ready as at .3208:22
Davieytwb`: It's all very well identifying failings... people tend to come to UDS to help fix these things. ;)08:22
smbRight, because you can create them quick but it takes about two seconds for each to get torn down in Lucid08:22
twb`Daviey: go stick your head up a dead bear's bum :P08:22
smbtwb`, The option would be to take one of the backport kernels08:23
twb`smb: yeah, that's what I'm doing now, I just don't like it08:23
twb`I would just prefer vsftpd be penalized for being stupid08:23
smbWell, _if_ vsftp is the only thing08:23
smbWhich you never can say08:23
twb`Yeah yeah, I know you're right08:24
twb`I'm probably extra pissed off because the power outage that triggered the new .32 kernel happend at like 4AM sunday08:24
twb`And it was totally unexpected that it LXC would Just Not Work anymore after a kernel -n+1 update08:25
smbtwb`, Yes, I can understand that. I'd preferred to have had another option. Or at least a way to warn about the change08:27
twb`I'm mainly just venting (again)08:27
twb`FWIW libvirtd-bin has been doing OK, apart from ridiculous errors from the stupid broken virt-managers in lucid and natty08:28
twb`e.g. apparently natty's v-m goes "oh, you are connecting as chris, I will just add /home/chris on the server, which has a root_squashed /home, as a VM volume.  And then try to scan it all the time"08:29
sorentwb`: When was this kernel update, btw?08:29
twb`Dunno, there's a ticket in LP about it08:29
twb`[Bug 790863] Re: Unable to start lxc container after update to 2.6.32-3208:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 790863 in linux "Unable to start lxc container after update to 2.6.32-32" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79086308:30
sorenOh, a long time agi.08:30
sorenago, even.08:30
twb`qemu/kvm and me are BFFs, tho. I can do ttyS0 and TFTP booting and stuff, /me love.08:32
sorenAnd looking at an architecture diagram of kvm doesn't make me facepalm unlike the equivalent for Xen.08:33
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
twb`Eh, isn't xen designed by the same people that try to use microkernels in the real world?08:33
sorenXen is a microkernel.08:34
twb`There you go then08:34
sorenBut that's hardly the worst of it.08:34
stiv2kis there a program that I can run on my server that will forward ports in my router via uPnP for me? so if I switch it between wireless / wired i dont need to manually change port forwarding settings... etc08:35
twb`About as clever as hurd or ntoskrnl :P08:35
twb`stiv2k: last time I looked, UPNP was basically a big hole that said "exploit me!".  Do you really want that?08:35
stiv2ktwb`: i dont know much about that, can you elaborate08:35
twb`If mean if you're doing port forwarding maybe you want more like SOCKS5 (ssh -D) or something08:36
stiv2ktwb`: its just to make the machine visible from behind a NAT device08:36
stiv2kit happens to have a wireless card and i'd like to make it easier to switch between the two interfaces08:36
twb`Oh one of THOSE.  Is Ubuntu running on the router, or is it some crappy vendor-provided vxworks image?08:36
stiv2kwhile still keeping the machine visible on the net08:37
stiv2kit runs a custom fw08:37
twb`Like OpenWRT?08:37
stiv2ksame idea08:37
twb`Are the wifi and ethernet networks bridged together (on the router)?08:37
stiv2khow to tell?08:37
twb`Pastebin the output of "ip a" and "ip r" for each network08:38
twb`If they're the same range (e.g. 192.168.0/24), then they're bridged08:38
twb`Since you don't know, they probably are08:38
twb`In which case, the easiest solution would just be to make sure you use the same IP address regardless of which interface you're using.08:39
stiv2khold on08:39
stiv2klet me ssh in08:39
twb`Failing that, rather than UPNP you could just ssh into tomato and use a shell script08:39
jamespageDaviey: any chance you could sponsor the MP for bug 852019?08:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 852019 in octopussy "Octopussy not installable due to renamed dependency" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85201908:40
stiv2ktwb`: the router has a lot of interfaces08:40
stiv2kbr0, eth0, eth1, lo, vlan0, vlan108:40
Davieyjamespage: no, because i hate you.08:40
* jamespage is feeling the love this morning :-)08:41
stiv2kvlan1 has my public ip08:41
twb`stiv2k: no, the interfaces on your laptop or whatever08:41
Davieyjamespage: crappy weather for you aswell?08:42
twb`SOmething like http://paste.debian.net/130942/08:42
jamespageDaviey: meh - kinda average here08:42
stiv2ktwb`: wtf is ip a ?08:42
twb`A command.08:42
twb`Like "ifconfig" only not shit08:42
stiv2ktwb`: http://pastebin.com/GWRpJcNm08:43
stiv2ki use wicd to connect to the wireless network08:44
twb`stiv2k: yeah, OK, now check if when you switch to wired, it also gets a 192.168.1/24 address08:44
stiv2ktwb`: it does08:44
twb`OK, so then just make sure you get the same IP on both08:44
stiv2khmm ok08:44
Davieygreat, LP seems OOPsy today :(08:44
twb`Not that the same time; I mean whichever you're on, it is always (say)
stiv2kwhat if the wired connection is plugged in and wireless is still on too?08:44
twb`stiv2k: then it explodes08:45
twb`stiv2k: but it should explode in that case anyway08:45
stiv2kwill the machine become unreachable08:45
stiv2kto anyone08:45
twb`Probably something like RPF will just throw away half the packets08:45
stiv2kwhat is RPF08:45
twb`Short version is: make sure you don't raise both networks at once08:46
stiv2kthere is a wireless switch on the machine08:46
twb`(It *can* be done, but it's a huge pain in the arse and you don't want to do it.)08:46
stiv2ki just need to remember to disable the wireless before plugging in the ethernet08:47
stiv2ki should test it out08:47
stiv2ki imagine it would still destroy all the existing connections08:48
stiv2kmeaning i would get kicked off irc and all my clients would get kicked off too08:49
