
ErKaNhahahaha BarkingFish its ubuntu not me00:00
Josh__ok I found that usb trasnfer program on the burned cd. I used it to make a bootable installable version on my usb stick, same issue.00:00
ErKaNguys anyone have problem like that use set gfxpayload=text OS edit, instead of set gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode00:00
ErKaN*at OS edit*00:01
terrGentoo64: I think that machine is dead.00:01
alkafooJosh__: read what ubottu msg'd you00:01
terrGentoo64: I plugged in a monitor which I know worked last nite and I do not hear the beep and I do not see the KB lights flash.  Nothing happens on the monitor either.00:02
johwilAnyone with a woking TASCAM us144 mkII external modem? I can't get mine to work with Ubuntu.00:02
linxehalkafoo: well, everything I've tried for single user mode is doing the same as it attempting to boot normally. it hangs at mounting the filesystems (it says clean, then complains about the network being down and not being able to mount a samba share)00:02
Josh__I did not get a message00:03
Josh__I'm in a browser irc chat.00:03
johwilAnyone with a woking TASCAM us144 mkII external sound card? I can't get mine to work with Ubuntu.00:04
winutmaybe you need medibuntu00:04
alkafoodidn't even know tascam made modems00:04
PolahJosh__: md5sum your ISO to verify it is complete00:04
Polah!md5sum | Josh__00:04
ErKaNthanks BarkingFish jwrigley, tc night00:04
PolahIs ubottu dead?00:05
coz_Josh__,     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes00:05
yeastwarsThe last time I installed Ubuntu a few months ago, it didn't ask me what packages I wanted to install. Is there an installer that has this feature? I don't want gnome, or half of the default packages. Removing them is not an option since they'll have polluted /etc by then.00:05
PolahJosh__: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:05
johwilwinut, My fault I meant sound card.. Mea Culpa00:05
alkafoonot as of a few minutes ago00:05
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Polahyeastwars: You can get the minimal ISO and build from the bottom up.00:05
winutwinut, i knew what you meant anyways! lol00:06
linxehalkafoo: recovery mode does exactly the same too00:06
winutderr, thats me! lol00:06
alkafoolinxeh: maybe the networks are down00:06
yeastwarsPolah: ah, you mean this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:06
linxehalkafoo: I'm sat in the server room :)00:06
linxehthe network is down though yes, it hasn't got that far in the boot stage - it should just skip that mount though00:06
linxehIt says "init: ureadahead-other main process (993) terminated with status 4"00:07
linxehand simiar again with 99400:07
linxehsorry, 883 and 88400:07
Edward454hey guys! other problem i just found... i chatting on empathy and i dont have the option to send video or calls... any ideas00:07
w30Unity's top panel is not aware of the LibreOffice file,edit, etc. Is this a feature or a bug? All it does is put up its name when it's in focus.00:07
jointuse pidgin00:08
alkafoolinxeh: networks as in the software and/or hardware on the machine in question00:08
Polahyeastwars: Yes. You'll get a minimal interface to go through basic installation steps and if you choose to install nothing you'll get a basic text interface, no X server or anything much beyond what is required for the system to run like that. You can install though apt-get or aptitude after to get what you want00:08
terralkafoo: well I think the gigabyte baord is dead.  I have three Tyan Tiger 230T S2507T MB's here.  Two look like they have never been used.  These have a pair of PGA370 sockets.00:08
yeastwarsPolah: great, thank you00:08
xaspEdward454: about your suspend problem, could be a bios related bug, but don't take that for a fact... just pointing in a possible direction00:09
Polahyeastwars: You'll won't be able to create a USB with that using Ubuntu's build in startup USB creator, just so you know. unetbootin can do it though00:09
linxehalkafoo: the hardware networks are up, the network boot bios gets given the correct IP for the machine, and I can ping it (presumably because the bios set it up)00:09
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alkafooterr: that's too bad, and nice00:09
jointjust search for any app using the search feature.. then drag and drop any icon into the unity bar00:09
yeastwarsPolah: I'm burning it anyway (although it almost seems like a waste given the size)00:09
winutjohwil: can you do without digital in/out?00:09
linxehalkafoo: but yes, the network isnt up on this machine as far as linux goes- it didnt get that far in the boot00:09
Josh__ok I checked my md5sum and everything says ok00:09
xaspEdward454: and if you do choose to upgrade bios at your own risk be careful00:09
linxehif I press ctrl-alt-del it does a bunch of other stuff and reboots fine00:09
Edward454thanks xasp... the suspend problem it used to work fine on win7 its with ubuntyu that it freeses00:10
Polahyeastwars: Everything (including installer components) needs to be downloaded mind. So if you have a slow connection or bandwidth limits you might want to keep an eye out if you plan to install a lot of things.00:10
johwilwinut, No I medd all ports: Audio in/out MIDI in/out Digital sound in/out aso00:11
winutlooks like thats not possible, only analog00:11
terralkafoo: I just realized I inserted the memory incorrectly... should have pushed both ends but it wouldn't go so I did one end then the other.00:11
Josh__@Polah I checked my md5sum and everything came back ok00:12
terralkafoo: if there is no memeory I think the bios is suppose to beep somehow - right?00:12
winutyou could use it with virtualbox and usb passthrough00:12
alkafooterr: doing one end then the other can still work00:12
winutbut that would be almost pointless imo00:12
winutother option is wine and usb patch00:12
winutbut neither would be a perfect solution00:13
terralkafoo: if I knew if the bios gives some sort of beep code if no ram then I'd be further ahead.00:13
winutif you could put up with analog and maybe use virtualbox for the occasional digital out, maybe that would be ok?00:13
johwilwinut, ODD . andds Bad I bougth it. and it works perfectly on windows00:13
Josh__anybody know why my installation is not starting?00:14
terralkafoo: I cna yank out that old MB and install one of the tyan's.00:14
brokencodesterr, if you press power, does it die immediately, or do you have to hold power for 5 seconds?00:14
winutyeah, linux support is not guaranteed as an afterthought!00:14
johwilwinut, usb-patch waths that?00:14
terrbrokencodes: I think it died immediately.  I was more brutal and have an exteension cord with an on/off so I flipped off the cord!00:15
winutit would be for wine apps only tho and i'm not even sure it would work00:15
terrbrokencodes: on power up I have to press the front paqnel button and as I recall it comes up instantly00:15
brokencodesI need to know the answer to my question (of course if you remove power, the computer will stop fuctioning, otherwise we would have a solution to the global power crisis)00:15
winutwine is a windows layer00:15
johwilwinut, Can I use the Windows driver as  I do with my n etwork card?00:16
linxehalkafoo: ok, I set the init to be /bin/sh, I guess I'm ok now :o00:16
winuthowever, virtualbox running xp would work00:16
Josh__isn't this the help channel?  I'm asking for help.....00:16
winutbut not the ose version, as this doesn't have usb support00:17
brokencodesJosh__, we cannot anticipate all of the possible problems without a smidgent of details00:17
Josh__ok i'll go through them again.00:17
johwilwinut, How do I set up a virtualbox?00:17
brokencodesI just friggin got here Josh__00:18
johwilwinut, lol00:18
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Josh__I made a bootable usb drive using the utility from the installation cd. neither the cd nor the usb drive will install when I boot them. All I get is the copy right info then nothing happens.  I just ran an md5sum check and it's all ok00:19
winutjohwil, i would accept defeat on all outputs and stick with anaolg for the most part00:19
widewakecould someone help update my java version, i dl'ed the file and following steps but cant get it to work.00:19
winutdo you have any external hard drives on usb?00:19
brokencodesJosh__, whomade your motherboard, and when?00:19
winutif so, you need a usb1 hub i think00:19
Josh__asus and i think 2007-0800:20
johwilwinut, yes bettter to have all analog ports working..00:20
winutbetter than none! lol00:20
brokencodesJosh__, please check that you have USB Legacy support enabled, and if so, try with it disabled00:20
Josh__ok. but would that effect the cd?00:21
brokencodesJosh__, if its alreadydisabled,try enabling it00:21
johwilwinut, do you want me to do a lsusb?00:21
winutif you desperately must use digital, just load a windows session in virtualbox00:21
brokencodesit will allow your pc to use different parameters for reading USB devices00:21
brokencodesJosh__, sorry, my spacebar is beginning to fail...00:21
terrbrokencodes: (offtopic) we might have a solution to the global energy problem.  Check Andrea Rossi e-cat.  Breaks all known laws of phy sics but they've demoed it.00:21
johwilwinut, I could do without digoital when on linux...00:22
Josh__ok i'll try it. but it doesn't work from the cd either. brb i'll see if that works00:22
=== Zephr0`afk is now known as Zephr0
winutjohwil, ok thats good news, read this page and then you can see how to get basic sound with us144 -> http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-usb-us122l00:22
johwilwinut, Thanks a LOT!!!00:23
winutno problem, ill see if there is a more ubuntu specific guide00:23
Superdave_having trouble accessing ssh from outside my network. port id forwarded in my router, and it's perfectly fine inside. any ideas?00:24
johwilwinut, Thnaks..00:24
neoncathi 2 all00:28
winutyou can get prebuilt alsa firmware from http://medibuntu.org/ or kxstudio kernel and drivers ppa https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/ppa00:28
terrwho's got the longest arms here?  I hate hardware.  I hate building puters.  Maybe someone can come over for a beer eh?00:28
johwilwinut, prebuilt?00:29
winuti like kxstudio main because it has proper jack2 support00:29
winutjohwil: you don't have to compile it00:29
johwilwinut, aha00:30
terrHmm as I recall I built a system on a tyan tiger in 1998.  Dual CPU and laoded with ram and raid 5 on 5x36GB hitachi SCSI drives.00:30
johwilI will try that, winut00:30
Gentoo64terr, building a new comp then?00:31
Superdave_having trouble accessing ssh from outside my network. port id forwarded in my router, and it's perfectly fine inside. any ideas?00:31
chaospsychexomg trivium PWNS YOU!00:31
terrGentoo64: seems like it.  looks like the Gigabyte is dead.  Wanna pop over for a beer?00:31
terrGentoo64: LOL...00:31
winutmm, site is down00:31
unfuquitablefor hours i can't seem to be root to install theme in themes folder00:31
terrGentoo64: gawd my leg is itchy and my arm.  I got stung 2x on Friday.00:32
winutjohwil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-12200:32
neoncatneed some help00:32
terrGentoo64: bloody wasps.  They could mind their own bloody business you'd think.00:32
johwilwinut, when I  do a cat /proc/asound/cards the TASCAM is not not even there...00:32
winuti think this model must need usb1 mode only00:33
winutthats 12mbps00:33
winutusb2 is 480mbps00:33
Gentoo64terr, i find if you slowly squeeze them it helps. its supposed to make the poison sink in more though but i do it anway00:34
terrGentoo64: there were 30,000 bees in my  yard this summer and I didn't get stung but Friday two bloody (now dead) wasps took me on!  I won.00:34
brokencodesI found tobacco helps the most00:34
johwilwinut, is there any support for usb2 with ubuntu?00:35
terrGentoo64: I hit them with a paint brush.  Paint was flying but it was the back yard and the grass doesn't care.00:35
brokencodeswtf do you mean usb2? do you mean EHCI?00:35
Gentoo64johwil, do you mean in a vm?00:35
terrGentoo64: what those wasps don't know is that I have a bee suit.  I can go get them and they  can't get me!00:35
Gentoo64terr, probably get kicked for being offtopic here :p00:36
terrjohwil: USB2 shuold be fully supported.00:36
terrGentoo64: hopefully they are nice.  We talk ubuntu mostly.00:36
johwilbrokencodes, Gentoo64  I have a non working sound card on the usb2 port00:36
terrhas anyone see goodnerd today?  He needs help with some c code00:37
Gentoo64johwil, well usb2 definately works00:37
terrpaissad: how have you made out with the proxy?00:37
johwilterr, It doesnt't even get current.. it's dead....00:37
brokencodesjohwil, real or virtual machine?00:38
terrjohwil: if you liived n Calgary I'd give yuou a PCI-USB card.  I found a boc full today00:38
johwilGentoo64,  are here any commands I could use for testing my usb2?00:39
terrjohwil: if you liived n Calgary I'd give yuou a PCI-USB card.  I found a box full today00:39
johwilbrokencodes, real00:39
JRobinskYanyone here00:39
johwilterr, thanks. Stockholm Sweden00:39
terrjohwil: three (3) tyan dual processor MB's look like never even out of the box and a box full of PCI-USB cards.  never opened.  Tape is still on the envelopes00:40
Gentoo64johwil, unplug the card then plug it back in and run dmesg see if it says anything00:40
JRobinskYi need help00:40
terrjohwil: my cousin lives in Huskavarna00:40
JRobinskYanyone please have time to help me, its prob easy00:40
brokencodesdoes anything else not fuction on that usb port? could be blown board fuse for the 5V supply00:40
JRobinskYim just a noob at linux00:40
terrJRobinskY: ask yer question00:41
johwilGentoo64, it just blinked no indication of life..00:41
terrbrokencodes: good point.  I've had to replace them on 4 layer boards!  Uggh!  I hate that!00:41
winutjohwil: i think it only run in usb1 mode due to the firmware it uses00:41
johwilterr, Husqvarna? that is not very far from Stockhom00:42
winutthats whey it must be forced00:42
JRobinskYokay i had windows 7 x64 installed. I download the newest ubuntu. I chose the option to resize my partition and install ununtu and have it dual boot. well it installed corrected but now i have no option to buat to windows. It goes right to ubuntu00:42
chaospsychexthen you fcked up,lol00:43
JRobinskYhow do i fix it00:43
johwilwinut, so it seeems00:43
chaospsychex'sudo update-grub'00:43
chaospsychexsee if it finds windows00:43
terrjohwil: I'd gladly give you a PCI-USb card for help installing a MB.  Hmmm... atx.  I think I know what box I'll use.  Has a dead ATX board in it but much smaller box than the other one with the dead Gigabyte baord... if its dead that is.00:43
JRobinskYfrom term edit?00:43
chaospsychexyou said you resized your partition?00:43
chaospsychexthe windows partition?00:43
johwilwhat should  do to make it act as the usb2 it is? winut00:43
JRobinskYfrom 500 gig to 47900:43
terrjohwil: I cna get a card to you likely by tomorrow.00:43
chaospsychexhow big is your hdd?00:43
winutjohwil: i think they are using us122 firmware or something like that00:44
JRobinskY500 gig00:44
chaospsychexyou have 2 partitions on your hdd ?00:44
terrjohwil: I had to get a differential SCSI terminator from Calgary into New Zealand and did it in under 24 hours!00:44
chaospsychexso ubuntu is on about 20gb?00:44
JRobinskYGenerating grub.cfg ...00:44
JRobinskYFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-11-generic00:44
JRobinskYFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-11-generic00:44
JRobinskYFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic00:44
JRobinskYFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic00:44
FloodBot1JRobinskY: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:44
chaospsychexopen a terminal and do 'sudo update-grub'00:44
JRobinskYFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin00:44
terrJRobinskY: heep going.  I don't find 4 lines offensive but I'm not a chanel op00:45
chaospsychexjrobinsky check your pm00:45
johwilterr, that is great00:45
terrjohwil: just let me know.  I have lots of them... can pop one in the mail for you... you'll have it in about a week.00:45
winutjohwil, can you disable usb2 in bios? i think a cheap usb hub would be better, then you don't have to modify the usb setup00:45
DemonicDataUbuntu sound is all messed up out of the box00:46
winuthowever, you'll probably find the internal soundcard is just as good! lol00:46
DemonicDatadistorted and playing with settings with cause alsa mixer to crash00:46
alkafooalsamixer... to crash?00:47
winutwhat player, what sound engine?00:47
winutie vlc / alsa00:47
DemonicDatagnome mixer GUI00:48
DemonicDataor whatever00:48
Odaymwhen I get the latest Firefox from the website, what have I gotten? the source?00:48
Odaymbecause there is no src/ and of course ./configure won't work00:48
terrwinut: good point... in another way.  Why chance burning a fuse on the MB when you can use a cheap hub?00:48
DemonicDataI have a x-fi.there is Sound out of the box but it is staticy and distorted including echos after i stop the soundfile00:48
winuti guess, or buy a different soundcard with better support00:49
terrwinut: I bought an asus USB CD and was goingt to drive it off my netbook.  Now I think... no way!  What a dumb idea.00:49
edusasnshi guys, im new to ubuntu but im having two issues so far and i cant find a way to work around them... what do i use so i can video conference with people using windows? skype wont work and messenger will only give me the option to use sound... any program other than that?00:49
DemonicDataI think its crazy to have to buy another soundcard to get audio to work.it worked fine in jaunty but since then it hasn't00:50
terredusasns: I'll have the same problem!00:50
johwilwinut, Can you give me the urls to the prebuilt kernels again? I lost mine.00:50
edusasnsso that means there is no program for taht?00:50
terrDemonicData: d/l the driver and rebuild it for your version of the O/S00:51
DemonicDataI tried,the opensource file won't work on anything past jaunty00:51
terredusasns: no - it means I have not looked yet.00:51
Jordan_U!bug | DemonicData00:52
ubottuDemonicData: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:52
DemonicDataits been reported.00:52
scorphushey... really, really good approach making the install from USB stick documentation Ubuntu-only! really great job! keep this motto!00:52
scorphusother distros dont matter at all anyway, right?00:52
scorphusthat's awesome!00:52
edusasnsguys any ideas?00:53
IdleOneThis is an Ubuntu support channel. if you need support for a different distro try their channel.00:53
scorphusanything this reminds me of?00:53
winutjohwil: The US-144 works with kernel 2.6.33 and above, but only when uhci-hcd (USB 1.1) is forced. This can be done by using an USB 1.1 only USB hub or by disabling ehci-hcd (USB 2.0). The US-144 will run as an US-122L, so the digital channels won't work.00:54
winutsimples http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-usb-us122l#Limitations_for_the_US-14400:54
johwilwinut, Thanks, again.00:54
DemonicDatafrom what i understand its PulseAudio that has the problems?What are the options?uninstall pulseaudio and install something else?what works00:54
DemonicDatai haven't been in linux since jaunty btw00:55
mydogsnameisrudyedusasns:  http://ekiga.org/00:55
alkafooDemonicData: you could just uninstall pulseaudio00:55
winutif you use mplayer or vlc, you can choose the audio output00:55
Jordan_UDemonicData: Do you have a link to the bug report? What makes you think it's a pulseaudio problem?00:55
terrscorphus: It is a poor idea to keep it ubuntu only.  Besides I was unable to do it with the docs at hand and I've built systems with five (5) os's.  I had the help of the Calgary Linux User's group too.  What I found IMHO is not acceptable00:55
DemonicDataAlkafoo:I was thinking that.What works though?OSS?00:55
=== PIORRABear is now known as piorrabear
alkafooDemonicData: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio#PulseAudio_Removal00:56
alkafooDemonicData: ALSA will work all on its own00:56
terrDemonicData: first find out if you have the right driver.00:56
winutdemonicdata: i found that unity made my audio funny, but it worked ok in gnome fallback or classic mode00:56
alkafoowinut: the only way that could be true is if your processor/s couldn't handle the load00:56
DemonicDataJordan_U:i did a search on the forums for "distortions" or such, and pulseaudio always comes up.currently watching this hooping for hints on my problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t6utRx7EyI00:56
winutdepending if you are using 11.10 or 11.0400:56
winutalkafoo, it was based on experieince00:57
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scorphusterr: that's the exactly same over here00:57
alkafoowinut: doesn't matter00:57
terrDemonicData: winut there is no excuse for this.  If a driver doesn't work right then the errno should be set and the app should post this into /var/log/messages00:57
scorphusterr: I was being sarcastic, though...00:57
DemonicDataterr:thats the issue I have X-FI there are no drivers for it but a opensoruce one that doesn't compile on versions greater then jaunty00:57
scorphusthis idea sucks!00:57
johwilwinut, What commands should i use to disable ite ehci-hcd (usb2) ?00:57
scorphusso, now I'm gonna need a windows machine to create it?00:57
terrDemonicData: then fix it.00:58
scorphusit's ridiculous00:58
=== thessaly is now known as luthien
terrscorphus: I'm thinking of writing a new shell... one that self documents because I'00:58
Wiggidydemonicdata fix it and contribute to the community00:58
DemonicDataterr:thats exactly what I am trying to figure out.of course currently I haven't INSTALLed ubuntu yet.I have a lot of files to save before i migrate back to linux00:58
terrm seeing over a decade little progress in us cleaning up our act.00:59
DemonicDataWiggidy:if that was within my capability i would have00:59
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johwilwinut, If I disable it in BIOS I will not be able to fully use it in windows.00:59
winutjohwil no idea, ill have a look into it, but it would be globally, so hub would be better imo00:59
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IdleOnescorphus: what is it you are trying to do exactly?00:59
Jordan_UDemonicData: Has a bug report been filed (forum posts are not bug reports) reguarding your specific hardware?00:59
winutjohwil: yeah, better to set this in the os01:00
terrDemonicData: I start with a new machine.  I leap frog.  I will build a new puter and xfer everything over and then after Ive test ed the new one for 6 months then I will retire the old opne and put the HDD in my bank saftey deposit bix01:00
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
johwilwinut, any clue?01:00
scorphusIdleOne: this http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive01:00
winuthold on mate :-)01:00
DemonicDatajust with the X-FI basically all the post are deadends.well no there are a few fix's but it doesn't seem to work.the alsa thing didn't work when i was running karmic.so for worksake i went to windows01:00
scorphusIdleOne: I'm not on Ubuntu, not on Windows and neither on a Mac01:01
IdleOnescorphus: ok, what os are you running right now?01:01
scorphusIdleOne: debian01:01
IdleOnescorphus: install unetbootin (it's in the repos) if not get it from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/01:01
terrscorphus: this should be no different than typing in dd if=balh of=/dev/blah n=blah01:01
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IdleOneterr: ubuntu does not support dd of .iso until next release which is next month.01:02
johwilwinut, I have free usb 1.1 ports. Should I use one of thoose When on Ubuntu?01:02
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Jordan_UDemonicData: Please file a bug report by running "ubuntu-bug".01:02
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terrIdleOne: debian does.  I used it in the last century!01:03
JasonGriffeeis "concurrency" in the boot process safe?01:03
IdleOneterr: right, but you can't dd an ubuntu .iso01:03
scorphusNM http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive has all the information I need01:03
scorphusbut thanks anyway terr and IdleOne01:03
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terrIdleOne: not to a cd but I should be able to dd a rescue fdd or a rescue USB stick01:04
IdleOnescorphus: great. glad you sorted it.01:04
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terrIdleOne: I should in fact be able to dd to a removable HDD like say a scsi drive or to one of my optical drives.01:04
Jordan_Uterr: Not with an Ubuntu iso.01:05
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terrIdleOne: we should also have a boot loader which can be loaded onto ANY media of interest which will enable the network so we can boot from anything.01:05
terrJordan_U: then IMHO we should fix it.01:06
winutjohwil: i found this http://www.premiumorange.com/la-page-web-of-phil/index.php?page=P03030101:06
Jordan_Uterr: If you read IdleOne's comment to you, you would see that it will be fixed in the next release of Ubuntu.01:06
terrJordan_U: I did read the comment.  I'm not waiting.  I have to build a whole new computer because I'm not going to touch the one which works until I get the new puppy running.01:07
winutjohwil: found it! http://www.scribd.com/doc/56106272/Driver-Tascam-Ubuntu01:08
DemonicDatathe release next month jordan or next year01:08
terrJordan_U: I've faced unable to access the kingston memory stick on the puter which is my desktop but my openBSD webserver works and there is nothing I can find to write to the stupid stick and no instructions... and its simple dimple.  I did it last centrury.01:08
edusasnsbtw guys... each time i log off or close the lid of my laptop the OS freezes... no idea what can it be01:09
Jordan_Uterr: Please try to calm down. It is possible to make a bootable USB with Ubuntu on it. The easiest way is using Ubuntu's Startup Disk creator or Unetbootin. If that's not feasable for you for some reason there are other options as well.01:10
terrJordan_U: now I dug out some junk and found three dual cpu TYAN T230's and I guess my shortest solution is build a new machine from the ground up.01:10
johwilwinut, Thank you so much for your time01:10
winutjohwil: as the us122 and 144 only work with jack, you should use the kxstudio main ppa for jack 2 support and pulseaudio moudle jack + script imo01:10
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winutthen you can use pulseaudio apps with jack01:10
terrJordan_U: and that won't run on OpenBsd.  it won't run on Debian Sarge and the old DD in sarge won't mount the stick.01:11
terrJordan_U: catch-22 everywhere.01:11
winutjohwil: what distro do you use?01:11
victoralejandroalguien habla spanish01:11
terrJordan_U: found an old P1-200 mHz.  CPU is missing an instrcution.  Well its likely 15 yeras old anyways.  But it works!01:12
Jordan_Uterr: Then I would recommend copying the iso (as a file on a filesystem) to the USB drive (or whatever drive you want to make bootable) and install and configure grub2 to loop boot it.01:12
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terrJordan_U: can't do that on sarge because it can't mount the stick.01:12
Jordan_Uterr: What happens when you try to mount the flash drive? What filesystem is on the drive?01:13
terrJordan_U: no worries anyways.  I'm going to put the new MB into a case and move the CPU and Ram from the dead boxen over and I'll get it running.01:13
J-codeAnyone familiar with a smart boot manager package for ubuntu, does it exist01:13
winuthttps://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/ppa add ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa to your software sources under repositories in synaptic and probably ppa:kxstudio-team/kernel for alsa-firmware01:14
terrJordan_U: I detroyed it.  It was fat and I blew that away.... but it doesn't matter because the machine I was going to try died!  I think a cap on the MB blew.  I don't think it can boot from a USB stick anyways.01:14
hellhammerI'm running x64 ubuntu 10.04 my mic isnt working i tried the fix where you add options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 to the alsa-base.conf and that didnt change anything how do i get the mic to work?01:14
johwilwinut, 11.4 (Gnome=)01:14
michael_pminecraft should have no problems runing in ubuntu01:15
winutjohwil: yeah, thats a good release01:15
terrJordan_U: and the only peripherals on that puppy are a USB and that's it.  No CD.  No FDD.  No HDD with na O/S and it does have a nic... and also 6 video connections so it can run six (heads) whihc I guess means its a devil... but it died on the way to the linux user's group.01:16
urist_is there a minecraft for linux ? or do u run it on wine?01:16
Jordan_UDemonicData: When you've submitted a bug report please subscribe me (JordanU on launchpad) to the report as I'm interested in following it.01:16
Jordan_Uterr: If the situation is resolved and you no longer need support then please stop discussing the issue.01:17
hellhammerI'm running x64 ubuntu 10.04 my mic isnt working i tried the fix where you add options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 to the alsa-base.conf and that didnt change anything how do i get the mic to work?01:18
Jordan_Uurist_: Minecraft is written in Java, it is cross-platform.01:18
johwilwinut, terr  and all others; I have get some sleep. I'llbeback!01:18
hellhammerI'm running x64 ubuntu 10.04 my mic isnt working i tried the fix where you add options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 to the alsa-base.conf and that didnt change anything how do i get the mic to work?01:18
winutok, good luck! hope i give you enough info to go on :-)01:19
winuthellhammer, you could try to set model01:19
Nautilushoping someone can help me with tar.  I want to archive the contents of a dir to a folder one above it.  I have tried "tar cvzf filename.tgz *" which is close but doesn't include the hidden files.01:20
Nautiluserrr "../filename.tgz"01:20
terrJordan_U: the issue is poor bootstrap proceedures and that is not resolved.  it should not take a sysadmin with consulting backup to install ubuntu on any POS that runs.01:21
Jordan_Uterr: This channel is for support, not ranting. And please watch your language (abbreviated or not). This is your last warning.01:22
terrJordan_U: I should be able to stuff a DOS fdd boot disk in or anything since and do an install... and I do know how to program DOS and in assembler too.01:22
Jordan_U!guidelines | terr01:22
ubottuterr: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:23
winutfao hellhammer (see above)01:23
OerHeksNautilus, tar -cvpzf test.tgz >> But be careful of placing the new tar inside the same directory you are tarring. You can get into a nasty loop.01:23
terrJordan_U: all I'm saying is that if the machine can run the HDD then we should be able to do an install...  even if we need to use dd01:24
NautilusOerHeks: the -p does it?01:24
OerHeksNautilus, see man tar01:24
Nautilusi have, too long ;)01:25
Nautiluslooking for -p01:25
tholl583xxhmm, im thinking of using chrome instead of evince, is that going to cause problems?01:25
Nautilusag, -p is permissions01:25
NautilusOerHeks: I don't see anything about hidden files in the manual01:26
tholl583xxis there a tool to do document statistics on pdfs like word count and concordence in the ubuntu repos that is standard for academic stuff?01:27
t0kenevenin folks!01:27
hellhammerI'm running x64 ubuntu 10.04 my mic isnt working i tried the fix where you add options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 to the alsa-base.conf and that didnt change anything how do i get the mic to work?01:28
t0kenis there a way to mount an nfs share, and use some sort of mapping for UID and GID's.  example...remote server has the same users, but the UID and GID's are different.  Is there some way to tell it to translate?01:28
tholl583xxt0ken: do you want it to mount the remote nfs with some local permissions, or sync the local accounts with the remote server?01:29
NautilusOerHeks: trying -cvpzf but the command you gave me doesn't specify any files.  I tried using * but I think that keeps hidden files out01:30
Nautilusmore speficially: tar -cvpzf ../geotech1.tgz *01:30
t0kentholl583xx: I'm using this to backup local stuff to a NAS that is exporting volumes via NFS.  I'd like to keep permissions and such the same01:30
LoshkiNautilus: When you type "tar cvzf filename.tgz *" the "*" gets expanded by bash to match all non-hidden files i.e. it's not tar deciding which files to archive. Instead, go up one level and do  "tar cvzf filename.tgz <directory>" and that should tar even the hidden files in the directory....01:31
NautilusLoshki: yes that will do it but then I have an unwanted level of dir in the tgz file01:31
winuthellhammer, what is your soundcard?01:31
t0kentholl583xx: the users already exist on the NAS that's exporting the NFS volume, just the uid/gid stuff is different01:32
t0kenI read something about a 'map_static=/somefile' option, but can't find any documentation on it or how to implement in /etc/fstab01:32
dr_willist0ken:  i belive its doable via the nfs configs - but its been ages since i last did nfs  - You checked the ubuntu nfs wiki page?01:32
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:33
LoshkiNautilus: then try: cd <directory>; tar cvzfp /tmp/filename.tgz .  <--- note final period, note filename change to /tmp01:33
t0kenhrmm, I have not.  I'll go check.  My concern is it's gonna be a setting onthe exporting NFS server, which I don't really have access to01:33
hellhammermy sound card01:33
t0kenthanks for the pointer!01:33
NautilusLoshki: I see, trying!01:33
hellhammerradeon x1200 series audio controller01:34
winutcat /proc/asound/cards01:34
XenethAnyone know how to make ubuntu save to an ssh connection (sshfs) on the fly?  I alway's have to save them move the file.01:34
hellhammerthats the cat01:35
vagneralguem ???01:35
NautilusLoshki: I don't seem to get all the files in <directory> that way, not just the hiddens are missing01:35
t0kendr_willis: that's perfect.  just need to the right TFM to R, heh.  thanks again01:35
LoshkiNautilus: so, which files are missing? Is there a listing when you do "tar cvzfp /tmp/filename.tgz ."01:36
NautilusLoshki: my bad, looks like they're all there!01:37
LoshkiNautilus: very good...01:37
winuthellhammer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1576099&page=201:39
JasonnWhat are things I can install on my server to make it awesome?01:39
infobitJasonn, depends what you want to do with it01:40
magnesiumjasonn -- visitor counters, 404 zork game, etc. :P01:40
=== magnesium is now known as nocilis
Jasonninfobit: Something that is just a cool feature01:40
JasonnI just got a dedi01:40
nocilisjasonn is it a gaming server? web server? ftp? what?01:41
winuthellhammer: that page seems to link to this, seems like they have a lot of success -> http://isallmaroon.wordpress.com/2010/05/08/no-microphone-input-in-skype-ubuntu-10-04/01:41
Jasonnmagnesium: :#01:41
cody__hello i am trying to unrar with unrar the file name is DIABLOII.rar it is located in my downlouds folder01:42
AlecTaylorI want to resize an NTFS partition on my second SATA drive, to make room for Ubuntu. I've booted into the 11.10 Beta USB. GParted failed. Log: http://www.webdevout.net/test?0H#output - What should I do now?01:42
qincody__: rar e ~/Downloads/DIABLOII.rar01:43
Loshkit0ken: easier to just add a user on your client whose uid/gid matches one on the server....01:43
bmoloneyI have successfully installed a kernel module for my raid card but it doesn't get loaded at boot. I have to modprobe it when the machine is up01:44
th0rbmoloney: add it to /etc/modules?01:45
infobitAlecTaylor, use disk utility in ubuntu which you find under system>adminisration menu and be carefull01:45
qincody__: Sorry: unrar e01:45
t0kenLoshki: tru, but not possible.  it already has users and the uid/gid's collide.   But now that I've found the NEED_IDMAPD=yes option.  It's all good in the neighborhood01:45
bmoloneyth0r: aha, thanks01:45
AlecTaylorinfobit: I can't shrink or extend here01:46
ex0need to be unmounted01:46
bmoloneyalso my keyboard and mouse don't work when I first boot, but do work if I unplug and replug them01:46
nocilisbmoloney I have the same issue (except only with mouse)01:46
nocilisbmoloney my keyboard is serial, my mouse is usb01:47
bmoloneynocilis well mine is wireless keyboard mouse comboe01:47
bmoloneyone usb01:47
cody__qin , i downloaded rar01:47
infobitAlecTaylor, google it for help01:47
th0rbmoloney: open a terminal, type 'tail -f /var/log/messages' then plug in the keyboard and mouse. If you see the modules loading, add them as well01:47
nocilisth0r I don't believe the modules show up anywhere but tty101:48
w30I need unity Compiz to start with indirect-rendering. I can't figure out what to hack to get that to happen?01:49
bmoloneyth0r: strangely I don't have a file /var/log/messages ...01:49
th0rbmoloney: must be another ubuntu improvement <smile>. Was worth a shot01:50
FroshellHi. Is there anyway to replace the GRUB 2 loader without using a CD?01:51
FroshellOr USB, etc.01:51
cody__is there a way to use game isos without a disc01:52
FroshellCreate a virtual drive.01:52
bmoloneyth0r: sigh... yes now it is /var/log/syslog01:53
cody__lol sorry big noob here01:53
Parsindextract the iso using winrar01:53
Bambinogot a question for someone01:53
Froshellcody__: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-phDe6q8fYYJ:ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D405940+virtual+drive+linux&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a01:53
johwilwinut, I just wanted to say that method 2 on http://www.scribd.com/doc/56106272/Driver-Tascam-Ubuntu worked perfectly. Now I having sound ehile Ubuntu-ing. Great!!01:54
winutcool man, becuase they took that page offline! lol01:54
winutit was google o rama to find that link01:54
FroshellAnyone know how to restore GRUB without using live media?01:55
winutjohwil: does that mean you have another usb port for usb2 still?01:56
bmoloneyth0r: i see messages about it using ehci_hcd and ohci_hcd...  and I see a kernel module called xhci_hcd.  So I will try adding that to my /etc/modules01:56
johwilwinut, NOw I have a question: I have to automize an  instruction. So it is evoked every time I log in.01:56
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winutis that for pulseaudio jack?01:56
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johwilwinut, Yes. I have 2 usb2 ports01:57
bmoloneyoff to try rebooting, thanks guys01:57
winutjohwil, cool, did you get audio out not via jack? the guide said it was only working via jack01:57
johwilwinut, No. It's for disabeling that usb2 port.01:57
winutthats all?01:58
winutso its working normally via sla, pulseaudio etc?01:58
winutalsa even01:58
t0kenso just btw, this is the handy dandy backup scriptage I'm using: http://www.perusion.com/misc/Snapback2/snapback2.html01:59
johwilwinut, wait I'll check..01:59
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AlecTaylorHow do I automatically install all the dependencies for a given .deb? (trying to install mplayer)02:01
jribAlecTaylor: why aren't you using apt-get or some other apt front-end?  mplayer is in ubuntu's repositories02:01
johwilwinut, :( no sound. but the lights on the card is lit.....02:03
AlecTaylorE: Package 'mplayer' has no installation candidate02:03
jribAlecTaylor: run « sudo apt-get update » after ensuring you have the universe repositories enabled and try again02:04
AlecTaylorCan you give me the URL for universe repo02:04
winutjohwil: what happened, i thought you said it was working?02:04
jrib!repos | AlecTaylor02:04
ubottuAlecTaylor: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:04
johwilwinut, I only saw the leds before....02:04
AlecTaylorjrib: I'm running 11.10 Beta. What's the URL I need to add to my sources.list?02:05
jribAlecTaylor: 11.10 support is in #ubuntu+1, but read ubottu's message02:05
McQueAll: Noobie, needing help with WiFi setup.  Have write up at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1846342.  Not getting WiFi light on final reboot for my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop.  Can someone help me debug it?02:06
winutjohwil, try it with jack02:06
johwilwinut, Were can I read about automation of commands?02:06
winutfollow all of the instructions past the usb bit02:06
johwilwinut, will make a ty.02:06
winutonce you have it working, worry about automating it then02:07
DemonicDatahey does anyone know if truecrypt supports full disk encryption in linux yet?02:07
jpmhI installed thunderbird - but it got me an old copy, 3.16, so I went to the thunderbird site and collected the .bz - how do I upgrade02:08
dspacesudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable02:09
GHostQuick need help Administrative Password and i'm typing it correctly and its saying its incorrect02:09
McQueAll: Repeating: Noobie, needing help with WiFi setup.  Have write up at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1846342.  Not getting WiFi light on final reboot for my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop.  Can someone help me debug it?02:09
th0rGHost: capslock?02:10
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dspacejpmh: That ppa above will get you the latest Thunderbird02:10
GHostbustttersth0r nope02:11
jpmhdspace: ty - will grab it02:12
ArNezTi plan to make dual boot OS, ubuntu and windows but the first i has ubuntu and the second plan is windows. how to re-enable the GRUB/boot loader from ubuntu if it was replace the MBR by windows loader?02:16
NautilusI'm wanting to use clonezilla to backup an ubuntu partition to an external USB drive.  should I use device->image or device->device?02:17
idleminddevice -> image will save the partition to a file02:18
idlemindnautilus that said if the usb drive is a format that doesn't support +4gb files you may end up in trouble02:19
Nautilusit has no partition right now02:19
idlemindthe usb drive is just plain old empty?02:19
Nautilusdevice->device sounds like the way to go02:19
idlemindso ya device -> device should work then02:19
Nautiluscool, tx02:19
idlemindif you want to use the usb drive after the image i would recommend device -> image and put a filesystem on that usb drive02:20
UbuntuBrandonHello guys. How is it going?02:20
syoutseyhi guys, i'm having a bit of trouble with my hd. i think it might have failed02:21
syoutseyi restarted my box and there's a continuous beep now02:21
syoutseyhd doesn't show up in BIOS02:21
tinybirdHi, all02:21
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syoutseyboot to live disc, hd won't show under fdisk02:22
syoutseyanything else to try?02:22
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UbuntuBrandonWell Syoutsey, load Disk Utility02:22
syoutseyk in it02:22
UbuntuBrandonK does the HD show up at all?02:23
idlemindsyoutsey sounds like a dead drive to me. if you are really desperate to get your data off you can pull the drive out and put it in the freezer and then pull it back out after like 30 mins and try to boot up02:23
Nautilusidlemind: looks like it expects me to already have a partition there.  About d->i or d->d is either easier for me to review what actually was saved?02:23
idlemindnautilus i'm not a clonezilla expert but i would think that your best bet would be to put a partition and format that usb drive (from ubuntu) then boot back into clonezilla and to d->i02:24
idlemindd->d should create a partition for you02:24
idlemindbut i have only done d->d for an entire disk not just a partition02:24
ArNezThello guys..02:24
ArNezTi plan to make dual boot OS, ubuntu and windows but the first i has ubuntu and the second plan is windows. how to re-enable the GRUB/boot loader from ubuntu if it was replace the MBR by windows loader?02:24
Nautilusyea, didnt look like it did that for partitions02:24
ArNezTanybody can help?02:25
idlemindarnezt i'd check the install disk i think it has a recover system option otherwise in the live cd mode you should be able to execute a grub repair. if you google around a little bit you should be able to find it02:25
UbuntuBrandonArNezT, I would install Windows first,02:25
idlemindand arnezt if possible install windows first like brandon said but i think you already ran the install righ02:25
UbuntuBrandonJust because of the replacement of the GRUB by installing it second could make things messy.02:25
ArNezTbut i have ubuntu now02:26
KrashKingwhat is the latest LTS?02:26
idlemindnautilus also i've noticed d->d freaks out when your destination drive is smaller than the partition even if it encompasses free space ... like your partition is 80gb with 20gb used and your usb drive is 60gb the d->d will bomb out02:26
UbuntuBrandonIf it is not possible, you can install Windows 2nd. It isn't a terrible problem, just make a partition first.02:26
UbuntuBrandonAnd latest LTS for 11.04 is .04.3 I think.02:27
idlemindubuntubrandon / arnezt you should be able to boot into the live cd mount your existing ubuntu install and run grub-install feeding it the cfg file that already exists02:27
UbuntuBrandonI could be wrong.02:27
FoxtrotZeroJordan_U, you on?02:27
idlemindit won't damage or change your system or make it messy if you use the same config02:27
hmwHow can I get the program icon back, after I installed another window theme? I did it once, but can't remember how I did it. I had to change a xml file in /usr/share/themes, I suppose. Can't find a solution on the web. Perhaps you can give me better search terms than "icon", because it's all about moving the icons to the right.02:27
KrashKingthanks UbuntuBrandon02:27
hmw*left actually02:27
idlemindyup 10.04.3 is the latest lts02:28
FoxtrotZeroHow about [deXter] or terr?02:28
ArNezTso many many programs i have in ubuntu...  any othe solution without install windows for dual boot? i want to try vb.net02:29
th0rArNezT: you can run winxp in a vm, install virtualbox02:30
ArNezTthank you th0r02:30
idlemindya th0r has your most seamless method02:30
ArNezTi'll try that02:30
UbuntuBrandonJust make sure you can run a VM to spec, bud.02:30
NautilusIdleOne: the partition i want to backup is ext3 ... use the same for the USB backup?02:31
idlemindarnezt: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/virtualbox-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal.html02:31
FoxtrotZeroDoes anyone know how to find the exact location of a bad sector on an NTFS partition, and then force the HDD to write to it?02:31
idleminduse that to get the decent virtualbox02:31
ArNezTthank idlemind02:31
ArNezTthank all guys i'll do that...02:32
idlemindnautilus since clonezilla is linux based i'd format that usb drive with a linux filesystem if possible but you can use ntfs if that trips your trigger02:32
idlemindnp gl arnezt02:32
Nautilusdidnt mention ntfs.  i see GpartEd's default is ext202:32
idlemindthat works too =)02:32
Jordan_UFoxtrotZero: Hi again. Can you pastebin the output of "sudo smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda"?02:32
Nautilusbut go with ext3 like the partition I'm backing up?02:33
FoxtrotZeroWell, Jordan_U, I ran it, but I ran it in a windows command prompt.02:33
FoxtrotZeroSo, yes and no.02:33
ArNezTFoxtrotZero, try using Hiren boot from CD02:33
Jordan_UFoxtrotZero: Please boot Ubuntu and run the command.02:33
FoxtrotZeroArNezT: Pardon, can you explain?02:33
dfcnvtI'm kind of sick of a newer version... Especially the tabs on its side of the desktop.02:33
FoxtrotZeroJordan_U: The problem there is I first need an IRC that won't keep dropping out (i.e., firefox) and we couldn't seem to get xchat to work.02:34
idlemindnautilus i'd say as long as it's a native linux filesystem you'll do alright ... with ntfs you may hit a glitch or two just because it's m$02:34
Jordan_UFoxtrotZero: You can use Empathy, which comes on the LiveCD by default.02:34
m477is it possible to change monitor brightness in terminal mode ( bash )?02:34
Nautilusidlemind: ok, ext3 ... thanks for your patience02:35
ArNezTFoxtrotZero, visit: www.hiren.info/ <-- bundle of HDD recovery02:35
idlemindnautilus nps02:35
OerHeksArNezT, hirens boot cd is not legal, please don't recommend it here.02:35
magn3tsAnyone have any HDMI-In capture cards they can recommend for use with Linux? (I don't mind using VLC as a frontend)02:35
OerHeksArNezT, Ultimate boot cd is legal and free02:36
m477is it?02:37
UbuntuBrandonM447 I do not know. I am sure all is possible with terminal02:38
UbuntuBrandonbut I have buttons on the side of my monitor for that. lol02:38
OerHeksmagn3ts, good start is http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog02:39
ArNezTOerHeks, but no complain for this site: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/ for legal or illegal... i've download from here02:39
primaryHow do I get mplayer, or any media player, to play these .wma files I have? I can't convert them with ffmpeg. What decoder package do I need?02:39
bsmith093whats the command to rename a whole mess of files (10k+) at once, because the thunar bulk renamer is choking on it, i need to change periods to null and then replace the extension with eml02:39
rwwbsmith093: see man rename02:40
th0rprimary: have you installed w32codecs?02:40
UbuntuBrandonPrimary are your Ubuntu Restricted Extras installed?02:40
UbuntuBrandonExtras or something like that...02:40
primaryUbuntuBrandon, I'll see, is that a repository?02:40
primaryth0r, second02:40
ex0bsmith093 : rename "s/ *//g" *.mp302:41
UbuntuBrandonWell go to Synaptic and Type Ubuntu-Restricted02:41
UbuntuBrandonand tell me what is installed.02:41
ex0bsmith: customize it to your needs02:41
primaryi have ubuntu-restricted-addons but not ubuntu-restricted-extras, and I can't find w32codecs in apt-cache search th0r02:42
ex0bsmith: check out this link http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/renaming-multiple-files-at-a-shell-prompt.html02:42
UbuntuBrandonAlso guys, if you are avid youtube visitors, and would like to get a constant content about Linux tips tricks and other cool stuff. I have a new channel there.02:42
th0rprimary: they may be in the restricted extras package....another ubuntu 'improvement'02:42
UbuntuBrandonThey are.02:42
UbuntuBrandonJust mark the Extras for installation.02:43
UbuntuBrandonPs: It's /UbuntuBrandon xD02:43
acovrigwhat (if any) partition type can windows and linux read&write that supports huge files (fat32 doesn't support >4G files)02:44
bsmith093ok, i suck at perl, and im worse at regexp, i need the extension renamed from .cybercom to .eml, can someone write that please?02:44
primaryth0r, meh, I installed this because I heard it was debian for lazy people which I have become02:44
UbuntuBrandonAco, MTFS is the only thing you can install Windows to, I believe.02:45
th0rprimary: and I installed debian because ubuntu is becoming a whole other animal02:45
m477is it possible to change monitor brightness in terminal mode ( bash )?02:45
francoslvyou prefer devian to ubuntu??02:45
th0rfrancoslv: I prefer old to weekly updates02:45
acovrigm477: xset maybe?02:45
francoslvyeah, I realy like ubuntu, I almost went with Debiean though02:46
UbuntuBrandonI like what Ubuntu is *trying* to do. Just not the way they are going about it.02:46
m477acovrig: thx, i will check02:46
FoxtrotZeroJordan_U: Alright, i'm here.02:46
francoslvwhat do you mean, Brandon?02:46
UbuntuBrandonBut I use it because regardless of Unity, I set everything how I like it.02:47
acovrigm477: I know you can turn the screen on/off (with energy * complient systems) using `xset dpms force off'02:47
Jordan_UFoxtrotZero: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda"?02:47
th0rUbuntuBrandon: this is just one example...when I install/reinstall, I add vlc, libdvdcss2, and w32codecs...have for years. But that won't work in ubuntu, will it02:47
UbuntuBrandonI have the codecs and VLC no problem.02:47
