
ScottKcjwatson: Are you sponsoring libnet-server-perl?00:37
cjwatsonScottK: yes, just did00:43
ScottKOK.  Thanks.00:43
cjwatsonglad somebody dealt with that, it was in danger of languishing on my queue00:44
_min_join #ubuntu00:45
slangasekbroder: bug #854329, fwiw00:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854329 in plymouth (Ubuntu Oneiric) "race condition on shutdown with more than one DM installed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85432900:50
ScottKIf Firefox is so embarrassed about having crashed, why does it keep doing it ...00:52
lifelessslow learner00:53
Lirodonso I'm randomly throwing out ideas for making the boot process a little more elegant02:07
RAOFIt's worth noting that ideas are generally cheap; it's the implementation that's generally hard, and we've got lots of implementin' to do already.02:09
Lirodonhttp://i.imgur.com/EH2AH.png how hard would it be to rig something like this up in GRUB 2?02:10
RAOFI've not played with GRUB's theming myself, but from what I've seen of others' theming that looks perfectly doable.02:11
LirodonYeah, for something that simple, I've seen WAY more complex things in gfxmenu02:11
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LirodonI had another wayward plot of having Ubuntu converted into a console font02:19
ScottKIt's a little late in the release cycle for new ideas too.  We're mostly on "OMG - Broken" stuff now.02:31
Lirodonwell, for the next one02:32
RAOFEh.  It's the perfect time for ?I'd like to do some feature-work for the next cycle? though.02:32
jbichaI'd like to see memtest & recovery hidden behind the second screen where the older kernels live02:33
LirodonDid they at least give us the right to change our GTK theme/window border/stuff? in Unity?02:33
jbichasince so many normal users dual boot, having a cleaner grub is useful02:34
jbichaLirodon: yes, you can switch between Ambiance & Radiance in System Settings>Appearance, if you want more try gnome-tweak-tool02:34
LirodonOh that is just a downgrade02:35
Lirodonleast its better than nothing at all *cough Gnome 3*02:36
pittiGood morning04:15
pittibdmurray: do you mind if I reject the kerneloops upload? we certainly want to keep it enabled until release04:33
didrocksgood morning05:31
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tkamppeterpitti, hi06:49
pittihello tkamppeter06:51
tkamppeterpitti, it is about bug 853921. Do you know why our CUPS depends on ttf-freefont? According to an upstream bug report the original source does not depend on this package.06:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 853921 in cups (Ubuntu) "Drop depencency on ttf-freefont" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85392106:54
pittitkamppeter: it was you :) in 1.3.8-406:55
pittiAdded "Depends: ttf-freefont" for the cups package, as the06:55
pitti    texttopdf filter needs these fonts.06:55
tkamppeterpitti, so it seems that I have to ask the author of the texttopdf filter whether there are alternatives (or simply uninstall ttf-freefont and see whether the filter keeps working).06:59
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dholbachgood morning07:02
apwslangasek, wass'up07:07
slangasekapw: hiya07:07
apwslangasek, i see my name in scrollback... any details on the problem?  (you were talking to master watson)07:08
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slangasekapw: right, I get a black text screen w/ cursor still in between grub and plymouth; and it's not the hwmatch issue anymore07:22
slangasekapw: I can't offer much more than that currently, except to say that plymouth starts from my initramfs and I'm looking to see if I can rule that out as a cause07:23
apwslangasek, i presume you've forced keep to confirm that in the specific grub entry for boot07:23
apwslangasek, as if the previous boot was a fail you get =text regardless of hwmatch07:23
slangaseksorry, done what?07:23
apwif you edit the entry it has gfxpayload=$something in it, change that to =keep to be really sure we are handing off07:24
apwas grub2 can turn off handling for reasons other than your h/w components.  previous failure to boot being one of them07:24
slangasekah; well, it's happened on every single boot, so unless grub is confused about what constitutes a boot failure it wouldn't seem to be that07:25
slangasekbut I can test with a forced 'keep', sure07:25
apwslangasek, that'd be great as i wasted 2 days debugging one of mine to find it was doing that to me :/07:25
slangasekwhere does recordfail get recorded?07:26
