
micahgrekonq is the default browser in maverick+, right?05:39
ScottKmicahg: Yes.05:47
micahgwell, just tested my qt4-x11 update on maverick and rekonq crashed05:47
ScottKIt may have done that before.05:47
ScottKFirst set of Kubuntu candidate images up for Beta 2 testing http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20110920.6/05:48
* micahg wonders how a default browser could be released with a segfault05:48
ScottKshadeslayer was busy with exams, IIRC.05:48
ScottKActually, IDK, as I almost never use it.05:48
* micahg downgrades to release version to see05:48
micahgdang, it does segfault with the release version :(06:00
* micahg switches to konqueror06:00
valorieScottK: I brought my netbook which was running beta, up to date last night06:06
valorieif I run another set up updates, is that the equiv. of the Beta 2/rc ?06:07
bulldog98_apachelogger: how to compile uds-qml for symbian on my mashine?06:51
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
=== timblechmann is now known as tim
apacheloggerbulldog98: qt creator10:12
apacheloggeralso you'll need to remote compile via nokia, as I do not think there is a symbian toolchain on linux10:12
bulldog98apachelogger: yes that’s what I found out until now, but how can I get an account to use that?10:13
apacheloggerregister at developer.nokia.com10:13
bulldog98apachelogger: where is the button to do so, or am I blind?10:14
apacheloggerbulldog98: https://www.developer.nokia.com/Profile/Join.xhtml?locale=en10:15
bulldog98apachelogger: thx10:15
venuhi everyone.i want to create a new option in my kubuntu right-click menu.How shld i write a .desktop file to do this?10:17
bulldog98venu: this is the developer channel please ask questions for support in #kubuntu10:19
venubulldog98: thanx10:19
apacheloggeractually that belongs even less in there than in here :P10:25
apacheloggerbulldog98: what I always find surprising is how much rekonq can crash with such a tiny code base10:26
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelwell, if you add qtwebkit to that you can enough crash potential ^^10:28
yofel*can get10:28
apacheloggerScottK: can you please accept https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-coding https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-postponeds https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-mobile10:31
apacheloggeryofel: except most crashes I get are not in qtwebkit but rekonq10:34
yofelah, mine are usually in qtwebkit10:35
yofelso I hope it becomes actually usable with the rc10:35
apacheloggeron oneiric?10:35
apacheloggermaybe we should push a new rekonq in? :P10:35
yofelthat too ^^10:35
apacheloggerbulldog98: how are settings usually presented on symbian^3?10:36
bulldog98apachelogger: nokia apps use a popup list10:38
apacheloggervideo would be good10:38
apacheloggerinterestingly enough the harmattan components are not half bad compared to the symbian ones10:39
apacheloggeron harmattan you can at least get a settings dialog that looks like the others ^^10:39
bulldog98apachelogger: but even the nokia one are not consitent, so simply do one10:40
apacheloggerbulldog98: well, whatever seems most useful I want10:41
apacheloggerthat said... the symbian UX guidelines suggest a wizard like dialog10:41
bulldog98e.g. Store uses a tab for that, player uses a popup, …10:41
apacheloggerexcept there is no such thing in the qt components10:41
apachelogger+ it would be jolly ard to build such a wizard without cpp10:41
apacheloggerutter fail10:41
apacheloggerit is like statusbar notifications on harmattan .. you simply cannot trigger them10:42
apacheloggeralthough for harmattan that is a design flaw from meego10:42
Quintasan_I'm ill :/10:52
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerQuintasan: soft kitty warm kitty littel ball of fur sleepy kitty happy kitty purr purr purr10:59
apacheloggerwho wants to do the uds app for android?11:00
nigelbI thought there already was one.11:01
apacheloggeras with so many things apacheloggerware is superior11:01
nigelbsummit exposes a read-only API now, if it helps anyone who wants to build an app.11:01
apacheloggeralso it is written in qt11:01
apacheloggerusing throw away UIs11:01
apacheloggerwriting a ui takes like an hour or so11:01
