
mase_workmorn all, i have 2 nics in this box and i have added a new wired conenction to the plasma nm widget ( via manage connections )01:22
mase_workfor my eth001:22
mase_workhowever when i click on the connection in the plama widget it does nothing01:23
mase_workand ifconfig eth0 shows it has no ip address01:23
mase_workit's configured for addresses only dhcp in my network management configuration01:23
mase_workthe plasma widget also shows my 2 interfaces as unmanaged01:24
mase_workcan anyone help me to get eth0 'managed' and using the new connection01:24
indystor1hey all--- just installed kubuntu and I love it!! so many more features than Gnome...!!! :)01:29
mase_workindystor1: well one of the main features of gnome is the lack of features :)01:29
mase_workso if features is what you want then it's not surprising your enjoying kde01:30
mase_workbut welcome!01:30
indystor1:) haha--- yeah, it was extremely annoying not to even be able to dock my buddy list to the side of the screen on gnome! lol...01:33
indystor1kde runs slower but I don't care, I can have it do what I want it to do! :)01:33
CoJaBokde ftw01:42
indystor1so when does the next LTS version of kubuntu come out? I can't wait to install that bad boy...!!!01:48
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Lithos84indystor1: Next LTS will be 12.04 (April 2012).02:10
[Relic]not very LTS if the world ends 8 months later02:24
mase_workcan't you just change the calendar ? =)02:25
[Relic]don't have my stone carving tools02:25
CoJaBo"Support period: UNTIL RAPTURE"02:26
[Relic]I want my logitech g300 to work already :(02:28
semitonesfor the alt-f2 thing, can you configure that to search for files as well as open applications02:36
semitonesbecause right now it doesn't find files which i can locate myself02:36
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:53
semitonesalso where can I configure the taskbar to my liking? I don't see it in system settings02:55
claydohsemitones: right click on the taskbar to configure02:59
semitonesoh thanks -- i couldn't before, too many windows02:59
claydohyeah that gets in the way :)03:00
semitonesis there a way to change the minimized windows to just icons instead of icons and words?03:00
claydohsemitones: iirc there is an alternative taskbar called fancytasks or something similar03:08
claydohthe taskbar is just a widget on the panel, so you can delete it, move it, put a different one there03:08
claydohthere are probably others you can install03:09
claydohI think fancytasks can be configured to do what you want bit have not used it myself03:09
semitonesoh cool, thanks claydoh, i'll try it03:11
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truegAre there kde 4.7.1 updates for Kubuntu 11.4 somewhere? (asked here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=281600#c7)08:43
ubottuKDE bug 281600 in general "nepomuk crash" [Crash,Unconfirmed]08:43
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
faLUCEhi. apt-get autoremove lists too many thing... is there a possibility that something is broken in my packages?09:37
well_laid_lawnwhatdo you call too many and how long have you been installing/removing things?09:41
well_laid_lawns/td/ /09:41
well_laid_lawnregex fail09:44
truegwho knows about kde-runtime updates in kubuntu?10:08
amichairis kde 4.7.1 planned to be backported to Natty?10:20
venuhi every1.I wnt to create a new option in my kubuntu right-click menu by using a .desktop file.Plz tell me wat shld i write in .desktop file.10:27
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chirag_d_gr8hello. Is anyone having problem of too much core temperature while using kubuntu 11.04?10:48
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chirag_d_gr8i am unable to adjust screen brightness graphically because brightness bar jumps back to 100%. Is there any command that can execute that operation?11:00
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=== trueg is now known as trueg_away
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BluesKajHiyas all12:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:45
OerHeks!ops something wrong again with floodbots ?13:07
ubottuOerHeks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