apwslangasek, it occurs to me we could do with some kind of debug mode here so we can tell who is making these black screens... perhaps by making themm all different colours07:27
apwslangasek, now that i don't know07:27
tkamppeterpitti, for getting CUPS independent of ttf-freefont I need to copy 4 font files from ttf-freefont into cups. It is around 900K. Is this OK?07:39
pittitkamppeter: no, why? we can just keep the dependency07:40
pittithe point of that bug was to get rid of the need for it, not to copy the files around to all places which still need it -- in that case we should just keep the package around07:41
tkamppeterpitti, how should we handle this bug then?07:56
pittitkamppeter: I'd just keep it as it is, and use it to track removing the dependency from texttopdf07:59
pittitkamppeter: at one point we had an alternative depends on gsfonts-x11 or something like htat08:00
tkamppeterpitti, so we should better do changes inside texttopdf? Has this to be done for Oneiric or is this for the longer term?08:01
pittitkamppeter: this bug is in no way urgent08:02
tkamppeterpitti, OK, so it is for P. P. ...08:03
tkamppeterpitti, bug 853133 gives the impression that some icon got taken out of Oneiric which is needed by system-config-printer. What to do in such a case?08:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 853133 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) "scp-dbus-service.py crashed with GError in _set_job_status_icon(): L'icône « gtk-media-pause » n'est pas présente dans le thème" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85313308:04
pittitkamppeter: hm, it's shipped in humanity-icon-theme08:07
pittiso it should be there by default08:07
seb128pitti, if people use humanity...08:10
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, so I will ask the reporter of this bug to reinstall humanity-icon-theme.08:10
seb128tkamppeter, you can ask what icon theme they use as well08:10
seb128it's likely they use a different one08:10
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tkamppeterseb128, I have asked. Please also add a comment to the bug if you have better ideas how to ask the user for the needed info.08:18
mvotkamppeter: good morning! when testing a release upgrade in a vm I get a hang when cups is restarted early, it appears like its starting up but then terminates really quickly (status 27 is what syslog tells me). any idea how to debug this further?08:27
tkamppetermvo, can you set CUPS to debug logging ("cupsctl LogLevel=debug") and restart CUPS again? Can you also have a look into bug 854490? This seems to be something similar.08:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854490 in cups (Ubuntu Oneiric) "update from natty to oneiric hangs on libpam0g upgrade and cups reload" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85449008:32
tkamppeterpitti, it seems that there is a problem with CUPS and Upstart, can you have a look into bug 854490? mvo seems to have the problem, too.08:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854490 in cups (Ubuntu Oneiric) "update from natty to oneiric hangs on libpam0g upgrade and cups reload" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85449008:33
tkamppetermvo, when the error occurs again, have a look into /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.08:34
tkamppetermvo, as usual, I am scrambling up everything. Trying again ...08:34
pittitkamppeter: it's not an upstart issue08:35
tkamppetermvo, ... when the problem occurs again, can you have a look into /var/log/cups/error_log?08:35
pittieither the daemon is crashing or hanging, or the post-start script which does the PPD updates, and all the coldplugging is hanging08:35
pittiwe need error_log08:35
pittiand possibly a set -x in the post-start script to see what's gong on08:36
mvotkamppeter: thanks, that is very helpful, I will re-run the test with the debug on08:36
mvotkamppeter, pitti: cups keeps crashing and init keeps restarting it, that is what i see in syslog08:36
tkamppetermvo, so the /usr/sbin/cupsd crashes? So then we need the error_log, perhaps better in extended debug mode ("cupsctl LogLevel=debug2").08:37
mvothat is what I saw in the log, I restartedthe upgrade test, will take a couple of minutes until I hit the bug again08:39
tkamppetermvo, cups crashes with exit status 27 or 127?08:39
tkamppetermvo, if you do not get the "cupsctl" command to work due to no running CUPS daemon, edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, making sure it contains a line "LogLevel debug2" and no other LogLevel line.08:41
mvotkamppeter: 12708:42
mvotkamppeter: thanks, I added it to the level, its running now, we just need to be patient now08:42
