
madnickdid someone add the new plymouth theme to the 11.04 images?00:24
madnickOr did i download the wrong CD00:24
madnickoh no, i did :P00:24
madnickwell then, might as well, try the Live CD on real hardware for production usage :)00:25
madnicki broke the keyboard configuration :(00:29
charlie-tcawell, fix it please01:06
charlie-tcamicahg: thanks for your help 01:24
charlie-tcamr_pouit: disregard above comments. I think we got something done that will work. see bug 845549 for comments.02:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 845549 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Do not ship /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84554902:25
olbihello :)08:52
olbi3 tests done yesterday08:52
mr_pouitugh, the solution chosen in Bug #845549 is... special10:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 845549 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Do not ship /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84554910:19
mr_pouit(a package only for only conffile? yay)10:20
charlie-tcamr_pouit: agreed it is ugly, but at least it is a solution.12:40
charlie-tcaI wanted something that let's us get our wallpaper/theme in for beta212:41
mr_pouitwell, I made another proposal12:43
mr_pouitI hope he doesn't intend to upload what he described.12:43
charlie-tcaWe will find out tonight12:49
micahgmr_pouit: BTW, xubuntu-default-settings could provide the lightdm conffile15:41
micahgoh, that would indeed break the second part :(15:41
mr_pouitmicahg: yeah, I though about that as well, but I'm still a bit annoyed by all these conflicts/replaces/provides15:47
mr_pouitthere are enough reasons to break upgrades ,>15:47
mr_pouit(this one eyed smiley wasn't intended)15:48
micahgmr_pouit: I didn't suggest that, I suggested using the same system the display managers use15:48
charlie-tcamr_pouit: if you have time, can you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Development/ReleaseProcess and give any advice?15:49
mr_pouitmicahg: oh, you wrote about the lightdm conffile, not lightm-gtk-greeter?15:49
micahgmr_pouit: no, I was talking about the greeter15:50
mr_pouitmicahg: but then it would conflict with lightdm-gtk-greeter, and $whatever_name_other_derivatives_use15:52
micahgmr_pouit: no, you can install gdm and lightdm at the same time, you get a debconf prompt to decide which one to run15:53
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: how many people can update the website? (you might want to notify them sooner, probably T-7, it's not explicitly written, unless I missed it) So that you're sure it's up to date on release day.15:55
mr_pouit(I remember news for one release were posted a few hours late in the past)15:55
mr_pouitmicahg: ok, I see what you mean.15:58
mr_pouitas long as it avoids unneeded conflicts everywhere in the packages, I'm happy with any solution ;p15:58
charlie-tcamr_pouit: you are correct. Thank you15:59
micahgright, I thought my proposal made the most sense as you can install as many as you want and just dpkg-reconfigure to change16:00
mr_pouitwe're probably the only "users" for this bug/use case though (lubuntu stays with lxdm afaik)16:01
micahgjust for this cycle and due to these issues16:02
micahgthere's also mythubuntu and ubuntustudio who would probably like to customize16:02
charlie-tcayes, most flavours are waiting for us to get things straightened out16:02
* charlie-tca would dare to say Xubuntu is the lightdm guinea pig16:03
mr_pouitthey let us do the painful work, that's nice :)16:03
charlie-tcaIt's because they have great respect for mr_pouit and his knowledge16:04
mr_pouitahah =]16:05
mr_pouitmicahg: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/mythbuntu-lightdm-theme/oneiric/view/head:/debian/postinst looks like mythbuntu didn't wait to do questionable things with dpkg-divert ;(16:06
mr_pouitmicahg: btw, feel free to add a comment with your solution to the bug report, the more (alternate proposals), the merrier :)16:10
charlie-tcaAt least I got robert to comment and give us something this time 16:12
mr_pouityes, thank you (let's hope he'll continue)16:14
charlie-tcaHe will if I push hard enough. He did tell me he wouldn't do anything, first16:15
