
JoseeAntonioRSorry, is dinda1 here?02:57
JoseeAntonioRrww Do you know how to contact her?03:06
rwwonline elsewhere on IRC, you can use /msg dinda1 some message goes here03:06
Unit193FloodBotK's are having issues again in #kubuntu :P03:06
rwwUnit193: thanks03:07
Unit193rww: No problem. It's slow now03:09
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
Picihi. Anything we can do for you today?15:14
macer1Yes ;)15:14
macer1Does ubottu have cool plugin "seen", like our bot on #ubuntu-pl? It is really useful ;)15:15
macer1Works like this15:15
macer1`seen bikstopa15:15
macer1<Przekliniak> macer1: bikstopa was last seen in #ubuntu-pl 2 days, 15 hours, 38 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: <bikstopa> ide spac. SD all :*15:15
macer1It will be cool, can you add it :)?15:15
PiciWith the number of channels ubottu is in, and the unique number of people it sees, it would be too much overhead to an already overworked bot.15:16
PiciYou can use /msg nickserv info somenick  instead, if the person is identified to their account.15:16
macer1Last seen 22 minutes, 8 seconds ago.15:17
macer1This works too ;)15:17
nyuszika7hsupybot has that feature, why not just port it to Encyclopedia?16:46
nyuszika7hSo users could use it even on bots with defaultignore, like ubottu.16:46
macer1Can MeetBot join #ubuntu-bots, so users can test it :D?17:01
PiciWhat is meetbot?17:19
macer1it is on #ubuntu-meeting17:21
MkaysiEncyclopedia is meant to store factoids, not to be Seen plugin, I think. t simpson can probably confirm this.17:37
macer1Can meetingology join #ubuntu-bots17:38
MkaysiAsk it's owner17:39
macer1it is ubuntu bot17:45
=== macer1 is now known as Admc
=== Admc is now known as macer1
PiciI don't really see an advantage to having that bot in there, as it changes the channel topic and logs information elsewhere... I think it would be too much setup just to drop it into a channel for test use.17:47
macer1Is there a channel where I can test it?17:47
macer1AlanBell and ayrton are meetbot oweners17:50
PiciYou should talk to alanbell about it then.17:50
macer1Cool, AlanBell has got #meetingology18:13
macer1there is a bot for testing there18:13
MkaysiWhy anyone didn't told me about that channel?18:14
macer1Because you didn't ask18:18
nyuszika7hwrong channel18:47
macer1nyuszika7h, :)18:47
=== macer1 is now known as testing123111
=== testing123111 is now known as macer1
Unit193I think FloodbotK's are having issues again, and I saw sdhasu (~Adium@c-66-30-168-93.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) join (Had issues before)20:34
Unit193rww: Lj|L already got them20:47
rwwUnit193: I know, but since this is a recurring issue, I'm going to sit in there from now on.21:01
Unit193rww: Alright, I'm :X now21:02

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