
rmg51jedijf: care to explain why 3 laptops with Nvidia cards aren't using the drivers?00:00
jedijfgoogle can, try nvidia model and unity, i am sure others have had similar issues00:03
jedijfit may be resolved automagically in a month anyway00:04
rmg51that is what I am waiting for00:04
rmg51but for me it goes deeper00:05
rmg51I don't like the lose of function on the top panel00:05
jedijfsome stuff uses it...dropbox does00:05
rmg51I have apps I like to run but they don't work in Unity00:05
jedijfi guess that depends on the devs...but 11.10 catchup(by devs) may be better00:06
jedijflike i said, if unity isn't your or your computers bag, time to try other wm's and de's...you may find you soulmate desktop00:06
rmg51right now Gnome00:08
MutantTurkeystill debating on what laptop to get....02:19
MutantTurkeyAdom: that's FING right, unity is crap.02:19
MutantTurkeyAdom: but if you don't like unity, gnome3 isn't much better.02:20
Adomive always been a fan of gnome2. sad that eventually it'll be dropped and ill be forced to use gnome3 or unity. because im not a kde guy.03:30
Adomthen again, i could always try out awesome2 finally...hmmm that sounds kinda nice.03:31
JonathanDurg, I'm late09:40
rmg51hi late09:42
JonathanDHello rmg5109:42
JonathanDHow did everything go saturday?09:43
JonathanDI might as well have stayed, we didn't end up going until almost 4 :/09:43
rmg51it went well10:01
rmg51seems there was a bad file so the demo of the printer at the main meeting didn't go well10:02
rmg51but after the main meeting during the linux sig things went well10:03
waltmanMornin', ye scurvy dogs.11:30
erstaziwaltman: morning11:52
erstaziAdom: holla!11:53
jedijfholla is hip hop pirate speak?11:54
waltman'Holla' is what pirates say when they sail the Spanish Main!11:55
InHisNameLate good morning to you all !13:50
jthanInHisName: you make any progress with your computer?14:18
InHisNameJust starting this morning.14:42
InHisNameWhen I 'tar' up /home, is there a way to tell it to use a networked destination ?14:42
ChinnoDogmount the network destination before you tar?14:43
InHisNameLooks like default will include any mount points below /home.   What about 'links' does default include contents of links also.?14:43
ChinnoDogUnless you are going to tar over netcat.14:43
ChinnoDogYou can tell it not to tar other file systems, which includes all mount points14:44
InHisNameChinnoDog: do I mount with mount command to a 'local' path when you say mount network destination?14:45
ChinnoDogMount the remote file system somewhere14:45
ChinnoDogand then go to that dir and: tar cfp - --one-file-system ./ | (cd /network_file_system; tar xvfp -)14:46
ChinnoDogs/that dir/the directory you are archiving/14:46
InHisNameI've not mounted network before:    I usually do:   sudo mount /dev/sdd6 /mnt/bignoiseydrive14:47
ChinnoDogWhat type of share are you mounting?14:47
InHisNamesamba, I think14:47
InHisNameIts two ubuntu machines14:48
ChinnoDogthen it would be something like mount -t cifs //computer/share /mnt/networkdir -o "username=ihn,domain=mydomain,password=ubuntu"14:50
ChinnoDogI think JonathanD just posted an error code14:50
JonathanDheh :)14:50
ChinnoDogtail /var/log/JonathanD.log14:51
InHisNameNot sure if I defined a 'mydomain' on the remote machine.14:53
ChinnoDogIf you are using samba you have to have some domain name. By default it is probably the hostname.14:58
InHisNameI have mounted /dev/sdc1  in lvm as /dev/mapper/vg03-lv03  at /home/rich/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/    do I need to UNmount this first or can I leave it mounted ?    When I mount it to another machine via network ?14:58
InHisNameok, I have a hostname14:58
ChinnoDogIf you use --one-file-system then it doesn't matter. Tar won't follow links into other file systems.14:59