apacheloggernigelb: oh oh oh11:01
apacheloggernigelb: tell me more pretty please11:01
nigelbapachelogger: sec, let me find docs :-)11:01
nigelbapachelogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/rest-api/+merge/7585911:02
nigelbIf you want pretty docs, poke me ~4 hours and I'll sit down and write it :)11:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: all the work for nothing :P11:05
apacheloggernigelb: if you had mentioned this last week ... shadeslayer wrote an ical parser :S11:06
nigelbapachelogger: haha11:14
nigelbapachelogger: Talk to us!11:14
nigelbLet us just help you folks :-)11:14
apacheloggerI do not think a full switch to the API is much to go for at this point11:15
* apachelogger does not care to implement persistent storage using sql11:15
apacheloggerevery time someone writes a line of sql a kitten dies somewhere on planet earth :(11:16
apacheloggernigelb: something about the api feels fishy TBH11:19
nigelbapachelogger: what feels fishy?11:19
apacheloggernot sure11:19
nigelbIts a thin wrapper11:19
apacheloggerperhaps the fact that oen has to use query params11:19
nigelbYeah, its not a "solid" API11:20
apacheloggerhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/api/summit/6/room would seem much intuitive11:20
nigelbSure, slowly :-)11:20
apacheloggerwhy? it does exactly the same internally11:21
nigelbTher's going to be a summit session at UDS11:21
nigelbGo there and tell what you want11:21
apacheloggeron http://summit.ubuntu.com/api/summit/6/room you'd then apply your query11:21
nigelbI'll try to be there remotely as well11:21
apacheloggerso you drilled down from a list of summits to one specific summit's room and then only want rooms that host tracks of "foo"11:22
apacheloggernigelb: not coming to orlando? :(11:22
nigelbapachelogger: Nope :(11:22
nigelbMostly because it in the US and the visa is a hassle.11:22
apacheloggeryeah, stupid visas11:23
* apachelogger is fortunate enough to not require a proper visa11:23
apacheloggeroh, my new headset is in austria11:24
apacheloggernigelb: something that I can request right now ... it would be super awesome if summit provided a map of the venue11:25
apacheloggernigelb: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/uds-qml3.mp411:27
nigelbapachelogger: let me open a bug. I understand how that can be helpful.11:27
nigelbapachelogger: We already have a bug :-) bug 66854011:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668540 in Summit "Add room map" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66854011:29
* apachelogger thinks about doing a blunt on-disk json cache11:33
apacheloggerI do not think there is much benefit from throwing stuff into a database really11:33
apacheloggerwith a simple json cache we can transparently serve urls from cache11:34
ScottKapachelogger: Done.12:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: i condem you to use our parser, thou shall not use summit API :P13:06
apacheloggerScottK: thx13:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: android app? is that in QML?13:07
apacheloggernow pushed13:08
apacheloggersomeone should write android components13:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: you should totally port to ipone13:18
apacheloggeryou can actually reuse the main.qml from android it uses plain qtquick 1.013:18
shadeslayeriphone? What a rubbish platform13:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: my sister has a iPad and i got bored after 2 hours13:19
shadeslayerthere's *nothing* to do13:19
apacheloggerexcept run your uds app on it ^^13:19
shadeslayerit was designed to do one job and one job only, make money by selling apps13:19
apacheloggeranywho, I would reall appreciate if you could try to deploy it there13:20
apacheloggershould be relatively easy as you can just put everything into the binary13:20
apacheloggeralso see qml/android.qrc13:20
shadeslayersure, i can try, if i manage to figure out how to do it13:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: the qt labs post explains how to get a lighthose setup and all that stuff13:21
shadeslayeryep, will try over the weekend13:21
shadeslayermy profs have loaded me up for the week right now13:21
* apachelogger waves fist13:23
shadeslayerfooey, will have to clone Qt, and download the SDK13:24
