
Noldorinjelmer, any progress?00:34
Noldorinjelmer, well, will be around another hour or so still i think01:10
Noldorinjust saw the update01:24
smoseris it possible to do what i want here:01:37
smoserbzr diff ../milestone-proposed -r 118401:37
pooliethat command works01:37
pooliewhat do you want it to do?01:37
smoserwell, yes. it exits 001:37
smoseri want to know what the differences between this dir and the branch at tip ../milestone-proposed at revision 118401:38
smosers/tip /tip and /01:38
smoserthis dir at tip and revision 1184 of ../milestone-proposed01:38
smoserpoolie, ^01:42
pooliebzr diff -r 1184:../milestone-proposed01:43
poolieif by 'this dir' you mean '.'01:43
smoserthank you sir.01:44
smoseris there a way to say "tip" in the above ?01:45
smoseri guess '-1' works.01:46
smoserbut that always seems so counter-intuitive to me01:46
smoseri like git's "HEAD" alias01:46
spivsmoser: do you mean rev 1184 of 'this dir' or of milestone-proposed?01:46
smoserpoolie's answer was what i wanted.01:47
spivOh, right.01:47
pooliesmoser, if you want to diff . to the tip of milestone proposed01:47
pooliebzr diff -r ../milestone-proposed01:48
Noldorinjelmer, catch you tomorrow probalby...01:52
=== CapnRobby is now known as robbyoconnor
idnarunder what circumstances does the submit branch get set by bzr?06:19
AuroraBorealis_the waht06:19
idnarsubmit_location, :submit, I'm not sure exactly what to call it; it's used as the default target for bzr send, among other things06:21
AuroraBorealis_ive notused that feature so i'm not sure06:21
AuroraBorealis_is it in bzr.conf or the user config file?06:21
idnarit's stored in .bzr/branch/branch.conf along with push_location, parent_location etc. (although the global locations.conf can override that)06:22
idnarI don't use it much either, but somehow my "trunk" branch keeps on getting some random local branch set as the submit branch06:22
AuroraBorealis_what is it set to by default?06:22
idnarunfortunately every time I notice it, it's been too long since I actually did anything with the branch it's referring to, so I can never figure out what it is I'm doing that causes it to be set06:23
idnaroh hang on06:23
AuroraBorealis_one of the other developers will probably know better06:23
idnarI think I just figured it out (this always happens as soon as I decide to ask on IRC about something)06:23
AuroraBorealis_i know right =P06:24
idnarbzr merge sets the submit branch if it's not already set; that seems... weird06:24
vilaidnar: use --no-remember06:27
idnaryeah, but how will I ever remember to do that? :P06:28
idnarI suppose it makes sense for "downstream" merges06:28
idnarit's just that I mostly only do "upstream" merges, so it seems backwards to me06:29
vilayeah, that's the problem with default values, sometimes you can't satisfy everybody :-}06:31
idnaris there some way to make --no-remember the default for bzr merge?06:31
idnarperhaps I should just not care about it, I don't think I ever run any command on my "trunk" branch that uses the submit branch, so it doesn't really matter if it gets set to something06:32
vilawell, having a submit_branch set06:32
spividnar: "bzr alias merge='merge --no-remember'"06:33
vilaidnar: yup, that's what I do (don't care), in rare cases I have to 'bzr config --remove submit_branch' or force a different value, but still, in most of the cases, --remember is what I want06:33
idnarvila: I guess we have different workflows or something06:34
* vila nods06:34
idnar90% of the time when I run bzr merge, it's to land a branch on trunk06:34
vilaidnar: just set a submit_branch for trunk and it will be kept06:35
AuroraBorealis_how do you set a submit branch06:35
spivvila: trunks typically don't have a submit branch, though?06:35
AuroraBorealis_edit the config file?06:35
idnaryeah, but what would I set it to? I suppose I could make it the same as the push location06:35
vilaspiv, randi: indeed, but I use the remote branch i.e. the push_location06:36
spiv(I mean you could set it a dummy location like /dev/null, but that's obviously a hack)06:36
vilausing the push_location also is the Right Thing for diff -rsubmit:06:36
spivvila: sure, a copy of trunk might have a semantically sensible push_location06:37
idnarhmm, I keep forgetting about bzr lp-submit06:38
spivvila: I don't think it makes good sense to say it has a submit_branch though.  It's a sink for submissions, not a source.06:38
idnaryeah, ideally if I run some command that uses the submit branch, it would just give me an error about there being no submit branch, instead of doing something meaningless06:39