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 30 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:29
* charlie-tca waves... meeting time :)19:00
* madnick reports in19:00
charlie-tca#startmeeting Xubuntu19:01
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 19 19:01:40 2011 UTC.  The chair is charlie-tca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.19:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired19:01
charlie-tca#meetingname Xubuntu Community Meeting19:02
meetingologyThe meeting name has been set to 'xubuntu_community_meeting'19:02
charlie-tcaThe agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:02
charlie-tcaReminder:   please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing.   If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.19:02
charlie-tca#topic === Old Business ===19:02
charlie-tcasuggestion, if you are here for the meeting, use o/ or here or something so we log everyone19:03
charlie-tcawell, small group with a lot of important things to do!19:04
charlie-tca * charlie-tca to get FFe filed for xubuntu-meta to add blueman to seeds19:04
charlie-tcamicahg: did we decide if we need this yet?19:04
micahgno, sorry, and I know we're getting close to the end here19:04
micahgafter reboot my bluetooth stopped working on my netbook as well, I have to reboot again to verify19:05
micahgwill try to do this week, not happening for beta 219:05
charlie-tcaOkay, let's try not to forget then. 19:05
charlie-tca * charlie-tca to start a release checklist page for Xubuntu - Done19:06
charlie-tca   * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Development/ReleaseProcess19:06
charlie-tcaAny one that wants to review that page and let me know what is missing is welcome to.19:06
charlie-tca#topic === Team updates ===19:06
charlie-tca#subtopic ==== Packaging & Development ====19:07
charlie-tcamr_pouit: Your turn, sir.19:07
Unit193Late, but here19:07
mr_pouit* New upstream bugfix releases uploaded: libxfce4util, xfdesktop4, xfce4-session19:07
mr_pouit* Build failures fixed: libxfcegui4, exo19:07
mr_pouit* Misc uploads: xfce4-dev-tools, xfce4-utils, gigolo, xfwm419:07
mr_pouit* micahg converted gimp & catfish to dh_python2 (so probably some space gained on the isos \o/).19:07
mr_pouitlightdm-gtk-greeter theming issue in progress, maybe :p19:08
charlie-tcaYay! room for another language, maybe!19:08
mr_pouita new bugfix release of thunar is probably being prepared as we speak19:08
micahgcharlie-tca: doubtful, was small, but on the alternates we can probably add one more back19:08
mr_pouitand I think that's all (micahg, feel free to add anything I forgot)19:09
charlie-tcaThank you very much. You developers have been busy this week19:09
charlie-tcaGo ahead, madnick 19:09
madnickI have a question about some greeter related stuff for the LTS19:09
madnickShould I save it for "other talk"?19:10
charlie-tcaOh, go ahead while we have mr_pouit here19:10
madnickOk, can we use GTK + Webkit or GTK + mozembed?19:10
madnickin C ofc19:10
micahgmadnick: mozembed is dead19:10
micahgwell, for Ubuntu at least :019:11
madnickIt's a really clean way of making it very themable and also maintainably and changable for other releases19:11
madnickEasy to theme for artists19:11
charlie-tcanot if it is dead, though19:11
madnickWebkit is not dead tho19:11
micahgwe have no xulrunner anymore and it's probably not coming back19:12
charlie-tcawhat about GTK+webkit? That should be okay, right?19:12
micahgyeah, but webkit seems heavy for a greeter19:12
madnickIt was 2MB with O3 static linked19:12
mr_pouit(it's already in the default install fwiw)19:12
micahgmadnick: it's on the images, I have no inherent problem with it expect if it's slow19:12
madnickoh okay19:13
madnickcool :)19:13
micahgmadnick: and we're not static linking :)19:13
mr_pouitthere was a webkit greeter in the eraly versions of lightdm, but apparently it's not included by default anymore19:13
madnickBut its doable :P19:13
madnickat mr_pouit *19:14
charlie-tcaYeah, lot of changes in lightdm, and more coming :)19:14
charlie-tcaAny other comments/questions for Packaging and Development?19:14
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
charlie-tca#subtopic ==== Bug Triage & Testing ====19:15
charlie-tcaThanks to the testers for their efforts Saturday and Sunday. Gnome updates started today.19:16