shadeslayerthat is like a ton of download right there13:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: on iOS side, what needs doing?13:31
shadeslayeri haz a iOS developer friend, i could probably ask him for help to set everything up13:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: nothing13:32
apacheloggerthat is what the blog post suggests13:32
shadeslayeroh, just testing stuff?13:32
apacheloggeryeah, proof of concept13:32
apacheloggerunless you actually want to do the development13:33
shadeslayeralright, i'll try it over the weekend13:33
shadeslayerno thanks :P13:33
apacheloggerwhich probably involves writing ios qt components13:33
apacheloggerwhich is surely a PITA13:33
apacheloggerthough not as much as on android I'd say13:33
shadeslayercloning Qt will be a PITA 13:33
shadeslayeri'm pretty sure i'll time out a couple of times 13:33
shadeslayeri tried to clone qtwebkit once13:34
shadeslayeron a 256kbp connection13:34
shadeslayernot pretty13:34
apacheloggerbulldog98 is on 56k or something13:34
apacheloggerso stop whining :P13:34
shadeslayeri know the feeling13:35
shadeslayeri had 56k 5 years back :P13:35
shadeslayerstill have the US Robotics modem with me13:35
shadeslayeriirc i video called someone in the US with Yahoo + 56k modem13:35
skfina video call + 56k modem is not a possible combination13:47
shadeslayerin 2003 it was13:48
skfinSo you did listen to a 8-bit voice and two pixels?13:48
shadeslayerwell, i had a VGA webcam back then, :P13:49
shadeslayerso something like, 1 frame every 10 seconds13:49
skfinVGA is 640x480 so its just too much for 56k modem itself :)13:49
shadeslayerand i used to go, OMG THAT GUY IS MOVING AND I CAN SEE HIM13:49
apachelogger!find pcre.h14:03
ubottuFile pcre.h found in autoconf-archive, emboss-lib, gambas2-doc, kannel-dev, liblua5.1-rex-pcre-dev, libocamlnet-ocaml-doc, libpcre3-dev, php-doc, php5-dev, picviz (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=pcre.h&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any14:04
shadeslayerportal download14:09
shadeslayerstarted :D14:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: I thought you had work to do? :P14:18
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shadeslayerapachelogger: sure, i'm doing that, but portal is downloading as well14:33
* shadeslayer is studying about 8051 micro controller registers14:33
shadeslayergross for you, coursework for me14:35
bulldog98apachelogger: why can’t I use a paint(int, int, QPixmap) in an selfwritten QDeclarativeItem?14:57
apacheloggerbulldog98: show me code15:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: what am i supposed to do in the workitem for neon?15:00
apacheloggerI dunno15:03
apacheloggermaybe it was Quintasan who added that15:03
* apachelogger does not even know what it means15:03
bulldog98apachelogger: kde:scratch/kolberg/kardsloader15:04
bulldog98apachelogger: that’s the lib15:04
bulldog98apachelogger: kde:scratch/kolberg/doppelkopf-qml is a small test project15:06
apacheloggershould just work15:06
apacheloggeras long as qpixmap is actually a valid one15:06
bulldog98apachelogger: problem is it says QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread15:06
bulldog98but I consider QML a Gui thread15:07
bulldog98or an extend to that15:07
* apachelogger points out that this assumption is not true for qtquick215:07
bulldog98apachelogger: but how can I get the card out off that cache?15:08
apacheloggerbulldog98: QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread15:12
apacheloggerthat appears before paint is even called15:12
bulldog98I know that15:12
bulldog98I guess it’s somewhere in the cache15:12
bulldog98since I do not use QPixmap anywhere15:13
bulldog98it’s tiggerd in m_cache->loadTheme(…)15:14
bulldog98even if I move that into paint that error is thrown15:15
fabodebfx: bug 85433015:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854330 in strigi (Ubuntu) "Strigi 0.7.2 is an old release, it won't index files properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85433015:15
apacheloggerbulldog98: that function is threaded15:16
apacheloggerhence the warning15:16
bulldog98it’s from the kdegames lib15:16
bulldog98maybe I should ask in #kdegames for help15:17