idnarnot that it's a big deal, more of a semantic nit06:39
spiv(A setting that happens to produce ok behaviour in the tool does not automatically equal a setting that makes sense to humans)06:40
idnarhmm, that reminds me, there's a bzr merge --preview; but is there a way to do it from "the other side", like bzr send --preview or something?06:41
idnar(I'm not sure if bzr send would be the right command for that, just trying to explain what I mean wrt direction)06:42
spividnar: instead of 'bzr merge --preview FOO', 'bzr merge -d FOO --preview .", perhaps06:45
idnarhmm, that only works with local FOO06:46
spivOtherwise you could probably use -rancestor: or something like that06:46
spividnar: hmm, I thought that might be the case :/06:47
spividnar: that's probably a relatively easy to fix limitation06:47
spiv(and it probably already has a bug report...)06:47
idnarwell, not really important, I was just pondering if I could actually eliminate bzr merge from my workflow almost completely ;)06:47
idnarTarmac eliminates the need to actually land the branch on trunk myself; but I still need a way to preview the merge result for code reviews, when Launchpad's preview isn't sufficient06:49
vilaspiv: I've yet to encounter a case where using such a submit_branch cause problems06:49
idnar(not that there's any particular need to eliminate bzr merge from my workflow, it was just an interesting thought)06:50
vilas/<engrish>/I've never encounter/06:50
vilaand hi all !06:53
vilaspiv: and to be honest I have to "trunks": a mirror of upstream and an integration one. The later is where I merge various other branches before submitting to pqm.06:55
spivvila: I'm not saying bzr will misbehave, I'm saying that it doesn't make sense to a human reader of that value.06:55
vilaThe later has a push_location which is *not* lp:bzr, in fact public_branch and push_location are my lp corresponding branch and the *submit_branch* is lp:bzr, all locations make perfect sense there (parent_location is lp:bzr)06:56
spivvila: sure, in your workflow for working with lp:bzr (which involves PQM, etc) that's fine06:58
spivvila: there are common workflows where having a submit_branch set doesn't match reality, even if it is technically harmless06:58
* vila nods06:59
vilaIt also works for the plugins I maintain where I have: parent_location=lp:plugin, push_location=lp:plugin and submit_branch=lp:plugin where my "trunk" branch in this case is really the authoritative branch and the integration one07:02
vilaWhen I say "works" I mean: having a submit_branch is enough to avoid merge setting it to an inappropriate value07:02
spivBut don't you agree that ideally in that case it wouldn't be set at all?07:03
spivThe answer to "where are changes made on this branch submitted to by default?" is "they aren't!"07:05
vilawell, no :) *I* use it with diff -rsubmit: to check what I will push07:05
spivWouldn't diff -rpush: would make more sense for that?07:06
spiv(and be shorter to type!)07:06
spivOr missing :push, perhaps.07:06
vilacould be, but diff -rsubmit: is faster because it's bound to H-z m (2 keystrokes) whereas diff -rpush: is not :-D07:06
* spiv raises an eyebrow07:07
vilaspiv: but yes, I agree that for authoritative trunks, there is no places from where you want to merge, they are potentially different for every merge07:08
pooliehi vila, diff07:08
vilapoolie: _o/07:09
* spiv waves07:10
poolieRiddell, hi07:54
pooliejelmer, vila, riddell, jam, chat in 5m?07:54
* vila nods 07:54
jelmeralready doing the audio configuration dance07:55
jamhi poolie, I'm in07:59
jamvila: I have to go work with my wife for a little bit, but it would be nice to hear your thoughts on the select() issue.08:30
jelmerRiddell: is there more work to be done on the packaging guide for UDD?08:31
pooliehi jam08:32
poolieis there any discussion about it other than the mp?08:32
pooliei was going to say specifically for EINTR08:32
vilajam: sure, roughly: let's make it simple in production (no loop), pay a bit in the test suite while filing a bug about easier ways to get servers running in their own process (there are ways to get *one* process shared between tests)08:32
Riddelljelmer: I don't think so (there's more work to be done on it for traditional packaging)08:32
jampoolie: I think it has mostly been on the mp or on the bug. Though I guess there has been a fair amount last week between vila and I on IRC08:32
poolieyou should almost always just restart the syscall, perhaps just checking any other preconditions like "was i interrupted" or "has the timeout expired"08:32
