
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_is_afk
pittiGood morning04:15
kenvandinegood morning pitti!04:16
RAOFHey pitti!04:17
pittithe meeting point of US, AU, and EU!04:18
pittikenvandine: still busy catching up on email? :-)04:18
kenvandineyup :)04:19
pittihey RAOF, how are you? did you see that rodrigo updated colord in ubuntu? we needed to get the stuff in for b2, so we couldn't wait for a sync from Debian; but of course we should sync again once 0.1.12 is in debian04:19
kenvandinei am actually in california for a couple days04:19
RAOFpitti: Yeah, I did.04:19
kenvandineso a few hours further back in time :)04:19
RAOFpitti: I didn't realise that it was wanted for b2, otherwise I would have uploaded it myself.04:20
micahgpitti: can't sync, bad version04:20
* micahg thinks lintian should barf on that, but hasn't gotten around to fixing it04:21
kenvandinei wish it would04:22
* kenvandine makes that mistake too often :/04:22
micahgbug 782308 if anyone is feeling adventerous04:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 782308 in lintian "Lintian should warn about if there is a -XubuntuY without a corresponding Debian entry" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78230804:23
jbichapitti: good morning04:32
pittihey jbicha, how are you?04:33
jbichapitti: good, I had to set my dput to sftp so that big uploads work04:35
jbichacould you add nautilus to the desktop set?04:35
pittijbicha: I can't (at least not permanently), I'm afraid; I'm afraid you need to email cjwatson to ask for this04:37
pittijbicha: I'll sponsor it; however, I don't think it'll land in b204:38
pittijbicha: uploaded04:38
jbichaok, thanks!04:38
* micahg wonders why nautilus wouldn't be in the desktop set04:38
RAOFpitti: Do you have any insight into PolicyKit development?  I've got http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/polkit-devel/2011-September/000353.html which will enable us to switch polkit support back on in colord.04:39
pittiRAOF: probably best to directly discuss that with davidz (he's Boston time)04:40
pittiRAOF: he probably will prefer a bz.fd.o bug for it04:40
robert_ancellsmspillaz, if I get a XConfigureRequest, should it always be responded to with a XConfigureWindow?04:42
RAOFpitti: And davidz would be in what IRC channels? :).  I'll also go file a bug.04:43
pittiRAOF: I usually catch him in #udev on freenode04:44
pittibut he's usually pretty good in seeing bz mail04:44
pittiRAOF: when you package colord for Debian, can you please add the missing liblcms2-dev dependency to libcolord-dev?04:46
RAOFOooh, certainly.04:46
pittiwe got a control-center build failure due to that04:46
pittiRAOF: actually, seems the -dev package is missing a whole lot more04:49
RAOFIn fact, I'll add all the requires there.04:49
pittiheh, snap :)04:49
pittidbus, gobject, etc.04:49
pitti  * debian/control: Add missing liblcms2-dev, libdbus-1-dev, libglib2.0-dev04:50
pitti    dependencies to libcolord-dev, to fix FTBFS of reverse dependencies.04:50
pittisomething like that04:50
robert_ancellRAOF, any idea why onboard would send three configure requests? http://paste.ubuntu.com/693515/04:52
RAOFNot really, no.04:54
robert_ancellRAOF, it wants to be normal sized, then requests two tiny windows04:54
RAOFDoes it do that all at once?04:55
robert_ancellRAOF, yes, before the map request04:56
RAOFNo idea.04:56
robert_ancellRAOF, what's the correct response as a window manager - do XConfigureWindow each time?04:57
RAOFI don't know sorry.04:57
RAOFSam would know, obviously, as might DBO :)04:57
robert_ancellRAOF, perhaps you know this one.  How does focus work in X?  Do the windows request focus and the window manager gives it to them?  It appears the default behaviour is the window under the cursor has focus04:59
RAOFThat's my understanding of the default focus mode, yes.  Well, ish.05:00
broderrobert_ancell: http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html#id255073805:00
robert_ancellcheers broder05:01
broderrobert_ancell: when in doubt, guess "ClientMessage to the root window with what you want as the message type" :-P05:02
RAOFAlthough clients can just XSetInputFocus if they so desire.05:02
robert_ancellNow I think I understand why wm developers mutter about focus stealing so much...05:03
broderRAOF: on a totally unrelated note, do you know if anybody's modified xtrace or written something like it that can filter on certain extensions or do any filtering at all?05:03
RAOFbroder: What do you mean by filtering?  xtrace itself can filter out extensions to the client running under it.05:04
broderRAOF: no, i want it to pass everything through, but i only want it to print out, say, RandR messages05:04
RAOFOh.  I just pass everything through grep :)05:04
broderugh :)05:05
broderi guess the messages are all confined to one line so it's not that bad05:05
smspillazrobert_ancell: it depends05:28
smspillazrobert_ancell: if you choose to do nothing, you must send a synethetic ConfigureNotify to the client window with the same position it alrady had05:29
smspillazotherwise you're allowed to do whatever you want with it05:29
robert_ancellsmspillaz, right, that's what I figured.  Any idea why onboard would send these bogus 1x1 requests?05:30
smspillazrobert_ancell: it may be for a toplevel unmapped window / inputonly window and not actually for the keyboard window itself05:30
didrocksgood morning05:31
robert_ancellsmspillaz, the requests are all for the same window, but it does seem to produce a panel style window if you kill the main window.  So perhaps it's testing if the window manager will let it hide?05:31
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?05:31
didrockspitti: guten morgen pitti. I'm ok, thanks! you?05:32
pittididrocks: bit tired still, was a rather short night, but ok05:32
pittididrocks: pondering what to do with bug 77938205:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 779382 in unity-2d "update-notifier not visible under unity" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77938205:32
pittididrocks: I think we should just whitelist u-notifier, but that doesn't seem to work with u-2d05:33
pittididrocks: what's the process for raising DX' awareness to fix the whitelist handling for -2d?05:33
* pitti can't remember whether it's subscription, assignment, upstream task, milestone, etc.05:33
didrockspitti: yeah, the whitelist is different in unity-2d and unity-3d…05:34
didrockslet me look at the bug first05:34
pittididrocks: ah, so it's just a matter of setting the whitelist in two different places? that'd be easy then05:34
didrockspitti: isn't what design wants to kill (update-notifier icon) and just let update-manager appearing?05:34
pittididrocks: yes, that's the default now, but people may have configured it to show the icon instead05:35
didrockshum, weird, the schema changed, it should be the same05:35
didrocksthe code is different, but it's looking at the same key now05:36
didrockspitti: do we really want to support that? Last time I wanted to add something to the systray, it was a long discussion with mpt who didn't want to and let people edit the whitelist05:37
didrocksotherwise, the whitelist would be "All" (like all posts on OMGUbuntu are doing)05:37
* didrocks still thinks that this whitelist is useless05:37
pittididrocks: well, update-notifier is a bit special here, as it regressed only recently (after beta-1) for unity-2d05:37
pittibefore that it apparently appeared in 2d's systra05:38
didrockspitti: indeed, because there was no whitelist for unity-2d05:38
didrocksbut it was already blacklisted in unity-3d for a cycle05:38
pittiso this was a feature/ui change05:38
pittiright, for -3d05:38
pittislangasek's concern is primarily for 2d, AFAIUI05:38
smspillazrobert_ancell: perhaps05:38
didrocksit's just making -2d the same as 3d05:38
didrockswhy the concern is only on 2d and not 3d?05:39
smspillazrobert_ancell: I mean, the default behaviour compiz adopts is to just do what the client asks for as long as the window is managed really05:39
pittiand as it changed behaviour after FF/UIF, and thus stops people who got used to the icon from upgrading from beta to final, we should at least whiltelist that one05:39
robert_ancellsmspillaz, it's weird then, I wonder what it does with onboard to avoid being 1x105:39
slangasekI'm concerned about both - but for beta-2 I'm concerned about unity-2d in particular because up to now, unity-2d users have been getting their notifications of updates without interruption05:39
slangasekif we break that, some users may not notice they're running insecure systems05:39
pittiit's also in the session indicator now, but of course you need to know about this05:40
smspillazrobert_ancell: it probably resizes itself back05:40
slangaseksession indicator> heh, yes, I would never have thought to look there05:41
didrocksanyway, I think we should be coherent between both05:41
didrocksthat is, enabling in 3d and 2d if we are going to enable it05:42
pittiso let's whitelist it in both then?05:42
pittisounds good to me05:42
didrocksnormally, it's the wmclass which is used05:42
didrocksso, we should have a try05:42
pittididrocks: can we JFDI this without a huge process? I'll take the bullets, you can blame me :)05:42
didrockspitti: will do that, and I was hoping today would be quiet :)05:42
* pitti never really believed in deliberatly breaking our own software even05:42
pittididrocks: well, I don't think it's a beta-2 blocker, we can't wait for that anyway05:43
didrockspitti: yeah, I spent a faire amount of time with design to discuss that the whitelist is useless and dangerous05:43
didrocksand now, softwares in ppa editing the whitelist in their postinst05:43
didrockssedding in the gsetting schemas…05:44
* didrocks tries to get the wmclass of the window05:44
slangasekpitti: I have targeted the bug to beta-2, because of the issue of unity-2d users upgrading to beta-2 and then having no idea why they're not getting updates...05:44
RAOFOh, my.05:44
didrocksslangasek: TBH, we have the same issue with people who upgraded to natty then05:45
slangaseknot a blocker for images, but I do think it should be a blocker for beta-205:45
didrocksslangasek: they set the value to on, but never saw any update with unithy05:45
pittislangasek: for upgrades from natty? ok05:45
didrockshence my suprise it's a blocker on a beta, but not on a previous stable release05:45
slangasekdidrocks: yes, and I think it's a major issue there as well, and one I would like to SRU for05:45
pittiif we can get an upload right now, it'd still be possible to squeeze in05:45
slangasekdidrocks: it's a blocker on beta because I didn't know about it for the previous stable release ;)05:45
pittias I want to shuffle image builds to wait for the FTBFSed control-center05:45
pittididrocks: is that hard to change? I didn't see an existing gsettings override file in unity05:46
pittididrocks: but for the "rush" one, I guess -2d is enough05:46
didrockspitti: there is none, I edit upstream05:46
pitti(unless it's  using the very same blacklist)05:46
didrockspitti: it's the same05:46
didrocksso it needs an unity upload05:46
didrocksand maybe a -2d if it doesn't work there05:47
* didrocks is looking for the wmclass05:47
pittididrocks: ah; but as this is a distro specific change until we port update-notifier to indicator, a dh_installgsettings override file might be easier?05:47
didrockspitti: all unity settings change are done upstream, we don't override our software until someone else ship unity05:47
didrockspitti: so better to keep the upstream in sync as they are using jhbuild for them05:48
didrocksis there a way to force update-notifier showing its icon?05:48
didrocks(apart from the gconf key, but just as a test)05:49
pittiyou mean if you have up to date software?05:49
slangasekdowngrade $randompkg?05:49
didrocksyeah, ok, will downgrade05:49
didrocksah, found the gsettings corresponding key05:53
didrocksgreat, I have notifications, but didn't see the reject for showing the icon05:53
* didrocks sigh at the debugging message removed to find the wmclass of the icon (as clicking on unity gives compiz if you whitelist it)06:02
didrocksok, the WMCLASS is Update-notifier06:05
didrocksworks on 2d as well, phew06:08
didrocksuploading unity06:08
kenvandinedidrocks, FYI bug 85444806:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 854448 in unity "Skype is not in whitelist for Systray" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85444806:15
kenvandinejasoncwarner_ just filed that06:15
didrockskenvandine: ?06:15
didrocksjasoncwarner_ is aware about sni-qt isn't it?06:15
didrockswe discussed that a lot06:15
kenvandineoh yeah... we did talk about that before my vacation06:16
kenvandineit isn't working for some reason06:16
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, ^^^06:16
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, hadn't you filed a bug about that before?06:16
didrocksI also filed the weekly report with status on it…06:16
jasoncwarner_I thought I did06:17
kenvandinei know you did... now i remember that06:17
didrocksand there is the rationale in the changelog when I removed it from the systray06:17
jasoncwarner_didrocks: so, skype should work without the whitelist? because it was not on a fresh install today06:17
jasoncwarner_which is why I thought I needed to file the bug....even with the fix to sni-qt06:18
didrocksjasoncwarner_: it should, you should have sni-qt06:18
didrocksjasoncwarner_: is sni-qt installed?06:18
didrocksjasoncwarner_: just tried skype here, and I have the icon with sni-qt showing it06:18
jasoncwarner_didrocks: yes, it is installed...06:19
jasoncwarner_didrocks: trying something06:19
didrocksIt should be shown as an indicator06:19
didrockswith an additional "Activate" menu that we had manually to some applications as you can't just right click on them06:20
jasoncwarner_didrocks: just removed it from my whitelist....going to check...one sec06:20
kenvandineyou need 32bit version of sni-qt06:20
kenvandinelooking at bug 83847006:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 838470 in sni-qt "Skype not showing in indicator" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83847006:20
didrocksjasoncwarner_: you need to restart unity to get it worked06:21
kenvandinedo you have that?06:21
didrocksyeah, we discussed about the issue where it didn't work because of multi-arch06:21
didrocksand we fixed it for you and ping you jasoncwarner_ with agateau :)06:21
* slangasek hugs didrocks - thanks for the unity upload!06:22
* didrocks hugs slangasek back, you're welcome06:22
* slangasek installs sni-qt:i386 here for good measure06:22
pittididrocks: yay you, thanks06:23
didrocksslangasek: should be correctly transitionned, I didn't test it here but agateau did06:24
kenvandinepitti, if you are waiting on something for images... it would be nice to get my ido upload in06:24
didrocks(to multiarch)06:24
kenvandineit fixes the unclickable calendar in indicator-datetime06:25
kenvandinepitti, and is very low risk imo06:25
pittikenvandine: *nod*06:25
slangasekdidrocks: yeah, I now have both sni-qt and sni-qt:i386 installed, looks good :)06:25
jasoncwarner_didrocks: seems sni-qt isn't working...restarted and it isn't there.  I must have had it in my whitelist in my other install...this is a fresh install today so testing a whole bunch of stuff ;)06:26
didrocksjasoncwarner_: amd64?06:26
jasoncwarner_didrocks: yeah06:26
jasoncwarner_didrocks:  I did install skype:i386 this time ;)06:26
didrocksslangasek: is there anything particular to do in the seed? to install the i386 version? ^06:26
slangasekdidrocks: you can't seed packages from a different architecture; shouldn't we ask for the skype:i386 package to recommend/depend on it?06:27
didrocksslangasek: it would be the case for a lot of Qt application (sni-qt is for all Qt applications showing something in the systray)06:28
didrockslike mumble and such06:28
slangasekright, but there are fairly few i386 binary-only qt apps that I know of06:28
slangasekbut regardless, there really is no way to seed it06:28
slangasek(and certainly no space for it...)06:29
didrocksslangasek: sni-qt is already seeded by default06:29
didrocksit seems the issue is only for amd64 application with 32 bits only06:29
slangasekI mean there's no way to seed the foreign-arch one06:29
didrocksok, so right now, the skype recommends seems better06:29
slangasek... which would require pulling a second copy of qt onto the CDs, which is definitely not possible06:29
didrocksah, indeed, even it's a plugin, it will pull the 32 bits version of Qt06:30
didrocksslangasek: however, that won't fix the situation when people install skype from the skype website06:31
didrocksjasoncwarner_: you downloaded skype from the partner repo?06:31
slangasekdidrocks: well, except skype is a partner package... provided by skype... so whatever they put in one place, they'll put in the other :)06:32
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I enabled the source in S-C and then I apt-get installed skype:i38606:32
jasoncwarner_installing via S-C didn't get me the correct version (which is something else I have to track down)06:32
jasoncwarner_tremolux and MVO ^^ I was going to talk to you guys about that...06:32
didrocksslangasek: ah ok, do you know about who is in charge of asking them/us doing, this tweak?06:33
slangasekdidrocks: it also means we don't have access to directly modify the skype:i386 package anyway.  Could you talk to Brian Thomason about this?  He's the contact06:33
didrocksjasoncwarner_: each issue after another? :)06:33
didrocksslangasek: excellent, will do, thanks!06:33
didrocksjasoncwarner_: so, at least, we have the explanation with sni-qt, did reinstalling the 32 bits version of it fixed it for you?06:33
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I'm like the perfect user tester ;) I keep breaking my machine...mostly id10t style ;)06:33
didrocksjasoncwarner_: stop breaking things! it's 8:40 and I still didn't get any coffee :)06:34
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, libido got accepted, so that fix will be coming soon06:35
kenvandinemy body still feels like it is in europe... but i think i need to force myself to sleep soon06:36
ricotzgood morning06:49
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ricotzi have add some comment on the cogl/clutter update on the pad06:50
ricotzdidrocks, pitti ^ is this worth the trouble to get it into beta2?06:50
SweetsharkMorning, all!06:50
kenvandinegood morning Sweetshark06:51
pittihey Sweetshark06:51
pittiricotz: ABI break should certainly be done after b2 at this point06:52
didrockshey ricotz, Sweetshark06:52
ricotzpitti, yeah, i am thinking the same06:52
ricotzdidrocks, hi06:52
