
AlanBellmorning all07:29
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Morning. It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Arrr! :)07:30
TheOpenSourcererArr Harr!07:42
TheOpenSourcererJust been trying to grope my wife before she heads off to work. But she was not impressed.07:42
AlanBellhttp://www.pirateparty.org.uk/press/releases/2011/sep/18/Pirate-Party-German-Scores-Historic-Win/ germany is prepared for boarding07:52
jpdsAlanBell: Considering the amount of music they were blastly out, I'm not surprised.07:54
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:00
oimon"pirate" is a poor choice of name for a party IMO08:16
danfishAvast ye scurvy dogs <- (good morning in piratese)08:21
brobostigonmorning danfish08:22
danfishmy arduino/zoneminder on ubuntu fox repelling system will be constructed tomorrow :)08:25
MartijnVdSso.. apt-get purge firefox then?08:26
GreenDanceMorning All08:32
GreenDanceyou know the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, is it illegal to bundle that into an ubuntu-respin?08:33
AlanBelldepending on jurisdictions, and whether you pay the patent royalties each time you distribute it, maybe08:35
GreenDance@ AlanBell : I can't remember which ubuntu-respin it is, but one of them include it in the default-install08:36
AlanBelllinux mint for a start08:36
GreenDancecan't they get sued?08:37
AlanBellI think they are taking the strategy of having no assets and not being worth suing08:37
AlanBellbut I don't pay much attention to mint08:38
oimonlinux mint offer 2 downloads: 1 for non USA/Japan/Magazines and dsitributors, and one for the rest of us without silly software patent laws08:38
oimon"A version which fits on a CD, without multimedia support and extra applications. For magazines, companies and distributors in the USA, Japan and countries where the legislation allows patents to apply to software and distribution of restricted technologies may require the acquisition of 3rd party licenses."08:38
AlanBellyeah, so magazines and distributors don't want to accidentally be liable for royalties08:39
GreenDance@ AlanBell : would a loop-hole not be, on the desktop to have a link which if activated installs the extras?08:40
diploMorning all08:40
AlanBellGreenDance: or a checkbox in the installer, which there is.08:40
GreenDanceis that a legal loop-hole?08:41
AlanBellask a lawyer08:41
GreenDancetheir expensive, lol08:41
danfishMartijnVdS: if only it were that simple!08:42
oimonGreenDance: is your question hypothetical or is there a more detailed scenario which would help your question?08:42
AlanBellCanonical are clearly comfortable with it08:42
AlanBelland I know their lawyer08:42
GreenDanceoimon, it's hypothetical08:43
GreenDance@ AlanBell : Canonical are comfortable with what...?08:43
daubersMorning :)08:44
GreenDanceMorning daubers08:45
GreenDancewhat did you mean AlanBell ?08:45
oimoncan anyone recommend good cable tidy that i can buy over the net? i've been tasked with getting some08:45
oimoni think there's probably a better word pair than "cable tidy"08:46
AlanBellGreenDance: they are comfortable with the legality of the checkbox on the installer08:50
JamesTaitMorning all!08:51
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czajkowskijob is based in the UK09:01
oimondoes anyone actually know what jboss is?09:10
directhexoimon, a crappy java application server09:27
directhexfor Enterprise(tm) java server apps09:27
popeySomeone has just handed me an HP Touchpad to play with09:41
popeyHow do you tell it about proxies.09:41
popeyoh god its painful to work via a proxy09:43
Laneywoe is the life of a proxy user09:52
Laneypretty sure banshee/tomboy will regress in oneiric due to the proxy settings moving to gsettings09:52
MartijnVdSand chrom(e|ium)09:53
Laneydon't think firefox supports the system settings either09:53
MartijnVdSBanshee is regressing anyway because it crashes during apt-get upgrade(!)09:53
davmor2morning all10:04
davmor2MooDoo: you online yet?10:04
biomorphHi all...   I am having problems that file volumes are being set in error because the filesystem and database file sizes are different.10:46
biomorphShould bscan fix this for me?  It doesn't seem to update the database.10:46
=== bigcalm[revo] is now known as bigcalm