charlie-tcaWe know the images from yesterday are valid, if we have to fall back to them19:16
charlie-tcaBeta2 testing starts tomorrow; please update tests on the QA ISO tracker at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/19:16
charlie-tcaBeta2 testing requires the long test for Xubuntu, found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TestingInfo/Long19:16
charlie-tcaAny help with getting these tests done would be greatly appreciated!19:17
charlie-tcaThis is the last milestone before we get the final images19:17
GridCubeo/  : beta2 tests days are 20 and 21?19:17
charlie-tcayes, they are19:18
charlie-tcaBeta2 releases on Thursday, September 2219:18
GridCube:) ok, 21 is Spring Day so no schools are open :D19:18
charlie-tcaToday's images are for smoketesting, which we did, so I did not call for tests today19:19
charlie-tcaThey will be rebuilt today/tonight, though19:19
charlie-tcaWe are tracking the Oneiric bugs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/OneiricOcelot19:19
charlie-tcaLet's make sure we keep adding the bugs to this.19:19
charlie-tcaAny questions or comments for testing?19:19
charlie-tcaGo ahead, madnick 19:20
GridCubeI'll leave mine for Other Bussiness19:20
madnickI installed the Oneric image from yesterday, could someone check if:19:20
madnickIts replicatable to double click on a langauge of the keymap selection and it will never be able to pick another langauge again?19:20
* madnick has ran out of space on hdd for new images19:21
charlie-tcaThat seems bad19:21
madnickwill delete some tomorrow19:21
charlie-tcajust go to settings ->Keyboard -> and pick a new one?19:21
madnickOn the install19:22
charlie-tcaoh! in the installer itself19:22
madnickyes :)19:22
charlie-tcawill try it after the meeting, then19:22
charlie-tcaYou should be able to pick a language, and pick a different one, since a bad hit on the keyboard can make you miss the language you wanted.19:23
charlie-tcaOkay, any one else?19:23
charlie-tcamadnick: did you file a bug for that?19:24
madnickcharlie-tca: no sorry, i wanted to see if it was replicatable19:24
charlie-tcaThat's okay. It is good to get it verified19:24
charlie-tca#subtopic ==== Website & Marketing ====19:24
charlie-tcapleia2: your turn19:24
charlie-tcaknome: you here?19:25
charlie-tcawell, I am.19:25
charlie-tcaThe wordpress site has been approved. We are now in the process of converting http://xubuntu.org from drupal to wordpress19:26
charlie-tcaWe should have the site converted in time for final release of Oneiric19:26
charlie-tcaWe need a good news article for Beta2 release Thursday19:27
charlie-tcaWe also need release notes written up for beta219:27
charlie-tcaany volunteers?19:28
madnickI am terrible at english :( Unfortunetly19:28
charlie-tcamadnick: was the issue with live session or install from the menu?19:28
GridCubei can't log to irc from work, so no :(19:28
madnickcharlie-tca: live session19:28
madnickwait sorry19:29
madnickIt was the install directly from the boot menu19:29
madnickBut yes, a live image19:29
charlie-tcaAny questions on website?19:29
GridCubeSomeone needs to review the top 10 FAQ to see if they are ok, and no dangerous things are in them, also check question 10 for the help links that i dont know19:30
charlie-tcaGridCube: go ahead19:30
charlie-tca#action verify top 10 FAQ and check help links in 1019:30
meetingologyACTION: verify top 10 FAQ and check help links in 1019:30
charlie-tcaThank you for the reminder, GridCube 19:31
charlie-tca#subtopic ==== Artwork ====19:31
charlie-tcaochosi: any update?19:31
GridCubeo/ 19:31
charlie-tcago ahead, GridCube 19:31
GridCubei know this is a very late thing to ask but19:32
GridCubeits posible to update the shipped wallpapers? or we have had to do that long before?19:32
charlie-tcamr_pouit: ^ ^19:32
GridCubeits cool to have new wallpaper to atract people19:32
charlie-tcamadnick: not a bug19:33
GridCubeand i don't think its so hard to choose a few from a free repositorie19:33
madnickcharlie-tca: okay :)19:33
charlie-tcait lets me choose fillipino and then go back to english19:34
madnickcharlie-tca: you double clicked right?19:34
madnickNot just 1 click19:34
charlie-tcadepends on the language, perhaps. I am now stuck in Kyrgyz19:35