mvotkamppeter: cupsd reports a missing symbol "_cups_strncasecmp" - I will attach the full log to the bugreport08:47
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mvotkamppeter: updated with the full info08:50
tkamppetermvo, this look like the CUPS library and the CUPS daemon being updated in the wrong order, the daemon being restarted with a non-matching CUPS library being present.08:56
mvotkamppeter: right, at this point libcupsmime1 is unpacked but not configured yet08:59
tkamppeterpitti, about the problem of mvo, how is the best way to assure that the restart of cupsd only happens if all libraries needed by cupsd are completely updated? Is the "Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}" in debian/control not enough?09:01
pittitkamppeter: which library is behind in particular? it already depends on >= 1.5.0 for libcups2 and libcupsmime109:01
pittitkamppeter: but it only has >= 1.4 depends for libcupscgi1, libcupsdriver1, libcupsimage2, libcupsppdc109:02
pittitkamppeter: these are determined using the symbols files, but I just recently fixed a bug in Debian which had a too weak libcupsmime1 dependency09:02
pittias cupsd was using private symbols from that library09:02
tkamppeterpitti, the symbol is _cups_strncasecmp, looks like a private symbol, but I do not know which library provides it.09:03
pittisounds like debian bug 64118209:04
ubottuDebian bug 641182 in libcupsmime1 "libcupsmime1: undefined symbol: _cups_strcasecmp" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/64118209:04
tkamppeterpitti, did you actually upload 1.5.0-6? In the BZR it is marked unreleased?09:05
pittiI did, yes, and it's released in bzr (r1044)09:06
pittibut it might very well be another library which is lagging behind09:06
pittiI only bumped the dependency to libcupsmime109:06
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps you should bump the dependencies of all libraries, due to the problem of private symbols being used.09:08
pittitkamppeter: yeah, possibly09:10
pittitkamppeter: ah, mvo said it was libcupsmime109:11
pittimvo: cups has a Depends: libcupsmime1 (>= 1.5.0-0ubuntu1), how can libcupsmime1 not be configured yet when cups gets configured?09:11
pittimvo: the symbols didn't change between -0ubuntu1 and -609:12
pittiI still don't understand this bug at all09:12
pittiif libcupsmime1 1.4.0 was still installed, then this can happen09:12
tkamppeterpitti, for me it looks like that libcupsmime uses the symbol _cups_strncasecmp which is provided by another CUPS library. This other CUPS library seems not to be up-to-date.09:12
pittithat's from libcups209:13
mvopitti: cups does not get configured at this point, its libpam0g triggering the restart09:13
pittibut libcupsmime1 has Depends: libcups2 (>= 1.5~), so sohuld be fine09:13
pittimvo: oh09:13
pittithat can't work09:13
pittias that could happen at any time, and we can't enforce any ordering there with depends?09:13
mvoits pretty unfortunate timming, cups is unpacked, libcupsmime1 is unpacked, but both are not configured yet09:14
mvopitti: tricky, I guess we could try something with versionized breaks in libpam0g09:14
pittimvo: is cupsd actually running at that time?09:15
pittiIMHO libpam0g's postinst shouldn't start services which aren't running09:15
pittias that's bound to fail, not only for cups09:15
pittiAFAICS /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpam0g:amd64.postinst makes no attempt to determine if a service is running, except for gdm09:16
mvopitti: I don't know, I can check in a bit when triggering the next upgrade09:16
pittimvo, tkamppeter: bug updated09:20
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.09:22
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* jml discovers libapr1.symbols10:27
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Sweetsharkif someone knowing his way around ecryptfs could have a look at bug 745836 and see if he/she could drop a hint or give a clue that would be most helpful.10:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745836 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in cppu::throwException()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74583610:40
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tkamppeterWhat does "package libgs9 9.04~dfsg-0ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/libgs.so.9.04'" mean? Is this a problem of the packaging, the user's system, or the mirror?11:00
geserIIRC there was a blog about it, let me find it11:01