FoxtrotZeroJordan_U Command not found.02:47
m477acovrig: i'd like to set display brightness levels02:48
UbuntuBrandonI think that they have a LOT of compatibility issues to work out.02:48
TBotNikMcQue: Hi there02:48
th0rUbuntuBrandon: oh yeah, you can get them, but you have to figure out that w32codecs has been renamed. I just got tired of having to relearn everything with every release02:48
Jordan_UFoxtrotZero: sudo apt-get install smartmontools02:48
francoslvanyone here running Ubuntu on a VM??02:48
UbuntuBrandonYea they come with the Restricteds that you can mark for installation on setup.02:49
UbuntuBrandon-Running Ubuntu Studio on a VM, but in Ubuntu right now. Doing a review of studio later tonight.02:49
primaryUbuntuBrandon, I still cannot play wma through vlc, moc, or mplayer02:49
TBotNiklisiano, McQue: Hey there McQue and I are working on this together.02:50
UbuntuBrandonThat is Odd, Primary...02:50
sky__hi,all...what is this ?02:50
widewakesky__,  its a ubuntu help channel02:50
UbuntuBrandonOne moment primary,02:50
primaryUbuntuBrandon, parole media player(gstreamer(?) came with xubuntu) complains about plugins needed02:50
sky__thanks widewake02:50
TBotNiklisiano: What other commands do we need to run to find why the driver is not loading right?02:51
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widewakesky__,  yep02:51
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lisianoTBotNik,McQue: You tried to use ndisswrapper. Try to use the Ubuntu Driver02:51
sky__can i create a chanel for myself ?02:51
Singham<sky__> : Yes..why not02:51
TBotNiklisiano: Explain ?02:51
lisianoTBotNik,McQue: Take a look inside System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers, your driver might be there already.02:52
UbuntuBrandonPrimary, I am going to link you to a help page, with the commands you need.02:52
UbuntuBrandonFirst do you have 64 or 32-bit?02:52
sky__how ? have GUID ?02:52
primaryubottu, 6402:52
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.02:52
FoxtrotZeroJordan_U: I got the test results, but firefox won't stay open, so I can't pastebin them.02:52
primaryUbuntuBrandon, 6402:52
widewakeany easy way to update java?  using java 6 update 26, tried following instructions did not work out02:52
Singhamtype /join <#your channel name> but remember.The channel name should be unique02:53
Singhamsky__ : for example if you wish to make a channel names "abc" type /join #abc02:54
Jordan_UFoxtrotZero: sudo software-properties-gtk -e universe && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda | pastebinit02:54
UbuntuBrandonPrimary, run this through terminal. "sudo apt-get install w64codecs libdvdcss2"02:55
Jordan_Urww: ?02:55
rwwJordan_U: that's... one heck of a command-line :)02:55
Jordan_U!cn | sky__02:56
ubottusky__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:56
primaryUbuntuBrandon, "Package w64codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source."02:56
Skeeter-Hi, i cant resize2fs my 16tb ext4 partition. -> resize2fs: File too large while trying to determine filesystem size02:56
Jordan_Urww: :)02:56
Skeeter-im tryng to reduce the size02:56
primaryUbuntuBrandon, what howto are you looking at02:56
sky__wooooo ~~~~~~~~~~~ ....02:57
UbuntuBrandontry running this first, sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list02:57
lisianoTBotNik,McQue: Did you find the driver in the list?02:57
UbuntuBrandonand Primary, also, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html02:57
widewake any easy way to update java?  using java 6 update 26, tried following instructions did not work out02:57
XenethI got no answer in the other channel so thought I would try here.  Can I view a file data encrypted with truecrypt with another program if I cannot install truecrypt on the computer?02:58
McQuelisiano: yes and its working. thanks!02:58
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia02:58
UbuntuBrandonxeneth, if you can unencrypt it, yes.02:59
UbuntuBrandonI don't see it being an issue.02:59
lisianoTBotNik,McQue: Glad to hear it is resolved. Please post it in the thread and mark the thread as Solved using the Thread Tools02:59
McQuelisiano: Thanks, friend is showing me how to set permanent links in the /etc/interfaces file, so will always lock in, but thanks again!!03:00
musingsXeneth: why aren't you able to install truecrypt03:01
lisianoTBotNik,McQue: There is no need to modify /etc/interfaces ... You can just set up the networks inside Network manager. Once you log in your laptop will automatically look for the network.03:01
XenethIt's a PC I trust, but I do not have admin rights.  What's a good portable software to decrypt it?03:02
Jordan_U!ot | Xeneth03:02
ubottuXeneth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:02
primaryUbuntuBrandon, so I did all that, installed the w64codecs, enabled medibuntu and installed its mplayer + avcodec, and I still get "Requested audio codec family [wma9dmo] (afm=dmo) not available.". Enable it at compilation. Should I just grab the source and compile it? Jesus christ.03:02
th0rprimary: I have encountered some wma files that just won't play on anything but windows media player03:03
cactii lost my network preference on my lucid and make me unable to connect to any network, any solutions03:03
UbuntuBrandonPrimary, lol if these WMAs are that important, yes. I understand that they are your files, but from now on, I suggest MP3 encoding, on EVERYTHING.03:04
lisianocacti: If you have a wired connection, try using "sudo dhclient eth0" as a workaround.03:04
UbuntuBrandonPrimary, I am sorry that sometimes things do not work as intended.03:04
cactilisiano: let me try03:04
primaryUbuntuBrandon, I did not encode these, and if I want to even make use of these I need to transcode them into another format. I prefer Xiph's Vorbis.03:04
primaryI can't decode them - so I can't transcode them.03:04
primaryThe patent issues with these codecs is the main reason behind this not being fluidly accessible, you're just suggestion a different poison than the one I already have, UbuntuBrandon.03:05
primaryUbuntuBrandon, You do not have to be sorry, I'll just compile.03:05
Nickelcan someone explain to me how to make a shortcut on my desktop? i want to make one for chromium and add the -incognito, but i can't edit the one in my launcher.03:06
primaryOn BSD no one gives a shit about these fickle political issues, and so I do find pkgsrc to be sometimes preferable03:06
UbuntuBrandonDAMN THE MAN. The main concept behind Ubuntu is unity, coming as one, is it not? Let's get with the program, Micro-freaking-soft.03:06
UbuntuBrandonApple, you can just go.03:06
th0rUbuntuBrandon: you are doing this on purpose, aren't you....just waiting for an I told you so <smile>03:07
NickelUbuntuBrandon, ouch.03:07
cactilisiano: yes its worked! btw how do i restore back my network preference?03:07
UbuntuBrandonTh0r, huh?03:07
UbuntuBrandonand Nickel, why ouch?03:08
th0rUbuntuBrandon: our previous discussion about debian and the ubuntu learning curve with every update03:08
lisianocacti: You use Gnome right? "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" should install everything you had when you installed.03:08
francoslvping clausen03:08
NickelUbuntuBrandon, i just like your enthusiasm about it, it's great. i dislike osx, and am trying to get into ubuntu... still going to run w7 on the desktop for gaming though. :P03:08
cactilisiano: yes, but it said i already have the newest version and no new package to install03:09
Jordan_U!codecs | primary03:09
ubottuprimary: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:09
Nickelcan someone explain to me how to make a shortcut on my desktop? i want to make one for chromium and add the -incognito, but i can't edit the one in my launcher.03:09
BrandonBoltonNickel, the link is /home/[yourusername]/Desktop03:11
tinybirdln -n /<chromium> ~/desktop/chromium03:11
UbuntuBrandonI believe that if Microsoft would realize that they have enough money, then they could produce content that is not protected by every copyright in the book, then all users, all around world, regardless of being able to run the Windows software, since they don't rightly support the old versions that they can run... and now i've lost my train of thought.03:11
NickelBrandonBolton, i'm not following03:11
UbuntuBrandonI wish... that all users, could create content that all users can be compatible with.03:11
UbuntuBrandonAnd that is my point.03:12
BrandonBoltonNickel, I read it wrong. tinybird said the right way.03:12
tinybirdBrandon is like the angry bird. Haha03:12
Nickeltinybird, very new to linux, explain please? :D03:13
A7Hey guys. I'm trying to restore GRUB to my Ubuntu installation. It was overwritten when I installed Windows. I tried sudo grub, but it says command not found.03:13
UbuntuBrandonJust take what he said and paste it into the Terminal.03:13
A7Also, /sbin/grub can't be found either03:13
UbuntuBrandonYou will have to reinstall GRUB, A703:14
tinybirdyou can use the command "ln --help" to read the help03:14
A7I'll look into that then03:14
lisianocacti: Try running these 2 applications from Alt+F2, "nm-applet" and "nm-connection-editor"03:14
Nickelit gives me "bash: chromium: no such file or directory"03:14
Dns!question what is the comand to change file.log to file.txt ?03:14
dspacemv ?03:15
th0rDns: mv file.log file.txt03:15
IdleOneDns: mv file.log file.txt03:15
Dnsth0r nd IdleOne thx so much03:15
UbuntuBrandonNickel find where your Chromium is installed.03:15
UbuntuBrandonand we will work from there.03:16
tinybirdNickel, first, you have to spot your Chromium directory03:16
th0rNickel: 'which chromium' in a terminal03:16
dspacerename 's/log/txt/' file.log :)03:16
th0rdspace: rename?03:16
tinybirdOh, the command is "whereis chromium"03:17
dspaceth0r: Yes, it's more useful for multiple files.  Kind of log for a single one, but just as valid :)03:17
zykotick9Nicke, try chromium-browser03:17
zykotick9Nickel, ^03:18
Nickelok, it gave me the directory03:18
th0rdspace: didn't even know that command existed! learn something new every day03:18
UbuntuBrandonok now what is it?03:18
UbuntuBrandonTinyBird, what was your command again?03:19
UbuntuBrandon<- lazy.03:19
Nickelln -n /<chromium> ~/desktop/chromium03:20
tinybirdsudo ln -s /usr/bin/chromium-browser ~/desktop/chromium03:21
UbuntuBrandonBeat me to it. lol03:21
Nickeland that will create a shortcut?03:21
widewakechmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.bin03:21
UbuntuBrandonooo who the world runs an 1586 chip anymore? lol03:22
tinybirdNickel, I think the shortcut is called "soft link" in Linux.03:22
Nickeltinybird, "no such file or directory"03:22
Nickellol, not a shortcut, a soft link.03:22
Nickeli'll remember that.03:22
Nautilushey now, P4 here ;)03:22
Nickeli thought it was just called a launcher03:23
UbuntuBrandonThat is the bar on your left. lol03:23
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Nickelcan i not just right click the desktop and create a launcher?03:23
UbuntuBrandonYou can if you point it in the right direction for the app.03:24
UbuntuBrandonBUt, that is for the Launcher Bar03:24
noondayHI everyone, I have a question about KDE libraries.. I want to use an application that uses KDE dependencies, but I want to know whether these extra libraries will load themselves into memory upon bootup. I would prefer not to load any libraries into RAM by default at startup03:24
UbuntuBrandonnot desktop. But you should be able to make a launcher for the incognito.03:24
tinybirdNicel, maybe you can use Desktop instead03:24
widewake any easy way to update java?  using java 6 update 26, tried following instructions did not work out03:24
Nickeli already have chromium on the launcher, is it possible to edit that one?03:24
UbuntuBrandonMaybe, but i am pretty sure you can add a seperate one for Incognito.03:25
UbuntuBrandonthen take off the original. lol03:26
NickelUbuntuBrandon, feel like walking a noob through that? :D03:26
tinybirdI think may be it's upcase problem.03:26
UbuntuBrandonOk, right click desktop, make new launcher03:27
UbuntuBrandonName it, and under command click browse.03:27
idlemindnoonday those libraries should only be loaded when you launch the application that depends on them03:27
UbuntuBrandonGo to Usr/bin and find the chromium incognito thingy.03:27
UbuntuBrandonselect it.03:27
NickelUbuntuBrandon, interesting, i tried this earlier03:28
tinybirdBrandon is right...03:28
UbuntuBrandonAnd you can change the icon, if you do so wish.03:28
UbuntuBrandon-feels like a noob for not thinking of this earlier.03:29
Nickeli'm really confused now, i tried that earlier and it gave me a root error03:29
Nickelperfect. just added -incognito at the end and it works perfectly03:30
computer_Hey how is "sudo -s" different from "sudo -i"?03:30
UbuntuBrandonYay. High-fives around the chat.03:30
Nickelnow that i've dragged it onto the launcher, i can delete the one on the desktop, yeah?03:31
Random832computer_: -i runs root's .login scripts i think03:31
tinybirdNickel, you may try "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/chromium-browser ~/Desktop/chromium"03:31
Nickeldeleted it from the desktop, it disappeared from the launcher03:32
Nickeli'll try move to03:32
computer_Ooo so -s is a more straight forward way03:32
noondayidlemind, thank you for your tip03:33
Nickeltinybird, mind explaining what the "ln" and "-s" mean, exactly?03:33
Nickeltinybird, i want to retain this stuff, lol03:33
tinybirdwe use the "ln" to create a soft link03:34
tinybirdit's just like the shortcut in windows.03:34
Nickeland the -s?03:34
tinybirdin fact, "ln" have many options03:35
Nickelthis is strange, so i have the soft link on the desktop, how do i put it on the launcher, and remove it from the desktop?03:35
tinybird"ln" can also create "hard link"03:35
Nickelsoft link for shortcut... hard link for?03:36
tinybird"-s"option indicate that you will create a "soft" link03:36
Nickeli see i see03:37
tinybird"hard link" is a pointer to a file.03:37
tinybirdYou may find more details in some text book teaching Ubuntu Linux03:37
Nickeltinybird, need to go pick one up :D03:38
th0rNickel: the linux documentation project...tldp.org03:39
b__su: Authentication failure03:39
b__ i keep gtetting this error... But im the admin, any help?03:39
tinybird"ln --help" will be helpful03:39
Nickelso  typically when i open a program, it shows links that i've pinned on the launcher, as well as running applications, the running applications disappear when i close them, of course... when i open this chromium link it does not  show up on the launcher, nor will it let me pin it to it03:39
Jordan_U!root | b__03:39
rww!sudo | b__03:39
ubottub__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:39
ubottub__: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:39
zykotick9b__, use sudo instead of su03:39
Nickelth0r, thanks for the link03:39
Nickelth0r, bookmark'd03:40
b__well i did use sudo03:40
b__and it want working very well03:40
SchalaZealIs there a way to backup my system installation in a similar way that Windows does? Windows stores the system backup in a .vhd file without needing a dedicated partition. Is there something similar with Ubuntu?03:41
th0rb__: did it work better than su?03:41
b__hold on03:41
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Nickeltinybird, did you read what i said above?03:41
tinybirdsorry, I have to leave for a while03:41
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Nickeltinybird, thanks for the help!03:42
NickelUbuntuBrandon, any idea what's up with what i said above?03:42
Nickelanyone? :/03:44
zach2825Nickel, I just got here what heppened?03:45
bullgard4http://projects.gnome.org/seahorse/: "With seahorse you can: Cache your passphrase so you don't have to keep typing it." -- What is "my passphrase"?03:45
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Nickeli created a launcher on the desktop for chromium, so i could add the -incognito at the end to open it incognito by default, if i pin it to the launcher, and delete the one on the desktop, it disappears on the launcher as well03:46
Nickelzach2825, also, hello, and thanks for your time :D03:46
Nickelso what i'm aiming to do is just have it on the launcher, and not the desktop03:47
zach2825just right click on panel > add > add launcher ... don't use the desktop one cause that just makes a shortcut to a shortcut...03:48
Nautilusis this the explicit ver# of the installed MySQL?:  5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.8 (Ubuntu)03:48
zach2825Nickel, when you drag things to the panel it make a link to what ever you dragged... and when you delete the icon it deletes the link03:48
Nickellol, that makes sense03:49
Nickelwhat exactly do you mean right click on panel03:49
zach2825hold the mouse over it and right click LOL03:49
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Nickelunder the dash?03:49
Nickelit doesn't respond03:49
zach2825on a clear spot on the bar03:50
zach2825user, hi03:50
Nickelnothing happens when i right click the launcher03:50
zach2825Nickel, are you using unity?03:50
Nickelthat's default right? i just installed ubuntu 11.04 last night03:50
BoomerBilewhat would cause glx extensions not to load?03:51
zach2825Nickel, oo I see if you log out you can if you like to. change it to gnome classic. then you will be able to add things to the panel but unity sucks still cause its more restrictive the windows still03:51
musingsBoomerBile: your video card driver03:52
Nickelzach2825, so if i log back into unity afterwards, will it still be there?03:52
musingsBoomerBile: checl /var/log/Xorg.0.log for info03:52
Nickelzach2825, thanks for the help, gonna try that now03:52
AtharvaHi..I want to upgrade the BIOS of my Dell vostro 1400.The updates provided by dell are to be installed from windows.Can I upgrade it via ubuntu by any method ?03:53
zach2825Nickel, how is it?03:54
Nickelzach2825, don't have gnome classic, logged into ubuntu classic03:55
Nickeldon't have the launcher bar to the left. :P03:55
zach2825oh im sorry I forgot the wording lol oops but same03:55
zach2825yea thats a unity thing03:55
zach2825you can use gnome-do same idea...03:55
Nickellol... i think i'll have to go without the default incognito then, i was trying to pin it on the unity launcher03:56
Nickelbrb, logging again03:56
Jordan_UAtharva: BIOS updating utilities can usually be run in DOS. The standard solution is to use FreeDOS for this purpose.03:57
BoomerBilemusings, you need nvidia to have glx?03:57
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bullgard4How is the 'machine hardware name' defined that the command '~$ uname -m' outputs? '~$ info coreutils 'uname invocation' returns the additional information: "sometimes called the hardware class or hardware type" and does not give a definition either.03:57
AtharvaJordan_U : This means I have to install DOS first (Format the pc) ..is it ?03:57
zach2825Nickel, I see for now I don't think you can edit the unity bar03:58
zach2825you can pin things but not edit03:58
Nickelzach2825, even still, i quite like it03:58
NautilusI have a USB drive connected and went to "Places" menu and mounted it, but can't figure out how to open a window that shows the files on the drive.  single ext3 partition.03:58
Jordan_UAtharva: No. FreeDOS can be put on a CD or USB, or even booted without ether using grub and syslinux's memdisk.03:58
Nickelzach2825, can i hide the one i put on the desktop, by chance?03:58
Nickelzach2825, like just... put the launcher elsewhere, but drag it onto the bar? :D03:59
zach2825if you put a . on the front of the same it will see it as a system file03:59
zach2825or here is an idea!!!03:59
AtharvaJordan_U : Is it a type of windows live cd ?03:59
zach2825make a folder called .shortcut put the icon in there then add it to the launcher04:00
zach2825I mean add the icon to the launcher...04:00
Jordan_UAtharva: No, it is not Windows, it is DOS (a Free and Open Source version of DOS, not Microsoft's).04:00
Jordan_UAtharva: Most Windows programs will not run from DOS, but most BIOS updating Utilities are specifically designed for DOS.04:01
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silverarrowanyone using mplayer and gecko in Ubuntu?04:01
AtharvaJordan_U : Oh..Thanks..n one more thing.does .exe executes on it ? because the BIOS upgrade Dell has provided is .exe..04:01
Nautilushow do I file browse a mounted drive.  I'm guessing I know the name of the app that does the browsing but can't figure out how to open it/the directory.  When I click on it under "places", nothing happens.  Well, first click it made me mount it, so should be good to go.04:02
Nickelzach2825, can't name a folder .shortcut04:02
zach2825how come? should let you let me try it...04:02
Nickelmake this folder on the desktop? then name it .shortcut?04:03
zach2825yes, it does rename.. but after you do it refreash by pressing F504:04
Nickelit disappeared o.o04:04
Nickelhow to unhide system files?04:04
zach2825it does it but looks like there is some kind of bug or something. to get into that folder you'll have to open the actuall folder by going to you home folder then desktop then press ctrl+h04:04
zach2825to show system files04:05
Jordan_UAtharva: There is a package "firmware-addon-dell" that looks promising for actually doing a firmware update within Ubuntu. I've never used it personally though.04:05
peeps[lappy]anyone tried sega genesis emulation on ubuntu?  i tried "gens" but there does not appear to be a 64bit version.  also tried xmess but getting seg faults with it04:05
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Nickelzach2825, i hid it in the .shortcut folder, and it disappeared from the launcher04:07
Nickelit was not meant to be04:07
zach2825don't put the folder on there just use the folder as a place to hide the icon for chrome04:08
Nickelthat's what i did04:08
Nickelwhen i hid the icon04:08
Nickelit disappeared from the launcher as well04:08
zach2825don't hide the icon just leave it in the folder04:08
zach2825put it in the folder then add the icon to the launcher04:09
Nickelthat's what i did though04:09
AtharvaJordan_U : Ok...Will try now04:09
Josh___Can anyone assist me?04:10
Nickelzach2825, tried it again04:10
Nickelput the icon in the folder first, then renamed the folder .shortcut04:11
Nickelworked this time04:11
Nickelexcellent! thanks man04:11
sattu94!ask | Josh___04:11
ubottuJosh___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
Atharva!ask | Josh___04:11
Nautiluswhy would a mounted volume have "unknown type", "size unknown", etc?04:11
Atharvasattu94 :  :)04:12
zach2825Nickel, NICE!!! easiest way I could think to do it...04:12
Nickelfinagled. lmao04:12
sattu94Atharva: :)04:12
AlecTaylorGrub didn't install... http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5603/screenshot20at202011091.png - what now... LILO?04:12
Nickelzach2825, uh oh, now it won't open04:12
Nickelthe color just pulsates, but chromium doesn't open04:12
Josh___I am trying to install the latested version of Ubuntu, I've tried from iso burned to cd and from usb stick. when I try and boot to install all i get is the copy right info and then nothing happens04:13
Nickelthe gods didn't want incognito chromium on their launcher.04:13
OerHeksAlecTaylor, support for oneiric 11.10 in #Ubuntu+104:13
Nickelzach2825, i'll go without, but thanks for all the help anyway, it's been a learning experience, lol04:14
zach2825Nickel, lol good luck maybe one day lol04:14
Nickelgood night all04:14
sattu94Josh___: when exactly do you get the message? and what kind of screen is it ?04:15
Josh___@sattu94 I get the message when I boot either the install cd or usb. It's the copy right info looks like it starts to load but nothing happens04:16
=== Shadows`paper is now known as SoulShadow
sta7ichow many cores are in a bloomfield i7 930 processor?04:17
sattu94So when you select the "Try ubuntu without any changes yo your computer"? or "Install Ubuntu", or you don't get to that this screen at all ?04:18
DemonicDatamy disk crashed a few times before it loaded properly,haven't installed it yet04:18
Josh___I did the md5sum check and everything came back ok. I also tried changing my video card settings in bios and legacy usb in bios neither settings made a diff04:19
sattu94Josh___: Did you try waiting? :304:19
Josh___i've only waited 5 minutes. should I let it go longer?04:20
=== NotreDev_ is now known as NotreDev
sattu94Josh___: Maybe, if this is an old computer, with a beaten CD/DVD drive.04:20
Josh___no it's pretty beefy04:21
Nautilusdang, i'm in "Computer" and there's all my drives, Filesystem is the main boot drive and I can browse those files... how do I browse the files on the other drives?04:21
Josh___I also tried the windows installer first and it installed but I couldn't get it to boot into ubuntu.04:21
=== Zephr0 is now known as Zephr0`afk
bullgard4How is the 'machine hardware name' defined which the command '~$ uname -m' prints? '~$ info coreutils 'uname invocation' returns the additional information: "sometimes called the hardware class or hardware type" and does not give a definition either.04:28
OsmondQuestion, when I brought my computer out of suspend just now, a red square with a white number 1 appeared in the upper left hand side of the screen, and it wont go away04:28
OsmondAnyone know how to get rid of it?04:28
Blue1j #debian04:28
bullgard4Osmond: Give full details of operating system version.04:29
OsmondUbuntu 11.04 with an ATI Radeon HD video card04:30
OsmondI'm thinking maybe it has something to do with Catalyst Control Center? Don't know why, it just has that look to it I suppose the red and white04:31
rypervencheOsmond: restart. Ubuntu doesn't handle suspend very well.04:31
OsmondAlright, yeah, I kinda noticed that too, it's never been too hot coming out of suspend.04:31
OsmondThanks guys04:31
bullgard4Osmond: I do not know how to get rid of it. On my Thinkpad T61 this 1 does not appear after resuming from suspend. I advise you to launch an error report to Launchpad.04:32
bullgard4Osmond: The other two persons are wrong. Resuming from suspend works all right with many Ubuntu 11.04 users.04:34
urlin2uOsmond, works fine with my aceraspireone04:36
joshtdoes anyone know how to send private messages using irssi i cant figure it out04:40
Jordan_Ujosht: /msg some_persons_nick Your message goes here.04:41
joshtJordan_U: Thanks alot :)04:41
Jordan_Ujosht: You're welcome.04:41
bullgard4How is the 'machine hardware name' defined which the command '~$ uname -m' prints? '~$ info coreutils 'uname invocation' returns the additional information: "sometimes called the hardware class or hardware type" and does not give a definition either.04:44
Coreybullgard4: Probably something wrapped around dmidecode?04:45
Nautilusin ubuntu, is there a way to see the files on a usb drive?04:46
CoreyNautilus: Sure.  "ls" once the drive is mounted. :-)04:46
CoreyOr your file manager of choice.04:46
Nautilusin file manager, click on it, no love :(04:47
urlin2uNautilus, do you mean a persistent file?04:47
Nautilusi know i'm missing something basic04:47
Blue1might be permissions04:48
Nautilusi have a usb drive, used ubuntu to make a ext3 partition, ran CloneZilla to backup my Ubuntu system, and am trying to find the backup image file.04:48
Blue1or a hidden file04:48
Nautiluscant even 'open' the drive in the file browser04:49
urlin2uNautilus, with clonezilla it is a set of 2000 kb packages I believe.04:49
JRobinskYhey guys04:49
Blue1Nautilus: you did all the obvious things, like look at the system log right?04:49
Nautilusurlin2u: that has nothing to do with just getting to the files04:49
JRobinskYi need help04:49
Corey!ask | JRobinskY04:49
ubottuJRobinskY: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:49
Blue1JRobinskY: just ask the question04:50
Nautilushavent looked at logs. obvious thing is to click on the drive in the GUI04:50
Blue1Nautilus: try dmesg and see if there are any errors.04:50
urlin2uNautilus, it does in that it is not one file.04:50
Nautilusurlin2u: i just want to see the file(s)04:51
urlin2uif you get in, Nautilus04:51
JRobinskYI had win 7 installed. I installed ubuntu. I had 1 500gig partition. I chose to resize within ubuntu setup to a 480 gig and a 20 gig. It successfully installed but i do not have an option to boot to windows anymore...help04:51
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:51
CoreyJRobinskY: ^04:51
Nautilusnothing usefull i can see in system logs04:52
Blue1JRobinskY: this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/04:53
Blue1Nautilus: you did a lsusb and made sure that it is recognised, right?04:54
Nautilusdunno what that is04:54
Blue1Nautilus: try just issuing an lsusb and see if your usb drive is in the list.04:54
Nautilusbut I typed that in shell, there it is04:55
NautilusJMicron is the interface in the external usb case04:55
NautilusBus 001 Device 00104:55
Nautiluserm, Device 00304:55
NautilusID 152d:2329 JMicron Technology Corp. / JMicron (etc)04:56
Nautilushw is there04:56
Blue1Nautilus: kewl - let's try:  df -h04:56
Nautilusdf -h04:56
Nautilusoops lol04:56
Blue1Nautilus: that will tell us what's free and what's used on the drive04:56
Nautilusno /dev/sdb104:57
Nautilusthats the usb drive04:57
Blue1Nautilus: did you mount it?04:57
Nautilustried, anyways04:57
[THC]AcidRainhow do i restart my system logger?04:57
NautilusBlue1: right-click on icon, Mount Volume.04:58
Corey[THC]AcidRain: /etc/init.d/rsyslog (or whichever one you're using) restart04:58
Blue1Nautilus: let's see if blkid can find it:  sudo blkid04:58
[THC]AcidRainhow do i find out which one im using?04:58
bullgard4Corey: Thank you for commenting.04:58
AlecTaylorI can't install grub. More info: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62051/unable-to-install-grub - What should I do?04:58
Blue1AlecTaylor: this may help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/04:59
NautilusBlue1: /dev/sdb1: UUID="8f2f4cbe-923c-48b4-a1af-5bfa0c7d34cf" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"04:59
Corey[THC]AcidRain: ls /etc/init.d |grep log05:00
Nautilusext2 and ext3??05:00
JRobinskYgod how long should it take to make a 480 gig partition bootable?05:00
Blue1Nautilus: kewl now we can mount it05:00
Blue1Nautilus: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt05:00
[THC]AcidRainCorey, can i ask you one more question?05:00
[THC]AcidRainim setting up an alias to forward emails. is this the proper syntax: acidrain: "| php -q /var/www/AcidShower/SMS/test.php"05:01
JRobinskYi think thats why windows wont boot or even show as an option. that partition wasnt checked off as bootable. i checked it, but its taking forever. i see the spinning thing working lol05:01
=== Zephr0`afk is now known as Zephr0
rypervencheAnyone know the name of the ISO archive viewer in Gnome or Ubuntu?05:01
rypervencheWhen you right-click on an ISO it pops up and allows you to view the contents of an ISO without extracting it.05:01
Blue1rypervenche: it depends on how the iso is mounted hang a sec05:02
Blue1rypervenche: this may help:  http://pkill-9.com/mounting-an-iso9660-iso-file-in-linux-ubuntudebian/05:02
NautilusBlue1: oh, I didn't know to put /mnt at the end when I tried to do it from cmd earlier. This seems like it did something.05:02
mopar67i have a laptop that won't stop overheating, no matter what i do.05:02
Coreymopar67: Talk to the vendor?05:03
Blue1Nautilus: now open up nautilus, go to file system, then mnt folder and your usb drive should be there05:03
mopar67<Corey> It's an '03.05:03
Coreymopar67: Hardware failure (such as a fan) seems likely.05:03
Blue1Nautilus: yeah it has to have somewhere to access it, so it needs a mount point05:04
mopar67<Corey> I've taken it apart. New fan. New heatsink. New thermal paste. Still overheats.05:04
NautilusBlue1: i think that worked but now it's not in "Computer" anymore. It went... somewhere05:04
Coreymopar67: How is this a ubuntu issue, then?05:05
Blue1Nautilus: don't panic - did you go into the file system, and navigate to the mnt folder?05:05
rypervencheBlue1: Can I mount an ISO that's aleady on a mounted drive?05:05
mopar67Is there a hardware channel?05:05
Blue1rypervenche: yes05:05
Coreymopar67: ##hardware05:05
Nautilusoh right, it moved into the current file system.  I see!05:05
mopar67join/ #hardware05:06
NautilusBlue1: geez, thanks. I feel so dumb, but honestly *nix don't make it easy05:06
Blue1Nautilus: kewl - you owe me coffee someday.05:06
mopar67join #hardware05:06
Blue1Nautilus: you are just not friends yet (you and linux) -- takes time - there are lot of recipes, etc on http://www.pkill-9.com - things I learned.05:07
Nautilusi like linux fine but use it for limited things05:08
mopar67join/ ##hardware05:08
Nautilusand it's time to upgrade from 8.04lts to 10, and I wanted to see my clonezila backup files live befoer I try upgrading live OS05:08
Nautilusi haz files :)05:09
Blue1Nautilus: it takes time - but if you have other issues, come back and ask.  odds are somebody here may have seen it before05:09
Blue1kittehs alive!05:09
Blue1okay awk need a break05:09
Nautilusokay thanks05:09
NautilusI'm guessing I'll have issues when i upgrade. lols05:09
kgwhen i install 11.04 or 11.10beta1 (both alternate, AMD64), i keep getting "installation step failed" on "select and install software". I'm using a software raid config. PC is brand new. I have logs on a USB drive05:17
kgive looked at the logs but i cant work it out05:17
zetherooJust got me an Android tablet ... I am so having major withdrawls right now ... I want Ubuntu on this thing :P05:19
furyoshonenI am new to Ubuntu, are there any antivirus, firewall, or anti-spy ware programs I should be running?05:21
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
RunoHeya! To get straight to the point: Does anyone know if netinstall uses another partitioner than the graphical installer? First usually succeeds partitioning my (half dead) Eee901, while the second always fails?05:21
zetheroo furyoshonen: not needed ... just enjoy!05:21
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest73523
cnzhow do you access the user groups in 11.1005:22
danny_Hello.  I could really use some help on with a keyboard problem.  It seems that my MacBook Pro's keyboard is not being recognized once I get to the login screen.  A USB keyboard is working just fine though05:22
zetheroo furyoshonen: if your sharing files etc to Windows machines you may want to have an AV running just for the sake of others ... but for you yourself... not needed05:22
syn-ackcnz, That would be a question for #ubuntu+105:22
danny_If anyone has any input it'd be appreciated05:23
Runo?and?would it be possible to use the netinstall partitioner in an install with predownloaded packages (not internet connection dependent)?05:23
furyoshonenthanks zetheroo05:24
zetheroofuryoshonen: np05:25
concernedbutokayHi everyone05:28
concernedbutokayHi~! I was wondering, I'm running a livecd puppy in virtualbox on a windows host. There's a forum that I like to go to that is currently flagged as "This site may harm your computer" by google. What are the chances of an infection carrying over into the host or router?05:28
concernedbutokay<Pupuser-2> Am I safe or should I still stay away?05:28
concernedbutokay<Pupuser-2> It's just some forums for general discussion of a show, so I wouldn't be downloading any files or the like.05:28
FloodBot1concernedbutokay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
=== Zephr0 is now known as Zephr0`afk
tnm_anyone knows what is DST compensation.05:29
concernedbutokaytnm_ sound like daylight savings time related stuff05:29
concernedbutokayonly a guess, though05:30
furyoshonenconcerned... don't go to the site... but if you still want to go make sure that you have Noscript, adblock, and flashblock installed as addins on your web browser05:30
concernedbutokayfuryoshonen, okay, if there's any risk of infection even in this environment, I'd rather justwait until the host fixes the issue =P05:31
concernedbutokayfuryoshonen, thanks!05:31
furyoshonenoften its not the content on the actual site, but the adds that contain malicious scripts.05:31
furyoshonenYeah, don't go, better safe than sorry05:32
bmhI'm getting errors mounting the loopback device when attempting to istall from CD. My CD images look fine. I've tried 11.04 and 10.04 and encounter the same error.05:32
neodarknessHello Guys, Im having very very severe (SIC) problems... See... My laptop is kinda old and overheats if the processor goes at full speed, so I NEED the aproppiate cpu governor to be set to ondemand. I recently borched my install and Im trying to get 11.04 installed, but even on livecd it overheats and shuts down before I get to install it. Ive install cpufrequtils and modprobed powernow-k8 and cpufreq ondemand, but I cant get it05:33
danny_Hello.  I could really use some help on with a keyboard problem.  It seems that my MacBook Pro's keyboard is not being recognized once I get to the login screen.  A USB keyboard is working just fine though05:34
neodarknessTheres like 1000 threads on the forum on these problem, but none answered05:34
kgbuy a new computer05:34
Coreydanny_: Check dmesg for keyboard issues.05:35
musingsdanny_: does the macbook pro keyboard work on other OS?05:35
neodarknessbtw, I know its possible, since I did it last time, but I don´t remmber what the trick was :S05:35
primaryneodarkness, acpi is a bitch. turn your laptop into a desktop and get a better heat sink and fan05:36
primaryalso i can't get mplayer to compile with w64codecs found in /usr/lib64/codecs05:36
primaryi mean it is like 'lol no'05:36
neodarknessMan, i know I have to get a new one, but thats not the point... I know it´s possible, ive done it before, but can´t remember how05:36
primaryneodarkness, well those 1000 threads might help you rekindle your memory05:37
zetherooneodarkness: if your laptop is overheating with any OS it's a sure sign of something probably going wrong with the hardware05:37
zetherooneodarkness: when was the last time you opened it up and gave ti a thorough clean, replaced the thermal paste etc?05:38
primaryprescott in a 14" thin form05:38
neodarknessIve never done it... xD05:38
primaryneodarkness, do that05:38
neodarknessbut thats not the main issue rioght now05:38
primaryanti-static gloves/wristband05:38
primaryyeah it is05:38
neodarknesswhat i need is getting the cpufreq?ondemand working05:38
neodarknessman my laptop was working today, the problem is I can´t get cpufreq?set to change the cpu speed05:39
neodarknessit currently works only in performance and its and old AMD processor05:40
zetheroo(3:38:50 PM) primary: anti-static gloves/wristband    -   hehe05:40
jtragneonoe: I've seen AMD Processors Explode they get so hot LOL05:40
jtragdefinitely dust it out05:41
zetherooAMD - ouch ...05:41
neodarknessyeah... they suck05:41
zetheroo neodarkness: does the fan spin at all?05:41
jtragwas just happening to my Toshiba Qosmio Laptop and it was just caked with dust inside05:41
jtragespecially if you smoke around them05:41
pythonirc101has anyone tried wubi on windows 8? Doesnt seem to work.05:41
jtragthen the dust really sticks05:41
pythonirc101The problem is the boot screen05:41
zetheroo neodarkness: ok ... so open her up and clean it out ...05:41
pythonirc101no ubuntu there05:41
jtragWindows 8 Doesn't even "Work" yet05:41
pythonirc101any ideas if this can be fixed?05:41
neodarknessIve got to open it, im just a bit scared since Ive never done it before05:41
jtragFK Winblows05:41
pythonirc101jtrag: Its working on my machine -- at least booting...05:42
zetheroo neodarkness: remoce the fan from the system board and replace the thermal paste ..., then reassemble05:42
jtragWindows 8 looks like something that should be on a tablet05:42
dfilintogod night05:42
zetheroo neodarkness: what machine is it?05:42
neodarknessxD man, i know i have to do that05:42
dfilintofor ours05:42
primaryall cpus explode05:42
primaryif they get hot05:42
jtragpythonirc101: I'm not even gonna bother installing it05:42
primaryi mean the new x86 ones05:42
primaryafter 48605:42
neodarknessbut the single most pressing concern is that i cant get cpufreq to work xD05:42
pythonirc101anyone knows how to make wubi work on 8 yet?05:42
FloodBot1primary: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
zetheroo neodarkness: it may not be a concern at all once you clean the thing out05:42
primaryFloodBot1, i'm not flooding05:42
jtragTry updating your BIOS05:43
zetherooFloodBot1 cannot keep up ...05:43
neodarknessIts a 3 or 4 years old toshiba satellite with a turion 64x205:43
dfilintosorry, i an brazilian05:43
zetheroo neodarkness: satellite ... argh05:43
pythonirc101is anyone playing blu ray discs on ubuntu here?05:43
static_voidnick static_void_05:43
neodarknessits not the bios, since i had it working these morning05:43
jtragsee if there's any BIOS updates for it05:43
jtragit might help some05:43
pythonirc101Anyone using creative x-fi for sound under ubuntu?05:43
=== static_void is now known as static_void_
zetheroo neodarkness: got a model number?05:43
neodarknesslet me check underneat it05:44
zetheroo neodarkness: should be beneath it05:44
jtragalso, reset your CMOS and then load the Defaults/Optimized Defaults in BIOS05:44
furyoshonenI think windows 8 is another reason I have switched to ubuntu05:44
pythonirc101windows 8  = windows 705:44
uoouhello, I have a question: Is there any way, beyond setting up a whole chroot thing, of tricking a program into thinking something other than / is /05:44
jtragI switched to Mac instead of Winblows and I'll always use Linux05:44
pythonirc101Mac != Linux05:44
pythonirc101Apple is the new MS ?05:45
jtragI prefer openSUSE Linux but Ubuntu is definitely one of the best Distros out there...05:45
furyoshonenyeah but without the same license or support05:45
jtragI run a Hackintosh05:45
pythonirc101jtrag: Thats the way to go05:45
pythonirc101Any payment to Apple is sin05:45
pythonirc101in any form05:45
furyoshonenmas isn't Linux, mac in unix05:46
jtragI have Mac OS X 10.7.1 running (THE NEWEST LION) on my PC which I built for less than $3000 and it's the same as a $14,000+ Mac Pro05:46
zetheroo neodarkness: ok looking at it now05:46
jtragMac OS is based off of Free BSD05:46
furyoshonensimilar but not the same05:46
pythonirc101well the apple tax is not the same for sure05:46
jtragnice thing is, you can compile and use apps for All three OS's05:47
neodarknessIm actually downloading the 11.10 beta to see if the new kernel works any better xS05:47
jtragon Mac OS X05:47
pythonirc101jtrag: what mb did you use? how hard was it to install?05:47
jtragEVGA x58 3 Way SLi Classified Edition E76005:47
jtragwasn't hard at all really05:47
pythonirc101i've a machine i'm playing with05:47
pythonirc101win 8 right now05:47
pythonirc101wud like to try hakintosh05:47
jtragcore i7 920 D0 Stepping Model @ 4.001 Ghz05:47
pythonirc101what do i need?05:47
jtrag12 GB Corsair Dominator 1600 Mhz DDR3 Tri-Channel RAM05:48
furyoshonenjtrag 3000$ is a lot to spend on a computer I hope you are doing video editing, and NEED all that power05:48
AtharvaHi... is there any spread sheet to pdf converter available ?05:48
jtragthat's the only link you need...05:48
pythonirc101apple hasnt sued them yet?05:49
pythonirc101jtrag: are you using apple mouse/kb or general ones?05:49
uooulike anyone would voluntarily use an Apple mouse05:49
jtragI'm using a Razer Mamba Mouse and Razer Tarantula Keyboard05:50
jtragthey even have a Mac Driver for the Razer Mamba05:50
furyoshonenthe US supreme court, says that hacking your own computer is not illegal05:50
furyoshonengiving instructions how to do so isn't either05:50
Mneumonicinstalling OSX on any anti mac hardware is technically breaking the Mac EULA05:50
jtragI also have an Apple Branded computer… it has an Apple Sticker on it...05:50
jtraganti-mac hardware?05:50
jtragthat would be all pc hardware05:50
Mneumonicsorry, non-mac hardware05:51
jtragthey use Intel Architecture now lol05:51
neodarknessone thing I dont really undertand is that /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ does not exist... it only gets as far as /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/05:51
furyoshonenjtrag is fine as long as he doesn't infringe on copywright by "steeling" Mac os x05:51
Atharvaanyone ?05:51
pythonirc101What is MAC EULA and when did anyone sign it? :)05:51
jtragand in their TOS or whatever it says that Mac OS must be installed on a Mac/Apple "Branded" computer… mine is… it has an apple sticker...05:51
jtragI never even saw it LOL05:51
MneumonicWhen you install Mac OSX you are agreeing to it, its how they get people to agree05:52
zetherooneodarkness:  here is the documentation ... go to page 186 ... it's a 15min job!!!  http://tim.id.au/laptops/toshiba/equium%20a210%20satego%20a210%20satellite%20a210%20a215%20pro%20a210.pdf05:52
pythonirc101ah i see05:52
jtragoh is that that real long think I clicked okay to because it gave me no choice but to click okay or quit the installation?05:52
pythonirc101how does one change that license and then burn the CD?05:52
Mneumonicyea thats it05:52
pythonirc101I want to write there...if you install this OS, All apple money is mine...then agree to it?05:52
jtragNo I own a mac05:52
jtragseveral actually05:52
jtragthat's what made it possible (well easier) for me to turn my PC Into a working Mac Clone05:53
jtragthere, that's the only post/forums you'll need if you're interested in learning about it05:53
jtragit's rather interesting… especially if you're a geek like me lol05:53
zetheroowho is using WIndows 8?05:54
zetherooI saw screenshots of it ... looked horrid05:54
Atharva!enter | jtrag05:54
ubottujtrag: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:54
neodarknessis the linked pdf meant to help me open the laptop?05:54
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadows`sleep
zetherooneodarkness:  yes sir05:54
jtragubottu: okay05:55
zetherooneodarkness: did you check it out?05:55
jtragAnyone see the new Mandriva Linux?05:55
zetherooneodarkness: I don't know if you even have to remove the LCD like they say ... you may just be able to slip the fan out with the LCD attached05:55
jtragit's sweet05:55
jtragUbuntu is still better, but I'm really digging the new Mandriva05:56
zetheroo jtrag: in regards to looks? or features?05:56
jtragand the new openSUSE is just friggin awesome05:56
neodarknessIm on a old xp pc so im kinda not used to it, but im on it. Nevertheless, what i truly need is setting cpufreq to ondemand :S05:56
jtraglooks, and features05:56
jtragespecially the new package management system and all05:56
jtragyou should check it out05:56
jtragI think it's Mandriva 11 if I'm not mistaken05:56
zetheroowill do ;)05:57
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
jtragLinux Mint is based off of Ubuntu and another good Distro to keep an eye on05:57
pythonirc101jtrag: can your machine play blu rays natively? I guess you dont have a blu-ray player on it, do u?05:57
AndroUserTesting ,this is ubuntu ?05:57
jtragalthough: openSUSE is by far the Ultimate Desktop Linux Distro05:57
zetherooyes, Mint is one of the distros I test out in VB05:58
jtragyeah it plays blu rays...05:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:58
jtragburns them too05:58
zetherooAndroUser: this is ...05:58
thechad90000I've got a question. Right now I'm running Ubuntu on my iMac...is a thinkpad a good way to go for a laptop if I'm going to run only Ubuntu on it05:58
zetheroo thechad90000: yes, yes and YES05:59
thechad90000zetheroo: sounds like you've done this? Haha05:59
zetheroo thechad90000: you bet05:59
zetheroo thechad90000: Thinkpad and Ubuntu only in my household ;)05:59
grendal-primewhats a good channel for dmr stuff...this thor thing really has chaped my ass.06:01
AndroUserAre u all on you cell irc or on a copmuter?06:01
grendal-primei own 4 copies of this movie and i cant watch it??06:01
zetherooAndroUser: Mobile, Tablet, Laptop ... wherever it needs to be06:01
grendal-primeAndroUser, im on a netbook.  its how i sneek away from my wife at night to look at ascii porn!06:02
thechad90000zetheroo: I had to leave the room....what kind of Thinkpad is the best to get? I've seen the sight and everything's so customizable that I just don't even know what to do. Haha06:03
grendal-primemids rule...i mean what can you say...but i hate the "table experience..." no matter what the os...a keyboard just straight up is the most flexible input device..06:03
grendal-primesorry thats "tablet experience"06:04
zetheroothechad90000: the ones to go for are the T, X and W series06:04
zetheroothechad90000: what you end up with depends on your needs and budget06:04
grendal-primetablet experience == blows  IMOP06:05
AndroUserLOL wowo I can hardly take in that you say this in irc,,, everyone else I just found this app on my evo 4g  ...06:05
grendal-primewas that for me?06:06
thechad90000zetheroo: Yeah I saw the T20 or something for like $70006:07
grendal-primeanyway...anyone got advice on this stupid THOR movie problem?06:07
zetheroo thechad90000: ummm the T20 is about 10+ years old06:07
thechad90000It was on the front page of the site06:08
AndroUserWell night.06:08
zetheroo thechad90000: T420 is where we are at now06:08
grendal-primei cant watch the movie..because of some new DMR thing..  I own 4 copies (because i own a video store)  and i cant watch it.06:08
thechad90000zetheroo: I meant to type T42006:08
zetheroo thechad90000: ah yes ... well the T420 is a mean little machine06:08
grendal-primewhats a good channel for that sort of thing?06:09
bullgard4http://projects.gnome.org/seahorse/: "With seahorse you can: Cache your passphrase so you don't have to keep typing it." -- What is "my passphrase"?06:09
Lasersgrendal-prime: DRM*06:09
thechad90000zetheroo: That's good to hear. I'm just trying to get as much information about them as possible because I've always heard they're the best. Are there too many issues when Ubuntu on it instead of Windows?06:10
ArchMagehow do i get invited to the java chat room06:10
grendal-primethanks man...im jumping in the wayback machine now...06:10
AndroUsergrendal-prime, look up the new encryption that they put on the new cd's dvd's multimedia ... Its not that hard to crack /or play ... But getting to find the sit info is a little hard so just a heads up06:10
zetheroothechad90000: honeslty? ... they have been the best for me with running Linux ... more than Linux on any other systems ... since the Thinkpads (T, X and W) stick with well-known, high quality hardware06:11
grendal-primeby the way there is nobody in drm06:11
thechad90000zetheroo: Appreciate it. I'm pumped about getting one06:12
grendal-primeAndroUser, the thor is different06:12
hot2trotanyone have any way I can tag any file, not just videos and music?  I tried extended file attributes, but it doesn't work over sshfs...06:12
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Lasersbullgard4: I'll guess. Your "passphrase" is your sudo password.06:12
ruslan_osmanovhi! I've installed apt-cacher-ng on our LAN. It works on ~35kB/sec on client machines, while we've 200kB/sec when downloading from mirror server. How do I configure LAN bandwidth for apt-cacher-ng?06:12
zetheroothechad90000: you can pick the T410 up as well ... they are still very good and getting cheaper all the time ... try Ebay if you want06:12
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jkfbupthi all06:13
bullgard4Lasers: Thank you for commenting.06:13
zetheroothechad90000: I buy Thinkpads for my friends and relatives ... they never go back06:13
kravlinanyone know why an installer for the server edition would just stop with the purple background?06:13
Lasersbullgard4: When you use ssh-keygen, it'll generate a ssh key. There will be an option to type in passphrase. So I'm certain that's what it is.06:13
thechad90000zetheroo: That's good to hear. I think for my first one I really just want to buy something straight from the company...brand new. I'll probably be getting it here in a few weeks.06:14