hyper_ch1.6GB updates for oneirich :)13:07
OerHekshyper_ch, possible, wait for beta2 @ thursday 22nd,13:08
hyper_chOerHeks: why?13:08
OerHeksbeta2 is incl these updates13:09
hyper_chand I'd still have to download them... so?13:09
hyper_chOerHeks: I'm not sure what the wait for the 22nd would be good for13:10
OerHeksif you want to test it today, oke, but beta1 is at it's end, so i am not surprized it has 1,5 Gb updates13:12
hyper_chand the update to beta2 is minimal13:12
hyper_chI need new cups drivers13:12
ahoxHi, are there KDE 4.7.1 packages available for 11.04?13:15
hyper_chahox: they are, through the kubuntu team backport ppa I think13:15
OerHeksahoy, no, 4.7.0 is in backports13:15
hyper_choh... well13:15
ahoxah, so its not just me, because according to kde.org they are, however, kubuntu.org does not mention them13:16
OerHeksi am not sure, it ever will ..13:16
OerHeks4.7.1 is available in oneiric, but is in beta & not stable yet.13:17
hyper_chwhat improvements does 4.7.1 bring?13:17
ahoxhyper_ch: Have a look at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_7_0to4_7_1.php13:19
OerHeksi am still on natty+backports, i wait till thursday for beta2 to come out13:19
hyper_chyeah, also using natty+backports but in the process of upgrading13:19
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truegmaybe now: Are there kde 4.7.1 updates for Kubuntu 11.4 somewhere? (asked here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=281600#c7)13:36
ubottuKDE bug 281600 in general "nepomuk crash" [Crash,Unconfirmed]13:36
BoomerBile_Laptoxfire for kubuntu?13:37
BoomerBile_Laptonever mind... gfire ;)13:43
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hyper_choh, I notice oneiric comes with a 3.0 kernel :)14:10
hyper_chalso, in 5 1/2 years we reach "z"... what comes afterwards?14:10
BluesKajA1  ?14:12
hyper_chhmmm, name an adjective or animal that starts with A114:13
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BluesKajwell, he's gotta change that silly naming after animals habit14:25
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hyper_chBluesKaj: :)14:41
hyper_chit's been over 5 years now for me since I replaced Windows as Desktop :)14:41
BluesKajhyper_ch, yes, same here , altho wife still insists on windows14:42
BluesKajon her pc14:43
hyper_chwindows has it's place.. just not in my heart anymore ;)14:43
TheLastProjectLibreOffice why don't you want to work? Q_Q14:46
hyper_chTheLastProject: it works14:46
hyper_chbut then, I'm using the LO ppa14:46
TheLastProjectI can't get it working =/14:47
TheLastProjectThe one that came along with Kubuntu was old14:47
TheLastProjectAnd now I got the new one but that's a bit problematic =/14:47
TheLastProjectGoing to try to remove everything with synaptic =/14:47
hyper_chTheLastProject: you're on natty?14:49
TheLastProjectKubuntu 11.04, forgot the name =/14:49
hyper_chthe one linked on my repogen site works just fine for natty http://repogen.simplylinux.ch14:49
hyper_chexcept the info popups are almost black on black14:49
hyper_chbut that is already reported14:50
TheLastProjectIf I choose the Netherlands will it use Dutch lists?14:52
TheLastProjectBecause I prefer English o,o14:52
hyper_chno, it's for the mirrors to use14:52
TheLastProjectAh, okay14:52
hyper_chand that's only important for the main repos14:52
hyper_chfor the ubuntu main repos14:52
hyper_chjust select 11.0414:52
hyper_chthen check the libreoffice PPA14:52
hyper_chand add the result to your sources.list14:52
hyper_chand also get the gpg key14:52
PiciIf you use add-apt-repository, it will get the PPA's key at the same time.14:53
TheLastProjectgpg key? x.x14:54
hyper_chPici: maybe I should add that to my generator14:54
TheLastProjectOkay, still can't open ACCDB files =/15:00
TheLastProjectMust be doing something wrong =/15:00
hyper_chwhat are accdb files?15:04
TheLastProjectAccess Database15:04
hyper_chdon't know15:05
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dhqhey ! i need help when ever i transfer files from one drice to another my pc hangs any idea why16:08
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BoomerBile_Laptoanyone here using pidgin?17:03
macer1!anyone | BoomerBile_Lapto17:06