gesertkamppeter: http://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/06/27/deciphering-one-of-dpkgs-weirdest-errors-short-read-on-buffer-copy/11:03
tkamppetergeser, thanks.11:03
dokoScottK, webkitkde ping, bug 83293311:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 832933 in webkitkde (Ubuntu Oneiric) "webkitkde version 0.9.6-0ubuntu2 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83293311:21
dokosoren, ping on bug 83699711:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836997 in user-mode-linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "user-mode-linux: Missing build dependencies: linux-source-2.6.35" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83699711:22
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sorendoko: I've not forgotten about it, but also haven't had a chance to look at it at all yet.11:42
ivokssta si kupio? :)11:42
sorenivoks: *blink*11:43
ivokswrong channel11:43
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* Sweetshark wonders if he can get below 800 open bugs in LO-packaging before release ..11:48
pittiSweetshark: you know, we have an API to close bugs :)11:49
Sweetsharkpitti: doesnt help really if I need to read them ...11:52
Sweetsharkpitti: ... or should I skip that? ;D11:52
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ScottKdoko: Done.13:05
dokoScottK, and my pings about dovecot-* ?13:05
ScottKdoko: You didn't get my ping back to ask Daviey?13:06
dokosorry, no13:06
ScottKHim or ivoks.13:06
ScottKNo problem.13:06
ScottKdoko: BTW, the only solution I see for bug 836830 is binary removal since the needed build-dep isn't even packaged in Debian.13:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836830 in r-cran-pscl (Ubuntu Oneiric) "r-cran-pscl ftbfs (missing b-d on r-cran-gam)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83683013:07
ScottKDoesn't hurt to leave the source for once it's fixed.13:08
ScottKThere's an ITP for the missing depends, so presumably it'll get sorted eventually.13:08
ScottKEither way, but don't blacklist it.13:09
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shnatselinfinity: hello, I seek docs about live-build :) They are needed for UGR, elementary OS and local seed/ISO testing Ubuntu Studio. There seems to be a comprehensive guide at http://live.debian.net/manual/, but according to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-live-build ubuntu did a lot of tweaks, so first of all I need a tutorial to reproducing Ubuntu images.13:37
ogra_shnatsel, have a look at livecd-rootfs13:42
ogra_it has all the ubuntu related additions13:42
shnatselogra_: the blueprint says that it's abandoned and ISO builds are switched to live-build since Oneiric13:43
ogra_it was implemented differently13:43
ogra_all ubuntu realted bits that require non-upstream suitable changes are in livecd-rootfs ... everything else went upstream into live-build13:44
shnatselogra_: ah-hah... so, how do I reproduce an Ubuntu ISO using these tools?13:45
ogra_not at all, live-build produces livefs images13:45
ogra_no isos13:45
ogra_you would get a kernel, initrd and squashfs out of it ...13:46
ogra_(on x86 at least)13:46
shnatsellet's assume I'm familiar with it13:46
shnatselso, how do I reproduce the squashfs image then?13:46
shnatselah, wait, livefs13:47
shnatselso I just have to pack it into ISO then, right?13:48
ogra_you will have to do some isolinux/syslinux stuff to make it bootable, but yes13:48
shnatseland I can add stuff like wubi etc13:48
dholbachpitti, is there a new pango1.0 upload planed?13:48
pittidholbach: I did one a few hours ago, a new upstream snapshot13:49
pittidholbach: I haven't planned another one, but of course I can do one if you need something changed13:49
dholbachno, I was just wondering because gtimelog was not installable13:50
dholbachand I couldn't see a pango1.0 upload on oneiric-changes13:50
dokohow do I make scons builds verbose by default?13:50
shnatselogra_: so, are there any docs on using live-build, livecd-rootfs or whatever?13:50
ogra_i dont think there is anything beyond the upstream documentation13:50
ogra_but that should suffice13:50
shnatselupstream has never used live-build, ever13:51
shnatseland I don't even know where to get ubuntu code13:51
ogra_you pointed to the upstream doc above13:52
shnatselugh... so many confusing names...13:52
shnatselogra_: yes but I still don't know where are the ubuntu tweaks, how do I get them etc13:53
ogra_in livecd-rootfs13:53
shnatselupstream has never used livecd-rootfs, ever13:53
ogra_there is a live-build subdir13:53
ogra_that carries the additional scripts to put into the live-build tree13:53