stiv2kok here we go08:50
twb`stiv2k: or script it to do so08:50
twb`SOmething dirty like this http://paste.debian.net/130943/08:52
stiv2ki'm still here08:55
stiv2kit worked, twb`08:55
stiv2ktwb`: how would i script the system to do that08:56
MarkslapGood day everyone. I'm trying to enable and use IPv6 on my Ubuntu Server 11.04-machine, I've tried to add my IPv6 address to eth0 (I still want to be able to use IPv4) and add the correct route, but nothing seems to work. And this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 article did not help at all, it's just about tunneling.08:56
MarkslapAnd it's on the machine that the problem is, not the network. :)08:56
twb`stiv2k: to do what?08:59
stiv2kyo, wtf09:00
stiv2kevery time i plug in the cat5 cable, it gets a dynamic ip09:01
stiv2ki have to do /etc/init.d/networking restart09:01
stiv2kand THEN it gets the static ip i assigned it09:01
twb`Markslap: you should already have an IPv6 address listed in "ip a", that is autonegotiated a la IPv4's zeroconf09:01
Markslapinet brd scope global eth009:02
Markslapinet6 2a01:4f8:120:14e1::10/64 scope global09:02
phretorhas anyone deployed openstack or eucalyptus on ubuntu yet and want to share thoughts?09:02
MarkslapLike that?09:02
twb`Markslap: well, yes, that's your IPv6 address09:02
stiv2ktwb`: http://stats.stiv2k.info09:02
stiv2ktell me you like my load averages09:03
twb`stiv2k: doesn't work.  You shouldn't be using PHP anyway09:03
stiv2kso its not visible then09:03
stiv2kwhats not working?09:03
twb`stiv2k: I get a response, but there's no load average there.09:03
stiv2kwhat do you see?09:04
Markslaptwb`: Mkay, but when I tell Irssi to use that IP address i just get this error when trying to connect to a IPv6-enabled server: 11:04:21 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server efnet.xs4all.nl port 6667 [No route to host]09:05
stiv2ktwb`: stop being a smart ass09:05
stiv2kyou could have just said "i dont have a browser"09:05
twb`stiv2k: if you expect me to be using a browser with js, or css, or colour, or images, you are wrong.09:05
twb`My browser implements HTML.  That's it.09:05
stiv2kso you can't look at at like... 90% of the internet09:06
twb`It means I have a nice consistent interface and you stupid webdevs can't fuck it up or spam me with ads09:06
twb`stiv2k: yes, the 90% that is where 4chan and youtube and other useless time-wasters hang out09:06
twb`technical and academic resources work just fine09:06
twb`(Except blackboard, but that's retarded.)09:06
stiv2ktwb`: i use youtube for technical and academic resources all the time09:07
ersiNow now, stop quibbling. You got different needs and tastes.09:07
twb`IME there are no technical youtube videos where you can't jsut throw away the video stream09:07
twb`In any case, mplayer can do youtube better than some silly browser09:07
twb`ersi: right.  It's just MY needs are more important :P09:08
stiv2kwhat i was saying earlier was09:08
stiv2kcan i write a script that will bring wlan0 down upon plugging in the ethernet cable09:08
stiv2kor bring wlan0 up upon disconnecting it09:08
twb`stiv2k: on plugging it in, or on DHCP completing?09:08
twb`I showed you how to do the latter09:08
stiv2ki dont use dhcp09:09
twb`The former would go in /etc/network/if-up.d or so09:09
stiv2kotherwise i wouldnt be able to get my port forwards to stay consistent09:09
twb`Sure you woud09:09
twb`Just teach the DHCP server to supply the correct IP09:09
twb`Admittedly that might be hard to make it send the same IP to both09:09
twb`But failing that you could tell your DHCP client to refuse leases that don't match, and to specifically ask for the lease you want09:10
twb`You'd have to make sure you released the lease on the old iface before switching, tho09:10
stiv2ki think im going to finally fall asleep09:12
kim0koolhead11: hey man09:17
koolhead11came to know about this company called system76 they sell hw with only ubuntu as sw on it. :D09:18
koolhead11Daviey: hello09:20
kim0yeah some nice laptops there I guess :)09:21
Davieyhey koolhead1109:23
koolhead11kim0: they are selling servers too man. :D09:25
Davieyrbasak: Fancy reviewing a branch for me please?09:51
rbasakDaviey: sure09:52
Davieyrbasak: it's updating the diff... but https://code.launchpad.net/~davewalker/ubuntu/oneiric/dnsmasq/add_dnsmasq-utils_package/+merge/7598809:53
* rbasak waits09:57
Davieymaybe i borked it by requesting a merge before LP had scanned the branch09:58
koolhead11rbasak: hey10:11
rbasakhey koolhead1110:11
koolhead11how have you been? and is cobbler thing got solved for you?10:12
koolhead11rbasak: am waiting for your blog on same. :D10:14
rbasakI got it working in the end, thanks. There were a few hurdles - remind me of the one you are thinking about?10:14
rbasakWas it the installer not finding the disk and ending up in a loop?10:15
Davieyjamespage: Do you fancy review and if suitable sponsoring, https://code.launchpad.net/~allison/ubuntu/oneiric/backuppc/bug-852484/+merge/75973 ? :)10:24
jamespageDaviey: sure - lemme just finish up what I am working on10:25
Davieyjamespage: no hurry.10:25
jamespageDaviey: ack10:25
rbasakDaviey: should I be testing the build? In principle it looks good to me. What's the purpose of the Conflicts: line, and if to stop it going with a previous version before the new package, then surely it should be against 2.58 and not 2.40?10:41
* rbasak isn't really sure how to go about doing a review here10:42
Davieyrbasak: My assumption was that the contrib script wasn't in <2.40.10:44
Davieyrbasak: Is there anything cosmetic, does it build, does the new binary deb contain files you'd expect?10:45
Davieydoes the damn thing install?10:45
Davieypick a few of the above.10:45
rbasakDaviey: but the contrib scripts are built in the source. What's that got to do with a binary dependency?10:45