bulldog98still kpat and lskat should get the same error if they call that15:20
bulldog98but they get pixmaps and I don’t get pixmaps15:20
Riddellfabo: ah hah, that might explain why file search has stopped doing anything15:21
bulldog98apachelogger: now I managed to get rid of the QPixmap stuff15:22
faboRiddell: :) it introduces also some new stream support using ffmpeg15:23
apacheloggerbulldog98: how?15:25
bulldog98apachelogger: see the new commit15:25
bulldog98somehow it was due a missing ->set…Theme() call15:25
bulldog98but now I think my themename is wrong15:26
apacheloggerI think you are using libkdegames wrong15:26
Quintasanapachelogger: Certainly it was not me15:44
Quintasanapachelogger: One of Polish users report brekage in packages15:45
Quintasanplasma-widget-metworkmanagement conflicts with network-manager-kde and network-manager-kde requires  plasma-widget-networkmanagement15:45
bulldog98apachelogger: maybe15:46
bulldog98apachelogger: but at least I managed to get the plugin build and installed with cmake :)15:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: Blueprint changed by Harald Sitter:15:51
shadeslayer- [kubuntu-members] Give Neon a public purpose: TODO15:51
shadeslayer+ [shadeslayer] Give Neon a public purpose: TODO15:51
apacheloggersomeone was talking about that at UDS15:51
apacheloggeror the item would not be there15:51
shadeslayersomeone explain that to me15:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: listen to the uds discussion15:51
shadeslayerah righto15:51
apacheloggeror maybe the notes have more details15:52
apacheloggersee wiki link or something on the blueprint15:52
shadeslayerwill check15:52
bulldog98is already uds?15:52
apacheloggerapp is not finished :P15:52
apacheloggerso it cannot be uds15:52
apacheloggerbulldog98: did you deploy onto symbian yet?15:53
shadeslayer"This page does not exist. If you feel that this is an error, please file a bug"15:53
bulldog98apachelogger: no, I had my new account in spam folder15:53
bulldog98shadeslayer: that’s good15:54
shadeslayeri'll have a look on the weeken15:55
kubotushadeslayer meant: "i'll have a look on the weekend"15:55
shadeslayeryofel: digikam still being worked upon?15:56
apacheloggerbulldog98: lol16:13
bulldog98apachelogger: even better nokia warned that that could happen. I guess they setup their mail server wrong16:14
bulldog98fabo: is that fixed now?16:16
bulldog98apachelogger: what pass do I have to type in into the remote compiler setup?16:21
apacheloggerbulldog98: the one from developer.nokia.com16:33
alleeabout nepomuk and strigi: in http://trueg.wordpress.com/2011/09/19/nepomuk-what-comes-next-revised/  in a comment   it's mentioned "..2. If it’s 0.7.2, FILE A BUG IN YOUR DISTRO..".    Oneiric and Project Neon still seem to use 0.7.2.    16:33
fabobulldog98: what's the context? :) "is that fixed now?"16:43
faboallee: bug 85433016:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854330 in strigi (Ubuntu) "Strigi 0.7.2 is an old release, it won't index files properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85433016:45
faboallee: oneiric need a sync request16:45
shadeslayerdcmtk won't make it into main16:45
shadeslayerwas required for KOffice16:45
shadeslayerbut since we won't be usnig KOffice anymore16:46
alleefabo: great!  Can you do a ppa build so 'we' can test it, like with bluedevil.  I assume as it's late in release cycle a simple sync request is not enough16:49
alleeScottK: ^^ libstrigi & co  ??16:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://googleplusplatform.blogspot.com/2011/09/introducing-google-hangouts-api.html16:53
apacheloggermore prn17:00
ScottKallee: Yes.  Please (testing)17:00
apacheloggerSput: ping17:11
apacheloggerSput: I said ping!!! :P17:11
yofelshadeslayer: not by me at least right now, someone still needs to fix the stuff debfx complained about17:17
faboallee: uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~fboudra/+archive/kde17:21
debfxyofel, shadeslayer: I think putting the libraries into own packages and overriding their version might actually be the best option17:22
yofelI put them seperately to prevent file conflicts later, but I don't know how to override the versions (and have no time for at least the next 2 days to look it up)17:23