shnatselah-hah... thanks13:54
shnatselogra_: so, shall I approach building ISOs using live-build directly or shall I use livecd-rootfs as a wrapper to live-build?14:01
ogra_what we do is using BuildLiveCD from livecd-rootfs though thats adapted to the build inbfarstructure in the datacenter14:02
shnatselogra_: and what are its requirements?14:04
* shnatsel expects something like write access to ubuntu archive mirror14:08
shnatselugh... sorry g2g14:11
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bdmurraypitti: I was coordinating the kerneloops work with the kernel team so check with them.14:13
alexblighWe are using the debian/ubuntu installer to install a custom version of Ubuntu Lucid from DVD. We have a working preseed file, but we need to ask the user a slightly complex question. We want to retrieve a list of options using curl, present them with the list of options (numbered), and allow them to choose a number (and write the option text somewhere on disk). We can't see how to do this directly from the preinst. We can write some perl or so14:39
alexblighmething to ask the question, but d-i and dpkg -i seem to fail when anything asks for user input other than through the debconf frontend. Any ideas on how we might do this?14:39
happyarondoko: can you please try to sync the new version of ns3? it builds fine on most archs of Debian now.14:45
happyaronns3 3.12.1+dfsg1-214:45
cjwatsonalexbligh: you should use debconf14:48
cjwatsonalexbligh: you can dynamically generate lists of choices and substitute them into a debconf template using db_subst14:49
cjwatsonit would be from a config script not the preinst, probably14:49
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ahasenackhi guys, can someone take a look and hopefully approve the following SRU updates that are sitting in the unapproved queue? smart for lucid, maverick and natty15:31
ahasenackand landscape-client for maverick and natty15:31
dokohappyaron, still ftbfs15:32
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dokoDaviey, zul: ping on bug 75610715:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 756107 in php-imap (Ubuntu Oneiric) "php-imap version 5.3.5-0ubuntu1 failed to build on i386" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75610715:38
zuldoko: ill take care of it right now15:38
Davieydoko: Looking, can you use ~ubuntu-server for things like this?15:39
Davieyah, zul is ON THE CASE.15:39
happyarondoko: OK, I see it's a DSO linking issue, will communicate with the maintainer.15:43
dokohappyaron, thanks15:44
wzssyqahi doko15:49
happyarondoko: wzssyqa is the maintainer, he'd like to talk to you. (sorry I have to go offline now)15:55
bhmHep! I'm looking for a guide to maintain a deb-ppa for a project on launchpad. Any good suggestions out there?15:55
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dtchenbhm: e.g., https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA16:00
bhmdtchen: thanks16:01
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bdmurrayslangasek: so bug 553745 still seems to be happening in bug 84941416:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553745 in plymouth (Ubuntu Maverick) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55374516:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849414 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84941416:41
slangasekbdmurray: right, looks like it...16:43
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smosersbeattie, around18:16
sbeattiesmoser: yeah, what's up?18:16
smoserbug 854927.18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854927 in openssl (Ubuntu) "wget, curl can't verify certificates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85492718:16
smoseryou are last-touched openssl .18:16
sbeattiesmoser: happy happy joy joy. I'll look, thanks.18:18
hallynadam_g: actually i don't even need any lvm partitions to get what looks like a udev hang18:21
hallynit takes a few tries, but not more than say 518:21
* hallyn starts instrumenting initramfs scripts18:21
* hallyn wonders if 'udevadm control --exit' is waiting for an already-exited udev to exit. Nah, that's be too obvious18:21
adam_ghallyn: are you just using a standard guied partition table?18:22
hallynadam_g: yup, /dev/vda1 is a primary partition, /dev/vda3 is logical partition (swap)18:22
hallynadam_g: it's a vm created by vm-new in vm-tools, fwiw18:23
hallyn(or, maybe it isn't.  anyway no lvm)18:23
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smoserhallyn, i thin its just the expected situation where udevadm control --exit is losing events.18:25
