
urlin2uemorris, cool the XP and being on the development channel just checking. :D00:00
emorrisurlin2u, yeah, sorry :-p00:00
pr0xypower/settings menu button randomly disappears from menu bar in 11.1000:46
Troyi tried upgrading the ubuntu alhpa version got tons of errors and now when i do update and all that its like its not updating to the new beta ebcause i got none of the new unity / gnome 3 and i still get constant popping up errors in gnome classic so im not sure whats going on00:49
urlin2uTroy, gnome 3 has to b installed I believe you using 32 or 64 bit?00:50
Troyim just so confused lol00:52
Troyi basically broke my ubuntu because it doesnt work properly and tons of errors00:52
urlin2uTroy, the beta turned on the app I forget the name that has 32 bit capability in a 64 bit, that can be turned on, but to get help you need to be very detailed in errors, and pastebin them, or just install the daily beta.00:54
Troyinstal daily beta how does one do that?00:54
urlin2utroy should you really be messing with a development?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:55
urlin2ujust asking00:55
Troyno not really00:56
Troylol i was foolish to upgrade to alpha00:56
Troyin the first place00:56
urlin2uTroy, it happens I'm an experienced user and have it installed, but would not even post any problems when I can reinstall or load a clone that was running.00:57
urlin2uTroy, thats just the way roll others go a different route.00:59
Troyyea im thinking of just waiting to full release of 11.10 or giving arch a go.. not really sure00:59
urlin2uTroy, arch is cool use the install wiki it is pretty easy.01:00
Troyyea hard to use the install wiki when its the only comp you got :S01:00
Troyor i would install over ssh01:01
urlin2uTroy, you can print it, without it you will probably have problems I know I would, even though I have used arch, hard to rember everything for me.01:01
urlin2uTroy, is it the gnome 3 desktop you want?01:02
urlin2uTroy, fedora has it stock in 1501:02
urlin2unot a bad OS01:03
Troyyea i dont really need it... im just saying i was curious as to why gnome 3 wasnt installed with the latest beta01:03
Troyyou know hoestly im a prefered gnome2/xfce user.. just wanted to check out gnome 301:05
urlin2uTroy, also good DE, not sure abount the dailies, I think gnome 3 is supposed to be in the final release though.01:06
urlin2ua live cd of fedora will get you gnome 3 or go here to see it in openSuselive cd. http://gnome3.org/tryit.html01:08
urlin2uworth trying out as a live I think to see if it is what you might like at least it was for me.01:09
syn-ackGood evening, people. I just did a fresh install of 11.10 and for some reason my Atheros wifi card won't come up. At first I had a "Device Not Managed" notifer so I went into the network manager conf file and changed "Managed=false" to true, restarted nm and now it's saying that the device is not ready. is there a known issue out there regarding this that I've not been able to find?01:09
syn-ackrfkill isn't showing the device blocked, and I'm able to manipulate it with iwconfig.01:11
syn-ackThe kernel module is loaded and assigned (obviously, otherwise the other methods wouldn't work)01:12
luciousis gnome-screensaver capturing for you guys?01:52
sianhulopeople, after i installed gnome shell, i haven't been able to use unity 3d02:19
sianhuloi shall give a log, but need to know what's the name of unity 2d, because if i execute unity --replace, i wont be able to give you the log if i dont change to unity 2d again02:21
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Atharvahi..Which will be the default ubuntu enviornments in further releases ?02:55
Logan_Atharva: Unity.02:56
bjsniderwhat an odd question03:10
bjsniderthere's a lot of written info about that on the web and has been for quite a while03:11
urlin2ubjsnider, help I've fallen and I can't browse the web. :D03:13
bjsnideri guess03:13
bullgard4Installing the DEB program package »keychain«, why does the Synaptic dialog window "Changes Applied" say: "(keychain is being set up.) You have to configure "localpurge with the command 'dpkg-reconfigure localepurge' to make /usr/sbin/localpurge actually to function. Nothing to be done, exiting..."?05:15
vega-has there really not been updates for oneiric in the last couple of days or so.. ? or is it just my mirror?05:46
micahgvega-: might be your mirror, but we're in beta 2 freeze05:50