jampoolie: right. which points me at vila: we need a loop to handle EINTR, we may as well keep the loop08:33
vilapoolie: I went to the bug yesterday to mention the error handle only to find you an spiv already saying the same thing08:33
vilajam: only for tests no ?08:33
jamvila: EINTR we need to handle in production08:33
pooliekeep the loop and use it for what?08:33
jamotherwise if someone resizes the terminal during 'bzr serve' it could cause weird interactions.08:34
jampoolie: to handle EINTR, we nede to catch the exception and restart select()08:34
vilaresizing the terminal in production ?08:34
jamso we need a loop08:34
jamvila: "bzr serve" on my terminal, and then resize it08:34
jamtriggers signals08:34
jamwhich the application might ignore08:34
jamwe've had bugs in the past08:34
jamwhere it caused EINTR that we didn't handle, and bzr crashed08:34
pooliei'll reply abotu that08:35
jamI *think* we fixed them by no longer listening to SIGWIN* or whatever08:35
poolieyep, we don't want that08:35
pooliebut, eintr should still be handled08:35
vilasounds out of scope for the bug you're after no ?08:35
jambut it is something that, in general, we should have a loop to handle EINTR for cases where we get a signal08:35
jamwhich is unrelated to this select08:35
jamvila: getting *any* signal causes all blocking calls to return08:35
jamwith EINTR08:35
vilayeah, not the bug you're fixing right now08:36
jamvila: we would be *introducing* a new bug if I don't handle EINTR08:36
jamvila: specifically, with the code I'm writing, if I don't handle EINTR, I will disconnect clients if the process gets a signal08:36
jam(the way the code is written today)08:37
jamvila: as a "for example", say we have a signal that you can use to tell bzr to do a memory dump. We don't want clients to get disconnected while trying to get a memory dump of the running server process.08:37
vilaand you want to take care of that for every call to select/recv/send ?08:38
jamvila: we already should be taking care of it, and don't08:38
jamwe do in some places08:38
jamwhich is why the osutils wrappers exist08:38
jamvila: "osutils.read_bytes_from_socket" has EINTR handling08:38
jamas does osutils.send_all08:39
jamAnd a fairly obvious "osutils.until_no_eintr"08:39
vilahow about having the main thread takes care of signals and put the real server in its own thread so we get the same model for PipeServer and TCPServer instead of tracking every call that happens in the call stack then (but I didn't mention that to in your bug scope...)08:40
pooliejam, done08:41
jampoolie: thanks for the review. I did fix the rs/xs stuff but forgot to push the latest, though you still found a couple bugs I didn't fix08:44
jampoolie: actually, because you noticed I wasn't terminating the loop on 'xs', that might be why I was seeing bugs even when passing errfds.08:48
jamSpecifically, the first call would get 'you have an error here', and return it into xs08:48
jambut then I wouldn't stop the loop08:48
jamand then the rest of the calls wouldn't say anything08:48
pooliethat could very well cause it to hang if the near end of the socket closes08:49
pooliei would have kind of expected select might just error out entirely08:49
poolieoh, on the other topic of running the server out of process08:49
jampoolie: I would think I would have kept getting xs returned, though, so even if we loop until timeout, it would still end up with xs08:49
poolieit does seem like it would fix some persistent kinds of bugs where tests misbehave or are not realistic08:49
jamThe issue was that I was never seeing "xs".08:49
jamAnyway, I'll poke at it.08:49
pooliealso, there is the 'testresources' library which might help with having an external server that runs across multiple tests08:50
poolieobviously we would not want to stop and start it on every test08:50
vilayup, lp:bzr-local-test-server is a variation around this idea where you explicitly start/stop real servers and inject the running ones into the test suite08:52
pooliei'll send out the standup notes09:22
Riddelldo plugins in bzrlib/plugins/ have unit tests?10:05
jelmerRiddell: yes, usually in the tests directory in the plugin10:10
Riddelljelmer: oh aye, and do they get run with the normal test suite?10:10
vilaRiddell: yes, even when you do BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site, they are the so-called 'core' plugins10:26
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Noldorinjelmer, hey :-)12:23
jelmerhi Noldorin12:24
jelmerNoldorin: do you *ever* sleep?12:24