bulldog98fabo: exectly that bug 85433017:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854330 in strigi (Ubuntu) "Strigi 0.7.2 is an old release, it won't index files properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85433017:25
=== maco2 is now known as maco
bulldog98has somebody an idea what https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/766145 is about?17:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 766145 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "KDM resets system settings from custimized to defult value" [Undecided,New]17:38
debfxbulldog98: looks like a duplicate of bug #79809117:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798091 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Default settings not applied when reverting system settings" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79809117:44
yofelallee: thanks for mentioning it, I'll try to update it in neon (we can't built it from git since bzr-git doesn't support submodules)17:45
bulldog98debfx: should we fix that?17:45
debfxsystemsettings reverts to kde default values ignoring kubuntu-default-settings17:45
debfxbulldog98: sure if you know how17:45
bulldog98debfx: I guess we need to patch the *.kcfgc files to include our defaults, but that would mean, that you can’t get default kde settings17:48
bulldog98in the kcms17:49
debfxbulldog98: the proper solution would be to teach the code to take config file cascading into account17:54
bulldog98debfx: that isn’t possible, cause the reset feature only uses the .kcfgc files, which is intended17:55
bulldog98it should only take .kcfgc files in account, since everything else is not default17:56
debfxbulldog98: so we need to change the reset feature17:56
debfxthat's certainly not what users expect17:57
bulldog98debfx: should we teach it to also use our system config path?17:57
debfxI guess it should take all config paths into account except the kde home dir18:02
bulldog98debfx: yes, we would need to do that upstream I guess18:05
skfinHmm...either kcolorpicker hasnt been yet synced to finnish update mirror or it is strangely missing18:23
skfinapt-get returns 40418:24
skfinWell, doesnt actually return but the download process returns 40418:24
apacheloggerI once had a 40418:24
apacheloggergot it on ebay for 0.50 EUR18:24
apacheloggerit broke after one week18:24
skfinI can sell you this one18:25
apacheloggerno, I don't want another one18:26
apacheloggerI grew really close with my old one18:26
apacheloggerskfin: mirror might be updating right now18:27
apacheloggerit happens18:27
apacheloggerhold on to your 404 while it lasts18:28
skfinBut Trumpetti is my favourite server and my really close friend, I wont let it down for just one 40418:28
skfinAnd it's just 23km away and ping to there is 16ms18:29
apacheloggersomething tells me roundtrip with backbone server is kiling the speed there :P18:30
skfinAh. Now it doesnt give me 40418:31
apacheloggeranother 404 scared away18:31
skfinTampere University of Technologies :)18:32
skfintrumpetti <318:32
apacheloggeruniversity, I have heared of this place, they have partees there18:32
apacheloggerafter all this rubbish talk I feel like champagne18:34
yofelbulldog98: anything blocking the soprano backport? or did you just not get to it yet?18:38
bulldog98yofel: shadeslayer said he was working on it18:38
shadeslayersomething *was* blocking the soprano backport, but i don't remember what it was anymore19:07
shadeslayersome other package that needed backporting or sth19:08
shadeslayerand someone is trying to bruteforce their way in19:08
shadeslayervia ssh19:08
yofellemme, guess, you have ssh listening on port 22 and 22 forwarded?19:09
shadeslayerssh is running on 22 :P19:10
shadeslayerhaven't put in a custom port yet19:10
shadeslayeri should probably do that19:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: pingpingping19:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: you coming to uds?19:15
apacheloggeris Quintasan coming to uds?19:15
* yofel isn't coming to UDS19:15
* apachelogger waves fist19:15
* bulldog98 neighter19:15
apacheloggery you people never come to the uds?19:16
apacheloggerdespite me writing cool apps19:16