DavieyTear me apart. kkthnx10:46
Davieyrbasak: Yes, but i assumed the upstream source of <2.40 didn't include contrib/wrt/dh*10:46
rbasakyeah but why would one need a conflicts for that? A binary built from this source would have them10:47
Davieyrbasak: honestly, i don't know.. perhaps <2.40 produced the same binary?10:47
DavieyNFI, it's a change that came from the debian maintainer.10:48
rbasakI don't suppose it matters10:48
DavieyBut good question, one that i now want to find out.10:48
rbasakThat was the one thing in the diff I didn't understand, that's all10:48
Davieyrbasak: Great, so add a comment to the merge proposal, if you approved it - i'll upload it.  If it turns out to be bad, i'll blame you.. thanks :)10:50
jamespageDaviey: minor version bump with just bug fixes does not need a FFE right?10:50
Davieyjamespage: correct-a-mundo.10:50
jamespagecoolio - lgtm - uploading now10:50
rbasakDaviey: :-)10:50
Davieyjamespage: rocking.10:50
rbasakDaviey: I need to do a build test first though10:50
Davieyjamespage: I raised the "Please Merge" bug and put that as a comment :P10:50
jamespagemissed that comment10:51
jamespageDaviey: gah - not in the ubuntu-server packageset!10:52
nijabasmile of the day http://www.datamation.com/news/tech-comics-finding-a-job-in-the-cloud-computing-era-1.html11:02
koolhead11nijaba: sysadmins will get it all if amazon goes for toss!! :D11:07
Davieyjamespage: rly?!11:10
Davieyjamespage: I was sure it was :/11:10
Davieynijaba: heh11:11
jamespageDaviey: backuppc_3.2.1-1ubuntu1_source.changes rejected11:12
jamespagequack quack oooppps11:12
jamespagenormally check before I upload but not today :-)11:12
Davieyrbasak: You'll notice that i didn't include the manpages as a patch.  That package doesn't have a patching system, and i was hessitant to introduce one.  So i included the mangpages directly.  The other thing i could have done, was put them in debian/ .. but I wanted to align as close to possible to the Debian package for easier future merge/syncing.11:12
Davieyjamespage: yeah, it looks like a package we subscribe to for bug triage, but not in the damn package set.11:13
Davieyjamespage: hurry up and get coredev :)11:13
jamespageDaviey: thats not fixing the problem tho11:13
jamespagethere are quite a few I expected to be in the package-set which are not11:13
jamespageI know that I'm currently the only 'just' ubuntu-server-dev11:14
jamespagebut I expect there to be more in the next 6 months11:14
Davieyjamespage: This is a problem. :(11:14
sorenjamespage: Do you have a list?11:14
Davieysoren: of the packageset?11:14
sorenOf the delta between the packageset and the subscribed packages.11:14
sorenIt shouldn't be a big deal to sort that out.11:15
jamespagesoren: I don't but I could generate one11:15
Davieysoren: I do have a script i wrote to compare.11:15
jamespagein which case I won't :-)11:16
sorenDaviey: so why is there still a delta? :)11:16
sorenThis must have been a point of discussion before (otherwise why did you write that script?).11:16
Davieysoren: The script was actually to produce the report, which is based on all packages in both the subscribed and packageset.. measuring the delta came as a freebie.11:17
sorenWho signs off of additions to the packageset?11:17
Davieyjamespage: at least you can upload gimp.11:17
sorenI forget.11:17
jamespageI'm always doing that11:18
Davieysoren: technically the TB, but i think cjwatson can throw stuff on there that is logical.11:18
Davieyhmm, perhaps even the DMB.11:18
Davieyego, it;s not clear.11:18
sorenThat's what I thought.11:19
jamespageCan't we add them to some sort of seed that gets them in the right packageset (think I asked this question on -devel)11:19
Davieyjamespage: Yeah, i think that is the expectation.11:19
DavieyHowever, not all packages in the packageset should be seeded.11:20
cjwatsonthe ubuntu-server package set is constructed only of seeded packages11:20
Davieycjwatson: You don't think Server developers should have upload access to things like asterisk (universe)?11:20
cjwatsonI think (a) you should get it into main if your team is interested in maintaining it (b) I don't see why qualified server developers can't get MOTU11:20
sorenjamespage: Why can you upload gimp, by the way?11:21
Davieysoren: we seed one of it's binary packages.11:21
sorenErm. ok.11:21
DavieyGUI-less image manipulation, think for PHP11:22
* soren needs lunch11:22
jamespagethat sounds like a good idea11:22
jamespageDaviey: BTW eucalyptus-commons-ext now builds from source again11:23
jamespageboy did that package make me feel dirty :-)11:23
Davieycjwatson: I agree, but it doesn't exactly make the packageset useful if you really need to have MOTU aswell.11:23
Davieyjamespage: \o/11:23
cjwatsonI'm not happy with maintaining an arbitrarily extensible package list that has to be maintained by manual requests to me11:23
cjwatsonthat sucks11:23
rbasakDaviey: yeah the package doesn't really have anything does it? :)11:24
cjwatsonif you have broad enough capabilities to contribute to a wide range of packages in universe, get MOTU11:24
Davieycjwatson: Can it not also be linked to the packages the team subscribe to?11:24
cjwatsonfar too little access control on subscribing a team to things11:24
cjwatsonI'm not at all happy with using that to grant upload access11:24
cjwatsonI want an audit trail11:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #853791 in chkrootkit (main) "chkutmp assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: ./chkutmp terminated (dup-of: 623144)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85379111:26
Davieycjwatson: IMHO ~ubuntu-server should not just be looking after things in main.  ubuntu-server not having upload access to the things we claim to look after, feels wrong.11:27
cjwatsonit might be possible to construct an "interested" seed or something which is not considered for promotion to main11:27
