
Davieymhall119: handy, because that time has been stolen with other commitments now :(00:02
mhall119ain't that always the way00:03
Davieyi blame you fwiw.00:04
mhall119me?  I'm taking over all your work00:05
Daviey*all* my work?  awesome.00:05
DavieyWant to have a call tomorrow so we can arrange transition for the rest of it?00:06
Davieymhall119: The mantra for awstrial was, if we want it done - we'll have to do it ourselves.. If we do it too well, we'll have to keep it.  If we make it crap, ISD will fix it :P00:07
mhall119Daviey: only if you're gonna transition all your pay too00:07
mhall119and I'm not convinced that's totally a joke00:08
Davieypay?  nah, i volunteer.00:08
dholbachgood morning07:02
ejatmorning ..07:08
nigelbGood morning!07:19
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachpleia2, technoviking, popey: CC meeting?11:03
popeyOh hai!11:03
akgranerjussi ping11:33
akgranerjussi, looks like your package has cleared customs and is in FInland :-)  Hope it arrives soon...11:36
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
akgranerdpm got a second?  I seem to have misplaced a document that I believe you wrote...13:23
dpmakgraner, sure13:24
mhall119jcastro: ping13:32
nigelbjcastro: ping13:33
nigelbjcastro: What was the name of the guideboook person? David Mandela?13:34
nigelbmhall119: thanks13:36
nigelbdholbach: ping13:46
dholbachnigelb, pong13:46
nigelbdholbach: Is it possible to talk to marianna/michelle and get us a map for the room layout13:46
nigelbThere is a bug about having a map available. If its indeed possible to get an image, we can go around adding a way to add that.13:47
dholbachI'll ask13:47
dholbachnigelb, mail underway13:59
nigelbdholbach: Thanks!13:59
jcastronigelb: any idea what would cause this to happen: https://uds.ubuntu.com/uds-sponsors/14:13
jcastroclick on cloud foundry14:13
jcastroI can't set it to a normal link to cloudfoundry.com14:13
jcastroit keeps resetting to that stupid URL>14:13
jcastrosame on the front page14:13
nigelbjcastro: can I have access to look at the backend?14:14
nigelb(Not change, just look)14:14
jcastrolet me see14:14
nigelbI'm guessing its something very trivial :P14:15
jcastrohey what's the web team's lp name?14:15
nigelbThat makes it harder to figure out14:15
jcastrocommunity-web-admins has access14:15
nigelbOnly you and chris on it. Can you add me as well?14:15
* jcastro adds pleia2 too14:16
nigelbokay, how do I login?14:17
nigelbnvm, found it14:17
nigelbjcastro: I think I fixed it.14:19
nigelbCheck now?14:19
jcastronope, think again. :)14:19
jcastroit makes no sense14:19
nigelbjcastro: do you have caching? wp-supercache perhaps?14:21
jcastrono clue14:21
jcastrobut I've fixed those links a bunch of times14:21
jcastroand it keeps coming back14:21
jcastrothe thing is14:21
jcastroI can fix other links14:21
jcastroit makes no sense14:21
nigelbI have no clue as well.14:21
* nigelb tries stuff14:22
nigelbjcastro: This is WTF.14:23
nigelbjcastro: I'm not completely mad. I removed the href, and that worked.14:24
jcastroat first I thought, well, I am missing a stupid " or something somewhere14:24
jcastrobut then I was like "ok I've tried this 5 times, time to see if it happens to someone else14:24
nigelbjcastro: Worked now I think14:25
jcastrohey there's one on the front page too14:25
nigelbTrade secret :P14:25
nigelbjcastro: I removed the href, saved, added, saved.14:25
nigelbThat seemed to do the trick.14:25
nigelbIts wordpress. Its php. Common sense often defies how it works.14:26
jcastroi've never had this happen before14:26
nigelbjcastro: Fixed frontpage as well!14:27
jcastroman, google music frame is the coolest app in a long time14:42
akgranerjcastro - just sent you and email that looks like it's phishing on UDS participants14:49
akgranercan you take a look at it and forward it  - or issue a statement for people not to answer it  - if it is a phishing email14:50
jcastrohey dholbach14:54
akgranerjcastro, just found out I am not the only one who received this  - I forwarded it to marianna and cc'd you on that as well.  Everyone else I talked to about it said it looked like phishing to them as well...14:54
