
gumaraHello I'm gumara from Thaiteam02:53
gumaraI try to add some photo to team page.02:53
gumaraLike http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca02:53
gumaraHow can I do that ?02:53
pleia2gumara: the loco directory supports a few image services, ubuntu-ca put their flickr account details in03:27
pleia2you can link flickr, picasa or Pix.ie to it03:27
dholbachgood morning07:02
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akgranerGood Morning all - If you haven't heard about it already - Please consider joining the Ubuntu Leadership team.  We've voting this week on meeting times etc- drop into #ubuntu-leadership  - more information can be found at - http://akgraner.com/?p=102811:39
* AlanBell wonders if the loco-council know when CD ordering will happen12:09
czajkowskiwe have nothing to do with it 12:09
czajkowskiwill try and find out 12:09
head_victimGday, just set up the local release part event :)12:22
czajkowskihead_victim: co insiding with a rugby game :p12:28
head_victimHah I thought that would all be over by then12:29
head_victimAh we'll be over by then12:30
head_victimIt's going to be 1900 local time, we're doing a 1400 - 1700.12:30
head_victimWe did a poll so I kinda have to stick with what the people want :)12:30
czajkowskihead_victim: aye 12:39
czajkowskiwe just got for dinner and drinks12:39
paultagAlanBell: humm?12:39
paultagI have no idea AlanBell, but if you CC us, I'm sure we'd like to know (if you end up mailing canonical)12:40
head_victimYep, we're going to a pub in the afternoon, suits those with families better apparently.12:40
czajkowskipaultag: just sent a ping to find out 12:40
paultagczajkowski: roger doger, thank you!12:40
czajkowskinot a bother my dear 12:40
czajkowskiI'm sure I can find work for you later gater12:40
paultagczajkowski: I'm at work lovie dovie12:41
paultagczajkowski: want to see something radical?12:42
czajkowskipaultag: define radical my dear 12:54
paultagczajkowski: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64218012:54
ubot4Debian bug 642180 in debian-maintainers "debian-maintainers: Please add Paul Tagliamonte as a Debian Maintainer" [Normal,Open]12:54
czajkowskigood for you 12:54
czajkowskiwell chuffed12:54
mhall119\o/ paultag 12:55
paultagI've got 3 +1s, 2 techincal, 1 social, and one to show support :)12:55
paultagI think I'm waiting on one more, but that's enough now12:56
paultagI went on a cute outing wich a bunch of DDs saturday and sunday, mhall119 czajkowski 12:59
paultagit ruled. I felt so at home :)12:59
paultagalso - when did #ubuntu-quality become such a deadzone?13:04
mhall119I never even knew it existed13:10
popeyshouldn't that be #ubuntu-testing ?13:11
paultagpopey: I'm looking for QA folks - I'm trying to find our version of lintian.debian.org, but it's not anywhre I see on Launchpad13:11
paultagI mean, we have a QA team, right?13:12
paultaghow could we not lintian audit the repo13:12
popeyqa folks are in -testing13:13
paultagthen what the heck is -quality? :)13:14
popeywhat made you join that channel/13:15
paultagpopey: I remember a whiny post about ubuntu-qa being either quatar or Q.A.13:15
popeyoh, my bad - quality does have people in13:15
popeyone of them has no people13:15
paultagit does13:15
popeymaybe thats -qa13:16
paultagpopey: because that's reserved for the loco13:16
paultagwhich does not exist13:16
popeyyeah, memory is coming back to me again13:16
czajkowskiremember the topic alright13:22
czajkowskibut the channel does exist I thought just rather dead 13:22
paultagczajkowski: -qa or -quality ?13:23
popeyi guess they're busy working13:23
paultagmust be13:23
czajkowskifixing bugs hopefully 13:23
paultagrelease is coming up soon13:23
czajkowskialt tabbing is gone again on oneiric again for me 13:23
czajkowskiwith a massive time delay 13:23
paultagczajkowski: fluxbox's working13:23
czajkowskipaultag: oh i do have some fun news for you13:23
paultagczajkowski: o'rly!?13:23
BigWhaleWe just lost our government, but our Ubuntu community is getting stronger and stronger!16:13
CrazyLemonis it possible to link our google calender with loco one?16:20
CrazyLemoni mean..with loco events16:23
mhall119CrazyLemon: you can have google calendar pull from the ical feed provided by loco.ubunut.com16:25
mhall119but not the other way around16:25
CrazyLemonyea..sucks :S    mhall119 thanks anyway :)16:27
czajkowskiCrazyLemon: feel free to join in and help dev if you wnat it that way :) 16:31
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