thechad90000zetheroo: I want to make sure it has all the specifications I want06:14
Lasersbullgard4: For auto-ssh, it's usually left optional -- but it's extra security to have registered/identified key on the server then the passphrase thing.06:14
zetheroothechad90000: are you in the USA?06:14
thechad90000zetheroo: Yes06:15
AndroUserzetheroo, how good are they ?06:15
zetherooAndroUser: used them for over 10 years and don't bother throwing my money at anything else ;)06:15
grendal-primebullgard4  if you are doing something to automate logins...(like scripts that excute remotely) you need to not passphrase the keypair.06:15
grendal-primepassphrase on sshkeygen == military grade security.06:16
tasslehoffI have a system with "normal" /boot, and the rest of the system in an encrypted LVM volume. After dist-upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, my system only boots every other time.06:17
grendal-primewich is good..and you can still automate login with a keymanager..but lets face it..i dont care about your porn collection.06:17
zetheroo thechad90000: the T420s is the slim version of the T420 ... more awsomer ;) ... but you pay a bit more for it06:17
zetheroo thechad90000: are you after 14" or 15"?06:18
tasslehoffThe first time I get nothing after the BIOS screen. The next time I get into Grub.06:18
thechad90000zetheroo: I'll probably get the 15"06:18
bullgard4grendal-prime: I do not understand your English "you need to not <verb>". Say it in other words, please.06:18
zetheroo thechad90000: oh, so then your going for the T52006:19
grendal-primebullgard4 are you using ssh-keygen to make an ssh keypair?06:19
thechad90000zetheroo: I suppose so I guess...haha...honestly I'm not sure what the main differences are between the different models06:19
bullgard4grendal-prime: My question at the outset was: "http://projects.gnome.org/seahorse/: "With seahorse you can: Cache your passphrase so you don't have to keep typing it." -- What is "my passphrase"?" Can you answer this question?06:20
zetheroo thechad90000: the T4xx are 14" and the T5xx are 15"06:20
thechad90000zetheroo: That's the only difference between the two?06:21
kravlinhey, i'm trying to get the server installer to install. can someone help me? it's crashing out after it scans the hardware.06:21
zetheroo thechad90000: the T range is 1st class business, the X range is 1st class mobility, and the W range is 1st class production06:21
zetheroo thechad90000: That's pretty much it ;)06:21
grendal-primeprobably has something to do with passphrase to your localmachiens keyring.  its like a ...well hmm like a master keychain thing...you put your password in one time and then everytime you hit a website that requres a password...it looks it up in the keyring.06:22
grendal-primebut you have to put in the right password when it askes the first time (per loged int session)06:22
thechad90000zetheroo: Well alright then...that seems easy enough. It seems though that the T range, which looked to be the cheapest, could take care of everything I need the Thinkpad for06:22
grendal-primelook into keyrings.06:22
zetheroo thechad90000: then you have the EDGE, which is not Thinkpad even though Lenovo slapped the badge on it, and the L series which is a cross between the R and SL series which have been fazed out ...06:23
grendal-primethat was all for bullgard406:23
AndroUserzetheroo, well IM tried of junk ... And windows users(though I like the os..) IM getting tired of them blaming me when something goes wrong for their lack of skills... Then tell them Linux can and is a better match for there slow,or old computer... But they  are shy when I would give a free copy and say I would pay to get it fix ,with no money... Rrrr!06:23
zetheroo thechad90000: the L series is the "Budget" Thinkpad ... the "Eco" Thinkpad ... forget it  ...  stick with the good stuff - T,X,W06:23
thechad90000zetheroo: sounds like a plan. I really appreciate your help with everything.06:24
grendal-primebullgard4 if i remember right the first time you use it it asks you to set it up and by that it means...set a password..then afterwards everytime you do anything that has to do with login info it asks for that password again..you plug it in and it caches...retrieves any password that has to do with web browsing.06:24
zetheroo thechad90000: no probs .. if you want you can PM me and I'll give you my support email address06:25
grendal-primethat help bullgard4?06:25
AndroUsergrendal-prime I guess reset it06:25
ThomasB2kHow do I access the GRUB cli when on boot I'm taken directly into Ubuntu without a grub menu?06:26
hot2trotanyone have any way I can tag any file, not just videos and music?  I tried extended file attributes, but it doesn't work over sshfs...06:26
grendal-primeAndroUser, ?06:26
rwwThomasB2k: hold down shift key at boot06:27
m6locksThomasB2k: hold shift when booting06:27
ThomasB2kthank you06:27
ninwaHey guys, this would be the first time I've installed ubuntu while an existing Windows installation was there. Can I expect a pretty smooth experience for side-by-side?06:28
ninwaI think this has improved hugely and was wondering if it was mostly painless now with the ubuntu installer.06:28
zetherooninwa: you should be fine ;)06:28
AndroUsergrendal-prime like go in and find it and reset the keyring... Its a guess..  but something on your PC is messed up... But this is stopping it06:28
Someguy2hey guys06:28
zetherooninwa: unless of course you removed your Windows partition ... :P06:29
Someguy2does Ubuntu support SSDs?06:29
Someguy2and dual screens06:29
AndroUserI think so06:29
ninwazetheroo, I haven't done anything yet. I was about to pop the CD in and install it, and usually I do this with intentions of making a clean installation06:29
ninwaI want to install it beside my Windows installation, which is currently the full partition. My understanding is the installer will resize the partition (I hope?) :)06:29
ninwathe full hd, single partition*06:29
zetherooninwa: clean install is always the best ... if for no other reason to get rid of Windowz :D06:30
urlin2uninwa, do you know how many partitions you have now on the HD?06:30
ninwaurlin2u, just one with Windows06:30
urlin2uninwa, did you install it yourself?06:30
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ninwaurlin2u, yes, I built the computer :) no system restore partition or anything like that06:30
ninwaI work on computers for a living, I just never had an opportunity to use ubuntus installer to do this exactly06:31
urlin2uninwa, no boot paretition?06:31
Someguy2Anyof you tried Wine and play Portal 2 in Ubuntu06:31
Someguy2where is the Ubuntu Database of Drivers BTW06:31
ninwaurlin2u, maybe I learn something today :) I did the installation myself, but I'll be honest I never knew there was a need for a "boot partition" I thought that the boot record was sort of this mysterious thing hidden at the beginning of the HD but was "some other thing"06:32
ninwaso, in that case, there must be a boot partition then, I suppose this is why there's always a 100MB partition created by the windows installer as "System Reserved" or some such06:32
s10loridrcan anyone help me with changing  the ssh port on 10.04 ubuntu server? the default ssh_config all the options are #'d and if i uncomment Port 22 and change it to anything else and reload ssh server i get CONNECTION REFUSED06:33
urlin2uninwa, there is a need for one but if you let the windows autoinstall at least with W7 it makes one.06:33
urlin2uninwa, no need I meant06:33
s10loridrtried this on 2 different machines that are running 10.04 and had the same issue on both06:33
Someguy2ninwa, did you use that installer for Windows to install Ubuntu?06:33
ninwaurlin2u, it created one it seems06:33
Someguy2i forgot what it is06:34
ninwaWUBI? Not on this machine.06:34
ninwaNope, this is just a W7 install, and urlin2u as you mentioned, W7 seems to have created a boot partition, will this affect my ubuntu installation?06:34
AndroUserzetheroo no font do that... Even though most of Linux stuff can be find its just having it there for the small Linux apps written for windows which  wine it a moody thing that likes to fight.... Mm so IM been here a long time and I now that you'll be force to get back to windows for something... Like online collage... Thats a rrrr... Well you get what I mean06:34
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bullgard4Lasers: Thank you very much for your help.06:35
me-1hi how can I ...echo "blacklist snd-cmipci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf...as root...?06:36
Lasersbullgard4: You're welcome.06:36
urlin2uninwa,  asked about the amount, I ssupect you know already the limitations of primaries 4 to a HD, ubuntu will go to a extended and boot, so 3 primaries and a extended, with logicals inside I build them ahead of time in gparted, and use the something else option to get the ubuntu in a premade logical.06:36
urlin2uninwa, I guess the side by side works fine, you are subject to the immovable paging files in windows so be prudent.06:37
luqman_i got this error after running fglrxinfo comman http://pastebin.com/JXrjPnqh06:37
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ninwayou cannot shrink a drive beyond the point where any unmovable files are located06:39
ninwaurlin2u, ps: the windows disk management tool was well aware of this and is currently shrinking my partition to half06:39
eddieHi I'm having an issue with loging in. When I try and log in I get the following error: "Could not update ICEauthority file/home/ibok/.ICEauthority"06:40
ninwaand that was pleasantly fast.06:40
Guest26356morning. i have this http://nopaste.info/dca3ca3c64.html script in my rc.local. it gets execued when booting, but host is empty. if i manually run it later it works as desired. any hints?06:40
ninwaon that note, cheers, see you on the other side06:40
Thelmariame-1: sudo -s ; echo "blacklist snd-cmipci" >> /etc... ; exit.06:40
Guest26356eddie, maybe delete the file once, or make sure it belongs to you?06:40
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eddieok thanks tankdriver06:41
urlin2uninwa, cool the W7 virtual partitioner saves a few lives I will bet. :D06:41
me-1Thelmaria,  what was problem with line I posted...?06:42
AndroUserurlin2u and money **)06:43
ninwaSo as it turns out, if you hit "View Release Notes" in the Ubuntu installer it opens firefox, and since I'm connected to the internet already, voila! :)06:44
ninwaIt recognized that it was installing alongside W7 though, and was a simple click.06:44
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woulfeHello.  I am trying to get my resolution higher than 640x480.  I already installed the proper nvidia drivers, but according to xrandr, the command was not able to find the size of gamma for output default.  Can somebody help me resolve this issue?06:46
kwixsonHaving trouble connecting to shares on Windows XP from Natty. Followed some tutorials, read forum threads. Nothing's helped. Getting "Failed to retrieve share list from server" error.06:48
sim-pafhello experts06:51
sahan7776need help06:51
sim-pafi want to install matlab in ubuntu natty 11.0406:51
sim-pafit gives me the error of /lib/libc.so.606:52
sim-pafi created the link file from /usr/lib/libc.so to /lib/libc.so.606:52
sim-pafnow it gives me the error of permission denied06:53
sim-pafwot is wrong with it06:53
nibbler_sim-paf, strace -eopen <matlab-start-command>06:54
nibbler_what is the difference between executing a script via rc.local and doing it manually?06:54
sahan7776I'm using 10.04. There are 4 partitions in my hard disk.(40GB) /dev/sda7 is the one with ubuntu. it is 8GB and now it is going out of free space . So i want to connect /dev/sda1 which i have installed SliTaz. So please tell me how to???06:54
nibbler_sahan7776, what is SliTaz?06:55
sahan7776nibbler, it is a OS. A linux one. It is only 30MB in size. Just a toy06:56
urlin2usahan7776, connect? both can open the other, thta is about it.07:00
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NevroPusWill the next ubuntu release have kernel 3.x?07:02
sahan7776<urlin2u> yes but when i download packages all of them goes to the ubuntu partition.07:02
yoshiewoulfe: post your question again.07:03
woulfeHello.  I am trying to get my resolution higher than 640x480.  I already installed the proper nvidia drivers, but according to xrandr, the command was not able to find the size of gamma for output default.  Can somebody help me resolve this issue?07:03
shagнарод подскажите как на Linux Mint поставить центр приложений от Ubuntu07:03
urlin2usahan7776, these are ubuntu updates or from the web, change the default download on your browser if using that and have the sda1 mounted.07:04
sim-pafhi there07:04
sim-pafi got dc07:04
sahan7776ok. Thank you very much07:04
urlin2u!ru | shag07:04
ubottushag: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:04
sim-pafi m getting error of /lib/libc.so.6 error while runing so software07:04
sim-pafwhy is tht07:04
sim-pafwhy is tht?07:05
tinybirdsim-paf: there is something wrong with the loader07:06
tinybirdor the linker cannot find the correct lib07:07
NevroPussim-paf: Is there a libc.so.6 in /lib? Mine is in lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, so I just made a symlink from that to lib07:07
sim-paftinybird: i can see /usr/lib/libc.so but no /lib/libc.so07:08
NevroPussim-paf: If the loader for that app is hardcoded to lib, it won't find it. You could do a "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libc.so /lib/libc.so.6" so fix it07:08
nibbler_morning. i have this http://nopaste.info/dca3ca3c64.html script in my rc.local. it gets execued when booting, but host is empty. if i manually run it later it works as desired. any hints? the debug output shows that ifconfig lists all interfaces and the mac addresses are picked up correctly, just the if statment fails.07:09
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sim-pafi did tried tht but didn't worked out07:09
tinybirdyeah, I think nibbler's method would affect07:10
Defusalsigh, is there any version of ubuntu that is stable and bug free?07:11
Defusali just want something that works :(07:11
sim-paftinybird:i did tried tht but didn't worked out07:11
martiertsim-paf: how didn't it work? couldn't you make the symlink, or couldn't it find it?07:11
tinybirdDefusal: I think Ubuntu 10.10 is stable07:12
faLUCEhi, I have to reboot a remote machine through ssh and then exec  reboot command. Unfortunately, there's a a hardware problem on an attached usb storage device and the command reboot doesn't work. what can I do ?07:12
sim-pafno it gave some other error while mounting partitions at system startup07:12
Defusaltinybird, are you sure? 10.04 is supposed to be the LTS release, and its bugged07:13
martiertsim-paf: by making a symlink? You didn't just move the file then? A symlink shouldn't affect anything07:13
sternafaLUCE: you can use sync to flush buffers and sysrq to hard reboot07:13
tinybirdDefusal: LTS means long term supported, not means no bugs.07:14
tinybirdI am using 10.10, and it is very stable07:15
Defusaltinybird, I thought the LTS version is meant to be most stable, but ok07:15
faLUCEsterna: sync hangs07:15
sternafaLUCE: that means you'll just have to hard reboot07:15
ohzieDefusal: LTS is supposed to be the more stable one...but sometimes people make mistakes.07:15
ohzieDefusal: It happens. :(07:16
tinybirdDefusal:LTS means the developer will maintain it in a long period07:16
DefusalI guess I will try 10.10 then, hopefully its third time lucky...07:16
ohzieDefusal: Why not try the new one?07:17
ohzieDefusal: 11.04 is the latest, it's what I'm using now.07:17
faLUCEthnks sterna07:17
ohzieDefusal: I upgraded to this from 9.04, it was a big change.07:17
Defusalbecause it was even worse when i tried it a couple months ago07:17
tinybirdAs I know, 11.04 is not stable enough.07:17
ohzieDefusal: Well, you have to switch to normal gnome and off of Unity07:17
Defusal(on multiple machine)07:17
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sim-pafwell some wiered error07:17
ohzieWeird, I've had no stability issues07:18
martiertsim-paf: see private07:18
Defusalwhich is why i was hoping the LTS would work07:18
sim-pafPermission denied07:18
=== erkan is now known as erkan_
sim-pafUse:not found07:18
ohzietinybird: What is unstable in 11.04?07:18
sim-pafthe  not found07:18
sim-pafSyntax error07:18
Defusalits unstable and somewhat buggy ohzie07:18
Defusali need 100% stability07:18
ohzieDefusal: I'm asking what is unstable and buggy about it, is all.07:18
ohzieI'm not contesting07:18
tinybirdsome people around me use 11.04, and the X-windows system doesn't work well07:18
ohzieI'm merely curious, as I'm using it.07:18
Defusaland no bugs stopping me from being able to configure my network correctly07:18
ohzietinybird: what part about it doesn't work?07:19
matriumhi, can anyone tell me why my windows don't have minimize, maximize, close buttons in unity?07:19
Defusalit locks up randomly on some hardware07:19
martiertsim-paf: And what is the error if you do "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/libc.so.6 /lib/libc.so.6" ?07:19
ohzieAgain, I'm not trying to contest, I just haven't run into any issues and I'd like to know - ahead of time - before I do.07:19
tinybirdFor example, when they use gedit07:19
sternafaLUCE: echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger07:19
Defusaland on other hardware there are other issues, which i cant remember the details of07:19
sternacareful, this instantly reboots07:19
antiiAdded a ati graphics card to my ubuntumachine, now I can't use my motherboard chip anymore if I check in alsamixer I just got a S/PDIF option, any clues?07:20
tinybirdthe cursor's position is not move as your mouse click07:20
ohzietinybird: Okay, I'm going to chalk any problems you were having with X to my-machine-doesn't-have-those-problems then.07:20
ohziebecause all of these problems are very unfamiliar to me.07:20
Defusalyeah i remember some sort of graphics issues when i tested on another machine07:20
Defusaland also, bad performance07:20
ohzieDefusal: If you need 100% reliability, I suggest not using a desktop linux distribution.07:21
tinybirdohzie is right, after all, linux is a free software.07:21
Defusalohzie, so i should install ubuntu server (which version?) and then install X and a window manger?07:21
ohzieDefusal: what is this system for07:22
amircxhey, how can i do a script that if argument is not 1,2 then exit and if its 1 then do somthing1 and if its 2 then do somthing 207:22
Defusali dont have time to learn another distro and I like debian-based distros, ubuntu being the more developed one07:22
Defusalohzie: webcam object detection and recognition07:22
tinybirdDefusal: I suggest you not use X-windows system07:23
ohzieDefusal: what tinybird said.07:23
ohzieDefusal: If reliability and stability is that important, X is probably not a good idea07:23
Defusaltinybird: I require it for webcam related development...07:23
ohzieDefusal: develop on a desktop07:23
ohzieDefusal: Run on a production machine07:24
ohzieproduction being something very stable07:24
DefusalI would never install X on a usual server, but in this case, it is required...07:24
DefusalI dont have time to install another machine right now, nor am i even sure if the software supports running headless or without X libraries07:25
AndroUserohzie cuz 11.04 and up have many bugs and itsmy friendly to the ubuntu standards.. As mmm.... Some old stuff dint work, and gpu Haha! Good luck getting it to work07:25
ohzieDefusal: And don't ever let people tell you that Ubuntu Server isn't comporable to Debian in terms of, well, anything. In my experience, Ubuntu's server release has better hardware support - though, that's arguable. It could simply be *different* hardware support.07:25
Defusalhow unstable can X really be?07:25
Defusal99.8% reliability would be ok07:25
ohzieAndroUser: I didn't need any luck, my machine is just very simple. Nothing complicated here.07:25
AndroUserOhiz as the desktop goes...07:26
Defusalohzie: I have never had any issues with ubuntu server in the past, I have used it for countless servers07:26
ohzieDefusal: Yeah, Ubuntu server is great.07:26
tinybirdem, that's a little headache, X-windows VS Stability07:26
DefusalSo can anyone confirm that 10.10's network manager is not bugged?07:26
Defusalbecause 10.04's is screwed07:26
ohzieDefusal: I can confirm that my machine with 10.10 on it, before I upgraded, worked perfectly fine, and that I used the network-manager gnome-applet to connect to wireless networks at work and home with no difficulties...but that was on the HP07:27
ohzieDefusal: I can also confirm that my lenovo, with the BC43 crap in it, had endless problems with wireless.07:27
ohzieDefusal: The HP uses an Atheros chipset. It _just works_.07:28
Defusalohzie, did you set up a manual ipv4 address with gateway?07:28
ohzieDefusal: Certainly not07:28
Defusalthen that doesnt help me07:28
ohzieDefusal: For static, you don't need network manager07:28
Defusalwireless dhcp works fine, for local network access07:29
ohzieDefusal: Uninstall it07:29
Defusalbut being a server, i require static configuration07:29
Defusalmanual configuration does not work either07:29
tinybirdI have not used wireless network, but wired network works well07:29
Defusali've set it up plenty times on ubuntu server in the past07:29
Defusalnot for wireless though07:29
Defusalbut it seems like it should be simple enough07:30
jpdsDefusal: So, configure /etc/network/interfaces ?07:30
Defusalfor the simplest setup, this is turning out to be a weeks worth of work...07:30
DefusalI did, it did not work.07:30
Defusaleh, typo07:30
Defusali will try remove the network manager07:31
jpdsWhy are you using network-manager on a server?07:31
Defusalbecause its ubuntu desktop, for X07:31
Defusalas i said, its not so much of a server, since its for webcam recognition07:32
Defusalbut it needs to be stable07:32
ohzieDefusal: I might suggest a separation of the 'development' and 'production' machines, in some way.07:32
Defusalyou already suggested that, and that obviously ideal, but as i said, not a possibility at this stage07:33
ohzieFair enough.07:34
ohzieIf you're having stability problems with newer version of ubuntu, backtrack to 9.0407:34
Defusali simply need this up and running as soon as possible, its been days already just to get a stable distro installed and get networking working07:34
ohzieIt was rock solid, never broke, never did anything wrong that I remember07:34
anandvenkat4Hi Room07:35
DefusalI will do so if I have any further issues with 10.0407:35
anandvenkat4I have a specific issue07:35
DefusalI will setup an external monitoring service to watch the machine for downtime07:35
sting049hello i desperatly need some help07:36
anandvenkat4I have a program which calls a command by popen07:36
DefusalI've noticed the gnome gui of 10.04 is not as responsive as I would like it to be07:36
anandvenkat4the command can be executed only by sudoers07:36
Defusalespecially after boot07:36
urlin2usting049, aks away.07:36
sting049k but its kinda long07:37
Defusalhopefully it wont be such an issue due to the nature of this box, but now i at least know not to install 10.04 on my future desktop machine07:37
sting049i have tried several times to download and install ubuntu inside windows but keep getting these errors at the end of the install process i got this from the log please read it all theres two or three error codes   09-18 20:48 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 198 bytes) 09-18 20:48 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'. 09-18 20:48 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings.. 09-18 20:48 INFO   saplog:07:37
ohzie>buy cheapest new HP laptop on hp.com07:37
ohzie>no hardware problems at all with ubuntu07:37
urlin2usting049, you have the ISO?07:38
shomonhi, how do I get ubuntu to recognise 2 monitors?07:38
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shomonI just brought up monitor preferences, I'm hitting detect monitors, but since the upgrade to newest ubuntu from 10.10, it doesn't recognise my second one?!07:39
htlmDefusal  what are you running?  and its confusion and slow at first 1 month but after you master them and talk to experts, read the forms,ask for help,,, in he end you get to know more here then in a class room you pay for and 90-97% is free(all the rest you pay for but they turn around and help give you the very free things you have know, just asking you to trade a bit of time... Oh but like I was saying in the end .. Like me I learn this07:40
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lapionWhatever hapened to Curacao in ubuntu ?07:40
htlmMaster the basics*07:40
lapionubuntu only knows of 2 places none of which is the Island of Curacao ( population est. 150000)07:41
anandvenkat4what is a downscript?07:41
htlmShimon look for the driver or reason why07:41
anandvenkat4anyone there to answer my question?07:42
Defusalhtlm, I am talking about the response time of the gui... i am not confused about anything, i know how to use ubuntu desktop07:42
htlmString your iso might be bad or CD07:43
lapionhtlm, CD ?07:43
th0rDefusal: I have always found both gnome and kde too heavy on overhead to be responsive. Try some of the other DE and you might find things improve nicely. I use xfce, but you might like lxde or one of the others07:43
htlmDefusal  what are you needs07:44
urlin2uanandvenkat4, it would help to have some context.07:44
nakrehi,  just trying sort the annoying numlock by following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock , but i end up,  The document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to /etc/gdm/Init/Default.07:45
nakreCheck that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available.07:45
phretor"error: invalid argument in libvirt was built without the 'gsx' driver" - any chance that I can connect virsh to a GSX hypervisor on 11.04?07:45
Defusalth0r, yeah, well in this case, once complete, there will be almost no gui user interaction on the box, so it should be ok.. i guess its not caching everything needed in the ram, so the usb flashdrive im using as the system disk is slowing it down (i dont have a hard drive for it, as its a laptop with a broken screen), but it will only be used for a couple months anyway07:45
Defusalthe idea is, the laptops battery will protect it against downtime due to power failures07:46
urlin2unakre, you need to open the file with gksudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default07:47
Defusalbut now, after removing the network-manager and rebooting, i still only have local network access... with the dns server added to /etc/resolv.conf, it resolves the ip of external addresses but cannot reach them... sigh07:48
htlmXfce  is nice, and low over head .... Fedora as you install can pick everythink from the start you need, and even do some autoconfigure for you07:48
lapionDefusal, use tmpfs for all folders that contain cache contents that can be discarded upon shutdown07:48
frusenis there a safe way to remove pulseaudio from ubuntu 11.04?07:48
nakreurlin2u: gedit does not let me edit the file..07:49
nakrekate does tho07:49
htlmDefusal read my last entery07:49
Defusallapion, is there an easy way to set up the system to use tmpfs for all temp things, such as the swapfile?07:49
urlin2unakre, try nano07:49
Defusalhtlm: you didnt reply?07:49
Defusalhtlm, i just said that internet is still not working, and i need to solve it..07:50
htlmGoogle it its out there , but it well take you a hr. Toget it to properly  work... Case dependen07:51
Defusali wouldn't be here if google could solve my issue...07:52
urlin2unakre, is kate a kde editor?07:52
nakreurlin2u: yes07:52
htlmWell plug it in and restart.. Then try to update. Ping google to see its the PC or the router07:52
htlmDefusal how new are you07:53
Defusali have setup plenty ubuntu servers in the past, and a couple debian ones too... i am not new to manual network configuration. i havn't setup wireless manually before, but since local network access is working, it cannot be the issue, so there is something messed up with ubuntu using my gateway07:53
Defusalnot new...07:53
urlin2uDefusal, is it tyhe card perchance wha is it?07:54
Defusali've used ubuntu for servers for about 5 years07:54
Defusallike i said, local network access is working, so it cannot be the interface urlin2u07:55
htlmAhh that darn bug.. I think it is .. What Crossan are you ?07:55
Defusaldns even works, its just the gateway that is broken07:55
nawkhi,  I am trying to setup/manage my chat account using the Me/Messaging Menu on the top right corner07:55
th0rDefusal: what does route show? do you have a default route and gw defined?07:55
nawkbut it looks like it's underlying multi-protocol messaging client is Empathy07:56
htlmDefusal upcoming07:56
Defusalth0r, default's gateway is correct in route07:57
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Defusalhtlm: what?07:57
nawkIs it easy/possible to have the Me/Messaging Menu (located on the top right corner) to use a different multi-protocol client?07:57
htlmHave you lan connect?07:57
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htlmDefusal have you lan connected07:58
Defusalhtlm: i am using wireless, as i do not have a free ethernet port anywhere near the box, but there is an access point less than a meter away. as i said, lan is working fine, its just internet that is borked.07:59
htlmDefusal focus please..08:00
lapionDefusal, it's largely a manual job of searching out folders that are frequently written to.08:00
htlmDefusal then go plug it in08:00
RickyBoyHow do I add an applet (or indicator) that enables me to set the cpu frequency in unity?08:00
lapionDefusal, try using an external usb hdd, then your problems should disappear like snow in the sun08:00
nawkIs it easy/possible to have the Me/Messaging Menu (located on the top right corner) to use a different multi-protocol messaging client?08:01
htlmRickyBoy just like the old ones...08:01
lapionI have a mythtv-system with the root partition on an external hdd, my current desktop/laptop is running of an external usb drive due to bugs in the internal SATA bay08:01
Defusalhtlm: you are not helping, rather leave this up to someone else who may know08:01
urlin2uRickyBoy, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/indicator-cpufreq-cpu-frequency-scaling-indicator-applet/08:01
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htlmDefusal IM guessing you trying to connection to the internet right ?08:02
Defusallapion, yeah well, i'll see how performance goes, i dont have money for an external 2.5" drive right now, and a powered one would defeat the point of the laptops battery being a backup in power failures08:02
lapionDefusal, startup the dhcp client manually08:03
Defusalhtlm: the fact that you are guessing that now, after i told you that and all the details of my issue more than once, is the reason you cannot help me08:03
Defusallapion: i need manual static configuration08:03
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lapionDefusal, get a double header external usb-case, should only cost $5 or $10 insert an old hdd.08:04
lapionDefusal, then use ifconfig08:04
Defusallapion: i dont have a spare old laptop hard drive, else i would be using that.. inside the laptop08:05
cdh473anyone want to help with a web project for programming experience?08:05
Defusallapion, how is that supposed to help anything? i can see my configuration is correct...08:05
htlmDefusal OK then...i wasn't here for your detail only bits of it, but I thinking u needed on the net08:06
nawkcdh473, which group or institution is this project associated with?08:06
DefusalI need someone to help me find a workaround to some sort of bug stopping ubuntu from correctly using my gateway.08:07
cdh473so far it's been a solo project, but i'm looking to expand on it08:07
cdh473as it's getting quite large08:07
Defusalcdh473, you'd probably want to mention the languages and frameworks used, so that anyone potentially interested will know if they can even consider it08:08
nawkIs it easy/possible to have the Me/Messaging Menu (located on the top right corner) to use a different multi-protocol messaging client?08:08
cdh473javascript/php are the main languages, graphics are done with SVG08:09
erkan_the graphical  bootscreen does not work, where/how can i set "set gfxpayload=text" as default ? (not at OS edit at bootscreen because can not save settings there)08:09
cdh473and it uses Raphael JS for SVG08:09
nawkerkan_ grub.cfg?08:09
htlmAll I can say is ubuntu lts and routers sometimes have a hard time connecting.. It happen to me a few times..   look for the  dr_willis he knows tons and its the main guy for you problem08:10
htlmDefusal sorry I couldn't help .. Night all08:10
scarleoDefusal: So you can ping gateway and DNS server but not google.com, correct? What does 'route' give?08:10
cdh473the project is a Web OS with in-browser touchscreen compatibility08:11
cdh473on a unix host08:11
nawkyou probably want to edit the grub.cfg file yourself.  *Remember to do change permission before you can edit it08:11
Defusalscarleo, correct, pinging google resolves the ip but thats it. default's gateway is correct in route08:12
scarleoDefusal: Also, what's in /etc/network/interfaces ?08:12
cdh473also if it makes any money, it will be split between all developers08:12
scarleoDefusal: ok08:12
scarleoDefusal: Can you confirm internet is working on another box on same network?08:13
Defusalscarleo, i set up the wireless card with static ip configuration following some online instructions, its not far off from wired configuration08:13
Defusalit was last time i checked, but i can go test quickly08:14
scarleoDefusal: do so just to make sure08:14
packetboywhat's Ubuntu One like?08:15
scarleoDefusal: what kind of environment, home network with DHCP router?08:15
RickyBoyJust installed the cpufreq applet, how do I make i show up?08:18
scarleoRickyBoy: If in Gnome just right click toolbar and choose add applet or similar08:18
RickyBoyI'm in unity08:18
Defusalscarleo: it works fine. the gateway i am trying to use is a windows server with internet connection sharing, network uses static ips08:19
scarleoRickyBoy: There is no applet support in unity, google for solutions08:20
Defusali wish manual network configuration in ubuntu would just work :/08:20
scarleoDefusal: Well, it does if done correctly ;) It will probably be a "Ahh!"08:21
ikoniaDefusal: how does it not work08:21
RickyBoyscarleo, ok08:22
Pumpkin-Defusal: if you mean the fact if you don't disable NetworkManager, it comes along and dumps all over your config in "interfaces", yeah, thats annoying. NetworkManager could just read interfaces and not manage interfaces set to manage.08:23
Defusalikonia: please read up, i have explained 3 times already08:23
Defusalscarleo, as i said, i have configured ubuntu server manually tons of times in the past, this seems like a bug.08:23
maxagazon logitech bluetooth mouses, there are now one button in three (the middle one, which can click down, left and right), how can I configure it on ubuntu ?08:23
DefusalPumpkin-, sure, but i removed the network-manager hoping it would solve the issue, though it does not.08:24
scarleoikonia: Defusal is able to ping gateway and DNS but not actually access web pages if I got it right08:24
Defusalscarleo, i cant ping external addresses08:24
scarleoDefusal: Ok? I got it wrong then, thought you said DNS was ok?08:25
ikoniaDefusal: which address can you not ping, can you give me an example08:25
scarleoDefusal: So no traffic whatsoever outside of LAN?08:25
Defusalscarleo, the dns server is the same windows box that is the gateway, it resolves addresses to ips fine, but ping received no response08:25
Defusalikonia, google.com08:26
Defusalscarleo, exactly08:26
aeplusif you are pinging the windows box, it is likely that the firewall does not allow icmp requests08:26
ikoniaDefusal: what is the error you get if you ping google.com08:26
Defusalaeplus, i can ping any windows box on my network fine, including the gateway08:26
Defusalikonia, like i said, the dns resolves fine, there is just no response to the ICMP packets...08:27
kanhahow to test a bug after fixing08:27
aepluskanha, usually you write the test to recreate the bug, then fix the bug, then rerun the test... if it does not reoccur, then the bug is fixed08:28
ikoniaDefusal: what happens if you ping
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Defusalikonia, the same thing as any other address external to LAN, 100% packet loss..08:29
ikoniaDefusal: so something beyond your gateway (or your gateway) is not relaying icmp08:30
ikoniaDefusal: I don't see that as an ubuntu issue, more something on the network/isp you're using08:30
Defusalikonia, sigh, how many times do i need to say this, there is no issue with the gateway. the issue is with ubuntu.08:30
ikoniaDefusal: why do you think that ?08:30
Defusalikonia, you are wrong.08:31
ikoniaDefusal: ok, expalin why I am wrong, give me your reasoning08:31
kanhaand how recreate a bug i mean how to run bug source code....08:31
Defusalbecause im a system/network admin, and a software engineer, i have tested from another machine, the gateway is still 100% functional, like it has been for many years.08:31
ikoniaDefusal: ok, so look at it from this point of view.08:32
ikoniaDefusal: 1.) you can ping internal addresses from ubuntu (the gateway) so that means your ubuntu box is allowing icmp through and responding to it, agreeed yes/no ?08:32
Defusali dont want to look at it from any point of view, i want a solution, or at least some direction to go about troubleshooting the issue with ubuntu08:32
ikoniaDefusal: if you walk it through with me, maybe we can find one08:33
scarleoDefusal: Don't you have any logs in the gateway box that might reveal what's going on?08:33
Defusalits been an hour already and no one has been able to give me a single thing to try08:33
ikoniaDefusal: becaus eyou're not giving us information to work with, work it through with us08:33
Defusalikonia: LAN works fine, dns does too, the gateway does not.08:33
scarleoDefusal: Or maybe /var/log/syslog might have something on Ubuntu box?08:33
ikoniaDefusal: so you can't ping the gatewa ?08:33
surajHello guys, I bought HP dv7-4285dx which comes with switchable graphics, I don't know how to configure it:-( and the second issue I am having is that I have 6GB of RAM but when I installed ubuntu 11.04 on it It shows me 2GB only?08:33
ikoniaDefusal: oops, "so you can't actually ping the gateway"08:33
Defusalbull, i have given you every detail i have, and anything (however redundant it may be), that i was asked for08:34
ikoniaDefusal: work through it with me, I'm only just coming into the problem08:34
llutz_suraj: "switchable graphics" means optimus (intel/nvidia)? isn't supported yet08:34
ikoniaDefusal: can you ping the gateway yes/no ?08:34
Defusalikonia, i already said, i can ping the gateway, like any other local box on my LAN, fine.08:35
surajllutz it's intel/ATI-readon08:35
ikoniaDefusal: ok, so you agree the ubuntu machine is allowing ICMP in/out based on that test ?08:35
Defusali am getting really annoyed at having to repeat the same thing multiple times to the same people, not only because its wasting my own time, and theirs, but spamming the channel08:35
ikoniaDefusal: drop the attitude, I'm trying to help you here, however I'm going through the detail as "I" don't have it all08:36
Defusalikonia, yes.....................08:36
lapionDefusal, if you are using a windows server with network sharing the ballgame has changed. The windows network sharing only share with computer that got it's address from it's dhcp08:36
Defusalikonia, i told you that a few times already :(08:36
ikoniaDefusal: so if you login to the gateway, (whatever device it is) do you see the icmp echo request hitting the gateway ?08:36
SatansChoiceSomehow a perl script got into my home folder, executed itself, and posted my personal email archive to usenet! How could that happen? I've only used apt to install software from official repos! Have i been hacked?08:37
Defusalikonia, you are really not helping08:37
ikoniaSatansChoice: it sounds like you have been compromised, yes08:37
ikoniaDefusal: I can if you walk it through with me08:37
almoxarifeSatansChoice: can you pastebin the script?08:37
Defusalikonia, i have said many times, this is an issue with ubuntu not using the gateway correctly08:37
ikoniaDefusal: can you see the icmp echo request on the gateway for a sucessful ping ?08:37
ikoniaDefusal: I'm not disagreeing, I'm asking you to work it through with me08:38
lapionDefusal, are you reading all comments that contain your name ? they are usually highlighted.08:38
Defusalikonia, which is not helping08:38
ikoniaDefusal: if you ping the gateway from the ubuntu machine, do you see the sucessful ping on the gateway device (eg: does it log icmp echo request)08:38
Defusali am starting to think that it will be quicker to learn a new distro, download and install that, than actually get someone to help me solve a ubuntu networking bug...08:38
ikoniaDefusal: ok, you do that, use another distro - bye08:38
lapionDefusal, if you are using a windows server with network sharing the ballgame has changed. The windows network sharing only share with computer that got it's address from it's dhcp08:38
Defusallapion, sorry, i may have missed some due to all of ikonias spam, i will read up once i have responded to private messages08:39
almoxarifeDefusal: try damm small linux?08:39
SatansChoiceOh my god! How do i remove the emails from usenet man!08:39
surajllutz_ it's intel/ATI-readon08:39
lapionDefusal, you are spimming in here with your windows sharing crap08:39
Defusalgreat, op abuse08:39
lapionDefusal, you are spimming in here with your windows sharing crap08:40
ikoniaDefusal: drop the attitude or leave - that was your only warning08:40
almoxarifeDefusal: you are being an ass, the guy tried really hard to be nice to you08:40
Defusallapion: that is incorrect, i have used this windows gateway for many years for all sorts of operating systems and i only use static addresses on my network08:40
almoxarifeSatansChoice: can you share that script via pastebin?08:41
lapionDefusal, in that case make sure you turn off the firewall (ufw) in ubunut08:41
Defusalalmoxarife, ikonia, im sorry for being an ass, but the past hour has been taken up mostly by ikonia and htlm asking me the same questions repeatedly, and nothing else08:41
SatansChoiceI deleted the script08:41
Defusallapion, i didnt think that could block IMCP packet responses, but i will try08:42
ikoniaDefusal: I spoke to you for 11 minutes, not 1 hour, this is your final chance to drop the attiude and talking nosnense08:42
ikoniaICMP is not being blcoked08:42
ikoniayou have proved that by pinging the gateway08:42
almoxarifeDefusal: did you by any chance decide to experiment with iptables/firewall/ufw in ubuntu?08:42
ikoniaif you can ping the gateway and it responds to the ubuntu ping, icmp is not being blocked08:43
CosmicVoyagerGreetings, I have been trying to install Ubuntu on a drive on an Etron USB 3.0 port. Ubuntu 11.04 does not even see the drive. Then I tried 11.10 and it sees it and I am able to install, but when I restart it does not boot.08:43
ikoniawhich is why I asked you if you agreed ICMP is not being blocked by the ubuntu box, due to the test of pinging the gateway08:43
Defusalalmoxarife: this is a clean installation, i downloaded the ISO 2 days ago.08:43
Defusalikonia, well thats what i thought too08:43
ikoniaDefusal: if you have pinged the gateway and it responds to the ubuntu box, ubuntu is not blocking ICMP at any level08:43
lapionCosmicVoyager, are you shure the bios can boot off the usb 3.0 port ?08:43
Defusalbut i have not been given anything else to go with :/08:44
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Defusali am really out of options here08:44
ikoniaDefusal: if you are pinging beyond the gateway and it's not responding, something on the gateway is not forwarding the request outgoing, or most likley not forwarding the request back correctly08:44
SatansChoiceWhat kind a monster would write such a script? Some antisocial psychopathic geek!08:44
ikoniaDefusal: sorry, I'll rephrase that as I wasn't clear if you'll induldge me08:44
Defusalshort of downloading 10.10, formatting and trying that instead of 10.0408:44
lapionCosmicVoyager, is the usb 3.0 port integrated in the motherboard ?08:44
ikoniaDefusal: this is not an ubuntu issue08:44
ikoniaDefusal: if you can ping the gateway and it responds, ICMP is working on ubuntu08:45
Defusalikonia, as i have said multiple times, the gateway is most definitely not the issue, it is ubuntu08:45
CosmicVoyagerlapion> i am not sure how that works. yes the usb 3.0 port is on the motherboard and usb 3.0 is an option enabled in BIOS08:45
Defusalthe issue is *not* with ICMP08:45
ikoniaDefusal: as I've said to you, it's definatly the gateway08:45
almoxarifeDefusal: can the gateway machine see the ubuntu machine?08:45
Defusalit is with ubuntu using the gateway08:45
Defusali swear i have said that 10 times already08:45
ikoniaDefusal: right, so the issue is the gateway08:45
ikoniaDefusal: I've said it 10 times to, but you're not listening08:45
Defusalikonia: you are wrong, and since you refuse to see that, rather stop trying to help.08:46
ikoniaDefusal: can you browse the web ?08:46
ikoniaDefusal: on the ubuntu machine, lets remove ICMP from discussion, can you browse the web08:46
CosmicVoyagerlapion the motherboard uses an etron controller which did not work with 11.04 bt was suppossed to be fixed in 3.0 kernel08:46
ikoniaDefusal: (or any other web based service from the ubuntu machine)08:46
htlmSorry then.. Night.... Try in 5 gee when the other side of the world theat speaks English is up... Then u have a better chance for help08:47
graingertwhat does the ubuntu dvd contain?08:47
erkan_how to change /boot/grub/grub.cfg permission to edit it ?08:47
Defusalikonia: if i could, would i be telling you ubuntu is not using the gateway correctly?08:47
graingerthtlm: dude it's 10am in the uk08:47
lapionCosmicVoyager, is grub loaded ? are you shure the usb boot device is first in line to boot ? have you tried using the bios-bootselector ?08:47
almoxarifeerkan_: you don't08:47
ikoniaDefusal: so you are totally cut off at every level from anything beyond the gateway08:47
erkan_almoxarife: ?08:48
ikoniaDefusal: sorry, when I first started talking to you as I was told it was just ping/icmp was the issue, which is why I'm asking you to work it through08:48
Defusali have been unable to use apt-get to download anything, which is the main reason i am trying to get internet working08:48
CosmicVoyagerlapion yes, usb hard disk drive in first. how do you use the boot selector?08:48
almoxarifeerkan_: grub is changed editing another file08:48
ikoniaDefusal: ok, so can you please do "netstat -rn" and show me the output in a pastebin please.08:48
Defusalikonia, yes, you misunderstood, which is why i kept trying to tell you its a gateway issue08:48
Defusali will try after its finished rebooting again08:49
ikoniaDefusal: repeating it's not a gateway issue doesn't help, explaining the problem does08:49
ikoniaDefusal: please, when it's back pastebin the output and lets see what's going on08:49
htlmLol.   night Adel Defusal good luck , and try not to burn out08:49
almoxarifeerkan_: /etc/default/grub08:49
erkan_well almoxarife i need use     set gfxpayload=text as default for grub..  graphical mode either broken for me08:49
CosmicVoyagerikonia is this irc highlighting when i type your name?08:49
llutz_erkan_: /etc/default/grub is the file to change, run "sudo update-grub" after you're done08:50
ikoniaCosmicVoyager: yes08:50
CosmicVoyagerlapian...oops i meant lapain...is this irc highlighting when i type your name08:50
almoxarifeerkan_: like llutz said08:50
lapionCosmicVoyager, depending on which bios/brand your mainboard has during startup the system should tell you which key does boot selection, usually F9/F10 ESC or something similiar08:50
Defusaloh god\08:50
Defusalinternet works now, after a second reboot08:51
Defusalhow retarded08:51
CosmicVoyagerlapion, yes i saw that. its F12. when i press that it just restarts08:51
Defusalthanks for trying to help everyone08:51
ikoniawell, we'll never no, but at least your working08:51
Defusali guess we'll never know the exact cause08:51
CosmicVoyagerlapian it says F12 BOOT MENU08:51
CosmicVoyager i will try it again...08:52
erkan_llutz_: there is not $linux_gfx_mode to change text mode tho ?08:52
MarkslapGood day everyone. I'm trying to enable and use IPv6 on my Ubuntu 11.04-machine, I've tried to add my IPv6 address to eth0 (I still want to be able to use IPv4) and add the correct route, but nothing seems to work. And this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 article did not help at all, it's just about tunneling.08:53
MarkslapAnyone got any ideas?08:53
graingertMarkslap: ipv6 should auto configure if your network supports08:53
MarkslapAnd I have a /64 subnet of IPv6 addresses assigned to my machine.08:53
graingertMarkslap: otherwise you are stuck with v408:53
ljsoftnetwhat the hotkey for banshee volume up and down?08:54
graingertMarkslap: does your router/dhcp server handle v6?08:54
Markslapgraingert: Well, the only think that is there from the start is the loopback for IPv6.08:54
Markslapgraingert: yes.08:54
Markslapgraingert: It's a server.08:54
graingertMarkslap: does it work on any other machines?08:54
llutz_erkan_: add a line GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD=text08:54
MarkslapYes, a friend of mine have a server in the same server hall and he can use IPv6.08:54
graingertMarkslap: you might want #ubuntu-server08:54
Markslapgraingert: Okey, I'll check that channel out.08:55
erkan_llutz_: that file also gives me same error when try save it, no permission..08:55
llutz_erkan_: sudo nano /etc/default/grub08:55
graingertMarkslap: also you shouldn't have ips assigned to your machine08:55
graingertMarkslap: it should simply be a subnet available to the network08:56
graingertMarkslap: and then machines just pick with ip they get with the prefix the dhcp server gives them08:56
almoxarifeerkan_: you need to edit the grub file with 'sudo' , the grub file in /etc/default08:57
CosmicVoyagerlapian ok i use dthe boot menu and select USB HDD and it didn't work...there was no drive activity. i dont understand how if 11.10 is required to access the disk,, how it can boot from it08:57
erkan_almoxarife: yeh got it, whats to save it in nano pls ?08:57
Markslapgraingert: Well, I ordered a /64 of IPv6 addresses, so it may not be "assigned", but I can use them. It's Ubuntu that fails, not the network.08:57
CosmicVoyagerlapain, doe ubuntu put something on the disk that can be loaded to boot?08:57
llutz_erkan_: ctrl-x  "y"08:58
Markslapgraingert: Everything outside of the machine works fine.08:58
almoxarifeerkan_: I am nano stupid08:58
erkan_ah llutz_ well seems exit is save then lol08:58
graingertMarkslap: odd08:58
tdnHow do I install Danish spellchecking for Thunderbird? What package should I install?08:58
graingertMarkslap: talk to your sysadmin08:58
CosmicVoyagerlapion ok i use dthe boot menu and select USB HDD and it didn't work...there was no drive activity. i dont understand how if 11.10 is required to access the disk,, how it can boot from it08:58
RubenHaanhi, annyone here who can explain me how to set up an emailserver on ubuntu. or know of a webpage or tutorial that can?08:59
Markslapgraingert: Well, it's a dedicated server (root server), not a managed server.08:59
CosmicVoyagerlapion doe ubuntu put something on the disk that can be loaded to boot?08:59
oCean!mta | RubenHaan08:59
ubottuRubenHaan: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA08:59
graingertMarkslap: okay networkadmin08:59
MarkslapI just think it's weird that the Ubuntu wiki doesn't have anything about this.08:59
