
superflyMorning Kilos!06:05
Kilosmorning superfly 06:06
Kiloshi all06:06
Kiloshi nlsthzn kbmonkey 06:30
nlsthznAlo Uncle Kilos :)06:31
kbmonkeyhello :)06:33
nuvolario/ mornings everyone06:35
Kiloslo nuvolari 06:35
nlsthznHey kbmonkey ... good to see you on IRC again (or am I just on to little myself?)06:37
nlsthznalo nuvolari :)06:37
kbmonkeynothing much new to report im afraid06:46
* superfly is killing the mail server at work again06:47
kbmonkeyhave some boxes to pack and from next week i'll be without my desktop for a month+. eeek06:47
superflypretty easy to do though... it is exchange after all06:47
superflykbmonkey: get a netbook ;-)06:47
kbmonkeyexchange gives me nightmares! ha ha06:47
kbmonkeyi have a netbook. im so happy i have it! :D06:47
oomkoosgood morning everyone08:19
Kiloshi oomkoos 08:19
oomkooshi Kilos, thanks for the help the other day. managed to sort everything out about halfway through that webpage08:20
Kilosyay so is everything working now08:21
superflyhi oomkoos08:21
oomkooshi superfly08:21
oomkoosyeah finally lol08:21
superflyoomkoos: You run that youth camp thingie?08:22
Kiloslol. did you find what was causing the problem08:22
* superfly can't remember exactly what it was08:22
Kiloswasnt that langjan superfly 08:22
superflyKilos: oh, is that langjan...08:22
oomkooswasnt me lol08:22
* superfly is feeling like a blur at the moment08:22
Kilosblur as in going too fast?08:23
superflyyes, and not well defined08:23
Kiloswatch out for speed wobbles08:23
Kilosbikers call it tank slappers08:23
Kilosoomkoos, i happy you got it sorted08:24
oomkoosme too. thanks again for all the help and patience08:24
Kilosactually thought you had done a reinstall08:24
Kilosyou are welcome. glad to be able to help08:25
oomkoosreally didnt want to reinstall so I rather suffered and endured till it was fixed lol08:27
kbmonkeycatch you all later, have a good day everyone :]09:22
Kiloscheers kbmonkey go well09:22
superflytoodles kbmonkey09:22
* kbmonkey gives bananas to everyone 09:26
Kiloslol you are the monkey man09:26
inetprogood morning everyone09:45
Kiloshi there inetpro 09:45
inetproKilos: hoe gaanit?09:45
Kilosgoed dankie en daar inetpro 09:45
inetproKilos: ook goed dankie, die horlosie loop net so bietjie stadig vandag09:46
* inetpro word al honger en die klok is nog nie bo nie09:46
* nuvolari moet nog 13min wag :'(09:47
nuvolarilunch smells great09:47
Kilossavour the smell and the food tastes even better when you get to it09:48
* nuvolari kap om van honger09:57
magespawnhowdy all10:02
magespawnsuperfly you around?10:03
Kiloshi magespawn 10:03
magespawnhi kilos10:05
* andrewlsd waves10:18
superflyMaaz: tell magespawn, sorry, I was out to lunch10:33
Maazsuperfly: I don't know who magespawn, is. Say 'magespawn, on freenode' and I'll take your word that magespawn, exists10:33
superflyMaaz: tell magespawn sorry, I was out to lunch10:33
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode10:33
nlsthznHey... so I got bumped to mod over at the Ubuntu Forums... and as such I will be applying for Ubuntu Membership... so as I don't like to do this (and will only do so once) if anybody would like to leave me a testimonial you can do so here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nlsthzn or here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1846551 ... kthxbai :p10:49
superflyhey nlsthzn10:53
nlsthznHallo superfly :)10:53
superflynlsthzn: I'll have a look at home this evening - really busy at work at the moment10:54
nlsthznsuperfly, no prob... and thanks... would be much appreciated!10:56
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
nlsthznwhat time is the meeting tonight?15:40
marcognlsthzn: usually 19:3015:41
nlsthznmarcog, thanks... a bit late for me tonight.... got day shift tomorrow... oh well15:42
