
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
james_wgoing to do the summit update now16:07
james_wanother issue with the url mapping: http://summit.linaro.org/uds-p/track/linaro-hackfest/?edit16:18
james_wnot caused by that update16:18
mhall119james_w: it's the + sign16:21
mhall119should be easy enough to add to the urlconf regex16:21
mhall119is there a bug # for it?16:21
james_wnot yet16:21
james_wI'm going to fix it right now16:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 853991 in summit "Plus sign in meeting name breaks url lookup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Triaged]16:25
mhall119james_w: do you think we should go ahead and allow + in room and track as well?16:29
james_wI can do a followup branch for that if you like16:29
james_wassuming the models allow those chars16:30
james_wmhall119, does your personal-ical change actually put private sessions in to the ical?16:34
james_wI didn't see any code that would actually do that16:34
mhall119james_w: it puts only your private sessions in the ical16:37
james_wI'll go back and read the branch again :-)16:37
mhall119that was why I had to add the show_private=True into the schedule constructor16:39
james_wI just didn't see anywhere passing that16:39
mhall119it was....16:40
mhall119james_w: line 254 of views.py16:41
james_wyeah, don't know how I missed that, sorry16:44
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
mhall119james_w: will you let joey know that his top 3 bugs are now Fix Released16:54
james_wjust sent an email about it, and I'll poke him separately16:55
james_wmhall119, also pushed another revision to support + elsewhere17:04
mhall119james_w: tarmac had already landed the previous revision, so you'll need a new MP for r18617:07
james_wah, sorry, missed that you had reviewed17:07
james_wthanks :-)17:07
james_wgoing to rollout that fix straightaway as it is blocking Linaro17:09
mhall119james_w: can it wait 5 minutes?17:14
mhall119or can we do another rollout in 5 minutes?17:14
mhall119I have an emergency fix17:15
james_wwe can17:15
james_wwe can do a rollout after every revision now if we want :-)17:15
james_wI've done mine already17:15
james_whappy to do yours as soon as it lands17:15
mhall119james_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/api-hide-secret-key/+merge/7607317:16
mhall119if you can review, merge and deploy that, I'd appreciate it17:16
james_wI'm assuming it works, because it certainly looks right17:17
mhall119I tested it manually on my local box17:18
james_wmhall119, tarmac doesn't seem to be merging it?17:30
james_wI'll do it by hand17:31
james_wah, it's done now17:33
mhall119tarmac runs ever 30 minutes, IIRC17:34
james_wah, ok17:34
nigelbGimme a few days to create a URL to poke to start that.17:35
nigelbI just haven't gotten around t it.17:35
mhall119thanks james_w17:36
james_wmhall119, we are the only two who have a secret key so far :-)17:37
james_wshould I delete them?17:37
mhall119that'd be the right thing to do, yeah17:39
mhall119it'll re-create them once we view the page again17:39
mhall119different of course17:39
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
james_wRan 100 tests in 1.088s21:40

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