InHisNameI have only one file system on source machine.  Not issue today.15:00
ChinnoDogYour mounted disk in the HardDisks folder counts as another file system15:00
InHisNameIt's mounted at /15:00
InHisNameThe networked system has lots of mounts.15:00
ChinnoDogSo does the fake file systems like /proc15:00
ChinnoDogIf you want it to archive your hard disk and every network drive that is mounted in the child directories then don't use --one-filesystem. If you only want to archive files from the local disk then use --one-file-system15:01
InHisNameI have a 'little' machine with one lvm file system.  One mount point /.   I want to back up /home while I rebuild the simple machine.  Then put it back.15:02
InHisNameThe temp storage machine is on network.  It has lots room at /home/rich/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/   also a mount point on sophisticated machine.15:03
InHisNamedu reports approx 72Gb for /home       destination has approx 375Gb free.15:05
InHisNameUsing hostname for computer and my domain,    Here is what I have  so far:       mount -t cifs //ubuntu/share /mnt/networkdir -o "username=rich,domain=ubuntu,password=mypassord"15:09
InHisNameam I mounting the remote machine's root /  at /mnt/networkdir    ?15:11
InHisName1Now I am connected thru the machine to backup and rebuild.15:14
rmg51wow, you command line people sure like to complicate things :P15:14
InHisNameJust Sat you all were saying gui is NOT good enough to back up /home to some place.  Need to tar or something.   NO drag-drop for this.15:21
rmg51Teddy found the way to do it15:27
rmg51open home15:27
jedijfdocument it, teddy can present next month at pacs15:27
rmg51look above the files listed15:28
rmg51you should see the nav bar with the path15:28
rmg51right click on your user name15:29
rmg51click copy15:29
rmg51I would just use an external hard drive15:30
rmg51then just paste to external15:30
rmg51teddy bear simple :-D15:47
InHisNamethe gui seems to be having issues.  May need to stay with command line so I can get a good full copy done in one go.15:47
InHisNameLooks like I need to reboot to get gui access again.15:48
InHisNameCIFS VFS cifs_mount failed w/return code=-2215:59
InHisNameI went with recovery mode, sticking with command line for now.    Got an error.16:00
TheEvilPhoenixIT IS NOT "AFTERNOON"16:09
TheEvilPhoenixIT IS LUNCH TIME!16:09
ChinnoDogIt is 8 minutes past noon. It is after noon.16:09
* TheEvilPhoenix slaps ChinnoDog and Adom16:10
TheEvilPhoenixnot owhen you're a college student it isnt :P16:10
Adomwhen you're a college administrator, it is16:10
ChinnoDogTime flows differently for college students?16:11
Adomor rather, a sysadmin *for* a college16:11
TheEvilPhoenixChinnoDog:  for me, yes.  for my room mate, yes.  for my suitemates, yes.  for the rest of campus, nfc16:11
ChinnoDogI'm pretty sure even college students are subject to the laws of physics. And since at any one place it can only be before or after 12pm and afternoon is the state of it being after 12pm, it would have to be afternoon16:11
TheEvilPhoenixChinnoDog:  except that our clocks are tuned differently...16:12
TheEvilPhoenixright now the time is "PRE-EXAM FOOD INTAKE" for me16:12
InHisNameIt's afternoon here by my clocks too.16:12
TheEvilPhoenixafter this is "EXAM #1, 2hr", then "Lecture, 2hr", then "Midterm Exam, 1.67 hr"16:12
InHisNameEDT what zone are U, TheEvilPhoenix16:12
TheEvilPhoenixInHisName:  eastern us16:13
TheEvilPhoenixi dont use standard time for calculating what happens during the day16:13
* Adom cleaned his work desk and is very pleased with the increase in feung shway-ism.16:15
InHisNameTheEvilPhoenix forgot to spring ahead his clocks back in Feb was it?  to add daylight time adjust.  So you must think it is still only 11:16am instead of 12:16pm.16:15