* marcog shall be out and i believe so will tumbleweed 15:42
kbmonkeyhi superfly and nuvolari and anyone else. any chance someone could chair the meet later?15:44
marcog17:42 < nlsthzn> marcog, thanks... a bit late for me tonight.... got day shift  tomorrow... oh well15:44
marcogalso 17:42  * marcog shall be out and i believe so will tumbleweed 15:45
kbmonkeythanks marcog. see I just missed that convo15:46
kbmonkeyapologies if anybody does join to meet later. will bbl around 8pm (hopefully)15:54
superfly19:30, right?16:02
nlsthznnp it happens :)16:04
Kilosevening all. i see we have a meeting tonight16:14
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:15
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:15
nlsthznIt has been canceled16:15
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm
nlsthznmaybe tomorrow night16:15
Kilosreason nlsthzn 16:15
nlsthznnobody to chair apparently16:15
Kilosah i see next mail16:15
Kilosno chair16:15
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:19
KilosMaaz, ty16:19
MaazEnjoy Kilos16:19
nlsthznNight all in ZA land16:36
nuvolario/ g'evening16:39
* nuvolari wipes the sweat away16:39
nuvolarilo from a hot KZN16:39
nuvolariboy, time to make food16:40
nuvolarinot feeling too bright... I forgot the fridge door open this morning :P16:41
Squirmit's cold here16:49
Symmetriasomeone gimme a linux command to force a hard reboot of a machine17:10
Symmetriawhen shutdown and reboot no longer work properly17:10
Symmetriafound a way to do it17:11
Symmetriaroot@tenet-bree-2:/var/run# echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq17:11
Symmetriaroot@tenet-bree-2:/var/run# echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger17:11
Symmetriaway to beat my machine into submission17:11
SquirmSymmetria: http://www.linux-geex.com/?p=25917:12
Squirmlol, got there too :P17:12
Symmetriaif this box boots up I will fall off my chair 17:13
Symmetriaroot@tenet-bree-2:/var/run# uptime17:14
Symmetria 19:10:07 up 985 days,  2:10,  6 users,  load average: 8.79, 6.57, 4.8817:14
Symmetria^^^ that was before reboot17:14
SymmetriaLOL its still not on the top of the list17:14
Symmetria  7:15pm  up 1266 day(s), 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.06, 0.0517:14
Symmetria 7:15PM  up 1117 days,  9:34, 1 user, load averages: 0.14, 0.04, 0.0117:15
Symmetriaheh, the first one is solaris :P the second one is fbsd 17:15
magespawnevening all17:52
nuvolarihmm, I guess the meeting is not happening?17:53
Kilostomorrow maybe17:53
nuvolarinaand oom Kilos! 17:53
Kilosdont you get lists mail17:53
Kilosnaand seun17:53
Kilosmôre aand17:54
nuvolarihoe gaan dit met oom?17:54
nuvolarimeh, was 'n lang dag17:54
Kilosgoed dankie en jy17:54
magespawnthere is a meeting?17:54
Kilostomorrow night magespawn 17:55
Kilosno chair for tonight17:55
Kilosso everyone would have to stand17:55
inetproKilos: but you can chair17:55
Kilostomorrow night the monkey will be here17:56
magespawnKilos for chair. I second that.17:56
* inetpro thinks Kilos would be a good chairman17:56
Kilosand anyone that chairs needs maia's help17:57
inetproKilos: maia bee bee can still take the summary and post it as usual17:57
Kilosnow you guys are pushing17:57
inetpromaia the bee17:57
Kilostoo much to learn in too little time17:57
Kilossee even maia isnt here17:58
inetproKilos: you know better than most how to drive the bot17:58
inetproKilos: it really is quite simple17:59
Kilosits new stuff to learn about remember and all that17:59
magespawni am sure you know more than me.17:59
Kilosdo you know how inetpro 17:59
Kilosi cant even get the bot to find the weather in pretoria18:00
magespawnhah. when i want the weather i go outside.18:01
* Kilos loved that little town18:01
magespawni just found out that you can leave messages for ppl with Maaz18:02