Noldorinno, i'm always online to pester you ;-)12:24
Noldorini often go to bed very late and wake up around midday12:25
jelmeryou're in Europe?12:25
NoldorinLondon, yep12:25
Noldorinnetherlands for you i presume12:27
Noldorinwant to visit some day :-)12:28
Noldorinjelmer, any luck with the issue anyway?12:28
jelmerNoldorin: I added a test case for it yesterday12:28
Noldorinok cool12:29
jelmerNoldorin: I'm hacking on it in my spare time though, working on other stuff at the moment.12:29
Noldorinyes i saw12:29
Noldorinother core bzr stuff eh?12:29
vilajames_w: ping12:45
james_whi vila12:45
Noldorinjelmer, playing more with the script reveals that moving a directory -or- renaming a directory works fine, but doing *both* at once screws it up12:45
Noldorinjam, hi?12:45
vilajames_w: hey ! That was quick :)12:45
vilajames_w: If you know how to make tea, can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/udd/795321-make-tea/+merge/76058 and give feedback ?12:46
james_wvila, yeah, it's in my inbox12:46
james_walong with 100 other things :-)12:46
james_wI'll look today12:46
vilajames_w: awesome !12:46
james_wI read your cover letter and I think I like your approach12:46
james_wI certainly agree that the circuit breaker pattern isn't quite the right fit12:47
vilajames_w: we expect more lp downtimes so probably more failure storms and I suspect the should_retry have rotten (I'm sure you added transient failures for lp in the past but sigs have probably changed since them)12:47
vilajames_w: yeah, not a perfect fit, but it helps making the actual code smaller12:48
vila(and can be tested independently *today*12:49
Noldorinjelmer, that shoudl really narrow it down :-) hopefully you can work on the issue today?12:50
jelmerNoldorin: no idea, working on more things than just this...12:54
Noldorinjelmer, we all have our own priorities i guess :-P this is obviously high for me12:55
Noldorinbut much less high for the bzr time12:55
Noldorinjelmer, is bzr-git still the best solution for mirroring LP branches on GitHub?12:58
jelmerNoldorin: yep13:10
msseverHow can I check that a copy of a branch is correct without overwriting the existing branch? I'm trying to recover from serious file corruption caused by Dropbox, and I want to check that they restored things correctly. But when I run bzr in the restored directory, I get this error: No working tree exists for <path to restored dir, which is different from the original>. When I symlink it to the original location, I get the same error, showing the target path,13:17
mssevernot the symlink path.13:17
jammwhudson: did any of your anonymous ssh stuff land? I'm running into problems with "bzr branch lp:bzr-rewrite" giving me a "bzr+ssh://" URL, even though the build machine has not called "launchpad-login"13:21
jam(I don't have an ssh key there, etc.)13:21
jamjelmer: Help? It looks like 'bzr-rewrite' lost its development focus branch.13:28
jamdoesn't have a branch link.13:29
msseverHow can I check that a copy of a branch is correct without overwriting the existing branch? I'm trying to recover from serious file corruption caused by Dropbox, and I want to check that they restored things correctly. But when I run bzr in the restored directory, I get this error: No working tree exists for <path to restored dir, which is different from the original>. When I symlink it to the original location, I get the same error, showing the target path,13:29
mssevernot the symlink path.13:29
jammssever: if you are running "bzr status" that doesn't apply to a repository/branch that doesn't have a working tree.13:30
jamYou could try "bzr log" or some other command.13:30
msseverbzr log says Not a branch <path> location is a repository13:32
msseverjam: See ^^13:32
msseverjam: And, it is supposed to be an exact copy of a working tree. Does this mean that it isn't an exact copy?13:32
jammssever: ls .bzr ?13:33
msseverjam:  The .bzr directory is there, but I don't know if it has the right contents.13:34
msseverDropbox Updated part of the tree with an old version, and deleted some files13:34
jammssever: sure, I'm asking for the output to help discovering what is going on.13:35
jamfor example, if there is a ".bzr/branch" or ".bzr/checkout" directories.13:35
msseverOh, OK. Here goes:13:35
msseverls .bzr:13:35
msseverbranch/  branch-format  branch-lock/  checkout/  README  repository/13:35
jelmerjam: I'll set one, thanks for the hint13:38
jamjelmer: well, I failed to build the windows installers13:38
jamNot sure what changed13:38
jelmerjam: fixed13:38
jelmerjam: I converted my branch mirrors to code imports13:38