DavieyEspecially as we want to try and grow contributors.11:27
Davieycjwatson: that sounds ideal11:28
cjwatsonthe Ubuntu project as a whole wants to grow contributors11:28
cjwatsonI'd quite frankly be much happier with people targeting this kind of breadth going through the MOTU -> core-dev chain11:28
Davieycjwatson: Other corners of the project are not suffering from lack of contributors as we are.11:28
cjwatsonrather than being siloed off into ubuntu-server-dev11:28
cjwatsonjamespage is a classic example of somebody who historically would've had no problem with that11:29
DavieyWell yes, but PPU's etc was created purely to give granular access.. when really, we are going to find that there is a subset of stuff people do not have access to.11:30
cjwatson(PPU is different, let's not conflate)11:31
DavieyIn the current form, the packageset serves little purpose - other than a trial to make sure people do not mess up too badly, before going for broader sets.11:31
cjwatsonthe problem is that server covers such a wide range of stuff11:31
cjwatsonhonestly I'm not sure it's focused enough for a packageset, under the terms you want to apply11:31
Davieycjwatson: Do you think it would be better to just drop it, and try to mentor people into MOTU->CoreDev?11:32
cjwatsonI don't see it being significantly easier to demonstrate competence across such a package set than it would be to demonstrate competence across the archive11:32
cjwatsonI think it's useful for your team to be able to directly maintain the product you release; it's when it starts drifting out into universe without any obvious limit that I start getting itchy11:34
cjwatson(FWIW I say the same thing to desktop people when they ask for universe packages to be added to their package set)11:34
DavieyYeah, there are a bunch of openstack packages that will be in Universe this cycle, which is really part of the server product - but not quite the same promise of security or stability, hence not pushing for main.11:35
cjwatsonhonestly that kind of thing sounds like it should be part of a specific cloud package set to me11:35
Davieycjwatson: Well as it stands, cloud and server is one product.11:36
cjwatsonI want to keep the automatically-maintained-from-seeds package sets strictly separate from the manually-maintained ones (which isn't to say that they can't have the same access control)11:36
cjwatsonit gets completely unmanageable otherwise11:36
cjwatsonbut manually-maintained sets do exist11:36
DavieyHalf of me is tempted to propose a UDS session for this, the other part wants this to just go away so we can get stuff done. :/11:37
cjwatsonit's just a matter of defining sensible parameters for them and asking the DMB to authorise it11:37
cjwatsonthe "just go away" option is to mentor staff through MOTU/core-dev so that none of it is an issue ...11:37
cjwatsonI probably should have said "developers"11:37
sorenjamespage: eucalyptus-commons-ext? I thought the Eucalyptoids had assumed responsibility for the whole stack?11:46
jamespagesoren: me to11:47
jamespageworking through FTBFS's11:47
Davieysoren: Oh they have.. but the contributions haven't been what we hoped.11:56
DavieyI was convinced until last week that Euca in Oneiric wouldn't work, and natty users wouldn't have an upgrade path.11:56
DavieyWell they would.. but it would be upgrade to disaster.11:57
sorenDaviey: Then you sprinkled a bit of pixie dust^W^W^W^W^Wput jamespage on the case?11:57
jamespagewell TBH it still does not work11:59
DavieyClint drove the upstream patch into Oneiric.. James Page fixed a few other things, and smoser did the dance.11:59
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
Davieyjdstrand: IIUC bug 801299 is waiting for a decision from the security team if not using SSL by default is acceptable?12:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 801299 in glance "[MIR]glance" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80129912:13
jamespageDaviey: might be our euca issue - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=66313612:14
uvirtbotbugzilla.redhat.com bug 663136 in bouncycastle "bouncycastle 1.45 incompatible with openssl 1.0." [Medium,Closed: errata]12:15
jamespagewe use 1.44 in Ubuntu12:15
smoserDaviey, i now realize your "multiboot loading" message did in fact come from the "multiboot support" that I added to Eucalyptus.12:18
smoserThe context of Eucalyptus threw me for  aloop as I didn't know how you would have hit that code in openstack12:18
smoser(or anywhere else)12:18
Davieyahhhhhhhhh bouncycastle!12:19
Davieysmoser: no, that pastebin was against nova..12:19
smoserhm... well then maybe i'm wrong about where the msg came from.12:19
Davieyaltohugh, i suspect i might have been using your loader that was targeted for openstack12:19
Daviey(i was using some old scripts.)12:19
smoseras you most certainly should not hit that code path there.12:20
Davieys/targeted for openstack/targeted for euca/12:20
Davieyjamespage: you think we need that patch?12:21
Davieyjamespage: best not spend much longer investigating this.. post your findings to a bug, and invite upstream comment.12:21
jamespageDaviey: OK - I was just trying to hack a later version in but it appears to have made no differenc12:22
jamespageDaviey: updated bug 85161112:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 851611 in eucalyptus "Oneiric: Upgrade to 2.0.1+bzr1256 blocks" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85161112:26
Davieyjamespage: rocking12:32
DavieySpamapS: When you are alive, could you look at Ben's MP on bug 831628?  Seemed you were close to it.13:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 831628 in squid "squid upstart script doesn't check for filesystems" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83162813:08
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