llutz_RubenHaan: emailserver for what? send/receive mails or just sending mails from scripts etc?08:59
oCean!mailserver > RubenHaan08:59
ubottuRubenHaan, please see my private message08:59
graingertMarkslap: because it should just work08:59
graingertMarkslap: you can give ip's to boxes08:59
graingertbut you shouldn't09:00
RubenHaansend/receive mails09:00
oCeanRubenHaan: ubottu send you a privatemessage with a link to the serverguide for just that09:00
parapanhello fellows > do you know a data recovery software which can help recover data from broken formatted HDD ???09:00
llutz_!postfix | RubenHaan09:00
ubottuRubenHaan: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer09:00
lapionCosmicVoyager, make sure the grub gets loaded on the external hdd09:01
RubenHaanthnx, will look at that09:01
ManaPirathi folks09:02
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graingertManaPirat: HAI09:02
tdnI have already installed thunderbird-locale-da, however, this does not make Danish language available in spellchecking.09:03
ManaPiratI am using ubuntu 10.04 server edition on this macbook Pro (no major problems so far) but I can not found the "additional drivers" menue-entry - can someone point me to the package-name it is contained in?09:03
CosmicVoyagerlapion..how do i do that? i dont understand how the mb and hd work together. the hd does not seem to be in the same state evrytime i resart, sometimes it is blinking and ready and other times it is like it is not plugged in. doe it matter how long it is off or what order you turn the computer and hd on?09:03
graingertManaPirat: jocky-gtk09:03
graingertManaPirat: jockey-gtk09:03
ManaPiratthank you :)09:03
graingertis the app you are looking for09:03
graingertdunno about the package09:03
markskilbeckAnybody having problem with skype beta? The process refuses to be killed.09:03
LantiziaAnyone use an openvpn connection here and know how I can a) stay connected all the time but b) use the internet too... no matter what settings I try everything (i think) wants to go down the vpn09:04
alterты там де пропала09:04
CosmicVoyagerlapion it seem sright now that nothing is loaded from the drive, it just skips over it not accessing it09:04
lapionCosmicVoyager, the hdd has to be on before the computer is one09:04
llutz_tdn get danish dictionary file from addons-mozilla.org09:04
CosmicVoyagerlapion ok09:05
=== matt is now known as Guest88725
CosmicVoyagerlapion, so i dont know why sometimes it acceses it and sometimes it does not. i think that is when it loads the grub? what do i do to make sure it does?09:06
evelyetteI've installed ubuntu-desktop, but would like to translate it to ubuntu-server ... can I do that with some command that removes all the graphical packages (is there a list of such packages somewhere - like gnome, firefox, thunderbird, openoffice, etc) ?09:07
=== erkan is now known as Guest70001
BaWsudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop09:08
BaWevelyette read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1062261 it should help you out09:08
tdnllutz_, I think I already did. If I look in addons > language: I see Danish dict installed. However, it does not appear in the spellcheck language menu.09:09
=== Guest70001 is now known as nakre
lapionCosmicVoyager, is the external hdd a 2Tb hdd ? does the mainboard have a efi(uefi) firmware or a bios firmware ?09:10
CosmicVoyagerlapion, its 1TB, THERE ARE EFI OPTIONS IN BIOS09:11
CosmicVoyagerLAPION OOPS09:11
lapionCosmicVoyager, some systems have problems booting off of 1Tb hdd's because they use larger sectors, however usually EFI systems don09:12
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jeztI need information.09:15
jeztabout malware analyzer.09:15
CosmicVoyagerlapion, it is a gigabyte motherboard with award BIOS. the only EFI thing i see is CD/DVD EFI boot option09:15
The_BROSWhat is the best prog for recording desktop video with sound?09:16
AlecTaylorI have 11.04 installed in logical sda5 ext4, and 11.10 installed in primary sdb3 btrfs. How do I add sdb3 to sda5's GRUB?09:17
CosmicVoyagerlapion, thanks so much for helping me by the way. this is much faster than forums09:17
=== amit is now known as Guest97389
gurifisuwhich library is libqtassistantclient.so.409:17
llutz_!find libqtassistantclient.so.409:18
Guest97389just installed Ubuntu oneiric.. loving it overall.. but the option to set a program as default is gone.. and cant install deb files using software manager.. any help please09:18
lapionCosmicVoyager, try installing on a usb stick, or some smaller hdd, the problem is probably due to the 4Kb sectors used on recent Tb drives09:18
ubottuPackage/file libqtassistantclient.so.4 does not exist in natty09:18
llutz_gurifisu: ^^09:18
gurifisu!find libQtAssistantClient.so.409:19
ubottuFile libQtAssistantClient.so.4 found in libqtassistantclient409:19
gurifisui guess its case sensitive09:19
llutz_gurifisu: seems to be09:19
CosmicVoyagerlapion, ive installed and used boot repair a zillion times...11.04 and now 11.10. im just noticing and figuring out the hard drive does not seem to be read half the time...it doesnt get accessed at all09:19
Guest97389nice.. learnt it could be done using file properties.. but still cant install deb files..09:19
llutz_!oneiric | Guest9738909:20
ubottuGuest97389: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:20
Guest97389and any idea about app shortcut on desktop?? how to create that?09:20
CosmicVoyagerlapion so test a 2.0 usb stick in the usb 3.0 port?09:20
CosmicVoyagerlapion, will that tell me if the etron controller is working?09:21
lapionwell yes, or insert a smaller hdd in the usb 3.0 case ;-P09:21
CosmicVoyagerlapion...case dosn open :-/09:21
lapionCosmicVoyager, check if the hdd has 512b or 4Kb sectors09:22
lapionCosmicVoyager, make sure you have no other usb-storage devices in any of the other usb ports on boot.09:24
CosmicVoyagerlapion i noticed in boot repair report that it has 51209:24
lapionCosmicVoyager, also make sure the grub sector is stored on the usb device.09:25
CosmicVoyagerlapion...how do i do that?09:25
lapionCosmicVoyager, usually emulated, you have to look elsewhere..09:25
CosmicVoyagerlapion huh?09:25
lapionCosmicVoyager, the 512 sectors are usually emulated, you have to look elsewhere..09:26
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lapionCosmicVoyager, what kind of hdd , does it have an external powersupply or is the power supplied by the usb port ?09:27
bullgard4What is the function of the DEB program package eiskaltdcpp? The description in Synaptic is as meaningless as it can be.09:27
=== Mud is now known as Guest22359
CosmicVoyagerlapion it is a western digital my book essential...external power supply09:29
ikoniabullgard4: as always a quick google is your friend http://code.google.com/p/eiskaltdc/09:29
ikonia!info eiskaltdcpp09:29
ubottueiskaltdcpp (source: eiskaltdcpp): EiskaltDC++ is graphical client for Direct Connect. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-1 (natty), package size 2392 kB, installed size 5884 kB09:29
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you for your help.09:30
CosmicVoyagerlapion...hmm the specs dont show the sector size09:31
lapioncheck out the oem for the containing hdd.09:31
lapionusually the case contains a hdd from a different manufacturer09:32
CosmicVoyagerlapion...testing port with usb stick...09:32
CosmicVoyagerlapion..if you google etron ubuntu you will see it doesnt work with 11.04 but suppossed to be fixed in 11.1009:34
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
rocket16Hello. How can I remove realtek ALC drivers and fallback to original sound drivers? Installing them caused my sound cease. :( I badly need it without reinstalling, thanks for any help. :(09:35
rocket16I was very wrong to install them, I realize now. I thought they would improve sound performance, but instead they removed alsa tools and destroyed the sound modules.09:36
lapionCosmicVoyager, then you knwo the problem.09:36
CosmicVoyagerlapion...but like i said if i boot with 11.10 cd it sees the drive and i can install09:37
idefixI just inserted a USB with a memory device, how come Nautilus doesn't pick it up?09:37
lapionCosmicVoyager, ask in #ubuntu+1 is they know if the problem has been solved, or try it for yourself with oniric ocelot and thell the people in #ubuntu+1 that the problem is solved09:38
CosmicVoyagerlapion...i am using oneiric! :-)09:38
lapionCosmicVoyager, the latest iso image ? or at least a recent beta/alpha ?09:39
oCeanCosmicVoyager: in that case, you should be in #ubuntu+1 anyway09:39
raguptahello, I am having a small problem with ubuntu Natty. today I upgraded my ubuntu with the latest packages. Once I did that and rebooted. gdm is not started automatically after restart.09:39
CosmicVoyagerlapion...it installs but the not booting might be a different problem since booting is sporatic in the USB 2.0 port09:39
oCeanCosmicVoyager: since this channel is not for support with/discussion of beta09:39
CosmicVoyagerlapion...beta 109:39
tpummaexport IRCNICK="tp2001_"09:40
=== Kh0dam is now known as Khodam
CosmicVoyagerlapion...ok assuming it works, what cauases the same none booting beahavior on the USB 2.0 port with 11.04?09:41
CosmicVoyagerlapion...it sees the drive sporatically...somtimes it boots someimes it does not09:41
CosmicVoyagerlapion...i did not know about the ubuntu+1 channel..thanks09:42
lapionCosmicVoyager, go over to "#ubuntu+1"09:43
stephenhhello, anyone know if i've expanded my disk in vmware how to get ubuntu to see the change?09:43
stephenhtrying to avoid a reboot :)09:43
CosmicVoyagerlapion...ubuntu+1 looks empty..im ot seeing nayone09:44
lapionCosmicVoyager, if usb booting is the problem sometimes it helps to turn on the system and as soon as the booting is initialised, press CTRL-ALT-DEL09:44
Khodamtest me tester! ;)09:45
lapionCosmicVoyager, #ubuntu+109:45
testerwhat to test?09:45
Khodamevery thing09:45
testerbe specific09:46
Total_Oblivionhello! I need some help with making partition during the installation of 11.04! Thanks! :)09:46
KhodamI'm kidding tester , where r u from?09:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:46
testerwhere u from?09:46
stephenhhello, anyone know if i've expanded my disk in vmware how to get ubuntu to see the change?09:46
Khodamtesters First09:47
oCeanKhodam: this channel is for support questions, join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat09:47
raguptaany help please09:47
kidohello world 109:47
Khodamtanx oCean09:47
graingertbrasero's doing an image checksum test and the time is going down but the loading bar is now moving09:47
kidohey, im from Argentina09:47
KhodamI have a question, why doesnt OperaNet Europe work?09:48
Khodamtester: Iran09:48
oCeantester: this is for technical support only. Take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic channel please09:48
KhodamoCean: why doesnt OperaNet Europe work?09:48
oCeanKhodam: how is that an ubuntu question?09:50
szal@ all: idle chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please, here is support only09:50
Total_Oblivionwhy isn't anybody helping me? T_T09:51
john_rambohow to start bind9 on boot ? I can start it manuallly ....10.0409:52
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: so, what do you need?09:52
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I think making partition is very basic, and is on the install guide....09:53
=== ragupta is now known as sunlight
oCeanragupta: and feel free to repeat your question every 15-20 minutes or so09:56
Total_OblivionStanley00: The tutorial hasn't helped me tbh... I have my w7 on C, and made a partition on another internal so i cen install linux there. More space. I'm following this guide (http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/05/04/manual-disk-partitioning-guide-for-ubuntu-11-04/) but I'm not sure if i can do what he says on my current partition, and what device to choose for boot loader09:56
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: Okay, wait for me a minute...09:57
J11What's the best way to backup/remove a windows installation, with minimal overhead, so a new ubuntu installation can access files on that image?09:57
=== NevroPus is now known as martiert
oCeansunlight: feel free to repeat your question every 15-20 minutes or so09:57
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: OK,  how much space do you have for ubuntu's partition?09:58
jribJ11: you don't have to do anything, ubuntu can read ntfs09:58
J11but I'm removing the current partitions09:59
amircxwhat is the way to strip non aplhanumeric chars to make folder variable safe  i want user to put his project name and then generate a folder name, ie var="enter your project .nam#@e" ... var="enter_you_project_name"09:59
J11I thought about dd-ing but that would copy whitespace too10:00
SyriaPlease tell me how can I find duplicated files.10:01
J11unless i shrink the ntfs partition first, but i hoped there were other ways to make an image10:01
Stanley00Syria: try install fdupes10:02
Total_OblivionStanley00: 60GB10:02
jribJ11: just copy the files you want somewhere10:02
SyriaStanley00:  fdypes words via terminal right? is there anything that has a gui? so i can select files that I want to remove?10:02
Stanley00Syria: try fslint then ;)10:03
jribamircx: try #bash10:03
AttaBOYCan I make a cronjob using sudo crontab +e that opens a gnome-terminal? Then runs shutdown 10. I want this to display the shutdown message in the recently open gnome-terminal. Since the users probably don't have a terminal open they would not see the shutdown message unless I do it like this?10:03
SyriaStanley00:  Thank you very much. :-)10:03
J11jrib: well just in case they have to put the windows back, they like to keep all permissions/acl/system flags in place10:03
jribJ11: check out partimage, I don't know if it does ntfs10:04
ikoniaAttaBOY: that's not a good design as how would you force the terminal to the display10:04
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: so, I think the best way is to have / and /home on difference partition, you can spit 60Gb to 20Gb for / and 40Gb for /home10:04
ikoniaAttaBOY: easier to look at gtk message popup tools,10:04
AttaBOYikonia: Thank you.10:04
graingerttbh the desktop should handle shutdown events10:05
Total_OblivionStanley00: and use just those two? what about the /boot and swap? (I'm pretty useless when it comes to these things)10:05
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: dont worry about the /boot,10:05
jribJ11: I think clonezilla is the popular windows variant10:05
J11jrib: i'll take a look, I might also try clonezilla10:05
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: how much ram do you have? I forgot the swap. haha my bad!10:05
Total_OblivionStanely00: 4GB10:06
jribAttaBOY: or use the notifications system...10:06
AttaBOYjrib: Thanks. I will try10:06
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: well, you can have 4GB swap, or 8GB, or dont need it at all (if you dont run many "heavy apps")10:07
graingertJ11: clonezilla is a linux live cd10:07
Aquix4Gb swap is more than enough10:07
Aquixyou could go down to 2Gb if space is an issue10:08
Total_OblivionStanley00: and what about the device? which should i allocate to that?10:08
J11graingert: i'll try putting it on a flash drive, as the target laptop has no optical drive10:08
Total_OblivionAquix: not really an issue. 60 GB are good enough10:08
sunlighthello, I am having a small problem with ubuntu Natty. today I upgraded my ubuntu with the latest packages. Once I did that and rebooted. gdm is not started automatically after restart.10:09
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: you can test that via liveCD10:09
J11can you use clonezilla to put it on a smb share? Or do you need a server installation too?10:09
thrasherJust seamlessly installed ubuntu on a dell d620, HP Pavilion 8000 , dell d505 and a Acer 5742. Gotta love it!10:09
thrasherTook me about 45 min10:10
Total_OblivionStanley00: test it how? O.o10:10
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: just boot up the liveCD and see if Ubuntu can recognize your device, in most case Ubuntu will recognize all your device (hopefully so  ;) )10:11
tomodachianyone can gimmie a tip on a good project management tool for ubuntu? mostly just a calendar with tasks associated to persons etc10:11
Total_OblivionStanley00: so I use as a device the one i made the partition at?10:12
rabbi11how to install all fonts in a single  folder at one shot10:13
szalrabbi11: define 'all fonts'10:13
xosuiteheartshey guys.10:13
xosuiteheartsI need some help with something10:13
szalxosuitehearts: very specific =)10:13
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I dont understand?10:13
xosuiteheartsfor some reason, on certain .rar files, when I extract them, the files don't show up10:14
xosuiteheartsI have unrar installed10:14
xosuiteheartsand rar10:14
tomodachixosuitehearts: sounds strange, maybe the extract to a different path?10:14
thrasherxosuitehearts: can u list the file in terminal?10:14
Total_OblivionStanley00: in the device option in boot loader it shows me my hard drvies i think. So I should choose the one where i will insall ubuntu?10:14
xosuiteheartsthrasher - what do you mean?10:14
rabbi11szal: din't get you ....10:14
xosuiteheartsI'm using archive extractor10:14
szaltomodachi, thrasher: you are both guessing before you even know what the problem is10:14
thrasherszal, maybe.10:15
mejotrying to create a debian pbuilder chroot inside ubuntu doesn't work. pbuilder always fails with 'E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AED4B06F473041FA)'.10:15
szalrabbi11: what fonts, where from?10:15
tomodachiszal: you propose a theory that you try to se if its valid or not , this is quite common way to try so solve problems10:15
xosuiteheartsit shows that the file is there in the extractor, but when I go to extract it, it disappears or doesn't show up10:15
mejoalready tried to set $DEBOOTSTAPOPTS on console and in /etc/pbuilderrc as well as setting --debootstrapopts to "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg". neither of these did help.10:16
rabbi11szal: o that's my old collection, set of fonts.. lot of fonts10:16
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: do you mean install boot loader? if you only have win 7, and ubuntu recognize that partition, usually so, then  you can install to MBR, or /dev/sda or some thing like that,10:16
xosuiteheartswould my issue be any sort of virus related?10:16
tomodachixosuitehearts: if you do it from the command line, do the same thing happen?10:16
thrasherxosuitehearts,  try to extraxt it from the terminal10:16
szalrabbi11: copy to ~/.fonts/ (user-specific) or /usr/share/fonts/ (system-wide)10:16
xosuiteheartstomodachi i havent tried terminal - how would I do that?10:16
xosuiteheartswith rar that is10:16
rabbi11szal: o thanks10:17
thrasherxosuitehearts; tar -xf path/filename10:17
xosuiteheartsthrasher its a rar file10:17
thrasherxosuitehearts,  woopsie10:17
xosuiteheartswould this be virus related perhaps?10:17
xosuiteheartsstupid question I know10:17
szalrabbi11: in difference to what you might be used to from Windows, you can use subfolders to structure the files10:18
xosuiteheartsbut I scan everything10:18
xosuiteheartswith Clamav10:18
tomodachii doubt its a virus if its in linux10:18
xosuiteheartsyeah, only in linux10:18
xosuiteheartsnot running through wine10:18
grkwht is good network monitoring  sw for ubuntu10:18
xosuiteheartsso how would I extract in terminal?10:19
Stanley00grk: I think the default one is good too ;)10:19
tomodachixosuitehearts: is it a rar file?10:19
Total_OblivionStanley00: yeah i use w7 at the moment. and what is MBR?10:19
xosuiteheartstomodachi yes10:19
tomodachixosuitehearts:  unrar x filename.rar10:19
thrasherxosuitehearts, then: unrar e path/filename10:19
mah454Hello ....10:19
mah454I have a big problem with launchpad.net . I cann't open this site with firefox or google-chromium but can open this with lynx or w3m or IE in windows !10:19
rabbi11szal: yeah, but it's around 600 fonts, can't arrange10:19
thrasheror x10:19
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: MBR is Master Boot Record.10:19
szalrabbi11: anyhoo, just saying10:20
tomodachixosuitehearts: sorry its e , not x like thrasher suggestet10:20
rabbi11szal: thanks10:20
rabbi11a lot10:20
szalrabbi11: like, if you have these fonts in one directory now, you can copy that directory instead of the individual files10:20
CorbineHey, if I have a Westell 327w dsl modem/router, and a fresh install of Ubuntu that causes the internet connection to freeze everytime the ubuntu laptop connects, am I just out of luck?10:20
thrasherxosuitehearts, yepp e10:20
Total_OblivionStanley00: ok. if i choose as a device for boot loader installation, for instance, the hd that contains w7 will that cause a prob?10:20
rabbi11szal: yeah, doing it...10:21
thrashertomodachi, do u know any good sites on regular expressions?10:21
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: where do you install ubuntu to? like /dev/sda2? and win 7?10:21
rabbi11szal: thanks, its done.... :)10:21
xosuiteheartsalex@griever:~/Downloads$ unrar e ~/Downloads/PEC_codelist_(5-12-2009).rar10:22
xosuiteheartsbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('10:22
Total_OblivionStanley00: win7 is on sda1 or somthing and ubuntu on sdb210:22
nawkjust curious, what are some of the bootup times you guys have for Natty?10:22
xosuiteheartsthats what I got10:22
Total_OblivionStanley00: not sure on the number though10:22
nawkfrom the moment you start loading the OS10:22
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: sdb2? you have 2 hard-disks?10:22
szalxosuitehearts: tab-complete the filename, so it will escape characters when necessary10:22
Gentoo64nawk, it depends on the hardware10:23
Gentoo64some boot in 5-6 seconds some take like 1-2 minutes10:23
thrasheranyone know any good sites for learning regular expressions?10:23
xosuiteheartsokay: unrar: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.2.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:23
Total_OblivionStanly00: yeah. On one i have w7 and i want to install on the other (the one I made the 60 GB patition) ubuntu10:23
xosuiteheartsthats what I got^^10:23
xosuiteheartseventhough its there10:24
Gentoo64Total_Oblivion, install ubuntu to the second one, then grub will take over10:24
xosuiteheartsanyone able to tell me what that meant?10:24
nawkGentoo64: 5-6 secs to load the shipped version of natty?10:25
Gentoo64nawk, on ssd and good hardware10:25
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I never tried install Ubuntu on 2 harddisks, I think installing boot loader to /dev/sdb is safe, I hope.10:25
nawkGentoo64 I can't imagine it being a single sata ssd10:26
Total_OblivionStanley00: i'm not ging to intall them on 2 disks. I just have 1 for w7 and the other for linux.10:26
Gentoo64nawk, my comp boots in 410:26
Total_OblivionGentoo64: what's grub?10:27
Gentoo64Total_Oblivion, the bootloader. youll be able to chosoe windows from there10:27
nawkGentoo64 can i pm you about this (as it is more appropriate)?10:27
MonkeyDustGentoo64: the menu to choose from10:27
Gentoo64nawk, ok10:27
thrasherxosuitehearts, try and do a update on your system,10:27
szalxosuitehearts: how did you install rar and/or unrar?10:28
MonkeyDustTotal_Oblivion: the menu to choose from10:28
xosuiteheartsthrasher - I dont have rar installed... I have UNRAR but not rar10:28
pksadiq!Find libstdc++10:28
xosuiteheartsszal I think I installed it with dvd::rip10:28
xosuiteheartsbut it says that I have the latest version10:28
xosuiteheartsso I might have uninstalled the older version when I uninstalled dvd::rip10:28
szalxosuitehearts: that doesn't say _how_ you installed it10:28
phpgusguys.. i have a custom ALSA plugin set up on my system for mapping 5.1 into 4 channels.. is there a way to get this selectable in the profiles within the Sound control panel?10:29
xosuiteheartsszal well I installed the unrar via dvd:rip which required 2.110:29
xosuiteheartsso I installed it from a package10:29
xosuiteheartsor a zip...10:29
xosuiteheartscant remember10:29
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: hmm, if you use sdb to install Ubuntu, and win7 is on sda, it means you install win 7 on 1st hd, and ubuntu on 2nd hd.10:29
Total_OblivionWhat is the device of boot loader intallation anyway?10:29
thrasherxosuitehearts,  install it in terminal then. of via ubuntu software center, it should provide u with the necessary packages10:29
xosuiteheartsshould I uninstall then reinstall?10:30
thrasherxosuitehearts, it think the new install might override the old one, but Iḿ not sure, so when unsure uninstall and then install10:31
szalxosuitehearts: you should first of all make sure that you install everything from packages; if you don't, have fun hunting down dependencies ^^10:31
Total_OblivionStanley00: ok that's good. That's what i want.10:31
thrasherstill anyone now any good sites on reg exp?10:31
netyirethrasher: for python?10:32
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: if ubuntu is on sdb2, then /dev/sdb is a good place, and make sure you can boot via 2nd hd on BIOS10:32
xosuiteheartsbut what doesnt make sense10:32
xosuiteheartsis that when I checked the integrity of the rar files10:32
xosuiteheartsthey said they weren't valid rar files10:32
xosuiteheartsit told me that they were rared using winrar trial or something10:32
xosuiteheartseither way10:32
xosuiteheartsthe file roller wouldnt unrar them10:33
thrashernetyire, for general knowledgement, trying to understand it at all!10:33
Total_OblivionStanley00: it had an option sdb2 as well if i recall correctly. And how can i make it so that pc boots from 2nd hd as well?10:33
xosuiteheartsthrasher szal alex@griever:~/Downloads$ unrar e PEC_codelist_5-12-2009.rar10:34
xosuiteheartsunrar: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.2.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:34
xosuiteheartsthats what I got10:34
thrasherxosuitehearts, cant u just download the damn file from another place, AND install rar/unrar!10:34
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I dont know, It depends on your BIOS, try looking in boot order, or/and hard drive devices.10:34
xosuiteheartsthrasher yes. I re-installed10:34
xosuiteheartsthats why I was telling you10:35
=== Demicolon9 is now known as Broseph
xosuiteheartsI tried it again10:35
=== Broseph is now known as Broseph9
kholerabbiUsing 11.04, want to upgrade to 11.10 -- how do I do this?10:35
xosuiteheartsthrasher and its not just one file man10:35
szalkholerabbi:  -> #ubuntu+1 please10:35
kholerabbithanks szal10:35
xosuiteheartsthrasher its been happening to really small rar files. but all of them said when I checked the integrity that they weren't valid10:36
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xosuiteheartsthrasher thats why Im asking you for help10:36
szalthen they most probably aren't valid10:36
netyirethrasher: used http://www.regular-expressions.info/python.html a lot when I had to work with it, I found it very useful. Have a go will you?10:36
Total_OblivionStanley00: so i alocate: 4 GB swap, 20 GB / and 36 GB /home?10:36
thrasherxosuitehearts,  then I just dont know. Ask me in 5 months when my Linux Adm education is done, i should really be studying right know actually10:37
szalso blame the person who created them or your download10:37
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Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I hope so ;)10:37
thrashernetyire, cheers mate10:38
szal20 GB for / is, in most cases, oversized ^^10:38
thrasherszal, xosuitehearts: What szal said!10:38
xosuiteheartsszal thrasher I think you have the wrong idea about my questions - I didnt intend to annoy or aggravate you with my questions, my intentions where that i am a linux noob that doesnt know very much yet, im learning a lot and have learned a lot but I only switched to linux last month10:38
xosuiteheartsszal thrasher so I apologize if my questions sounded like I was trying to test your patience10:38
xosuiteheartsbut that wasn't my intentions10:39
* szal hasn't had a problem w/ RAR files in quite some time10:39
szaland yes, I regularly have some10:39
thrasherxosuitehearts, No Im not aggrivated, I am seriously bummed out for not being able to help u more and I am actually reading/learning to be a Linux Adm here in Stockholm10:39
Total_OblivionShould I just go and choose insall alongside windows7? I just haven't made any partition myself on C:10:39
Total_OblivionStanley00:  Should I just go and choose insall alongside windows7? I just haven't made any partition myself on C: :P10:39
ubuntu_Hi I need the names of keyboard keys in the value of a variable named expo_keys in Compiz10:40
thrasherxosuitehearts, no probs mate10:40
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I think manual way is better...10:40
pksadiqfor extracting rar try p7zip10:40
xosuiteheartsthrasher szal alright, well thank you for helping me as is :-) I do appreciate it10:40
xosuiteheartspksadiq I have that installed10:40
* szal pats his Krusader w/ seamless archive handling10:40
Total_OblivionStanley00: more certain ok. i got it. So as szal said, should i go and minimise /h instead of home?10:41
Stanley00Total_Oblivion: I never tried that...10:42
szalTotal_Oblivion: /home is where your personal files go, so you might want it as large as possible..  / will be content w/ 10-15 GB, unless you run a mail server, web server or anything that uses large amounts of /tmp or /var space10:42
ubuntu_Hi is anybody familiar with keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu?10:45
Aquixubuntu_  some10:45
tinybirdunbuntu_: Do you mean .desktop file?10:45
ubuntu_I need the name of the tab key in compiz10:45
Total_Oblivionszal: i just want to experiment on ubuntu. Nothing more nothing less. I just want to give a try to somehing else apart from windows.10:46
Aquixubuntu_ it's called tab in compiz10:46
ubuntu_Aquix then I don't know why it does not work10:47
Aquixubuntu_ what doesn't work?10:47
ubuntu_I want to open Expo with tab+windows_key10:47
sivikwhy would my video and speech not match in VLC?10:47
sivikIt works fine in that other crappy operating system10:47
szalsivik: most probably because the version of VLC you're using is buggy in this respect10:48
Total_OblivionStanley00: Why shouldn't I care for /boot?10:48
siviki'm using the latest version of vlc from the ubuntu 11.04 repos10:48
zHammeRzsivik, it doesn't work on my 11.04 install either...however regular movie player works justfine10:48
Aquixubuntu_  in expo - bindings - expo key     and grab ketbinding     press super+tab10:48
sivikzHammeRz, what player are you using?10:49
zHammeRzregular movie player (Totem)10:49
szalStanley00, Total_Oblivion: unless you use LVM and/or encryption there's really no need for a separate /boot10:49
sivikthat never has any of the darn codecs I need10:49
sivikthats why I like VLC but it looks like I will have to figure that out10:49
Stanley00szal: thanks ;)10:49
zHammeRzsivik, I can play everything except a blu ray.  Install the extras is all I did during installation10:50
Total_Oblivionszal: so i don't care about it and stick with /,/home and swap. nice.10:50
szalTotal_Oblivion: right10:50
ubuntu_@Aquix It works10:50
Aquixgoodie :)10:51
ubuntu_@Aquix I used a + in between10:51
sivikzHammeRz, I don't see any extras in the repos10:51
ubuntu_@Aquix expo_key=<Super>+Tab10:51
ubuntu_@All Thanks10:52
zHammeRzif you can play a mp3 file, then they are installed10:52
Aquixubuntu_  strange, I just got   <super>tab   but if it works...10:52
=== Broseph9 is now known as DemiBROlon9
ubuntu_Aquix: weird chatzilla just corrected me or was it you?10:53
Aquixubuntu_  huh?10:53
sivikzHammeRz, thx, its working now.10:54
ubuntu_Aquix: it set "@Aquix" to "Aquix:"10:54
zHammeRzsivik, with movie player?10:54
siviktotem, i got it working, thx10:54
Aquixubuntu_  yeah, it's only the nick in irc,   @ is for twitter10:55
sivikzHammeRz, is there a program that controls different applictions sound volumes?10:55
ubuntu_Aquix: but did you do it?10:55
zHammeRzsivik, once it's opened up you can goto sound preferences and it will be there10:55
sivikzHammeRz, what do you mean?  I am talking about turning just that up and not other things.10:55
Aquixubuntu_    nope :)    it's on your pc so your program did it.10:56
zHammeRzyes, goto sound prefs after you have your apps opened, then click the application tab10:56
sivikeven in firefox?10:56
ubuntu_Aquix: Maybe Chatzilla found his heart finally10:56
Total_Oblivionszal: can i pm you?10:57
Aquixubuntu_  you should get a better irc client.  xchat is good, and in the repositories10:57
szalTotal_Oblivion: why?10:57
ubuntu_Aquix: Bye I just got too chatty thanks ;)10:58
=== DemiBROlon9 is now known as letsseehowlongic
Total_Oblivionszal: never mind actually will ask here. is there any way that all this partition etc can be done automatically by ubuntu?10:58
=== letsseehowlongic is now known as drk^_^gamdvWTFo
* szal hasn't used the automatic partitioning yet, but rumour has it that it works10:59
sivikzHammeRz, how do I turn down volume in firefox?10:59
=== drk^_^gamdvWTFo is now known as BROBroseph9BRO
Total_Oblivionszal: which option is that?10:59
Myrtti!nick > BROBroseph9BRO10:59
zHammeRzsivik, do what I told you10:59
ubottuBROBroseph9BRO, please see my private message10:59
szalTotal_Oblivion: prolly one of the Guided options (use existing free space (if you have any) or something)11:00
zHammeRzsivik, firefox will be listed alsa plugin container under the section I told you11:00
sivikin totem?11:00
siviki'm not seeing it in firefox11:00
zHammeRzsivik, omg, click on the sound prefs..you know the volume button and goto sound prefs11:00
sivikin totem or firefox?11:00
zHammeRzat the top11:00
sivikthen in what?11:01
sivikare you talking about gnome-volume-manager?11:01
MonkeyDustsound volume in FF?11:01
sivikI want to turn down the volume for firefox11:01
zHammeRzsivik, dude i'm losing my patience.  Click on the speaker at the top right and goto sound preferences.  If you can't do that, then I don't know, FGI.11:01
sivikThat would involve being in gnome11:02
Gentoo64sivik, flash player?11:02
sivikGentoo64, I think so.11:02
Gentoo64it usualy has a volume button in the video11:02
Gentoo64for that very reason11:02
sivikGentoo64, its a game on FB and there isn't a volume button11:03
MonkeyDustsivik: FF has no volume controller11:03
Gentoo64sivik, youll have to use volume control then11:03
Gentoo64no other way11:03
Gentoo64ff isnt a media player11:03
szalsivik: get something playing in Firefox, go to the mixer or pavucontrol, specifically "Playback Streams" & change the volume to your liking11:03
echo083can i define four workspaces for one screen and a single for the other11:03
Total_Oblivionwhy don't i see any picture from step 6. when i try to install ubuntu? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall#To_Install_Ubuntu11:04
Total_OblivionStanley00, szal: thanks for the help :)11:04
Gentoo64Total_Oblivion, does it just hang?11:04
Total_OblivionGentoo64, what do you mean11:04
Gentoo64on screen 611:05
Gentoo64step 6*11:05
Total_Oblivionit doesn't show any of these figures. it directs me to manual configuration of partitions. like to make /home etc11:05
Total_Obliviontrying to install 11.04 though11:06
szalTotal_Oblivion: then you either chose that or the automatic configuration failed11:06
* szal always pre-partitions his disks by hand11:07
Total_Oblivionszal: i just clicked something else11:08
* Aquix always forget to make a seperate home folder : /11:08
szalAquix: make a post-it note or something :P11:08
AquixI'm sewing a home, sweet home picture as we speak :)11:10
varikonniemihello, am i missing something when sudo passwd does not change my password?11:11
varikonniemiit says unix password changed succesfully, but i can still login with the old password11:11
jpdsvarikonniemi: No, that changes the root password.11:11
Total_Oblivionshould i go for 10.04?11:11
jpdsvarikonniemi: You want to do just 'passwd'11:11
varikonniemioh.. :)11:11
varikonniemiYou must choose a longer password11:13
varikonniemipasswd: Authentication token manipulation error11:13
varikonniemipasswd: password unchanged11:13
varikonniemihow can i override that idiotic enforcement11:13
varikonniemii can do it with sudo passwd11:13
varikonniemibut how to change my password via override?11:13
jribvarikonniemi: probably in your pam configuration11:14
bo__bovarikonniemi  "sudo passwd yourusername"11:14
AquixTotal_Oblivion no. go for mint 11 if you want gnome 2 instead of unity..11:14
lambda_Hello I am looking for a good guide for using openLdap on client side. Every official guide I found just explains something about what configuration files to edit to enable the client connections, and just conclude by "now you should be able to connect to your ldap server"11:16
AttaBoyHi. I'm an IT-admin at a school with 16 Ubuntu machines. How should I go about if I want them to turn of at 5 in the evening? I've tried cronjob shutdown 17:00 but I can get it to work. Help?11:16
ikonialambda_: ok, what mode do you want to know11:16
lambda_And my question is: ok, but what is the commandline to test the connection to the ldap server?11:16
ikoniaAttaBoy: what is the cronjob you are using ?11:16
lambda_I tried ldapsearch but it doesn't seam to exist on client side :(11:17
AttaBoyikonia: sudo cronjob -e11:17
ikoniaAttaBoy: that's not a cronjob command, what is the cronjob you actually used11:17
ikonialambda_: did you install it ?11:17
AttaBoyikonia: 00 17 * * * shutdown 511:18
ikoniaAttaBoy: that's never going to work, you need to use absoluate paths and the correct synatax for shuwdown11:18
J11It seems tuxboot installs clonezilla on my usb stick but it seems it's for a x8664 architecture and not i68611:19
AttaBoyikonia: thanks. I will try to find the absolute path, and use + before 511:19
ikonia!info tuxboot11:19
ubottuPackage tuxboot does not exist in natty11:19
ikoniaAttaBoy: that's not the synatax11:19
alpozturkhi, how can I configure this network interfaces ( eth0 and ppp0 )  to work with failover11:19
lambda_ikonia: I installed slapd ldap-utils in one machine, and configured it as they said. Then on another machine, I installed libnss-ldap and configured it as they said. Now how do I test it works?11:19
ikoniaAttaBoy: shutdown -h +5m11:20
lambda_I would like to do something like ldapsearch on the client side that's all11:20
J11tuxboot works on windows to install clonezilla livecd on usb stick11:20
ikoniaAttaBoy: read the man page/syntax before doing stuff, test it before putting it in cron11:20
ikonialambda_: just install ldap-utils on the client to test11:20
ikonia!info tuxboot11:21
ubottuPackage tuxboot does not exist in natty11:21
ikoniaJ11: how is this an ubuntu issue ?11:21
haithemhi gays11:21
J11it automatically downloads clonezilla-live-1.2.9-19-amd64.iso while I want it to install a x86 version11:21
ikoniaJ11: this isn't an ubuntu problem11:21
J11ikonia: I use it to get rid of windows before installing ubuntu11:21
szalhaithem: we don't care about sexual orientation here11:21
ikoniahaithem: please don't be silly in here11:21
AttaBoyikonia: Thanks. I'm sorry for not reading the instructions well enough.11:22
J11ikonia: people here recomeded it an hour ago11:22
lambda_ok thanks it says "can't connect ldap server (-1)". I am gonna work on this11:22
SixThreeOhIf there an easy way to find out which process killed another in ubuntu?11:22
ikoniaJ11: configuing it isn't really our issue11:22
ikoniaJ11: just boot from an ubuntu CD and use gparted to control your partitions, or let the ubuntu installer remove the partitions11:23
J11well i want to make an image first11:23
ikoniaJ11: then use the windows image tools,11:23
haithemneed help11:23
ikoniahaithem: then ask a question11:23
J11so i use the partimage based clonezilla for it11:24
haithemhow i can  hack wifi11:24
ikoniahaithem: not something we teach in here, this is for ubuntu support discussion only11:24
haithemwhats new in ubuntu11:25
ikoniaubuntu.com check it out11:25
SixThreeOhAlso, what can kill a process every ten minutes? Not after execution but on a clock? Like this: if(!minute%10)killprocess();11:25
SixThreeOhThe process uses networking and time related functions (sleep).11:25
szaltrolltime again, huh? ;)11:26
haithemi have ubuntu 10,10   what is better 10,10 or  ubuntu 1111:27
ikoniahaithem: personal taste, see which one you like best11:27
haithemok thanks11:28
SixThreeOhI would imagine it usually depends on whether you want newer features the higher versions in 11 might provide.11:28
graingerthow can I add a DVD to software sources?11:29
graingertas it says it's scanning /media/cdrom11:29
graingertbut the dvd is mouted as /media/ubuntu dvd 64bit11:29
tomodachigraingert: same thing11:29
graingerttomodachi: ?11:30
iamsashkahello! I need help. How i can learn which port the application works?11:31
SixThreeOhiamsashka: netstat -anb?11:32
tomodachiiamsashka: netstat -taupen11:32
SixThreeOh-anp sorry11:32
tomodachiwill give you a list of all running services11:32
tomodachiand ports11:32
graingerttomodachi: what do you mean same thing?11:32
tomodachigraingert: they may be some differences but , thats the command I use to list ports and applications11:32
graingerttomodachi: what?11:33
SixThreeOhtomodachi's command looks better because it strips out stuff you probably don't want.11:33
graingerttomodachi: you said to me "same thing"11:33
graingerttomodachi: wrt ubuntu repo dvd11:33
tomodachigraingert: netstat -taupen, it lists port, ip state11:33
graingerttomodachi: yeah I know that - why are you telling me?11:33
netyiregraingert: one moment, our support staff is scrolling up11:34
alpozturkhow can I configura eth0 and ppp0 interfaces to work with failover11:34
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
netyiregraingert: oh, the repository settings in synaptic list 'installable from cd/dvd rom'11:34
tomodachigraingert: sorty meant iamsashka  of course11:34
graingertnetyire: yep but I can't seem to add it11:34
sopranowhere can i find detailed information about my hardware? from the command line and also gui11:35
sopranoi need to send the information to a tech support company11:35
tomodachisoprano: lspci , lsusb and dmesg are helpfull commands11:35
graingertsoprano: lshw11:35
netyiregraingert: oh, why not? is there an error message or somesuch?11:35
Myrttisoprano: sudo lshw11:35
graingertnetyire: yep it scans /media/cdrom and finds nothing11:35
sopranoawesome! thanks! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH11:35
graingertnetyire: reason being the dvd is mounted elsewhere11:36
netyiregraingert: what's the output for sudo mount11:36
iamsashkaSixThree0h: example: ps -a | pgrep firefox     I get the number 1896, what's next? how to find out port?11:36
netyiregraingert: you're correct, it probably is mounted somewhere else -- do you have anything mounted on /media/cdrom btw?11:36
graingertnetyire: it's mounted on /media/ubuntu DVD 6411:36
graingertor similar11:36
netyiregraingert: very good, is this a one-off operation or will you be needing continued updates from the dvd?11:37
graingertnetyire: one-off11:37
graingertnetyire: but continuous is also something I'd like to think about11:37
iamsashkaSixThreeOh: example: ps -a | pgrep firefox     I get the number 1896, what's next? how to find out port?11:38
AttaBoyHi. I want to run notify-send in a cronjob. This does not work. If I write the exact same command, with the right path in a terminal window, the message shows up. But not from crontab/cronjob. What can I do?11:38
graingertAttaBoy: ah you need to be the right user11:38
netyiregraingert: 1. type sudo mount to determine the device identifier for your dvd drive (ie: /dev/dvd) 2. enter sudo umount /dev/dvd 3. sudo mount /dev/dvd /media/cdrom 4. check the cd/dvd repo in synaptic, reload the repositories and perform the upgrade11:38
graingertAttaBoy: you probably need a deamon to start on login11:38
graingertAttaBoy: that detects when you are shutting down11:38
graingertand launches the notify11:38
graingertgshutdown produces a notification bubble warning you of impending shutdown, and containing a button “Show Main Window”. Instead …11:39
netyiregraingert: thank you for using ubuntu, please leave your comments with our management at #ubuntu-offtopic if you have any feedback :-D11:39
iamsashkaneed help! ps -a | pgrep firefox     I get the number 1896, what's next? how to find out port?11:40
graingertnetyire: that's insane11:40
graingertnetyire: why is the gui there and not able to see the DVD mounted elsewhere11:40
graingertnetyire: I mean maybe take a directory path to the files11:40
warfarenhey. i have a strange bug with ubuntu 11.04 64bit.. whenever i run a game i get lots of lag in windowed mode but once i go full screen the lag goes away. how can i stop the lag in windowed mode?11:41
AttaBoygraingert: thank you, I will try gshutdown, I just hope I can disable the cancel button. Im trying to autoshut down the students school PCs. So if one of them sits late, clicks cancel, then leaves, the PC would not shut down.11:41
netyiregraingert: standard company operating procedure, I'm sorry I don't write the rules here, I just follow orders. If you have any development/feedback suggestions please contact the management directly at #ubuntu-offtopic. thank you :-)11:41
graingertiamsashka: firefox is not likely to be listening on any ports11:41
bastidrazorgraingert: its looking at a mountpoint instead of the device location. point it at the /devicename which is normally /dev/sr011:41
graingertnetyire: yeah urm okay11:42
graingertnetyire: that's not really what I was talking about11:42
graingertnetyire: more the fix11:42
iamsashkagraingert: okay. as for pid learn port applications?11:42
netyiregraingert: its probably coded to /media/cdrom, perhaps you have a cdrom drive connected to your computer as well11:43
graingertnetyire: nope11:43
oh2bnejoin #ham.fi11:43
graingertnetyire: it's clearly a bug as it can never work11:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:44
haithemi have old version in msn can i found better11:44
Peter_Biltis there any way to see if a SSD is fucked up?11:45
szal!language | Peter_Bilt11:45
ubottuPeter_Bilt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:45
graingertiamsashka: why do you need that11:45
netyiregraingert: indeed, please file a report and it'll be addressed as soon as a developer is assigned to it; the instructions above will get what you want done in the meantime, again I apologize in lieu of the management, which you can contact directly should you have any further concerns. thank you for using ubuntu! remember: the coffee cup turns both ways before it becomes cold!11:45
graingertnetyire: is there now official support in #ubuntu?11:45
szalhaithem: you have serious deficiency speaking English; please rephrase, I don't get you11:45
iamsashkagraingert: I have to find out on which port the application hangs11:46
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graingertiamsashka: I doubt that makes sense11:46
haithemmy msn is old can i download better11:46
Peter_Biltubuttu: well fucked up is a well used term in english language, its not offending anymore according to some language scientists so don't worry11:46
th0rmaybe time to involve an op?11:47
netyirehaithem: do or do not there is no can, a pineapple has many thorns but it is always blue; sudo apt-get install amsn11:47
oCeanPeter_Bilt: please control your language when using our channels11:48
parapanhi fellows > does anyone knows if there is a support channel for jGnash - personal finance manager ???11:48
graingerthaithem: empathy is much better than amsn - ignore the riddler11:48
graingertnetyire: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/85381111:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 853811 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "adding a cd or dvd does not detect media" [Undecided,New]11:49
Peter_Biltare thou worried sir ocean?11:49
warfarenhey. i have a strange bug with ubuntu 11.04 64bit.. whenever i run a game i get lots of lag in windowed mode but once i go full screen the lag goes away. how can i stop the lag in windowed mode? this seem to happen for all games using 3d, both wine and linux native11:49
oCeanPeter_Bilt: if you stick with our guidelines, not at all11:49
oCean!guidelines > Peter_Bilt11:49
ubottuPeter_Bilt, please see my private message11:49
graingertwarfaren: try one of the indirect rendering modes11:49
warfarenhow do i do that?11:49
netyiregraingert: :-D!11:50
Peter_Biltwell, where i come from thats scholar language11:50
graingertwarfaren: fusion-icon11:50
graingertnetyire: you'll notice I am running on a 32 bit machine but the problem was on a 64bit machine with no internet11:50
warfareni'll apt-get install that package11:50
graingertwarfaren: apt://fusion-icon11:51
Peter_Bilti got some issues with my thunderbox11:51
graingertwarfaren: you might want to whitelist is11:51
graingertif you are using unity11:51
warfarenyes i am using unity. i just typed sudo apt-get install fusion-icon and it seemed to install something11:52
graingertwarfaren: you might want to disable compositng druing gameplay11:52
Peter_Biltit uses z68 chipset with SSD, but how to test if a harddrive is losing it?11:52
graingertwarfaren: google how to whitelist all notification icons11:52
graingertomg ubuntu has a good article11:52
warfarenok thanks11:52
The_BROSwhat is better GThumb or FSpot?11:55
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:56
Peter_Biltwell the best is fspot11:56
graingertno wai is shotwell11:56
The_BROSPeter_Bilt: is it possible to edit photos in FSpot?11:56
macer1where I can find list of all ubottu "!blablabla" commands?11:57
Peter_Biltbut you can convert it11:57
jribmacer1: you can download his database from ubottu.com11:57
oCeanmacer1: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi11:57
The_BROSPeter_Bilt: I need to crop or resize it fast11:57
macer1oCean, thx ;)11:58
Peter_Biltyes you can do that with f spot11:58
myk_robinsonneed some small help with scripting. I need to run a ping and a traceroute logged to a textfile, which is easy. But I want it to add a timestamp every few minutes.11:58
Peter_Biltit has much better optoons compared to gthumb11:58
macer1I am still learning some new factoids when watching #ubuntu :D11:58
The_BROSPeter_Bilt: thanx. I will try11:58
Peter_Biltwell i prefer f-spot over gthumb11:58
l3dwas wondering how I would add the new version on firefox to11:59
The_BROSPeter_Bilt: But as I know there is no FSpot in 11.04?11:59
Peter_Biltget it elsewhere11:59
alyoshahi i have a problem, on one of my laptops i instaled 10.04.3 and sound wount work. I checked faq and all that and system recognise sound card driver is instaled and all but there is still no sound11:59
Peter_Biltfpt is in universe afaik11:59
The_BROSPeter_Bilt: No. I mean why they chose another program?12:00
Peter_Biltbecause they have no plan12:00
The_BROSPeter_Bilt: Ok. I C. Thanx, Bro12:00
Atharvawarfaren : Can you please tell me about linux native ?12:01
macer1brb switching kde -> unity12:01
scarleoalyosha: you have the speaker icon in top panel?12:01
Peter_Biltwhy linux on desktop is so extremly successfull?12:01
oCeanPeter_Bilt: this is not a discussion channel, /join #ubuntu-offtopic for such12:01
alyoshascarleo yes12:02
scarleoalyosha: click it and make sure sound is not muted12:02
alyoshascarleo i checked this several times..sound is on max...output and hardware are selected12:02
scarleoalyosha: have you checked alsamixer levels?12:03
alyoshamm not sure12:03
scarleoalyosha: run 'alsamixer' in terminal and check12:03
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scarleoalyosha: if the levels are allright then make sure your user is member of audio group in System Settings -> Users and Groups12:06