Sweetsharkpitti: 3.4.3-2 is blocked at debian because of debian bug 642176 (caused by dokos gcc update there). But I would fix ubuntu bugs #835153 and ubuntu bug #799535, so should we still release that merged as 3.4.3-1ubuntu2 for beta2?06:58
ubot2Debian bug 642176 in g++-4.6 "g++-4.6: libreoffice/mozilla build fails with gcc >= 4.6.1-10 due to gcc PR 50442" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64217606:58
ubot2Ubuntu bug 835153 in libreoffice "oosplash.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in XSetForeground()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83515306:58
ubot2Ubuntu bug 799535 in libreoffice "package libreoffice-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di "/usr/share/mime/packages/openoffice.org.xml" presente anche nel pacchetto openoffice.org-debian-menus 3.3-9556" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79953506:58
pittiSweetshark: too late for b206:59
Sweetsharkpitti: ah, ok.06:59
pittibut we can upload it afterwards of course06:59
robert_ancelldidrocks, hey, do you know much about indicators?  I'm wondering if it's safe to load them in a separate thread, because it's behaving really badly in unity-greeter07:02
didrocksrobert_ancell: hey, how badly? FYI, in unity, we have it in a service (unity-panel-service) which communicates to unity through dbus07:03
pittirodrigo_: good morning07:03
pittirodrigo_: FYI, the gnome-control-center FTBFS, I retried it after I fixed libcolord-dev depenendies; armel failed again, need another publisher; but it's being handled, so you can ignore it07:04
didrocksah, at least, oneconf syncing is working on staging now :-)07:04
didrockspitti: btw, reminder about the team meeting report07:04
pittiargh, that, too07:05
* pitti doing 5 things at the same time07:05
pittididrocks: cheers07:05
robert_ancelldidrocks, getting weird crashes07:05
robert_ancelldidrocks, using new Indicator.Object.from_file (filename) and loading them all in parallel07:05
robert_ancellbut they're not put into the menubar in the UI thread from then on07:05
robert_ancellrather they are  put into the menubar in the UI thread from then on07:05
didrocksrobert_ancell: I guess definitively threading it will be nicer, but see with tedg07:06
didrocksrobert_ancell: the only way we got some stability in natty is to put them in a separate process (it was in the same process in maverick and was the culpurit of most UNE crashers)07:06
robert_ancelldidrocks, is each one in it's own process?07:07
didrocksrobert_ancell: no, there are all in the same process (unity-panel-service),07:08
robert_ancelldidrocks, so they are loaded sequentially in one process?07:08
robert_ancellthat's my next plan of attach, to load them like that07:08
robert_ancelllate :)07:08
didrocksrobert_ancell: no, they are all loaded one after another. First indicator_object_new_from_file() and then cycling on the libraries resulting from that call07:09
robert_ancelldidrocks, cycling on the libraries?07:09
didrocksbasically something like that (from memory):07:10
didrockswhile (((name = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) && g_str_has_suffix (name, ".so"))07:10
didrocks    path = g_build_filename (INDICATORDIR, name, NULL);07:11
didrocks    …07:11
didrocks     and using indicator_object_new_from_file on that07:11
robert_ancelloh, ok07:12
robert_ancellthey take *ages* to load.  They really should be loaded in parallel07:12
didrocksrobert_ancell: indeed, you can see that when unity is starting (all indicators appearing one after another)07:12
didrocksrobert_ancell: I guess we can try that as we are protected in a separate process07:12
didrocksrobert_ancell: but in unity-greeter, if you are in the same process, try to protect from crash… :/07:13
robert_ancelldidrocks, I'll get back to you, I think it may be broken07:13
robert_ancelldidrocks, so, how do you pass the objects over d-bus?07:13
robert_ancellthen I'll fork it in unity-greeter which will be much safer07:13
didrocksrobert_ancell: that's more than possible, we discovered a lot of issues with indicators, even if normally the backends are in separate processes (all the indicator*services) and so should be easily multithreadable07:13
didrocksrobert_ancell: dbusmenu07:14
BigWhaleapt-get update just informed me that one signature was invalid. How do I check which repository it belongs to?07:24
mvoBigWhale: it seems like there is a server issue currently07:25
BigWhalenever mind07:25
BigWhalewith the recent crack into kernel.org and such, I got sort of paranoid :>07:26
Sweetsharkpitti: do you know if we ever had a openoffice.org-debian-menus package? I suspect it has always been from a third party. bug #79953507:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 799535 in libreoffice "package libreoffice-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di "/usr/share/mime/packages/openoffice.org.xml" presente anche nel pacchetto openoffice.org-debian-menus 3.3-9556" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79953507:27
mvoBigWhale: what was the error message you got?07:28
BigWhalemvo: W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>07:28
mvoBigWhale: thanks! I start some investigation on this now07:30
BigWhalemvo: you're welcome. and thank you. :)07:30
mvoI wonder if more people are affected, I get this too on two machines07:30
pittiSweetshark: to check: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org-debian-menus/+changelog07:38
pittiSweetshark: I can't reach LP or the DC right now07:38
gesermvo: I've seen someone in #ubuntu-de having it too07:38
mvogeser: thanks, its under investigation, server is out of sync, admins working on it07:39
robert_ancelldidrocks, seems much more stable now07:39
rodrigo_hey robert_ancell07:40
RAOFBah!  *That's* why avahi backtraces don't get retraced properly?  All their symbols are in avahi-dbg!07:40
robert_ancellrodrigo_, hey07:41
pittican anyone else reach launchpad or chinstrap?07:41
* pitti toddles off for breakfast, perhaps it'll come back by then07:41
Sweetsharkpitti: that link doesnt exist, so it is third party right?07:44
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:45
Sweetsharkpitti: LP is fine here07:46
didrockssalut seb12807:57
seb128lut didrocks, ca va bien ?07:57
didrocksseb128: on fait aller, et toi?07:57
seb128ca va bien je pense, je te dirais après un café ;-)07:57
seb128didrocks, oh, slangasek talked you about whitelisting update-notifier it seems ;-)07:58
pittiSweetshark: right07:58
pittibonjour seb12807:58
seb128hey pitti, how are you?07:59
pittiseb128: bit hectic, but fine, thanks! how about yourself?08:00
seb128I'm fine thanks08:00
pitticolord/armel published now, giving back gnome-control-center again08:00
seb128pitti, is there anything I can help on?08:00
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, pitti08:01
pittiseb128: currently fighting with DC/mirroring problems for image builds, not much there, I'm afraid08:01
pittihey chrisccoulson08:01
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:01
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, how are you?08:01
didrocksseb128: indeed :)08:01
seb128pitti, ok, just say the word if you need me for something08:01
pittiseb128: but if you could have a look at the ~ 4 c-desktop-team assigned bugs on http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-desktop/index.html, and see if they should be assigned/upstreamed/etc, that'd be nice08:01
seb128pitti, ok08:02
didrocksseb128: pitti: chrisccoulson: jasoncwarner_: seems the 3rd tarball of c-p-m was still wrong. Adding a distro-patch which explained why we got those artefacts to the ppa.08:02
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, DBO explained it last night08:02
pittiseb128: in particular, bug 827921 should be fixed now08:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 827921 in nautilus "Pressing Ctrl-V puts path to a copied file into search box instead of actually running paste action" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82792108:02
chrisccoulsonthe version in the PPA made it pretty much unusable ;)08:02
seb128pitti, that one should be fixed in the nautilus update from yesterday08:02
seb128pitti, I will check and close it08:02
didrockschrisccoulson: he explained it to you? that would be nice that I got an email at least08:03
pittiseb128: I couldn't reproduce the bug with the old nautilus either, but yes, should be fixed08:03
seb128didrocks, yeah, DBO said the wrong trunk was used, he said the trunk trunk is the one we want, not the oneiric trunk08:03
didrocksseb128: seems compiz process is totally broken, we got 6 bad tarballs in 4 days08:03
seb128didrocks, read the channel log from the evening,night08:03
didrocksand lost numerous hours08:03
seb128didrocks, yeah, DBO said he would fix that08:03
didrocksand I would have liked to not spent some time this morning to discover that again :/08:04
seb128pitti, it was trivial to reproduce ctrl-C on a file, ctrl-V08:04
didrockswell, anyway, let's build and push a fix08:04
pittiseb128: I tried in normal and list view, both worked08:04
pitti*shrug*, who knows08:04
seb128pitti, ok, weird, it opens a text entry on the bottom right with the filename there08:05
seb128rather than copying the file08:05
pittia search box?08:05
pittiyes, that's what the bug was about08:05
pittibut I wasn't able to reproduce08:06
seb128it does it every time there08:06
seb128well anyway, I will update now and test08:06
chrisccoulsoni get that too08:06
chrisccoulsonalthough, i have seen it work correctly on occasion, but i get the text entry most of the time08:06
seb128it seems a race in the events08:09
* didrocks fixes the patch which, of course, doesn't apply08:10
chrisccoulsonwow, i''ve only got this week left, then i'm on vacation for 2 weeks :)08:12
chrisccoulsonthat's probably the worst time for me to take vacation isn't it? ;)08:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you happen to have any bootcharts from when startup time was quick (lucid?). i want to see where pulseaudio starts08:13
seb128chrisccoulson, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/08:15
seb128chrisccoulson, I've some there08:15
=== tseliot_ is now known as tseliot
seb128chrisccoulson, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb-dellmini-lucid-20100125-3.png08:16
seb128should be about right08:16
chrisccoulsonok, it seems to start when everything else starts08:16
chrisccoulsoni think i can probably make it do that again then08:16
chrisccoulsoni wonder what changed there :/08:16
seb128does that matter?08:17
chrisccoulsonwe block the whole session to load that at the moment08:17
seb128why do we block on it?08:17
seb128chrisccoulson, holiday> great, do you have everything in shape you needed done for oneiric?08:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, the media-keys plugin connects to pulseaudio before the main loop runs08:17
ubot2Ubuntu bug 854101 in ubuntu-boot-speed "gnome-settings-daemon takes waaaaaaaay too long to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:17
seb128chrisccoulson, do we need to cover for anything while you are not there?08:18
pittichrisccoulson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/11.10/BootSpeedAnalysis has links to my three boot charts (lucid/maverick/oneiric) on the mini 10v08:18
pittichrisccoulson: wrt. xrandr, didn't we fix that by not calling it at all unless the user has a ~/.config/monitors.xml?08:18
pittichrisccoulson: nice finding wrt. pulseaudio! indeed the session doesn't need to block for that08:19
chrisccoulsonseb128, i think most things should be ok. the firefox/thunderbird dailies are pretty much automatic. the only thing that really needs to keep up-to-date are the firefox-next/thunderbird-next PPA's, with the 8.0 beta releases08:19
chrisccoulsonand we advertise those as pretty much officially supported :)08:19
pittichrisccoulson: will there be firefox/tbird releases in the next two weeks which we need to package?08:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - the 7.0 release is on 27th, but we'll actually get the final builds this week08:20
chrisccoulsonthere might not actually be a beta release until i get back, as the first ones tend to be 10-14 days after the last update08:21
chrisccoulsonso that might work out ok08:21
rodrigo_pitti, ok, so I should ignore the build failure of g-c-c, right?08:21
pittirodrigo_: right08:22
chrisccoulsonurgh, metacity just hung08:22
rodrigo_pitti, what was the colord problem? it needed a newer version?08:22
chrisccoulsonon a lock in ca_context_play08:22
chrisccoulsoni've seen the same hang in both firefox and thunderbird in the last few days too :/08:23
pittirodrigo_: libcolord-dev was missing dependencies on liblcms2-dev, libglib2.0-dev, and a third one08:23
rodrigo_oh ok08:23
pittirodrigo: see Requires in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/colord.pc08:23
pittiah, libdbus-1-dev08:23
pittirodrigo_: RAOF committed that to debian, too08:24
pittirodrigo_: btw, next time can you please use -0ubuntu1? you used -1ubuntu1, so we can't sync08:24
rodrigo_oh, missed that, sorry08:24
seb128chrisccoulson, do you have tb contacts syncing working?08:24
rodrigo_so, whenever we use a different version than debian, it's 0ubuntu?, right?08:24
chrisccoulsonseb128, desktopcouch is still broken, so it doesn't even work in evolution yet08:25
seb128chrisccoulson, did you look at the tb messaging issue on pop? my friend still get spams added to the counter :-(08:25
pittirodrigo_: right08:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm not sure what's going on there, and i don't have a POP account to test. with imap, we don't get new message notifications until the message filters have run08:25
seb128chrisccoulson, http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=1327308:28
seb128chrisccoulson, gmail does pop08:28
seb128chrisccoulson, get a gmail account!08:28
chrisccoulsonoh, i didn't realize that08:28
chrisccoulsoni've got a gmail account, but i use imap ;)08:28
rodrigo_is anyone going to work on network-manager updates?08:29
pittiI suppose cyphermox will08:29
seb128rodrigo_, check with cyphermox when he's online08:29
chrisccoulsonurgh, what on earth is going on? firefox, thunderbird, metacity, gnome-settings-daemon all spinning my CPU in the same call (ca_context_play)?08:30
chrisccoulsonmy laptop feels like it's going to melt08:30
seb128rodrigo_, but it's getting late in the cycle08:30
seb128chrisccoulson, is that a canberra pulseaudio thing?08:30
rodrigo_seb128, late for updating NM?08:30
seb128rodrigo_, yeah08:30
rodrigo_ok, I'll check with cyphermox08:30
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. i just noticed pulseaudio isn't even running here08:30
seb128chrisccoulson, could be the issue ;-)08:31
chrisccoulsoneverything is greyed out in the sound panel08:31
chrisccoulsonif i start pulseaudio manually, then everything starts working08:31
chrisccoulsonthis has happened several times in the last few days :/08:31
seb128open a bug against pulseaudio08:32
seb128let it run in debug somewhere maybe so you see if it goes down or something08:32
seb128David Henningsson might look at your bug if you open one ;-)08:33
pittirodrigo_: there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/1:3.1.92-0ubuntu1, all built08:38
rodrigo_pitti, ok thanks!08:38
seb128pitti, "  * Drop 05_correct_gpg_agent_error_code.patch, upstream now." in gnome-keyring08:39
seb128did you check?08:39
pittiseb128: I think so, did I look wrong?08:40
seb128some users said on bug #828756 that the bug is back with yesterday update08:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 828756 in gnome-keyring "getting "connection is untrusted" warnings" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82875608:40
seb128"The bug was solved by the gnome-keyring 3.1.91-0ubuntu4 upgrade about a08:40
seb128week ago, but now it's back with 3.1.92-0ubuntu1 :("08:40
seb128pitti, but maybe it's a different issue08:40
seb128checking git08:40
pittiseb128: I have gotten untrusted certificate errors in empathy for weeks now08:40
seb128pitti, it was fixed with 3.1.91-0ubuntu4 for most users08:41
* pitti checks, perhaps the patch didn't apply, and it only looked like it was fixed08:41
seb128pitti, btw confirmed that nautilus ctrl-V is fixed so I'm closing that one08:41
pittihttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=659080 says "fixed", too08:42
ubot2Gnome bug 659080 in gpg-agent "gpg-agent: Bad error code in response to GETINFO" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:42
seb128pitti, ok, yeah, the user comments were misleading then08:42
seb128sorry about the noise08:42
pittiseb128: yes, confirmed, it's upstream08:42
seb128seems like "upstream issue"08:42
pittithis seems to be a telepathy-something bug08:42
pitti(and I get it, too)08:43
seb128I will check with kenvandine when he's online08:43
* pitti goes to unbreak our Pango GIR08:45
seb128pitti, what is broken?08:45
pittienums don't have type information, and TabAlign.LEFT is mis-spelled TabAlign.TAB_LEFT08:45
pittiit works fine in jhbuild08:45
pittitype information sounds like a similar issue to the out-of-tree GTK 3 breakage that we had08:46
seb128ok, git got some fixes for builddir != srcdir builds08:46
pittiah, it's multibuild, too08:46
seb128but not sure if those fix your issues08:46
rodrigo_pitti, vala 0.14.0 is still in the queue, right?08:46
pittihm, do they ever do a new release?08:47
pittirodrigo_: yes08:47
pittithat's most probably the fix which causes gtimelog to not segfault any more08:47
seb128pitti, they = pango? I can ping behdad about that later if you want08:53
pittiseb128: that'd be helpful; they don't seem to align to GNOME milestones?08:53
pittiseb128: otherwise I'll just package a git snapshot, there's quite a lot of fixes that we want08:53
seb128pitti, pango is not "actively maintained" nowadays08:53
seb128well let's say it's mostly doing the job so it's in maintainance mode and behdad is working on harfbuzz08:54
pittiseb128: do you mind if I just do a make dist from git?08:54
chrisccoulson_i guess i should probably take bug 854101 ;)08:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 854101 in ubuntu-boot-speed "gnome-settings-daemon takes waaaaaaaay too long to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85410108:55
chrisccoulson_oh, i'm already assigned08:55
chrisccoulson_hah :)08:55
seb128pitti, you can do a snapshot, no issue from me, I will ping behdad about a tarball anyway, that would still be nice to have08:56
seb128chrisccoulson_: yeah, I'm reviewing http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-desktop/oneiric.html and just assigned it to you 2 minutes ago ;-)08:56