ubottuBoomerBile_Lapto: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:06
BoomerBile_Laptoi'm having problems with pidgin... i think... i can see all of my contacts, but when i open a chat to one of them... the window to chat in is blank... and i can't type in it or see what they type17:07
BoomerBile_Laptoon closing the window, i'm asked for confirmation to close it and there are no buttons to press17:07
macer1what ubuntu version?17:08
BoomerBile_Laptoalso, i can't close the email notification17:09
BoomerBile_Laptonor use any of the pull down menus17:09
BoomerBile_Laptoit doesn't start out this way, only after about 40 seconds of use or so, it starts happening until i close and open it17:11
BoomerBile_Laptowith killall -9 pidgin17:11
BoomerBile_Laptothought it was kde effects... it's not17:14
BoomerBile_Laptokde effects off, same thing happens17:14
BoomerBile_Laptocould be the gfire plugin, or xmmp, i don't normally use those... disabled the accounts for a try17:16
BoomerBile_Laptonope... pidgin is not working correctly... any ideas?17:19
mr-richBoomerBile_Lapto: kununtu?17:25
mr-richBoomerBile_Lapto: what is your uptime?17:26
ssfdre38mr-rich, do you know what kubuntu is?17:28
mr-richssfdre38: fatfingered ... sorry17:29
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jamil_1Hi all, my kubuntu system is not shutting down. I am on latest kubuntu17:33
mr-richjamil_1: not shutting down how? Any error messages? HD light blinking? need more info ...17:37
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waveydavehowdy, recently built a pc using amd a8-3850 and, having read that ubuntu 11.10 should work out of the box with the llano gpu due to more recent kernel/mesa but being a kubuntu user, i'm trying to install kubuntu 11.10 to the crucial m4 ssd18:00
waveydavehowever, on booting from cd i get a message about the cd-rom not being mounted18:01
waveydavetrying the install from a usb key does get as far as partitioning but none of my drives are listed18:02
waveydavemotherboard is asus f1a75-v pro18:02
waveydaveanyone aware of any issues with these boards?18:03
waveydavethen the main point, if i plug the ssd into another sata port using a different sata controller (the board has 2) i can get as far as the package install, which then stalls part way through18:04
waveydavecouldn't find anything on forums about this18:04
waveydaveusing the 'alternate' install, btw18:04
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waveydavelargest uk telecoms provider/isp provides terrible routers - who'd have thunk it?18:19
iDanielSanHey, does anyone of use CairoDock ?18:20
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shane2peruanyone know of skype dialing app?  I know there are a few, for example jpilot offers a plugin to dial out to skype, is there anything more universal?19:15
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marvimotois there someone who can help me to get my m-audio delta audiophile 2496 working with kubuntu19:41
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marvimotois there someone who can help me to get my m-audio delta audiophile 2496 working with kubuntu19:53
BluesKajodd that that you should ask marvimoto , I've just been looking into those cards for my Media_Server pc19:58
marvimotodid you get this card work?19:59
BluesKajmarvimoto, I haven't bought one yet , but according to synaptic the card needs the madfuload firmware download to work with alsa20:01
BluesKajmarxjohnson, check in your package manager20:02
BluesKajtype m-audio and you'll sees several optional apps20:03
BluesKajMarkB1, I just found that the ALSA GUI control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) soundcards is called Mudita24 and is preferred for you card20:07
BluesKajsorry marxjohnson , MarkB1 , the guy I was helping left right afte he asked me a followup question, I assumed he wa still here20:14
giantpunehi.  doesnt anybody know how if kde/kubuntu has a way to change the behavior for the current working directory when starting a program?  with ubuntu, when i start a program, and it writes any file to the CWD, that file will end up in the same folder as the executable.  in KDE, when the same program is run, it writes that file into $HOME/Documents20:17