alyoshascarleo all levels are on max...but i have first hda ati hdmi and then second hda intel12:06
myk_robinsonif I run ping without timestamp, it works fine, but if I add the timestamp option, I get no response. Any ideas?12:06
scarleoalyosha: order doesn't matter, are all levels at max?12:06
scarleoalyosha: ok, check users as I wrote above12:07
bgpthello guys, I am trying to increase ulimit size permanently in my ubuntu, but its not effecting, Can some one help me pls12:07
bgptI added in /etc/security/limits.conf and added session required pam_limits.so in /etc/security/limits.conf file and restarted server but its not effecting12:08
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alyoshascarleo i went to group manager and then i selected "audio"12:09
alyoshathere was user and the box before12:09
alyoshawas not checked12:09
alyoshai checked it and aplyed12:09
alyoshabut it still don't work12:10
warfarenAtharva: linux native? well maybe i used the wrong expression.. i mean games that were compiled to run on linux... not games that run in wine or whatever12:11
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/12:12
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warfarenwell fusion-icon doesnt seem to work very well for me.. i probably configured it wrong or something. all i get is windows without bders12:13
dr_willisthat means compiz is crashing for some reason12:13
scarleoalyosha: I got disconnected, can you please repeat if you answered me?12:13
warfarenyeah i figured as much12:14
dr_willisor the window-decorator is crashing or not set right12:14
alyoshascarleo i went to group manager and then i selected "audio"12:14
alyoshathere was user and the box before12:14
alyoshawas not checked12:14
warfarenperhaps it's just that i need to install gnome or something?12:14
alyoshai checked it and aplyed12:14
alyoshabut it still don't work12:14
FloodBot1alyosha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
warfareni dont know if it is included with 11.04 or no12:14
dr_williswarfaren:  you havent really given much details. :)12:14
bgpthello guys, I am trying to increase ulimit size permanently in my ubuntu, but its not effecting, Can some one help me pls I added in /etc/security/limits.conf and added session required pam_limits.so in /etc/security/limits.conf file and restarted server but its not effecting12:14
dr_williswarfaren:  11.04 ubuntu included gnome and compiz by default.12:14
macer1what package is setting unity compiz settings?12:15
zomgroflersomething is killing my php bot every 10 minutes12:15
dr_willis!ccsm | macer112:15
ubottumacer1: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:15
zomgrofleri mean - at 13:00 , 13:10 , 13:20 , etc12:15
zomgrofleri just get Killed and bot dies12:15
zomgroflerthere is nothing in cron and nothing in logs12:15
zomgroflerwhat can it be?12:15
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macer1dr_willis, I mean, I want to reset unity settings but unity --reset do not reset it fully12:15
dragondon_Greetings all!12:16
dr_willismacer1:  theres a differnt command to reset compiz settings12:16
dr_willismacer1:  i know its mentioned at the webupd8 blog site.  and i got it bookmarked somewhere in my delicious.com/dr_willis  links. :)12:16
dr_willisbut i never can rember the command12:16
dr_willistheres also unity --reset-icons12:17
dragondon_I am trying to setup VNC to work over an SSH tunnel and part of the instructions say to forward port 5900 to local host.  I am unsure  how to properly format the line in iptables.  Anyone available to help?12:17
warfarenwell i donÃ't know what more details to give.. not a very expeienced user yet so to speak. when i run fusion-icon it all dies :P12:17
dr_williswarfaren:  why are you running fusion-icon?12:17
th0rdragondon_: that forwarding is not done in iptables, it is done when you do the ssh connect12:17
dr_williswarfaren:  theres some enhanced alternatives to fusion-icon i recall seeing in the list of indicator-applets at askubuntu.com12:18
dragondon_th0r: ah, I did see that, too bad the directions don't specifiy that :/12:18
warfareni was recommended to do so here because i wanted to disable some effects quickly/easily to get good performance in games12:18
macer1I am moving to Unity 2D for now. Nearly bug free, and better design made in QML :D12:18
eltigrehey can someone help me fix my nonworking unity panel without rebooting?12:18
dr_williswarfaren:  it just allows you to pick metacity, or compuz as the window manager easially. You could do that with a simple script.12:18
th0rdragondon_: there are a number of good tutorials on the web about X-forwarding via ssh12:18
MK`How do I get windows that have gone outside my desktop to come back?12:18
m1schi. is this right? ubuntu's protfpd doesn't bring tls support?12:19
dr_williswarfaren:  or make a script that launches 'metacity --replace   then the game, then runs compiz --replace' after the game is done.12:19
warfarenah. cool. i'll look into that12:19
eltigreunity sucks -.-12:19
dragondon_th0r: I am using the ubuntu help one from the main site.12:19
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eltigrewell it's nice as long as it works, but now I can't do anything and have to reboot -.-12:20
eltigrejust like windows 3.1112:20
dr_willisYou could just log out/back in.. and not reboot..12:20
eltigrestill annoying12:20
dr_willisor  if theres a terminal open 'unity --replace' should restart it12:20
dr_willisYou want answers or are you going to just complain?12:20
warfarenis there a command to log a user out of the gui? cuz if i would type logout at a terminal it just closes the terminal12:21
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dr_williswarfaren:  you could restart the gdm service. that would boot any user back to the login screen.12:21
dr_williswarfaren:  but thats a little harsh.12:22
eltigrethanks, that worked12:22
dr_willisand yes. logout logs you out of a terminal/shell/console. :)12:22
dr_willisthere might be some command to start the gnome logout procedure. but ive never noticed one.12:23
warfarenok. what's the command to restart the gdm service then?12:23
dr_willissudo service servicename restart12:23
warfarencool. thanks12:23
dr_willisusefull to know if X really hangs up. :) you can ssh in and make it restart. hopefully12:24
th0rwarfaren: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15795/how-can-you-log-out-via-the-terminal12:24
veganadianhas anyone used the logitech G510 keyboard with the "G keys" ?12:25
dr_willisaskubuntu.com - is getting a decent base of question/answers.12:25
dr_willisveganadian:  i have with my G15 once. :)12:25
veganadianand if so, have you been able to bind them to do stuff ?12:25
veganadiandr_willis, how'd you do it ?12:25
dr_willisNot tried it in ages.  - i just installed the proper packages and configured things.12:26
dr_willisbeen some time since i did more then just install the tools to get me a clock on the lcd.12:26
veganadiandr_willis, what was it called ?12:26
dr_willisits in the repos under g15deamon or somthing like that. theres several support packages for those keyboards12:26
veganadiandr_willis, merci boucoup.12:27
dr_willisbeats having to compile them - like i had to do a few  years back. :)12:27
Digital_Lemoni am using ubuntu 11.0412:27
Digital_Lemonacer aspire 5738ZG12:27
Digital_Lemonwhen i click a button to disable touchpad, and click it again to reenable it12:28
Digital_Lemonit is not enabled, instead it is doing nothing12:28
Digital_Lemonafter going to stand by and back, its working again, but going to standby by plugging out my charger and flipping it sucks12:28
Digital_Lemonanyone has solution for this?12:28
sebsterhow do I get the following command to execute in a bash script: "gconftool-2 -g /apps/gnome-power-manager/backlight/brightness_dim_battery" I want to save it in a variable. The command runs in terminal but not in a bash script file12:29
th0rDigital_Lemon: don't know what button you are using, but I think you can turn off the touchpad with synclient TouchpadOff=1 and turn it on with synclient TouchpadOff=012:29
th0rDigital_Lemon: I just put those two into panel launch icons on the gnome panel (but now I use xfce)12:30
dr_willisYou could check the forums and askubuntu.com for that exact make of laptop and see if anyone else has a similer issue Digital_Lemon . It maybe worth watching the 'dmesg' command output as you turn it off and back on. and monitor if any modules get unloaded. And theres the syclient mentioned above. :)12:30
Stanley00sebster: did you chmod +x for your script?12:30
dr_willissebster:  did you start it with #!/bin/bash ?12:31
Digital_Lemonthanks all12:31
Digital_Lemonwill try :)12:31
dr_willisI dont get the statement 'save it in a variable'  sebster ..12:31
sebsterit doesn't seem to recognise the command inside the script12:32
dr_willistry 'source thescriptname'  see if it works then..12:32
sebsterI want currentvalue=gconftool-2 -g /apps/gnome-power-manager/backlight/brightness_dim_battery12:32
sebsterso I can then change the value and set it again12:32
dr_willisonce the script exists the variable goes away...12:32
Stanley00sebster: ah, try yourvar=`command` or yourvar=$((command))12:32
Digital_Lemonsynclient TouchpadOff=1 doesnt do anything :/12:32
dr_willisyou may want to pastebin the script. and explain what its supposed to do.12:34
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dori922i have an Ubuntu Server with OpenSSH(10.04), in my config file i have "Match group sftponly" too chroot, can i have another command there to give specific groups different idle times and connection limits>12:38
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dori922or is there another way to give group specific idle times/connection limits12:39
drewbbI have U1 installed via synaptic, account created, access via the web but no joy when i want to rt.-click and sync a folder and  the folder is in my home directory12:39
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drewbbAnu ideas12:39
drewbbThat should read 'Any ideas'12:40
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sebsterI've put my code into pastebin. So far I just want to read the current value of the screen brightness. The command I'm using returns a value when I run it in terminal and I thought that what I'm doing should work. WRONG12:41
Picisebster: you have an extra set of parenthesis around your currentValue expression.12:43
sebsterI thought I was supposed to do that12:43
sebstersingle parenthesis then?12:43
sebsterI tried it with none to begin with...12:43
Picisebster: $( ) means to execute whatever is in there $(( )) means to evaluate the mathematical expression within.12:43
sebsterty I'll try that12:43
sebsterthanks a lot!12:44
Picisebster: np12:44
sebsteron to the next step...12:44
idefixhow can you run DOS programs in a terminal?12:45
Piciidefix: You'd need something like dosbox to do that.12:46
Pici!info dosbox12:46
ubottudosbox (source: dosbox): A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.74-1 (natty), package size 787 kB, installed size 2340 kB12:46
idefixis dosbox in the repositories?12:46
Piciidefix: yes.12:46
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BluesKajhowdy folks12:48
idefixso now you can enter terminal commands in the dos box12:51
idefixyou need to because my floppy disk isn't mounted !12:51
idefixI mean I need to..12:52
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sobersabrehi. I am on a machine with intel graphics, and my youtube stucks X in full screen.12:57
idefixPici: what's the command for mounting your floppy dir in dos box?12:57
th0ridefix: type intro in the dosbox12:58
tomodachiidefix: mount d /home/yourpath12:58
tomodachiif i remember properly12:59
varikonniemihello, what could be wrong when i have a file that launches a py script, it works when doing ./start0 in terminal but not when doing "run in terminal" from gui13:00
varikonniemihello, what could be wrong when i start a file with ./ it works but not with "run in temrinal" from gui13:03
idefixdo you have any idea why does my dosbox give the same results of dir with different floppy disks inserted?13:04
nbfdoes anyone have the ubuntu monospace font post up somewhere?13:06
KsMWhat is the bootarg on the Ubuntu liveCD for a no gui boot?13:08
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th0ridefix: you probably have to unmount and remount for each one...in both linux and dosbox13:08
DrLanglyHello, I had a question about 11.04. I've installed it but the firmware is apperantly 'missing' for my wireless on my laptop. Is there a place I can grab that from?13:09
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nawkwhat is the p/w for user root by default in ubuntu?13:10
dori922can i use multiple Match group xxxx in the sshd_config?13:10
th0rnawk: there is no root in ubuntu13:10
Stanley00nawk: there is no password at all13:10
Stanley00nawk: root is disable by default in ubuntu ;)13:10
dr_willisidefix:  you mean a real floppy? or  a virtual floppy?13:11
dr_willisvarikonniemi:  its not in you default PATH.13:12
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sebsterhow do you add an integer to a variable in bash? This isn't working: new=$(($current + 10))13:15
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th0rzwick_: I think that is nickspam13:15
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varikonniemidr_willis, so you mean nautilus cannot reference the ./ based on the folder i am launching in?13:16
Odaymdoes Maverick come automatically with PulseAudio?13:16
th0rvarikonniemi: I think you need to supply the full path and filename13:16
varikonniemior might the problem be i supply ./ in the file13:17
varikonniemiand nautilus does it too so it goes to ././13:17
kleopatraHello, i need to install lapack++, as far as i found out i have to compile it myself, but all stuff i find about this (including dependencies) is too old, does anyone know where to get lapack++ safely?13:17
antii:/.. How can I be able to login into my vm, ssh rejects me. If I log in through console in vsphere on my linux machine I get: "Error in service module", cant seem to login as root or user...13:17
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varikonniemi~/phoenix/phoenix.py is that a correct "full path"13:19
jribvarikonniemi: sure13:20
th0rvarikonniemi: nope...I don't think ~ will work13:20
varikonniemiwell it does the same as ./phoenix.py13:20
jribvarikonniemi: -ENOCONTEXT13:20
varikonniemisay what13:20
jribvarikonniemi: provide context.  WHat are you trying to do?  What is "it" in "well it does the same as ./phoenix.py"?13:21
varikonniemii had this working before i reinstalled ubuntu13:21
varikonniemiso it cannot be something hard13:21
martianIs it safe/smart/dumb to copy your ~/.ssh/id_rsa* to your ~/.ssh/ on other machines so you use the same keys on all the machines you use?13:21
varikonniemisince i made it work all by my self before..13:21
th0rvarikonniemi: just try it with /home/user/phoenix.... see if that works13:21
jribmartian: it's like having a copy of the key to your house in several places13:21
varikonniemino it does the same with home/user.. the terminal pops up and immediately closes13:22
natschilHello. I don't know where to ask this, so I will ask it here. I have an array of pixels that I want to display as an image in C. What is the easiest way I can do this, and with what libraries?13:22
jribnatschil: ##c13:22
martianjrib: hmm... well, I guess that can be handy, so long as you don't lose one :-/13:22
varikonniemijrib, i have phoenix.py that needs some flags to start working13:23
natschiljrib: no, definately not a c question.13:23
varikonniemicurrently i start it with ./start0 from terminal13:23
jribnatschil: please explain "I want to display as an image in C"13:23
varikonniemitrying to launch start0 from gui does not work13:23
KsMWhat is the bootarg on the Ubuntu liveCD for a no gui boot?13:23
jribvarikonniemi: stop pressing enter to break up your responses please13:24
nicocati got a problem when i'm changing my shell13:24
natschiljrib: I need some (C) library that I can easily say make this pixel some colour on a x times y sized image and it will paint it to the screen.13:24
natschiljrib: sorry, I should have said using C. not in C:13:24
jribnatschil: this is a c question...13:24
gartralhello all, i have a few games that require s3tc support, i'm on an intel graphics chip, how do i enable support for s3tc?13:24
nicocati do the classical chsh, put my password, and put /bin/zsh13:24
nicocatbut printenv SHELL stay /bin/shell13:25
nicocatcan anyone help ?13:25
sobersabreguys is there any cure to flash full screen freeze with intel cards ? (or is it a global linux problem on x86_64)?13:25
natschil_jianfei: this has nothing to do with the c language. it has to do with ubuntu, as I need an ubuntu package that does this.13:25
gartralsobersabre: are you running the 64-bit flash?13:25
jribnicocat: log out and back in?13:25
jribvarikonniemi: start over from the beginning.  State your problem on ONE line13:25
Peter_Biltgatral: unreal?13:26
Peter_Biltuse opengl mode if ypu can13:26
Peter_Biltor use a xen kernel and paravirtualize your linux with windows, so you can play13:27
varikonniemiI have a file, start0, which launches phoenix.py with some arguments. It works when doing ./start0 in terminal, but not when doing "launch in terminal" from nautilus, the terminal window only briefly flashes open.13:27
gartralPeter_Bilt: Trine, Shadowgrounds, 0AD.. no unreal, non based on the unreal engine AFAIK13:27
gartralPeter_Bilt: not possible, Atom core. that would be too slow13:27
jribvarikonniemi: provide full path to start013:27
incubatiojrib: it works thx13:27
jribvarikonniemi: that means start with '/'13:27
Peter_Biltthen get a xbox36013:28
incubatiojrib: why do I have to log out and log in again13:28
incubatiojrib: that sound very windows13:28
jribvarikonniemi: no, start with /.  ~ won't get translated by the launcher13:28
jribincubatio: because you changed your login shell13:28
incubatiojrib: OF course, thank you !13:28
gartralincubatio: you either changed your login shell, OR you changed something in an RC flie, either way, you *have* too relog, but it's a lot easier13:29
gartralyou don't have to*13:29
gartralPeter_Bilt: that doesn't fix my problem..13:30
Gentoo64gartral, what are you trying to do?13:30
gartralGentoo64: i'm trying too figure out how too enable s3tc support for an intel graphics card13:31
Gentoo64ah ok. wish i never asked13:32
jribGentoo64: heh13:32
varikonniemiok so i changed it from ./ to/home/q/phoenix/phoenix.py and the behaviour did not change. still works via terminal, via gui only terminal flashes briefly.13:32
jribvarikonniemi: you mean a terminal opens and closes?13:32
bastidrazorvarikonniemi: is q your username?13:32
varikonniemiyes it is13:32
javier__Hi. I want to solve the issue about ASPM in kernel 2.6.38 (as in http://cuduwudu.com/2011/06/phoronix-discovered-the-battery-problem-in-kernel-2-6-38/). I need to add "pcie_aspm=force" in "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"". My problem is that I already changed that line to "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash something acpi_osi=Linux"" in order to be able to control light in the screen of my laptop. HOW TO CHANGE THE LINE AND HAVE ASPM CHAN13:32
javier__GE AND ACPI AT THE SAME TIME? Thanks13:32
Gentoo64javier__, just add it as well13:33
jribjavier__: can't you just just add it to the line?13:33
jrib!who | varikonniemi13:33
ubottuvarikonniemi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:33
Gentoo64javier__, add it after a space13:33
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jribvarikonniemi: I have no idea what question you are answering with "yes"13:33
javier__GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash something acpi_osi=Linux pcie_aspm=force"13:33
javier__that would be?13:33
varikonniemijrib, yours13:33
jribvarikonniemi: what does this phoenix.py do?13:34
javier__is what I thought, but I knew was something could cause a crash, so I prefered to ask it before, as I'm not an expert :)13:34
varikonniemijrib, mines bitcoin13:34
javier__thanks then to all of you :)13:34
jribvarikonniemi: is it a graphical application?13:34
varikonniemijrib, no, it first connects to some rpc? server, then gets work and starts calculating. not graphical13:34
natschiljrib: sorry, my irc channel crashed.... i think it was you I was talking to earlier... my question is not a C question because it has nothing to do with the c language, only with the libraries available on ubuntu for the C language13:35
jribvarikonniemi: then you want to run gnome-terminal and tell it to execute phoenix.py13:35
jribnatschil: do you know what library you want to install?13:35
natschiljrib: no. that is why I'm asking13:36
jribnatschil: go to ##c and figure out what library you should use (I believe you wanted to use C).  Then once you know what library you want, come back here and we can help you install it13:36
varikonniemijrib, as i said, it works fine from the terminal by typing ./start0, the problem is only via nautilus when doing "run in terminal" to start013:36
jribvarikonniemi: you keep changing between "start0" and "phoenix.py".  This is confusing13:37
natschiljrib: definately not. ##c is not about the libraries but only about the language. trust me, I've asked there.13:37
varikonniemijrib, as i said, start0 is a file that contains the parameters which i launch phoenix.py with13:37
jribvarikonniemi: then start gnome-terminal and tell it to execute start013:38
jribnatschil: well feel free to ask here but it's not appropriate for this channel either13:38
varikonniemijrib, thank you for your help. This is exactly not what i have been asking, but i will continue to do it that way since no-one seems to know any solution13:38
jribvarikonniemi: I am telling you to do this in the launcher.13:39
natschiljrib: yeah I know. but I don't know where else to ask. thanks for trying to help though.13:39
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nullcorein order to get an email address/alias in the ubuntu.com domain, one has to be a member of the ubuntu team and not just a sub-team, correct?13:39
jribvarikonniemi: man gnome-termnial suggests using -x13:39
jribnatschil: do you have to use C13:39
nullcoreone couldn't be a member of, say, ubuntu-hardened and not ubuntu to gain access to membership privileges, right?13:39
jribvarikonniemi: or maybe -e.  Play with it.13:40
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Peter_Bilti still wonder why xen modules don't get into the mainline13:40
bo__bovarikonniemi maybe you could make a launcher that starts a terminal while executing your script with the -e switch13:40
natschiljrib: yep, sorry.13:41
natschiljrib: or it's the only language I know well.13:41
idefixdr_willis a real floppy13:42
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi: screen is a terminal program that can be used to auto-launch programs or scripts, see screen -d -m => http://linuxmanpages.com/man1/screen.1.php13:43
varikonniemijrib, bo__bo, thanks but that goes over my head. I know i had it working before my reinstall some months ago, now it just pops up the terminal and immediately closes. If it would not try to start it i would see no terminal (as is the case when i tested with invalid paths).13:43
Gentoo64varikonniemi, just set a launcher saying: gnome-terminal -e progname13:44
jribvarikonniemi: in your launcher, write gnome-terminal -e YOUR_COMMAND_HERE13:44
Gentoo64itll auto open the prog in a term13:44
varikonniemiGentoo64, i tried it already13:44
Gentoo64varikonniemi, what was the ocmmand you used?13:44
Gentoo64in the launcher13:44
varikonniemiGentoo64, gnome-terminal -e /home/q/phoenix/phoenix.py13:45
DrLanglyMy install of 11.04 of Ubuntu wont recognize my wired internet connection.13:45
varikonniemialso tried -x13:45
Peter_Bilti smell some problems13:45
jribvarikonniemi: weren't you mentioning something about "start0"?13:46
varikonniemijrib, that was the contents of start0 that i tried to run/run in terminal13:46
varikonniemijrib, i dont know if i have been perfectly clear here.. start0 is like a link in windows13:47
jribvarikonniemi: well I thought I understood until I read the end of what you just said...13:47
rufsketch1Hello everyone13:47
rufsketch1how can I check what video driver my system is using?13:48
rufsketch1for some reason I magically lost 3D hardware acceleration13:48
jribvarikonniemi: try: gnome-terminal -e '/home/q/phoenix/phoenix.py; bash -c read'13:48
rynopdo you need to restart the OS when you make changes to files in /etc/pam.d/?13:48
varikonniemijrib, are you sure the ; needs to go there. it says no such file found13:49
jribvarikonniemi: did you use the quotes as I placed them?13:50
varikonniemijrib, q@varikonniemi-desktop:~$ gnome-terminal -e '/home/q/phoenix/phoenix.py; bash -c read'13:50
varikonniemijrib, Failed to execute child process "/home/q/phoenix/phoenix.py;" (No such file or directory)13:51
bastidrazorrufsketch1: sudo lspci -vv  and look for your video adapter. it will list the driver13:51
jribvarikonniemi: try: gnome-terminal -e 'bash -c "/home/q/phoenix/phoenix.py; read"'13:52
varikonniemijrib, it works13:53
jribvarikonniemi: try without "; read"13:53
varikonniemijrib, no it just flashes13:54
jribvarikonniemi: ok13:54
rufsketch1bastidrazor I found VGA compatible controller. But I don't know which line tells me what driver is in use13:57
Gentoo64rufsketch1, at the bottom it should say "kernl drive in use"13:58
bastidrazorrufsketch1: kernel driver in use:   or kernel module13:58
Gentoo64kernel driver*13:58
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mbeierlhey, anyone know why I don't have any host-side network interfaces for virtualbox?  I've got a guest, with an ip that can ping its gateway on the host, but the host cannot see the guest IP at all.13:59
varikonniemiwhen i am in my home directory, am i supposed to be able to launch a file by just typing /phoenix/start0 or must i always first do cd phoenix and then ./start013:59
varikonniemii find it weird since it says error no such file or directory and yet there clearly is13:59
jribvarikonniemi: you could just type "phoenix/start0"13:59
rufsketch1Gentoo64 bastidrazor : it says "nvidia". But i still don't have 3D hardware acceleration support. nexuiz and vdrift get a few seconds per frame. vdrift thinks I'm using mesa and doesn't recognize the nvidia driver. I'm not sure about nexuiz, though it was working fine at some point.14:00
zHammeRzuse the ./14:00
Digital_Lemonlol im stuck with turned off touchpad14:00
varikonniemijrib, it says the same14:00
Digital_Lemonis there a way to access tray icons with keyboard?14:00
jwrigleyvarikonniemi: is the file marked executable?14:00
varikonniemijwrigley, yes14:01
varikonniemijwrigley, else i dont think ./start0 would work14:01
jribvarikonniemi: what exactly did you type?14:01
jwrigleyvarikonniemi: is start0 a script? perhaps it is referencing other files in the /phoenix dir14:01
varikonniemijrib, q@varikonniemi-desktop:~/phoenix$ phoenix/start014:02
varikonniemibash: phoenix/start0: No such file or directory14:02
sebsterWhat mechanism / command does gnome use to regulate monitor brightness? xdotools and xbacklight aren't working for me but the gnome settings do.14:02
jribvarikonniemi: because you're already in the phoenix directory...14:02
varikonniemijrib, ha iu see my problem14:02
jwrigleyvarikonniemi:  you need to include the beginning /14:02
jwrigleyvarikonniemi: you should type /phoenix/start014:03
renier_can anyone has a driver for intel gma g31 for linux?14:03
renier_can anyone has a driver for intel gma g31 for linux?14:03
renier_anyone here has a driver for intel gma g31 for linux?14:03
jwrigleyvarikonniemi: wait, cd into the directory and run the command pwd14:03
renier_anyone here has a driver for intel gma g31 for linux?14:03
jwrigleyvarikonniemi: what does that output?14:03
BluesKaj!patience | renier_14:04
ubotturenier_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:04
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jwrigleyrenier_: what type of card is that supposed to be14:06
varikonniemijwrigley, a-ha i am starting to locate the problem, i got the phoenix/start0 to work, now it says could not locate specified kernel, so the problem seems to be where i have suspected qall along, the arguments dont get passed for some reason14:06
usr13renier_: I think you should already have driver for it by default.  What are you seeing that leads you to believe otherwise?14:07
* Nuit Hi :)14:07
renier_when i'm playing frozen throne it has so many diff. colors14:08
renier_it has gray14:08
renier_it has black14:08
renier_and many more14:08
tomodachirenier_: do you use the opengl switch when launching it?14:08
usr13renier_: Don't use the Enter key for punctuation.14:08
progre55hi guys. on the terminal, when I start a job, then ctrl+z the job is stopped, how to resume it without foregrounding it?14:08
jwrigleyprogre55: bg14:09
progre55jwrigley: just bg?14:09
renier_what should i use?14:09
jwrigleyprogre55: yup14:09
tomodachiprogre55: check out screen , maybe it will be of more help to you than foregrounding and backgrounding stuff14:09
tomodachi!info screen14:09
progre55jwrigley: thanks14:09
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu7 (natty), package size 571 kB, installed size 1008 kB14:09
renier_i think it's about configuration of gama14:10
progre55tomodachi: it's just a simple process14:10
renier_tomodachi i don't see an opengl14:10
renier_tnx guys i'm going to sleep now14:10
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varikonniemijrib, jwrigley, thanks for your help, i must go now. i think the problem could stem from the fact that i followed different guides to install phoenix, and the first might have set an environmental variable for the phoenix dir, and the second did not.14:13
terror__.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Client Quit]14:14
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vageewat should i do get cursor effects.....i have installed macubuntu....plz help me14:18
vageewat are the settings to get cursor effect in macubuntu??14:20
rcmaehlHow can I make ubuntu recognize that my sata HDD is sata and not PATA14:21
vageewat r the settings to get cursor effect in macubuntu14:21
CAHow to bruteforce a root without using a password list?14:21
thisismygameI was able to mount /dev/sdc1 once. Then I unmounted it. Then I tried remounting it to a new location, and I get this error: mount: /dev/sdc1 already mounted or /mnt/downloads busy14:22
jpdsCA: We don't teach that.14:22
thisismygameThere is nothing in /proc/mounts regarding /dev/sdc114:22
CAok thanks14:22
jwrigleyvagee: sed 's/p/s/' ? /jk14:23
kitchercmaehl: is the PATA setting set in your bios for SATA? that's the only way way ubuntu will recogie a drive as PATA if it is an sata if that option is set in the bios14:23
rcmaehlkitche: there is no PATA setting in my bios14:24
wiggincan I get some info regarding oneiric14:24
daguzI'm looking for a guide to make ubuntu run as a paravirtualized server under xen.  I find some guides to make it run as a xen server but I'm a little confused as to the procedure to make it a guest.14:24
jwrigleyCA: why do you need bruteforce root?14:24
CAim just curious about it thats it14:24
jwrigleywiggin: #ubuntu+114:24
vageesir i'm not getting cursor effect in compiz settings manager14:25
vagee sir i'm not getting cursor effect in compiz settings manager14:26
rcmaehlkitche: is there any other way because there isn't a PATA/SATA option on this netbook's bios14:26
vagee sir i'm not getting cursor effect in compiz settings manager14:26
MonkeyDustwiggin: you're in the wrong channel, type /join #ubuntu+114:26
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jwrigleyCA: fair enough.14:26
wiggini need help with getting my screen to stop from turning off in oneiric14:26
rcmaehlwiggin: wrong channel14:27
nonproffessionalI'm having a problem with WebGL in all browsers, is this the right place to ask?14:27
jwrigleyCA: if you have physical access to the machine, you don't need to. If you don't you will need to hack it. And that is what we don't teach :)14:27
rcmaehlnonproffessional: on ubuntu?14:28
nonproffessionalYes, 10.1014:28
rcmaehlask #ubuntu+114:28
sellllleit comes from graphic drivers I think14:28
rcmaehlI was thinking 11.1014:28
CAoh ok thanks14:28
rcmaehlnonproffessional: yes this is the right channel14:29
nonproffessionalUgh no, I've heard about Unity and think I'll put it off14:29
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rcmaehlnonproffessional: it's actually not too bad14:29
nonproffessionalI tried asking on ubuntuforums.org and got no reply.14:29
slava_dphi guys. how can I boot ubuntu 11.04 in text mode without the splash?14:29
nonproffessionalAnyway, WebGL was fine and now it's just stopped.14:30
bastidrazorslava_dp: in /etc/default/grub make changes to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  .. add "text" and remove splash, then sudo update-grub14:30
genii-aroundnonproffessional: Do you have libosmesa6 installed?14:31
kishonhi.. i just overwrote some files in / and it's not booting anymore14:31
ikoniakishon: what did you overwrite ?14:32
kishonsome files in /lib, /bin/14:32
Rainy-dayHi, using ubuntu classic, buttons in chrome and thunderbird and some other programs look really ugly.. changing themes in appearance panel does not change buttons.14:32
ikoniakishon: which ones, how, and why ?14:32
MonkeyDustkishon: is you / on a separate partition?14:32
ikoniaMonkeyDust: it has to be on a seperate partition14:32
ikoniaMonkeyDust: / has to be it's own partition14:33
nonproffessionalgenii-around: Yes I have libosmesa614:33
MonkeyDustidd ikonia i was mistaking14:33
kishoni had a rootfs.tar.gz and i dint give a target directory for tar using "-C"  option.. so my / got overwritten14:33
ikoniakishon: just re-install then as we don't know what was in that tar file or what's changed14:34
mbeierlkishon: do you have a back up of your home directory?14:35
kishoncan we use a livecd to recover?14:35
Odaymdoes Maverick come automatically with PulseAudio?14:35
ikoniakishon: no, re-installing would be a more realistic approach14:35
Odaymand if I remove PulseAudio with purge, do I fall back safely on ALSA?14:35
B0g4r7It's usually a good idea to make a new directory whenever you unpack a tarball.14:36
kishondont have backup14:36
ikoniakishon: if you can, backup your home directory for any personal data or settings, then re-install14:36
mbeierlkishon: before re-installing, I'd make sure you back up your home directory (or at least important files) first14:36
Odaymikonia: still helping the community I see :)14:36
Odaymbeen a long time since I was here14:37
ikoniaOdaym: certainly try14:37
nonproffessionalkishon: I would use a liveCD to backup the home dir if you cannot get in any other way14:37
genii-aroundnonproffessional: In your FireFox, if you put about:config and search for webgl, what values do webgl.osmesalib and webgl.prefer-native-gl have?14:37
Digital_Lemonis there a way to bind 2 commands to one command on main menu14:37
Odaymyou mean you certainly try? or you're asking me to try and purge PulseAudio and see if I fallback safely on ALSA?14:37
Digital_Lemonone menu item*14:37
Digital_Lemonwithout making a script for it14:37
ikoniaOdaym I certainly try, I wasn't following your issue, sorry.14:37
Digital_Lemon"sudo rmmod psmouse" and "sudo modprobe psmouse"14:38
Odaymwell now that you're aware of what it is, what do you think?14:38
nonproffessionalgenii-around: I don't have those settings at all.14:38
B0g4r7Ugh, my mail server ran out of disk space on Friday, and my 3 mail clients have been continuously redownloading my entire mailbox for the entire weekend.  :(14:38
Odaymbecause I am pretty sure Maverick ships with PulseAudio14:38
jwrigleykishon: why would you even extract a rootfs.tar.gz as root?14:38
dr_willisDigital_Lemon:  needing to use sudo would make it harder.14:38
Odaymand I don't want that14:38
ikoniaDigital_Lemon: sudo rmmod psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse14:38
ikoniaOdaym: what is the problem ?14:38
OdaymI want ALSA instead, so if I purge Pulse, do I fall back safely on ALSA?14:38
nonproffessionalgenii-around: Only "noscript.forbidWebGL = false"14:38
Digital_Lemondr_willis: it will not work without sudo14:38
nonproffessional(I don't think noscript is a problem, I tried with it turned off completely)14:39
Digital_LemonPermission denied.14:39
dr_willisDigital_Lemon:  you would want to set up sudoers where you dont need a password for  rmmod and modprobe. or use gksudo.14:39
dr_willisDigital_Lemon:  just sudo wont pop up a dialog asking for the password. :)14:39
ikoniaOdaym: in 11.04, I don't know for certain, but I'd expect so based on previous releases.14:39
Odaymlet's see then :)14:39
Rainy-dayThere's no gnome-tweak-tool anymore?14:39
Digital_Lemonso i use gksudo in front of those two commands?14:40
dr_willisRainy-day:  theres a ubuntu-tweak  but its not an offically supported by this channel app :)14:40
dr_willisRainy-day:  then theres a new gnome tweaking tool for gnome 314:40
blackdevilhollowhello everyone14:40
ikoniaDigital_Lemon: no sudo14:40
Rainy-daydr_willis: I'm having issues with ugly buttons in ubuntu classic.. which of these do I need?14:41
blackdevilhollowany suggestion what can i do with ubuntu ???14:41
ikoniaDigital_Lemon: gksudo is for gui commands14:41
Gentoo64Rainy-day, ubuntu tweak14:41
Rainy-dayGentoo64: ok thanks14:41
bastidrazorblackdevilhollow: you can compile mplayer.14:41
Gentoo64blackdevilhollow, are you bored looking for stuff to do?14:42
Digital_Lemonlemon@Lemon-Alpha:~$ rmmod psmouse14:42
Digital_LemonERROR: Removing 'psmouse': Operation not permitted14:42
nonproffessionalgenii-around: Sorry, just noticed this firefox is 3.6, no WebGL support until 4.0. But it was definitely working on Chromium before and now it's broken.14:42
Digital_Lemonthats why i need sudo14:42
Gentoo64Digital_Lemon, sudo rmmod14:42
Digital_Lemoni am aware of it14:42
poisonhi, how do i add Torbutton to firefox...im using natty i have download torbutton-current.xpi...how to procede from here14:42
blackdevilhollow@Gentoo64 : so bored this night14:43
Gentoo64poison, torbutton is on the official site now, do it from there14:43
Gentoo64poison, on the torbutton site, not firefox addons14:43
genii-aroundnonproffessional: Ah, I'm not familiar with configuring Chromium. Apologies.14:43
Digital_Lemonsudo rmmod psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse14:43
dori922im after posting a thread(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11265788#post11265788), if anyone can help <314:43
Digital_Lemonthis is executing just first command14:44
Digital_Lemonnot teh second one14:44
Gentoo64Digital_Lemon, did the first one fail?14:44
Gentoo64if so thats why14:44
Digital_Lemonfirst one succeded14:44
Gentoo64should work then14:44
Digital_Lemonwell it does not :/14:44
Gentoo64try ; instead of &&14:44
Digital_Lemonno module exists14:45
Digital_Lemoncrap D14:45
FloodBot1Digital_Lemon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:45
nonproffessionalgenii-around: Thanks for your time, I think I will try an updated firefox ppa14:45
Digital_Lemonhm... first command executed14:45
Digital_Lemonsecond one didnt... :/14:45
Gentoo64Digital_Lemon, && should work if the first command is successful14:45
Gentoo64no idea why its not working. just do them 1 by 114:46
Digital_Lemoni am doing em 1 by 114:46
Digital_Lemonits just time consuming :(14:46
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jrib!away > sil2100|afk14:47
ubottusil2100|afk, please see my private message14:47
Digital_Lemonwhat did it say?14:48
bastidrazorDigital_Lemon: you can see for yourself. /msg ubottu away14:48
nonproffessionalgenii-around: I'll bother you once more to say updating firefox helped. I should have thought of that sooner. Bye.14:49
poisonGentoo64: Actually i have downloaded that button package and its on my hard disk...but i dont know how to install that package using that download...the package name is 'Torbutton-current.xpi'14:49
Gentoo64poison, it should auto install14:49
Digital_Lemonwell not all people actually do it by themselves14:50
Gentoo64poison, i havent used ff for a while. i think it might have an install addon from file somewhere n the options14:50
Digital_Lemonthere are mirc scripts to spam that14:50
Gentoo64poison, but it def auto-installs from that site14:50
Gentoo64try it again14:50
poisonsure...thank for trying to help me14:51
Gentoo64poison, https://www.torproject.org/torbutton/ click "install from the site" or is it still trying to download it?14:52
Gentoo64poison, if not go to file (in firefox), open, then open the cpi file14:52
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poisonGentoo64: trying!!14:56
slava_dpI moved ubuntu to another hard drive (cloned it), reinstalled grub and edited /etc/fstab. it boots to a black screen. what can the problem be?14:56
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OdaymI did fall back on ALSA, ikonia. But now I do not see a volume control icon on my panel, and the applet for it is not there to begin with (it wasn't there before either)15:01
ikoniaOdaym: well, it's good news that it did fall back.15:02
ikoniaOdaym: try alsamixer in a terminal, just to set the volumes and test15:02
OdaymI can still control the volume with Fn + key15:02
ikoniawell, that's a start15:02
OdaymI'm there at the mixer, it works fine15:03
Odaymjust no icon on the panel, that's all15:03
ikoniaOdaym: I dont' know if one even exists in 11.04 to be honest15:04
OdaymI'm in 10.1015:04
ikoniaOdaym: , sorry, I thought you where in 11.0415:04
ikoniaOdaym: there should be one in 10.10 I believe15:04
tempmikeI'm having trouble setting up 2 graphics cards to run 3 monitors; I've got a GT 430 in slot 3:0:0 and a 8400GS in 5:0:0. Even when I set up xorg.conf to only use 3:0:0 it won't work due to an I/O error on 5:0:015:05
WereWolfhi, where can i seek help regarding the Logging server?15:05
tempmikeI suspect it may be trying to initialize the 8400gs as if it were a gt430 and causing it to get confused and give an error15:05
Rainy-dayGentoo64: so what do I do in ubuntu-tweak to get better looking buttons?15:08
Gentoo64Rainy-day, what buttons?15:08
Gentoo64some are icon themes15:08
Rainy-dayGentoo64: e.g. buttons in chrome and thunderbird15:08
Gentoo64Rainy-day, chrome uses gtk or built in15:08
Gentoo64gtk will use gtk icon theme15:08
Gentoo64e.g faenza whatever15:08
Gentoo64not sure if ubuntu tweak handles that15:09
nbfis there a ppa that maintains the latest nvidia drivers somewhere?15:09
Rainy-dayok where then do I change gtk icon themes?15:09
Gentoo64Rainy-day, try in desktop settings15:09
Odaymso any news on 11.10?15:09
BlouBlou!11.10 | Odaym15:10
ubottuOdaym: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:10
Rainy-dayGentoo64: where are the desktop settings?15:10
Gentoo64Rainy-day, should be under appearance os similar in the system settings15:11
Rainy-dayGentoo64: in system / preferences / appearance ? I tried that, they don't change buttons in chrome and thunderbird15:12
Gentoo64they use gtk icons so it should..15:12
Gentoo64there should be icon settings somewhere there15:12
TonisiusSo, I recently updated my system on Friday, and compiz no longer is running automatically on classic login15:12
alex--My laptop is in hibernate, but it wont wake up, only the mouse is visible.15:13
TonisiusI have to execute the compiz --replace command to get the desired effects.  Any ideas on how I can get it to be a default again?15:13
qubodupHow can I disable opengl acceleration?15:13
qubodupI want to test how my app behaves with software rendering only15:13
Tonisiusgconf shows the default and current window manager as /usr/bin/compiz, and this isn't helping15:13
Gentoo64qubodup, i hink theres a kernel line like noaccel15:13
Gentoo64not sure what drivers that applies to though15:14
alex--tonisius: gnome --replace15:14
alex--or something, not sure15:14
Tonisiusalex--: you mean compiz --replace, which I said I do already15:14
TonisiusI just can't get it to auto do it during login15:14
Tonisiusinstead I have to run it as either a startup application, or from the terminal15:14
Tonisiuswhich should not be the case/15:14
alex--tonisius add it to startup applications15:15
Rainy-dayGentoo64: nope, changing any icons / customize / high contrast theme does not change the look of other gtk apps like gvim, chrome, thunderbird15:15
Tonisiusalex--: that's not fixing the problem./15:15
alex--My laptop is in hibernate, but it wont wake up, only the mouse is visible. Any way to wake it up?15:15
alex--tonisius why not?15:15
Gentoo64Rainy-day, try rebooting maybe or logout / in15:15
Rainy-dayGentoo64: just the borders and toolbars are changed but inside windows nothing changes15:16
Tonisiusalex--: I wait longer for login, since it loads the windows manager, then reloads/replaces it with compiz, why is it not running it on login to begin with, so it doesn't have to do a replace15:16
alex--tonisius i dont know15:16
Rainy-dayGentoo64: no, I did this before a few reboots it was the same thing15:16
TonisiusRainy-day: modify your appearance, and make sure you select something that modifies the buttons too15:16
Tonisiusthere are window decorations, and window themes15:16
Gentoo64Rainy-day, not sure then15:16
Rainy-dayTonisius: yes, I am selecting something that modifies buttons but buttons are not mofified in those apps15:17
Tonisiusif you're using "Ubuntu" and not "Kubuntu" or other flavors, the gtk themes should be good15:17
undecim_altHow difficult is it to create a self-extracting 7zip from the Ubuntu Live CD (10.04.3 LTS)15:17
Tonisiuswhat version of Ubuntu are you using?15:17
Rainy-dayI'm using ubuntu classic15:17
Tonisiusmany flavors15:17
TonisiusRainy-day: so, it's the Gnome environment, and not KDE15:17
Rainy-dayUsing ubuntu classic 11.0415:17
Gentoo64afik changing the icon theme should change the button icons15:17
Gentoo64i use faenza and get faenza icons on all my gtk app buttons15:18
TonisiusRainy-day: have you tried the "High Contrast Large Print Inverse" theme?15:18
Rainy-dayI think it changed after I turned off Unity.. I'm pretty sure in unity, buttons looked good15:18
Tonisiusand does it change everything inside the windows?15:18
Rainy-dayTonisius: Yes, I did try that one15:18
MeliorI'm trying to execute this /sbin/mount.fuse "rarfs#"/dir/file.rar /mount/point in cron, but it says /bin/sh: rarfs: command not found. When executed normal it works fine. Installed as found here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-573307.html15:18
TonisiusRainy-day: and no change to the inside of windows like chrome/firefox?15:18
Rainy-dayTonisius: no, it does not change anything inside windows except for 'appearance' window itself15:18
netyireundecim_alt: not all too difficult, have you tried 7zip?15:18
Rainy-dayTonisius: exactly15:18
jribMelior: provide full path (PATH is different in your crontab)15:18
netyireundecim_alt: but you must tell, self-extracting on windows or  linux?15:19
undecim_altnetyire: Windows15:19
Meliorjrib: full path for?15:19
Gentoo64Rainy-day, can you post a screenshot of chrom icons?15:19
jribMelior: for rarfs15:19
Tonisiusimgur.com I believe15:19
mordofmy gnome-icon-theme package won't configure properly (i did an install to gnome3, and then reverted back afterwards) is there any way to reinstall gnome-icon-theme without removing a large list and having kde supplements be installed?15:19
Meliorjrib: Sorry but i don't know where it is..?15:19
Tonisiusshare the image on this one15:19
netyireundecim_alt: http://www.7-zip.org, the default install has an option to 'create sfx' when building a new archive. good luck :-D15:19
jribMelior: type "which rarfs" in a terminal15:19
Meliorjrib: /usr/local/bin/rarfs15:20
Tonisiusclick on the wrench icon on chrome, and hit the print screen button, upload the image it saves to the imgur site15:20
jribMelior: use that instead of "rarfs"15:20
Meliorjrib: ok trying :)15:20
Rainy-dayGentoo64: if you go to appearance / customize / controls, they look very much like 'Raleigh' controls15:20
=== Digital_Lemon is now known as Lemon`BRB
Gentoo64Rainy-day, not sure why the icons arent working :s i know, raleigh icons can be ugly15:20
haguscalum@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install rails  ... E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:21
hagusHow do I get out of this?15:21
Gentoo64Rainy-day, do you get raleigh icons in nautilus?15:21
Rainy-dayHow can I install gnome3?15:21
mordofRainy-day: you don't want to yet15:21
B0g4r7hagus, something else us "using" apt.15:21
=== TheCowb`y is now known as TheCowboy
oCean!gnome3 | Rainy-day15:21
ubottuRainy-day: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.15:21
Rainy-dayGentoo64: yes, in nautilus same ugly buttons15:21
B0g4r7You need to close whatever that other thing is (synaptic perhaps).15:22
Rainy-dayoCean: thanks15:22
oCean!aptlock | hagus15:22
ubottuhagus: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:22
mordofI downgraded almost entirely safely - but a package that is required seems to have been damaged.. or configuration stuck that's wrong an dpreventing it from working, i'm not sure15:22
macer1Will 12.04 be finally DVD release?15:22
teknopaul_mobox Hi all, quick question, using unity and the network menu has the Wireless Networks options greyed out any ideas15:22
Gentoo64Rainy-day, really got no idea sorry15:22
Rainy-dayGentoo64: no problem15:22
alex--macer1: why do you want to?15:23
TonisiusRainy-day: got that image?15:23
teknopaul_moboxiwlist working fine, might it be network manger up the spout?15:23
macer1alex--, why you want it to be CD? Ubuntu needs to remove lot of cool stuff to be 700Mb.15:23
hagusocean ubtto, that worked :)15:24
macer1And yes I know that there is a dvd release15:24
alex--macer1: why not?15:24
Rainy-dayTonisius: what image?15:24
macer1compressed wallpapers...still needing to remove something because it is already 700Mb15:24
Tonisiuswe asked for a screenshots15:24
=== victorp_ is now known as victorp
Gentoo64Tonisius, raleigh icons are the default ugly gnome ones15:24
macer1there are many reasons15:24
alex--How can I create a windows live usb with ubuntu?15:24
Tonisiusbecause the themes are universal15:24
safireanyone know if it's possible to do upgrades from 10.10 to 11.04 without tons of prompts asking for yes/no?15:24
TonisiusRainy-day: we wanted to see the effect of changing themes and your chrome wrench menu15:25
safirelooking to do unaided remote upgrades15:25
Tonisiussafire: cron jobs,15:25
Gentoo64safire, it does that for a reason15:25
Tonisiussafire: or -Y15:25
Tonisiusor was it -y15:25
Tonisiusbut some prompts require text input, or validation via nice interfaces15:26
Meliorjrib: Thank you, i just spend 2 hours debugging a script for this stupid error15:26
Tonisiusthis prevents problems15:26
safireTonisius: is this for do-release-upgrade?15:26
Rainy-dayTonisius: they look exactly like raleigh default gnome buttons as Gentoo64 said15:27
Tonisiussafire: eh? I sudo update, upgrade, modify the /etc/apt-sources, and then do another sudo update, upgrade15:27
Gentoo64Rainy-day, and a different icon theme is selected?15:27
haithemlinux for ever15:27
safirethat's all?15:27
Tonisiussafire: do-release-upgrade does a lot of what I said automatically,15:27
Tonisiusthat's pretty much what I'm changing.15:27
hagusErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all.deb  man-db15:28
safireI see..15:28
Tonisiuslook at how people update their ubuntu servers15:28
Rainy-dayTonisius: wrench buttons is raleigh, wrench menu is the default gnome menu that looks ok.. pretty sure also raleigh. basically only buttons and similar controls look ugly15:28
Dmolemacer1,alex--the Minimal CD is 19MB15:28
TonisiusRainy-day: got that screen shot we asked for?15:28