seb128rodrigo_, could you review the patch from tkamppeter on bug #842768, the bug is beta2 milestoned there09:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 842768 in system-config-printer "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84276809:00
rodrigo_seb128, ok, looking09:00
seb128rodrigo_, it's probably not a beta2 blocker but seems like something to "fix" for Oneiric09:02
seb128rodrigo_, if you have no opinion on it maybe get pedro to upstream the bug and see what upstream (marek?) says ;-)09:03
rodrigo_I think it makes sense to use 'connecting...' instead of 'maybe connected' for sure09:03
rodrigo_but yes, that would be for 3.4, so yes, will talk to marek09:03
rodrigo_ugh, again gnome-online-accounts rejected, I always forget I have no permissions09:07
seb128rodrigo_, I can sponsor it for you, did you email cjwatson about it?09:09
rodrigo_seb128, yes, iirc09:11
rodrigo_let me check my mails09:11
seb128rodrigo_, you pushed to the vcs? I can sponsor from it?09:11
rodrigo_oh yes, he said it should be added to the desktop set automatically09:12
rodrigo_seb128, yes, in the vcs, ready to sponsor09:12
rodrigo_need to reboot, brb09:12
seb128how "added automatically"?09:12
seb128it's a recommends from gnome-control-center?09:12
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
tseliotseb128: is this a known bug in the latest nautilus? http://people.canonical.com/~amilone/nautilus_bug.png10:09
seb128tseliot, dpkg -l | grep nautilus?10:09
cjwatsonrodrigo_,seb128: added gnome-online-accounts to the ubuntu-desktop package set now10:10
seb128cjwatson, thanks10:10
seb128rodrigo_, i've sponsored the update already so no need to reupload ;-)10:11
tseliotseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/693665/10:11
seb128tseliot, upgrade to 0ubuntu210:11
tseliotseb128: ok, thanks10:12
didrockspitti: chrisccoulson: seb128: finally, the correct c-p-m should be in the ppa now and published (hopefully)10:12
seb128didrocks, \o/10:13
chrisccoulsondidrocks, thanks10:13
pittididrocks: you rock! that must have been "fun" to untangle *hug*10:13
chrisccoulsonwill switch back to 3d in a bit and give it a try10:13
didrockspitti: yeah, for some definition of fun :-)10:13
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm getting half a dozen emails every day from chromium users10:14
tseliotseb128: also, do you have any news on bug #820103 ?10:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 820103 in pidgin "Disconnecting connection 0x" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82010310:16
didrockschrisccoulson: see, you should start using it! :)10:16
chrisccoulsoni'm happy with my current browser ;)10:16
htorquedidrocks: the c-p-m added to the ppa yesterday by mterry contained different animation settings - is that fixed now or even intended?10:17
chrisccoulsonhtorque, see tha backscroll10:17
didrockshtorque: no, it was wrong, I fixed it10:17
htorquegood, thanks (no backscroll :()!10:17
rodrigo_seb128, cjwatson: ok, thanks10:19
seb128dobey, pitti: will we get ubuntuone-client-gnome back on the CD? or make sure that upgrades get it? njpatel didn't have it installed on his Oneiric system and I didn't either, it seems like natty->oneiric upgraders might loose the nautilus integration if that one doesn't get pulled in10:21
seb128jibel, mvo: ^ do you know if that's a know issue? if you do natty to oneiric updates could you check if that one is correctly installed on the upgraded systems?10:22
pittiseb128: looks like it, but only after b210:22
pittishouldn't be an issue for upgrades, though?10:22
seb128pitti, well I'm wondering by it was not installed for me or njpatel10:23
seb128but maybe it got removed during the cycle and nothing pulled back in10:23
njpatelI installed O fresh on this system ~ a210:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, it wasn't installed for me on a fresh install last week10:23
seb128njpatel, chrisccoulson: ok, so that might be normal with their "installer", will be fixed after b2 apparently10:24
chrisccoulsonah, ok10:24
seb128we will go back to pre-install u1 things10:24
jasoncwarner_hey kamstrup ...hate to say this, but I just did a fresh install of oneiric on a new disk and I got the same (i think) zg error at boot :(10:24
seb128hey jasoncwarner_10:24
jasoncwarner_hey seb12810:24
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: that's just really really odd10:29
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: you want the crash file?10:29
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: seems there's a subset of people with some really odd persisting problems with the fts extension10:29
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: why not :-)10:29
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: the weird thing, like I said, is that I did a brand new, fresh install...10:29
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: yeah, it's the same computer still, right?10:30
jasoncwarner_yeah, ubt a diff disk (ssd vs 7200rpm)10:30
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693677/10:30
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: yeah, that shouldn't matter... what I am thinking is that it's some odd platform specific error in the SWIG bindings for libxapian...10:31
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: ah, that trace, is another bug :-)10:31
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: I have ZERO idea if this is related, but I feel like I got the moment I started Skype...then again...the moment I started skype caused all sorts of problems. ;)10:31
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: it's the old zeitgeist-daemon --restart bug10:31
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: another bug? sheesh...this machine and zg )10:31
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: I have it back?10:32
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: nah, that bug is known10:32
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: I thought we had it distropatched or something, but mayb enot10:32
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: well, I feel better that it is already known ;) perhaps a fix will be waiting for me when I wake up in the morning! :) I'm about to get to bed....10:33
kamstrupjasoncwarner_: looking into this, sleep tight dude :-)10:35
jasoncwarner_kamstrup: as always, mucho appreciated!10:36
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, I found (and fixed) the evo-couchdb issue11:10
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, excellent, thanks :)11:10
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, so, could you please build lp:~ubuntu-desktop/couchdb-glib/ubuntu and test with thunderbird?11:11
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, hmm, i still get "Cannot open book: Could not create DesktopcouchSession object"11:18
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, hmm, you maybe need to recreate the desktopcouch config11:18
rodrigo_let me find the instructions11:18
rodrigo_that error is when it can't find the tokens in the keyring11:19
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/Troubleshooting11:20
rodrigo_see the killing and restarting... section11:20
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, \o/11:24
* rodrigo_ dances11:24
chrisccoulsoni added a contact in thunderbird, and checked it exists with futon11:24
chrisccoulsonseems to work fine :)11:24
chrisccoulsonok, i'll upload my little extension to handle the initial addressbook creation11:24
chrisccoulsonthen it will all work :)11:24
rodrigo_yes, and we can go out for beer celebration :)11:24
chrisccoulsoncan we do the beer bit first?11:25
rodrigo_let's not touch anything couchdb-related in the next few weeks though, just in case something else breaks :)11:25
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yes, sure :)11:25
seb128\o/ running retracers11:32
chrisccoulsonwhat plays the login sound when the session loads?11:41
seb128chrisccoulson, /usr/share/gnome/autostart/libcanberra-login-sound.desktop11:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, ah, thanks11:42
seb128chrisccoulson, btw I still have a pending him to "disable login sound in oneiric"11:42
seb128chrisccoulson, if you want to do it you"re welcome11:42
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't mind. that's the first thing i turn off on a fresh install anyway11:43
chrisccoulsonperhaps we should make the login sound conditional on having accessibility enabled?11:43
seb128I wonder if that .desktop works11:43
chrisccoulsoni can see how it might be useful there11:43
seb128/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login"11:43
seb128Failed to play sound: File or data not found11:43
seb128chrisccoulson, is it useful with a11y? the login screen ready sound is, but is the session sound useful?11:44
chrisccoulsonyeah, good point11:45
AlanBellorca starts talking when you get to the desktop11:45
AlanBelldrums at the start of ubiquity on the live CD is a big deal though11:46
kamstruppitti: The category icons for Songs and Albums are missing in unity-lens-music. Does this need a UI freeze exception, or can I just fix it?11:50
seb128kamstrup, just fix it11:51
pittikamstrup: JFDI11:51
seb128pitti, is there any chance to let in the applications updates from the queue once we have a first set of isos?11:52
pittiseb128: we can do that, yes; but still building ISOs right now, I better not risk uninstallability right now11:53
seb128pitti, no hurry ;-)11:53
pedro_morning folks!11:54
rodrigo_hey pedro_11:55
rodrigo_pedro_, how were your holidays? :)11:55
pittiseb128: did you ever look at and understand bug 797000 by chance?11:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 797000 in desktop-file-utils "/etc/gnome/defaults.list uses non-existent inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79700011:55
pittihey pedro_, welcome back!11:55
seb128pitti, looked at, yes, understood no11:55
pedro_rodrigo_, hola! , very relaxing , almost the only 'noise' i've heard were birds singing ;-) so pretty good11:56
pedro_pitti, hello! thanks :-)11:56
pedro_salut seb128!11:56
seb128hey pedro_, how are you?11:56
* pedro_ swimming in the mail flood11:56
seb128pitti, but doesn't seem worth tracking for the team or for Oneiric11:56
pedro_seb128, pretty good and you?11:56
seb128pedro_, I'm good thanks11:56
seb128pedro_, catching up after holidays11:56
rodrigo_pedro_, ah cool, so you didn't see all the bugs we assigned to you?11:57
pedro_rodrigo_, i'm going trough those now, later i'll run my 'assigns-all-the-bugs-to-the-spanish-guy' script  :-P11:58
rodrigo_ugh :)11:59
seb128is that a spanish war happening there? ;-)12:01
rodrigo_yeah, I have a spam-pedro-with-bug-mail script, so he'd better not run his script12:04
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seb128desrt, what are the chances that https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=654563 gets fixed this cycle? ;-)12:06
ubot2Gnome bug 654563 in gio "info capplet: Failed to calculate disk space" [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:06
jjardonHello, any idea about when gnome-documents and sushi will be packaged?12:06
seb128jjardon, hello! whenever somebody interested steps up to package those for debian or ubuntu12:08
seb128jjardon, or said differently "no idea, lack of resources and packaging those is not the priority for Oneiric"12:08
seb128but maybe ricotz or somebody else will want to pick it up ;-)12:09
jjardonseb128: yeah maybe we have to convince some packager ;)12:10
seb128jjardon, we will look at it after the Oneiric freeze if nobody else does it before12:11
ricotzseb128, jjardon, currently not ;), sorry12:13
jjardonseb128: only said that because the two packages are part of GNOME 3.2, and will appear in the release notes, so users will expect them avaliable12:13
seb128jjardon, yeah, and I would like to test shushi as well ;-)12:13
seb128let's when it's a bit less crazy12:13
* rodrigo_ lunch12:14
jjardonseb128: FYI we are in  hard code freeze in GNOME, so do not expect lot of changes ;)12:15
jjardonseb128: thanks anyway!12:15
seb128jjardon, right, yw, thank you for pointing that those are needed ;-)12:15
mptWell, that was interesting12:16
mptUpgraded to Oneiric, restarted, and all my windows were invisible12:17
seb128we have mimetype issues12:17
chrisccoulsonbrb, testing another g-s-d speedup fix12:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, pitti - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80414933/farnsworth-oneiric-20110920-2.png :)12:28
chrisccoulsonthe time taken for gsd to start is shorter now12:28
chrisccoulsoncompared with http://ubuntuone.com/0xKppDPyZiHP9aDzmzzPoR12:28
seb128chrisccoulson, 11s to 5s, not bad12:30
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:30
chrisccoulsonthere is some variation with the xrandr plugin. it seems to take much longer with my laptop docked12:31
chrisccoulsonbut the changes i'm testing here seem to save ~2.5s consistently12:31
chrisccoulsonso, i can't really see any other obvious wins in g-s-d, other than making the xrandr plugin not take so long. i wonder if that's just because i have a local monitor config12:35
* didrocks got his OneConf syncing working \o/12:37
chrisccoulsonok, xrandr plugin still sucks without any monitors.xml12:38
chrisccoulsonit looks like it's not meant to do anything in that case12:38
chrisccoulsoni'll see if i can figure out what's going on12:38
didrockschrisccoulson: btw, is your stacking bug vanished?12:38
chrisccoulsondidrocks, not sure, i'm on 2d atm12:38
didrocksok :)12:39
chrisccoulsoni'll try 3d in a bit12:39
chrisccoulsonbut i'm quite happy with 2d now :)12:39
zygamvo, hi12:39
zygamvo, could you please look at https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/command-not-found/fix-839609/+merge/7544012:39
zygamvo, I believe it fixes the annoying c-n-f crashes-on-localized-input bug12:39
chrisccoulsonwould be nice to have a better alt+tab switcher in 2d :)12:40
didrockschrisccoulson: that's the pet project I want to trigger when I can get some spare time :)12:41
didrockswould be a nice first QML app12:41
hallyncan someone please explain alt-tab in unity now?  Is there any other way I'm supposed to just switch between applications on the same desktop?12:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks, that would be awesome :)12:41
mvozyga: sure, will do12:43
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110920/ is finally there for testing12:43
mterrydidrocks, what was wrong with my ghost windows patch?12:56
didrocksmterry: it was taken from compiz-plugins-main trunk, which reverted some of ours distro-patch (smspillaz has embeeded our distro patches in another branch and roll as part of the tarball). It contained additional commits we don't want as well12:57
mterrydidrocks, mine did?  It was a two liner12:57
* didrocks looks at the diff again12:58
mterrydidrocks, whoa, I think you're right12:58
didrocksmterry: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80368147/compiz-plugins-main_1%3A0.9.5.94%2Bbzr20110919-0ubuntu1~ppa1_1%3A0.9.5.94%2Bbzr20110919-0ubuntu1~ppa2.diff.gz12:59
mterrydidrocks, I had a two-liner version that I intended to upload12:59
mterrydidrocks, I must have forgotten to re-debuild...12:59
didrocksmterry: no worry, just scary :-)12:59
didrocksmterry: it's all fine now, I pushed the correct version (hopefully)12:59
* mterry is really confused, remembers looking at a debdiff twice to be sure12:59
didrocksmterry: ah, that was the issue! only twice. Three is mandatory with compiz :-)13:00
mterrydidrocks, oh!13:00
* didrocks hugs mterry, no worry ;)13:00
mterrydidrocks, god, I'm all sorts of confused.  the two liner patch was for qtwebkit for a completely different thing.  The compiz-plugins-main thing went down just like you described.13:01
* mterry drinks a large coffee13:01
didrocksmterry: seems you had processes memory separation issues :)-13:01
didrocksand corrupted memory!13:01
mterrydidrocks, anyway, this new compiz seems great13:01
mterryfixes all the stacking issues I've had13:02
mterrysmspillaz, ^13:02
didrocksmterry: good news! hoping that we will be able to push it after beta2 :)13:02
didrocks(still some known issues with the gimp and libro though)13:02
mterryah, don't happen to use em13:02
didrocksneither do I, but it seems some are :-)13:03
didrockscrazy when you have LaTeX for everything :)13:03
seb128pitti, did we get to turn off hibernate by default in Oneiric?13:08
smspillazdidrocks: those issues aren't really manifesting themselves that much13:08
pittiseb128: not so far, I think13:08
seb128well I guess "no, because we didn't get the ui to turn it back on"?13:08
pittiseb128: also, we forgot to disable the startup sound :/13:08
smspillazdidrocks: I think by that point we'll fix it in an SRU once I've got some time to really dig into it13:08
pittiseb128: that, too13:08
didrockssmspillaz: let's see how it goes and what the feedback "in real use" will be13:09
seb128pitti, yeah, I was mentioning to chrisccoulson before lunch, the startup sound13:09
chrisccoulsonwow, so g-s-d takes 0.5 seconds each time it tries to restore the backup, intended and default configurations, even if they don't exist13:09
chrisccoulsonthat's definitely dixable13:09
seb128pitti, does it still play for you?13:09
seb128chrisccoulson, "backup"?13:09
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, monitors.xml.backup13:10
chrisccoulsonthen it tries monitors.xml13:10
chrisccoulsonand then the system default13:10
chrisccoulsonnone of these exist in my case, yet it still spends 0.5s trying each one13:10
chrisccoulsonthat seems broken ;)13:10
seb128pitti, /usr/share/gnome/autostart/libcanberra-login-sound.desktop has "/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login"" and that command doesn't work for me13:10
seb128$ /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login"13:10
seb128Failed to play sound: File or data not found13:10
desrtseb128: this is a silly bug.  why didn't it get fixed already?13:10
seb128chrisccoulson, indeed13:10
seb128desrt, not enough people to look at bugs, everybody is busy...?13:11
pittiseb128: yes, I still hear the sound in a guest  session13:11
desrtseb128: glib developers are so lazy13:11
seb128pitti, ok, it's on my beta2 list of things to check on13:11
pittiFailed to play sound: Sound disabled13:11
seb128desrt, GNOME bug #658188  seems a lot as well13:11
pittiseb128: ^ here13:11
ubot2Gnome bug 658188 in gio "g_app_info_set_as_last_used_for_type generates a broken mimeapps.list" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65818813:11
pittibut that's my personal account, where I indeed disabled it13:11