jamare there any others that would be affected?13:39
jamjelmer: and, of course, you've now broken my test case for fixing the related mis-communication in bzr :)13:40
msseverjam: Did you notice my last reply? I forgot to mention your nick...13:43
jelmerjam: I'm checking the other branches now13:44
jelmerjam: sorry! I can re-unlink it if necessary :)13:45
Noldorin_jam, any idea when the Windows build of 2.5b1 will be available? :-)13:54
iorechelos. new to bazaar. looking for a solution to this situation: we have a software project that has public and private source parts. we want both in one repo with user access control to allow some people whole r/w access and others only write access to the public parts. is such a setup feasible  with bzr?14:14
Noldorin_jam is ignoring me :-(14:17
vilaNoldorin_: he is probably building them, that doesn't count as ignoring you :)14:33
Noldorin_vila, i was mainly teasing...but yes, i hope so anyway! :-)14:34
vilaiorec: bzr doesn't support different access patterns inside a given branch, you need to define separate branches14:34
vilajelmer: by the way, should you upload 2.5b1 to debian ?14:34
iorecvila: so i could have a single repository with public and private branches?14:37
vilaiorec: see http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs/PiecesInBrief so use the same meanings for the same words :)14:38
vilaiorec: a repository is just a bag of revisions, a branch is a pointer to an entry point in a graph of revisions (directed and acyclic, so-called DAG)14:39
vilayou can use the same repository for unrelated branches, but in your case that will make it harder to separate who can write from who cannot14:40
Noldorin_jelmer, i see a comment in the bzr-git code saying "renames not supported:...?14:42
vilaif you keep unrelated branches separate, it will be easier to define the access with scripts like contrib/bzr_access and the like14:42
cerfhello all14:43
cerfI've just installed bzr v2.4.1 from PPA14:44
cerfI'm wondering how to use branch.fetch_tags14:44
jelmerNoldorin_: that's for roundtripping14:44
cerfshould it be set in .bzr/branch/branch.conf or ?14:44
Noldorin_jelmer, how do you mean?14:44
cerfbazaar.conf ?14:44
jelmercerf: it should be set for the source branch, so either in the source branches' branch.conf, bazaar.conf or an entry in locations.conf14:45
jelmerNoldorin_: "regular" push14:45
jelmerNoldorin_: not dpush14:45
Noldorin_jelmer, oh ok14:45
Noldorin_so i can ignore that huh?14:45
jelmerNoldorin_: git doesn't do renames14:45
Noldorin_got it14:45
Noldorin_ooh. another reason not to like git ha!14:45
iorecvila: the thing is that we want people with full access to be able to checkout one revision of the main branch and have everything they need (public and private parts) and others with public access only checkout the same revision but only get the public parts.14:46
Noldorin_jelmer, i thought bzr cannot do "push" at all to git though?14:46
Riddelljelmer: I'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzrtools/unused-imports/+merge/73265 what's the best way to run the test suite of bzrtools?14:47
jelmerNoldorin_: it can14:47
jelmerRiddell: BZR_PLUGINS_AT=bzrtools@`pwd` bzr selftest -s bp.bzrtools14:47
Noldorin_jelmer, but dpush is preferable for some reasons.../14:47
jelmerNoldorin_: it's experimental, not enabled by default14:48
Noldorin_okay sure14:48
Noldorin_makes sense14:48
jelmervila: yeah, I should upload to experimental I guess..14:48
Noldorin_jelmer, since i am so eager with this, maybe you could point me to the bit of code that handles bzr moves/renames in dpush? :-)14:48
vilaiorec: bzr tracks whole trees so having people use different trees won't work out of the box, there are some parts of your needs that can be addressed with views, others may work with nested trees (not implemented yet), but overall, there is no way to get what describe directly14:49
cerfjelmer: thanks I'll try it14:49
vilaiorec: s/what describe/what you describe/14:49
cerfhope this can help for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/84368414:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 806348 in Launchpad itself "duplicate for #843684 BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps" [Critical,Triaged]14:50
iorecvila: thanks. it seems so strange that ours is obviously a special case setup since none of the popular revision control systems seem to support such a setup. so it seems to me we'll have to manually handle 2 repos and always say rev XY of repo A is the one that fits rev ZW of repo B.14:57