Gentoo64Rainy-day, i use the chromium built in theme (in the options) its much nicer15:28
haithemi said hi15:28
hagusIs there a way of getting rid of the problem with ms font?15:28
oCeanhaithem: you can just go ahead and ask your question15:28
Rainy-dayTonisius: I don't have any image app installed and I don't understand why you need a screenshot when appearance panel / customize will show you exactly what I have15:28
macer1Dmole, and what?15:29
Tonisiusjust hit the print screen app15:29
Tonisiusjust hit prtscr15:29
Rainy-dayGentoo64: yes but it also affects thunderbird, gnome-terminal, etc15:29
Tonisiusit's a windows manager function15:29
Gentoo64Rainy-day, i know. if the icon theme is selected, and youve tried rebooting idk what else to suggest15:29
safireTonisius: you alking about sources.list?15:29
Rainy-dayTonisius: and then how do I create the img?15:29
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:30
kishonis it possible to mount other partitions for writing using a livecd?15:30
TonisiusRainy-day: did you press print screen or not?15:30
Gentoo64Rainy-day, i know what icons your talking about. you can prt screen then paste in gimp or whatever15:30
Gentoo64or maybe it auto saves it for you idk15:30
alex--!nl | alex--15:30
ubottualex--, please see my private message15:30
usr13hagus: You might try dpkg -reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all.deb15:30
TonisiusGentoo64: just save to desktop the print screen app in 11.04 will save it to the desktop15:30
hagusthanks usr13.15:30
Rainy-dayTonisius: yes15:30
TonisiusRainy-day: just save to desktop, and upload to imgur.com since you have chrome/firefox working15:30
haithemxchat it to answered people in chat room15:31
Tonisiusok, I think I'm taking the day off15:31
Rainy-dayTonisius: it doesn't create the image for me when I press print screen15:31
oCeanhaithem: what?15:31
Rainy-dayTonisius: I'll try reboot as Gentoo64 suggested, come back in a bit15:32
kishonis it possible to mount partitions for writing using a livecd?15:32
haithemocean im entered in a chat room and i talk with girl but i thing its aprogram answered me15:32
haithemnot a girl15:32
oCeanhaithem: this is ubuntu technical support. Do you have an Ubuntu question?15:33
Gentoo64haithem, you was probably talking to a bot15:33
phlaxhi - i use autofs to mount network nfs shares. The shares mount fine, but sometimes they remount - even when a user is browsing the directory - which results in users' file browsers returning to their home dirs. Does anyone know how to stop autofs from continually remounting?15:33
usr13kishon: Sure15:33
haithemyes in irc15:33
hagususr13: http://fpaste.org/sebg/15:33
usr13hagus: sudo dpkg -reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all.deb15:34
macer1I will install Win8 in near future on my netbook. What is best some linux LiveUSB image with grub-recovery tools included?15:35
sms_http://blog.zioup.org//2008/iptables_recent/ I'm trying to do this, but I get Bad argument `DROP' from sudo iptables -A INPUT  -t filter -i $OUTS -j DROP -m recent --set --name badguys15:36
mordofanyone know how I would gain root access on the Live CD?15:36
hagussame message, usr13, I think15:36
mordofthe terminal won't launch O.o;15:36
rccunninghamI have joined.15:37
Dmolemordof: sudo su15:38
Gentoo64rccunningham, we know15:38
=== jfbouchard is now known as Adylas
usr13hagus: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all15:38
Dmolemordof: if terminal won't launching try the [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1]15:39
hagususr13, seems to have gotten rid of the font :)15:39
mordofDmole: lol, next time i need to make sure that command gets sent to my VM xD15:39
hagussudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all15:40
staplesmacGreetings: I want to hook up my external harddrive to my ubuntu machine and simply acces via the network via my mac.. Can someone provide some insight on how to accomplish this?15:40
mordofDmole: I can't send those commands over vbox15:40
hagusproduced the error message: Unable to locate package ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all15:40
hagusCouldn't find any package by regex 'ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all'15:41
usr13hagus:  where did youi get ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all.deb  ?15:41
mordofDmole: I think the DVD iso got unmounted and was causing problems, rebooting and trying again15:41
hagusI was trying to install ror with postgresql as database.15:41
llutzhagus: packagename is "ttf-mscorefonts-installer"15:41
hagusI was following or or two tutorial type things15:42
hagusMaybe I mistyped, misread or something.15:42
* hagus is old15:42
* netyire is older15:43
* hagus is 5815:43
usr13hagus: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:43
netyirehagus: meh.15:43
netyirehagus: just you wait, I'll be 58 one day!15:44
DollzI can not install a library , I get these errors : The following packages have unmet dependencies:  drizzle: Conflicts: drizzle-server but 2010.10.02-0ubuntu1~lucid0 is to be installed   drizzle-server: Depends: libdrizzledmessage0 (= 2010.10.02-0ubuntu1~lucid0) but 2011.03.13-0ubuntu2~lucid~ppa0 is to be installed15:44
Dollzwhen I try to : apt-get install drizzle-server libdrizzle0 drizzle-dev drizzle drizzle-client libdrizzle-dev libdrizzle1 drizzle-plugin-gearman-udf drizzle-plugin-logging-gearman drizzle-plugin-logging-query drizzle-plugin-mysql-protocol drizzle-plugin-mysql-unix-socket-protocol15:44
Dmolemordof: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1] works fine over vbox for me ~15:44
alex--My pc couldn't wake from hibernate, so I did 'sudo shutdown -r 0'. Now when booting it says: mountall: fsck / [301] terminated with status 4             mountall: file contains errors: /        Deleted inode 262156 is repaired in zero time.15:45
=== Bry8Star{GB is now known as Bry8Star2g
hagushttp://fpaste.org/wtM9/ ... usr1315:45
hagusI was scatty long before I reached this age, netyire - don't worry it is not catching.15:45
=== Mud is now known as Guest35257
=== Bry8Star2g is now known as Bry8Star{GB
hagusIt is a wubi installation that I have usr13 - is that possibly relevant?15:46
=== Zephr0`afk is now known as Zephr0
usr13hagus: sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get remove ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all15:47
usr13hagus: No, it is relevant.  Someone else here may know more about wubi and will be able to give you specific advise that I do not know about, (because I'm not a wubi user).15:48
llutzhagus: sudo fuser -mk /var/cache/debconf/config.dat15:49
Gredeuyour bios determines what types of ubuntu packages a person will receive.  it is not controlled by a computer, and corruption is everywhere.  i am a victim of that illegal act, and am switching to opensuse.15:49
llutzhagus: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:49
hagususr13 - http://fpaste.org/6ETv/15:49
llutzusr13:  E: " Unable to locate package ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all    "              packagename is "ttf-mscorefonts-installer"15:50
usr13hagus: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:50
Rainy-daythanks everyone, it works now after a reboot!15:51
DarkerHello there15:51
neverbluehi, I would like to copy Win7/XP machines, to possibly pull data from in the future (as per user request), what is my options for doing thi ?15:52
mordofwoooo system is fixed!!!15:52
DarkerHey guys, I've downloaded Ubuntu CD rom15:52
usr13llutz: I think hagus has synaptic open or something.  If he comes back, please help him if you can.  I have to go now.15:52
DarkerAnd only what works for me is a ubuntu command line!15:53
llutzusr13: apt-get/dpkg would have given an error in that case15:53
DarkerHas anyone clue how to load correctly ubuntu CD rom?15:54
usr13llutz: It is giving an error15:54
BluesKajneverblue, do you mean copy data from windows machines on your network ?15:54
llutzusr13: *different error15:54
DarkerI need to get data out of corrupted hard disk on laptop15:54
neverblueBluesKaj: sure, lets go with that, as the Network will have a larger storage capacity then my system15:54
Rainy-dayAnother big problem I'm having with 11.04 (which worked in 10.04) is autoraise behaviour.. I like to use autoraise, but when I press alt-tab to switch windows, autoraise causes old window to get focus after half a second15:54
Rainy-dayget focus / raise15:55
DarkerOnly way is to boot system from CD, but ubuntu didn't  work properly15:55
TonisiusRainy-day: so, got that screenshot?15:55
Rainy-dayTonisius: it got fixed after a reboot15:55
Tonisiusthat's good then15:55
DarkerI see only a command line with no useful output15:55
Rainy-daythanks for the help15:55
BluesKajneverblue, well , copying data from your network is different than copying data from a windows partition on your pc ,15:56
usr13llutz: At any rate, I saw "Errors encountered while prossesing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all.deb"  in his earlier paste: http://fpaste.org/wtM9/15:56
neverblueBluesKaj: thank you for that knowledge15:56
=== funtime is now known as Jubblin
hagusllutz and usr13, sorry, my machine shut down when I followed llutz advice.15:56
usr13llutz: So I don't know what he's got going on there.  I asked where he got ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.3ubuntu3_all.deb  in the first place, but he didn't say.15:56
neverblueBluesKaj:  I believe you are suffering from syntax-confusion15:57
neverblueI hope it passes soon15:57
hagusI am back15:57
hagusI did not get to do your second piece of advice, llutz.15:57
nmvictorI want to switch from ubuntu to some other distro, any suggestions? Im thinking of backtrack linux, can i have progs like netbeans, java, ant and emacs running on backtrack linux?15:57
llutzhagus: oops, not my intention... guess we killed the wrong one. i'm sorry15:57
BluesKajneverblue, both are fairly easy to do , install samba for copying from windows on your network and nautilus should list your ntfs partition15:58
macer1nmvictor, gentoo15:58
llutzhagus: try again: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:58
kricenmvictor stick with ubuntu..15:58
neverblueBluesKaj: I was referring to a tool, for example Clonezilla15:58
PeaceMakerHey, anyone please help me with Unity on Ubuntu 11.04 server?15:58
nmvictormacer1: any reasons to back that move?15:58
PeaceMakerCan I install unity after I install the server version?15:59
PeaceMakerWith command "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop", like the way in pre-unity versions?15:59
macer1nmvictor, why you want to move from ubuntu ;)? maybe we can help you :D?15:59
hagusOK, the thing runs and then gives a microsoft eula with an OK button on it.15:59
BluesKajneverblue,  well , I guess you answered your own question ..15:59
neverblueBluesKaj: not exactly15:59
neverblueits not as 'easy' as you believe/imply15:59
hagusConfiguring ttf-mscorefonts-installer  dialog box has an OK button in it.16:00
hagusHow do I press it?16:00
xanguahagus: use tab16:00
neverbluehas aptitude been phased out of the latest Ubuntu releases ?16:00
nmvictorkrice: macer1 :ubuntu just started sucking, i am not a kde nor xfce guy, but i would never leave with unity. It just doesnt cut it for me, nomatter what they do to it.16:00
hagusthanks xangua :)16:00
xanguaneverblue: sudo apt-get install aptitude16:00
llutzneverblue: its not installed by default anymore16:00
kricenmvictor what was the reason you wanted to change my ubuntu to backtrack?16:00
nmvictormacer1: krice : *live16:00
neverbluellutz: excellent :D16:00
hagusWhy do I need these ms fonts - arial.exe etc?16:01
nmvictorkrice: I just stated that above16:01
macer1nmvictor, you can still use gnome-panel with oneiric16:01
* BluesKaj shrugs ..if you don't post more detail about what it is you want to do then how do you expect ppl to respond16:01
szalDarker: (1) download CD image and MD5SUMS or SHA1SUMS or SHA256SUMS file that is in the same download directory; (2) check MD5, SHA1 or SHA256 sum by opening a terminal, changing to the directory where you downloaded the files and typing 'md5sum -c MD5SUMS' or 'sha1sum -c SHA1SUMS' or 'sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS' (you can safely ignore any error messages about image files you didn't download); (3) burn image to CD in DAO or SAO mode and be16:01
szalsure to verify the data after burning; (4) if steps (1) to (3) completed without errors, boot the CD, mount the partition(s) you want to copy to and from and copy the files16:01
nmvictormacer1: sure?16:02
kriceyeah nmvictor I realize afterward16:02
macer1nmvictor, yes16:02
hagusAll done, no errors.   ... All fonts downloaded and installed.  ... Updating fontconfig cache for /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts16:02
macer1nmvictor, i am using it ;)16:02
neverblueperhaps I missed it, but what is used to seach packages ? in apt-get ?16:02
macer1nmvictor, gnome-session-fallback in oneiric16:02
llutzneverblue: apt-cache search pattern...16:02
xanguaneverblue: apt-cache search , apt-get help16:02
hagusThanks folks16:02
neverbluethats why its not in the man16:02
nmvictormacer1: you are already in oneiric?16:02
DarkerHello, do you think the ubuntu CD image can load without an HDD?16:03
DarkerI have broken HDD16:03
neverblueno clonezilla server ?16:03
DarkerAnd need some data out16:03
nmvictormacer1: any blog that would take me through that, might help reconsider my decision16:03
kricenmvictor it's akinda fun because I was going to do the opposite of what you are going to do.16:03
szalDarker: yes, it doesn't need an HDD to run16:03
hagusDo you think my system will be ok now, llutz?16:03
DarkerWell then, and It should look like command line?16:03
nmvictorkrice: why?16:03
hagusI think I saw usr13 disappearing16:04
llutzhagus: if no further error appears... yes16:04
DarkerI have launched the CD, but I see no graphic interface16:04
hagusThanks very much then :)16:04
szalDarker: depends..  if it does, you either told it to or you have an error launching the GUI16:04
XaseHello, I have a problem, my monitor isn't properly detected, so 1280x1024 is not an option, but generating a modeline with cvt and adding it/setting it with xrandr works, how can I make this a permanent change/option?16:04
nmvictormacer1: my ubuntu boots up so slowely lately, i have a 207 GB partition full of MOVIES, could that be the reason?16:05
DarkerIf the GUI is the main screen with menu, that thing worked16:05
macer1nmvictor, what version?16:05
DarkerBut when I select "Run from CD" after loading16:05
DollzI can not install a library , I get these errors : The following packages have unmet dependencies:  drizzle: Conflicts: drizzle-server but 2010.10.02-0ubuntu1~lucid0 is to be installed   drizzle-server: Depends: libdrizzledmessage0 (= 2010.10.02-0ubuntu1~lucid0) but 2011.03.13-0ubuntu2~lucid~ppa0 is to be installed16:05
Dollzwhen I try to : apt-get install drizzle-server libdrizzle0 drizzle-dev drizzle drizzle-client libdrizzle-dev libdrizzle1 drizzle-plugin-gearman-udf drizzle-plugin-logging-gearman drizzle-plugin-logging-query drizzle-plugin-mysql-protocol drizzle-plugin-mysql-unix-socket-protocol16:05
DarkerConsole appears16:05
DollzPLEASE HELP !!!16:05
SinfulSongXase: indeed.16:05
FloodBot1Dollz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
DarkerNo ubuntu as I know it16:05
szal!caps | Dollz16:06
ubottuDollz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:06
adamrbDoes anyone know how to "unload" dhclient3 when it is bound to the adapter, or is my only option to kill the process?16:06
macer1nmvictor, what exactly is "slow"? 5400 o 7200rpm drive?16:06
XaseMan, it's noisy in hear... I wish I spoke a different language so I could visit a quieter locale :p16:07
szal!info drizzle lucid16:07
ubottuPackage drizzle does not exist in lucid16:07
Xase<<<< Help with adding a modeline permanently to Ubuntu16:07
OerHeksmacer1 ask in #Hardware ? drive speed is not really an ubuntu support question16:07
szalXase: you can nonetheless ;) -> there's a UK channel and channels for most individual US states ;)16:08
Rainy-dayAnother big problem I'm having with 11.04 (which worked in 10.04) is autoraise behaviour.. I like to use autoraise, but when I press alt-tab to switch windows, autoraise causes old window to get raised after half a second16:08
szal!pm | Darker16:08
ubottuDarker: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:08
nmvictormacer1: like 4 mins before i get to the login, then 5 mins after login until my desktop is fully loaded16:08
kricenmvictor I would recommend put the movies on a external drive even though you have enough space to keep them on your system.16:08
macer1nmvictor, ouch...this is slow...16:08
Xaseszal I might check that out, but for now this should be a relatively simple thing I hope, with maybe a need for constructing an xorg.conf.16:09
btHi.. Is there support for discard/trim with ext3 under under ubuntu 11.04 ?16:09
ikoniabt: only ext4 at the moment16:09
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btikonia, ok, as i though... thanks16:09
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ikoniabt: as of 2.6.3316:10
ikoniabt: so there is still possability of later16:10
nmvictorkrice: how about i disable automout, and have an application laucher on the desktop with a command to mount the dvd, i was thinkning of that. <== macer116:10
nmvictormacer1: krice : *drive aplologies for my typos16:10
btikonia, ok, well, i converted to ext4 so it's working now.. just wanted to know if could have made it work with ext416:11
macer1nmvictor, maybe bootchart log will be helpful in debuging what is wrong with your boot process...16:11
bti ment16:11
nmvictormacer1: is it safe to upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04, or thats risky? I want to try it out16:12
dbolserskype stopped making sounds, how can I kick it?16:13
skjoedtHelp! How do I get a detailed startup log in ubuntu? My startup hangs and I want to know what it is doing16:13
dbolsermplayer will play the skype sound files, so it's just skype16:13
celordhi is ubuntuone working for every one in 10.04 LTS ?16:13
macer1nmvictor, my 11.10 is clean install...I am not sure if it is safe. Sometimes some thinks can break when doing release-upgrade.16:14
Anonhi all16:14
szalmacer1: 11.10 support is in #ubuntu+116:15
dbolserhow to test a microphone?16:15
skritehey all, to develop on rails 3.1, what would be the best bet from amazon.com to help, i am coming from 2.316:16
nmvictormacer1: After i have it, will a clean install of the final release be necessary?16:17
scxwhere i can find database/list of supported printers?16:17
macer1nmvictor, do backup first ;)16:18
scxold cups/openprinting page doesn't work16:18
pujger/bin/sh: It: not found16:18
macer1nmvictor, when you upgrade to beta you can do just normal upgrades and then it should be like final 11.1016:18
pujgerHow do I import SSC files in Celestia16:18
|Spawn|my bad16:19
pujgerI SAID HOW16:19
pujger/bin/sh: cannot open /c/middleman.txt: No such file16:19
ikoniapujger: the files not there16:19
pujgerHow do I import SSC files in Celestia\16:20
szalscx: in the current case you can only wait until they are back up16:20
ikoniapujger: look in the right place16:20
pujgerLike I go to http://www.celestiamotherlode.net and I can't install the files I download16:20
pujgerIt only opens .cel or .celx files16:20
pujgersox FAIL sox: Not enough input filenames specified16:20
pujgersox: SoX v14.3.116:20
pujgerUsage summary: [gopts] [[fopts] infile]... [fopts] outfile [effect [effopt]]...16:20
pujgerSPECIAL FILENAMES (infile, outfile):16:20
pujger-                        Pipe/redirect input/output (stdin/stdout); may need -t16:20
FloodBot1pujger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
pujger-d, --default-device     Use the default audio device (where available)16:20
nmvictormacer1: I want to reuse my /home partition  but minus the dot-files[.], how do i safely eliminate them?16:21
=== doesn`t_matter is now known as pudger
pudgerIt only opens .cel or .celx files16:21
macer1nmvictor, but clean install?16:21
pudgerHow do I use SSC files16:21
XaseHow to figure out graphics driver/card in use on ubuntu?16:21
ikoniapudger: does it support SSC files ?16:21
pudgerYes, it even has a file called solarsys.ssc16:22
szalXase: lspci -k16:22
pudgerHow do I import the SSC files, http://www.celestiamotherlode.net for the files I'm trying to install16:22
pudgerIt doesn't matter, cuz I won't go away!  YEAH!16:22
ikoniapudger: STOP repeating every 2 seconds.16:22
hidensofthi all16:22
ikoniapudger: if you don't drop that attitude, you'll be removed from the channel.16:22
ikoniapudger: I am trying to help you, so stop spamming the same question, clear ?16:23
pudgerok I'll ask in another channel16:23
ikoniapudger: that's not what I said16:23
hidensofti have eclipse 3.5.x , how i can install pdt tools from terminal ? i try to install that with " apt-get install eclipse-pdt" but no package founded16:23
Xasesweet thanks szal, i forgot about the -k switch16:23
netyirehidensoft: try apt-cache search eclipse pdt then install the listed package :-)16:24
Dollzikonia: stop asking others to stop repeating questions,  or you'll be removed from the channel.16:24
pudgerdo I copy the ssc files to /usr/share/celestia/data?16:24
ikoniapudger: please, just wait a moment, I'm just reading the documentation (which is something you should be doing)16:24
szalisn't auto-rejoin a reason for ban?16:25
Dollzikonia: you can say what ever you want , you will not be removed from the channel.16:25
alakooikonia: retard16:25
lwizardlwhats the direct downloader that supports the most servers. I am looking for a program similar to MiPony for windows. Which downloads files from mediafire, rapidshare, etc16:25
ikoniaalakoo: drop the attitude16:25
ikoniaalakoo: name calling is not acceptable16:25
ikoniapudger: according to the documentation you put .ssc files in the "data" directory16:26
pudgerWhat's a good way to say R2D2's reepi reeb reh prub beep?16:26
hidensoftnetyire, that command have no output16:26
ikoniapudger: do you know where you have setup the data directory ?16:26
pudgerok thank you ikonia16:26
pudgerI was just making sure16:26
pudgerI thought I had to do some pre-initialization to put files there16:26
ikoniapudger: as I'm reading the documentation, I don't believe so16:26
pudgeryeahb, it's /usr/share/celestia/data16:26
pudgerbut yeah I think I got it16:27
pudgerThat's a lot for the help16:27
benoliver999Anyone have a PCI wifi card in their desktop?16:28
szal!anyone | benoliver99916:28
ubottubenoliver999: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:28
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Luciano_34 hi, I have a little problem intalling Ubuntu 64 bits on a virtual box on a DELL xps 15 16:29
benoliver999I just wondered if they ever cut out/stop working. I'm having trouble with mine that's only fixed by a reboot.16:29
Luciano_34 I cannot get any 16:9 aspect ratio configuration 16:29
hagusHow do I fix this: http://fpaste.org/J1GP/ ?16:29
benoliver999I guess it's a driver thing.16:29
Luciano_34 some one knows what happens? 16:30
szalhagus: 'lsb_release -a' please16:31
kermitis it possible to disable portions of my touchpad?  I'm stuck on a macbookpro and its huge, i keep hiting it with my palm.16:31
alex-I don know which control panel I have to choose for my server.16:31
ikoniaalex-: none16:31
alex-Why not?16:32
hagusszal: http://fpaste.org/cqfc/16:32
tensorpuddingalex-: control panel? as in webmin or cpanel or some junk?16:32
benoliver999kermit: Nope.16:32
ikoniaalex-: because they cause problems, and if you're running a server, you should know how to run it16:32
alex-I know how to run it16:32
szalhagus: what is that URL that is erroring?16:32
ikoniaalex-: so why do you need a control panel ?16:32
alex-tensorpudding: some junk for webhosting16:32
alex-But I dont like to add databases manually16:33
alex-And add email accounts manually16:33
ikoniaalex-: it's 1 command16:33
ikoniait's 1 command16:33
alex-And see how many each user used on data16:33
tensorpuddingthere's many web frontends for databases16:33
ikoniaalex-: a lot of control panels have problems with ubuntu due to how some of the file system applications are laid out16:33
tensorpuddingpgadmin, phpmyadmin16:34
tensorpuddingif you dislike the cli tools, which many people do16:34
Inkognitoвас много)16:34
ikoniaif you can't create a database using the command "create database" you have an issue16:34
tensorpudding!ru | Inkognito16:34
ubottuInkognito: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:34
alex-ikonia: i'm thinking of ISPConfig, Froxlor, OpenPanel or VirtualMin16:34
hagusI think that I must have asked for it when following a tutorial on installing rails, postgresql, or sqlite3, szal.   It is not required by me, as far as I know.16:34
ikoniaalex-: try them see what you like and see what they break16:34
hidensofti got this " W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/yogarine/eclipse/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found16:34
hidensoft" there is any repository for eclipse ?16:34
Inkognitoкто-нибудь меня понимает?))16:35
Echapahey does any one know how to unlock phone to use with any network16:35
szal!ru | Inkognito16:35
ubottuInkognito: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:35
rumpe1hidensoft, the official one maybe?16:35
hagusI may have wrongly copied and pastied to have landed up with it in my system, szal.16:35
sam_any reason not to run rkhunter on a live box?16:35
ikoniaEchapa: that's not something we discuss in this channel, ubuntu support is the topic here16:35
hagusBasically, I was trying to set up a ruby on rails system with the database as pg.16:36
szalInkognito: English ONLY in this channel; if you want to speak Russian, /join #ubuntu-ru16:36
hidensoftrumpe1: i don't know16:36
tensorpuddinghidensoft: that PPA doesn't support natty16:36
Inkognitowhere are you from?16:36
hidensofttensorpudding, so what i can do ?16:36
hidensoftthere is another ?16:36
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tensorpuddinghidensoft: maybe16:36
wavedigithi, I am booting in a live linux environment to diagnose/troubleshoot my SSD HD, which tool should I use?16:37
adamrbHow do you disable dhclient3 on an interface?16:37
Inkognitowhere are you from?16:37
hidensoftI'll search "maybe" in google , "mayble" i solve my problem :))16:37
hagusAs it seems that I have corrupted my system in some way, I am wondering how I can get rid of my entire rails, ruby, etc. and then start again.16:37
Inkognito- adamrb -16:37
tensorpuddinghidensoft: you might need to fork his packages16:37
mainrainanyone know of a package for multi-threaded bzip2/bunzip2 ?16:37
szalInkognito: here is support..  chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic16:38
rumpe1check your package manager. It's probably in the"universe" repository16:38
dori922im after posting a thread(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11265788#post11265788), if anyone can help <316:38
tensorpuddinghidensoft: obviously, the guy who made that PPA has abandoned it, the last time new versions passed was a year ago16:38
hidensofttensorpudding, can you tell me how or give me a link ?16:38
Inkognitoi'm from Russia!!!!!16:38
tensorpuddinghidensoft: there's no easy route to packaging16:38
Inkognitoa'm a girl16:38
Inkognitoa'm 1616:38
szalikonia: we seem to have a learning-resistant subject here16:39
mainrain /ignore Inkognito16:39
ikoniasorry, I wasn'y paying attention16:39
ikoniaInkognito: stop now - this channel is for ubuntu discussion only16:39
ikoniaInkognito: join #ubuntu-ru if you want to chat to russians16:39
hidensofttensorpudding, so there is no way to installing pdt on ubuntu 11.4 ?16:39
ikoniaInkognito: please stop now.16:39
ikonia!ru | Inkognito16:39
ubottuInkognito: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:39
tensorpuddinghidensoft: you can install the packages that are provided with eclipse16:39
hagusszal, any ideas what I need to do to get rid of that error?16:39
wavedigitor #ubuntu-16yogirlz if you want to chat with 16 year old girls using Ubuntu16:40
ironhalikHello. I've got a problem upgrading ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 - after updating the OS, then running upgrade, the updater dialog disappeared and I proceeded to reboot the system - after the reboot it tells me that gnome manager is not working, stays there and wont even let me access TTY's. Any advice?16:40
IdleOnewavedigit: that is not helpful/16:40
ikoniawavedigit: please don't make a problem worse with silly advice and comments16:40
szalhagus: most probably remove the PPA it belongs to16:40
sam_any known bugs or vunerabilities in rkhunter software?16:40
Inkognitoubuntu discussion   *what is that?16:40
ikoniaInkognito: talking about ubuntu16:40
wavedigitsorry, I thought the channel existed for some reason16:40
l3dneed help i broke synaptic it told me to sudo dpkg --configure -a and after that i get this Setting up software-center (3.0.10) ...16:40
l3dINFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python2.7' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)16:40
ikoniawavedigit: no you didn't, don't get smart16:40
hagusszal, which means ...16:40
hidensofttensorpudding, so there is no way with apt-get :)16:40
tensorpuddinghidensoft: yes16:41
tensorpuddinghidensoft: well16:41
tensorpuddinghidensoft: you can do what the guy who did that PPA did, and take the upstream and package them16:41
Inkognitoi go to sleep16:41
tensorpuddinghidensoft: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete16:41
tensorpuddinghidensoft: it's pretty daunting16:41
wavedigitallright ikonia, you got me, let's keep this ubuntu-related... what's the best diagnostic / troubleshooting tool for SSD HD's?16:42
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ikoniawavedigit: touble shooting an SSD, what's the problem with it ?16:42
sam_anyone know about rkhunter?16:42
=== rww is now known as tardis
tensorpuddinghidensoft: given that someone else did the hard work of writing packages, adapting them to natty//oneiric wouldn't be impossible16:43
Gentoo64sam_, it puts out warning to scare new users off?16:43
hagusWhat is a PPA and how do I remove one?16:43
wavedigitikonia: well for one, it will not boot my windows, and I'm thinking that the SSD has deteriorated16:43
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa16:43
ikoniawavedigit: define won't boot16:43
thisismygameOk if a user is part of a group, and a directory's group is set to that same group, and the permissions of that directory are chmod 777, then the user should be able to accedss/write to that directory, right?16:43
tensorpuddinghidensoft: a PPA is a place with packages16:44
Gentoo64wavedigit, new ssds are more robust. old ones used to redice the write speed after time. shouldnt affect booting16:44
tensorpuddinghidensoft: they're hosted at LP, the site for Ubuntu development16:44
ikoniathisismygame: correct16:44
ironhalikwavedigit: google 'ssd restore' - check the anandtech forums16:44
sam_Gentoo64, OK apart from that?16:44
thisismygameikonia: I keep getting permission denied.16:44
wavedigitikonia: when booting my box, all I get is a flashing underscore in the top-left corner16:44
tensorpuddinghidensoft: https://launchpad.net/~yogarine/+archive/eclipse is the site for the PPA you were using16:44
ikoniawavedigit: does it start to boot or not16:45
ikoniathisismygame: what file system is on the device16:45
hidensofttensorpudding, ok thanks16:45
wavedigitikonia: it only boots BIOS, not the OS (because it shows me the flashing underscore)16:45
Gentoo64wavedigit, you can check the smart status with smartctl but it sounds ike a windows issue to me16:45
hagusIs there a file where these PPA urls are stored on my machine?16:45
ikoniawavedigit: that suggests to me it's just missing the boot sector16:45
ikoniawavedigit: the guys in ##windows maybe able to help with that16:46
thisismygameikonia: ext416:46
ironhalikMy problem - after ubuntu 10.04 upgrade failed I cant access gnome, grub or even TTYs?16:46
Gentoo64ironhalik, thats normal16:46
ikoniathisismygame: check the permissions of the directory above it, you need to be able to see into those to go bellow them16:46
wavedigitGentoo64: I thought only HDD's supported SMART16:46
Gentoo64wavedigit, no ssds too16:46
tardishagus: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, but see the package ppa-purge16:46
ironhalikGentoo64: would a livecd recovery help?16:46
hagusthanks tardis.16:46
Gentoo64not sure16:47
Gentoo64ironhalik, too many people have unusable systems after "upgrade"16:47
Gentoo64id recommend clean install tbh each time16:47
ironhalikGentoo64: Well, It went quite smooth for me with fedora 14 -> 15, so I figured out, what the hell16:47
benoliver999Gentoo64: Sadly I have to agree. Upgrade to 11.04 broke mine.16:47
thisismygameikonia: the directory in question is a mount point: /mnt/downloads should I be altering the perms of /mnt just so I can use a mountpoint?16:47
Gentoo64its the reason i hate non rolling distros16:48
ikoniathisismygame: can the users see into /mnt16:48
ironhalikGentoo64: can I access files (photos) flaged as a certain users on the hdd, from a livecd?16:48
Gentoo64ironhalik, yes16:48
thisismygameikonia: not sure how to check tbh16:48
ikoniathisismygame: how are you checking /mnt/downloads16:49
ironhalikwell, then ill try to recover the data, and maybe chrome settings :>16:49
thisismygameall I know is transmissiondaemon (using the default debian-transmission user account) can't write to the /mnt/downloads dir16:49
ikoniathisismygame: open a terminal and please show me the output of the command "ls -la /mnt/downloads" in a pastebin16:50
wavedigitGentoo64: what's the primary thing to watch in smartctl? I just find it weird why windows got unbootable from one boot to another16:50
Gentoo64wavedigit, i highly doubt its the ssd16:51
Gentoo64probably windows being bad16:51
Gentoo64or you messed with grub / win ootloader16:51
wavedigitGentoo64: I already ran ntfsfix on it16:51
Gentoo64double checked the bios is booting from the ssd?16:51
wavedigitI have DVD tray first and then USB second, but I don't have anything in there, I'll make sure I get the SSD first in line16:52
Gentoo64i personally set hdd as only thing in boot, then press f8 to choose cd if i want it. might even be split second faster to boot that was as well16:53
wavedigitGentoo64: I would do so too, but the F8 thing doesn't work with my laptop16:54
Gentoo64wavedigit, if its all set then im not sure what else to suggest16:55
wavedigitI understand the security risks, that's why I have BIOS password16:55
Gentoo64nah i wasnt talking about security16:55
Gentoo64i mean 99.9% of the time your gona be booting from hdd right?16:55
TheishiI have this command 'egrep -o '"(.)+"'   without using another pipe, is it possible to exclude the quotes from the returned value?16:56
hagusW: Failed to fetch http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-1.0.1.tar.gz/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  Undetermined Error   How do I remove this undesired url from my updates list?16:57
edwardthefmai need help opening a port in xbuntu16:58
ChheapshotHow do i close a window in screen16:58
Gentoo64sudo ufw allow port16:58
Theishiis this the correct channel for questions regarding regular expressions?16:59
ikoniaTheishi: no16:59
Theishiikonia: where should i go?16:59
wavedigitTheishi: try #bash16:59
DELL_XPS15_Troub cannot get buntu 16:9 aspect ratio with ubuntu 11. 16:59
DELL_XPS15_Troub plz help 16:59
Hiro_Protagonistgreetings, I'm needing to open a 32 bit raw image file with ubuntu, but can't seem to find a viable workflow; can someone please advise?16:59
ikoniaTheishi: no idea17:00
ikoniaHiro_Protagonist: raw image ?17:00
Theishiok thanks wavedigit17:00
Hiro_Protagonistikonia: yep17:00
Gentoo64Hiro_Protagonist, gimp?17:00
ikoniaHiro_Protagonist: what do you mean by raw image17:00
wavedigitGentoo64: it didn't work here too, I'm beginning to think it's windows too (although my SSD is close to being the 1st gen SSD's)17:01
Hiro_Protagonistit's a 24 bpp image file with 8 bits of alpha17:01
Gentoo64wavedigit, its prob windows bootloader, although it normally displays an error message17:01
ikoniaHiro_Protagonist: ahhh a visual image file.17:01
Gentoo64no idea :s17:01
Hiro_Protagonistgimp does not open raw files out of the box; and I can't get any of the commonly available gimp raw plugins to do it either17:01
Gentoo64Hiro_Protagonist, i think gimp opens them17:02
Gentoo64or not.. ok17:02
macer1anyone knows some good live linux distro with grub recovery tools?17:02
wavedigitGentoo64: it did display an IO error once, but I don't get that anymore17:02
ikoniamacer1: ubuntu17:02
PiciHiro_Protagonist: rawstudio can.17:02
macer1ikonia, but by default in iso17:02
ikoniamacer1: ubuntu17:02
Hiro_ProtagonistPici is that an ubuntu package?17:02
macer1ikonia, really?17:02
PiciHiro_Protagonist: yes.17:02
ikoniamacer1: yes17:02
DELL_XPS15_Troub need some help with DELL xps15 17:02
Braber01Hi I have IDEA and Eclipse installed however the enveroment Vars IDEA_JDK and JDK_HOME arn't defined and I want to start using IntelliJ can anybody help me?17:02
macer1ikonia, is everything there without need for internet?17:03
ikoniamacer1: yes17:03
macer1ikonia, cool, it will be useful, I will be installing Win8. It is interesting if it still is removing GRUB2 -_-17:03
Gentoo64macer1, it will17:04
szalHiro_Protagonist: what device does the RAW file come from?17:04
=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
Hiro_Protagonistit is generated by a program, not a device17:04
Hiro_Protagonistraw studio doesn't recognize either the r32 or the raw :|17:05
ikoniamacer1: it will17:05
macer1MS still not learned nothing :(17:05
Gentoo64macer1, its nothing to do with ms. os's install a bootloader regardless, to boot17:05
ikoniamacer1: errr what ? if your installing an OS it's "good" to put a boot loader on17:05
ikoniamacer1: in the same way, ubuntu puts grub on17:05
Gentoo64thats like saying ubuntu is bad for installing grub17:06
ikoniamacer1: before you try to make companies like microsoft sound foolish, think about what you say17:06
Gentoo64its common to hate on MS17:06
macer1grub can boot windows, windows boot loader can not boot linux17:06
Gentoo64its a trend17:06
ikoniamacer1: why would micrsoft install a boot loader to boot Linux. Think it through17:06
macer1It will not be a problem with grub2 replacing, if it can boot Linux.17:06
szalmacer1: Grub cannot boot Windows, it can chainload the Windows bootloader17:06
macer1szal, so why windows can't chainload GRUB ;)17:07
Gentoo64macer1, because MS like their own stuff only17:07
szalmacer1: XP can :P17:07
Gentoo64linux is just nice17:07
ikoniamacer1: it can if you configure it17:07
macer1I think UEFI does not have this problem.17:07
MonkeyDustMS = Main Stream, there has to be a mainstream17:07
ikoniamacer1: you think wrong then17:07
macer1OS install sets bootloader by default but you can change default and it is not deleted.17:08
Gentoo64macer1, at the end of the day, when you install windows, youll need to redo grub17:09
Gentoo64not too hard17:09
Gentoo64once that's out the way, who cares17:09
alex-Shall I use Debian or Ubuntu?17:11
ikoniaalex-: up to you17:11
alex-ikonia: i dont really know...17:11
ikoniaalex-: then you shouldn't be doing it17:12
Gentoo64alex-, research them17:12
alex-Gentoo64: I did17:12
Gentoo64look on wikiedia whetever17:12
alex-ikonia: what do you mean?17:12
Braber01I want to start using IntellJ IDEA for Java, can somebody guide me through the right steps, I alredy have eclipse installed how to I tell Linux I want to Use IntellJ Idea?17:12
Gentoo64go for the one that sounds best for you17:12
Picialex-: try both and decide yourself.17:12
ikoniaalex-: if you don't know which OS to use to run your hosting, you shouldn't be running hosting17:12
alex-Pici: i did, i can't decide17:12
ikoniaalex-: when you decide which one you want, you can move forward17:12
alex-Debian uses stable, but older packages, and Ubuntu uses the Debian unstable packages17:12
MapManI installed lastest ubunto on wmware workstation17:12
Picialex-: We can't decide for you.17:12
Dmolealex-:use Ubuntu it is the most popular theny try debian if you want17:12
MapManafter I hibernate and rehibernate the machine, I dont have internet anymore17:13
MapMani use bridged connection17:13
MapMancan you maybe suggest me some things I could do to get access to internet again?17:13
Gentoo64MapMan, what network card?17:13
Gentoo64not realtek is it?17:13
ikoniaDmole: do you understand how bad it is to suggest a distro without any understanding of the users requirements17:13
MapManGentoo64: I have no idea, its on virtual machine17:14
Gentoo64ok. not sure then17:14
MapManalso I should mention, that it works perfectly on win7 virtual machine17:14
MapManbut ubuntu after hibernation loses the connection17:14
Gentoo64why hibernate in a vm?17:14
MonkeyDustMapMan: idd17:14
Dmoleikonia: yes I do, It's called learning by trial, if he needs something else he will find out soon and move to another distro or add the thing he needs17:14
MapManGentoo64: for the same reason you hibernate any other system?17:15
Dmoleikonia: better to have tried the wrong distro than to have never tried a distro at all17:15
pudgersomeone try typing /exec -o /dev/urandom and see if it works (it's not working for me, I have to use a line reading program to do it)17:18
pudgerin their IRC client17:18
pudgersomeone try typing /exec -o cat /dev/urandom and see if it works (it's not working for me)17:18
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:19
Aquixwhat a ...17:20
StefandeVries!ops pudger17:20
Black_Flamehow can i reset my login window using live cd17:20
steve_vibesjoin #cars-sm17:20
tardisStefandeVries: they're gone already.17:20
PiciStefandeVries: It was already taken care of.17:20
=== tardis is now known as rww
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ChheapshotIs there anything i could do to boost up the performance on streaming videos from example youtube. Im running on a netbook ( slow one) and the videos gets choppy sometimes. Using chrome on lubuntu.17:23
limbasThis loops for an hour now during the install process, is my system fucked?17:23
limbasSep 19 17:22:21 ubuntu kernel: [ 6580.227226]         00 00 08 00  Sep 19 17:22:21 ubuntu kernel: [ 6580.227230] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]  Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed Sep 19 17:22:21 ubuntu kernel: [ 6580.227236] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 08 00 Sep 19 17:22:21 ubuntu kernel: [ 6580.227246] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 2048 Sep 19 17:22:21 ubuntu kernel: [ 6580.227250] 17:23
FloodBot1limbas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
h00k!langauge | limbas17:23
ubottulimbas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:23
limbascool I triggered 2bots17:24
wildc4rdevenin all!17:24
h00klimbas: first off, check the md5sum of your install image.17:24
limbasthe what?17:24
h00k!verify | limbas17:24
ubottulimbas: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:24
limbasI already used this usb stick to isntall ubunutu17:25
limbasit works17:25
rwwh00k: that's a SMART hard-disk error, not a USB stick error17:25
limbasbut then I deleted the ubuntu partition on vista17:25
limbasand now nothing starts17:25
szalto me that looks more like an HDD error..  check the filesystem, and if errors persist, try low-level-formatting the drive17:25
limbasand when it starts it runs slooow17:25
limbasIs there not any tool on the ubuntu live cd to fix the hdd?17:26
th0rlimbas: which is it, nothing starts, or it runs slow?17:26
oso_ubuntuSomeone testing ubuntu 11.10, already?17:26
urlin2uoso_ubuntu, on #ubuntu+117:26
limbasthat did notjing17:27
szalwhat did nothing?17:27
oso_ubuntuThe closed nvideadrivers give inverted colors when playing video on vlc17:28
th0rhehehe....must be a full moon17:28
urlin2uoso_ubuntu, 11.10 is om channel #ubuntu+117:29
IdleOneoso_ubuntu: discussion and support in #ubuntu=1 for 11.1017:29
IdleOneerr #ubuntu+117:29
limbasSo there is no one here who can help?17:29
urlin2u!details | limbas17:30
ubottulimbas: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:30
BluesKajlimbas, how did you remove the ubuntu partition, what exaqctly did you do?17:31
htlmhi everyone17:31
th0rBluesKaj: I suspect he deleted grub without rebuilding the dos mbr. If he ever learns how to behave on irc he might get some serious help17:32
BluesKajth0r, :)17:33
thrillERboyHi, How do I grep ~/Desktop/* excluding one directory say ~/Desktop/files/17:35
limbasubuntu 11.04 was installed after windows vista 32 bit home premium - the ubuntu partion was unvisible under vista - there was no fix so I decided to reinstall both - used the vista install cd - deleted all partitions - parted half of it into a new partition - the process did not react after half an hour - I pressed the red x(abort) the dvd said ok and then there was just a plain blue background(the vista background) - hard reset syste17:35
limbasand now the ubuntu installation is looping into nothing ness17:35
ikonialimbas: it looks like the disk is not in a good state17:35
ikonialimbas: read the i/o errors17:36
limbasIso I have to turn this off?17:36
limbasand the  hope to reboot ?17:36
ikonialimbas: turn off what ?17:36
limbasthe pc17:36
ikonialimbas: you will need to reboot, yes17:37
limbasI aborted the installation now17:37
limbaslets see if it will even react17:37
bobsaccamanohi...I had an ubuntu installation with xp, I formatted the Ubuntu paritition in windows and now my grub is broken (Error 17). I would like to remove grub entirely since the linux parition is anyway formatted. I dont have a windows cd but I have a linux cd. Is there a way to remove grub from linux live cd?17:38
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BluesKaj!who | limbas17:38
ubottulimbas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:38
ikoniabobsaccamano: you need a windows CD of some sort17:38
ikoniabobsaccamano: the guys in ##windows can help you put the windows bootloader back on17:38
limbasI cant remember nicks in this font17:38
bobsaccamanoikonia, Can I fix the mbr from the linux live cd?17:39
ikoniabobsaccamano: no17:39
ikoniabobsaccamano: the guys in ##windows will give you options17:39
htlmlimbas oh?17:39
limbasalways another one highlighting me17:40
htlm bobsaccamano its been too long but I think you can.. If no go to www.ubcd.com  which handy multi tool will get it done17:41
nuclearwormhello, has anyone tried to install veetle? im having a problem, when downloading file size of package is 34 mb on firefox download window but the three times ive tried to download it it always stopped at 7.8 mb. what can i do?17:42
=== lighta is now known as Guest32615
ikonianuclearworm: what is veetle ?17:42
nuclearwormikonia , veetle is a plugin to see live tv17:42
ikonianuclearworm: never heard of it, I'll look it up17:43
htlm bobsaccamano sorry wrong one www.ultimatebootcd.com/17:43
nuclearwormikonia , thanks a lot17:43
ikonianuclearworm: I doubt I can help as I've never heard of it17:43
Dmolenuclearworm: the DL works fine for me~17:44
nuclearwormikonia , right know my problem is to know the package real size17:44
Dmolenuclearworm: it's 34.65 MB17:45
nuclearwormDmole , DL means download?17:45
Dmolenuclearworm: yes17:45
nuclearwormDmole , have you finished to download?17:45
Dmolenuclearworm: yes 36336614 bytes md5sum b5c48718146eea1736c3f083830c726d  veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh17:46
nuclearwormDmole , thanks17:46
=== greg is now known as greg-bocoup
edwardthefmai need help with port forwarding17:48
Dmoleedwardthefma: ssh router or iptables ?17:49
htlm bobsaccamano  when you get it to run look for the live iso .. Think gpartistion  (forgot how to spell it.. ) I alway have it on hand LOL no matter how many times I screw with grub/mbr  and dual or even quad boot.. Its very nice17:49
nuclearwormi wished live tv had some option to reduce image quality as my connection is very slow17:49
bobsaccamanohtlm, I think you mean gparted17:49
edwardthefmaDmole the port is open on my router im thtrying to make shure that my os isint blocking  that port17:50
htlm edwardthefma have you looked at the www.portforward.com to see if you got your basics?17:50
ubukinghi, is there some Qingy user around ? ( i'am trying to get it work with openbox ( stand alone)  )17:51
htlm edwardthefma I hope that  helps17:51
Dmoleedwardthefma: you can use namp to check17:53
htlm ubuking ask your LOL servants...17:53
ubukinghtlm: what do yu mean ?17:54
Dmoleedwardthefma: 1) make sure something is listening to the port 2) make sure your firewall is off or lets the port talk (iptables etc), 3) make sure your router is forwarding from and to the right ports and IPs (80 and DMZ can often get in the way)17:55
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
htlm ubuking17:55
rhin0anyone know hyow to get the system beep working again?17:55
rhin0pc speaker beep17:55
edwardthefma<Dmole> im reading that sight now17:55
htlmUbuking its a joke... King is in your name17:56
edwardthefmahow do i open the port with iptables17:56
htlmedwardthefmawhich one17:56
Piciedwardthefma: Ubuntu does not block any ports by default, are you sure that there is something listening?17:56
ubukinghtlm: well .. i don't deserve that much honor, but i'll take it !!17:58
ubukinghtlm: btw do yu know how to launch openbox from qingy ?17:59
busigastHello ! i need help, after installing a diffrent boot splash and using startup manager my computer will not boot past the bootsplash18:00
htlmubuking (keep bowing frantically)18:01
Picihtlm: enough with the useless answers.18:01
=== Taftse2 is now known as Taftse
JTMGQue es esto?18:02
MaximumResultsDoes anyone have any recommendations for a good twitter client for xubuntu?   Do any of them integrate will with the xfce panel18:02
JTMG :D18:02
ChheapshotIs there anything i could do to boost up the performance on streaming videos from example youtube. Im running on a netbook ( slow one) and the videos gets choppy sometimes. Using chrome on lubuntu.18:03
ohzieMaximumResults: Chromium is a pretty good twitter client18:03
ubukinghtlm: actualy it' run well ... can log in console session .. FB its well configured .. but can't log in /usr/bin/openbox-session  ..18:03
Braber01is there a program out there that will let me write macros for the function keys on Linux?18:03
htlmbusigast need more info then that  please fix and repost18:03
* DELL_XPS15_Troub Being away Auto-Away pager is on 18:03
MaximumResultsChromium?  isn't that a full blown browser?18:03
ChheapshotMaximumResults: yes it is18:04
crankharderhow do I configure what ports NFS is using?18:04
PiciDELL_XPS15_Troub: Please disable that in this channel.18:04
MaximumResultsBraber01  are you using xubuntu? kubuntu? or gnome?18:04
* DELL_XPS15_Troub Back! Auto-Away since 15:03:41 pager is off 18:04
htlmBraber01 macros yes, anything else you said I font know18:05
MaximumResultsChheapshot, I'm looking more at things like gwibber or twitux.18:05
MaximumResultsActually I'm looking for something that will be small, float on top and show my latest tweets from people I folllow, and maybe allow me to tweet by just clicking in the window and typing.18:06
MaximumResultsNot looking for a lot of screen real estate for the twitter client, but something that will show when people I'm following have tweeted.18:07
perlsteini've got ubuntu in a vbox on os x18:08
perlsteini can't seem to ping the ubuntu guest, BUT the guest can get to the internet18:08
perlsteinany ideas?18:08
perlsteini just want to ssh to the virtual box host, right now it's set on "NAT"18:08
Chheapshotperlstein: firewall blocking smth?18:08