seb128desrt, it means every time you open the g-c-c info panel, default application without doing any chance, it screws all your preferred applications13:12
desrtseb128: do you always wait until the day after hard code freeze to tell me all of the things you want fixed? :)13:12
seb128desrt, broken since GNOME3, still broken in 3.213:12
seb128desrt, lol, yes, wouldn't be fun otherwise ;-)13:12
seb128desrt, sorry, I think they are not stopper for .0, maybe to fix for .113:13
pittiseb128: I'm just booting the current i386 live CD, login sound works there, too13:13
desrtthe first one is probably easy enough13:13
seb128pitti, ok, I will look at turning it off then13:13
desrti'm taking a look now13:13
seb128desrt, thanks13:13
pittiseb128: that command works fine in a default user account13:13
seb128desrt, the second one is "fun", opening the g-c-c info panel leads to gwibber being the default image viewer for me ;-)13:14
seb128pitti, it's probably my user config then13:14
desrtseb128: it's gnome's new approach to social media13:14
desrtseb128: you "view" images by posting them to your twitter page and asking your friends to describe to you what they saw13:15
chrisccoulsonso, gnome_rr_config_apply_from_filename_with_time does a gnome_rr_screen_refresh before even checking if the configuration exists13:15
desrti think it's a great way to spend more time talking to your friends!13:15
seb128pitti, I need to think what would be the best way, we could disable the autostart by default but that's probably wrong for those who will want to set a login sound back13:15
chrisccoulsoni think we're going to have g-s-d startup down to < 1s in a bit ;)13:16
pittiseb128: I'd just disable the default in gsettings13:16
pittichrisccoulson: yay13:16
seb128desrt, it should just connect you to random community users13:16
seb128"easy community building" ;-)13:16
desrtGNOME: "helping you meet new people!"13:17
seb128chrisccoulson, hurry, it seems ubiquity is broken, we can get respins :p13:17
seb128now I hide before pitti start chasing me with a big stick13:18
didrocksseb128: btw, I remember we discussed about sound-theme-freedesktop brought by libcanberra0, seems it's still the case, so we have system sounds installed as well?13:18
seb128didrocks, yes, but it seems it made some users happy and it's small enough13:19
seb128since nobody pushed to revert and we have the CD space for it now I didn't bother13:19
didrocksI hate those sounds, time to disable them :)13:19
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
seb128didrocks, they should be off by default13:19
seb128but there for users who want to set a sound theme13:19
didrockshum, it's not there, maybe my old old configuration set them back13:19
didrocksif it's off by default, I'm happy, I let my configuration this way to not forget about it13:20
didrocksok, the obvious question is how to disable them13:21
didrocksjuste mute then I guess13:21
didrocksahhhhhhhh way better :)13:21
didrockswhen I think I let those on to remember to continue the discussion about the depends with the kubuntu guys…13:22
didrocksso much pain for nothing ;)13:22
Laneyhow /do/ you change the sound theme?13:22
didrocksseems you can't change it in the ui, just mute the current one and change the default alert sound13:23
cyphermoxrodrigo_: I'm checking whether it would be worth updating NM so late. there are some bugs fixed and I think it also fixes the agents crash I've been fighting, but it also bumps soname for libnm-util13:23
seb128Laney, didrocks: yeah, I was wondering the same, seems quite broken :-(13:23
seb128pedro_, can you upstream bug #854401?13:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 854401 in nautilus "the text on desktop icons doesn't adapt to the background color" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85440113:27
pedro_seb128, sure, its going there in a bit13:28
dobeyseb128: when did you/njpatel upgrade?13:28
seb128pedro_, thanks13:29
seb128dobey, unping, njpatel did an oneiric install so he got the installer and not things preinstalled13:29
seb128dobey, I upgraded earlier and probably got it dropped when it became a new source or when we upgraded nautilus to gtk3 before you ported u113:29
dobeyseb128: on upgrade though, if you've already got stuff installed, it should still be installed after, unles spackages are broken right?13:30
dobeyah ok; yeah, that's why i asked. if you upgraded when the package went away for a short time, you would have been missing it :)13:30
rodrigo_cyphermox, ok, keep me posted, there is libnm-gtk in n-m-applet, which g-c-c depends on13:30
cyphermoxthe what?13:31
seb128hey cyphermox13:34
cyphermoxhey seb128!13:34
seb128cyphermox, gnome-control-center, they use widgets from libnm-gtk13:35
zygamvo, thanks13:35
seb128cyphermox, they used nm-applet before but gnome-shell conflicts with it so they moved code around it seems13:36
cyphermoxyeah, see that now13:36
cyphermoxit's going to be a little painful but it should be fine13:36
cyphermoxnm-applet is just bugfix, nm looks like it is too (checking)13:37
seb128well, we reverted the g-c-c commit for now13:37
seb128if it's late in the cycle to update nm we can probably adapt g-c-c13:37
seb128or let the commit reverted since we still use nm-applet13:37
cyphermoxwell, the biggest issue really is NM, not nm-applet13:38
cyphermoxnm changing the soname for libnm-util just means updating g-c-c (which would be done anyway), and the vpn plugins, afaict13:39
seb128well, that's what g-c-c needs I think, nm13:39
seb128if they moved the code there13:39
cyphermoxit's a new lib in the network-manager-applet source pkg :)13:39
seb128oh ok13:39
seb128right, easier than I though then13:40
seb128we just need to update nm-applet then from a g-c-c perspective13:40
cyphermoxseb128: no, because that new nm-applet also requires the new NM, I think13:41
cyphermoxbut I think this could be reverted13:41
seb128your call13:42
seb128cyphermox, otherwise, do you plan to work on the evolution, evolution-exchange, gtkhtml updates as well? I put your name for those in the etherpad ;-)13:42
seb128they are not on the CD so no hurry13:43
cyphermoxyeah, I plan to13:43
cyphermoxI was going to try and fix this NM crasher first, upload after beta13:43
cyphermoxbut I'm also kind of stuck, it13:43
cyphermoxit's hard to reproduce so very hard to confirm it's fixed :)13:44
seb128desrt, bug #839876 (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78809203/Stacktrace.txt)13:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 839876 in evince "evince crashed with SIGSEGV in g_settings_delay()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83987613:47
seb128desrt, do you know if that's an application bug or a gsettings one?13:47
didrocksseb128: I think we should retitle bug #854503 with "Take real launcher size to get icons area next to the launcher", wdyt?13:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 854503 in nautilus "Using Unity setting "Hide Launcher - never", files on desktop can not be placed close to the launcher" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85450313:51
desrtseb128: offhand it looks like a missing schema13:51
didrocksseb128: not for oneiric anyway, as -2d and -3 doesn't have the same values, and with gsettings maybe segfaulting back next release if the value isn't there, it makes a dep between nautilus and unity-common :)13:51
seb128didrocks, works for me13:51
seb128desrt, that's when you tell me that it was clear at least when you were aborting on missing schemas? ;-)13:52
desrtseb128: i think next cycle i'll be bringing back insta-fatal for missing schemas again13:52
desrtseb128: in a modified form that lets you explicitly turn it off13:52
mvothank you zyga!13:52
desrtthis is totally insane13:52
seb128desrt, this?13:53
desrtseb128: what's your take on critical being fatal by default?13:53
zygamvo, thanks, sorry for not proposing this during your absence :/13:53
seb128desrt, things like https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78230385/Stacktrace.txt are missing schemas as well I guess?13:53
desrtseb128: but able to be disabled in language bindings (like python) where it gets converted to an exception13:53
seb128desrt, ok during unstable cycle, not on stable versions13:53
desrtseb128: yes.  things like that are also missing schemas13:54
seb128desrt, you really want to minimize things closing on stable version, often applications can keep running enough for you to not have work lost13:54
seb128desrt, ok thanks, I wish I know how users land with missing schemas13:54
seb128they are in the deb, that doesn't make much sense13:55
desrtseb128: this is actually an interesting problem13:55
seb128or corruptions happen often...13:55
mvozyga: no worries, still time until final freeze13:55
desrtwe don't want to explode on missing schemas13:55
desrtbut when looking through traces we do want to be able to know about them13:55
desrt(ie: that they were missing)13:55
desrtseb128: i guess it comes down to being able to get the xsession-errors13:56
desrtfedora does a cool trick where it greps for the name of the process that crashed and sends only lines that match that13:56
seb128desrt, we have .xsession-errors13:56
seb128desrt, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78809028/XsessionErrors.txt that's for the evince one13:57
desrtmakes it nicer not to have to download and dig through 14 meg :)13:57
seb128well apport does filter13:57
seb128but I think the filters need improvement13:57
desrtodd.  no gsettings errors from evince.13:57
seb128it grabs only on some keywords like Gtk-Warnings13:58
zygamvo, good :)13:58
desrtseb128: this gnome-control-center bug is pretty obvious13:58
seb128desrt, the disk or the mimetype one?13:58
desrtseb128: you have "none" in your fstab instead of "swap", which is what we expect13:58
desrtfor the mountpoint of the swap partition13:58
seb128# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation13:59
seb128UUID=d077cd26-da2d-4c0f-ad00-276c510fd4ae none            swap    sw              0       013:59
desrtya.  the 'none' is the trouble13:59
desrtchange it to 'swap' and the trouble disappears13:59
desrtwe have a few possible fixes here13:59
seb128desrt, it's the "mount point" field13:59
seb128which should it be "swap"?13:59
desrtseb128: i'm just explaining what works13:59
seb128desrt, swap has no mount point13:59
seb128I knew about that workaround ;-)14:00
desrtwe have this code if (strcmp (fstab->fs_vfstype, "swap") == 0) continue;14:00
desrtso there :p14:00
desrtthat's why :)14:00
desrtanyway... so there are 3 fixes we could do14:00
desrtfirst is that you change your fstab14:00
seb128next? ;-)14:00
desrtnext is that i modify this part of glib to use our own big internal list of stuff to ignore14:00
seb128# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>14:01
desrtnext is that we patch control-center not to call query_filesystem_info() on files that don't exist14:01
desrti like the last option best.  it's easiest and least likely to explode.14:01
seb128shouldn't "fstab->fs_vfstype" be the third field?14:01
seb128fs   mount   type14:01
seb128which is fstab for me14:01
seb128UUID=d077cd26-da2d-4c0f-ad00-276c510fd4ae none            swap    sw              0       014:01
desrtyes.  fedora has "UUID=blahblah swap swap .."14:01
seb128well the line you show me check fs_vfstype14:02
seb128which should be swap in Ubuntu as well14:02
desrti'll show another14:02
zygamvo, one more thing, could you please make sure to upgrade the version number stored internally in the application? this is the only thing that users report most of the time and differentiating between versions helps. I changed the version this time but it has to be maintained continuously (before it was stuck on some older release)14:02
desrtif ((strcmp (mntent->mnt_dir, "ignore") == 0) || (strcmp (mntent->mnt_dir, "swap") == 0)) continue;14:02
desrtif ((strcmp (mntent.mnt_mountp, "ignore") == 0) || (strcmp (mntent.mnt_mountp, "swap") == 0)) continue;14:02
desrtso i think we should try to fix gio, but that can wait until after the release14:03
seb128desrt, what about adding "none" to those?14:03
desrtmeanwhile, this is a heuristic and gio will never be 100% perfect in all cases14:04
desrtso probably gnome-control-center should be more robust14:04
seb128agree on fixing g-c-c14:04
seb128feel free to bounce the bug back there ;-)14:04
desrtwe can probably fix it by just treating the NULL case as 0 bytes14:04
seb128or to clone it14:04
desrti'll do the quick patch for GIO now14:05
desrtplus the g-c-c patch14:05
desrtand we'll look at fixing it properly after the release14:05
desrtcan keep it all on the same bug.  will make release-team decisions easier14:05
seb128desrt, thanks14:07
desrtseb128: does this bug impact debian, in your opinion?14:08
* desrt needs to know where to assign the blame :)14:09
seb128desrt, don't you have a debian server? ;-)14:09
desrtactually, no14:09
seb128I would tend to say that yes but easy to verify by somebody who has a debian box14:10
seb128i.e pitti14:10
desrtbest i have is a laptop14:10
desrtseb128: don't YOU have a debian server? :p14:10
seb128I've no server :p14:10
desrtmore shame for you than me, i say :)14:10
hallyneh.  compiz just crashed because I re-enabled the task switcher.14:10
seb128I'm a desktop guy14:10
hallynnow unity is gone, but at least I have alt-tab working :)14:10
didrockshallyn: the task switcher have some keys conflicting like unity, (alt + tab), so you probably acked the fact to remove unity14:11
hallyndidrocks: why would it not just obsolete the other keybinding?14:12
hallyn(shift-alt-tab would have been the one)14:12
desrtseb128: ya.  it's a debianism.14:12
didrockshallyn: because compiz-config-settings-manager doesn't know how to do that? patches welcomed :)14:12
hallynfair enough :)14:13
hallyn(I thought it used to do that years ago though!)14:13
hallyn(guess i was wrong)14:13
seb128desrt, yeah, I just looking on alioth, it's none there as well14:13
didrockshallyn: I don't think so, it just remove the plugin unfortunatly14:13
didrocksor you can ignore the conflict14:13
seb128desrt, on a debian 6.0.214:13
didrocksand then, weird things can happen :)14:13
hallyndidrocks: ok, i can just manually disable the other - but, can i ask,14:14
hallynis there some place where the motivation for the new alt-tab behavior is documented?14:14
didrockshallyn: right, disable the other, then reenable unity14:14
didrockshallyn: I guess it's a question for the ayatana mailing list14:14
didrocksto talk with the designers14:14
hallyndidrocks: ok, thanks14:14
desrtseb128: the patch in that bug is tested and works now if you want to vendor-patch it14:29
ubot2Gnome bug 654563 in gio "info capplet: Failed to calculate disk space" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:30
seb128desrt, thanks14:30
desrtdoing g-c-c now14:30
rodrigo_dobey, ping14:37
dobeyrodrigo_: hey14:38
rodrigo_dobey, fixed the evo-couchdb issue14:38
dobeyrodrigo_: awesome14:38
rodrigo_dobey, seems recent changes to e-d-s made it not happy with SoupSessionAsync being used on threads14:38
rodrigo_so, just changed that to use SoupSessionSync, since we do sync operations anyway14:39
dobeymakes sense14:39
rodrigo_now, replication doesn't work for me though :(14:40
rodrigo_does it for you?14:40
dobeyrodrigo_: that's mostly a server issue14:42
rodrigo_yes, BAD_REQUEST14:42
dobeyit's known and being worked on; but we have some SRUs to do of desktopcouch for old versions14:42
rodrigo_ah ok14:42
dobeyhrmm, you shouldn't get a 40014:42
dobeyshould be getting a 50314:42
dobeyi seem to get 503s in replication log14:42
rodrigo_I consistently get 400's14:43
dobeyrodrigo_: can you make a new user and set up ubuntuone with same account in that user, and see if it gets the same errors?14:44
dobeyrodrigo_: cool; thanks again14:55
* dobey goes to get some lunch and run some errands14:55
chrisccoulsonseb128, pitti - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnome-desktop3/+bug/854101/comments/7 :)15:00
ubot2Ubuntu bug 854101 in ubuntu-boot-speed "gnome-settings-daemon takes waaaaaaaay too long to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:00
chrisccoulsoni can't believe how fast the unity-2d session starts here now15:00
chrisccoulsoni can barely blink after typing my password before the panel has loaded15:00
pittichrisccoulson: wow, that looks awesome!15:01
pittichrisccoulson: X.org still takes an awful amount of time on your machine15:01
chrisccoulsoni shall push the changes to the desktop PPA in a bit, and would appreciate some testers15:01
chrisccoulsonto make sure i've not broken anything ;)15:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not sure why Xorg takes so long here15:01
seb128chrisccoulson, count me in for testing from the ppa when you put it there ;-)15:01
pittichrisccoulson: great work! did you already got a response from upstream for your previous patch?15:02
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, and stop using 2d :p15:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - which patch was that?15:03
chrisccoulsonseb128, i prefer 2d ;)15:03
chrisccoulsonno blurry icons in the dash :)15:04
seb128chrisccoulson, bah, your g-s-d work should work for me on 3d as well ;-)15:04
pittichrisccoulson: I thought you had one for the media plugin (pulse), and before one for xrandr?15:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't think so. i only started on this yesterday evening15:04
chrisccoulsoni intend to send them upstream, or at least start a discussion on the issues i've found :)15:04
chrisccoulson(like, doing 3 reprobes, which is insane)15:05
pittiprobably won't help on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-oneiric-20110914-disable-indicator-session.png as both CPUs are full anyway15:05
pittibut on faster CPUs this should be quite noticeable15:05
pitticould buy 3.5 s on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/donald-oneiric-20110914.png (that's my X201 workstation)15:06
didrockschrisccoulson: sorry, I didn't follow earlier, but what those gsd configuration are for?15:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, which ones?15:08
* didrocks wonders why with nvidia he always get on gsd now a "can't find suitable size" and enormous fonts now at each startup15:08
chrisccoulson[    14.607] (II) intel(0): Initializing HW Cursor15:08
chrisccoulson[    17.020] (II) intel(0): RandR 1.2 enabled, ignore the following RandR disabled message.15:08
chrisccoulsonare those timestamps in my Xorg log?15:08
didrockschrisccoulson: the backup, intended, default15:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, those are for the display configuration15:09
chrisccoulsonby default, there aren't any configurations to load, but gsd still spends 0.5s iterating each one15:09