vega-quite annoying to work with oneiric when there's a popup every few minutes "sorry the program <insert-all-kinds-of-programs-here> closed unexpectedly"06:14
tjoysounds awful06:15
vega-just worried about what the quality will be at final release..06:17
tjoyprobably pretty bad06:17
tjoyit's still a month or so out06:17
tjoyand you haven't ruled out a hardware issue06:17
vega-based on past experiences yes.. i've started using every release since alpha-1 or alpha-2 and things have never been this bad06:18
vega-let's hope it gets better pretty quickly...06:18
vega-i think the hardware is ok.. and hey, looking at this list seems i'm not alone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/06:19
tjoyoh yeah06:19
tjoywhen i tried booting to desktop i got a crash right away too06:19
tjoygood thing my use-case is headless06:20
urlin2unever seen a bad release, been using ubuntu since dapper06:21
adam_I have a dwa-130 dlink adapter which worked with ubuntu 11.04 using ndiskgtk windows wireless drivers. Just updated to ubuntu 11.10 does not seem to work. maybe gnome 3 compatibility issues? any help?06:24
urlin2uadam_, you need to reload drivers on a upgrade06:24
adam_how do I do that?06:24
urlin2uadam_, like you did originally I suppose.06:24
adam_urlin2u, I used ndiswrapper to get it working and now that is not working06:25
urlin2uadam_, this is not something I have ever had to do this wiki may help though. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:27
adam_Thanks. I have it installed already I just think that it might not be fully compatible with gnome 306:27
adam_Also I am willing to buy a new wifi card for my computer. I want a usb wifi card. Are there any that are specifically plug and play for ubuntu?06:28
syn-ackYou know how many times in the past I've heard "The Quality Has Never Been This Bad In The Past"? by the time it goes final, it'06:30
syn-ackll work out fine06:30
syn-ackI hear it with *every* release. Seriously.06:31
urlin2uadam_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported06:31
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diverse_izzueMorning! When updating apt package indexes i get an error message about a bad signature since this morning. Everyone else? Solution?07:37
jpdsdiverse_izzue: Being worked on.07:38
diverse_izzuejpds, great. bug no?07:43
Airon90Hi you all, I updated yesterday my pc and now it seems that Lightdm is broken because when it loads, a black screen appears and loading led regularly blinks. Did someone encounter the same problem?07:44
jpdsdiverse_izzue: Should be now all fixed.07:52
bullgard4On my Oneiric omputer there are running two sshd processes. Is this normal?08:01
jpdsbullgard4: Two /usr/sbin/sshd processes ?08:03
jpdsIt seems to spawn a child SSH process for every loging.08:03
bullgard4jpds: No. i.) /usr/sbin/sshd -D;  ii.) sshd: <username>@pts/5.08:08
Airon90Hi you all, I updated yesterday my pc and now it seems that Lightdm is broken because when it loads, a black screen appears and loading led regularly blinks. Did someone encounter the same problem?08:08
jpdsbullgard4: What I said after that, it's spawns a separate user session for the login.08:08
bullgard4jpds: What do you mean by "it"?08:08
bullgard4jpds: Is this new in Oneiric? I do not have this behaviour in Ubuntu
tjoy'booting system without full network configuration...'08:10
tjoythanks, ubuntu, you only wasted 2 minutes of my life waiting for stupid dhcp08:10
jpdsbullgard4: Nope, I have it on an 10.04 system.08:11
tjoybullgard4: i've noticed that on about every system i've ever used08:11
bullgard4jpds: (I am rather new to ssh.) So it must be a matter of my ssh configuration. What could I have configured wrongly in my Ubuntu 10.04.3? So far I have not noticed any malfunction.08:13
jpdsbullgard4: Do you have UsePrivilegeSeparation set to yes in sshd_config ?08:14
bullgard4jpds: UsePrivilegeSeparation is set to "yes" in both Ubuntu computers.08:24
carli2skype does not work under oneiric because of some missing ia32 libs08:39
vibhavis it true ubuntu+1 has no synaptic?08:45
carli2vibhav: it is true unless you type "sudo apt-get install synaptic"08:49
vibhavthanks carli208:49
mvoor install it via software-center08:50
jerknextdoori updated some stuff and now i can't get the network applet to work or connect to any networks.09:08
psypher246hi all, sorry i am trying to log a bug but I can't remember the name of the feature that i wantot log the bug with09:15