biomorphOK - it looks like I need to do update volume from bconsole, but I can't find which argument to pass to the command.11:14
biomorphGrrrr....   Sorry all.  Wrong channel.11:28
kirrusVery quiet here today. Busy monday?11:41
kirrus<whisper> exams? </whisper> :P11:42
oimonlots of freshers on campus today. 80s fashion is getting more extreme12:22
biomorphOK - I've got a really dumb question.  I want to start script "b" from script "a" and then continue running script "a"12:29
biomorphIn script a I have a line "/pathto/b &"12:30
biomorphBut script a goes into zombie state and never exits.12:30
biomorphI've also tried "nohup /pathto/b &" same result.12:31
oimon why do yuo have the "&" ?12:32
biomorphoimon: to put it in the background.  I want script b to continue running after a has exited.12:35
oimonah, i misundertood your original statment12:35
czajkowskihttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1257/detail/ drinks on thursday if anyone is about12:36
biomorphSorry - I'm not being as clear as I could be.  Really feel I'm missing a basic concept of unix here that I should know.12:37
AlanBellI am pretty useless with bash stuff, does the output need to be piped to /dev/null to stop it waiting for a return value or something maybe?12:38
hamitronbiomorph, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup#Overcoming_hanging12:40
biomorphAlanBell: hamitron:  Thanks guys, I think it is to do with piping stuff.12:51
davmor2MooDoo: prod12:59
davmor2czajkowski: prod just cause I don't want you feeling left out13:00
AlanBellisn't it sweet how much davmor2 is missing MooDoo13:03
* czajkowski pours a bucket of ice cold water over davmor2 13:04
davmor2AlanBell: I only want to congratulate him properly13:08
biomorphok "sh /pathto/b &" seems to work fine.  I'm just embarrassed I've never done it before.13:17
czajkowskihttp://www.theranktank.com/ funky14:54
oimonthe spotify play limit doesn't get reset each month :(15:12
oimonlisten to a song five times and that's it.15:13
kirrusThought it did.. is it 31 days after you last listened to something? Not that I'd know, I started paying ages ago15:14
oimonkirrus: play count definitely hasn't been reset, although my hours have.15:18
oimonmy behaviour is usually: listen to album 5-10 times on spotify, then buy15:18
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kirrusoimon: could well be a bug. Worth emailing them?15:22
oimon"Once a track has been played five times, it will become unavailable -- not until the end of the month, but until you pay to subscribe."15:22
oimonisn't there another spotify competitor coming online ?15:23
kirrusHaven't heard of one. Amazon/apple/ubuntu are all doing the 'let-you-stream-your-music-for-a-fee' model thing15:24
=== victorp_ is now known as victorp
oimonarggh US only :(15:25
popeyI'd ask them on irc15:40
oimoni'm pretty sure it's a feature.15:41
oimonanyway, i discovered grooveshark now :)15:41
MartijnVdSwhy does Banshee _hang_ every time after I do an apt-get upgrade16:12
shaunomaybe they're trying to copy itunes, and that's the closest they could come to having to accept the tims eula *every* single time it updates16:15
MartijnVdSbut it even hangs if I don't upgrade anything Mono or Banshee-related16:19
Laneywhere's your bug report?16:30
Laneyalso, #banshee @ gimpnet16:30
MartijnVdSLaney: I'm trying to find a way to reproduce it more reliably (than 50%-ish of the time)16:31
MartijnVdSLaney: I've started it from a terminal with --debug now, for a stack trace16:31
MartijnVdSthough I wonder why apport isn't picking up on it16:33
MartijnVdS(probably because it doesn't really "crash" as such, but goes into "400% CPU" mode16:33
=== denny- is now known as denny
issyl0popey, AlanBell: I won't be coming to tomorrow night's thing, sorry.17:52
* issyl0 has decided (probably unwisely) to go to the college freshers thing instead. :-/17:52
issyl0Oh well.  Put myself in social situations and hopefully not feel *too* much like a fish out of water...17:52
MartijnVdSPractice makes perfect, issyl017:53
issyl0MartijnVdS: Heh.  :-)17:53
* issyl0 carries on with an English essay.17:54
brobostigonmeeting in 3/4 of an hour, #ubuntu-uk-meeting19:15
AlanBella very good point :)19:20
feisarhi peeps, is it possible to spin down a usb or firewire attached hd after a set time?19:42