charlie-tcabut I hit continue and went back19:35
charlie-tcafile the bug, I will confirm it19:35
mr_pouitGridCube: it might be a bit late, but you should check with ochosi & knome if they have something new/ready19:35
GridCubeok :)19:36
charlie-tcaI think he wants to change the other ones we supply19:36
GridCubethat is19:36
charlie-tcamr_pouit: he wants to replace the old / supplied wallpaper package19:36
mr_pouitwhich ones? from xubuntu, or xfce?19:37
GridCubethe ones that commonly come to choose, if we keep shiping the same ones it would seem we are stuck there, but if we have a bunch of new ones that would be atracting to people?19:37
mr_pouitxubuntu-bluebird-notext.png  xubuntu-bluebird.png  xubuntu-greybird.png  xubuntu-karmic-gdm.png  xubuntu-karmic.png19:38
mr_pouitwe only ship these ones in xubuntu-artwork19:38
charlie-tcahm, karmic is probably the only one we could replace, since bluebird is in the lts and greybird is in natty and oneiric19:39
GridCubeI see, so they are all xubuntu-related19:39
GridCubei remember, from the top of my head, a flower wallpaper in the menu, thats from xfce?19:39
mr_pouityeah, the remaining ones are shipped by xfdesktop19:40
micahgif they're taking up too much space, we could create a xubuntu-artwork-archive or somethign19:40
GridCubemmkay so we don't have any control over them19:40
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: xubuntu-karmic is also used by lucid, bluebird has only appeared for 10.1019:40
micahgor xubuntu-artwork-historical19:40
GridCubemicahg: my idea, or question, is to ship more, or different19:40
charlie-tcaNot too much space, just trying to change things up19:40
GridCubejust to spice things up :P19:41
micahgI'd say add more (why not drop a good thing)...if space is an issue, we can split the historical ones out19:41
charlie-tcawell, play with keyboard selection in the live installer, it will spice you up19:41
micahg*why drop19:41
charlie-tcaSomething to look at for lts?19:42
GridCubethat should be nice :)19:42
GridCubei think its a very late thing to ask now19:42
charlie-tca#topic === Announcements ===19:43
charlie-tca * The next meeting will be on Sunday, 2011-09-25 at 22:00 UTC19:43
charlie-tca * Important dates coming up:19:43
charlie-tca  * We are now in UI Freeze and Beta2 Freeze; archives will remain frozen until final release.19:43
charlie-tca  * 11.10 Beta2: September 219:43
charlie-tca  * 11.10 Final Freeze: September 2919:43
charlie-tca  * 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 201119:43
charlie-tca * We need to update the Team Reports this week.19:43
charlie-tcaArchive will remain frozen until final release, but we can still get things in19:43
charlie-tca#topic === Any Other Business ===19:44
GridCubecharlie-tca: [16:43] <charlie-tca>   * 11.10 Beta2: September 2  ?¿?19:44
charlie-tcamake that September 2219:44
charlie-tcaThanks for catching that, grid19:45
charlie-tcaThanks for catching that, GridCube 19:45
charlie-tcago ahead19:45
GridCubeI've been working on a Testing Interface, as you might know, it needs some polishing, but i think its fairly ok so far, I can give the code to you people if you wish to host it on another server, besides of that please tell me what else needs to be worked on.  http://gridcube.netii.net/test/XubuntuTestingsCenter.html In the same topic i've started working on a simple interface to load the proposed tests for a day, so it doesn19:45
charlie-tcaIt does make adding test results very easy.19:46
charlie-tcaI haven't had a chance to really test it yet, but I like the way it looks so far!19:46
GridCube:D thank you19:46
charlie-tcaWe are going to switch from google docs for LTS testing19:46
charlie-tcawe just don't have everything worked out yet19:46
GridCubeoh, in that topic19:47
GridCubethere is an api to send the stuff to a google doc19:47
Unit193I would like to edit things if I make an oopsie and checking to see what others have done also19:47
GridCubeUnit193: it shows what test have been done in a day19:47
madnickWell, a solution would be to register, without email requirement, but bot protection, Unit193 19:48
GridCubethere is no check part19:48
GridCubei could figure out how to make a check buffer, It migth not be really hard19:48