giantpuneso, i want to change it so that when i browse to a program in dolphin and double click on it, the program will start up and its CWD will be the directory from which i ran it20:18
blinegiantpune: did u get my last message?20:24
blinegiantpune: just tested it with alt-f2 and browsing with dolphin, both write the file in Documents. maybe the program u are running is calling chdir()20:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:24
giantpunebline, it is not.  it is a program that i wrote myself using Qt.  when i run the program on ubuntu, windows, and OSx they all 3 write the file to the path from where i run the program20:26
giantpuneit is only on KDE where it puts the file in documents20:26
blinei just wrote a 3 line perl script to test20:26
blinethis is a fresh install of kubuntu20:27
giantpunemaybe it is a Qt bug then?20:27
blinecould be a feature :)20:27
giantpunei noticed also that strictly Qt programs will spit out a bunch of warnings when running with KDE20:27
blineas much as i love qt, haven't done enough work with it to help20:31
blinegiantpune: maybe you could make the path a config option or just do the chdir($HOME/Documents) yourself20:33
blinei think it's bad practice to depend on the directory the OS puts you in for writting files20:33
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marquee_if I want to update everything except kopete (I am using an earlier version), could I use the line sudo apt-get update && !kopete20:52
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto20:58
OerHeksmarquee_, see pinning20:59
marquee_will do thank you20:59
marquee_what a strange name for it though lol why'd they call it pinning rofl21:00
blinelike you pin a window so it stays21:02
OerHeksmarquee_, did you try the ppa version ?? https://launchpad.net/~pali/+archive/kopete21:05
marquee_nope i'll look into that as well21:05
LINKSWORD2Hello all.21:06
LINKSWORD2So check this out. K3B isn't coming up as an option to rip my audio CD's.21:06
marquee_well the thing is that I don't want to update kopete, not update it from a different source21:07
marquee_but thanks anyways oer21:07
LINKSWORD2I restore audio from tapes and burn them to CD's as a small business. And I'm stuck on trying to get my own CD ripped back to my system.21:07
kwyjibo_hello. i just installed kubuntu 11.04, but I'm having real difficulty finding where to change to 12h clock format. can someone help?21:09
kwyjibo_the clock widget has preferences, but none of them appear to affect 12h/24h format21:10
LINKSWORD2kwyjibo_:  It's an ongoing glitch.21:10
LINKSWORD2I've wanted to switch over to 24h format, but it's... beefed.21:10
kwyjibo_has it been going on for a long time?21:11
LINKSWORD2I got back into Linux systems with Kubuntu 9.04. It's been that way since I got in.21:12
kwyjibo_any workaround?21:12
LINKSWORD2None that I know of.21:12
kwyjibo_there's no command line that could do it? or maybe a config file i could edit?21:15
LINKSWORD2It's possible, but I haven't found it.21:16
LINKSWORD2I've asked others in this chatroom about it, and had no luck.21:16
LINKSWORD2So if you figure it out, I invite you to come back and let me know how.21:17
adwait_neohow can i download vlc for kubuntu?21:38
Piciadwait_neo: sudo apt-get install vlc21:39
adwait_neo<Pici> Thanks a ton :)21:40
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:07
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sluckxzjoin #XBMC23:39
Unit193I would, but I sadly don't have XBMC or anything that can hook up to the TV ;)23:41
sluckxzlol.  i got some decent hardware and dropped directv over the air or internet only now.23:51
BluesKajUnit193,you don't need vbmc ..vlc works very well as a player , a decent graphics card connected to your monitor style or flatscreen hdtv and you're in business23:55
BluesKajerr xbmc23:55
OerHeksmaybe offtopic, my mom saw tv comming, now she can broadcast her own :-D23:55
BarkingFishcan anyone tell me how to downgrade firefox please - I need to go back to firefox 3.x or 4.x23:56
BarkingFishI need  plugin on firefox which isn't compatible with 6.x or 5.x23:56

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