didrocksseems what is maybe broken there then :)15:09
chrisccoulsonbut i've fixed that locally now :)15:09
didrocksyeah, I'll tell if you that makes vanish the dialog there15:09
chrisccoulsondidrocks, hmm, it probably won't fix your problem15:10
didrockschrisccoulson: where are they saved? maybe I can rm them15:10
chrisccoulsondidrocks, ~/.config/monitors.xml is probably the one15:10
chrisccoulson(that's the intended configuration)15:10
didrocksok, I have one15:11
didrockslet me remove it15:11
htorquesorry to interrupt (again), but this doesn't influence bug 828112, right?15:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 828112 in unity-greeter "Password field feedback slow at times" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82811215:11
jcastroit's the thing that keeps popping up a window on login15:11
didrocksah seems that was it :)15:11
jcastrothat happened to me too15:11
didrocksthanks chrisccoulson, not sure how a bad one was saved though15:11
chrisccoulsonhtorque, i don't think that anything i'm doing will affect that bug15:11
didrocksjcastro: ah!15:11
chrisccoulsoni'm focused on the session start only atm15:12
jcastrodidrocks: it's something else that happened, I get it on 2 machines15:12
didrocksjcastro: I just rm the file and it "fixed" it15:12
didrocksbut still not sure why it's saved15:12
jcastrothe display thingey saves there15:12
jbichacjwatson: could yelp-xsl and yelp-tools be added to the desktop set also?15:13
didrocksjcastro: nvidia?15:13
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, that "17.020" timestamp in my xorg log lines up nicely with the the greeter starting15:13
jcastrooh, no, I don't think the nvidia tool saves there, I think the GNOME one does15:13
chrisccoulsoni guess that's something i should bug RAOF about15:13
didrocksok, maybe we really should blacklist the display dialog with nvidia15:13
jcastrobut I am not certain15:13
chrisccoulsonperhaps he can figure out what Xorg is doing for 3 seconds there15:13
didrocksjcastro: yeah, I guess so, we should hide the display with nvidia blob driver anyway15:13
jcastrohide the gnome display right?15:13
jcastrobecause you need the nvidia one15:14
jcastrooh ok15:14
didrocksjust a thought15:14
jcastroI agree15:14
jcastroare we allowed to put things in g-c-c yet or does that incur hatred from upstream still?15:14
didrocksjcastro: you mean, without distro-patching?15:14
didrocksit's a distro-patch right now, all the thing we put it there15:15
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting reminder in 15 mins15:15
cyphermoxyup yup15:15
pittijcastro: put things into gcc> that's a long lost cause15:15
* pedro_ waves15:15
pittiwe are so bad, we even put ubuntuone there TWICE!15:15
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks: the backup monitors.xml config thing is in case you apply a broken config I think, so it can go revert to the working one after the delay15:15
jbichaby the way, will the extra ubuntuone be gone before beta2?15:16
seb128the third file seems weird15:16
didrockspitti: depends hadess told me at desktop summit that he wasn't against putting unity settings there if unity runs!15:16
seb128jbicha, what extra ubuntuone?15:16
pittiseb128: there are two ubuntuone settings in c-c15:16
seb128not here15:16
didrocksseb128: it's not a backup one, it's read when gsd starts apparently…15:16
jcastrohey before your meeting, I have a question. I want to tell users about the new DVD image and all it's goodness, is this the canonical list of extra packages or are there more somewhere? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.oneiric/dvd15:16
pittiboth open the control panel15:16
seb128I've seen a bug about it15:16
seb128but it doesn't happen for me15:16
pittiseb128: maybe one is u1-installer, the other u1-control-panel?15:16
seb128oh right15:17
seb128I don't have the installer installed15:17
didrocksinstall the installer :-)15:17
Laneyyeah, that's what they are15:17
Laneyis jcastro's link right?15:19
Laneyif so, what's that mono stuff doing therE?15:19
seb128didrocks, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/693835/ that's the gsd code15:19
seb128didrocks, it's a bit weird, but it seems they try to be smart about backup configs on start as well, in case you have a non working configuration15:20
seb128like you tried to apply something that didn't work, screwed your xorg and forced you to reboot15:20
seb128jbicha, you probably better drop an email to cjwatson for those, easier to track than irc pings usually15:21
didrocksseb128: indeed, but does those backup configuration file works with nvidia? it seems not15:22
didrocks(the one which was generated)15:22
didrocksand maybe it detects nvidia as a non working one15:22
seb128yeah, not sure about nvidia ;-)15:22
didrockslet me just try to open the display properties again15:22
didrocksand restart g-s-d then15:23
cjwatsonjbicha: yes, please mail me this kind of request, I don't process them without an e-mail traili15:28
jbichacjwatson: seb128: thanks15:29
didrocksseb128: jcastro: so confirming, the gnome display thing is creating that file15:29
didrocksas when you change the resolution it works15:29
didrocks(with a lot of noise)15:29
didrocksand let that invalid file then15:29
didrocksmaybe we should just blacklist the GNOME thing with nvidia blob driver?15:30
jcastroI think so, the tool is useless with nvidia and it will just confuse people into thinking it works.15:30
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting time15:31
seb128didrocks, we used to do something like that, tseliot made patches by then to run the nvidia control dialog iirc15:31
pittihello everyone15:31
* kenvandine waves15:31
pittiFYI, quick release status: the first smoketests of the current b2 candidates are coming in15:31
pittiwe found a rather serious ubiquity bug and will need a respin15:32
pittibut as long as you are online, they actually install pretty well15:32
chrisccoulsonhi :)15:32
pittiotherwise it's nothing earthshattering on our side15:33
pittikenvandine: do you need to discuss anything partner-wise?15:33
kenvandinei gave the u1 guys the list of release bugs skaet is tracking for their packages15:33
kenvandinethey are going to follow up on them all15:33
kenvandinethat is all i have15:34
pittiwe also had a quick discussion with U1 team yesterday15:34
seb128kenvandine, pitti: will we get the whole u1 stack back on the CD after beta2?15:34
pittilooks like we'll put u1-client control-panel, and music store back on the default install15:34
didrocksmakes sense :-)15:34
pittinot the couchy bits, of course15:34
kenvandinethat is a much better choice15:34
* kenvandine never thought that was a good idea15:34
pittiwe dropped them without need15:34
mterrypitti, not ubuntuone-couch?  (I don't think it pulls in anything couchy)15:34
pittiit was really quite pointless15:35
pittimterry: I thought that's just a command line tool?15:35
pittimterry: but I don't mind15:35
mterrypitti, no, it provides some python bindings that duplicity/deja-dup uses15:35
pitti"whatever we had in natty"15:35
mterrypitti, can't upload to u1 without it15:35
kenvandinedoes that pull in desktopcouch?15:35
pittimterry: but then deja-dup should certainly have a dependency or at least a recommends to it?15:36
pittikenvandine: no15:36
mterrypitti, it did before, but when we went down the installer route, i dropped it and added support to deja-dup to run the installer (which I made sure installs ubuntuone-couch)15:36
pittimterry: it moved to universe yesterday, so better add a recommends15:36
mterrypitti, I can go back to before15:36
* mterry wishes people would make up their minds15:37
pittimterry: please add it back then15:37
pittididrocks: thanks for the unity update on the wiki15:38
pittididrocks: anything to discuss? should the team test some newer compiz packages? (sorry, I lost track of them)15:38
didrockspitti: yeah, the ppa should contained all what is needed (as I claimed on the wiki ;))15:39
didrocksso go ahead, download, test, and ping me if anything is wrong15:39
* didrocks looks at the stacking breaker, chrisccoulson!15:39
pittichrisccoulson: ^15:39
chrisccoulsoni've not tested it yet15:39
pittichrisccoulson: and while you are at it, please make it fast, will you?15:39
* pitti hugs chrisccoulson15:39
chrisccoulsonthat means switching back to 3d for a bit ;)15:39
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti15:39
didrockschrisccoulson: come on, between two awesome fixes! :-)15:40
* pitti updates in the meantime15:40
chrisccoulsoni'll try it in a bit. i want to get the gsd/gnome-desktop changes in to the PPA first15:40
mterrythe PPA works great for me15:40
didrocksI'll probably pushed the fixed Qt in the ppa as well waiting for the freeze15:40
pittitremolux: anything to discuss for s-c? seems to be going well15:40
pittioh, no new packages/15:41
tremoluxpitti: hey! nothing really to discuss, we are just fixing stuff15:41
pittiargh, seems add-apt-repository messed up retrieving the key or so15:41
pittitremolux: that's good news, at this point :)15:41
didrocks(if some people wants to test the oneconf staging server for syncing, please ping me, feedback would be welcomed ;))15:41
tremoluxpitti: yes, I feel really good about it, it's getting into nicer shape every day15:41
pittiBTW, if you need to roll back, use "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ppa"15:42
pittiworks really nicely15:42
* kenvandine hugs ppa-purge15:42
pittiok, nothing else from my side; AOB?15:43
tremoluxdidrocks: I'll definitely test with the server, I've been using the local test data so far15:43
mterryAnyone have any MIRs that I don't know about?15:43
didrockstremolux: great, thanks!15:43
tremoluxdidrocks: oneconf ftw!15:44
mterryhopefully not, pretty late for MIRs15:44
Sweetsharkmterry: I just got asked again about lo-menubar bing included in main ;)15:45
Sweetsharkpitti: thanks15:45
didrockstremolux: thanks to believe in it! :)15:45
mterrySweetshark, I thought we were holding off, for stability reasons?15:46
tremoluxdidrocks: :)15:46
Sweetsharkmterry: right.15:46
pittioh, the i386 and amd64 retracers have caught up again15:46
pittithey are running again now15:46
pittisorry for the 2 days downtime, needed to fix a couple of bugs15:47
kenvandinejust so everyone is aware, i will be out again tomorrow, but returning again on thursday15:47
pittiso, then without further ado, let's fix this oneiric thingy!15:47
mterryoh, and I'm on vacation next week, FYI15:47
pittithanks everyone15:47
pittimterry, chrisccoulson: enjoy your holidays!15:47
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks :)15:48
pittichrisccoulson: do you already have someone briefed for mozilla babysitting while you are away?15:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - not yet. i can sort that out though15:48
chrisccoulsoni guess i need a victim ;)15:48
seb128chrisccoulson, mterry: enjoy!15:49
chrisccoulsonok, g-s-d is in the ubuntu-desktop PPA15:49
chrisccoulsonjust doing gnome-desktop now15:49
seb128chrisccoulson, give it to the security team, they love firefox ;-)15:49
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, what changes does have that g-s-d on the ppa?15:50
pittiwell, I actually had micahg in mind when I pondered people who know about firefox15:50
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, make it start up faster :)15:50
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnome-desktop3/+bug/854101/comments/715:50
ubot2Ubuntu bug 854101 in ubuntu-boot-speed "gnome-settings-daemon takes waaaaaaaay too long to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:50
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, cool!15:55
chrisccoulsonok, gnome-desktop uploaded too15:55
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, you probably want to review the changes and test it too, to make sure i'm not doing anything crazy ;)15:56
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, do you have a link to the patch in g-s-d?15:56
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yeah, right :)15:56
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, there's 3 patches - you can grab them from the package in the PPA now15:57
chrisccoulsoni've not pushed them anywhere else yet15:57
chrisccoulsonignore the profiling patch ;)15:57
chrisccoulsonthat was just so i could get profiling information to stdout15:57
seb128pitti, can you score up the i386 builds for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1948415/+listing-archive-extra and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1948422/+listing-archive-extra ?15:59
=== htorque_ is now known as htorque
pittiseb128: done15:59
seb128pitti, danke15:59
chrisccoulsonthanks :)16:00
chrisccoulsondoes zeitgeist really need to start as soon as the session loads?16:10
pittichrisccoulson: it's dbus activated, but zeitgeist-datahub triggers it16:11
pittichrisccoulson: but that's being fixed16:11
pittichrisccoulson: seif told me that they rewrote this entire thing in C16:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - ah, ok. that's good. it currently seems to take up 0.5s CPU here before the rest of the unity-2d components16:11
pittichrisccoulson: I mentioned that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/11.10/BootSpeedAnalysis16:11
Sweetsharkah, great. Im on omgubuntu.16:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - i guess i could add my gsd findings to that too16:12
didrocksseb128: bug #854448 is not really a duplicate, it's a multi-arch issue16:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 854448 in unity "AMD64 Skype should depend on i386 sni-qt (multiarch)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85444816:12
didrocksseb128: skype amd64 should pull i386 sni-qt16:12
pittiSweetshark: doesn't actually read badly, though?16:13
pittichrisccoulson: sure, please do16:13
Sweetsharkpitti: yeah, could have been much worse. I did not read the news there -- I first noticed my blog getting a lot more attention than usual ...16:14
mterrykirkland, hello!  Did you ever make any progress on bug 845738?16:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 845738 in ecryptfs-utils "Add ecryptfs-verify-private script" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84573816:15
seb128didrocks, ok, it's not me who duplicated it, I just commented ;-)16:18
didrocksseb128: ok, just pointing that we discussed lenghty about it this morning :-)16:18
didrocksseb128: and as it will bring the i386 Qt stack on amd64, we can't install both by default on amd6416:19
didrocksapart from skype, not sure which other Qt apps is in this situation16:19
seb128didrocks, ok, thanks for letting me know ;-)16:19
seb128I'm glad I neither use amd64 nor skype :p16:19
didrocksseb128: you want 2 Qt stack on your machine, I know it! :-)16:20
htorquechrisccoulson: tested your packages: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/696959.png → \o/16:26
chrisccoulsonwow, that's a massive win16:27
chrisccoulsoni wasn't expecting that16:27
chrisccoulsonand everything still works ok?16:27
htorquelooks like it :)16:27
chrisccoulsonthose 6 blocks of Xorg CPU are g-s-d doing 6 probes16:27
chrisccoulsoni've cut those right down16:28
chrisccoulsoni added all my findings to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/11.10/BootSpeedAnalysis anyway16:30
chrisccoulsonoh, rodrigo has gone?16:30
chrisccoulsonbrb, dinner time16:30
micahgchrisccoulson: pitti: seb128: I was planning on babysitting firefox while chrisccoulson was gone (with the assumption that little will need to be done before release)16:33
kirklandmterry: hrm, I haven't :-/  been pretty overloaded lately16:33
kirklandmterry: tab's open in my browser, will try to get to Inbox-0 and Tab-0 by EoD today :-)16:34
mterrykirkland, heh, no worries16:34
seb128micahg, that's great thanks, and yeah chrisccoulson said there should be not a lot to do, maybe an updated tarball with no changes to upload16:35
pittigood night everyone!16:38
cyphermoxnight pitti16:39
chrisccoulsonpitti, did you see htorque's bootchart?16:40
htorquechrisccoulson: ignoring display ports 1-3 and non-existing hdmi ports 1-3 via xorg.conf shaved off another 14 seconds: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/141990.png - but that's likely a kernel regression as that works fine with natty's kernel.16:41
chrisccoulson15s -> 3s for g-s-d16:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, that looks better16:41
kenvandinechrisccoulson, that's awesome!16:45
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, unity-2d session starts in less than 3s here now ;)16:45
chrisccoulsoni wonder how hard it would be to get compiz to start as fast as metacity :/16:46
didrockschrisccoulson: dlopening, dlopening…16:47
chrisccoulsonwe need one big fat binary16:48
chrisccoulsonthat's why chrome is one big binary16:48
chrisccoulsonand why firefox probably will be at some point too16:48
chrisccoulsondidrocks, what actually does take all the time when compiz starts?16:50
chrisccoulsonit's not something i've looked at yet16:50
chrisccoulsonperhaps i will do later though ;)16:50
chrisccoulsonit's pretty sad compared to metacity16:50
didrockschrisccoulson: basically, initialising gl (composite) and dlopening all the plugins enabled16:50
didrocksloading the configuration backend is slow16:51
didrocksand the configuration backend backend (gconf) slower16:51
chrisccoulsonheh, and i bet compiz takes the 0.5s hit of starting gconf as well now, seeing as nothing else is using it16:52
chrisccoulsonoh, isn't metacity using it though?16:52
chrisccoulsonyeah, metacity starts it16:53
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: Libreoffice master has code for making everyting one big binary too on master.16:53
didrocksmetacity still using gconf16:53
didrocksso it's a fair game there :)16:53
didrockschrisccoulson: but compiz reads all keys for all plugins16:53
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: well, an experimental switch16:53
chrisccoulsondidrocks, there's an easy fix for that. we could have gconf up and running whilst g-s-d is loading16:53
didrockschrisccoulson: 900 keys was the natty default profile16:53
chrisccoulsongnome-session used to start it really early anyway16:53
chrisccoulsoni'm going to try that again, seeing as it won't block anything initially16:54
chrisccoulsonit might help compiz a bit ;)16:54
didrocks0.5s is still someting :)16:54
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, yeah, big binaries seem to load quicker :)16:54
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
chrisccoulsonjjardon, can we make the battery icon for indicator-power not turn red when i still have over 2 hours of battery life left? :)16:55