apacheloggerbulldog98: did you deploy on symbian yet?19:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope19:16
bulldog98apachelogger: nope, I don’t know which pass to tipe into the configuration of remote compiler19:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have my GRE exam during UDS19:16
apacheloggeroh dear19:18
apacheloggerbulldog98: your nokia developer account details19:18
micahgapachelogger: you coming to UDS?19:18
* bulldog98 tries again last time I tried it didn’t work19:18
apacheloggermicahg: yup19:19
micahgapachelogger: great!19:19
apacheloggerbulldog98: http://i.imgur.com/8s56c.png19:19
apacheloggerbulldog98: http://i.imgur.com/o5a42.png19:20
bulldog98apachelogger: me forgot to add the username to the lineedit :(19:20
bulldog98apachelogger: how do I deploy to my device?19:28
apacheloggerbulldog98: see documentation19:28
apacheloggerhelp tab in qtcreator19:28
bulldog98apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/125371/19:36
Sputapachelogger: wot.19:40
macowho from kubuntu will be at uds?19:41
macoobv i can safely assume scott & riddell19:41
apacheloggermaco: no scott, busy with work he is19:42
apacheloggermaco: jr, claydoh, DarkwingDuck and me from what I know thus far19:42
macoscott...ever...misses uds?19:42
apacheloggerQuintasan if he can get a visa19:42
apacheloggermaco: apparently so19:42
macothis has to be the first uds scott's missed in at least 3 years19:43
apacheloggerincidentially enough I need to find a new drinking partner :(19:43
apacheloggermaco: you coming? did you add yourself to the wiki yet? :P19:43
macoi dont know19:43
claydohlol apachelogger I could take drinking up as a new hobby19:43
claydohbuy I am not good at it19:44
apacheloggerbulldog98: and that is all? :O19:44
apacheloggerSput: nvm, markey seems to have fallen asleep19:44
apacheloggerhe wanted to do hangoutz19:44
bulldog98apachelogger: yes. I would say remote compiler has a bug19:44
apacheloggerbulldog98: I'll try in a minute or two19:44
maconigelb: having a fight with your irc client?19:44
apacheloggerclaydoh: about time then :P19:45
nigelbmaco: nah19:45
apacheloggernigelb: btw, I wrote a simple app using the api earlier today19:52
apacheloggershould be jolly easy to make the app use the api19:52
apacheloggerqt quick is awesome like that19:53
nigelbapachelogger: \m/19:53
nigelbROCK ON19:53
Sputapachelogger: as usual19:54
ScottKapachelogger is always awake.19:54
ScottKThe question, is, is he sober enough to type.19:54
apacheloggerSput: :D :D :D :D19:55
nigelbScottK: hahaha19:55
apacheloggerScottK: I think Sput was referring to a joke only elitist google hangouters understand :P19:56
Sputyes, I was indeed19:56
BarkingFishevening guys :)19:58
BarkingFishI'm pretty much back to full fitness and ready to get back on with some work.  Anyone got anything they need build testing, debugging or generally unborking?19:59
apacheloggerbulldog98: oh, there is some weirdness with the remote compiler19:59
bulldog98BarkingFish: do you run oneiric?19:59
bulldog98apachelogger: yeah19:59
apacheloggerBuild Failed: Zipping failed: file to open is a directory (/home/me/src/git/uds/qml/core)20:00
BarkingFishbulldog98, no - natty, but I have pbuilder set up to work on both20:00
bulldog98BarkingFish: ok no problem20:00
apacheloggerSput: y ur company distributes broken software? :P20:00
bulldog98Sput: fix that :P20:01
bulldog98like now20:01
BarkingFishhi ScottK :)20:01
apacheloggerreally weird20:01
yofelshadeslayer: any ETA for soprano? If not I'll either do it myself or use the old one20:01
ScottKBarkingFish: Hello.20:01
bulldog98yofel: ETA?20:02
Sputapachelogger: what?20:02
yofelbulldog98: estimated time of arrival?20:02
apacheloggerSput: remote compiler in qtcreator is somewhat flimsy20:02
bulldog98yofel: k20:02
Sputapachelogger: not my realm :)20:03
Sputpester ossi!20:03
=== antoniojasr_ is now known as antoniojasr
* apachelogger is scared of ossi20:03
* bulldog98 too20:03
apacheloggerbulldog98: actually it works with a clean project, so there is something in the pro file that makes it fall over20:03
apacheloggerI wonder what though20:03
apacheloggervery weird20:03
apacheloggermaybe it inspects the qml files, though that'd be weird20:03
bulldog98apachelogger: maybe you could get ossi interessted enought to fix that20:04