kirklandDanaG: is that oops reproducible?  ie, does it happen every time you detach a serial console from byobu?13:23
kim0hmm, trying to get a KVM VM to PXE boot, it's not even trying to DHCP13:34
kim0I could almost sware I did that before13:34
kim0does that not work?13:34
sorenIT should.13:34
kim0Virt manager says "Network selection does not support PXE" besides a little red warning icon .. which is weird!13:35
kim0I'm using an isolated network, coz the other server is doing the PXE stuff13:35
zulyou have the boot roms installed right?13:36
zulin this case kvm-pxe13:37
kim0wasn't yay!13:37
kim0zul: thanks :)13:37
kim0alright my testing orchestra env working13:38
kim0hmm, I didn't use cobbler add, just PXE booted the VM, wonder what exactly is it loading :)13:39
kim0it's maxing the cpu as well13:39
m_tadeuhi everyone...I'm trying to send mails with postfix+opendkim. my problem now is that mail that I send to hotmail goes to the junk box13:48
m_tadeuanalysing the headers a bit, I see a "sender-id=temperror". any idea what this means?13:49
zulDaviey: can you review a branch for me? https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/glance/glance-add-group/+merge/7603613:49
kim0the loading of pxelinux.0 is super slow (5 dots till now, each dot taking like 1 min) normal ?13:50
Davieyzul: no purge target?13:54
zulDaviey: point taken13:54
ivoksm_tadeu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix/DKIM13:57
DanaGkirkland: I'll have to check that serial console oops again, this evening.14:20
kirklandDanaG: thanks!  i'd be much obliged14:22
DanaGNow, my Microserver has a jumper (that I added a button to), that'll inject an NMI into the system.  Should be useful, if I can figure out how to make that trigger a crashdump.14:22
kirklandDanaG: i've never tried byobu on a serial link14:22
klaasis it possible that fdisk causes problems with the partition table of 2tb drives?14:22
DanaGkirkland: Seems to work well as long as you avoid having things (like the clock) that update frequently.14:23
kirklandDanaG: interesting;  i should add that to the byobu manpage, then14:23
DanaGI also seem to have to manually "eval resize" (no baxktixk on iPhone keyboard) from outside the console.14:24
DanaGHah, and it didn't autocorrect "backtick" typo.14:24
DanaGI just wish HP had enabled the serial-over-LAN feature the chip on the remote-access card supports.14:28
DanaGActually, ncurses apps are sometimes odd on serial console.14:28
DanaGI've seen aptitude just plain hang forever, before showing anything.14:29
jamespageDaviey: does the asterisk merge need a FFE?14:29
DanaGAnd same is true with byobu, I think.  Sometimes I have to start it elsewhere, then reattach from console.14:30
dori922im after posting a thread(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11265788#post11265788), if anyone can help <314:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #853908 in m2crypto (main) "urllib.urlopen patch causes reading beyond last byte of https responses to take unreasonably long" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85390814:36
kirklandDanaG: interesting;  tell you what ... if you add a few notes in a byobu bug about using byobu + serial, i'll consolidate them and add them to the manpage14:38
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DanaGkirkland: I can do that, though I may have to do it another evening when I have more time.14:40
kirklandDanaG: sure, no worries, no rush ;-)14:40
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tdnI recently helled a party (wedding) with lots of guests taking pictures that they would like me to have. What software exists that I can apt-get install that allows my (non-computer savvy) guests to give me a copy of their pictures? I have a server that is on a public IP. Guests are probably using Mac and Windows.14:42
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
genii-aroundtdn: Perhaps zoph ... although I have not used this myself, it looks promising14:53
jamespagetdn: try gallery2 - I've not used it in a while but it used to be pretty good14:54
tdnThese two projects looks like web galleries. How do they help my guests send/upload me some files?14:55
sms_http://blog.zioup.org//2008/iptables_recent/ I'm trying to do this, but I get sudo iptables -A INPUT  -t filter -i $OUTS -j DROP -m recent --set --name badguys -->  Bad argument `DROP'14:57
genii-aroundtdn: eg: You put some generic guest account which allows them to upload the wedding photos, give them the URL and password14:57
tdngenii-around, can I be sure that gallery will not touch the files? I.e. make a lossy compression,etc.? Some of this is RAW data that I would like to keep.14:58
cloakableftp server with upload only for anonymous accounts? Windows will deal with FTP links automatically.15:01
tdnIf the users were savvy enough to know about FTP I would not have this problem. I think it must be web based.15:01
cloakablethey don't need to know about ftp15:02
cloakableJust give them an ftp link and windows explorer will do everything else15:03
tdncloakable, if that works it is nice. However, last I checked, Windows Explorer will not let you upload -- only download via FTP.15:03
tdnSame with Firefox.15:03
cloakabletdn: http://allwebco-templates.com/support/S_FTP_Windows.htm15:05
cloakablecan upload15:05
tdncloakable, thanks.15:05
tdnWill try it.15:05
rbasakDaviey: Won't your solution to bug 832507 cause all instances to share the same console.log, or am I missing something?15:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 832507 in nova "console.log grows indefinitely" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83250715:05
cloakableWell, handing a ftp://yourserver to your guests is pretty simple :)15:06