micahgit gets even faster when you optimize the binaries so everything needed is in order16:56
smspillazoh, can I put some feelers out for how the testing of the stacking branch is going ?17:00
smspillazchrisccoulson: are you volunteering to make compiz startup time faster ?17:01
smspillazI've wanted to do this for a while but haven't had time to17:01
chrisccoulsonsmspillaz, possibly ;)17:02
chrisccoulsonit would certainly be nice to make it start faster for P17:02
smspillazchrisccoulson: of course17:02
smspillazchrisccoulson: I don't plan to change compiz much for P though17:02
chrisccoulsonyeah, probably a good idea :)17:03
didrockshave a good evening everyone!17:03
smspillaznight didrocks17:03
didrockssmspillaz: thanks, you too!17:03
smspillazevening, rather17:03
smspillaz"morning!" :)17:03
didrocksyeah, time for doing some exercice :)17:03
didrocksheh, indeed, morning17:03
mterrysmspillaz, you asked about the testing of the stacking branch?  I'm loving it17:12
mterrysmspillaz, no regressions so far, fixes every wart I saw17:12
smspillazI noticed one problem with libreoffice the other day17:12
mterrysmspillaz, yeah, someone was saying that17:12
chrisccoulsoni'm just upgrading now, then i will switch back to 3d and test :)17:12
smspillazand the regression detection code I put in still notices some errors with more complex cases17:12
mterrysmspillaz, but I haven't happened to use it17:12
smspillazbut it should be 99% fixed now17:13
smspillazand considering I've been in lo for a bit now working on this uni assignment17:13
smspillazand haven't seen it, guess we're good17:13
mterrysmspillaz, I saw you had some branch for the minimized window case?17:13
smspillazyes, that's been merged in17:13
smspillazI forgot to tell you that17:13
smspillazyou can tell stbe there's no need to hack around that now17:13
mterrysmspillaz, is it in a PPA for easy testing?  I'd like to confirm that deja-dup will work like I expect now17:14
smspillazmterry: no ppa yet17:14
mterry(it does some minimized craziness)17:14
smspillazmterry: we're probably going to do another compiz upload later in the week with the stacking branch merged in. I'll cherry pick that fix in at the same time17:14
smspillaznext week17:14
kenvandinebigon, any idea why bug 828756 came back with empathy 3.1.92?17:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 828756 in empathy "getting "connection is untrusted" warnings" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82875617:15
mterrysmspillaz, yeah, but I'll be on vacation then, and I want to know whether I can revert my workaround in code before then.  I'll test the patch17:15
kenvandinesince it had been confirmed fixed in gnome-keyring17:15
smspillazmterry: if you know how to build the compiz package I can give you a patch17:15
smspillazmterry: the problem is in both unity and compiz though17:15
smspillazmterry: or you can give me a testcase and I'll see if it does anything crazy here17:16
mterrysmspillaz, guh17:16
mterrysmspillaz, there's a testcase in the bug17:16
smspillazmterry: # ?17:16
bigonkenvandine: dunno17:16
mterrysmspillaz, bug 73299717:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 732997 in unity "Cannot open a window that starts iconified" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73299717:16
smspillazmterry: oh, you mean the vala one ?17:16
mterrysmspillaz, but there are some minor corner cases I wanted to test (like a minimized window starting in an existing window group) and such17:16
mterrysmspillaz, yeah, that was my testcase17:17
smspillazmterry: ok, so the vala one works as you expect17:17
mterrysmspillaz, sweet17:17
smspillazit just appears in the launcher then when you click it it unminimizes17:17
smspillazas for deja-dup17:17
mterrysmspillaz, deja-dup in 11.10 right now is patched to avoid that code path, so it's not a good test case right now17:17
smspillazcan I test things with what's currently in ubuntu ?17:17
smspillazmterry: I can edit the code17:17
mterrysmspillaz, you'd have to recompile.  What you could do is grab 19.91 instead of 19.9217:18
mterrysmspillaz, the old package that is17:18
smspillazmterry: I can recompile, it sfine17:18
seb128chrisccoulson, your g-s-d g-d updates seems to work fine17:18
seb128won almost 1 second login time there17:18
chrisccoulsonnice :)17:18
mterrysmspillaz, OK.  Then the code is in widgets/WidgetUtils.vala, search for iconify.  There are two code blocks commented out which should go back to like it was17:19
smspillazmterry: I used gentoo and arch linux for a few years before I started working for canonical, I'm not afraid of compilers :)17:19
mterrysmspillaz, :)17:19
mterrysmspillaz, but...  are you going to edit bzr or the Ubuntu package?17:19
mterryif the Ubuntu package, you'll have to edit the C code, as it doesn't recompile the vala17:19
smspillaz*shrug* whatever17:20
mterrysmspillaz, so edit widgets/WidgetUtils.c and do the same search  :)17:20
mterryvala is goofy sometimes17:20
mterrysmspillaz, thanks!17:20
smspillazvala is a nice concept17:20
smspillazbut it's just ... a pain sometimes17:20
chrisccoulsonright, switching back to 3d now17:20
smspillazat least in my experience17:20
smspillazmterry: so what's the thing I should do to make it exhibit the behaviour you want17:21
mterrysmspillaz, I think in the past year, it has at least become a stable platform/compiler.  Before, not so much17:21
mterrysmspillaz, hmm17:21
smspillazI'll do it with and without your patch17:21
smspillazmterry: valac-0.14 broke a bunch of unity code17:21
smspillazit's not stable :)17:21
mterrysmspillaz, oh really?  I didn't have too much changes to make for 0.1417:21
seb128smspillaz, unity is still unity vala?17:21
seb128still "using"17:22
Sweetsharkvala is cfront/glockenspiel 2.0.17:22
mterrysmspillaz, so the simplest case is running "deja-dup --backup --auto"17:22
* Sweetshark hides17:22
smspillazseb128: I think there was some old stuff tha twas17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/seb-e6410-oneiric-20110920-8.png17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/seb-e6410-oneiric-20110920-9.png17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, that's before and after your updates on my laptop config17:22
mterrysmspillaz, but the other thing to try is first running "deja-dup-preferences" and then separately running "deja-dup --backup --auto" and seeing how well that works (it should be two windows in the same launcher then)17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, btw do you also see plymouth staying there for almist 5 seconds?17:22
smspillazmterry: just to double check17:23
mterrysmspillaz, and I think also...  "deja-dup --prompt"17:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, that looks better17:23
smspillazdeja-dup --backup --auto won't start thrashing my disk will it ?17:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, i don't see plymouth at all on my laptop17:23
seb128slangasek, ^ what info would be useful about "plymouth sitting there for 5 seconds" on my bootcharts?17:23
mterrysmspillaz, if you haven't set anything up, it should ask for your password, setting the urgency bit on the window17:23
seb128slangasek, it's like half the boot time ;-)17:24
mterrysmspillaz, but not showing itself until you click on the launcher17:24
slangasekseb128: 'ubuntu-bug plymouth' should gather up the important details17:24
slangasek(dmesg, /proc/fb, lspci)17:24
seb128slangasek, ok, is there any log that could point if it's really plymouth "blocking" the boot during that time?17:25
seb128slangasek, or any boot option I could try, like nosplash?17:25
smspillazseb128: ... if only compiz was using gsettings in oneiric :(17:25
slangasekseb128: "nosplash" is not a boot option, you just leave "splash" off :)  What does the boot chart look like?17:25
seb128smspillaz, well, I will be happy if it uses it next cycle ;-)17:26
seb128slangasek, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/seb-e6410-oneiric-20110920-9.png17:26
slangasekseb128: /var/log/boot.log should show what upstart jobs are happening at the time17:26
slangasek(but without timestamps)17:26
smspillazseb128: +117:26
smspillazseb128: I don't know why it wasn't put in this cycle actually17:26
smspillazmust have been some confusiopn17:26
seb128smspillaz, don't start on that when didrocks is around ;-)17:27
seb128smspillaz, basically you guys didn't manage to give us a tarball before feature freeze17:27
smspillazah yeah17:27
seb128smspillaz, that and we freaked out of other issues like the stacking and the unity dialog and speed17:27
seb128smspillaz, and we wanted to focus on getting those sorted before adding features17:28
seb128well, next cycle ;-)17:28
smspillazprepare for a codedump next cycle then17:28
seb128with some luck it will be ready early in the cycle17:28
smspillazthe list is getting pretty long17:28
smspillazoh literally17:28
smspillazseptember 2217:28
seb128what list?17:28
smspillazI am merging like 6 different branches17:28
smspillazseb128: the list of stuff that's done but wasn't merged into this cycle for whatever reason :)17:29
seb128smspillaz, you better not merge all those in once17:29
smspillazseb128: don't really have a choice17:29
seb128we should rather prioritize and see what we want to land next cycle to avoid a disaster again and have to revert everything17:29
smspillazgive me time to fix bugs17:30
smspillazits never perfect on the first run17:30
smspillazthat's all I ask :)17:30
smspillazanyways, lets not discuss this now, it's a touchy subject17:30
smspillazmterry: one small caveat with minimized windows17:30
smspillazmterry: windows that a start minimized are not accessible in the "per window" mode of the alt-tab17:31
smspillazbecause they have not been mapped17:31
smspillazand as such we are not able to access their pixmap data17:31
smspillazso I've filed a design bug about this17:31
smspillazbecause right now the launcher will unminimize the last used minimized window17:31
smspillazif the window is part of a group17:31
smspillaz(ditto alt-tab)17:32
mterrysmspillaz, if I manually call map on the window, does that workaround that?17:32
smspillazmterry: err, it depends on how gtk works really17:32
mterrysmspillaz, I forget how it handles that17:32
smspillazmterry: how this works on an X level is .. interesting17:32
smspillazbasically in order to make a window initially minimized17:32
mterrysmspillaz, well, I can live with it not being in alt-tab17:33
smspillazyou set the initial_state member to IconicState and then map the window17:33
smspillazthe window manager will intercept that and then transition the window from withdrawn to minimized17:33
smspillazbut not actually map the window17:33
smspillazif you map the window again17:33
smspillazit unminimizes17:33
mterrysmspillaz, hrm17:34
smspillazmterry: basically, the only way to access such windows right now is by using the spread which will temp unminimize windows17:34
smspillaz(that's only in the case of window groups though)17:34
smspillazbut lets see what design says about this17:35
smspillazbecause I think that for initially unmapped / minimized windows17:35
mterrysmspillaz, that's fine.  The chances a user will have the preferences open when an automatic backup starts is small17:35
smspillazactivating the launcher icon should unminimize all windows17:35
smspillazunminimize all initailly minimized windows and show any withdrawn windows17:35
smspillazmterry: ok so valac doesn't include comments in the code, hurr17:37
smspillazmterry: can you point me to the bzr version :)17:38
mterrysmspillaz, :)17:38
mterrysmspillaz, https://live.gnome.org/DejaDup/GettingInvolved/Coding17:38
mterrysmspillaz, you can skip the bit about adding the ppa:deja-dup-team/dev repository17:38
seb128we should not let things skip alt-tab ever17:39
smspillazthis reminds me that we should also stack focus denied windows at the bottom of the tree17:39
smspillazseb128: it's impossible to implement it unfortunately17:39
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smspillazseb128: without brekaing applications17:39
smspillazseb128: the application will still be alt-tabbable17:40
seb128smspillaz, we shouldn't make applications skip alt-tab there17:40
smspillazbut you just won't see the initially minimized or withdrawn window17:40
smspillazbecause to xcomposite, its pixmap doesn't exist17:40
seb128smspillaz, oh, my comment was a side one, I hate how apport dialog are "lost" if you alt-tab to something which is over them17:41
seb128like not listed in the launcher17:41
seb128not listed in alt-tab17:41
smspillazyeah that sucks17:41
seb128the only way to go back to those is to reduce or close whatever is in front17:41
seb128I don't get why we just don't list them as normal dialogs17:41
seb128well that's rather an application design thing than a wm one17:41
smspillazthough I'm suprised that apport is not matched to an application by bamf17:41
slangasekseb128: what's the video chipset on this, OOI?17:47
seb128slangasek, i517:47
seb128the intel chip integrated to the i517:47
rickspencer3hi seb12817:49
rickspencer3I just set up a 'puter with i717:49
rickspencer3I installed the nvidia driver17:49
seb128hey rickspencer317:50
rickspencer3I guess there is some way I can choose between integrated graphics and the nvidia chip17:50
* rickspencer3 noticed seb128 had i517:50
seb128my i5 doesn't have dual videos17:50
rickspencer3nice, so I restarted and got Unity 2e17:51
rickspencer32d, even17:51
seb128I'm sure there is a way, but it would be a question before suited for Sarvatt or tjaalton or RAOF or bryceh ;-)17:51
slangasekseb128: so I'm not quite sure what this points to, but plymouthd is stuck waiting for something... it coincides with the lifetime of the 'plymouth' command above it, which is *probably* 'plymouth show-splash'... so udev has signalled that the video is up, plymouth tries to display to it, and then it has to wait for some reason17:51
* rickspencer3 removes binary blob17:52
slangasekseb128: booting with plymouth:debug and attaching /var/log/plymouth-debug.log would be the next step17:52
seb128slangasek, ok thanks, I will do that next time I restart17:52
slangasekseb128: I definitely want to see the dmesg for this.  Have you filed a bug?17:52
brycehrickspencer3, no hybrid graphics switching is not supported yet17:52
seb128slangasek, not yet, I was trying to figure if I'm right to blame it on plymouth before17:53
brycehrickspencer3, there's sometimes manual ways to switch via bios or other hw-specific mechanisms17:53
rickspencer3bryceh, so ... I was running Unity 3d, np, I presume from the integrated intel chip17:53
slangasekseb128: plymouth is just the messenger ;)  but ubuntu-bug plymouth gives *me* the information needed to further triage17:53
rickspencer3I run jockey, it says I need the nvidia driver for Unity 3d, I install it, no unity 3d17:53
rickspencer3bryceh, I suppose there is a bug here somewhere?17:53
brycehrickspencer3, yep17:54
brycehrickspencer3, well, wishlist feature actually17:54
rickspencer3also, not it offers "nvidia_current"17:54
slangasekoh, also, I think the first dotted line suggests that this is all being ascribed to the kernel budget, not the plumbing budget17:54
slangasekwhich corroborates the idea that it's a kernel driver delay17:54
seb128slangasek, ok, I will open the bug and add the log and ping you with the bug number ;-)17:54
slangaseksounds fine :)17:54
seb128dinner time for now, bbl17:54
rickspencer3bryceh,  so, I'm confused, why does jockey tell me to install the binary driver to get 3d, and then 3d doesn't work?17:56
brycehrickspencer3, I'd have to check logs to say for certain, but typically is something like this:  jockey looks at all your video cards and notices that you have an nvidia card supported by the binary driver, so it helpfully suggests installing it17:57
brycehhowever when you reboot, the kernel starts loading up kernel drivers for graphics, notes you have an intel card so loads up that kernel driver17:58
smspillazmterry: hm so17:58
rickspencer3bryceh, uh17:58
smspillazmterry: do you actually request for the window to start iconic and then show it later ?17:58
brycehnow X comes along and sees that you have parts from one driver loaded in the kernel (intel), and parts from another (nvidia), and so can't do its job17:58
rickspencer3so, basically, I can't use my brand new nvidia chip with 11.10?17:58
mterrysmspillaz, yeah, iconify()/show()/iconify().  Then I rely on the launcher to show it when the user clicks the icon17:59
brycehrickspencer3, well, there's sometimes manual ways to switch via bios or something, but no hybrid graphics switching through software is not available yet17:59
smspillazmterry: that seems like wrong behaviour to me17:59
* rickspencer3 disables driver18:00
mterrysmspillaz, OK, why?18:00
smspillazoh hang on18:00
rickspencer3bryceh, what if I don't want to switch?18:00
rickspencer3I just want to use the nvidia card?18:00
smspillazmterry: ok, I misunderstood the way gtk works18:01
smspillazthe example does iconify () show ()18:01
brycehrickspencer3, you could try blacklisting the i915 kernel driver, some people find that does the trick18:01
smspillazI had show () iconify ()18:01
smspillazthat wouldn't work until the window was realized18:01
mterrysmspillaz, right, I think if you did that, you might flash on screen for a sec18:01
mterrysmspillaz, which is a way to work around previous compiz behavior18:02
smspillazno, it just mapped unfocused18:02
smspillazhuh wtf18:02
mterrysmspillaz, oh, that might be because WidgetUtils.c sets focus_on_map = false18:02
smspillazbut I just changed it to do iconify () show () like the example and it still died18:03
smspillazby died I mean18:03
smspillazbut not minimized18:03
mterrysmspillaz, can you pastebin the vala code?18:04
smspillazsure, hang on18:05
mterryjust to verify you've turned the copier on18:05
smspillazmterry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693929/18:05
* smspillaz greps gdk for XWMH.initial_state18:06
mterrysmspillaz, in hide_background_window_for_shell, don't set focus_on_map = true.  That was part of the workaround18:06
mterryer, false18:06
mterryI mean, don't set focus_on_map = false18:06
mterryNot sure if that will affect anything, but...18:07
smspillazit shouldn't18:08
smspillazmterry: maybe the unity shell detection code isn't working here18:10
mterrysmspillaz, add a: warning("hello!"); to the code block then18:10
mterryThis is step 1 of my evil plan to make smspillaz a deja-dup developer18:12
mterryThen deja-dup maintainer, as I slowly fade away18:12
smspillazhey hang on, I was planning to do that window compiz!18:13
smspillazahhhh *what*18:14
smspillazso for some reason it is in my $PATH18:14
smspillazbut not running the right one18:14