bulldog98apachelogger: the default project, does it have subfolder in the qml folder?20:04
apacheloggerbut only one20:04
apacheloggerwhat I do not understand... why does qt creator not simply zip up the entire tree and ship it off20:05
apacheloggervery curious20:05
apacheloggerbambee: ping20:05
bulldog98apachelogger: do you know who wrote that peace of software?20:05
apacheloggerthe berlin qt team20:06
apacheloggerI guess, as they make all of qtcreator20:06
apacheloggeractually Mowhi20:06
bulldog98apachelogger: how did you find that out?20:07
apacheloggerwell then20:08
apacheloggerI do not think it has to do withthe sub dirs20:09
apacheloggerI created a sub dir in a blank project and it did not trip over it20:09
apacheloggerwhoop whoop20:10
shadeslayeryofel: nope, i won't be able to look at it before tomorrow20:10
bulldog98apachelogger: I found it out too20:10
apacheloggersomething is broken with the pro file20:10
apacheloggerwhich is actually surprising20:10
yofelshadeslayer: k, I'll wait then, won't have much time tomorrow anyway20:10
apacheloggerbulldog98: it falls over my excessive if else stuff20:12
apacheloggervery weird20:12
apacheloggeralso it fails to build for no apparent reason20:12
shadeslayersoprano will probably take some time as well because it doesn't have alot of the build deps satisfied iirc20:12
yofelthere's redland etc. already in backports if you need it20:13
yofeljust copy it over20:13
shadeslayeragain, don't remember, will look tomorrow20:15
apacheloggercompletely weird20:15
shadeslayeri'm off to sleep now20:15
bulldog98apachelogger: that paste is wired20:20
apacheloggerI know20:21
apacheloggerhowever... might have to do with linking20:21
apacheloggeras it builds fine, but then apparently no sis comes out of it20:21
bulldog98apachelogger: maybe someone in #qtcreator knows why that fails20:21
kubotubulldog98 meant: "apachelogger: maybe someone in #qt knows why that fails"20:22
apacheloggerunlikely unless they wanna read all the code :P20:23
bulldog98apachelogger: force ossi to do so and be the might with you :P20:26
apacheloggerit might have to do with how we fake include libqcalparser into our source tree20:26
apacheloggeroh yes20:26
bulldog98apachelogger: fixed it?20:27
apacheloggerbulldog98: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/uds_unsigned_qt-4_7_3_symbian3.sis20:27
apacheloggertry that20:27
apacheloggerwell, since there is an api to be used in the future, I do not really have to worry much about qcalparser integration I suppose20:28
bulldog98apachelogger: problem is with only the sis deployment is not working20:29
apacheloggerbulldog98: why?20:29
apacheloggeryou just need to install the sis on your file20:29
bulldog98apachelogger: ?20:29
apacheloggerthe sis is a symbian binary package20:30
apacheloggeryou should just be able to install it20:30
bulldog98apachelogger: including all libs and stuff?20:30
apacheloggerthere are no requirements20:30
apacheloggerthat sis contains everything you need20:30
apachelogger(except for Qt which is part of symbian^3 anyway)20:30
apacheloggeroh noes, I thik I broke the builder ^^20:35
bulldog98apachelogger: I got a cert error20:35
apacheloggeryou probably have to allow installation of self-signed sis somehwere?20:36
bulldog98~search symbian^3 allow installation of self-signed sis20:37
kubotuResults for symbian^3 allow installation of self-signed sis: 1. How to sign a .Sis file with Self-Sign Certificate - Nokia Developer Wiki: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/How_to_sign_a_.Sis_file_with_Self-Sign_Certificate | 2. Qt Creator : Deploying Applications to Symbian Devices: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-2.3/creator-deployment-symbian.html20:37
kubotu3. Qt 4.7: Installing Qt for the Symbian platform: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/stable/install-symbian.html20:37
BarkingFishapachelogger - is that S60 5th ed?20:38
apacheloggerthough we could get it on 5th edition too I think20:39
* apachelogger looks20:39
BarkingFishI used to work on basic stuff for my old S60 3rd ed Nokia E7120:39
BarkingFish5th can't be much harder, I don't know what ^3 is like.20:39
apacheloggeractually S60 5th would be tricky20:40
apacheloggerit only has qt quick 1.020:40