vilaiorec: well, once you start using distributed VCS, access rights... are less relevant, to start, either you publish or you don't, if you publish, you don't blindly accept submissions, they are generally checked before being accepted and at that point, the checkers generally have write access14:59
cerfso bad, that didn't help15:00
cerfstill get 'missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps '15:01
vilaiorec: keeping two related projects in sync is what nested trees are about, but the progress is slow on that front as we focus on other subjects (with our limited resources ;)15:01
cerfin bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/80634815:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 806348 in Launchpad itself "BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps" [Critical,Triaged]15:01
cerfjameinel talked about a quick regression avoidance with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/77118415:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 771184 in Bazaar "option to disable/enable fetching of all tags" [Critical,Fix released]15:02
cerfhow to use it ?15:02
cerfI've put 'fetch_tags = True' in the bazaar.conf file of my source branch, but still got a crash15:03
cerfI've also tried 'branch.fetch_tags = True" with no luck15:04
jelmerNoldorin_: there is no such thing, as git doesn't store renames15:04
jelmercerf: are you sure you're actually hitting *that* bug?15:05
iorecvila: yes, i am still new to distributed vcs and hoping i haven't fully understood its potentials yet..15:07
cerfI'm not sure, my original bug report (843684) was considered as a duplicate of 80634815:07
cerfis it really a duplicate ?15:07
Noldorin_jelmer, well, put it this way...where in the code do you "handle" bzr renames...translate them to git?15:08
cerfFor bug 806384, John A Meinel suggested a "quick regression avoidance" actually bug 77118415:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 806384 in Nikki and the Robots "Allow dynamic block coloring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80638415:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 771184 in Bazaar "option to disable/enable fetching of all tags" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77118415:09
vilaiorec: there is a bunch to read at http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/ not sure what is the most relevant for you, but asking questions here or on the mailing list is welcome (answers depend on available time though ;)15:09
jammssever: Sorry, I had to step away for a sec. If you have ".bzr/branch" but it says "not a branch", then something is particularly broken.15:10
cerfso this where I am, I'm stuck at trying to do do simple merge between two branches15:10
jamI don't really have the time to debug it at this point. You can try to create another branch in a different location, and see how they differ.15:10
iorecvila: ya thanks i'm already reading...15:10
jamNoldorin_: I don't specifically know when 2.5b1-1 will be available. I started working on it this afternoon, but ran into problems with plugins no longer being available. (jelmer changed some things, and accidentally broke the linking).15:11
jamThat looks to be fixed, but as I'm past the end-of-day here, it won't be worked on until tomorrow at the earliest.15:11
jelmerNoldorin_: renames aren't "handled", but _revision_to_objects (IIRC) is where generating the git objects happens.15:12
Noldorin_jelmer, okay got it15:12
jamvila, jelmer, Riddell: Have a good night. I'll see you guys around tomorrow15:14
vilajam: _o/15:14
Noldorin_jelmer, i see no such function...which file might you know15:14
Noldorin_jelmer, never mind i see15:21
Noldorin_jelmer, oh interesting...i just noticed the tracelog suggests bzr-git is doing a *pull* when i run dpush :O15:24
jelmerNoldorin_: it is, it pulls the changes pushed into git back into your local branch15:26
Noldorin_jelmer, that's interesting, didn't know. why does it need to do that?15:26
jelmerNoldorin_: as you're aware, dpush changes the source branch15:27
jelmerNoldorin_: this is how15:27
Noldorin_it's just *why* it needs to pull back into local branch that i'm wondering :-)15:27
jelmerNoldorin_: otherwise you have a diverging source and target branch15:28
Noldorin_jelmer, does the pull-back actually affect a) the content of the branch b) the revision data c) some other metadata?15:28
jelmerNoldorin_: it discard the existing branch15:29
jelmerNoldorin_: but you've used dpush, so you should've seen what it does?15:29