cjohnstondholbach: hide!14:54
jcastroyeah so hey dholbach14:54
jcastrowe should send a mail to everyone to not answer that14:55
jcastromhall119: james_w: hey the emails wouldn't come from summit would they?14:55
dholbachwhich email?14:55
dholbachI have no idea about this14:56
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jcastrodholbach: someone is sending people who applied spam emails14:56
jcastrodholbach: amber just sent one to me, let me fwd you14:56
cjohnstonjcastro: shouldnt14:56
cjohnstonI didnt get an email14:56
jcastro"well, jorge left something open in summit and now I am getting spam."14:56
jcastrook whew.14:56
cjohnstonwell.. that's always entirely possible14:57
* jcastro whistles14:57
dholbachbah, that sucks14:57
mhall119jcastro: no, the email wouldn't come from summit14:58
mhall119jcastro: I'm not even sure summit is configured to send email14:58
jcastrono no, not from summit itself14:58
cjohnstonobtaining the addresses from summit14:59
jcastro"Your response to UDS Registration1106 Canonical is incomplete."14:59
mhall119summit only gets what LP sends it, which IIRC is only publicly available addresses14:59
jcastrowell, it's enough for them to figure out "UDS"14:59
cjohnstonIt could be that they view in LP those who are registered as attending and then views their email in LP14:59
mhall119oh wait, that's LP, summit gets them from OpenID I think14:59
mhall119jcastro: still, the company lists Canonical as a customer15:00
mhall119so check with Marianna/Michelle15:00
jcastrook that was my next question15:00
jcastrohas anyone heard of this company before15:00
cjohnstonCanonical? ya.. I think I've heard of it once or twice. ;-)15:01
jcastrono dude15:01
mhall119jcastro: not personally, no, but I do know that Canonical uses 3rd party form software/services for some things15:01
jcastrocjohnston: nigel helped me fixed that cloudfoundry link, thanks15:02
jcastrook so amber forwarded that email to marianna15:02
jcastrolet's see what she says15:02
jcastrothis is why (and I've said this 100 times) that we should have all that stuff on the web and not use email.15:02
mhall119jcastro: see your inbox15:03
cjohnstonmhall119 is spamming jcastro.. hehe15:03
jcastrooh I know we can do it.15:03
jcastroit's that we won't15:03
jcastrojono likes it that we do emails by hand. :-/15:04
mhall119does that 'we' include him?15:04
jcastrolol, no15:04
jcastrobut this time the "we" is dholbach15:04
jcastroso as far as i'm concerned, it is automatic15:05
* jcastro smiles and then runs 15:05
jcastrocjohnston: I also added pleia and nigel to the community web team so they could edit the uds pages if they need to15:08
mhall119nigel wasn't part of the team?15:08
jcastroit looked like it was cjohnston15:08
jcastrorocking his own team15:08
mhall119wait, WP team or LP team?15:08
jcastrolp team15:09
jcastrowhich is then listed in the WP panel thing15:09
mhall119oh, that just means he's the only one who's logged in15:09
cjohnstonit was you and me iirc jcastro.. and I saw that.. I'm still trying to figure out how to do the masthead.. because according to IS, all of the WPs on that server use the same theme..15:10
mhall119it'll create the rest of us if/when we log in15:10
* mhall119 assumes you're using the launchpad openid teams plugin15:10
cjohnstonmhall119: no.. it was just me and jcastro...15:10
mhall119oh, ok15:10
dholbachjcastro, akgraner: done15:28
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
dholbachalright my friends16:17
dholbachI call it a day16:18
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:18
jcastronew G+ API + webapp16:45
jcastro= hangout.ubuntu.com16:45
AlanBellreally? can that be done?16:50
jcastrothey just published a bunch of G+ APIs for hangouts17:00
jcastrobut I am just thinking wrt. our IRC classes discussion from yesterday17:00
jcastroif you could do one-to-many broadcasting of a class17:00
jcastrosharing a gdoc right from there (which they just announced support for)17:01