adam_gyeah. on exit on udevd.c: /* close sources of new events and discard buffered events */18:26
mdeslaursmoser: quick question: do you have ca-certificates installed?18:27
sbeattiesmoser: I'm unable to reproduce the wget/curl failure's you're seeing.18:27
smosermdeslaur, i do18:27
sbeattiemeh, failures.18:27
mdeslaurI can't reproduce either18:27
smoseri see them on both my local system and on a new ec2 instance and new canonicalStack instance18:28
hallynadam_g: and I gather udevadm settle is deemed a hack bc between that call and the --exit we can still get new events?18:28
smosersbeattie, mdeslaur so i can very trivially give you access to a system that shows issues18:28
sbeattiesmoser: proxy in the way, perhaps?18:29
smoservery unlikely.18:29
smoserkirkland can also reproduce18:29
smoserand i dont *think* he routes his traffic through my basement.18:29
adam_ghallyn: yeah, it looks like thats the case. udev needs to have some option to --exit that will flush its queue18:30
kirklandsbeattie: i've verified it both on my home machine, and ec218:30
smoseradam_g, well, its really quite silly that it would have any path to exit that would *not* flush its queue18:30
smoserwhy would you nicely ask a daemon to exit, and expect it to lose data18:30
smoseryou can get that with kill -918:30
adam_gsmoser: i dont disagree18:31
smosersbeattie, i only picked openssl because it seemed fairly recently updated.18:32
sbeattiesmoser|kirkland: these are all oneiric? two different oneiric systems succeed locally18:32
smoseri could have picked wrong package entirely.18:32
smosersbeattie, dist-upgraded oneiric as of last night ~ 2am i think locally.18:32
adam_gthis is an interested note from udev upstream: http://www.spinics.net/lists/hotplug/msg04749.html18:33
tyhicksI can't reproduce the ssl bug, either18:33
mdeslaurI just updated a i386 chroot, and can reproduce it18:36
tyhicksmdeslaur: and the report is on i38618:36
tyhicksI'm on amd6418:36
tyhicksand can't reproduce it18:36
sbeattieyeah, my systems are amd6418:37
* sbeattie hrms18:37
sbeattiekirkland: are you on i386?18:37
* micahg doesn't see the issue18:37
mdeslauroh, d'uh, I didn't have ca-certificates installed18:38
sbeattiemdeslaur: heh, that would be a problem18:38
micahgmaybe wget should suggest or recommend ca-certificates18:39
mdeslaurok, still have the problem18:39
* sbeattie wonders what's causing all the skipping duplicate certs message on install of ca-certificates.18:42
kirklandsbeattie: amd6418:43
micahgmdeslaur: I get the same error before the openssl upgrade w/out ca-certificates, with ca-certificated with 1.0.0d and 1.0.0e, no issue (i386)18:43
mdeslaurI can reproduce in my amd64 chroot also18:46
sbeattieweird, I see it in my i386 chroot.18:46
sbeattiewell, I see the failure with curl + launchpad, wget against google works fine in my chroot18:47
micahg ah, didn't try the second case18:48
micahgI get no curl error either18:49
mdeslaurthis looks very wrong: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     19 Sep 20 14:38 415660c1.0 -> ca-certificates.crt18:50
mdeslaurI think ca-certificates is borked...it's linking all the cert files to ca-certificates.crt18:53
hallynadam_g: looking at the code trying ot think how to structure a reliable --settle-and-exit18:55
sbeattiemdeslaur: ah, yeah, where things work, it's not like that.18:55
hallynnot entirely sure it's possible18:55
sbeattiesmoser|kirkland: are you seeing this on systems that were installed recently or were upgrades?18:56
mdeslaursbeattie: frack...installing ca-certificates with the old openssl works19:03
Laneyit's been debugged in #-release, guys :-)19:05
adam_ghallyn: its been a while since i looked, but i was thinking it should be possible to duplicate 'udevadm control settle' in the daemon, between closing its netlink sockets and exitting19:05
mdeslaurLaney: thanks19:08
hallynadam_g: what exactly is getting lost though?  inotify events?  or kernel uevents?  If the latter, are those async?  If so then yes we can just close the kernel uevent socket, process our queue, and exit.19:14
hallynBut if not, then there may not be a good way to make the events pile up while we are exited19:14
hallynoh, what, init fwds them over inotify to udev?19:17
hallynfinally, there it is :)  udev_monitor_new_from_netlink_fd(udev, "kernel", fd_netlink);19:29
hallyn(or rather, the non-sd version of course)19:30
adam_ghallyn: sorry, ive been otp19:38
hallynadam_g: np, i'm just blabbing19:39
hallynadam_g: starting to get a feel for the code.  but trying to figure out exactly waht is magic during the 'udev_exit = 1'19:39