charlie-tcaso we could use it to send the results to google doc?19:48
GridCubewe could19:48
GridCubecharlie-tca: yes19:48
charlie-tcawhich would allow easy correction and the chance to see all the tests that have been already?19:49
GridCubebut i don't know how we could recover the test that were done in a day19:49
charlie-tcaLet's do that, please19:49
charlie-tcaIf they are in google doc, we should be able to look at them directly, shouldn't we?19:49
GridCubeyes... but the confusing part will remain19:50
charlie-tcawell, let's try it19:50
GridCubethe whole idea was to be able to see what test where done in a day in an easy and fast way to not duplicate eforts19:50
charlie-tcaWe can use a simple week to set the tests up and not have to change them all the time. They should be the same for each week19:51
GridCubeI will see if i can retrieve the tests from an expecific date using it, it might be posible19:51
GridCubethat can be done, i did that the first timne19:51
GridCubenow it has particular tests for particular days19:51
GridCubeit also has news for those days19:51
GridCubewe couldnt do that whit week days19:52
charlie-tcawhich is what we want, since monday tests are different than tuesday tests, but every monday, the tests are the same19:52
GridCubebut what about betas or alphas days?19:52
GridCubeor this past weekend? they had ALL TEST mode19:53
charlie-tcadon't need them specifically different. We just announce through email and here what we are doing for special times19:53
GridCubewill see what i can learn about the google api19:53
GridCubehopefully i will be able to set it up 19:54
GridCubeso far i know that i will have to create a new google account for it, it needs user/password to work19:54
charlie-tcaokay, 19:55
charlie-tcawhat about using the wiki for it?19:55
Unit193Meeting over?19:55
GridCubefor what?19:55
charlie-tcanot yet19:55
charlie-tcatest results19:55
Unit193I think that GDoc is easier than wiki editing though19:55
GridCubeoh, I don't know19:55
GridCubei could save the results to a text file?19:56
charlie-tcaum, let's take this up later, we have one more bit to cover for the meeting before we lose people19:56
madnickone should be able to automatically put it on the wiki19:56
GridCubemmm i don't know about that19:56
GridCubeit could be done19:56
charlie-tcawon't work, since you must have edit approval to add/change the wiki19:56
GridCubeokay charlie-tca :) please go on19:56
charlie-tca#topic === Xubuntu Governance ===19:56
charlie-tca* The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu_Governance_.26_Team_Structure19:57
charlie-tca#subtopic Nominations for Xubuntu Project Lead19:57
charlie-tcaHow time flies...19:57
charlie-tcaI have served as the Xubuntu Project Lead for three releases now. It has been a wonderful experience that I honestly enjoyed.19:57
charlie-tcaHowever, in accordance with our governing document, I will now open nominations for the next month. Those wishing to nominate themselves or others should do so by email to either mailing list, or myself (charlie-tca@ubuntu.com).19:57
charlie-tcaNominations will close October 20, 2011, and the community election will be held at the meeting on October 23, 2011. If there are issues with this, please let us know between now and October 20.19:57
charlie-tcaOkay, let's get those nominations in, then!19:58
charlie-tcaThank you all for participating in the meeting! It is only with participation that this project grows and stays strong.19:59
charlie-tcaIf there is no other business, we will close the meeting...19:59
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 19 20:00:06 2011 UTC.  20:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-09-19-19.01.moin.txt20:00
GridCubeok i have to go to classes now :)20:00
madnickcharlie-tca: can you allow people to edit the wiki? If so, we could auth via ssl and upload the testing contents automatically20:00
charlie-tcacan't unless they are logged in20:01
Unit193charlie-tca: You running?20:01
charlie-tcaThere is no provision to change that20:01
charlie-tcaUnit193: I never nominate myself20:01
GridCubeand you have to authenticate TWICE!20:01
madnickI see20:01
GridCubewhat i can do is to dump the test results to a txt file20:02
GridCubeor a cvs20:02