smspillazmterry: anyways, I ran it locally and it works as expected now18:14
mterrysmspillaz, yay!18:15
mterrysmspillaz, for all three cases (alone, window group, prompt)?18:15
smspillazmterry: ok test results18:16
smspillazfor deja-dup-preference18:16
smspillazit shows a separte launcher icon18:16
smspillaz(dunno if that's intentional, seems to be a different desktop file)18:17
smspillazwhen you have both deja-dup --promp and deja-dup --backup --auto open18:17
mterrysmspillaz, it is, but I thought in such cases it got bundled in.  If it doesn't, that's fine too18:17
smspillazclicking on the launcher icon deiconifies the first one, then once you've dealt with it clicking it again will deiconify the other one18:17
mterrysmspillaz, if that is what you expect, I'm fine with it18:18
mterrysmspillaz, thank you so much for testing18:18
mterrysmspillaz, I'll back out my workaround then before 20.0 release18:18
jcastrosmspillaz: wooo, my stacking issues are fixed with the desktop ppa18:22
jcastrogreat job!18:22
smspillazno guaruntees, but thanks for the compliment18:22
kenvandinesmspillaz, it does seem good here too18:23
kenvandinelooks promising :)18:23
smspillazjcastro: kenvandine: if you run with --debug and open tricky applications like gimp and libreoffice you'll see that its not perfect18:23
smspillazbut its fixed about 99% of the problems18:23
smspillazso that's good18:23
kenvandinei am very happy that the dash and switcher appear on top again18:24
kenvandinemakes it much easier to use unity :)18:24
jcastroyeah but something else changed, my dash performance took a hit last week on nvidia18:24
smspillazjcastro: it is because the dash is constantly repainting itself18:24
smspillazwe are looking into it18:25
jcastrooh, I thought it was my driver, because that got updated18:25
smspillazcould be that too18:25
smspillazjcastro: bolt a few fans to your laptop and use nouveau18:25
* smspillaz does that18:25
smspillazno literally, I bolted fans to my laptop18:25
jcastromy fan is already always maxed out18:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, the stacking issues seem to be fixed here too18:38
chrisccoulsonbut it's time to switch back to 2d now, where the icons in the dash aren't blurry :)18:38
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chrisccoulsonRAOF, bug 854986 is for you ;)19:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 854986 in xorg-server "5 second delay between Xorg starting and the greeter starting (Dell Latitude E6410)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85498619:15
chrisccoulsonsorry :/19:15
seb128chrisccoulson, it's weird how different your chart is compared to the one I did earlier19:17
seb128chrisccoulson, is that on your new dell?19:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm not sure why it's so different19:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, this is the new machine19:17
seb128chrisccoulson, so quite similar to my dell19:18
seb128you have a 5s before the boot start, modprobe is quite hitting the disk for you, xorg is very slow as well19:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, you don't seem to see any of that :/19:19
chrisccoulsonslangasek, is it normal for modprobe to take this long - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80443468/farnsworth-oneiric-20110920-9.png?19:19
chrisccoulsonactually, i'm not sure who i should ping about that ;)19:20
chrisccoulsonbuy seb128 doesn't see that, and we have fairly similar hardware19:20
seb128your disk is a ssd as well right?19:20
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah19:20
seb128chrisccoulson, well maybe try the kernel team19:20
seb128we miss Keybuk to bring up such issues ;-)19:21
slangasekchrisccoulson: it's certainly not *normal*, it's a bug19:23
slangasekit's not the first such bug I've seen this cycle however19:23
chrisccoulsonslangasek, any idea how i could debug it?19:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've been looking at the desktop budget today, and killed a few bugs there already19:24
chrisccoulsonit seems my bootchart shows a couple of really long delays :(19:25
achianganyone here knowledgeable about gnome-power-manager? seeing something strange/annoying... turn the brightness down on laptop monitor, reboot, and then brightness is back to the max19:25
slangasekchrisccoulson: file a bug on the kernel; that should pull in dmesg and udev logs I think19:25
chrisccoulsonslangasek, ok, will do that19:26
slangasekchrisccoulson: and somewhere buried in those logs, you should be able to see some odd gaps in the timings that will tell you who's to blame19:26
chrisccoulsonachiang, i'm sure there's a bug about that somewhere. i don't think it's ever saved the brightness across reboots unless you adjust it in the control center panel19:26
chrisccoulsonin any case, that's controlled by gnome-settings-daemon now19:26
achiangchrisccoulson: yeah, i've found LP: #77156119:27
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seb128chrisccoulson, hum, I wonder if your g-s-d update is buggy19:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, what's not working?19:43
seb128when I log in docked with the laptop lid close the screen is set to mirror19:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, what did it do before?19:43
seb128where usually it's my external monitor 1920 resolution which is set and the laptop screen off19:43
seb128which is the configuration I defined with the screen capplet19:44
seb128so it's like g-s-d was not loading my config on login19:44
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'll take a look. perhaps that's the gnome-desktop change19:44
seb128do you want me to downgrade gnome-desktop to see?19:45
seb128mterry, nice catch on the gedit bug, just curious but how did you figure that?19:46
seb128I tried to look at it earlier in the cycle but neither gdb nor strace were really useful19:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, ah, it doesn't load my config here too19:46
seb128chrisccoulson, do you want me to try with gnome-desktop downgraded?19:46
mterryseb128, GEDIT_DEBUG=1 and looking at different output19:47
seb128chrisccoulson, you should create a test user so you wouldn't have to log out and in ;-)19:47
seb128mterry, oh, GEDIT_DEBUG, learning every day...19:47
seb128thanks ;-)19:47
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, can do (try with gnome-desktop downgraded)19:48
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, downgrading libgnome-desktop-3-2 fixes it19:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks. i'll take a look at that then19:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, ok, found the issue20:10
seb128chrisccoulson, great!20:10
chrisccoulsong-s-d expects me to set the GError appropriately when the backup file isn't found, which i forgot to do ;)20:10
chrisccoulsonso it just skips over the whole lot20:11
chrisccoulsoneasy fix :)20:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, ok, fix uploaded now20:22
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks20:22
chrisccoulsonit does mean that you'll suffer the cost of XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent, as that is called if you have a configuration file20:24
chrisccoulsoni wonder if i can avoid that :/20:24
chrisccoulsonit seems pointless to fetch the screen information, and then refresh it again immediately afterwards20:24
chrisccoulsoni guess it's better than suffering from 3 of them though ;)20:25
seb128chrisccoulson, well, I personally don't care much, if you saw my charts the xrandr call have very low impact on xorg on my config20:27
seb128weird that it takes over 1s for some other intel users20:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm fairly sure the additional refresh is completely unnecessary there20:31
chrisccoulsonit would make sense when applying a config manually later in the session20:31
chrisccoulsonbut it's triggering 2 reprobes in a row still20:31
mterrytremolux, I just got bug 848676 on up-to-date software-center when I was removing packages20:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 848676 in software-center "[MASTER] software-center crashed with DBusException in _convert_dbus_exception(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetAll" with signature "s" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84867620:47
tremoluxmterry: hmm, well that's just sad20:49
tremoluxmterry: what's your version?20:49
tremoluxmterry: .3?20:50
mterrytremolux, yeah20:50
tremoluxmterry: did you apport it?20:50
mterrytremolux, I did, but it said "this has already been reported" and pointed me at that bug20:51
tremoluxmterry: yeah, I think that one's bugpatterned20:51
mterrytremolux, easy for me to trigger.  I seem to get it by just removing packages20:51
mterrytremolux, hmm,  no, but queuing up packages to remove20:52
tremoluxmterry: I guess we need to reopen, would you mind adding a comment to the bug?20:53
mterrytremolux, OK20:53
tremoluxmterry: thanks20:53
tremoluxmterry: so, for you it's quite reproducible then?20:53
mterrytremolux, I got it 3 times anyway20:53
tremoluxmterry: the key might be the multiple removes, this is one of those bugs that we haven't been able to repro ourselves20:55
chrisccoulsontime to find out where Xorg is burning 5 seconds on startup here21:01
sorenEvery time I do anything involving xrandr, everything stalls for a while. I think it's more than 5 seconds though, so possibly completely unrelated.21:02
chrisccoulsonsoren, no, i don't think that's unrelated ;)21:13
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htorquechrisccoulson: have you tried the latest natty kernel by any chance? my probing related cpu spiking (probably what soren sees) starts between ubuntu's 2.6.38 and 2.6.39 kernel.21:33
htorquenot sure though if i wouldn't be chasing a red herring if i'd bisect the kernel.21:34
seb128Sarvatt, bryceh: ^21:35
seb128on the topic21:35
brycehchrisccoulson, soren vga probing?21:40
chrisccoulsonbryceh, yeah, see bug 85410121:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 854101 in ubuntu-boot-speed "gnome-settings-daemon takes waaaaaaaay too long to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85410121:40
brycehI'd be interested to hear if the delay = ${NUM_VIDEO_OUTPUTS} * 1 sec21:40
Sarvattsoren: 5 seconds! thats crazy! randomly curious, is that on a thinkpad?21:41
brycehchrisccoulson, tail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log and then reproduce, and see if you see it printing RANDR stuff during that period21:42
brycehchrisccoulson, x220?21:42
chrisccoulsonbryceh, no, i'm on a dell here. the probing isn't too bad for me (~0.5s). the main problem is the amount of times we do it :)21:43
Sarvattbryceh: nope he's on a dell, his numbers dont seem that crazy21:43
chrisccoulsoni'm more concerned about bug 854986 on my laptop though ;)21:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 854986 in xorg-server "5 second delay between Xorg starting and the greeter starting (Dell Latitude E6410)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85498621:43
sorenSarvatt: Yes, it is.21:43
chrisccoulsonXorg seems to take forever to start on my machine21:43
htorque_bryceh: here it's a thinkpad t510. i see probes for lcd (internal), vga (nothing connected), hdmi1-3 (don't have those), dp1-3 (i have one - disconnected).21:44
sorenbryceh: ${NUM_VIDEO_OUTPUTS} as in possible outputs or active outputs?21:44
brycehchrisccoulson, yeah, I noticed that as well; crazy amount of repetitive repetition21:44
brycehsoren, possible21:44
sorenI'll attempt to time it. Hang on.21:45
sorenHm.. No.21:45
brycehsoren, upstream (Intel) says they know of an issue where the VGA probing is unnecessarily slow, at least on certain hardware types, but it's uncertain if that's the case here21:45
sorenJust running xrandr takes slightly less than 4 seconds.21:45
sorenWith 2 connected and 5 disconnected outputs.21:46
sorenActually changing anything, though, is way slower.21:46
brycehI think there's a way to make it completely ignore specific outputs.  dunno what the config syntax is though.  but that would pinpoint if it really is the output probing21:47
htorque_bryceh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/694052/21:48
sorenbryceh: WEll, "xrandr --current" is nearly instantaneous.21:49
htorque_soren: confirming.21:49
bryceh       --current21:50
bryceh              Return the current screen configuration, without polling for hardware changes.21:50
brycehok, so that seems to support the hypothesis that it's the polling that's bugged21:50
sorenbryceh: This is kernel stuff these days, right?21:50
brycehhtorque_, thanks.  however I'm wondering if the configuration needs to happen kernel-side; do you find that xorg.conf change results in faster boot / randr ?21:51
brycehsoren, correct21:51
htorque_bryce: yes, a lot faster.21:51
brycehhtorque_, ok thanks21:51
htorque_bryce: it's basically the same picture as here if i put all my disconnected outputs on "ignore": https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80234431/oneiric-2.6.38-vs-3.0.0_crop.png21:52
brycehsoren, would be interesting if you could add that same snippet and see if it also eliminates the lag (or a portion of it) for you21:52
sorenSorry, which snippet was this?21:53
sorenbryceh: ^21:53
brycehsoren, <htorque_> bryceh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/694052/21:53
htorque_i haven't tested only VGA1 though - i did this for all disconnected ones.21:53
brycehhtorque_, do you put that in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/vga.conf or similar?  Or just in xorg.conf directly?21:53
htorque_xorg.conf in /etc/X1121:53
sorenbryceh: I'll give it a shot.21:53
brycehsoren, thanks21:53
sorenbryceh: I'll repeat for all the disconnected ones, right?21:54
brycehhtorque_, in those two images, is the ONLY difference the kernel version?  (Same Xorg versions?)21:54
chrisccoulsonfantastic, i've got some air crash investigation to watch21:54
htorque_bryce: yes. i actually narrowed that down to 2.6.38-8.42 → good, 2.6.39-0.5 → bad.21:54
brycehsoren, that would be quite interesting; I'm curious if it's just hte VGA that causes the slowdown, or the sum of all disconnected outputs21:54
brycehhtorque_, sweet, excellent work.  Has this been escalated for the kernel team yet?21:55
htorque_bryce: no, i just finished all the rebooting fun. it's also happening with a daily upstream kernel from a couple days ago (from the ubuntu mainline ppa).21:56
RAOFOh, the mainline kernel builds are back in business?21:56
brycehhtorque_, ok, no prob, would you mind filing a bug (ubuntu-bug linux) and I can handle getting it escalated to the kernel team21:58
brycehor actually21:58
htorque_RAOF: oh, it was 201108310919 - so probably not :-(21:58
brycehhtorque_, do `ubuntu-bug xorg`, which will get X logs that might be of use21:58
brycehI'll reassign to kernel after that21:58
htorque_bryce: what about chrisccoulson's bug 854986? is this not the same?21:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 854986 in xorg-server "5 second delay between Xorg starting and the greeter starting (Dell Latitude E6410)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85498621:59
chrisccoulsoni don't think that's the same22:00
chrisccoulsonif it is, then it's not any clients triggering the probing22:01
brycehwell, just to be safe let's assume they're not.  I can escalate both, and let upstream decide22:01
sorenbryceh: This is interesting.22:02
sorenbryceh: I tried disabling everything but LVDS1. xrandr was instantaneous.22:02
brycehchrisccoulson, lp #854101 is focusing totally on just gnome lag stuff?  nothing I need to worry over?22:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 854101 in ubuntu-boot-speed "gnome-settings-daemon takes waaaaaaaay too long to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85410122:02
sorenThen I re-enabled VGA1 (I use an external monitor). Still instantaneous.22:02
sorenThen I re-enabled HDMI1. Now it's back to ~4 seconds to just run xrandr.22:03
RAOFchrisccoulson: X does a probe during startup; if proping is taking ages, X startup will take ages.22:03
chrisccoulsonbryceh, yeah, that's completely focused on what gnome-settings-daemon does before anything else starts22:03
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, i'm not sure what it's doing. did you see my last comment on the bug?22:03
sorenlightdm also felt waaaay snappier when all the disconnected outputs were disabled.22:03
brycehmorning RAOF22:03
chrisccoulsoni found where it spends 2.5 seconds of its time22:04
sorenI'll see if HDMI1 is the culprit of it it's any disconnected output that makes it slow.22:04
htorque_bryceh: should i undo the fix in that report? i'm also using this fixed g-s-d version (but found the kernel differences before that on a 'clean' system).22:04
htorque_(i mean before reporting anything)22:04
RAOFchrisccoulson: Does it actually do a modeset on X startup?22:05
brycehhtorque_, hmm, might not matter, but to be completely scientific it would not be a bad idea22:05
sorenFor me, it's HDMI1.22:05
sorenI re-enabled everything but that, and now it's as fast as it was in NAtty.22:06
chrisccoulsonRAOF, bug 854986 - i'm not sure if that has enough information to tell you that :)22:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 854986 in xorg-server "5 second delay between Xorg starting and the greeter starting (Dell Latitude E6410)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85498622:06
sorenI don't have an HDMI port at all, though. It's an X200s. I think I'd have one if I had a docking station, but I don't.22:06
htorque_soren: do you actually have a HDMI port? i don't...22:06
htorque_ok :)22:06
sorenSo it's no loss for me, but for someone with a dock, it'd suck to have it be disabled.22:07
RAOFsoren: No, you wouldn't have an HDMI port, even on the docking station.22:07
* RAOF *has* a docking station; it's got exactly one video output: DP.22:08
sorenRAOF: No?22:08
RAOFThe vbios is just being super-conservative.22:08
brycehsoren, check your xrandr output; there are cases where you'll have "phantom outputs" that dont' actually have a physical connector hooked up22:08
sorenbryceh: Oh, the vast majority are fake.22:08
RAOFMaybe lenovo will at some point create a docking station that has 3 DP outputs, a couple of HDMI... :)22:08
sorenbryceh: I only have two. One is the built-in display, and then I have a VGA port.22:09
sorenbryceh: but xrandr brags about DP1 DP2 DP3 HDMI1 HDMI222:09
brycehchrisccoulson, I'd also like to see you repeat the xorg.conf settings to narrow down if disabling HDMI or another output restores your speed22:09
brycehsoren, there are ways to 'quirk' off these phantom outputs, but it requires kernel patching22:09