Noldorin_jelmer, so i lose all bzr metadata in the local branch too?15:30
jelmerNoldorin_: yes, unless you use --no-rebase (which prevents that pull)15:30
jelmerNoldorin_: if you don't rebase you can't pull from the git repository15:30
Noldorin_got it15:30
Noldorin_jelmer, well no-rebase is fine for me for now :-)15:31
Noldorin_jelmer, eventually when you get proper push support working i can change over...i guess you are gradually working on that15:31
abentleyRiddell: why are you reviewing bzrtools merges?15:35
Riddellabentley: because I'm patch pilot and I've run out of bzr patches to review so I'm doing all bazaar15:36
Riddelland these patches have been sitting around for over three weeks, clearly the bzrtools maintainer is slacking :)15:37
abentleyRiddell: bzrtools isn't a Canonical project, and I'm not asking for the patch pilot's reviews.15:37
abentleyRiddell: I'm slacking, sure.  But I already know how I feel about those patches.15:38
mgzabentley: could you set a state on those kinds of mps so people know not to be helpful?15:41
abentleymgz: That wouldn't be slacking.15:42
Noldorin_jelmer, what's interropostiroy?15:55
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Noldorin_jelmer, even closer in finding what it is, if you're curious :-)16:12
Noldorin_when you try to access non-existent items, the error messags are not very informative btw16:14
Noldorin_non-existent files/dirs that is16:14
Noldorin_jelmer, okay, so i have identified exactly what the problem is :-)16:51
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jamNoldorin_: apparently I lied, bzr 2.5b1-1 has been uploaded. :)17:33
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Noldorin_jam, just saw it, that's excellent. thank you :-)17:45
Noldorin_jam, any indications how stable it's proving btw?17:45
jamNoldorin_: I don't know about the installer, but I use bzr.dev daily17:49
Noldorin_jam, ok that's reassuring17:49
Noldorin_jam, i understand it supports collocated branches. but does that mean individual local branches can be pushed to a remote collocated branch?17:53
Noldorin_using some special URL syntax17:53
jamNoldorin_: you'll need to check with Jelmer, but I think you still need the 'bzr-colo' plugin to enable collocated branches.17:54
Noldorin_ah right17:54
jamIt does have the new syntax  (http://url/to/repo/path,branch=X)17:54
Noldorin_jam, awesome. i hope that works with git branches too!17:54
jamNoldorin_: i'm pretty sure that was the inspiration. I don't think bzr-git is bundled yet.17:57
jamI think Jelmer has a patch, that I'll bring in for the next beta17:57
jamso bzr-2.5b2-1 will probably have bzr-git support17:57
Noldorin_jam, yeah so i heard. but i have no prob installing it as a plugin for now18:13
Noldorin_jam, just pestering jelmer to fix this bug now that i've very narrowly identified it :-)18:14
Noldorin_with dpush to git18:14
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Noldorin_jelmer, ping?19:10
jelmerNoldorin_: hi19:50
Noldorin_hi jelmer19:59
Noldorin_get my updates?19:59
Noldorin_jelmer, i left some comments on LP20:05
mwhudsonjam: no, i wanted to put it under a feature flag and that required a bit of infrastructure (which has now landed)20:10
jammwhudson: yeah, it turned out that the lp:bzr-rewrite just wasn't connected to an actual branch20:10
mwhudsonjam: :-)20:12
* Noldorin_ waits for jelmer to return20:21
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jelmerNoldorin_: your comment doesn't really make sense, bzr-git with dpush doesn't create entries for empty directories one way or another20:54
jammwhudson: we just had a bug with the error reporting. It would say "bzr+ssh://..." no service available20:54
jelmerit skips empty directories20:54
mwhudsonjam: ah20:54
Noldorin_jelmer, it does create some sort of sha hash :-P20:54
jelmerNoldorin_: for empty directories? it really shouldn't20:58
Noldorin_jelmer, if for example you do a 'bzr st' on an empty directory in the git repo that shouldn't have been pushed...20:59
Noldorin_then it returns a key for it20:59
Noldorin_which it can't find20:59
Noldorin_jelmer, it shouldn't but it does ;-)20:59
Noldorin_jelmer, it would explain the error, i think..21:01
Noldorin_jelmer, well?21:23
jelmerNoldorin_: I really don't understand what you mean, the sha for an empty tree (if it were valid) would be 4b825dc642...21:41
Noldorin_jelmer, i will test it now with you if you have some time21:41
Noldorin_and demonstrate21:42