Unit193Once the nomination gets sent to you, do you ask the nominated if s/he accepts?20:02
charlie-tcaof course20:02
madnickWould be pretty nice to have a Xubuntu testing center :P20:02
GridCubewe have now20:02
charlie-tcaUnit193: yes, I will be asking the nominees if they are willing20:03
madnickbtw charlie-tca im not sure where to file the bug report, what package etc :\20:03
GridCubemadnick: ubiquity?20:03
GridCubeokay now i leave 20:03
madnickokay :)20:03
Unit193charlie-tca: Ok, sorry. I just wanted to make sure20:04
charlie-tcamadnick: ubuntu-bug ubiquity20:04
charlie-tcakeyboard selection page20:04
charlie-tcamadnick: we have a really nice interface now, but we need to figure out how to report the results20:05
charlie-tcawhere the did he go?20:05
madnickgridcube? he had classes20:05
charlie-tcaIf we dump to a text file, we still need a place to put it20:06
madnickthats why i said that a official xubuntu testing interface would be nice, like have what he made + more on like testing.xubuntu.org :P20:06
charlie-tcaI will follow up the meeting with an email about the nominations and elections, too20:06
charlie-tcahm, something to investigate. I think it will require our own server, but I will ask Canonical if such is possible20:08
madnickI honestly cannot find where to report this bug, im sorry, im very tired if thats an excuse :\20:09
madnickI press "Report a bug" on ubuntu bugs, and I just get a wikipage20:09
Unit193Didn't pleia2 say sometyhing about a server?20:09
charlie-tcamadnick: boot oneiric, if you have one that works, then open a terminal and type     ubuntu-bug ubiquity20:10
madnickoh :)20:10
madnickthanks :D20:11
pleia2canonical can just point the DNS wherever we ask, as long as the current hosting for it can put the testing. address in the apache config20:11
charlie-tcaNo problem. You can do that from oneiric live session too20:11
charlie-tcaSo it might be they can give us a testing site?20:12
pleia2a testing site is more complicated, they have a very limited amount of software they're install, planet, drupal, wordpress20:12
pleia2I highly doubt they'd let us run our home-brew testing code on their servers20:12
charlie-tcaor we have to supply the server, and they will let us use the sub-domain 20:12
pleia2yeah, if we supply the server, they just point the subdomain at us20:13
charlie-tcaOkay, that is something to consider then.20:13
pleia2I don't have anything available for production (the ubuntu-us.org server is full, and my ubuntu community server isn't for production code)20:13
charlie-tcaI hate to get reliant on google now, with what I see happening to google+ as an "identity service"20:14
charlie-tcaI might have something we can use. I will check it out.20:14
madnickhehe, hope it didnt upload my password :P im sure i pressed "no" tho20:17
madnickcharlie-tca: sorry, i filed logs in too, but they are irrelevant, since its not the install that I got the error on :\20:18
madnickAbout the server thing, I have some servers (2), with great uptime, that I acctually do not use, located in Stockholm (not at my home, but in a server center) I could give anyone (related to working on this) access to any of them20:22
charlie-tcayou can't get valid logs, since it locks up the computer20:23
madnickdidnt think of that :P20:23
madnickI am tired, i just stayed up for the meeting :(20:24
charlie-tcamadnick: bug number?20:25
madnickcharlie-tca: 1 sec20:25
charlie-tcaThank you20:25
Unit193Bug #85419820:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854198 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot change keymap language again after double clicking on a language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85419820:26
charlie-tcayup, got it and am confirming it now20:26
charlie-tcaso it is the double-click that did it, not selecting too many times, huh?20:27
madnickI think it was the double click20:27
madnickIm not 100% sure20:27
charlie-tcaI am, since I switched several times, but when I went back I double clicked and locked it up20:27
charlie-tcaThank you sir. Get some rest, if you can. 20:35
charlie-tcaGoing to be a long week here20:35
knomesorry, i've had some connectivity problems20:35
knomemr_pouit, new about what?20:37

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