ScuniziI have 2 Ubuntu machines.. a laptop running 11.04 & a desktop running 10.10.  11.04 has no issues connecting to a USB share off my router.  The desktop "fails to retrieve share list from server".  Neither has SAMBA installed, just smbfs & nautilus share with their associated files.  How do I get the desktop to connect?18:09
nmvictorI just downloaded ubuntu 11.10, loaded it to a USB for  booting and restarted my machine. After selecting "Try Ubuntu" option, the screen goes dark, completely dark. I try adjusting the brightness using the fn keys but no change, after a few seconds, i hear ubuntu login sound telling me everything else is ok except for my dark screen. Please help, what do I do?18:09
busigasthtlm, well im really new to linux, but i managed to boot up to recovery, how can i get you what you need of info ?18:10
MaximumResultsBraber01,   Sorry, I use xfce  xubuntu.  In that,, you can define keys to run commands or do macros.  I'm pretty sure there are similar things in gnome, ,but I don't know them off the top of my head.18:10
nmvictormacer1: hey, please see my post above. ^18:10
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
htlmSomeone say my name?18:11
macer1nmvictor, hmm18:11
busigasthtlm, yes i did :P18:11
macer1nmvictor, what graphics card?18:11
luis_Anyone know of a free Linux shell that I can use to practice programing ?18:11
h00kluis_: bash is a shell.18:12
nmvictorwhat was the command, lspci | grep "VGA", let me try18:12
h00kluis_: it's already your default if you open a terminal18:12
luis_Thank you18:12
htlm busigast huh? Say again I dint understand18:12
h00kluis_: you can also join #bash, the channel18:12
nmvictorIntel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) <-- macer118:13
nmvictormacer1: I am using Acer Aspire 5734z18:13
macer1nmvictor, weird. It should be no problem with intel18:14
macer1Did you waited a minute until OS starts up, nmvictor ?18:14
nmvictormacer1: yea18:14
nmvictormacer1: I waited, everything showed up as usual18:14
nmvictormacer1: i must confess I have the same problem with 11.04, the installed ubuntu.18:15
macer1nmvictor, so how do you installed it if it have same problem?18:16
nmvictormacer1: but after googling and all that, i came across a bug in lauchpad which kinda fixed the problem18:16
macer1nmvictor, nomodeset?18:16
nmvictormacer1: i did a release upgrade from 10.10 to 11.0418:17
perlsteinthere doesn't seem to be a route on os x for this18:17
macer1nmvictor, so what was the fix?18:17
nmvictormacer1: not actally, acpi=Vendor, king of fix18:17
macer1nmvictor, that means your bios is broken,if acpi=Vendor helps ;)18:17
macer1by broken I mean made for Windows only :D18:18
macer1can you try this option in 11.10?18:18
nmvictorThe bug was fixed by some genious Kamal Mostafa in laucnpad,  he is maintaing a kernel package with a fix to the problem described in the lachpad page, im getting u the bug id soo.18:18
downUbuntuI upgraded to the newest sources with the newest ubuntu and my wireless internet connection stopped to work18:19
downUbuntuhow can  I get my wireless connection back?18:19
vacho_ubuntu crashed, no graphical things work etc..18:20
vacho_I have console access, how can I setup everything to default??18:20
MeXTuXMy desktop PC has only Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal installed. Before it was a dual boot system. I need to boot to MemTest but when the PC is booting I can't see grub menu. It just displays Ubuntu splash screen. Is there a way to boot to MemTest??? Thanx in advance :)18:20
downUbuntuvacho_: startx -- :118:20
urlin2udownUbuntu, do you know what the card is?18:20
nmvictormacer1: even with acpi=Vendor, its wasnt fully fixed. I hade to intsall Kamal Mostafa's kernel , #56861118:20
todd_I have a webcam at /dev/video(N) I want to get a single image from this, but I want to do so in a preview, so I can ensure everything is in frame... what should I use???18:20
downUbuntuurlin2u: I have x60s Thinkpad laptop, card?18:20
nmvictormacer1: I guess thats the bug ID18:20
macer1bug 56861118:21
vacho_downUbuntu: ok, trying that.18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861118:21
vacho_downUbuntu: what does that do?18:21
downUbuntuvacho_: and then you can switch with CTRL+ALT F<KEY>18:21
perlsteinok, network needs to be in bridged mode18:21
perlsteinnot NAT18:21
vacho_downUbuntu: it's all black now, what do I do?18:21
nmvictormacer1: I tried  linux mint LXDE sometime 2day, and I had the same problem. The screen goes dark18:21
nmvictormacer1: I though it was Mint related18:22
downUbuntuvacho_: F<key> such as F1, F2 and F318:22
urlin2udownming, lol try running this and find it lspci -v18:22
urlin2udownUbuntu, lol try running this and find it lspci -v18:22
downUbuntuvacho_: console multitasking, you can have many "ubuntus" runnig at the same time18:22
macer1nmvictor, so this fix is not upstream after more than year :(?18:22
vacho_I think I messed up my config file that stored the graphic variables.18:22
vacho_downUbuntu: that's not my problem..when I go to graphical mode everything is messed up.18:23
=== downming is now known as ddownming
downUbuntuvacho_: then just reinstall gnome or whatever window-manager you use...18:23
vacho_downUbuntu: how? :)18:23
todd_I have a webcam at /dev/video(N) I want to get a single image from this, but I want to do so in a preview, so I can ensure everything is in frame... what should I use???18:23
nmvictormacer1: I guess, he mentions of a delay somewhere on that page, so he maintains the package and seems like he's helping alot of users18:23
nmvictormacer1: * many users18:24
downUbuntuvacho_: sorry my ubuntu is now down but try to look for your gnome, such as "$sudo apt-cache search gnome|grep gnome"18:24
downUbuntuvacho_: then just $sudo apt-get install gnome-XYZ...18:25
vacho_how do I give a user root rights so he can do sudo?18:25
nmvictormacer1: Is their a way I could append acpi=Vendor line with the LIVE cd options?18:25
Gentoo64vacho_, add to the wheel group18:25
macer1nmvictor, I have a one question, does just fixed kernel helps, or acpi=vendor AND kernel are needed?18:26
vacho_I always wondered why it's called wheel?18:26
todd_vacho: Try man sudo, but I think they need to be in the sudoers group, thats all18:26
vacho_ubuntu is crap, so friggin buggy.18:27
=== jh is now known as Guest63324
io!sudo | vacho_18:27
ubottuvacho_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:27
todd_I have a webcam at /dev/video(N) I want to get a single image from this, but I want to do so in a preview, so I can ensure everything is in frame... what should I use???18:27
ioalso #ubuntu-bugs for bug-related discussion18:27
nmvictormacer1: The kernel help mush with the brighness control, dimming when idle and such like, acpi=Vendor, helped enablle the fn keys18:27
vacho_what's a more stable distro?18:27
vacho_I want to stick to linux, but can't go through all this weird bugs.18:27
tensorpuddingvacho_: debian18:27
mordofk.. rather large issue. trying to get used to Unity since classic will, at some point, be unavailable..18:27
iovacho_: what are the "weird bugs"?18:27
downUbuntuurlin2u: http://pastebin.com/iN5CnxV9 <--- here is the output of "lspci -v"18:28
todd_vacho: more stable? try BSD18:28
tensorpuddingvacho_: but it's harder to use, has less friendly support for non-free code18:28
m6lockslubuntu rules because no unity18:28
mordofMy unity keeps resetting everything back to defaults :\18:28
vacho_io: like all of a sudden, graphics don't work... I cant enable dual monitor. aaa bunch of things.18:28
macer1nmvictor, it looks like these fixes from bug 568611 are in oneiric for some time. Do you downloaded daily build?18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861118:28
mordofseems like Unity is crashing and then reloading18:28
majorzohebwhen installing ubuntu, is it possible to keep files that are already on the hardrive as part of a previous OS?18:28
downUbuntuvacho_: try OpenBSD if you want to get something clean, you can waste your life  with some odd distros :)18:28
macer1Download daily build with fixed kernel, then screen should not go OFF when booting18:28
tensorpuddingmajorzoheb: no18:29
nmvictormacer1: I think Kamal incoporated the acpi=Vendor, line with his kernel, making it unnecessary for that kernel package, meaning its a necessary step.18:29
todd_anyone know of a webcam frame grab command that shows a gui, so one can make sure everything is in frame?18:29
tensorpuddingmajorzoheb: you should read up on partitioning to understand why18:29
nmvictormacer1: no, not daily builds18:29
misaqcan I install redhat linux 9 after ubuntu 11.04?18:29
downUbuntuWhat is the thing that manages wireless connections by default in Ubuntu?18:29
m6locksmajorzoheb: yeah if you use some kind of software like partition magic to repartition the drive18:29
tensorpuddingdownUbuntu: networkmanager18:29
nmvictormacer1: I go with the update manager, if its available their, i grab it18:30
majorzohebThanks!!! another quick query, Ive tried ubuntu on my hackintosh already via a usb boot, is it possible to install it alongside this macos?18:30
macer1nmvictor, but you can't run the CD/USB to install it?18:30
peto_is there a good alternative to 'Google Desktop" for Ubuntu? When I try to install Google Desktop, Ubuntu tells me that it is low quality software for Ubuntu18:30
downUbuntutensorpudding: for some odd reason, I see /dev/null with my wirless connections...18:30
h00kubottu: dualboot | majorzoheb18:30
ubottumajorzoheb: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:30
downUbuntutensorpudding: I should see one connection at least...18:30
OY1Rtrying to install libcurl and get this > http://pastebin.com/7ZpQgBi418:31
nmvictormacer1: I dont follow, please18:31
urlin2udownUbuntu, find it yourself and post the card, no hand hold bro.18:31
OY1Rwhat's up with it ?18:31
vacho_downUbuntu: not a single video on it on youtube, can't be that popular18:31
misaqCan I install Redhat linux 9 after ubuntu 11.04?18:31
downUbuntuvacho_: lolz :D18:31
todd_majorzoheb: yes I have seen a hacintosh/ubuntu machine, so it is possable, I have not done it though18:31
downUbuntuvacho_: where you need popularity :D18:31
todd_anyone know of a webcam frame grab command that shows a gui, so one can make sure everything is in frame?18:31
majorzohebwicked. thanks a bunch guys!!!!18:32
macer1nmvictor, you said that you can't install it because of something with screen, and now you say that you will install fixed kernel from update manager?18:32
nmvictormacer1: what did you mean, im afraid?18:32
m6locksmajorzoheb: yes if you use virtual box of some sort, like vmware or parallels18:32
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
rwwI connected to a WPA2 Enterprise AP with certificate checking turned off on my client. How do I see the certificate being used by the connection so that I can check it remains the same between connections?18:32
todd_m6locks: no you can do it with grub, as a real dual boot, I think thats what he is wanting18:33
vacho_downUbuntu: what about linux mint?18:33
peto_is there a good alternative to 'Google Desktop" to find files fast in Ubuntu 11.04?18:33
m6lockstodd_: yes sure, but then you need to repartition the drive18:33
downUbuntuurlin2u: 145.03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)18:33
Chheapshotpeto_:  how does that work?18:34
mordofnow i really need help ;_; Unity is completely broken, lol18:34
Gentoo64really? thats new18:34
m6locksLXDE is the way to go18:34
todd_m6locks: well of corse but you need a partition in your vm so... yea18:34
todd_anyone know of a webcam frame grab command that shows a gui, so one can make sure everything is in frame?18:34
peto_Chheapshot, Google Desktop find files in your hard disk very fast18:34
Rainy-dayHow can I stop ~/Public, ~/Documents, etc being created? I don't want them in home folder18:34
nmvictormacer1: I said, I have the same problem with 11.04, which is what am running at the moment and you had asked i f i do daily builds and I said no,I install the updates as they arrive with update manager. As for 11.10, which i just downloaded, i cant see anything past the boot options18:35
Chheapshotpeto_: I use launchy on my windows machine to find files and start programs and theres a linux version of it also18:35
downUbuntuvacho_: I have no idea. I went from Windows, Ubuntu, Mac, Arc, Gentoo,  OpenBSD, Ubuntu,... combo and I am not doing everything with linuxes nowadays.18:35
vacho_friggin ubuntu18:35
downUbuntudownUbuntu: do not waste too much time deciding your between linuxes, they are the same...18:35
vacho_gives me a blank desktop screen18:35
vacho_have no idea what do do18:35
todd_downUbuntu: If you dont like linux, go back to windows18:35
downUbuntuvacho_: tell more18:35
mordofvacho_: right after login?18:35
vacho_i login18:36
vacho_and I see my background..but nothing else.18:36
Rainy-dayvacho_: can you right click and create a terminal shortcut?18:36
peto_Chheapshot, there is a version of google desktop for Ubuntu, but Ubuntu says it is not reliable software, that's why I', looking for an alternative18:36
mordofthat's exactly the same issue i'm having right now, but i have desktop icons and a screenlets app18:36
vacho_Rainy-day: no18:36
downUbuntuvacho_: so you have window manager apparently running...18:36
macer1nmvictor, please look at your private messages.18:36
todd_anyone know of a webcam frame grab command that shows a gui, so one can make sure everything is in frame?18:36
mordofich, his is worse, lol18:36
urlin2udownUbuntu, now look on the web, there are various problems showing, and quit giving tepid repeated OT advice18:36
n2deephi all, I ran nmap on my local desktop 10.04 to check for an open port on my remote 11.04 (different subnet) machine, now I can not SSH to that machine, can someone point me in the right direction?18:37
vacho_how do I install pinguy ??18:38
Gentoo64n2deep, nmap wont do anything18:38
Gentoo64other than scan18:38
jndlsnlhow can i join java channel18:38
Gentoo64 /join #java maybe18:39
todd_jndlsnl: whats your question?18:39
mordofbuahaha, I think I like this actually :D18:39
n2deepGentoo64: yes, I know. but now ssh -v says: port 22: Connection refused18:39
mordofno panels, no clutter, nothing :D18:39
Gentoo64n2deep, well nmap wont close the port18:39
mordofanyone know how to launch system settings from a terminal? o.o18:39
Chheapshotn2deep: firewall kicked in because of the scanning?18:39
MonkeyDustn2deep: are both machines in the same range?18:40
n2deepGentoo: I can still ssh to the remote machine from a different host here locally.18:40
Gentoo64im confused18:40
todd_anyone know of a webcam frame grab command that shows a gui, so one can make sure everything is in frame?18:40
n2deepChheapshot: yes I think that is exactyl it!!18:40
Chheapshotn2deep: and blocked the machine u were scanning from?18:40
n2deepChheapshot: what do I want to adjust on the remote machine?18:40
n2deepChheapshot: ...since I can still get in from a differnt machine here locally18:41
misaqcan I install redhat linux 9 after Ubuntu?18:41
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m6lockstodd_: http://linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Webcams18:41
n2deepMonkeyDust: they are different subnets18:41
todd_m6locks: that page is deleted18:42
jndlsnlhi i forgot my freenode password how can i get back?18:42
h00kjndlsnl: ask in #freenode18:42
m6lockstodd_: no sory this one http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Webcam-HOWTO/framegrabbers.html18:42
maddog_i restored a 10gb image onto a 50gb ext4 partition using dd. now when i mount the partition, i only have 10gb total space, but when i open it w/ a partitioning tool, it shows me the 50 gb. how can i fix that?18:42
downUbuntuwhat was teh command to see the version of ubuntu?18:42
m6locksuname -a18:42
mordofCan anyone tell me how to launch either the Compiz Settings panel or the main system settings panel from a terminal?18:43
icerootdownUbuntu: cat /etc/issue18:43
h00kjndlsnl: /join #freenode18:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!18:43
h00ksteven___: don't do that.18:43
Coreysteven___: Yes?18:43
downUbuntuMy x60s laptop has no Wlan light ON but I can see the network manager settings. Does it mean that there is some problem with the network card?18:45
downUbuntuI am running 11.04 Ubuntu, 2.6.38-generic #48-Ubuntu18:46
vacho_how do I set everything that has to do with graphics back to it's default state so my desktop starts working again?? anyone please?18:47
todd_m6locks: none of thoes seem to do what I want, either they capture an image with no preview, or they have a gui, and when you take a pic, you have to tell it where to save... I want a preview, and just a one click take picture button, that saves to where I told it in the command18:47
Gentoo64vacho_, reinstall18:47
vacho_Gentoo64: format and reinstall?18:47
OY1Rvacho_, you replace the xorg with the backup you made b4 messing things up18:47
vacho_OY1R: I didn't make a backup... what do I do?18:48
Gentoo64i didnt think ubuntu had xorg.conf18:48
hichamatI'm looking for a simple command to truncate word, I'm not using perl or awk18:48
mordofROFL! this is so awesome. so i downloaded compiz settings manager right.  And I accidentally turned off unityshell xD18:48
mordofNo more panels getting in my way :D i love it18:48
Gentoo64mordof, why are you even using ubuntu then? lol18:48
mordofI think I'm going to just use my computer without a shell18:48
ChheapshotOY1R: I dont think there is xorg anymore on newer versions, atleast by default18:48
mordofGentoo64: It's what I have on my computer and I haven't decided what to switch to/if I want to switch yet18:48
vacho_OY1R: plz18:49
OY1Rvacho_, pray18:49
mordofGentoo64: but Unity was bugging me, and it kept crashing.. it was accidental but I really think I like it this way18:49
OY1Rim on 10.04 lts.18:49
vacho_OY1R: right ...18:49
OY1Rvacho_, that was my only advice sry.18:49
thrillERboyHi, How to automatically mount a partition on startup?18:50
djbrownanyone here that uses glade on natty?18:50
Chheapshotvacho_:  check if u got xorg.back at /etc/X11/18:50
downUbuntuvacho_: reinstall ... do not waste time, start cleanly again. I would go to window-1 "CTRL+ALT 1", start as root. Remove all window managers. And reinstall them.18:50
OY1RthrillERboy, should just be plug and play, or plugin reboot.18:50
vacho_downUbuntu: i don't know the exact commands for reinstalling.18:51
ArccosineHow do you connect to a PDC thats controller is Linux?18:51
Arccosinewell domain18:51
thrillERboyOY1R: I can't understand, I've set Dejadup to back up files to a different partition, but the partition is not mounted when I boot up computer at first, so dejadup gives me an error, then I go to nautaulis to click on the partition on the places panel, then It gets mounted, I then click backup button manually, I'm looking for some method, so that I don't have to open nautaulis and click on the other partition, everytime I boot up. Hope that makes sense18:53
downUbuntuvacho_: let me help with that "apt-get install gnome.." for installing. "apt-cache search gnome-XYZ" for searching pkg, "apt-get purge gnome-XYZ" for removing gnome... (SOMEONE ALERTS IF THIS LEAVES SOME DEP issues now, plz)18:53
jndlsnlhi, is there any course online for learning ubuntu?18:53
h00k!manual | jndlsnl this may help you18:53
ubottujndlsnl this may help you: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:53
Chheapshotvacho_: u could just try to remove it first and then install it again18:53
th0rOY1R: grsync?18:53
downUbuntuvacho_: when you get a very long list of issues use pipe and less -commands such as "apt-cache search gnome|less"18:53
Chheapshotvacho_: apt-get remove --purge18:53
jndlsnlis there any book available?18:54
downUbuntuvacho_: "apt-cache search gnome | grep gnome | less" to see better in terminal18:54
Chheapshotnot sure if the purge is needed but it should remove everything related to it ?18:54
h00kjndlsnl: there are lots of books, yeah. Check your local book store, or that free manual, and there are all kinds of documents available.18:54
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downUbuntujndlsnl: read the ORIGINAL manuals!18:55
pacman__New to IRC, needing help on a slow boot issue.  Am I in the right place?18:55
edwardthefmahow can i tell if i have  dynmice or static ip with ubuntu18:55
jndlsnlh00k: i want learn then i want to do certification in ubuntu then from where i can proceed?18:55
Chheapshotpacman__: if u'r running ubuntu, yes18:55
downUbuntujndlsnl: many ubuntu manuals do have mistakes and it is good idea to get historical perspective to things...I like reading obsd manuals every-now-and-then...18:56
h00kjndlsnl: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/training/course-descriptions/certified-professional18:56
conrad90Why did Canoncial go with Unity?18:56
pacman__Chheapshot: indeed; I've installed bootchart and I can't tell what process is horking up my boot time18:56
downUbuntujndlsnl: and then compare them to ubuntu and ohter linux manuals, it gives some perspective... for example, vim/vi mappings are very misleading for newcomers in ubuntu..18:56
Gentoo64conrad90, because they did.. lol18:57
conrad90Fine, but I don't see why. Noone I know likes Unity. Won't carry this on though. Don't want to get kicked.18:58
jndlsnl<downUbuntu>:obsd means open bsd?18:58
Rainy-dayWhat's the initial postgresql pwd for user postgres, or how can I reset it from root?18:58
ArccosineHow do you connect to a PDC thats controller is Linux?18:58
downUbuntujndlsnl: yes, I like its documentation because it is clean and without odd python-wrappings which hide how things really work18:59
jndlsnlso its helps to learn about linux?18:59
downUbuntujndlsnl: certainly19:00
pacman__Would anyone mind helping me with my slow booting issue?  Here is a link to the bootchart: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/148/pacmandesktopnatty20110.png/19:00
downUbuntujndlsnl: linux is marketing nowadays so it is good idea to get to some monotone learning19:00
Gentoo64downUbuntu, openbsd for desktop?19:01
downUbuntuGentoo64: yes I use it for that but I certainly have ubuntu box and other boxes running elsewhere (needless to reinvent the damn wheel...)19:01
Gentoo64you not find openbsd to be the number1 slowest desktop in the world?19:02
Gentoo64because it is19:02
downUbuntuGentoo64: I like the uptime :)19:02
Gentoo64.. each to their own19:02
Gentoo64anyone can run linux without turning it off19:03
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LjLi sense offtopicness19:03
downUbuntuGentoo64: I am not the number one person running for new gizmos and such things so it saves me a lot of time to have base clean unmodified and study it slowly19:03
LjLmay i point you gentlemen and ladies to #ubuntu-offtopic just in case you'd like to hang out there?19:03
vacho_what's a good FTP client that can tranfser from server to server bypassing localhost?19:03
urlin2u1ot | downUbuntu19:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:04
downUbuntuurlin2u: http://www.accretionlogistics.com/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-fix-the-wireless-device-not-managed/ <--- I thought I fuond the solution to the non-working Network card but nothing after reboot19:05
naftilos76hi can anybody suggest a good GTK based webcam viewer for my laptop?19:09
h00knaftilos76: Cheese19:10
benoliver999naftilos76: I use 'cheese'.19:10
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mang0naftilos76, benoliver999: I use cheese too19:10
pacman___Can someone please take a look at this to help me determine why by boot time is so slow? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/148/pacmandesktopnatty20110.png/19:11
benoliver999I'm waiting for my mirror to arrive for my new flat, and cheese, with 'horizontal flip' on is serving as a stand in.19:12
katHey everyone, I was wondering if anyone remembers that function in Compiz called ADD-Helper? It could dim everything else but the active window19:13
kattrying to get that to work19:13
mang0benoliver999: What on earth do you need that for? Lol.19:13
benoliver999mang0: I don't have a mirror otherwise!19:14
macer1pacman___, maybe your hard disk is just slow?19:14
benoliver999kat: I remember that - is it broken now in 11.04? That's a shame.19:15
mang0benoliver999: Oooh, I getcha now. I thought that you we---whatever. Lol.19:15
pacman___macer1: This only recently started happening.  Boot takes 2x longer than usual, read/write benchmarks still the same19:15
macer1pacman___, after some update?19:15
benoliver999mang0: lol19:15
pacman___power failure while loading LIVE image of the new beta.  When I restarted, boot took MUCH longer, but all files intact19:16
pacman___macer1: power failure while loading LIVE image of the new beta.  When I restarted, boot took MUCH longer, but all files intact19:16
skjoedtAnyone knows if tar would only add files that has changed if you "tar -xvpzf" and overwrites an existing file?19:16
katbenoliver999: it's not broken19:16
katbenoliver999: it's just called something else19:16
benoliver999kat: Ah.19:16
nuclearwormim trying to install veetle a live tv plugin that i guess it is not on ubuntu repository however i get a cannot allocate memry message can anyone help?19:17
kati'm wondering if anyone knows where it is or what it's called now19:17
macer1pacman___, do you tried turning off and on your computer (xD). I mean, if next boot is slow too, maybe that was disk checking or something like that.19:18
genii-around!info veetle19:18
ubottuPackage veetle does not exist in natty19:18
pacman___macer1: :D  I've tried soft and hard restarts; the issue persists19:18
skjoedtSay I want to backup my /home/user, the first time I run "tar -xvpzf mybackup /home/user" it would naturally compress everything, but the second time I run the command, would only the things changed be compressed in "mybackup"?19:19
OerHekspacman___, support oneiric in #Ubuntu+1 please19:19
rgb247I have a problem, I don't know if here is the better place to ask it19:20
urlin2upacman___, the oneriric channel s #ubuntu+119:20
OerHekspacman___, 22nd comes beta 219:20
rgb247I have two monitors and one TV, I want to put all of them in extended mode19:20
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rgb247I have an nvidia video card with two DVI output and one onboard graphic card (for TV)19:21
upUbuntuUbuntu 11.04 – Fix the Wireless “Device Not Managed” <--- is the Realtek -driver to fix the issue with Intel Golan Wireless chip?19:21
edwardthefmahow can i tell if my ip is dynmic or statc in ubuntu19:21
Polahskjoedt: -x is for extract, you wouldn't run that to create an archive19:21
macer1pacman___,  no idea :(19:21
pacman___macer1: Is there a tool that I could use to provide some better troubleshooting information?19:22
sorsisI'm having trouble with AltGr. It doesn't work. Whats the matter?19:22
macer1pacman___, maybe you will find something interesting in dmesg19:22
pacman___urlin2u: Is there a changelog for what's coming in beta2?19:22
skjoedtPolah, you're right. cvpzf then, same question19:22
pacman___macer1: I'll check that out, thanks19:23
urlin2upacman___, you need to ask all of this in #ubuntu+119:23
crassis there a way to select from packages based on what repository they are from?19:23
Polahskjoedt: Replace -c with -u should update rather than create the entire archive again19:23
Polahskjoedt, man tar for more information19:23
MonkeyDustcrass? do they owe us a living?19:23
crassMonkeyDust: Of course they f**king do!19:23
urlin2ucrass, that makes no sense, and no19:23
ironhalikok - what the hell can I do, if during install, the language pack download process hung itself on 99% on office-common? :/19:24
crassurlin2u: how does that not make sense?19:24
ironhalikfreebsd installer seems to be easier then this :D19:24
urlin2ucrass, think about it.19:24
Sami345Does anyone have idea why am I getting: ./toribash: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:25
urlin2ucrass, why would the repo mater to begin with?19:25
macer1Sami345,you do not have sdl package19:25
Sami345I have ./usr/local/lib/libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.019:25
pacman___macer1: It looks like the filesystem gets remounted a couple of times...19:26
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Sami345Is it in wrog location or what?19:26
crassurlin2u: ok, let me make myself clear, in case there's misunderstanding. I have ppa1 and ppa2 installed, both provide packages A and B, but they are different. I want A from ppa1 and B from ppa219:26
skjoedtThis page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem#Backup_Utilities) tells me that tar supports incremental backup (backs up all the files that have changed since the last backup). But does it do so natively or should I add a parameter to enable it?19:26
Myrttipacman___: #ubuntu+119:26
pacman___macer1: [   30.134602] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: commit=019:26
macer1pacman___, i have a lot of "remounted" too19:26
macer1maybe it is normal...19:26
alexThunderdid anyone try the desura client yet?19:27
genii-around!pinning | crass19:27
ubottucrass: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:27
macer1Myrtti, why you send pacman___  to +1? He is using  11.0419:27
Sami345What's upp with all these FloodBots19:27
crassgenii-around: thanks, let me look at that19:27
urlin2ucrass, ask a question when it is actually relevant, as-if stuff is a waste of time, you have no evidence at this time this is a theoretical question19:27
urlin2upacman___, is this still questions about oneiric?19:28
crassurlin2u: what are you talking about? this is a _real_ problem19:28
OerHeksmacer1, he is not, he is using beta 119:28
urlin2u! details | crass19:28
ubottucrass: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:28
pacman___urlin2u: My only question about oneiric was if there was a changelog, my main reason for coming here is my 11.04 boot issue19:28
accelis there anyway in linux19:29
accelto know my memory speed?19:29
VampsDaBeastok guys, which is better to use for video card drivers, Nov or Nvidia? i have a nvidia gt 220 card.19:29
OerHeksgood to see that clear now :-)19:29
accellike is it in /proc/raminfo/1066 or /proc/raminfo/1333 ?19:29
macer1bootchart log says something else, OerHeks, Myrtti http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/148/pacmandesktopnatty20110.png/19:29
cheezushey guys, I'm having a weird problem when upgrading19:29
nuclearwormim trying to install veetle a live tv plugin that i guess it is not on ubuntu repository however i get a cannot allocate memry message can anyone help?19:30
cheezus"Assertion dyp->up == pigp" failed19:30
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icerootcheezus: to what version?19:30
macer1Sami345, do you installed sdl by package?19:30
urlin2uVampsDaBeast, opinions here are opinions nothing else, and we don't do that.19:30
cheezusiceroot: to natty19:31
Sami345macer1, I installed SDL through package manager and SDL_ttf manually19:31
macer1Sami345, run ldconfig19:31
icerootcheezus: can you post the complete error-message? should be found in /var/log/apt/term.log19:31
cheezusiceroot will do19:32
macer1Sami345, sorry, sudo ldconfig19:32
VampsDaBeasturlin2u, not lookin for opinions but more so for which is gonna give the best result with little hassle19:33
Rainy-dayHow/when does ubuntu create user / directories for postgresql? I'm uninstalling/resintalling it and it's not creating postgres user or directories.19:33
urlin2uVampsDaBeast, to many variables try #hardware19:33
RogergRjoin #ubuntu-si19:34
VampsDaBeasturlin2u, i've had to reinstall Natty 6 times because of the nvidia driver set. but could be many issue underlying19:34
VampsDaBeasturlin2u, ok, thanks, i visit them and see what thoughts they have.19:35
urlin2uVampsDaBeast, then ask a question with the details.19:35
pacman___macer1: I don't see any messages in the dmesg log between 34.5 and 187.5, so whatever's causing the boot time to expand to 75+ is not listed there19:35
DmoleRainy-day: it will naver create "user directory" in /home19:35
DmoleRainy-day: cat /etc/passwd|grep postgres # home dir is /var/lib/postgresql19:36
Rainy-dayDmole: I know, but it's not creating /var/lib/postgresql either19:36
deedeeim not able to get sound19:36
VampsDaBeasturlin2u, it seem that after i update the system, and run the nvidia installer, then reboot the nvidia driver seems to mess something up to the point i get stuck at a screen with nothing on it19:37
DmoleRainy-day: did you try a remove purge? / how are you installing it?19:37
Rainy-dayDmole: let me try remove purge..19:37
PiciRainy-day: 'postgresql' is a metapackage, make sure that you are removing/purging the the actual packages that it depends on.19:37
Rainy-dayDmole: how exactly do I purge?19:38
urlin2uVampsDaBeast, nvidia is not an area I'm real knowledgeable in,others are posting the card will be you best bet .19:38
PolahRainy-day: apt-get purge package or aptitude --purge package19:38
Aquixsudo apt-get purge  PROGRAM19:38
Polah!details | deedee19:38
ubottudeedee: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:38
Rainy-dayPolah: thanks19:38
upUbuntu$dmesg|grep iwl          iwl3945 0000:03:00.0: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch19:38
deedeeim running ubuntu19:39
urlin2udeedee, which release19:39
upUbuntuDetected Inter Wireles WiFI Link 3945ABG19:39
UbuntuBrandonHello all.19:39
deedeesound was working fine before,now it dont i dont see input device19:39
deedeeon sound preference19:39
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:39
upUbuntuWhat is this "Radio disable by HW RF kill switch"?19:39
w30How can I start Unity with indirect-rendering enabled? I need that for suspend and hibernate on my laptop19:40
urlin2u!sound | deedee19:40
ubottudeedee: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:40
DmoleupUbuntu: some laptops have a hardware toggle for the wifi?19:40
urlin2udeedee, might be a start the wiki, hopefully.19:40
Rainy-dayOk now I get this: Use of uninitialized value $owneruid in getpwuid at /usr/bin/pg_createcluster line 242.19:41
DmoleRainy-day: after doing what? maybe use a pastebin19:41
Rainy-dayDmole: after doing apt-get install postgresql19:42
deedeeall it showing high definition audio19:42
deedeeon hardware,and output19:42
deedeeinput has nothing...19:42
sdsanyone has trouble with http://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/debian/dists/lsb3.2/main/binary-amd64 service under ubuntu 10.04?19:44
upUbuntuDmole: yes X60s has some odd blue sign with signals which I have pressed but I cannot understand how to turn it on19:44
urlin2uRainy-day, here is the wiki read carefully,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL19:45
DmoleupUbuntu: might need to get drivers for that19:45
nuclearwormhello im trying to install a .sh file but with no success, i get a cannot allocate memory message, anyone help?19:45
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KronsbyMy ubuntu keeps freezing up. Maybe once per day. audio always loops and you must force restart19:46
maximidaIs there a way to have sub.mydomain.com to point to another internal machine, and mydomain.com be running on my apache server?19:46
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KronsbyWhat do?19:47
Rainy-dayurlin2u: but it doesn't cover Natty? It doesn't even list it?!!19:47
urlin2uRainy-day, yes but there is information there as far as root etc.19:47
KronsbyHow can I figure out why my computer froze?19:48
BarkingFishKronsby, does it only freeze when you are using certain programmes, or does it happen at random?19:49
KronsbyBarkingFish, It is random19:49
Rainy-dayurlin2u: no it all assumes that postgresql created the cluster and inital postgres user. I don't see anything there about running into this error when doing apt-get install postgresql19:49
upUbuntuDmole: are you sure? Some suggests a driver while some suggest to run a few modprobe commands: http://askubuntu.com/questions/52275/intel-pro-wireless-3945abg-stopped-working19:49
urlin2uRainy-day, cool I was just trying to link you my fail.19:49
KronsbyBarkingFish, I have my system monitors on and nothing irregular happens. No spikes or anything19:49
KronsbyIn ram or processor that is19:49
maximidaIs there a way to have sub.mydomain.com to point to another internal machine, and mydomain.com be running on my apache server?19:50
BarkingFishhave you checked your system logs to see if anything weird is being recorded in them?19:50
KronsbyBarkingFish, how do I do that?19:50
OliveGreenHi all.19:50
upUbuntuI can now see "Enable Wireless" in Network maneger but I cannot see networks, my antenna must be turned OFF19:50
OliveGreenI wanted to ask, will Ubuntu 11.10 come with Gnome 3.2?19:51
Guest48498wa alykum assalam.19:51
MonkeyDustOliveGreen: #ubuntu+119:51
OliveGreenGuest48498: :-)19:51
BarkingFishKronsby, if you open a terminal and go to /var/log , you will find various logs in there containing details of your system, messages from the kernel and so on19:51
OliveGreenMonkeyDust: Thanks19:51
KronsbyBarkingFish, What would I be looking for?19:52
LimbasI had a hdd problem19:52
LimbasI don't know if someone remembers me19:52
LimbasI amnaged to fix it now after a reboot of the live cd( 1 hour long) and doing some lines in the terminal19:53
KronsbyBarkingFish, faillog?19:53
BarkingFishAnything happening to your system would likely be in your syslog - perhaps look for errors in the log file, or maybe in the output from your kernel.19:53
trinimoseshi all19:53
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BarkingFishKronsby, I have no idea on that one, never seen it or read it :)19:53
LimbasJus wanted to thank whoever answered me19:53
trinimosesquick quesiton : can i undo "rm -rf ?19:53
BarkingFishquick answer - no19:53
trinimosesaccidently ran it in my /var/log folder19:53
BarkingFishif you did that as root, you lost whatever you did it on, trinimoses19:54
MonkeyDustdoes dmesg change at each reboot?19:54
SIFTUtrinimoses: you have a chance with something like photorec19:54
KronsbyBarkingFish, I see that the time that it froze my network manager completing-> group handshake19:55
=== s1 is now known as s1m
trinimosessiftu thanks19:55
* auronandace think the amount of people accidentally rm-ing things is amazing19:55
BarkingFishKronsby, are you connecting via Wireless or via a cabled connection?19:56
w30trinimoses, rm -f   is like Russian Roulete with every chamber loaded  :=)19:56
upUbuntu"$ sudo ifcontfig wlan0 up" SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possibel duet to RF-kill   -  ---- WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?19:56
Sky[x]how to install spine on ubuntu 10.10 ?19:56
BarkingFishSIFTU - I've never known rm -rf to be undo-able. If it is, I wish I'd known years ago, I've lost upwards of a half million mp3s because of that :)19:56
BarkingFishupUbuntu, do you have a wireless radio on/off switch on your computer?19:57
BarkingFishmight be that you're trying to bring up an interface with RF deactivated on it19:58
feisarhi,  is it possible to spin down a usb or firewire attached hd after a set time?19:59
trinimosessiftu hrm.. can i make a boot disk for it off my windows machine ?19:59
upUbuntuBarkingFish: not sure. "rfkill list" shows that everything is blocked with "yes" everywhere. I am trying to "sudo rfkill unblock 1" to get them unblocked20:00
w30my Dell laptop is flaky that way; If you turn wifi radio off with Fn key you have to reset bios to radio on even if it says on to get it working again20:00
upUbuntuI think my WiFi driver got killed20:00
upUbuntuso I need to just turn it on, at least the wlan0 interface is down but I get the err while trying to turn it on20:00
nuclearwormhello im trying to install a .sh file but with no success, i get a cannot allocate memory message, anyone help?20:02
worellananuclearworm, chmod +x file.sh20:03
worellananuclearworm, ./file.sh or sh file.sh20:04
nuclearwormworellana , thanks going to try20:05
worellananuclearworm, ok :)20:05
nuclearwormworellana , it didn t work but thanks anyway20:07
SIFTUBarkingFish: well it can be recovered.. if the deleted file hasnt been over written yet20:07
dennisteranyone know how to do a low-level format of a drive?20:08
BarkingFishDang.  I'll remember that for the future, SIFTU - thanks :)20:08
yeatsdennister: what do you mean by "low-level"?20:08
dennisterI think the drive is still intact and usable, but the partition table and everything else is toast20:08
dennisteryeats: does that ^^ answer your clarifying question?20:09
yeatsdennister: ah - then 'sudo fdisk /dev/<drivenumber>' is the command line way20:09
SIFTUBarkingFish: trinimoses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X91sKWXqW6w20:09
yeatsdennister: otherwise, gparted does it well20:09
dennisteryeats: gparted can't even recognize the drive when it scans for devices20:10
BarkingFishcheers SIFTU20:10
pacman___Can someone take a look at my bootchart and help me figure out why my boot is so slow (11.04 AMD)?  http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1706/pacmandesktopnatty20110.png20:10
yeatsdennister: ah - well, then see if 'sudo fdisk -l' sees it20:10
dennisteryeats: it didn't20:11
jribpacman___: is alsactl currently running?  Do: ps -ef | grep alsactl20:11
yeatsdennister: then you might do some log searches (maybe start with /var/log/dmesg?)20:11
trinimosesquestion : log files are normally text files in teh /var/log folder right ?20:12
yeatstrinimoses: yes20:12
dennisterdrive is totally unreadable when it has an invalid partition table, so logs won't help20:12
trinimosesi hope photorec can recover my log files20:12
yeatsdennister: fdisk would still see it20:12
trinimoseswas in the wrong folder and got distracted20:12
skjoedtHow can I redirect output (command > output) aswell as output in terminal?20:13
yeatsdennister: I would think your next step is to figure out why your computer isn't seeing the drive20:13
jribskjoedt: what?20:13
th0rskjoedt: tee20:13
auronandacepacman___: why do you have virtualbox and vmware?20:13
dennisteryeats: well, in a terminal with the systemrescuecd (alrady root) i typed in 'fdisk -l' and got nada20:13
th0rskjoedt: just do a 'man tee' it is an easy command20:13
yeatsdennister: that's troubling then :-/20:14
michal_connect #oaza20:14
skjoedtth0r, okay thank you20:14
pacman___jrib: I see 3 entries (other than my grep) for alsactl20:14
upUbuntuHow can I force wlan0 up without rfkill?20:14
pacman___auronandace: I was trying to get the Win8 beta to run as a VM; thought I'd try both20:15
jribpacman___: issue: sudo rm -r /root/.pulse*    (WARNING: DO NOT MAKE A TYPO IN THIS COMMAND) your problems will go away20:15
auronandacepacman___: stick with one or the other, having both is going to add to your boot time (how much, i couldn't tell you)20:16
Rainy-dayNow I'm having a problem with psql (postgresql-client-8.4 and ..client-common are installed): Error: You must install at least one postgresql-client-<version> package.20:16
dennisteryeats:  have you ever seen a drive with a bad sector, logical block 0...could that be what's making the disk totally unusuable? testdisk sees it and some of the partitions, but that's it20:16
benoliver999aptitude or apt-get?20:16
Polahbenoliver999, whichever one you want20:17
benoliver999Polah: No one is better than the other?20:17
pacman___jrib: I'll try that and restart20:17
yeatsdennister: a bad sector would explain what you're seeing, yes20:17
pacman___auronandace: I've since removed VMWare Player20:17
jribpacman___: actually that probably won't work since your user can't see inside /root.  So you may have to issue « sudo -i » and then run the command without sudo20:17
auronandacepacman___: it is still in that boot log though20:18
dennisteryeats: and if it's a bad sector, the drive isn't worth trying to use?20:18
Polahbenoliver999, aptitude has a menu system. apt-get is all command line.20:18
jribpacman___: alsactl should not be around once you login and stuff.  And the udev script that runs alsactl is what is holding up your boot20:18
pacman___auronandace: I just removed it and haven't posted a new bootchart.20:18
RogergRjoin #ubuntu-si20:18
PolahSlightly different command structure, but they do the same thing20:18
nvictorhey guys20:18
BarkingFishBit of an odd request, but does anyone know who owns or runs FloodbotK1 please? It's running amok in #kubuntu20:18
yeatsdennister: probably not :-(20:18
nvictorok, i made a big mistake20:18
benoliver999Polah: Thanks.20:18
auronandacepacman___: oh, i see, sorry20:18
nvictorso how do you recover from a "rm" command?20:18
PiciBarkingFish: got it.20:19
th0rnvictor: restore from backup20:19
h00knvictor: you don't, hopefully you had a backup.20:19
trinimosesSITFU u here ?20:19
BarkingFishPici, thanks.  I've no idea what's up with it, but it just went gaga :)20:19
nvictorth0r: ;(20:19
nvictorh00k: ;(20:19
Rainy-dayThis file does not exist even though it's in the list of postgresql-client files: /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/psql20:19
nvictorth0r, h00k: it was nice meeting you guys, i will now die in peace ;(20:20
skjoedtNeed some debug expertise: I am trying to use this script ( http://pastebin.com/tzxQ2XRJ ), but I am getting a syntax error on line 31: "Syntax error: redirection unexpected". I'm quite sure it has something to do with the output in the end of the line. Can someone identify the problem?20:20
skjoedtThe trouble is, I dont know exactly what the author is trying to do20:20
* auronandace doesn't understand how people aren't careful when using rm20:20
th0rskjoedt: you pipe the output of a command to tee. For instance cat /var/log/messages | tee messages.txt will show the messages log on the screen, and at the same time write it to a txt file20:21
pacman___jrib: My boot time went down to 45 seconds from 75.  Thank you!20:21
skjoedtth0r, very handy advice, thanks20:21
jribpacman___: in my case it was something like 45 seconds from 3 or 4 minutes -_-20:22
SIFTUtrinimoses: kind of20:22
yeatsauronandace: it's all about backups ;-)20:22
skjoedtth0r, can you help me with the above syntax error?20:23
auronandaceyeats: i wish more people were that sensible :)20:23
jribpacman___: I haven't had to time to look for nor file a bug, if you want to do so20:23
trinimosesSIFTU : i dont see anyway of run Photo rec against a particular folder.. is that possible ? or should i just leave it to run across the whoel drive20:23
th0rskjoedt: what syntax error?20:23
pacman___jrib: I was in the process of filing a "OMGWTFBBQ" help thread, so now I've got before/after bootcharts for a bug report20:23
th0rskjoedt: ah...just give me a sec20:23
SIFTUtrinimoses: to be honest I'm not sure20:24
skjoedtth0r, thanks. Im not sure what the author is trying to do here20:24
karen_mI have an older machine, and a new machine.  Both are running 11.04.  How can I move every setting from the old machine, to the new machine?   Thanks!20:24
th0rskjoedt: I am not a script guru. It looks like he wants to pipe to a file with the timestamp as the filename, but that would be something like > $TIMESTAMP I thnk20:25
urlin2ukaren_m, every setting?20:26
jribpacman___: I should have told you to preserve /root/.pulse* .  I think I had some stale files in there (I had .pulse-cookie .pulse and something else (or maybe something extra in .pulse)).  Anyway, I do not remember exactly unfortunately :/20:26
jribskjoedt: how are you running the script?20:26
skjoedtjrib, sudo sh script.sh20:26
karen_murlin2u, yeah all my packages i've installed, the settings and what not.  I was thinking of just copying ~karen but I have a ssd and have to mount other drives now for Downloads20:27
jribskjoedt: this is your problem.  Do you want to try to guess why or are you not really interested in the guessing?20:27
karen_mi figured there was an "easy transfer" like win7 has20:27
auronandace!dash | skjoedt20:28
ubottuskjoedt: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash20:28
skjoedtjrib, I guess sh is not in short for bash and I'm doing it wrong :)20:28
* jrib nods and suggests: sudo ./script.sh20:28
andornautwhen I open Banshee with my nexus S mounted, it hangs. Any ideas? If I kill; unmount; restart banshee it works fine.20:28
th0rbitten by another ubuntu improvement20:28
urlin2ukaren_m, here is apastebin on how to save all installed in a list and reinstall, you may have to install deselect,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/693317/20:30
urlin2ukaren_m, I use this all the time works great, but on the same computer, drivers may be the only crux here.20:32
Webonautewhy when I do df -u it said my /tmp is full, but when I do a ls, I can only see 10 file of 20mo each. and I have 2go in my tmp partition.20:33
karen_murlin2u, that is awesome, thank you!20:33
urlin2ukaren_m, no problem. :D20:33
MonkeyDustWebonaute: type ls -a /tmp20:33
trinimosesthe files in the /var/log folder end with .log at the end20:34
h00k!languaage | trinimoses20:34
trinimosesjust frustated20:34
h00ktrinimoses: please watch the language and keep it family friendly :)20:34
jribtrinimoses: this changes everything.20:34
urlin2ukaren_m, be d=sure to save the apt-sources and the apt-sources.d as well20:34
karen_murlin2u, i am going to boot it and remote desktop in for a few days.  I will be sure to watch that as well :)20:35
th0rhow dare they name log files 'log'! how ridiculous!20:35
trinimosesthis is not a time to be funny20:35
akittaneed a little help (well maybe alot). i ran ubuntu (natty) from a live cd and it reported bad sectors on my HD, i'm pretty sure there only write errors not a mechanincal faliure of the disk. I tried formating it didn't help so i wrote 0's to the harddrive using a usb with backtrack. but now it's not letting me install any os to the harddrive...??/20:35
trinimosesi am trying to figure out a way to get photorec to scan only for the files in my /var/log folder or files with only .log extension20:36
delinquentmeso im attempting to install the dev kit for an arduino on ubuntu 10.04 .. for some silly reason ... the arduino tutorial says " You will probably want to add the relevant repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list "  .. but fails to give me WHAT repo these arduino packages are in20:37
auronandaceakitta: bad sectors usually are a sign of disk failure, it is likely dying and needs replacement20:37
karen_murlin2u, thank you for your help!  installing win7 now :)20:37
Jordan_Utrinimoses: Photorec is for recovering files when the filesystem can't be mounted by basically ignoring all of the metatada (including names) in the filesystem and just grepping for file contents. That means that you likely aren't going to be able to recover (or filter by) path / file name at all.20:38
genii-around!info arduino20:38
ubottuarduino (source: arduino): AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0022+dfsg-1 (natty), package size 960 kB, installed size 4700 kB20:38
genii-arounddelinquentme: Possibly universe20:38
=== ecinx_ is now known as ecinx
akittaauronandance:  i'm certain is only a read/write error as the battery failed why'll installing natty20:38
auronandacekaren_m: you may need to restore grub after installing win720:38
CounterPillowHow can I maek them icons blink?20:39
CounterPillowHow can I mkae them icons blink????20:39
akittakaren_m: yes your best to install win7 first then a linux os after20:40
m3asmiwifi not working http://pastebin.com/w9FFDkYF20:40
auronandaceakitta: if that is the case then you should be able to repartition20:40
trinimosesi am trying to figure out a way to get photorec to scan only for the files in my /var/log folder or files with only .log extensionb20:40
CounterPillowdear mr support how can i make the icon blinks?20:41
vacho_I am using a custom field called "excerpt_2" ..how can I make it to run shortcodes?20:41
akittaauronandance: i'm running badblocks but  it's taking ages. fsck was giving me super block error20:41
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
guntbertvacho_: are you certain that this was an ubuntu support question? I didn't understand it :-))20:42