brycehsoren, can you also file a bug report (ubuntu-bug xorg), so we can handle your case as well22:09
sorenbryceh: Sure thing.22:10
brycehI'm hoping that upstream can give us a general purpose patch, but it's possible they'll do quirking, which will be very hw-specific22:10
chrisccoulsonbryceh, which settings are those? sorry, i haven't followed all of the discussion :)22:10
brycehchrisccoulson, <bryceh> soren, <htorque_> bryceh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/694052/22:11
brycehchrisccoulson, stick that in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf (maybe expand to include other outputs), then restart X22:11
chrisccoulsonok, brb22:12
sorenbryceh: Bug #85512422:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 855124 in xorg "XRANDR operations very slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85512422:15
chrisccoulsonbryceh, probing seems quicker22:17
chrisccoulsoni added all the disconnected outputs reported by xrandr -q to my xorg.conf22:17
chrisccoulsonbut it doesn't affect bug 85498622:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 854986 in xorg-server "5 second delay between Xorg starting and the greeter starting (Dell Latitude E6410)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85498622:17
brycehchrisccoulson, hmm22:18
chrisccoulson1 second, brb22:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, so probing went from ~0.5s to ~0.13s22:20
brycehchrisccoulson, interesting, but Xorg startup is exactly the same?22:21
chrisccoulsonbryceh, yeah, it looks like it22:21
chrisccoulsonbryceh, yeah, still ~5s22:21
RAOFIt seems like you've only got one monitor plugged in, right?22:22
RAOFX shouldn't be setting a mode at all in that case.22:22
chrisccoulsonRAOF, i've just got the laptop screen atm22:22
RAOFWhich is why I'm surprised that setdesiredmodes is taking so long.22:24
RAOFYeah, eDP modesetting is not necessarily the fastest thing you could stick in your startup path :)22:24
brycehchrisccoulson, try connecting a monitor, and disabling everything but that (i.e. disable the eDP1 output)22:25
brycehRAOF, was just 1 week ago keithp was telling us the woe that is eDP22:25
chrisccoulsonok, i'll try that22:27
RAOFAnd both nouveau and intel performed major surgery on their eDP stacks to make modesetting on the new MBAs work :)22:27
chrisccoulsonneed to go back upstairs for that though22:27
htorquebryceh: bug 855133 - i will see if it's only HDMI1 for me like for soren.22:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 855133 in xorg "Xrandr probing slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85513322:27
brycehhtorque, ok thanks22:27
brycehsoren, ok now on to your bug22:27
chrisccoulsonok, brb22:30
* RAOF thinks chrisccoulson needs a second, dedicated IRC machine :)22:31
chrisccoulsonbryceh, it was ~3.6s on that boot with eDP1 disabled22:33
brycehok that sounds better22:34
brycehideally I'd want to see ~1 sec22:34
brycehor 2 sec max22:34
chrisccoulsonand it looks like all of that saving came from xf86SetDesiredModes22:34
chrisccoulsoni patched my system here to log extra points :)22:35
RAOFThat would be because you're no longer modesetting the eDP.22:35
htorquebryceh: fwiw, it's also HDMI1 here.22:36
chrisccoulsonthe other big delay seems to be here:22:36
chrisccoulson[    11.508] drmOpenDevice: open result is 12, (OK)22:36
chrisccoulson[    13.231] drmOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID pci:0000:00:02.022:36
RAOFYour machine is weird.22:37
brycehchrisccoulson, final question - is this a regression?  Did the boot speed work properly in natty or in oneiric with an earlier kernel version?22:37
RAOFOn my x200s the whole DRM open stuff takes less time than the resolution of the timer.22:38
chrisccoulsonbryceh, good question. it's a new laptop22:38
brycehchrisccoulson, ok22:38
chrisccoulsoni gave up on my old one because boot time was in the order of minutes ;)22:38
brycehok that chalks up.  I think eDP just sucks this way22:38
brycehcan you return it?  (kidding!!!)22:38
brycehchrisccoulson, I've forwarded your bug upstream.  Don't get hopes up this'll be fixed by release; from what keithp said, they're having serious troubles getting eDP to work right... the hardware design itself seems to be to blame22:39
chrisccoulsonah, ok. thanks22:39
RAOFYeah.  There's lots of "set this thing and wait x hundreds of ms, then do this other thing, and wait again".22:40
Sarvattdid I hear eDP? chrisccoulson, mind trying this kernel? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/macbook-air/22:42
Sarvattlots of huge delays peppered into the eDP modesetting code trying to make it work right because they didnt know what was going wrong, they're reworking it for 3.222:43
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i'll give that a try22:43
RAOFI wonder what's happening in your 2 seconds of drm probing?22:46
chrisccoulson1 second, brb22:46
RAOFNOOOOOO! Unity's alt-tab switcher has regressed to being more annoying again.22:46
RAOFGARGH!  *Raise* the window you give focus to, please!22:47
brycehsoren, ok, forwarded your bug report as well.  Sounds like HDMI1 just needs quirked off and then it's good.  Maybe they have an idea for a  more general fix22:48
brycehI've added the ubuntu kernel team as well22:48
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, wow, that brings it down to around ~2s (with the eDP output enabled), and also fixes my ~5s modprobe issue too22:49
Sarvattchrisccoulson: argh22:49
chrisccoulson15 seconds to a usable session now, including entering my password22:49
chrisccoulsonthat's impressive!22:49
RAOFchrisccoulson: Does it also fix your crazy 2 second pause during drm loading in Xorg.0.log?22:49
chrisccoulsonhang on a minute, i've got to reboot again, just to see it more than once22:50
Sarvattchrisccoulson: its about 100K worth of patches on top of oneiric's kernel, hearing that makes me think its really needed but way too much to SRU at this point so I dont know wth to do22:52
chrisccoulsonRAOF, i still get a pause during drm loading (~1.2s)22:52
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too sure either22:53
RAOFWorking modesetting is worth an extra 10sec boot time.22:53
chrisccoulsonit certainly would be nice to claw back some of the startup performance that we've lost over the last couple of cycles22:53
chrisccoulsonnot sure if that works yet ;)22:54
RAOFWorking modesetting *without* the extra 10sec boot time could wait until P, I guess.22:54
brycehSarvatt, is that a backport of upstream git or something?22:54
chrisccoulsonso, that link i shared is my *new* bootchart :)22:55
chrisccoulsoni'm really happy with that ;)22:55
chrisccoulsonthat's taken around ~7s off it22:55
brycehchrisccoulson, well in your case seems we've narrowed it to eDP, which is new HW that's just plain badly supported, so not the source of the lossages ;-)22:55
Sarvattbryceh: keithp got a macbook air which is one of the few eDP machines and is trying to make it work, and in the process rewrote eDP modesetting quite a lot but its still not 100% yet22:55
RAOFAnd nouveau's rewritten their eDP support likewise.22:56
brycehchrisccoulson, upstream has a question on it-22:58
brycehCan we get an strace of X starting along with a perf report? Something like22:58
brycehstrace -t -o x.strace X -ac22:58
brycehperf record -f -g -a X -ac && perf report | cat > x.perf22:58
jasoncwarner_hey robert_ancell TheMuso RAOF and bryceh meeting time.22:58
brycehjasoncwarner_, heya22:59
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh , how are things?22:59
chrisccoulsonbryceh, it doesn't need to be a cold start does it?22:59
RAOFWe interrupt your regularly scheduled bootperformance hackfest to bring you the Desktop meeting :)22:59
chrisccoulsonhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/80459240/farnsworth-oneiric-20110920-16.png will make jasoncwarner_ happy ;)22:59
brycehjasoncwarner_, going good.  raof and I had a good time at the X conference last week, lots of good convo's23:00
kenvandinechrisccoulson, nice!23:00
TheMusoHey folks.23:00
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, that's thanks to RAOF, bryceh and Sarvatt ;)23:00
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: ~15s? i do like that !23:00
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, yeah, it was >25s yesterday23:00
kenvandinenow get that with unity-3d :)23:00
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: that is exactly the trend we need ;)23:01
brycehjust getting back into the swing of things today.  Fixed (I think) one of the release bugs pitti posted about today, and trying to tackle some X boot speed issues (slow output probing), which seems HW-specific so far23:01
jasoncwarner_bryceh: nice...23:01
jasoncwarner_let's get the meeting cranking23:01
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, very impressive23:01
jasoncwarner_[TOPIC] X update23:01
brycehoh...  as above.23:02
brycehRAOF, anything to add?23:02
Sarvattchrisccoulson: dont get too happy at that, the code was literally rewritten in the kernel yesterday and still isnt working properly so is some time off and is only fixing up your eDP machine (there are like 10 eDP i915 laptops total in the wild)23:02
RAOFDid some triage of Xserver bugs; it looks like a bunch of them were accidentally fixed by the 1.10.4 upload.23:02
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, that's ok, that works for me ;)23:02
jasoncwarner_bryceh: ok...thanks...23:02
RAOFI'm pretty sure I've got bug #831867 nailed down, and just need to test.23:03
Sarvattmy i915 LVDS machines with SSDs have <10 second boot times here  the whole cycle23:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 831867 in sane-backends "colord assert failure: colord: browser.c:701: avahi_service_browser_free: Assertion `*_head == _item' failed." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83186723:03
brycehhttp://www.bryceharrington.org/Arsenal/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-oneiric-workqueue.svg looks nasty, but I thinkj that's mainly a slew of False GPU lockup bugs we can ignore23:03
jasoncwarner_RAOF: oh, nice!23:03
Sarvatt(sorry for interrupting the meeting)23:03
jasoncwarner_colord was causing some weird startup slowness, correct?23:03
brycehoh, I got a solid lead on the false gpu lockups chatting with Intel.  but will probably need to wait until next cycle to experiment with23:04
jasoncwarner_let's move to LightDM/Unity-Greeter... robert_ancell ?23:04
RAOFNo; the gnome-settings-daemon color plugin was doing xrandr probes on startup, and that's expensive.23:04
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, I'll try and get one more release in before beta2 to fix some minor issues.  The important issue seems to be crashing in the greeter due to the indicators being threaded.  I've changed them to load sequentially in a thread and it seems more stable now23:05
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: cool...ok...23:05
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: the greeter you had me test that seems to help with my laginess, is that released generally yet?23:06
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, yes, that should be the latest one.  The most recent logs seemed to indicate it was round trip time to X that was the problem, and the stuff people have been finding in gnome-settings-daemon seems to confirm that23:06
robert_ancellThe very last one I sent you had g-s-d disabled, which indicated that is probably the cause23:07
robert_ancellunfortunately we can't do that in general ;)23:07
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: yeah...I was just getting lag again so was wondering what was up...now i know! :)23:07
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell, bryceh and RAOF you guys have clues on what is going on in U-G with X for a possible fix?23:08
robert_ancellthe logs showed a big initial delay, which is probably xrandr blocking the X server.23:09
RAOFg-s-d causes boot slowdowns?  What a surprise!23:09
jasoncwarner_bryceh: unity-greeter...I've taken to the custom of shortening everything ;)23:10
robert_ancellThe ongoing lagginess was shown in the mouse right, which indicates the X server not keeping up23:10
brycehwell, we have been suspecting output-probing related issues, perhaps a regression with vga probing, but so far haven't pinpointed it to that23:10
robert_ancellRAOF, you could reproduce it right?23:10
jasoncwarner_Ok...sounds like we have some clues, but nothing too exact yet...thanks.23:11
brycehchrisccoulson has isolated some X-related delays to be due to g-s-d over-querying randr, thus exacerbating the probing issue23:11
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah.  I sent you the traces.23:11
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: care to update on a11y, sound and all that good stuff?23:11
brycehi.e., it's slow to probe to begin with, and then GNOME requests re-probing multiple times23:11
RAOFSomething was probing xrandr, causing the delays.23:11
RAOFBut I'm not sure what, because the xtrace of unity-greeter didn't show RANDR requests.23:12
TheMusoOk, we should finally be over all the a11y related upgrade issues, pitti and myself spent some time on Monday afternoon sorting that out, so that should be good now.23:12
chrisccoulsonbryceh, 6 times on the default install :)23:12
chrisccoulsonand that's before anything else in the session begins to load23:12
TheMusoI've had reports from users saying that the stuff I recently added to make using a11y on the live CD is not working, but I suspect they are either not doing something right, or are not using a recent daily, or are using beta 1. Need to run through things myself once again to be sure, hope to do that today/tomorrow, so I can get any fixes in post beta 2 if they are needed.23:12
chrisccoulsoni added my findings to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/11.10/BootSpeedAnalysis for anyone who is interested23:13
TheMusoStill need to fix accessibility for notifications, as they are broken. May file a bug against notify-osd to make sure its known by DX, in case someone like Alehandro has time to look at it...23:13
TheMusoBut I am going to try and fix it myself if I can.23:13
TheMusoAudio wise, a few more bug fixes post beta 2, but nothing major.23:14
TheMusoSo things are starting to wrap up on my end.23:14
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: how is accessibility in ubuiquity? I believe you said you needed to do some more testing there last week ?23:14
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Yeah its usable, needs more work cleaning up widget names, but thats one goal for 12.04. A user can still get through and work out what is what and get the system installed.23:15
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: ok...cool...would you say that, using Unity-2d, we have a fully accessible desktop?23:16
TheMusoNot yet, still waiting on more bugfixes from the 2d guys23:16
TheMusoBut the only critical thing that is missing is the quicklists and no access to the panel.23:16
TheMusoThe dash is mostly usable, and hopefully will be more so after next week's upload.23:17
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: ok...sounds florian is making 'em a priority. let me know if it looks like something si going to fall short so we can get it reprioritized.23:17
jasoncwarner_[TOPIC] Any other Business?23:17
jasoncwarner_anyone want to add anything ?23:18
jasoncwarner_alright...thank everyone23:19
RAOFNor here.23:19
jasoncwarner_[END MEETING]23:19
robert_ancellbryceh, hey, does failsafe X work now?  LightDM now exits if it can't start an X server / greeter but I'm not sure if the code is there to trigger failsafe X from upstart23:20
brycehrobert_ancell, the code should be there, but I haven't had a chance to test it again since before XDC23:20
robert_ancellbryceh, ok23:21
brycehrobert_ancell, at least the udev rule ought to be firing23:21
brycehrobert_ancell, I plan to play with it some more this week once I'm though some of these release bugs23:22
robert_ancellok, let me know if lightdm behaves badly23:23
brycehrobert_ancell, right will do23:23
brycehhtorque, ok tackled your bug report too - I've sent it upstream with your comments23:27
htorquebryceh: thanks! :)23:29
brycehhtorque, yours and soren's look very similar, possibly dupes.  but will let upstream decide.23:29
htorquebryceh: yeah, thought so. also, we are both using thinkpads (though not the same models).23:31
cyphermoxrobert_ancell: planning to go for a beer on some evening during hackfest? :)23:36
htorquerobert_ancell: hi! fyi, with bug 855133 worked around, bug 828112 is fixed for me. no lagging whatsoever.23:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 855133 in linux "Xrandr probing slow" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85513323:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 828112 in unity-greeter "Password field feedback slow at times" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82811223:37
robert_ancellcyphermox, which hackfest (though the answer is almost certainly yes)23:40
robert_ancellhtorque, yes!  Can we get jasoncwarner_ to test that too?23:40
cyphermoxrobert_ancell: beginning of October in Montreal23:41
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: update and test? I rebooted yesterday and still had it (will reboot again here shortly)23:41
robert_ancellcyphermox, you'll be there?  then of course!23:41
cyphermoxrobert_ancell: I live a few minutes away, and work a few days a week from the Montreal office :)23:42
htorquejasoncwarner_: are you using a thinkpad by any chance?23:47
jasoncwarner_htorque: I am...x22023:47
jasoncwarner_htorque: and I've heard of others using the 220 that see the same thing...23:48
jasoncwarner_htorque: are you using thinkpad?23:48
htorquejasoncwarner_: great! can you follow the description in bug 855124 and create or add that to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf? - yes, i'm using a thinkpad too (T510).23:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 855124 in linux "XRANDR operations very slow unless (phantom) HDMI1 disabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85512423:49
htorqueafter that you hopefully shouldn't get any more lagging at the unity-greeter.23:50
jasoncwarner_htorque: where is the xorg.conf? I don't have one in /etc/X1123:53
htorquein that case create one23:53
htorque(at /etc/X11/xorg.conf, yes)23:53
jasoncwarner_that is kind of what i was wondering :) thanks23:54
jasoncwarner_htorque robert_ancell be back in a few...testing it...23:55

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