psypher246when i press super - e and the desktop zooms out to all desktops, what is that called again?09:16
psypher246ah expo mode09:17
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wrtphas anyone else experienced problems with missing files in oneiric apt-get installs?09:44
gesermissing files?09:51
wrtpgeser: yes. at least two (non-core) packages have been missing some files when i did apt-get on them. both install fine under natty.10:07
wrtp(and i think they're pulling from the same repository for both natty and oneiric)10:08
wrtpone (mainly written in python) was missing a load of __init__.py files10:09
wrtpthe other was missing some executables10:09
wrtpit's quite possible that it's a problem created by the package maintainer, but i thought i'd ask10:09
gesermight be perhaps due to some changes to the python packaging helpers between natty and oneiric10:14
vega-libreoffice updates being kept back for others too? last 3-4 days or so..10:16
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wrtpgeser: it's entirely possible.10:30
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BluesKajHiyas all12:28
bronkois there a way to change the default application behavior in oneiric?13:11
carli2bronko: which application behaviour?13:14
nmvictorI loaded ubuntu 11.10 daily builds on a USB drive for installation, after selecting "Try Ubuntu" option, the screen goes deem and the fn keys do not work to adjust the brightness, all i see is a very faint installation window and i cant even make for the buttons. I am using Acer Aspire 5734z with Intel graphics card.13:42
nmvictorzykotick9: MonkeyDust: though i am experiencing the same problem with 11.04, my current installation. I managed to fix the problem with kamal Mostafa's kernel, see bug 568611 , It is claimed the the bug is fixed upstream in Oneric,13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861113:48
nmvictorI loaded ubuntu 11.10 daily builds on a USB drive for installation, after selecting "Try Ubuntu" option, the screen goes deem and the fn keys do not work to adjust the brightness, all i see is a very faint installation window and i cant even make for the buttons. I am using Acer Aspire 5734z with Intel graphics card.13:48
nmvictorAnyone help me please13:49
nmvictorSo  many people, and no one to help o even  try. Why dont you all go sleep.14:08
Stanley00ah, so you are using 11.10?14:09
BluesKajnmvictor, make sure your laptop is using the DC converter , looks like your graphics mode is on powwer save of some sort14:10
BluesKajnmvictor, plug it in in other words ...your battery is probly low14:11
nmvictorBluesKaj: Its plugged14:13
nmvictorBluesKaj: Its always plugged, the fn keys do not work. see bug 568611, ist more or less the same problems14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861114:14
BluesKajyou're asking for advice in #ubuntu. maybe you should just stay there14:14
BluesKajnmvictor, ^14:14
nmvictorBluesKaj: ok14:15
nmvictoram here, I had a guy, macer1 helping me last night over their, so I was trying to trace him14:15
BluesKajnmvictor, what OS are you on?14:16
nmvictorUbuntu 11.04,14:16
nmvictorNatty Narwhal14:16
nmvictorare we still on?14:22
nmvictorBluesKaj: ^14:23
BluesKajnmvictor, 11.04 support is in #ubuntu14:23
BluesKajthis for 11.10 support14:23
nmvictorBluesKaj: I am using 11.04 to chat about my problem which is trying to install  11.10, so they suggested here. So actually the problem  is with the 11.10  version, I am trying a USB install and the screen goes deem. Am I still lost/14:25
BluesKajdeem =dim ?14:26
nmvictorBluesKaj: whatever/14:26
BluesKajwhatever for sure14:27
nmvictorok, please just help me. I am trying to install Ubuntu 11.10 and i experienced the problem above. Thats all, forgive my english.14:28
famineim running fglrx....is there a way to uninstall it and use the open source radeon drivers? (if i uninstall fglrx I get libgl errors whenever I try to open something that uses 3d)14:29
Lynourenmvictor: does the same happen with other install methods? If so, at what point of install?14:30
* BluesKaj breathes a sigh of relief14:31
nmvictorYea, even with CD install. Its happens right after I select "Try Ubuntu" option, The screen dims to almost 0, viewing the screen from an angle reveals the installation window, but a very faint one. I try adjusting with the fn keys but they are not working.14:33