rbasakDaviey: never mind: "You can create as many devices as you like. Internally, emlog uses the file's inode and device numbers to identify the buffer to which the file refers. "15:07
lynxmanmorning fellas o/16:10
Doonzhey guys, i have a vps that i would like to use as a http/https proxy. can anyone recommend a guide i could follow on setting this up . the guides all deal with if the proxy server is onyour local network. I would like to do this with the proxy server being external16:36
dori922im after posting a thread(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11265788#post11265788), if anyone can help <316:38
SpamapSDoonz: whats the purpose of the proxy?16:40
=== lullabud is now known as warzauwynn
Davieyrbasak: my solution for emlog cannot really be merged.  I thought we had a new plan that you were driving?16:55
rbasakDaviey: Yes, working on it now.16:55
Davieyjamespage: the asterisk merge seemed to be a bug fix only release?16:56
jamespageDaviey: yes16:56
Davieyrbasak: awesome.. how close is it looking?16:56
Davieyttx: What is the cut off for bug fixes in diablo?16:56
Davieyttx: Will diablo have a -fixes (post release) branch?16:57
rbasakDaviey: Not very close yet. I have a plan which is mostly complete. I haven't yet figured out how to manage the lifetime of the fifo reader16:58
Davieyrbasak: the scheduled task?16:58
rbasakDaviey: yeah - actually I think I can implement a better fifo reader without difficulty, but with either that or the scheduled task I need to know where to hook in to start and cancel the task16:59
rbasak(I haven't finished digging through the nova code to my satisfaction yet)17:00
DoonzSpamapS: bypassing geoblocking17:01
SpamapSttx: while we're discussing Diablo.. will bug 838419 be included? Its rather important to us. :)17:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838419 in nova "nova-compute crashes when applying a security group rule" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83841917:02
SpamapSDoonz: in that case you probably just need to configure it to require some kind of authentication.17:03
Davieyrbasak: I might be badly advising you, but nova/scheduler/zone_manager.py seems to be an example of a schduled task.17:04
Davieyi'm sure soren will take pleasure in correcting me, if I  am wrong :)17:04
rbasakYeah I understand how to start and stop a scheduled task, and in fact I think rather than polling I know how to make it evented having looked at the eventlet docs. What I don't know yet is where to set up the task/thread and where to tear it down, since it's a per-instance thing17:05
koolhead17hi all17:12
Davieylynxman: what is the status of bug 653405?17:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 653405 in rabbitmq-server "rabbitmq-server fails to start if hostname is unresolvable or has changed since first starting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65340517:23
Davieyrbasak: seems you have it in hand!17:24
lynxmanDaviey: supposedly it should have been resolved by fixing the bug in Erlang or upgrading to a new version17:24
lynxmanDaviey: so we've been just avoiding the bug by going around it, no direct solution is desirable since the hostname is also used for the db filesystem structure17:24
SpamapSI thought we updated erlang17:25
rbasakDaviey: I'll figure it out. I'm not confident I'll have it in time for beta 2 though17:25
SpamapSIn fact, I updated erlang17:26
Davieyrbasak: It's not urgent for beta 2.. but on the other hand, that is when openstack releases!  So i am trying to find out if openstack will support a -fixes branch, or if we'll have to distro-patch it.17:26
rbasakDaviey: Incidentally, today I discovered that this will be a nova+libvirt -specific fix. Although I think you might already know this. Some of the other drivers (eg. vmware) do other stuff.17:28
Davieyrbasak: yeah, i don't care about that :P17:29
SpamapSlynxman: I commented in the bug.. it should be "fixed" according to upstream which says that rabbit 2.2.0 and later, + erlang R14B, should solve the reported issue(s).17:30
lynxmanSpamapS: agreed, that's why it's hanging there and we're just going around it17:33
koolhead17hey all18:01
lynxmanhey koolhead17 o/18:21
koolhead17lynxman: hello18:22
ttxDaviey: tomorrow, and "no"19:39
robbiewSpamapS: call time?20:01
SpamapSrobbiew: si20:04
zuljdstrand: so glance and doesnt look like is going to have ssl supported in oneiric but it looks like it going to be in oneiric+1 can we treat it the same as nova?20:12
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koolhead17zul: is openstack-dashboard going to be a pkg on diablo/ oneiric this time?20:17
zulkoolhead17: im trying20:18
koolhead17am thinking of trying it with source as i did in cactus, need to get it tested. Is it still stuck because of same bug?20:19
koolhead17zul: now in diablo everything is changed i heard, keystone API and stuff20:20
zulkoolhead17: pretty much..20:22
koolhead17zul: so is it still stuck because of that python bug i remember.20:22
koolhead17Daviey: hey20:22
zulkoolhead17: what dashboard?20:23
zulill try20:24
jdstrandzul: I need to review it more closely20:33
zuljdstrand: k20:34
dioxinI'm trying to get DHCP to function in Ubuntu but the package doesnt seem to install correctly20:49
lickalottexplain "doesn't seem to install correctly"20:52
dioxinsorry I think I resolved it.... the default dhcp installed is isc-dhcp-server, not dhcp3-server20:53
dioxinI was trying to follow directions for a different ubuntu version and expecting it not to have changed much20:53
bfreisI have some trouble with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I've managed to setup a cloud, but after a while, one of the node controllers won't work anymore. The "euca-describe-availability-zones verbose" command will show less resources available than the total (the difference correspond exactly to 1 node being down). In the logs, cc.log shows that the node controller didn't respond some requests, and in the node controller's axis2c.log I see "invalid20:58