CounterPillowwhy do icons no blink????????20:42
vacho_WRONG channeliano20:42
dioxinDoes any one in here have experience of install a DHCP Server on 11.04 Desktop20:42
Fleckubuntu is not booting when i have my cd/dvd rom attached...20:43
chreekatI just installed 11.04 and find that the 'make caps lock an extra control' option doesn't seem to do anything in gnome-keyboard-properties. I see lots of bugs regarding this particular feature, but none that straight up say 'it doesn't work.' Does anyone know if anybody else has mentioned this?20:43
Fleckany ideas?20:43
Fleckand if i add other, boots, but hangs when i insert cd/dvd sometimes20:43
akittaFleck:  are your boot settings cd/dvd set before /HD in boot menu ?20:45
CounterPillowy u no answer20:45
Fleckakitta doesn't matter20:45
dioxinFleck: have you ensured that the CD is readable?20:46
akittaFleck: saying that when i have any cd inserted in the cd/dvd-drive. it never boots up, even if it's just a music cd it seems to stop it booting20:46
Fleckdioxin doesn't boot with no disc in drive20:46
Fleckakitta ubuntu starts to boot, i get grub menu, press enter, then stuck!20:47
akittadioxin: i think he means ubuntu on hs HD, but if he connects his cd/dvd by usb it's crashing it or failig20:47
Fleckakitta i have ubuntu in HDD yes, installed already!20:47
delinquentmeheres another question .. i go to install Sun- java .. and it seems that nautilus think im running a AMD 64 processor? and therefore wont let me install it?20:47
delinquentmei know for a fact that im running an Intel i5??20:47
swayeri have installed ubuntu and i cant get the launcher to show up any ideas20:47
laananok...why are my .exes opening as archives instead of applications? In file manager, I have the check box checked for...run as application...20:47
CounterPillowHow can I make ikons blink in ubutunu???????!!!!!?20:47
MonkeyDustlaanan: .exe needs wine20:48
dioxinjoin #ubuntu-server20:48
auronandacedelinquentme: that is 64bit20:48
h00kubottu: punctuation | CounterPillow20:48
ubottuCounterPillow: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability. Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences. See also !enter20:48
laananI have wine installed20:48
laananlike, the icon is wine20:48
laananfor the exe20:48
CounterPillowy u tell me dis i need icons blink20:48
delinquentmeauronandace, so you cant install sun SDK on a 64 bi machine? . and why does it say AMD64/20:48
akittaFleck: i don't know why it happens but i get same grub error if theres any media in my cd/dvd drive. hAVE YOU GOOGLED THE ISSUE20:48
auronandacedelinquentme: amd64 is just the name given to the architecture20:49
m3asmiany idea about wifi connexion http://pastebin.com/w9FFDkYF20:49
delinquentmeauronandace, ahh ok thanks20:49
Fleckakitta but i have this problem even with no disc in drive20:49
Fleckwhen i disconnect my cdrom - works great ;P20:49
swayeri have installed ubuntu and i cant get the launcher to show up any ideas20:49
CounterPillowI am king of simbabwe i need icons blink why you not help me20:50
auronandace!java | delinquentme20:50
ubottudelinquentme: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:50
h00k!patience | CounterPillow20:50
ubottuCounterPillow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:50
akittaFleck: I have no idea sorry.20:50
piyushmishraI want to allow a user to use $ sudo _____ commands so I add the user to admin or sudo ?20:50
Fleckakitta or when i disable IDE in bios - boots ok and even detects my cdrom, and works cool! :) i just cant boot from cd/dvd if its disabled in bios :)20:50
CounterPillownonono i need icons blink20:50
nytek_piyushmishra: just install sudo20:50
Fleckok thx for trying akitta :)20:51
piyushmishrathey should be in a group that has full access right?20:51
laananoh...monkeydust..I option-clicked to get open with wine application launcher..that seems to have at least done something (although, not sure if my application will actuallly run...not sure if wine works with all programs or what)...20:51
SIFTUpiyushmishra: whatever group is your /etc/sudoers.. also they have to log out and back in to get their new group membership20:51
piyushmishraI have both groups in there20:51
bfreisI have some trouble with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I've managed to setup a cloud, but after a while, one of the node controllers won't work anymore. The "euca-describe-availability-zones verbose" command will show less resources available than the total (the difference correspond exactly to 1 node being down). In the logs, cc.log shows that the node controller didn't respond some requests, and in the node controller's axis2c.log I see "invalid timest20:51
bfreisamp" problems. I've already installed and correctly configured NTP on the cloud controller and the node controllers, the time is perfectly synchronized. Still, I get these errors! I've googled for many hours, but no solution beyond "install ntp" has been proposed. Any ideas?20:51
akittaFlex: have you tried manually unmounting the drive20:51
piyushmishraadmin and sudo20:51
laananOh, sweet. It worked...now I can play games!20:51
trinimosesquestion  : if a log file doesnt exist wouldnt ubuntu create a new one for it ?20:52
s1mFleck: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDBootOptions , might be helpful.20:52
piyushmishratrinimoses: depends on filepermissions I guess20:52
akittaFleck: if you've disabled it in bios it will not work ??(!!)20:52
SIFTUtrinimoses: yes it should20:53
Fleckakitta if i disable in bios - i cannot boot from cd/dvd - there simply is no such option to chose to boot from cd/dvd :D but ubuntu detects my cdrom anyway and it does work great in ubuntu :)20:53
trinimosesso if i reboot my box.. i should see some new log files in my /var/log when the services restart ?20:54
Flecks1m and for what to look there?20:54
SIFTUtrinimoses: you shouldnt have to reboot.. try restarting a service or 2 if they arnt appearing20:54
piyushmishraSIFTU: how to add a user to a group :D20:54
trinimosescuz photorec has found 13k txt files so far20:55
akittapiyushmishra: adduser20:55
SIFTUpiyushmishra: usermod -g (make sure you use -a too)20:56
SIFTUpiyushmishra: sorry -G20:56
g-hennuxi'm looking for a tool to draw diagrams like <http://mathforum.org/sum95/suzanne/many2.gif>, with a) only a predefined set of tiles, b) in a user-friendly way and c) without manually specifying coordinates, i.e. there should be something like "snap into place". anyone knows such a tool?20:56
s1mFleck: Grub boot options , or Kernel Parameters.20:56
SIFTUpiyushmishra: usermod -a -G <group> <user>20:56
piyushmishraSIFTU: ty!20:56
bfreisIs this the right place to ask about Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?20:57
trinimosessadly i wish ubuntu had an undelete tool like windows where i can specific the folder to check20:57
auronandacebfreis: yes, you could also try #ubuntu-server20:57
SIFTUtrinimoses: if you really wanted to keep your logs you would use a syslog server to a remote system20:58
trinimosesk siftu20:58
derp_hi all. do ATI cards work with linux yet?21:00
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
derp_correction: do they work /well/21:00
blsh0pare there any extra docks for unity?21:00
blsh0pcan i get any other docks like biodock21:00
blsh0pwhat are some cool docks for unity?21:02
auronandacederp_: try it an see (i couldn't tell you, i use nvidia)21:02
blsh0pother than the one on the left side?21:02
skjoedtIn some bash scripts there are a "2>" in the end of the commands, what good is it doing?21:04
derp_auronandace: problem is, same here. nvidia's currently fallen a bit behind in the benchmarks lately, and i'm looking to build  a new syste,21:04
motophreakerWonder if anyone would be interested in contributing their Linux knowledge on a new forum??? blazingimage.net21:04
Dmoleskjoedt: redirecting the error out21:04
rwwmotophreaker: don't advertise here, please21:04
derp_i haven't used ATI cards in years, and i was wondering if they were still off-limits to linux users21:04
motophreakersorry rww21:05
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:05
motophreakerno advert just wanted to know21:05
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delinquentmehow is it so difficult to add  universe to the ubuntu repo list21:05
Dmolederp_: they worked 6 years ago and today aswell21:05
delinquentmeive read through 3 web pages and it should be a single stinking line .... why does the ubuntu manpage on this drag it out21:05
derp_dmole, aye, they do output a usable signal, but the gap between windows performance and linux performance has been pretty substantial, if i recall correctly21:06
derp_nvidia drivers, on the other hand, have been pretty close between the two OSs21:06
Dmolederp_: if its a performance question you might want to look for a benchmark for your specific card~21:08
derp_dmole, again, i don't have a card yet. i'm looking to build a new computer.21:09
derp_dmole, where can i find linux benchmarks, anyway? everywhere i know to look is windows-only.21:09
m3asmiI can't connecte to wirless network http://pastebin.com/index/w9FFDkYF21:09
auronandacederp_: try phoronix21:10
derp_auronandace: good call! the first article is almost exactly what i'm looking for.21:11
CosmicVoyagerHi. Is there a way to get a drive you plug in to show without restarting? I only see a drive if was plugged in on boot.21:11
derp_auronandace, Dmole: thanks for your help!21:11
CosmicVoyagerIs there a way to make the computer look for new drives?21:11
auronandacederp_ no worries :)21:12
=== aitor06 is now known as register
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CosmicVoyagerIs there a way to make Ubuntu look for newly plugged in drives? They don't show unless I restart.21:13
IncredibleStormThoughts: keeping /usr on a seperate drive from /21:13
ArchMagewhat do you mean plugged in drives?21:14
IncredibleStormCosmicVoyager: Do you mean USB drives? CD-ROMs?21:14
graingertCosmicVoyager: like sata?21:14
graingertor IDE?21:14
graingertIDE is not plug and play21:14
CosmicVoyagergraingert sata21:14
IncredibleStormYou have to edit fstab for an ide21:15
IncredibleStormbut 1.4 floppy disks generally autodetect. LOL21:15
CosmicVoyagerincrediblestorm internal sata21:15
IncredibleStormYou gotta use a disk utility that can update fstab, or edit /etc/fstab yourself. I think.21:16
IncredibleStormYou don't change the drive often do you?21:16
CosmicVoyagerIncredibleStorm where is fstab?21:16
ArchMageget off me casual21:17
CosmicVoyagerIncredibleStorm so there is no program that will show it like disk utility?21:18
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ArchMagewhy do you need to plug in different devices to SATA so often?21:18
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Um_cara_Qualquerexcuse me, is there anybody who knows a little bit "assembler" language programing?21:18
CosmicVoyagerarchmage not often. just now.21:18
IncredibleStormIf you have disk utility it should be showing it21:18
ArchMageso just restart it?21:19
rwwUm_cara_Qualquer: try ##asm21:19
IncredibleStormArchmage: sata I agree, but I love to toy with cast-aside old stuff. LOL21:19
CosmicVoyagerarchmage my question is not if i should restart or not. it is if there is a way to show the disk without restarying.21:20
IncredibleStormHey, for 1 dollar, you can't get a 40g DVD at a rummage sale, lol21:20
ArchMagehave you tried google?21:20
IncredibleStormCosmicVoyager: Do you HAVE disk utility?21:21
CosmicVoyagerIncredibleStorm yes21:21
Tatrasieldoes anyone know how to add repositories via command line?21:21
IncredibleStormCosmicVoyager: If so, does it show the disk?21:21
ArchMageanal repositories?21:21
CosmicVoyagerIncredibleStorm no. but when i reboot it does21:21
Tatrasielisn't like atp-get deb http://"repo21:21
CosmicVoyagerIncredibleStorm i thought maybe i was overlooking a way to scan for new volumes21:22
IncredibleStormthat message just took the cake21:22
kermithow do i set a timeout in grub to automaticly boot the first menu option?21:22
Tatrasielor is it wget add deb http:ppa."repo name"21:22
IncredibleStormCosmicVoyager: your system determines all ide "disks" at POST time, after that, whatever is there is there, unless you are talking USB/Floppy/CD-ROM or something else I don't know about21:23
CosmicVoyagerIncredibleStorm ok thanks21:24
kisuke!wifi > kisuke21:24
ubottukisuke, please see my private message21:24
HimHi all. Is there an official place where I can grab 10.10?21:24
kisukeHim: yeah ubutu.com should have it.21:25
kisukeHim: ubuntu.com*21:25
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthrrrraxium
Himkisuke: All it hast is the LTS and 11.0421:25
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101021:26
kisukeHim: ^\21:26
HimThankee very much.21:26
kisuke!wifi > kisuke21:26
ubottukisuke, please see my private message21:26
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nilzieis there an ubuntu with gnome 3 by default? like theres  kubuntu with kde etc21:32
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glebihannilzie, no stable version yet, oneiric will run gnome3 though21:33
OerHeksnilzie next release oneiric will have gnome321:33
OerHeksnext thursday 22nd beta 2, but for support join #Ubuntu+121:34
nilzieOerHeks: instead of junity?21:35
alexd285join #firefox21:35
glebihannilzie, unity *is* gnome (well a shell for gnome)21:35
OerHeksno, unity is still the default ontop of gnome321:35
nilzieglebihan: oh ok but i mean gnome shell >)21:35
glebihannilzie, it won't be installed by default, but you will be able to install it if you want21:36
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m_22hej xx21:42
m_22hi xx21:43
qinm_22: First time on Internet?21:46
jeffcutsingerIs there a program  that will help locate wireless APs? Show estimated distance and direction, etc.21:51
qinjeffcutsinger: iwconig gives all values, rest is oldschool triangulation.21:54
Zwei_hey i got a question about using ubuntu21:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:56
Zwei_i remember back in Ubuntu 10 how do you turn the wall into the cube21:56
Zwei_for the workspaces21:56
almoxarifejeffcutsinger: kismet with gps will do some of that22:00
groumfHi guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu on lvm using the desktop install iso.is there an advanced install which i'm missing?22:05
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal22:05
ArtemWhat does it mean when it says22:06
ArtemCan not mount /dev/loop on / cow22:06
groumfqin so the standard version doesn't do it. ok.22:07
qingroumf: Not, as far as I know.22:07
Artemany know how to fix that22:07
groumfqin, cool thanks, I'll get it.22:07
white_magicif i'm trying to add a repository, like ppa:foo/bar, what should it look like in /etc/apt/sources.list? Just 'deb foo/bar'? Assume for a second that I want to do this manually22:08
ArtemI have no idea what im doing22:08
ArtemWhat does "Can not mount /dev/loop on / cow" mean22:09
edusanthello guys22:09
qinwhite_magic: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ , not sure if ppa still write to main file.22:09
ArtemCan anyone help?22:10
IdleOnewhite_magic: the ppa line would look something like: deb http://some.host.com...22:10
robertzaccourhow come screencasting is very freezy and output video has almost no movement all frozen like? I have an Acer 4330-2618. thanks in advance22:11
IdleOnemuch like the rest of the entries in sources.list22:11
edusantim having this issue when i close the lid of my laptop, the ubuntu freezes and i have to do a hard restart, i found this but im not that tech savy to be honest and i understand half of whats being said there, also the fact im pretty new to ubuntu. can anyone lend me a hand?22:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 65027 in linux (Ubuntu) "Notebooks freezes after closing lid or pressing some FN key combination" [Undecided,Fix released]22:11
white_magicidleOne: i'm just trying to follow instructions here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/keepass/forums/forum/329220/topic/4503818 . the problem is, neither apt-add-repo* nor add-apt-repo* are available for me22:12
robertzaccouroops I meant acer 4339-261822:12
white_magici tried installing python-s/w-properties but its already installed, so im not sure what the problem is22:12
white_magicIdleOne: if it was just a url in the instructions, i could manage that easily..22:12
todd__anyone know the easy way to redirect port 8080 to port 80 (my app is on 8080 and I want it to be on port 80 also, all the time)?22:13
IdleOnewhite_magic: keepass2 is in the ubuntu repos, just sudo apt-get install keepass222:14
white_magicIdleOne: I have debian..22:14
Coreytodd__: Have whatever binds to 8080 bind instead to 80.  Failing that, use something like nginx or apache on port 80 to proxy port 8080.22:14
white_magicIdleOne: I thought they're closely enough related to ask here as well22:14
edusant:( halp!22:14
edusanti have a cat pls halp!22:15
IdleOnewhite_magic: you thought wrong :) try asking in #debian.22:15
Corey!patience | edusant22:15
ubottuedusant: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:15
white_magicIdleOne: thanks for trying, though!22:15
IdleOnewhite_magic: sure thing but I would think keepass is also in debian repos. anyway check with them.22:15
robertzaccourhow come screencasting is very freezy and output video has almost no movement all frozen like? I have an Acer 4339-2618. thanks in advance22:15
todd__Corey: I tryed binding to 80, and there is something preventing it.... something like??? could you be more specific?22:15
robertzaccourin recordmydesktop I mean22:16
Coreyedusant: And just as an aside, prefacing a technical question with "I'm stupid with technology" doesn't make it likelier for folks to help you.22:16
rgb247anyone can help me to setup a metamode for twinview of two monitors?22:16
edusantdid you just called me stupid?22:16
edusanti said im not that much tech savy22:16
Coreytodd__: Root permissions (see !sudo) are needed to bind to low ports such as 80.  It will also fail if something is pre-existingly bound to 80.22:16
Coreyedusant: I was paraphrasing your qualifier.22:16
edusantdont know if that means stupid in your world22:16
IStormrgb247: I think I wanna hear the answer here, just stuck a new card in a very old machine22:17
edusantit doesnt in mine... and im just saying im new to the system and no clue on how it works22:17
edusantim guessing you where the same when you first used it22:17
MonkeyDust!troll| edusant22:17
todd__Corey: Yep, did that, it runs without error as I am root, but does not show up in browser. I am trying to get tomcat to run on 80, not 8080 btw, apt tomcat22:18
MonkeyDust!trol| edusant22:18
rgb247IStorm: which answer?22:18
edusant!trol | monkeydust22:18
rgb247IStorm: can you help me?22:18
todd__Corey: how do I tell what may be bound to 80?22:18
qinedusant: Let's start over, how we can help you?22:19
edusantim having this issue when i close the lid of my laptop, the ubuntu freezes and i have to do a hard restart, i found this but im not that tech savy to be honest and i understand half of whats being said there, also the fact im pretty new to ubuntu. can anyone lend me a hand?22:19
chocolatesGuys I am following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair. And am running the commands in Livecd. After the second command, I get the error: "Unable to locate package boot." could someone please help me?22:19
IStormrgb247: about the metamode for twinview....etc.... I'm not even sure what I should do with 2 g-cards yet, at the very worst, I learn something new22:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 65027 in linux (Ubuntu) "Notebooks freezes after closing lid or pressing some FN key combination" [Undecided,Fix released]22:19
rgb247IStorm: I don't have two cards, only one with two DVI outputs22:20
todd__anyone know the easy way to redirect port 8080 to port 80 (my app is on 8080 and I want it to be on port 80 also, all the time)?22:20
edusantbtw thanks qin22:20
Havacoreanyone here know how to clean up the boot menu when starting my computer?  I have win7, memtest and about 10 different ones saying linux,ubuntu22:20
IStormrgb247: does the systems read it like 2 cards? just curious22:20
Coreytodd__: netstat -antp22:20
rgb247IStorm: no, but if I connect two monitors in these output, the system wil recognize both of monitors22:21
rgb247I have extended desktop right now22:21
IStormrgb247: actually, come to think of it, my laptop should be like that when booted in linux, it has it's monitor and can support another independantly.22:21
rgb247but in games (warcraft 3) I have double width resoltion, and I can't change this...22:21
robertzaccourhow come recordmydesktop is very freezy and video has almost no movement all frozen like? I have an Acer 4339-2618. thanks in advance22:22
todd__Corey: we got 631, 8005, and 8080 only, so thats not it22:22
pythonsnakeWill MacBuntu work with arch ? anyone tried ?22:22
qinedusant: Compare kernel with this but: uname -r22:22
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IStormrgb247: Well, I'm installing Xubuntu on the machine with 2 graphics cards atm. I'm wondering how it will come up, but we'll see, should be about 20 mins22:23
al_nz1whats a good way to measure cuda cores useage?22:23
edusantqin i wish i knew what that means... im guessing is i have to open the terminal and type but: uname -r ?22:23
qinedusant: The easy way it to: sudo pm-suspend  and paste logs if frozen22:23
IStormrgb247: understand that's not your situation though22:23
todd__anyone know the easy way to redirect port 8080 to port 80 (my app is on 8080 and I want it to be on port 80 also, all the time)?22:23
robertzaccourhow come recordmydesktop is very freezy and video has almost no movement all frozen like? I have an Acer 4339-2618. thanks in advance22:24
pythonsnakeanyone tried macbuntu with arch?22:24
graingertrobertzaccour: what's your graphics card?22:24
edusantok qin will type that in the terminal, before i do, where will i find the log for it?22:24
graingertpythonsnake: does this _look_ like #arch22:25
pythonsnakegraingert: no22:25
Coreytodd__: Then as I said, have something else proxy, such as apache or nginx.22:25
pythonsnakebecause macbuntu is for ubuntu22:25
graingertpythonsnake: and arch is?22:25
robertzaccourgraingert: Intel HD Graphics22:26
graingertrobertzaccour: that-b-why22:26
pythonsnakegraingert: a distro22:26
graingertpythonsnake: so go to #archlinux22:26
robertzaccourgraingert: what is why?22:26
robertzaccourgraingert: it works perfectly in windows 7 with camtasia studio22:26
todd__Corey: Great, it would be whatever is installed by default in 11.4, I just installed the system clean, so the only change was the tomcat add22:27
Coreytodd__: Both are available in the repositories.22:27
pythonsnakeis there ubuntu bleeding edge ?22:27
todd__Corey: Both? both what?22:28
Coreytodd__: http://serverfault.com/questions/293348/configure-nginx-for-jboss-tomcat goes into it some for nginx, alludes to the apache configuration as well.22:28
nuclearwormhello im trying to install a .sh file but with no success, i get a cannot allocate memory message, anyone help?22:28
pythonsnakeI meant can I get latest packages ? is there a testing repo ?22:28
todd__Corey: I followed, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 is this a bad site to go to?22:28
Coreynuclearworm: What does uname -a say?22:28
graingertpythonsnake: does this look like #ubuntu+122:29
rgb247anyone can help me to setup a metamode on two monitors on nvidia?22:29
robertzaccourgraingert: any ideas?22:29
todd_Corey: see the section on port 80... why does this not work?22:29
graingertrgb247: probably22:29
graingertrobertzaccour: nope22:29
nuclearwormCorey , uname? is it a command?22:29
Coreynuclearworm: Yes.22:30
rgb247graingert: can you help me?22:30
Coreynuclearworm: One line should return from "uname -a" in your terminal.  Please paste that one line here.22:30
TheEvilPhoenixpythonsnake:  ubuntu doesnt have rolling dev releases.  but there's betas of ubuntu+1.  check out #ubuntu+1 for questions.22:30
graingertrgb247: what's the issue22:30
graingertrgb247: use the gui to create the xorg.conf22:30
rgb247I want to set a metamode - I heard this can solve my problem22:30
todd__Corey: No, that is not what I am looking for, I do NOT want apache on my box22:30
graingertand it will comment out the old line if you use merge22:30
=== vinces_ is now known as vinces
rgb247when I launch a game (warcraft 3) it have a double width resolution22:30
Coreytodd__: Then what do you propose listens on port 80? :-)22:30
graingertrgb247: yeah22:30
graingertrgb247: I'm actually an expert on this22:31
CoreyI'd use nginx, but that's just me.22:31
graingertrgb247: can you pastebin your xorg.conf22:31
rgb247ok, wait a second please22:31
robertzaccourgraingert: maybe I should give ffmpeg a try and see how it is22:31
graingertdon't think ffmpeg records desktops22:31
nuclearwormCorey , uname: extra operand (filename)22:32
rgb247this is my xorg.conf22:32
todd__Corey: I folowed the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 and it did not work for the port 80 redirect, I just want the stuff on 8080 to be accessable via 80, it is a clean box outside apt tomcat and following that page, what should I do now?22:32
Coreynuclearworm: No, that's incorrect.  uname -a<enter>22:32
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hylianwhat would allow you to run a graphical program like links 2 without x? inx does it...??22:32
rgb247graingert: http://pastebin.com/skTFKJD6 this is my xorg.conf22:33
nuclearwormCorey , Linux ubuntu 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux22:33
SIFTUgraingert: robertzaccour ffmpeg can record the desktop22:33
MonkeyDusthylian: ssh -Y to localhost22:33
Coreynuclearworm: Please pastebin the output of free -m22:33
edusanqin im back... typing the command sudo pm -suspend did in fact recreate the problem of closing the lid22:34
todd__Corey: suggestions???22:34
hylianMonkeyDust, so they are ssh'ing into a localhost? but a gui never launches... it's all done from the same machine...??22:34
nsqdoes anybody knows a good application for recording 3d games (like fraps)? .. im not searching for something like recordmydesktop, because it takes to much power.22:34
graingertrgb247: crumbs okay rather than merging in your xorg.conf can you call this one xorg.conf.bak22:34
edusannow about those logs... im on the log viewer but im lost on wich ones are the ones you need22:34
graingertrgb247: and make a new one with your current settings22:34
graingertrgb247: this has way too many changes22:35
nuclearwormCorey , free -m is about ram?22:35
rgb247graingert: ok, I'll backing up now22:35
MonkeyDusthylian: you can boot into a terminal and the ssh -Y to you own pc22:35
Coreytodd__: I suggest not binding Tomcat to port 80 at all.  There are very good reasons not to do this.22:35
rgb247graingert: I've made a backup22:35
MonkeyDusthylian: or you can ssh -Y to a remote pc and run a graphical program22:35
todd__Corey: I am aware of this... should the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 page have that section removed?22:36
SIFTUnsq: if it opengl based you can try glc22:36
nuclearwormCorey , Mem:           496        475         20          0         37        18722:37
techcrisissup all22:37
graingertrgb247: okay now make a new one - using nvidia-settings22:37
Coreytodd__: No, they describe how to do it.  That's ill advised, but that's their prerogative.22:37
hylianMonkeyDust, ok, but why would that allow you to run a graphical program? this is a live cd that does not run x, does not connect to any other machine, but is still able to run graphical apps, and runs off of ubuntu...22:37
graingertrgb247: how you want it to be most of the time22:37
nsqSIFTU: would it work with directx games running in wine?22:37
graingertrgb247: ie two screens22:37
SIFTUnsq: nope22:37
graingertrgb247: but don't merge it, say to create a new one22:37
=== Zephr0 is now known as Zephr0`afk
todd__Corey: well then why does it not work, wait let me go to the support site... #ubuntu... ough wait :-)22:37
Coreytodd__: I feel like I'm explaining why things are done a certain way, and you're ignoring everything I'm saying and demanding an answer.22:38
rgb247graingert: I don't understand, I've made a copy of xorg.conf named xorg.conf.bak, now what I should do?22:38
qinedusan: logs have time stamp, messages syslog and kern.log are usual suspects, what if you sudo pm-hibernate22:38
rgb247graingert: can we talk in private please?22:38
Coreytodd__: One I've already given you, in fact.22:38
w30how do I add an  --indirect-rendering argument to Unity compiz?22:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:38
nuclearwormCorey , i guess i have only 20mb free ram. i m using ubuntu live usb .22:38
MonkeyDusthylian: "why" is a philosophical question, but do try ssh -Y [your_ip_address] "firefox"22:39
pythonsnakeshould I get 10.04, 11.04 or 11.10 ?22:39
Coreynuclearworm: That would do it.22:39
qinedusan: Have you checked if your kernel is same as mentioned in bug?22:39
graingertrgb247: use the nvidia-settings too to create a new xorg.conf22:39
graingertrgb247: how you would like your desktop to be22:39
todd__Corey: I am sorry if you feel that way, but I guess I am missed where you explained how one would make :80 look like :8080, could you tell me again please?22:39
rgb247graingert: I want my desktop to be like in the first xorg.conf which I've sent to you22:40
hylianMonkeyDust, i could see that working, because currently I am running x.22:40
graingertrgb247: I know but it's been merged over the top of a load of other configs22:40
jeffrey1790kernel.org is still down.22:40
graingertrgb247: and it's too messy22:40
rgb247graingert: so I need to clean the xorg.conf and after config again, right?22:40
pythonsnakewhat do you recommend me ? 10.04, 11.04 or 11.10 ?22:40
MonkeyDusthylian: great, now try it without running x22:40
graingertrgb247: just run nvidia-settings22:40
jeffrey17908.04 FTW.22:41
rwwpythonsnake: do you want to upgrade every 3 years or every 6 months?22:41
rgb247graingert: I ran22:41
graingertrgb247: and save your current settings to the xorg.conf and don't let it merge22:41
rgb247got it, wait a second please22:41
pythonsnakerww: hmm, i dont care of that..22:41
pythonsnakeI can upgrade everytime22:41
edusansorry i dont understand how to compare them, and i know it might be kind of annoying.22:41
graingertrgb247: it's clever this - you'll like it22:41
graingertedusan: diff22:41
hylianMonkeyDust, ok ill get inx up and running and do that. I guess my thinking process was that all graphical programs on ubuntu had to have x running firest?22:41
jeffrey1790honestly, it seems like ubuntu is getting much worse. kinda seems thrown togther.22:41
rahdukehey little help please, all of a sudden all my videos in Movie PLayer (totem?) play in black and white.... whats up with that?22:42
pythonsnakerww: both seems ok22:42
MonkeyDusthylian: first write down that line, lest you forget it22:42
rgb247graingert: http://pastebin.com/WJkZvgwV22:42
graingertrahduke: you can set the saturation somewhere22:42
todd__Corey: Are you there????22:42
bastidrazorpythonsnake: if you don't care then go for 10.04 and be happy with stability.22:42
graingertrgb247: you checked it works?22:42
rwwpythonsnake: then 10.0422:42
graingertrgb247: much nicer init22:42
jeffrey1790yeah... 10.0422:42
rgb247graingert: I didn't made a restart.. I should do?22:42
rahdukeduh fixed it myself.... sorry22:43
rgb247graingert: only saved these configs22:43
pythonsnakeok 0422:43
graingertrgb247: yeah to check it works - if it does not you'll need to copy your backup over22:43
rgb247graingert: how can I be sure it's work? I need to restart my computer?22:43
todd__OK I will take that as they have droped off...22:43
graingertrgb247: restart x or log cycle22:43
nosettowindow 122:44
todd__can anyone explain why the port redirect in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 does not work?22:44
nosettowindow 222:44
nuclearwormCorey , perhaps i should upggrade kernel?22:44
Coreynuclearworm: That doesn't necessarily follow. How's that going to sort out a memory allocation error?22:45
Coreynuclearworm: Either don't use a LiveCD for things that require that much RAM, or upgrade the system with more RAM.22:45
todd__Corey: NICE, very nice! Please do not talk to me ok?22:45
todd__can anyone explain why the port redirect in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 does not work?22:45
pythonsnakeI'm going to switch to Ubuntu.22:46
graingertrgb247: you still alive?22:46
Coreytodd__: The people here are volunteers.  It's a good idea to remember that. :-)22:46
nuclearwormCorey , it s not a livecd but a liveusb, is it the same?22:46
Coreynuclearworm: Same theory, yeah-- the running system lives entirely in RAM.22:46
mordofanyone have a link to Documentation detailing the metacity-theme-V.xml files?22:46
todd__Corey: Sure, and beleve it or not I have helped 5 people while waiting, and I am not rude22:47
todd__can anyone explain why the port redirect in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 does not work?22:47
mordofthe theme I'm using has some issues i'd like to fix, but the values aren't even in the xml file.22:47
hylianMonkeyDust, heh, that port be closed matey.22:47
MonkeyDusthylian: which port?22:48
mordofnevermind, found the documentation22:48
nuclearwormCorey , ok , thanks very much22:48
rgbok, I've restarted the startx, everything is fine22:48
rgbgraindem: are you still there?22:48
Coreynuclearworm: Good luck.22:48
hylianMonkeyDust, 2222:48
Coreyhylian: Ooh, good call, matey.22:49
edusanok this is what i found at the time of me putting that command, Sep 19 18:25:19 eduardo-HP-HDX-16-Notebook-PC kernel: [ 1883.422809] EXT4-fs (sda4): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=022:49
edusanSep 19 18:25:23 eduardo-HP-HDX-16-Notebook-PC kernel: [ 1887.741067] wlan0: deauthenticating from 00:25:9c:4a:d0:48 by local choice (reason=3)22:49
edusanSep 19 18:25:23 eduardo-HP-HDX-16-Notebook-PC kernel: [ 1887.756419] cfg80211: All devices are disconnected, going to restore regulatory settings22:49
edusanSep 19 18:25:23 eduardo-HP-HDX-16-Notebook-PC kernel: [ 1887.756430] cfg80211: Restoring regulatory settings22:49
graingertgraingert: tab complete22:49
FloodBot1edusan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
edusanSep 19 18:25:23 eduardo-HP-HDX-16-Notebook-PC kernel: [ 1887.756441] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain22:49
edusanSep 19 18:25:23 eduardo-HP-HDX-16-Notebook-PC kernel: [ 1887.764287] cfg80211: Ignoring regulatory request Set by core since the driver uses its own custom regulatory domain22:49
qinMonkeyDust: This ssh -Y localhost (in tty1) seems to be foggy.22:49
cyphai'm clicking Install for skype after downloading the .deb from their webpage. It shows up in the Ubuntu Software Center and I click Install, but nothing happens. How can I get the installer to run??22:49
Coreyedusan: Avast, ye scurvy dog!  Do not be pastin' into the channel!22:49
qin!paste | edusan22:49
ubottuedusan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:49
hylianCorey, yeah, i'm a dork :)22:49
rgbgraingert: I've restarted the start x, everything is fine..22:49
graingertcypha: use the installer from partner rpos22:49
todd__can anyone explain why the port redirect in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 does not work?22:49
Corey!patience | todd__22:50
ubottutodd__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:50
Alien¿Alguien acá habla español?22:50
rww!es | Alien22:50
ubottuAlien: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:50
Corey!es | Alien22:50
graingertrgb: okay now make a new xorg.conf with the settings how you want it for single mon mode22:50
cyphagraingert, what's that?22:50
graingertrgb: you can put this in ~/xorg.conf22:50
CoreyDe nada, matey.22:50
MonkeyDusthylian: ah 22 for ssh, but gotta go now, good luck!22:50
graingertcypha: just enable the partner repo22:50
edusansorry bout that im learning tho... be patient guys :P22:50
graingertand search for skype in software-center22:50
w30how do I add an  --indirect-rendering argument to Unity compiz? I need that to make suspend work on my Dell laptop.22:51
graingertedusan: you were kicked automatically22:51
cyphagraingert, in synaptic or in software center?22:51
graingertw30: use fusion-icon22:51
graingertcypha: either22:51
rgbgraingert: can you give me again a link with the new xorg.conf please?22:51
grippihey there22:51
graingertrgb: I need to see the version with the single monitor mode22:51
graingertrgb: create it with nvidia-settings22:51
grippidoes anyone know if ufw supports URL's in addition to ip'22:52
graingertrgb: and store it in ~/xorg.conf22:52
rgbok, I need to disable the second monitor, right?22:52
qinMonkeyDust: This ssh -Y localhost (in tty1) seems to be foggy.22:52
graingertrgb: just set it up how you want it for games22:52
todd__Great I get a clueless person to not tell me anything, and now no one will even try to help,... I am not very happy22:52
graingertrgb: then save the xorg.conf to ~/single.xorg.conf or something22:52
qinMonkeyDust: Can you likny?22:52
w30graingert, how do you make unity use fusion-icon?22:52
graingertw30: you have to whitelist it22:52
edusanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/693391/ \22:52
edusansorry guys about the flooding im learning22:52
graingerttodd__: please purchase support22:52
w30graingert, whitelist what, where?22:53
Coreytodd__: Avast, please to remain civil when sailin' the IRC's!22:53
IStormtodd__: what about open-source don't you get?22:53
cyphathanks graingert22:54
graingerttodd__: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/overview22:54
todd__IStorm: I get open source, but are we allowed to just not be nice on here??? great!22:54
graingertrgb: pastebin this new xorg.conf22:54
todd__FUCK ALL OF YOU!22:54
dataspythat wasn't very nice!22:55
almoxarifeway too much coffee22:55
dataspyyou should try meditation todd_22:55
graingerttodd__ ^22:55
dataspybreath in through the nose out through the mouth22:56
graingerttodd__: and get a proper nick22:56
Coreytodd__: Yer question has been answered a few different ways, matey-- if ye still be havin' trouble, ye might consider phrasin' it a different way.22:56
rgbgraingert: http://pastebin.com/t4DecxTv this is the new xorg.conf22:56
graingertw30: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/how-to-hide-or-show-app-tray-applets-in-ubuntu-11-04/22:56
IStormtodd__: for one, open source means that outside of checking resources, the support is YOU.22:56
IStormtodd__: if you don't think it's right, recode it, but please, document your work, and submit it properly22:57
CoreyIStorm: Belay that!  If ye think that having an application server natively listen on port 80 be a smart move, to the brig with ye!22:57
todd__yea, well still no anwser, and infact I dno not appreciate someone telling me "its simple" and not giving me an answer, if they kept there mouth shut when they obviosly know nothing that would be one thing, but to intentionaly waste my time, I am sorry I just do not like that22:58
IStormtodd__: what if they knew so much that explaining it to you would be complicated?22:58
graingertrgb: http://pastebin.com/WXr4D2Mi22:59
Gentoo64todd_, its easy man22:59
almoxarifeI can't find a way to increase the font of the bookmark bar in chrome, gtk theme even, any thoughts?22:59
edusanermm i for one do apreciate the work you guys put in this system, and the time you spend helping others but he does have a point when he says some of your peers answer with an "i know everything and you are a noob" air, qin is not one of those tho22:59
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.22:59
graingerttodd__: just come back another time22:59
graingerttodd__: and maybe the right people will be in chat22:59
todd__IStorm: I get that, I came on here to find if there was a quick solution to the issue, but if there is not I will hit the source, pardon me for attempting to share solutions, or is that not "Open source"?23:00
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rgbgraingert: thanks you a lot, I need to restart x now?23:00
Gentoo64almoxarife, i think that goes from system fonts. does for me anyway23:00
=== Zephr0`afk is now known as Zephr0
IStormedusan: some guys are bitter, and get angry if you ask about something they don't know. This is IRC though, not MSN or Yahoo chat23:00
graingertrgb: yep restart x launch a game - if it all works remember: 17FVn5kKcrGSE1wjFkkJrgGwZDyRXqb58123:00
rgbgraingert: what is this code?23:01
IStormtodd__: would you define the amount of time you've spent as quick, in comparison to your work with the source code?23:01
edusanistorm you do have a point23:01
mbrigdanHey, does anyone know how to get a DGE-530T network card working? Apparently it worked in older versions of ubuntu.23:01
todd__Cool! It does not work as advertised, I will submit a bug, thanks for your not helping23:01
CoreyI didn't be havin' the heart to tell 'im he was running a newer version of Tomcat. :-/23:02
edusanqin m8 u still there?23:02
qinedusan: Partly23:03
IStormtodd__: even Vista didn't work as advertised, so buck up when people give you an OS for free.23:03
edusanyou see anything weird on that log?23:03
chocolatesCan someone help me recover files from the lost+found?23:04
qinedusan: No, since that part you pasted is not revelant23:04
edusanlol well thats the kernel part that got logged at the same time i placed the command you gave me23:04
qinedusan: What model of laptop isit?23:05
rgb247graingert: thanks you a lot, it works :D23:05
graingertrgb247: :D23:05
qinedusan: And is your system updated?23:06
rgb247I have another question, I am a dota player, I want to rename some keys(on windows I used an app called dotakeys, it doesn't work anymore on linux) anyone have any ideea?23:06
th0rrgb247: you can remap the keyboard with a ~/.Xmodmap file. Use xev to determine the proper keycodes23:07
edusanyes, some one mentioned before that it might be a bios related issue23:07
root____1sudo bash -l23:07
edusanand that i might need the newest bios23:07
edusanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/693398/ <--- the log that followed the command to suspend the pc23:08
rgb247th0r: what is xev?23:09
th0rrgb247: like I said, a program to determine keycodes to use in the .Xmodmap file23:09
rgb247th0r: thanks you23:09
IStormrgb247: did you install your ubuntu, or are you getting it second hand?23:10
th0rrgb247: there are a number of good tutorials on the web about making that file, what it should contain, etc23:10
edusanits a ph hdx16 and only the bios its not up to date23:10
mordofanyone know what actual object in terms of metacity themes the menu is for each window?23:11
rgb247ITStorm: the santa gave installed it for me23:11
rgb247ITStorm: The santa installed it for me - sorry i'm tired23:11
mordofthe font for my menus are too bright, i'm trying to find the value to change23:11
IStormrgb247: tricky tricky, lot's of things that no one knows what happened. I'm still following btw, I wanna know about this.23:12
mordofthis is infuriating -.-;23:12
IStormmordof: I recently uninstalled the font used for panels in xfce4 for my xubuntu install, I'm with ya. Problem is, I couldn't find what to reinstall. LOL23:14
mordofIStorm: ick, that's inconvenient.. it's little things like this I wish would be more available.23:14
mordofI can't find ANYTHING online to tell me where I should be looking23:14
IStormIt's paying the price right now. There is no worse death for an OS than repartitioning, I think....23:14
IStormmordof: what WM are you using?23:15
mordofIStorm: metacity23:15
mordofthe default23:15
IStormmordof: know nothing, didn't even know it existed23:16
mordofIStorm: heh23:16
IStormmordof: there isn't a settings applet or something?23:16
Gentoo64mordof, read this? http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/MetacityThemes23:16
IStormOOOOOHHHHH? is it actually Gnome?23:17
mordofGentoo64: checking it out23:18
Gentoo64mordof, not sure it has what you're after in it though...23:18
mordofGentoo64: doubtful. what I'm after is in .rc files most likely23:18
=== krishna_ is now known as mathy
mordofGentoo64: the gtkrc initially.. but i can't find any values that affected what i was trying to change in my theme23:19
mordofGentoo64: it's a good guide to be sure though in terms of the actual window styling23:19
Gentoo64mordof, the brightness of the font? in the title bar?23:19
=== mathy is now known as Guest70607
mordofGentoo64: the File | Edit, etc.23:20
mordofGentoo64: the font color is almost the same as the background23:20
Gentoo64mordof, i think thats in the theme file itself not gtkrc23:20
mordofGentoo64: in the theme.xml file?23:20
Gentoo64i think so. i know it is for openbox23:20
robin0800mordof,  you can install gnome colors to change this I think23:22
Gentoo64i could be wrong, ive only played with themes a few times23:22
qinedusan: No idea. Sorry.23:22
Gentoo64i remember changing all of it in the themerc file23:22
=== false_ is now known as false
opticalHey all - Novice user here.  I am running Ubuntu on my VPS but suddenly I cannot apt-get anything and even 'apt-get update' wont work because I get a bunch of errors back.  Here is a logfile:  http://www.pastebay.com/13881023:25
opticalCan someone tell me what I need to do?23:25
opticalto fix this ?23:25
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ... what is better ... 10.04 ... or 11.04 ?23:25
FloodBot1optical: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
qincobra-the-joker: Better is sandwich with ham.23:26
mordofrobin0800: i'll keep that in mind23:26
argelalguien podria decirme como llego al canal en español¿?23:26
cobra-the-jokerqin , i prefer a sandwich with beef23:26
h00k!es | argel23:27
ubottuargel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:27
qinoptical: What does: lsb_relaese -sc23:27
BarkingFishah, 2 minds - one thought, h00k :)23:27
opticalqin:  jaunty23:27
h00k!best | cobra-the-joker23:27
ubottucobra-the-joker: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:27
cobra-the-jokerh00k , i am taking about better ... not the best23:28
qinoptical: You should talk to your vps support, since jaunty is !eol23:28
cobra-the-jokerh00k , i am using a laptop here as a workstation ... which one is better in my case ?23:28
opticalcan't I do anything to upgrade it ?23:28
h00kcobra-the-joker: yeah, it still isn't quite appropriate for this channel23:28
qinoptical: Sometimes, depense form vps23:29
opticaldon't i just need an updated sources.list or something ? why would my ubuntu installation suddenly be obsolete and unable to upgrade to current ?23:30
qinoptical: Tell your provider that you want new version.23:30
bastidrazoroptical: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:31
cobra-the-jokeri guess i will choose the LTS one23:31
strigoi66Dell inspiron 1501 problem: cant install wireless driver. Please help ubuntu11.04 classic desktop23:31
bastidrazorcobra-the-joker: i always suggest LTS versions. 10.04 for stability23:32
cobra-the-jokerbastidrazor: nice ..... i hope its better !23:32
bastidrazorcobra-the-joker: for me and stability its the best!23:32
cobra-the-jokerbastidrazor: what are the major differences between both .... only stability vs software updates ?23:33
bastidrazorcobra-the-joker: i don't know.23:34
cobra-the-jokerbastidrazor: ok ... Thanx anyway for the recommendation :)23:34
rusty149strigoi66: you may need to be connected to the internet to download the driver. try using a cable.23:38
strigoi66rusty149 i am connected to lan when download drivers23:41
delinquentmeso im attempting to make a link to a folder in /usr .. however the      right click >> make link option isnt available ...?23:41
lcfdhello world !23:42
rusty149delinquentme: you need sudo permissions to do that. Either open a nautilus window as sudo or use the terminal23:43
th0rdelinquentme: you need to use sudo23:43
aeon-ltdlcfd: hi on behalf of the world23:43
delinquentmerusty149, th0r just found out that you can middle mouse button click and drag .. then select "link " from there23:44
lcfdwhat's happened here?23:44
th0rhow did I get into that?23:44
f_kafkadoes anyone know if theres any good 3tb hdd's avaialble these days that would work nice with a 3ware raid controller?23:49
th0rstrigoi66: the wifi card is a broadcom bcm4311, not a 440123:50
Coreyf_kafka: Arr, matey-- the 3TB series is a consumer class drive!  It not be specced for enterprise use!23:50
strigoi66thor yeah i just noticed that but doesnt change any sorry for the typo23:50
th0rstrigoi66: you need to install the firmward to /lib/firmware and maybe then modprobe b43 or wl...whichever ubuntu has there now23:50
delinquentmeso I've linked a file from my /usr directory ... its currently locked within my home folder ... and I'd like to unlock it and be able to make edits without ' sudo ' ... this is a chmod operation right ? but which folder am I chmodding?23:51
f_kafkawell i use 3ware raid controlelr for home use23:51
strigoi66th0r K thanks will try23:51
Coreyf_kafka: `Tis nay designed fer RAID duty cycles, an' 'tis likely a green drive.23:51
th0rstrigoi66: i think the firmware is available now via a deb, if not, I can get it to you23:51
f_kafkaIBM/hitachi has one not green23:51
strigoi66th0r cool will google it23:52
CoreyIf you don't care about your data, feel free t' use a consumer grade drive.23:52
rusty149delinquentme: the linked file in /usr23:52
complexitywhat's a good program to use23:53
delinquentmeand that is like      " sudo chmod 777 -R /arduino/ "23:53
complexityto save the desktop a window is on?23:53
complexitylike if i want xchat on desktop 923:53
delinquentmerusty149,  ^23:53
lauratikahello veryone is there a way to know what ip address deluge is using?23:54
cooldman69hey guys im trying to make a /var/www/html rwx for a user. im logged in as the user and i did this: chmod g+rwx /var/www/html and I still cant create files....23:54
th0rlauratika: in short, it is using the same ip the rest of your computer is using....ifconfig should show it23:55
complexityor how do you save the desktop23:55
complexityi mean23:55
beachedanyone have any experience with nvidea gfx drivers?23:55
beachedI have been having some issues that i cant seem to fix23:55
rusty149delinquentme: I would add myself as a group and leave the others permision as readonly23:56
delinquentmeso 117?23:56
delinquentme447 rather23:57
rusty149delinquentme: sudo chown -R root:delinquentme /usr/folder && sudo chmod g+w -R /usr/delinquentme23:57
kyconquersjoin #ldapnewbies23:57
rusty149delinquentme: mistake; sudo chown -R rootelinquentme /usr/folder && sudo chmod -R g+w /usr/delinquentme23:58
lauratikath0r: thanx... actually im trying to tell deluge to use a specific port on my motorola sbg900 the portforwarding setup is fine but in costumer service they told me i have to check what ip address is unsing this application to know if is the correct ip address i type on the set up23:58
ubuntunoob101hey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed23:58
bfreisI've got a problem with my Ubuntu Cloud: if NCs clock have a tiny positive offset with respect to the CCs clock, the NCs will stop responding CCs requests. How do you deal with this kind of problem?23:59
BarkingFishdelinquentme, If you want the Octal numbers, remember 4 is read, 2 is write, 1 is execute - you add each together for Owner, Group and Others.23:59
bfreisThe problem is described in detail here: http://serverfault.com/questions/313200/ubuntu-enterprise-cloud-ncs-down-and-time-synchronization23:59
th0rlauratika: you have to tell the hub which ip to forward to. In all probability you are using dhcp for your home network, so that IP will change every time you turn on the computer. You need to go to static ip's if you want to do port forwarding in the wifi hub23:59

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