jcastroyou could do the entire class on G+17:01
AlanBellok, the hangout broadcasting thing17:02
AlanBellthe API for hangouts is for doing stuff within the hangout frame17:03
jcastrook so what does that mean?17:03
jcastrooh I see17:04
AlanBellthe android hangout is a nice concept, will have to test that17:07
jcastroMy phone doesn't have a front camera17:18
james_wAlanBell, hi. Is pad.ubuntu.com using the micro theme? If so, is that why things like the previous version slider are not there, rather than because plugins are missing or something?17:47
nigelbjames_w: the slider is there.17:49
nigelbJust not linked :/17:49
james_wyeah, that's what I mean17:49
nigelbIts too much nano  :P17:49
james_wI'm getting asked why we don't have all the cool stuff on http://typewith.me/LPCrGRk0sO17:49
james_wand I believe it's all just because of the theme on pad.ubuntu.com17:50
nigelbYep, it is.17:50
nigelbthe theme was simplified because of the iframe on summit.17:51
nigelbOr so I think.17:51
james_wnigelb, do you know if the theme is dynamic?17:52
nigelbI believe its a setting17:52
james_wlike if summit could add ?theme=micro, and we could have all the shiny on pad.ubuntu.com17:52
nigelbI'll have to check that.17:53
AlanBellthat was a bit broken17:58
AlanBellotherwise I would have done the iframe pointing at a specific theme rather than hacking the default17:59
james_wthans for the info17:59
AlanBellmight be less broken now17:59
nigelbI wonder if its less broken on etherpad lite17:59
AlanBellbut what you are looking at is about 3 hours hacking the day before UDS-O started17:59
nigelbearly hours of morning?18:00
AlanBellone evening as I recall18:02
AlanBellanyhow james_w I ripped out stuff that we didn't want in the iframe, with the intention that stuff we wanted to put back we could do, or put outside the iframe18:03
nigelbAlanBell: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH18:03
AlanBellthe chat was the main thing to rip out as we were using IRC for that for summit and didn't want to confuse people by having two channels18:03
AlanBellcool :) jquery is nice18:03
jcastrowhoa, cool18:04
jcastroman, etherpad is way more interesting outside of google18:05
nigelbOutside of google?18:05
jcastrogoogle bought the company18:06
nigelbI think the best etherpad hacking has been done by the pirate pad folks.18:06
jcastroand then they just tossed the code over the wall18:06
jcastroso now we have all this cool stuff going on18:06
nigelbYeah :-)18:06
nigelbI have a few commits in etherpad18:06
nigelband Daviey has upstream commit access :D18:06
AlanBellyeah, it is cool stuff and etherpad lite is great18:07
AlanBellthe hard part was getting it deployed and then getting the theme in place through IS18:08
AlanBellif anyone has a good enough reason to get the current one decommissioned (including active pads . . ) and etherpad lite installed then go for it18:08
jcastroI am in the "let's not mess with it" camp18:09
AlanBellwould be good for that host to have a health check and perhaps a reboot prior to UDS18:10
nigelbwhile I like etherpad lite and node.js and all that. I'm with jcastro.18:11
jcastroI remember some people complaining about disconnects during UDS18:12
jcastrobut it seemed minor compared to gobby's problems18:12
mhall119very minor in comparison18:18
nigelbI think most of the time there was trouble, it was a forced issue. Like something being restarted, etc18:19
ejatsorry for the connectivity19:59
jonojcastro, hey20:09
jonojcastro, are the Lens Python docs online now?20:09
jonojcastro, thanks20:11
akgranerjono what is the link to that burnout I mean burndown chart20:28
akgranerso I can mark it as done :-)20:28
jcastroit's in the topic20:50
akgranerjcastro, thanks21:28
* akgraner should read topics more often21:28
akgranerjcastro, from the time you save something as done on a blueprint how long it take for the status to update21:32
jcastroit's like 6 hours I think?21:32
jcastroit's just in a cronjob21:32
akgranerok :-) just wanted to make sure I did it right :-)21:33

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