bfreis timest amp" problems. I've already installed and correctly configured NTP on the cloud controller and the node controllers, the time is perfectly synchronized. Still, I get these errors! I've googled for many hours, but no solution beyond "install ntp" has been proposed. Any ideas?20:58
bfreisAfter booting the machine, everything goes back to normal21:04
SpamapSwow.. the upstart jobs for eucalyptus are really.. really impossibly complicated21:09
SpamapSbfreis: are you sure ntp is working?21:10
bfreisSpamapS, ntpq -c peer on the NCs will show a very tiny offset21:11
bfreisSpamapS, (right now it shows 0.084 us)21:12
SpamapSbfreis: and still getting invalid timestamps? hrm21:12
bfreisI've just rebooted the machine, now it works21:13
bfreisbut after a while, the problem will come back21:13
bfreisI've checked other logs (syslog, dmesg, among many others) to see if there's something happening at the moment when the timestamp problem starts, but there's nothing!21:13
bfreisit's getting worse. Less then 5 minutes after boot it stopped working again!21:14
bfreis"rampart_timestamp_token.c(179) [rampart]Timestamp not valid: Created time is not valid"21:15
SpamapSbfreis: is it possible that there is data causing the issue, not the current time?21:15
bfreisSpamapS, hmm, I'm not sure I understand what you mean21:16
bfreisThe error specifically says "Timestamp not valid: Created time is not valid", and there's nothing running on the NCs. I've just installed them from the CD21:17
bfreisActually, the steps I did were: I installed the cloud controller / cluster controller / ... on one machine, then apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, and reboot.21:17
bfreisbefore the reboot I installed ntp21:18
bfreisThen I did exactly the saame thing for the NCs21:18
bfreisit's a clean, up to date installation21:18
SpamapSbfreis: have you tried stopping the ntp service and actually running 'ntpdate ip.of.other.box' ?21:24
SpamapSbfreis: I know its only getting skewed after 5 minutes.. just wondering if its something weird with even small deviations21:25
bfreisI've just did it, it says "adjust time server offset 0.029159 sec", but the problem is still there21:25
bfreisIs there any difference between running ntp (configured to use the other server) and ntpdate ?21:25
SpamapSyes, ntpd will never repeat a second21:26
SpamapSor sorry21:26
SpamapSwill never skip a second, it just shortens/lengthens them21:26
SpamapSso it can take a *long* time to cross even short distances21:26
SpamapSntpdate shoves the time in21:26
bfreisoh, it's working now21:26
bfreisstrange, very strange21:26
bfreisdo you have an idea of the maximum acceptable offset?21:27
bfreisntpdate said it corrected something around 20ms! it's nothing!21:27
SpamapSNo, but that would be a bug if it was less than 0.089us ;)21:27
SpamapSIt *might* be that one side is only allowed to be behind or ahead21:27
SpamapSwhich would be stupid21:27
bfreisactually, I think it is exactly that21:28
SpamapSif so..21:28
bfreisntpq -c peer21:28
bfreison one node (the one that was not working) was showing "+" (or "-", can't remember)21:28
bfreisthe other, was showing the opposite offset21:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #574244 in etckeeper (main) "etckeeper hook breaks upgrade with "Argument list too long"" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57424421:29
bfreisNow I see: the NC that works shows a negative offset with respect to the cloud controller. The other one shows a positive offset21:29
bfreis(both around tens of microsseconds, nothing that is)21:29
bfreisIs there a way to tell NTP to sync to an offset of the reference server?21:31
SpamapSI'd bet there's an open bug about this already21:31
SpamapSbfreis: that I don't know, but you could of course just cron ntpdate rather than use ntpd21:34
SpamapSbfreis: still this sounds a little *crazy*21:34
SpamapSbfreis: an offset of us is not a real enough offset given network latencies and the like.. it should be tolerant of many ms of offset either way21:34
bfreistake a look here: http://wso2.org/project/wsf/php/1.1.0/docs/code-coverage/rampartc/src/util/.libs/rampart_timestamp_token.c.gcov.html21:35
bfreisline 14621:35
bfreisa comment says: Check whether created is less than current time or not21:35
SpamapSthat sux ;)21:36
bfreismaybe that is the problem, it can be late, but not in the future21:36
bfreis(or the other way round, it's just too confusing! lol)21:36
bfreisI have no idea if this code is up to date, but is the only I could find googling for 5 seconds21:37
lynxmanDaviey: ping21:37
SpamapSbut really.. those are char fields..21:37
SpamapSso they are probably carrying too much precision21:38
bfreiscrap, it stopped working again21:41
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bfreisWell, the problem is really the time, that tiny positive deviation21:43
bfreisI have no idea what to do!21:43
bfreisWhat I'd really like to do is to comment out that code that checks for deviation :D21:43
bfreisWhere would be the better place to report this? Ubuntu? Eucalyptus?21:45
SpamapSbfreis: I think thats part of axis2c but I'm not sure21:56
SpamapSor maybe part of rampart?21:56
Davieylynxman: hey21:56
SpamapSbfreis: yeah looks like rampart21:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #686625 in asterisk "attended transfer does not work in 10.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68662521:58
SpamapSbfreis: are you maybe hitting this: http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/EucalyptusKnownBugs_v1.5.221:59
lynxmanDaviey: hey, one question, would you help me out if I had questions about merging puppet to 2.7.3? We're slightly behind debian and would like to try to make it for oneiric21:59
bfreisSpamapS, no...21:59