Kilosif i remember right its the 7th most healthy place in the world18:02
inetproKilos: all we need to organise is the permissions so Maaz will not complain at you when you talk to him18:02
Kilosyes you 'tell' him18:02
magespawnnot so sure about that now18:03
Kilosare there factories polluting the place now18:03
Kilosand used to rain most afternoons for few mins18:04
Kilosyes inetpro but there all the things to tell him to remember and make note of etc18:04
inetproMaaz: help meeting18:05
Maazinetpro: Take minutes of an IRC Meeting. You can use it like this:18:05
Maaz  (start | end) meeting [about <title>]18:05
Maaz  I am <True Name>18:05
Maaz  topic <topic>18:05
Maaz  (agreed | idea | accepted | rejected) <statement>18:05
Maaz  minutes so far18:05
Maaz  meeting title is <title>18:05
inetproKilos: it really is as simple as that ^^18:05
magespawnlots of ground pollution. litter and such. just needs a good waste program to be run properly.18:05
Kiloslol nee man there is more to it than that18:06
inetproKilos: nope18:06
inetproKilos: ok, what you are perhaps thinking of is the agenda18:06
inetprothe agenda is something which is on a separate page18:07
Kilosya all of that and where it is and all the links etc18:07
Kilosdis baie vir n platkop18:07
Kilossuperfly, help18:08
Kilostell them to stop18:08
inetproKilos: as the chair you simply follow the agenda and tell Maaz to change the topic as you go along18:08
magespawnis there a way to run a gui as root, eg zenmap?18:08
Kilosyou chair next one and i will copy paste everything and see how far i get18:09
superflyKilos: what's up?18:09
superflyohi magespawn18:09
magespawnhi superfly18:09
Kilosthey wanna stress me18:09
inetproBTW, good evening everyone :-)18:10
superflyhi inetpro18:10
Kiloshiya inetpro welcome to ubuntu-za18:10
magespawngood evening inetpro lol18:10
SquirmSymmetria: uptime18:10
Squirm 14:10:15 up 119 days,  3:52,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0618:10
Squirmim catching you :P18:10
magespawnis there a way to run a gui as root, eg zenmap?18:11
superflymagespawn: sudo startx18:11
Squirmcant you just sudo the ap ?18:11
Squirmsudo zenmap18:11
inetpromagespawn: what is zenmap?18:12
magespawngui for nmap18:12
SquirmI think sudo zenmap should work18:12
inetprohmm... why would anyone want a gui for nmap?18:12
superflymagespawn: oh, you already have Gnome/KDE and now you want to run an app as root in your existing desktop session?18:14
inetpromagespawn: just don't try running that in a corporate environment or you may just land up in trouble18:17
inetprohmm... he ran off already?18:17
magespawnback again like a boomarang or a cold18:19
Kilos<inetpro> magespawn: just don't try running that in a corporate environment or you may just land up in trouble18:20
superfly<superfly> magespawn: oh, you already have Gnome/KDE and now you want to run an app as root in your existing desktop session?18:20
inetpromagespawn: wb18:21
superflymagespawn: which desktop are you using?18:21
magespawni also have aircrack on my N90018:21
magespawngnome on lucid18:22
superflygksudo zenmap18:22
magespawnthat just runs it in the terminal18:24
superflymagespawn: terminal, whatever18:25
superflytry running any gui app "in the terminal" and it pops up on your desktop18:25
superflygksu or gksudo (can't remember which one it is) is a GUI version of sudo18:26
inetprosuperfly: the package is gksu and the command is gksudo IIRC18:28
magespawnwhat i would like is click the menu item zenmap to have it give me the option to put in my sudo password instead of just telling me that it needs root to run properly18:28
magespawnif i sudo zenmap it also works18:29
inetpromagespawn: seriously, why would you want a gui for nmap?18:29
magespawnjust learning to use it the gui has the commands in it so i can learn them18:30