apacheloggerand no components20:40
apacheloggerso we'd have to import those or something20:40
apacheloggerwhoever wants to do that20:40
* apachelogger needs to get a symbian device20:40
alleeScottK, fabo: I've installed fabo's ppa strigi 0.7.6 libs: added new user.  Start indexing of ~ 750 mostly audio files.  Cpu and io usage was very log  (top and iotop)  indexed 1-2 file per sec). IMHO way to much cyptic debug output to .xsession-error.   So no obvious problem with the new libs.20:40
apacheloggerwhen is the 701 hitting the shelfs?20:41
BarkingFishapachelogger, Nokia E72 is good, I upgraded to one of those.20:41
apacheloggerhm, 701 in Q3 :S20:42
ScottKrbelem: Did you get your omap thing working for testing Kubuntu stuff?20:43
alleeibus fix: please choose:  a)  echo "mkdir -p $HOME/.config/ibus/bus" >> /usr/bin/startkde   b) mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/ibus/bus      One inotify_add_watch per application start is really too much :(20:44
rbelemScottK, lately not, but some weeks ago when i got the hole kubuntu-mobile stak running20:44
ScottKCan you check if you can test images for beta 2?20:45
apacheloggerbulldog98: I think I'll get myself a symbian dev setup in windows and try to fix it up locally ... still if you could try the sis that would be cool20:46
apacheloggerBarkingFish: I was more thinking in the direction of either N8 or 70120:46
* apachelogger likes fastish devices for development so he can write crappy code ^^20:46
rbelemScottK, oki20:47
ScottKThanks.  Let me know.20:47
ScottKBarkingFish: New plee-the-bear is in Debian.  You might see if you can build it in oneiric and request a sync if it does.20:48
* ScottK is going out for the evening.20:48
bulldog98apachelogger: what have you done, to get it working, could you commit that to a branch, so I can build it myself?20:57
apacheloggertoo messy20:57
bulldog98apachelogger: then send me a diff20:58
apacheloggerbulldog98: checkout symbian branch21:00
apacheloggernot sure if I replicated the changes properly21:00
apacheloggerbut I think it should be about the same21:00
apacheloggeruh, my new headset is in upper austria21:04
* apachelogger hopes for delivery tomorrow21:04
bulldog98apachelogger: it’s installing21:07
bambeeapachelogger: pong21:08
apacheloggerbambee: touchegg 1.0?21:08
bambeeI still wait review for touchegg-gui ^^21:09
bulldog98apachelogger: does it need network for building up the start ui?21:09
apacheloggerbambee: screw that, get 1.0 packaged and on revu, get an exception and I'll upload21:10
apacheloggerbambee: FWIW 0.3 apparenlty does not work with latest utouch, so we need that fixed21:10
bulldog98apachelogger: uds only shows me a blank screen21:12
apacheloggerit is broken!21:12
apacheloggergod knows why21:12
apacheloggerbulldog98: you might need to install the symbian qt components21:13
apacheloggerhowever one does that21:13
bulldog98apachelogger: installed21:13
apacheloggerand it does not work? :O21:14
apacheloggerany chance of getting debug output somehow?21:14
bulldog98apachelogger: let me test21:15
apacheloggerif you add CONFIG += debug in the pro file and deploy via qtcreator you should get debug output in creator21:15
apacheloggeror at least on every other target it works like that21:15
apacheloggerpossible one cannot build with debug on remote compiler though *shrug*21:16
bulldog98apachelogger: only problem I have is that deployment does not work21:18
apacheloggerthat does not make sense21:18
apacheloggersee qt creator documentation :P21:18
bulldog98apachelogger: yep I miss the coda stuff on my N821:22
bulldog98apachelogger: I even get an error with the simulater: http://paste.kde.org/125479/21:24
apacheloggerwith the simulator that is to be expected21:24
apacheloggerit is a bit of a fishy thing21:24
apacheloggerbulldog98: http://paste.kde.org/125485/21:25
bulldog98apachelogger: http://pastebin.com/NPmVBPTr21:37
bulldog98is that normal with the simulator?21:37
apacheloggerscrew the stupid simulator21:37
apacheloggerand yes21:38
apacheloggerthat is what hte output should look like21:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yo22:38
apacheloggerdont yo me, you lost22:38
apacheloggerI think22:38
apacheloggeralso I am drunk22:38
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