cody-somervilleIf I do a Branch.open() on something over ssh, how can I close the transport down properly to avoid the disconnection from host (e.g. bazaar.launchpad.net) message? I currently use 'remote_branch.control_transport.disconnect()' but that doesn't seem to work for bzr
pooliehi all21:43
jelmerg'morning poolie21:43
jelmerNoldorin_: I'm looking at the problematic code now for the first time21:43
Noldorin_jelmer, okay :-)21:44
jelmercody-somerville: we haven't really had a need for a way to disconnect transports, I think that's the closest thing21:44
cody-somervillejelmer, control_transport isn't a property on Branch in
Noldorin_jelmer, here is what i'm seeing. run the test script (i forgot to replace IrcDotNet with 'baz' in it btw), then do:21:44
Noldorin_bzr ls ./git-branch/ -r 121:45
Noldorin_you should get back:21:45
Noldorin_jelmer, my tinkering indicates the problem probably lies in either _tree_to_objects or import_git_tree (objectstore.py and fetch.py)21:47
jelmerNoldorin_: that's kindof obvious, as those are the functions that actually do the conversion :)21:49
Noldorin_jelmer, sorry, of course. but they weren't to me...as i didn't write the code ;-)21:49
Noldorin_jelmer, the problem is in the push side, i'm convinced21:57
Noldorin_jelmer, e.g. do a dpush --no-rebase (it should succeed), and then run "bzr ls .\git-branch\baz -r 2"21:57
Noldorin_should give you an error21:57
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Noldorin_jelmer, well good luck! :-)22:16
jelmerNoldorin_: located the error, rewriting revision_to_objects22:33
AuroraBorealiswhat exactly does this error mean:22:34
Noldorin_jelmer, that's great. what was it (briefly)?22:36
jelmerAuroraBorealis: when are you getting that?22:38
jelmerNoldorin_: order in which directories are processed22:38
AuroraBorealistried to commit a new revision22:38
AuroraBorealisand then it was out of date22:38
Noldorin_jelmer, hah okay. as we both thoughts some days ago ;-)22:38
AuroraBorealisi tried to update and now i got that xD22:38
jelmerAuroraBorealis: that's really odd - any plugins used, other special things?22:38
AuroraBorealiscould it just be corruption on the server side?22:39
jelmerI'd doubt it; can you file a bug?22:39
AuroraBorealisyeah, branching it from the server normally works fine22:40
AuroraBorealisi shall attempt to file a bug!22:40
Noldorin_jelmer, btw jam said 2.5b1 still requires the bzr-colo plugin -- is this correct?22:40
AuroraBorealisso...what should be the name of the bug?22:42
jelmerAuroraBorealis: thanks22:42
AuroraBorealisnot exactly sure what is going on here haha22:42
jelmerAuroraBorealis: I guess just something like "InconsistentDelta error during 'bzr up'" ?22:42
AuroraBorealisi have however archived the repository in case someone wants to look at it22:42
jelmerNoldorin_: I'm not sure I follow, requires the bzr-colo plugin for what?22:43
Noldorin_jelmer, colocated branches in bzr22:43
jelmerNoldorin_: yes, they haven't landed yet22:43
Noldorin_okay sure22:43
jelmerNoldorin_: I thought you were asking about being able to address git branches though?22:43
Noldorin_jelmer, yes, just curious about that too :-)22:44
jelmerthat's possible with bzr 2.5b1 and bzr-git trunk22:44
Noldorin_jelmer, i can address git branches with git-url,branch=foo right?22:44
jelmerNoldorin_: yes22:45
Noldorin_jelmer, just let me know when ready and i can test on my case with launchpad/github.22:50
AuroraBorealisstupid launchpad didn't report my bug :<23:00
AuroraBorealisjelmer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/85515523:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 855155 in Bazaar "InconsistentDelta error when using bzr update" [Undecided,New]23:03
briandealwisis there an equivalent to git's reflog?  I.e., to find out what was the previous tip?23:21
jelmerbriandealwis: no, though there is "bzr heads" which can display old heads23:22
briandealwisjelmer: the cause himself :)  I was actually askig as I'd like to revert to my last head of bzr-git, since the new one requires dulwich 0.8.123:23
briandealwisI never understood the purpose of the reflog previously23:26
poolielifeless, jelmer, iirc upgrading should (must?) be done on the stacked branch and then the stacked-on branch?23:29
poolieor vice versa?23:29
jelmerthat's a good question, I'm not sure either23:34
mwhudsonupgrading stacked first will work23:35
mwhudsoni don't know if upgrading stacked-on first will work, it depends how upgrade opens the thing being upgraded23:35
mwhudsonof course both approaches leave the stacked branch a bit broken until both are upgraded23:36
poolieah, i think that's it23:46

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