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AlanBellevening all19:57
Pendulumhiya AlanBell19:59
AlanBellteam meeting in #ubuntu-uk-meeting when everyone is ready with beer/wine/coffee/tea20:01
* popey tickles Daviey with bug 85418920:08
lubotu3Launchpad bug 854189 in xorg (Ubuntu) "nvidia binary driver gives black screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85418920:08
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brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.22:34
exobuzzwow. testing oneiric is stressful. unity is so broken currently, (im awqare of the fixing coming up), its almost unusable. ouch22:58
popeynot so bad here22:58
directhexi assume unity is broken22:59
directhexbefore or after release22:59
exobuzzminimise a window :)22:59
exobuzzswitching windows/minimizing/maximising and it gets intoa mess its a known uissue. patch for X and patch for unity. coming hopefully anymoment now before i lose my mind22:59
popeyhah exobuzz22:59
popeyi minimised the irc window22:59
popeyhence the delay in replying22:59
=== geekualizer is now known as anto9us
exobuzzit's just being kind to olympic ironers23:00
exobuzzps. see my facebook spam23:00
directhexi think the reason the system tray was disabled in natty isn't the "design choice" nonsense, but because it totally doesn't work properly23:00
* bigcalm looks forward to not embracing Unity on his workstation :)23:00
directhexif you enable the systray, then notification area icons aren't clickable (you can click the rightmost one, then the open menu follows your mouse into the icons to the left, but UX--)23:01
exobuzzhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/848237 plus other issues are current23:02
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 848237 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "minimizing application creates an invisible window" [High,Confirmed]23:02
exobuzzfix is "around the corner"23:03
gorddirecthex, you think wrong23:03
directhexgord: wake me when window decorations gain magical icons in the top-right, as we were told to expect23:04
exobuzzyeh where are they23:04
exobuzzthe big reason for everything heh23:04
exobuzzwell. since i was on ubuntu i upgraded to try. ill report some bugs, then ill seeya all on kde or so23:04
exobuzzunless ubuntu gets brilliant and works and gives me a big tech snog of functionality23:05
gordthe ubuntu community is so negative lately =\23:05
exobuzzi mean unity23:05
exobuzzgord, that blog post reagrding release times and payment from ex ubuntu guy summed up the issues for me23:05
directhexexobuzz: scott's post?23:06
exobuzzi forgot the link now23:06
exobuzzbut it made sense23:06
exobuzzi hope 11.10 unity 2d will be usable on the joggler. else ill have to hack something else on like fallback + netbook remix gui23:08
exobuzzno middle click on touchscreens by default23:08
directhexoh, netbook remix23:08
directhexhow i miss netbook remix23:08
exobuzzhell, right click from long touch is still broken on natty.. still. i give up.. they only have to downgrade mousetweaks from the gnome 3 version23:08
directhexi would totally use the old netbook-launcher on gnome2, rather than unity23:09
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 762806 in mousetweaks (Ubuntu Natty) "[regression] shipped mousetweaks (3.0) does not work with shipped control-center (2.32), needs downgrade" [High,Triaged]23:09
directhexnote: kubuntu netbook isn't far from being that23:09
exobuzzdirecthex, yeh23:10
exobuzzi should try that23:10
directhexthe kubuntu netbook remix plasma desktop is very much like UNR used to be23:10
directhexvery very buggy, but the UX is better23:10
exobuzzbbl. going to have a wine23:11
directhexfinal New Vegas DLC is out today \o/ o// \\o23:27
buzz_if anyone is interested, i packaged up latest sidplay-fp code for ubuntu https://launchpad.net/~jools/+archive/ppa/+index?field.series_filter=23:33
buzz_that url is longer than it needed to be23:34
buzz_no sidplay.ini gets copied anywhere. so you need to grab that and tweak it if you want from the svn repo. i should stick that in /usr/share/docs - was a quick job23:34
buzz_(it also installs alongside sidplay2 in ubuntu)23:35
buzz_but the ini are incompatible probably23:35
buzz_</c64 related spam>23:35

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