bfreisSpamapS, acutally, when I see that error (which is not an error according to many sources on the net), it is when everything works!21:59
SpamapSOh.. doh22:00
SpamapSbfreis: its possible that the euca tools are sending a timestamp that is too accurate too.. not sure really.22:01
SpamapSbfreis: anyway, you can probably patch it out of rampart.. but I don't know if its a good idea, they put that validation in for a reason :p22:01
Davieylynxman: can you check out the final freeze exception process?  Check the debian and upstream changelog delta, and try to do an analysis of what gain we get.22:02
bfreisdamn! now the other NC has a positive offset, and is down!22:02
lynxmanDaviey: final freeze isn't until nex tweek right?22:02
bfreisHow can people live with these problems?!22:03
bfreisUnless I find a way to tell ntp or ntpdate to set the time to some negative offset of the reference time, my cloud won't work!22:03
Davieylynxman: well, as each day passes - the test it has to pass to be approved gets harder.22:03
lynxmanDaviey: I like a challenge :)22:05
SpamapSutlemming: wow you've been a machine today working on those runlevel1 bugs. :)22:07
JoeCoderHello.  I have this (https://gist.github.com/9268ef1dcd5875c025be) saved to /etc/iptables.rules.  I rebooted my server and ran iptables--list , but nothing is listed.22:08
JoeCoderI think I am missing a step?22:08
lynxmanDaviey: I'll try to get that merge proposal by today, to avoid running last minute22:08
utlemmingSpamapS: yeah, low hanging fruit that is easy22:08
Davieylynxman: well do the groundwork first to see if it is viable.22:09
DavieyWould be a shame to do the merge for it to be nacked.22:09
lynxmanDaviey: yeah of course, no worries :)22:09
DavieySpamapS: btw, i tried your redshift debdiff.. it was kinda sneaky, having unrepresented binary changes..22:10
Davieyie, make sure you don't base an upload on the debdiff.22:10
SpamapSDaviey: huh?22:10
Daviey*THE* reason i opened a debian bug to get them to update to the new upstream version was the geoclue support, and they failed to enable it.. oh joy.22:10
JoeCoderwhat is the recommended way to load an iptables config file when the system starts?22:11
SpamapSDaviey: Oh the debdiff. yeah I should have done a branch instead since it was an upstream release.22:11
SpamapSDaviey: that debdiff was a result of bzr merge-upstream .. and its just been uploaded actually. ;)22:11
DavieySpamapS: well that isn't a big deal, but the translations are treated as binary files - making a debdiff suck.. grep for "Binary files" :/22:12
SpamapSDaviey: redshift suddenly not working anymore, and me forgetting about it, probably cost me 10 sleepless nights. :-/22:12
DavieyYeah, i'm glad to have red burning my retina again :)22:13
SpamapSDaviey: right, the debdiff was just me following FFE process. I did the changes in bzr branches, and the translations are properly included..  I think.22:13
patdk-lapjoecoder, isn't that a rhel/centos thing?22:13
Davieywell if debuild didn't report 'upstream changes should have used a patch' then you are good.22:13
JoeCoderpatdk-lap:  I don't know.  I just want to enable a firewall.22:14
patdk-lapiptables-persistent - Simple package to set up iptables on boot22:14
JoeCoderthanks.  I'll check it out22:15
patdk-lapubuntu normally uses ufw? but it kindof has it's own language22:16
JoeCoderare you talking about the language for the iptables.rules file?22:16
patdk-lapit's slightly more advanced than iptables.rules, but not much22:16
JoeCoderI had used this as a template:  http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/index.php/Sample_iptables_ruleset22:17
JoeCoderwill this format not work for ubuntu?22:18
patdk-lapit's plain iptables22:18
JoeCoderis it supposed to be plain iptables?22:18
patdk-lapplain iptables can be a pain to work with though, after you get a few thousand lines22:18
patdk-lapfor iptables to use it, yes22:19
patdk-lapfor ufw, no22:19
JoeCoderI don't plan on adding any more than I have?22:19
JoeCoderWhy would it need several thousand lines?22:19
patdk-lapto control traffic between networks?22:19
patdk-lapI have like 13 interfaces on that box22:20
JoeCoderI have one box with a public and private network.22:20
JoeCodereth0 and eth1.  I didn't plan on adding any firewall rules to eth1.22:20
JoeCoderapt-get install iptables-persistent22:22
JoeCoderafter doing this there is no man entry for it, and no binary with this name.22:22
JoeCoderI'm having trouble finding documentation.22:22
JoeCoderperhaps it automatically keeps the current rules after a reboot?22:23
patdk-lapgoogle seems to work pretty good22:24
JoeCoderI read that and still didn't understand how to use it.22:24
JoeCoderI put the config script at teh bottom in /etc/init.d/iptables-persistent?22:25
JoeCoderthere seems to already be a completely different script at that location.22:25
JoeCoderand it looks like that one loads from /etc/iptables/rules , so I'll put my config file there and reboot to see what happens.22:26
JoeCoderstill no luck.  my iptables --list is empty22:28
JoeCoderubuntu doesn't allow empty lines in the config file.  Removing those has fixed it and now persistence works.22:31
lynxmansmoser: ping22:42
hazmatsmoser, is the fix for bug 845155 in the openstack oneiric packages?22:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 845155 in nova "instance launched without key has incorrect metadata" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84515522:42
lynxmansmoser: Concerning bug #845155 do you know if this is merged in the oneiric packages?22:42
lynxmanhazmat: jinx :D22:42
hazmatlynxman, :-)22:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #571271 in cloud-init (main) "uec images should wait longer for metadata service" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57127123:50

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