Lynourenmvictor: then sounds like a bug you might want to report, and include the info on the make and model of your computer14:34
KrawnsbieBest usb wifi adapter for 11.10?15:17
LynoureKrawnsbie: the cheap ones that say "Linux" on the packaging :)15:21
Krawnsbiehahaha I will look into that. With buying online it is all much more unreliable. I might make the hike to go to the nearsest computer store15:22
KrawnsbieThanks Lynoure15:22
LynoureKrawnsbie: they are very very different ones and I bet no one has done comprehensive comparisons, so go for a vendor that actually believes themselves too that it works for Linux (seen many in the shops here)15:22
Krawnsbiecool cool I live in the mountains in a college town so computer stores are scarce :(15:23
fossalaHow is unity working with the 3d nouveau drivers?15:42
madurax86i get random hangs on oneric15:55
madurax86dont get anything in logs(kern.log and syslog) what can i do?15:56
madurax86as far as i can remember I used without any problem for a long time then even natty hanged after new came15:57
madurax86i have installed but it reports a plymouth crash any workaround?15:58
drussellmadurax86: do you know what graphics chipset your machine has? Intel/AMD/nvidia?15:58
madurax86drussell: i have optimus from nvidia15:58
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drussellmadurax86: are you using the nvidia binary drivers or the opensource ones?>16:00
madurax86drussell: not using it at all i've turned it off and using intel16:00
drussellmadurax86: and it's a hard crash, you can't ssh into the machine from another box?16:01
madurax86drussell: hard one doesnt respond to alt+b+sysrq16:02
madurax86if im playing a song or somthing it goes on a loop16:03
drussellmadurax86: have you tried following the points here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash16:03
madurax86drussell: nope, i;ll try16:04
drussellmadurax86: good luck!16:05
madurax86drussell: from what i see this is a kernel crash16:05
madurax86drussell: will those alt+sysrq+l and alt+sysrq+t work at all? b didnt16:06
drussellmadurax86: possibly, the other thing is don't rule out some other problem, as it suggests, run a full memory check also16:07
madurax86drussell: yes i already had a cpu manufacture fault on this! thanks for your help16:08
drussellmadurax86: yvw16:08
dudhow to use gnome-shell?16:09
madurax86dud: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell, then select from login16:13
dudhow to select gnome-shell from unity w/o login?16:22
dudlike a login setup?16:26
dudhow to kill unity to get back into the login screen because the buttons disappeared16:31
dudctrl-alt backspace doesnt work16:32
bullgard4[GNOME 3] The cursor has taken the form of a Traffic sign "NO ENTRY". I can move it but clicking has no effect. What process do I have to kill so that clicking on a window button will again have some effect?16:33
AndChat|Why use ubuntu when debian actually works? Why16:34
bullgard4AndChat|: Don't troll.16:35
AndChat|Just asking?16:35
AndChat|Real answers please?16:35
AndChat|Anyone can answer?16:38
AndChat|Just curious16:39
AndChat|Guess not lol16:39
AndChat|Take care friends :)16:39
drussellwhat a delightful chap16:40
bjsniderhe doesn't have to use anything. as if he's being coerced into using ubuntu16:48
dudi need some happy little trees17:03
dudwhy my window looks like windows 3.1 on gnome shell=17:03
falstaffhello, when i do a apt-get upgrade the command says he has to hold back some libreoffice packakges, is this normal?17:20
patdk-wksure, that is what dist-upgrade is for17:22
patdk-wkthey are held back, cause they require new things to be installed17:22
bjsniderfalstaff, that may mean packages have to be removed to make the upgrade happen17:22
patdk-wkor removed :)17:22
patdk-wksomething besides an update17:23
falstaffdist-upgrade tells me the same...17:23
patdk-wkhave something installed it doesn't like maybe17:23
falstaffWhen I try to use aptitude, it wants to remove 125 packages...!17:24
bjsniderpastebin the whole aptitude output17:26
jbichafalstaff: I'd just wait a few hours to see if it clears up17:27
bullgard4falstaff: I support jbicha's advice.17:29
falstaffbullgard4, jbicha, well, I already had several times the problem that aptitude wants to remove a lot of packages..17:30
bullgard4falstaff: You have been told what the reasons might be. --  If you want a more exact answer, do what <bjsnider> asked you to do.17:31