superflymagespawn: I don't get you... just create a menu entry! or is Gnome so retarded (which is not too difficult to believe) that they've made is so user friendly you can't even create or edit menu items?18:30
inetpromagespawn: you won't learn it that way18:30
superflymagespawn: though I agree with inetpro... if you are going to learn a sysadmin tool, you need to use the CLI version18:31
superflyGUI's don't teach you anything18:31
* nuvolari <3 cli18:31
inetpronmap is a powerful command and dangerous as well in the wrong hands18:31
inetproif you are serious about using it then you want to learn to use it properly and with proper authority18:32
magespawnokay there looked like a lot of options when i had look. where should i start?18:34
inetpromagespawn: man nmap18:35
superflymagespawn: also, one usually uses nmap with a particular task or goal in mind, so what do you want to use it for?18:35
inetpromagespawn: read the stuff on FIREWALL/IDS EVASION AND SPOOFING18:36
inetprocompanies are increasingly monitoring traffic with intrusion detection systems (IDS). All of the major IDSs ship with rules designed to detect Nmap scans because scans are sometimes a precursor to attacks.....18:37
magespawni was looking into setting my own server behind a router and forwarding port 80 to the server so i can access a website on it18:37
superflymagespawn: why?18:38
magespawnjust to learn how? if that is a valid reason18:39
magespawntell you what in the next couple of days i will put up a post on my blog for you guys to read detailing my ideas18:40
magespawni installed ubuntu server and was fascinated by the possibilities. 18:42
inetpromagespawn: just make sure you know the ect act before you go about scanning stuff outside of your own network18:42
superflymagespawn: I mean why do you want to host your website on your ADSL line? it'll be horribly slow18:42
magespawnthis is after much reading on the net.18:42
superflymagespawn: http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/archive/2007/01/01/howto-ubuntu-home-lan-server18:42
magespawnthis site would be for me to practice on18:43
magespawnnone of this would happen outside of my network.18:44
magespawni am not a criminal.18:44
magespawnat least not yet.18:44
superflymagespawn: first get your home network running with DHCP, DNS and routing all your HTTP traffic via squid18:45
magespawnwell being a criminal is sometimes a poinf of view18:46
magespawnhave the dhcp set up. still need to do some work on the dns and routing side.18:46
inetpromagespawn: hmm... I didn't mean to make you feel like a criminal :-)18:46
magespawnbut read the blog later on. then you can have a good laugh and tell me what i am doing wrong.18:47
magespawnnot at all. but i saw the potential for tools like nmap and aircrack-ng to be abused.18:48
inetpromagespawn: I just don't want anyone on #ubuntu-za to land up in jail for abusing the power in your hands18:50
magespawnif you know how the tools work then you are a little bit closer in guarding against attacks18:50
magespawni take that upon myself anyway18:51
magespawnbit like driving a car or owning a gun18:51
Kilosnight all of you. sleep tight18:55
Kilosbe good18:55
magespawnnight kilos18:55
magespawnsuperfly some would take  'home network' to mean the one at home.18:58
superflymagespawn: well, that's what I have... 2 PC's, 2 phones, and 2 servers18:59
superflyat home18:59
magespawnthis is the one at my internet cafe.18:59
magespawni am also starting in on web design and maybe at some point develolpment but who knows?19:02
magespawnpicked up a book about python. busy working my way through that.19:03
inetprobye mag[tab]19:28
magespawnback again19:29
inetpromagespawn: wb19:29
magespawnnow i am off to bed for real. night all.19:33

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