hallynadam_g: in fact, the code looks like it thinks it's waiting for both events and workers lists to be 0 before really exiting,19:40
hallynit stops taking ctrl msgs (from udevadm), that's sensible.  stops taking inotify - that may be our prolbem.  (it still takes netlink msgs from kernel, but since it will wait for any newly spawned workers to finish, that should be fine)19:41
hallynmaybe it'll do better if we keep accepting inotify events while we're waiting19:41
adam_ghallyn: what triggers inotify events? new nodes in /dev?19:43
hallynthat's been my assumption.  I've not dug deep enough to know the full list19:44
* hallyn feels woefully under-informed at this point19:45
hallyndidn't we used to have a uevent_helper during initramfs?19:47
hallyn(guess not)19:48
hallynadam_g: well the kernel object uevents are broadcast.  So if that is waht we're losing, then settle before exit won't help :)19:49
hallynso, let me try just allowing inotify events while we're exiting.  stab in the dark, unlikely to help19:49
slangasekSpamapS: so I think we should talk about bug #84882319:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 848823 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs-kernel-server requires a real interface to be up" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84882319:58
slangasekSpamapS: since I'm about to volley it back over to ifupdown where it belongs :)19:58
SpamapSslangasek: on a call, in a bit?19:58
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SpamapSslangasek: ok, so, what the problem is? :)20:10
slangasekSpamapS: hey, sent a follow-up comment to the bug, but in summary, it has nothing to do with what interfaces it's listening on, it's about not being able to resolve the hostnames listed in /etc/exports and therefore discarding the entries20:10
SpamapSslangasek: *OH*20:11
SpamapSslangasek: so then its not really a bug at all. The interface needs to be listed in /etc/network/interfaces. :)20:11
slangasekSpamapS: why not avoid emitting static-network-up when only lo is up?  nfs-kernel-server won't be the only package with an init script that hits a problem like this20:12
SpamapSslangasek: hrm. Well we'll slow down boot speed quite a bit waiting for DHCP20:12
slangasekSpamapS: I thought you server guys all agreed robust > fast ;)20:13
SpamapSslangasek: we do, but this particular  user is a desktop user.20:13
SpamapSslangasek: and NetworkManager != robust IMO20:13
slangasekoh blast, lightdm is start on ... runlevel20:14
slangasekright, we don't want to slow that down in the desktop case :/20:15
SpamapSanother option is to integrate with insserv a bit and only delay if something that has Require-Start: $network in it.20:15
slangaseknah, I think we probably should just worry about moving nfs-kernel-server to upstart20:16
SpamapSslangasek: what would we make the start on condition though? I think runlevel [2345] would still make more sense than 'net-device-up IFACE!=lo' ...20:19
SpamapSand filesystem and all that jive20:19
SpamapSbecause what you really want is all static network interfaces up. :-P20:19
slangasekno, for nfs what you want is "the network up"20:20
slangasekstaticness notwithstanding :)20:20
SpamapSstatic is a terrible term and I must apologize for its use.20:20
SpamapSserver-network-up maybe? ;)20:20
slangasekexcept that, as we see here, that's not always conclusive20:21
SpamapSanyway, I haven't found a sane way to express it generically without having a special "I'm a desktop" flag somewhere.20:21
slangasekwell, punting for now then20:21
* SpamapS is still glad we had to work through to the roadblock.. learning can be useful20:22
ahasenackhi guys, can someone take a look and hopefully approve the following SRU updates that are sitting in the unapproved queue? smart for lucid, maverick and natty20:26
ahasenackand landscape-client for maverick and natty20:26
ahasenackI believe they are not in proposed yet, lacking such an approval20:26
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SpamapSahasenack: I'll look at them when I get back from lunch.20:37
ahasenackSpamapS: cool, thanks20:37
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slangasekbdmurray: could you analyze the apport data on bugs 849414 and 533745 (and duplicates) to see if there's a pattern in the hardware in use?  (Video hardware in particular)21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849414 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84941421:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533745 in sitecmd "link() - move $params to 3rd parameter" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53374521:57