falstaffbjsnider, bullgard4, yep, pastebin is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/693909/17:32
falstaffhmm, it looks like my mirror of choice has some problems... There is a newer package of libreoffice-common available on the ubuntu servers17:47
jakempX asploded =/17:48
bjsniderfalstaff, this problem is because libreoffice-common has not been updated on your mirror to the newest version, it will be cleared up in awhile17:52
bjsnideror you can switch to main17:52
synackfincan I upgrade from oneiric nightly build to oneiric-stable once it's released?18:00
charlie-tcaactually, you simply maintain the updates, and you have the same system as 11.10 when it releases18:02
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Oneiric and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.18:02
synackfinah, cool18:02
edgyHi, I downloaded oneiric kubuntu and trying to install. It didn't ask me to partition the disk or choose free space but it just goes forever, I rebooted and there is nothing!18:08
gnomefreak3 questions  1. do the fglrx drivers work? 2. how the hell do you access screensaver settings? 3. How do i get the applications icon back in the launcher?18:45
Ian_Corne1. not to my knowledge 2. not to my knowledge (except different timings, but not "never" 3. apt-get install gnome-icons or something18:46
bjsnider1. no, 2. i'd like to know myself, 3. what launcher?18:47
gnomefreakbjsnider: the one in unity18:47
bjsnideroh, unity18:47
gnomefreakshit if they dont work its a good thing i havent rebooted18:47
bjsnideri'm an evil devotee of gnome-shell myself18:47
bjsniderwell, they work in the sense that they make a picture18:48
IAmNotThatGuylol nice answers Ian_Corne and bjsnider18:48
bjsnidergnomefreak, i think you can safely reboot, but don't expect high performance18:51
gnomefreakbjsnider: i just disabled them im going to try and reboot now.18:51
Ian_Cornegnomefreak: $ sudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme-full18:52
ironhalikquick question18:53
ironhalikwill my laptop melt od explode if I try to upgrade 11.04 to 11.10? :>18:53
bjsnideri think that's highly unlikely18:54
ruffleShi. has anyone had any luck making a liveUSB out of oneiric's .iso file (x86) ?18:54
ironhalikok, so it prolly wont melt or explode - but will it boot? :P18:54
bjsniderit will probably boot18:55
ironhalikruffleS: yeah, it worked for me18:55
ruffleSironhalik: how did you do it?18:55
ant30have any body got problems with aptitude search status results ?18:55
ironhalikdont remember, with iniversal usb installer on windows IIRC18:56
ant30I get "p" on installed packages, and if I try to install it with aptitude/apt-get its told me already installed18:56
ruffleSuniversal usb installer? ok i will give it a try when i get home. thanks18:56
ironhalikruffleS: I did it the same as with 11.04, used the newer syslinux (ubuntu 11.04 in the menu) and it worked18:57
ruffleSironhalik: i've been trying to make an oneiric liveUSB for almost 3 months now and i can't get it to boot18:58
ruffleSi'm using unetbootin but i also used ubuntu's own liveusb creator from a virtualbox setup18:59
ironhalikit may be an individual case18:59
ironhalikI usually use universal usb installer, or the built in ubuntus one19:00
ironhalikif it would not work, I prolly would try manual syslinux 4+ and dd tool19:00
ironhalikok guys, wish me luck, I punched the upgrade button in update-manager -d19:02
gnomefreakd to work19:03
gnomefreakbjsnider: how do i get the default ati drivers to work?19:03
mvoironhalik: there is a issue that cups may hang during the upgrade, sudo stop cups will fix it if its hanging19:04
gnomefreakfglrx disabled and policy shows they are gone. im in update-alternatives and i not getting a choice19:04
mvoironhalik: or wait a day or so until the fix hits the archive19:04
bjsnidergnomefreak, you mean xf86-video-ati, the open source driver?19:04
ironhalikmvo: thanks, ill keep that in mind19:04
gnomefreakbjsnider: if that is the default ones yes19:05
* gnomefreak not sure if default is xserver-xorg-ati19:05
ironhalikbtw, anyone noticed a slowdown for unity on intel's IGPs?19:05
bjsniderif you removed fglrx, and deleted your xorg.conf file then it should be there after a reboot19:05
ironhalikon 11.10?19:05
gnomefreakbjsnider: thanks19:05
bjsniderthe glx alternatives are returned to mesa after removing fglrx and the xorg.conf file forces the kernel to load whatever driver is listed there19:06