TheEvilPhoenixInHisName:  no, actually i'm on a 26-hours-a-day internal clock cycle somehow :/16:16
ChinnoDogUsing a different clock doesn't change the flow of time.16:18
TheEvilPhoenixgiven the 26-hours-a-day, its not yet the afternoon, so meh :P16:19
Adomwhenever I agree to watch Gilmore Girls with my gf, time seems to slow down to a crawl. why is that?16:19
ChinnoDogIf you were using a 26 hour clock then noon would be 13:00 which would have passed 18 earth minutes ago16:19
ChinnoDoglol Adom16:20
TheEvilPhoenixyou assume the 26-hours are compressed into the 24-hour period of time16:20
* TheEvilPhoenix MAY have had a tad too much coffee :P16:21
InHisNameA few changes later, I have:       mount -t ext4 //ubuntu/share /mnt/networkdir -o "username=rich,domain=ubuntu,password=mypassord"16:54
InHisNamemount: special device //ubuntu/share does not exist.16:54
InHisNameI have also tried //ubuntu/home   //ubuntu/home/rich/.VirtualBox/HardDrives    but they all have same answer  ......does not exist16:56
ChinnoDogNetwork shares are not ext416:56
ChinnoDogIt is exposed through the remote file system. That is the file system you need to mount. If it is samba then you can use the smb or cifs driver. cifs is newer.16:57
InHisNameI'll try those two....16:58
InHisNameCIFS VFS cifs_mount failed w/return code=-2216:59
InHisNametrying the other16:59
InHisNameunknown file system type 'smb'16:59
InHisNamelooking in:   man 8 mount.cifs for more hints17:36
InHisNameNo clue for return code=-2217:36
jedijfreal busy with work, but i think i saw lvm mentioned ...that's your problem....mount /dev/volgroup yada yada yada ...look into that17:49
InHisNamecifs and smb go thru the network, not real sure if /dev/volgroup/etc can travel thru network or not.17:53
InHisNamehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR   is site that helped get a working command.18:21
InHisNameon destination:  nc -l 029 > backup.tar.gz18:21
InHisNameOn origin: tar -cpvz /home | nc -q 0 102918:22
InHisNameis producing copy-ing going on.18:23
InHisNameUnfortunately I am in gui in terminal window, so may hang.  We'll see.   Only 72 Gigs.18:23
InHisNamegui hung at 2.4 gigs.   Restarted in recovery mode.  Seems to be working there in command mode just fine.18:34
InHisNamewhich should go first:  the items apt-get after install or put back /home dir ?18:37
InHisNameMust be several dozen stuff put on by synaptic or apt-get since install.  Will my settings stay unmolested if I put /home in first ?18:38
InHisNameSorta new topic:   How to keep record of all ADDED software, i.e. from synaptic, aptitude, and apt-get ?  Or the whole installed list. Then I can add back in what I want to.19:23
rmg51in synaptic you can click on status and see everything that is installed19:28
rmg51not sure if you can print the list19:29
rmg51software center lets you do the same19:30
InHisNameRather than print > tofile.txt19:32
rmg51if you know the answer why ask the question?19:33
InHisNamethat's not good enough syntax.19:36
InHisNamedpkg --get-selections > installedstuff.txt19:52
InHisName3056 items19:52
InHisNamein big computer.   Little one should be smaller.19:52
InHisNameuggh 2585 lines19:54
InHisNameOhhh, can use dpkg to import the list and install all, NIFTY !20:04
InHisNameUmm, MutantTurkey what was that ?20:17
rmg51stupid Comcast21:14
rmg51can't connect to Comcast tonight21:15
rmg51had to go with Clear21:15
rmg51at least all my computers work ;-)21:20
rmg51now all I have to do is remember to take Clear with me in the morning :P21:24
rmg51I really don't want to call Comcast :P:P:P21:24
rmg51time to find some dinner21:25
jedijfi think i'm hitting qdoba on way home21:29
=== TheEvilPhoenix is now known as TEP|
=== TEP| is now known as TheEvilPhoenix
rmg51that's better22:24

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