slangasekbdmurray: I don't think we're going to get to the bottom of this bug without a dev reproducing this in a controlled environment - i.e., running plymouth under valgrind or the like21:57
slangasekso step one is to be able to reproduce it at all...21:57
bdmurraystep 2 ? and step 3 is fix it!21:58
slangasekstep 2 is raiding the fridge for snacks21:59
tedgUhm, I'm getting signature errors of archive.ubuntu.com.21:59
tedgLike GPG errors on the package list.21:59
tedgIs anyone else having issues?21:59
slangasektedg: probably my fault; try again in 10-20 minutes22:00
tedgslangasek, Okay.  Cool.  Was getting a little nervous there :-)22:00
slangasekhand-running the publisher during milestone prep has acquired a new and exciting failure mode22:00
Davieyslangasek: Do you know if jhunt is working on bug 818177?22:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in udev (Ubuntu) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817722:02
slangasekDaviey: he's on vacation this week, so I would think "not right now"22:03
Davieyslangasek: vacation! /me looks up what this means.22:04
Davieyslangasek: fwiw, we seem to be seeing that issue on iscsi aswell now, not just LVM.22:04
hallynand on virtio with no iscsi or lvm22:05
Davieyanything with slower io, by the seems of it.22:05
hallynand faster io, just less frequently22:05
hallyn(at least, i'm assuming it's the same thing as what i see in kvm vm's every 5-10 boots)22:05
Davieyhallyn: maybe even medium speed io at freq' between that of fast and slow?22:05
hallynheck maybe that's why my euca instances occasionally don't come up22:06
hallynand why my milk didn't taste right this morning22:06
slangasekno, the milk thing sounds like a dupe of a multiarch bug22:07
DavieySeems reasonable to attribute that to udev.22:07
DavieyAnd this has all happend because jhunt went on vacation.  Damn Brits.22:07
bdmurrayslangasek: Does this help? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/694067/22:07
* hallyn out - i'm going to do some debugging later tonight. if you (anyone) finds anything more out, can you comment it in that bug so I don't duplicate effort?22:08
slangasekbdmurray: hmm... less than it would if they all matched, but thanks :) good to know what we're looking at22:08
bdmurrayslangasek: that's from 849414 and its duplicates22:09
slangasekbdmurray: ack22:09
slangasekbdmurray: seems there are 5 video cards reported twice each - are these two dupes each from the same submitter, or is it actually more common on some hardware than on others?22:11
Davieybdmurray: does your bug bot check for Short read in buffer_copy" error with "dpkg"22:15
bdmurrayDaviey: yes22:15
Davieybdmurray: how often does it run?22:16
bdmurrayslangasek: only one duplicate is from the same reporter22:16
slangasekbdmurray: interesting, thanks22:16
bdmurrayDaviey: every 4 hours22:17
Davieybdmurray: thanks22:17
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bdmurrayDaviey: did it miss one?22:18
Davieybdmurray: hmm, let me check the timestamps22:18
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Davieybdmurray: ah, it was <2 hours.. so no.. i just beat the bot.22:21
SpamapSslangasek: hah, async fail.. I responded to bug 848823 reversing my position before seeing the email that you wrote reversing yours. :)22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 848823 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs-kernel-server requires a real interface to be up" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84882322:22
SpamapSworst.. chess players.. ever22:23
* slangasek grins22:23
SpamapSslangasek: I think its doable if we make static-network-up aware of NetworkManager's connections that are going to be brought up at boot time.22:23
slangasekSpamapS: well, if there's a good way to query that, yes22:23
SpamapSslangasek: right, thats the bit I'm not sure of. Either way, I think its worthwhile as a Medium bug in upstart (upstart owns the static-network-up event)22:26
DavieyTurn the importance up to 11.22:27
slangasekSpamapS: how does upstart own it?  /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart is in ifupdown22:29
SpamapSslangasek: indeed it is.. doh. ok.. well then back to ifupdown the bug goes.22:31
slangasekalrighty... :)22:31
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chrisccoulsonbryceh, ah, this is going to be fun. that drm delay only happens at startup, so i can't just run another xserver manually with strace :/23:11
brycehchrisccoulson, erf23:12

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