Ian_Cornebjsnider: not if you remove with apt19:07
Ian_Corneonly with jockey19:07
Ian_Cornethere's glx libs missing19:07
gnomefreakbjsnider: where did xorg.conf move to :( its not in /etc/X1119:07
bjsniderthen it doesn't exist19:07
gnomefreakany idea on what could have replaced it :(19:08
bjsnidernothing replaces it19:09
bjsnidereither it exists or the kernel makes the default choice19:09
gnomefreakwell than im screwed badly i have no working graphics. i can loginto unity 2d but it doesnt have anything in it just my background19:12
gnomefreaki tried installing *-ati and *-radeon19:12
gnomefreakwhat if i reinstalled them and removed them with apt this time?19:17
bjsnideryou installled them and rebooted?19:18
gnomefreakbjsnider: installed them with jockey. did not reboot. removed them with jockey than rebooted19:19
bjsniderif you don't reboot then you haven't actually conducted a test19:19
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bjsnidergnomefreak, do me a favour and ping me again. i'm testing notifications19:21
gnomefreakbjsnider: ok19:25
bjsnidergnomefreak, try it again in 5 seconds please19:26
gnomefreakbjsnider: ok?19:26
pieroHi! After I type my password in lightdm the screen blinks and ask me for the password again, and again.. It's different when I type the wrong password, when its doesn't blink and show: invalid password. Where can I begin to solve this problem?20:31
Ian_Cornetry loading another session20:32
Ian_Cornelike unity 2d20:32
Ian_Corneor gnome-shell20:32
pieroI did, it falls in the same problem20:32
pieronothing changes20:32
Ian_Cornehmm, login from tty and check .xsession errors20:32
Ian_Corneand lightdm logs20:33
pierofglrx driver doesn't find my card. How can I force VESA?20:34
bullgard4When plugging in a USB hard drive, Nautilus recognizes the label of a partition. When clicking on this label, Nautilus opens a message window: "Unable to mount <partion_label>. Not Authorized. OK". About 20 days ago I could mount this partition without any problems. How to fix this problem?20:34
pierobut how can the display manager start correctly if X crashes when starting my device driver??20:37
* Ian_Corne doesn't know 20:38
pierohow can I manually start unity after a xinit ?20:44
pieroIan_Corne, the system are going to kill me: if I select guest session, it starts perfectly!20:44
pieroso it's not a video problem, right?20:45
Ian_Corneunity --reset20:45
Ian_Cornemight help20:45
Ian_Corneprobably not then, no20:45
ironhalikhmm, cool - 11.10 upgrade failed before it started, at least I can boot back to OS :>20:45
pierosomething is wrong.. when I login my home directory isn't there.. the encrypted data was not recovered.. these "Access-your-private-data.desktop" files are in the place20:46
pieroso if I try ecryptfs-mount-private it crashes: error while loading shared livraries: libnss3.so20:47
Ian_Cornetry to reinstall that20:47
pieroalready tried.. not works20:48
Ian_Cornecheck bug reports20:49
Ian_Corneon ecruptfs thingy20:49
Ian_Cornei have no experience yet20:49
bau_hi all, is there a program to burn files via shell?21:01
rwwbau_: to CD, you mean?21:01
bau_rww, yes21:02
rww!info wodim | bau_21:02
ubottubau_: wodim (source: cdrkit): command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 337 kB, installed size 852 kB21:02
rww(you may already have it installed, in fact)21:02
bau_rww, thank you very much21:02
pieroHi! I can't mount my private directory due to an error in ecryptfs-mount-private: ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring: error while loading shared libraries: libnss3.so: cannot open shared object file: No suck file or directory22:36
pierothis problem started after a dist-upgraded my beta1 (installed beta1 and upgraded)22:37
BluesKajlooks like i'm going to settle for an M-Audio Audiophile 192 sound card . an upgrade to the 2496 and it's on for the right price in several locations  linux support looks good with the Mudita24 Alsa GUI tool and the madfuload firmware loader..going to check this out further before I drop this kind of coin on a soundcard22:44
pierohow can I tell apt to reinstall all the packets I have already installed? re-downloading from the repositories?22:52
=== WiuEmPe is now known as wmp
adam_Hi I Have my os on 31 gigs and a 250 gig partition free. How can I extend that without booting from cd?23:57
billybigriggernot possible23:59

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