
yurchorHi! There are two templates for gdb in 11.10. Is this intended?08:36
kelemengaboryurchor: I suppose it isn't08:37
yurchorkelemengabor: Thanks. :)08:37
kelemengaborthis crash package is interesting, it contains a full tarball of gdb in its tree: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/crash/oneiric/files08:41
kelemengaborand not even the same version as the standalone gdb08:42
yurchorbabushka doll with surprise ;)08:42
kelemengabordpm_: any news on the langpacks? I see no updates since 090508:50
dpm_kelemengabor, no, I'll have to talk with the LP guys, the last langpack seemed to fail too :/08:51
kelemengaborthat's a pity :(08:52
kelemengaborthis crash package doesn't seem like supporting i18n, I'm disabling its gdb template08:55
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