
infinityslangasek: Since we're still in a "need to rebuild the world" state anyway, I'm going to leak your cron change through.00:03
slangasekinfinity: ok00:03
cjwatsonthat said, I believe this is going to require at least a fix to grub-installer, so I'm going to hold off on 774089 for beta-2 and try to fix it for final00:05
cjwatsonjust going to run ubiquity through pbuilder before uploading00:11
cjwatsonwill be able to upload d-i after this publisher run finishes00:11
skaetcjwatson,  goodness.  :)00:13
* skaet goes to grab some dinner, biab00:13
cjwatsonseriously tired.  going for temporary caffeine boost00:16
Davieycjwatson: The other fix for that is bed.  Maybe ask freenode to k-line you, during silly-hours.. bit like gamblers stop-limits.00:20
cjwatsonI fully intend to go to bed but I don't have a lot of option except to finish this, otherwise the whole image build pipeline is delayed00:21
cjwatsonsince nobody else was around who knew how to fix ubiquity and it had been left broken00:22
infinityOne of these days, everything EXCEPT the installer will be broken.00:25
infinityAnd Colin will point and laugh.00:25
infinityJust wait.00:25
cjwatsonI look forward to it00:26
Davieysensible people will join in the laughter.00:26
Davieywhereas platform will be pulling their hair out.00:26
cjwatsonerr, hold off a moment on accepting d-i (uploaded).  The publisher still seems to be running, rather later00:48
cjwatsonthan usual00:48
infinityArgh.  Stupid thinko.00:48
infinitycjwatson: Well, you get your wish, I had to fix jasper, so I'm switching to blkid. :P00:48
ScottKsladen: It's more than just the Ubuntu images that are affected by the font package getting bigger.00:48
infinitycjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693424/ <-- Sane?00:52
infinitycjwatson: Err, ignore the typo in the changelog.00:53
infinitys/full/full path/00:53
cjwatsonlooks fine, but don't trust my judgement at this point00:53
infinityFixed locally. :P00:53
cjwatsonThe publisher's finished now, so debian-installer is safe to accept00:53
cjwatsonDunno what took it so long.00:53
infinitycjwatson: Well, I'm mostly looking for "hey, you have obvious quoting fail" or sometihng, if I break the logic, that's my own fault.00:53
cjwatsonwell I'd probably do "/dev/${ROOTPART}" out of paranoia, but I can't imagine how a device node could realistically end up with a space in it00:54
cjwatsonalso looks like the versioning scheme for that package should be 0.60 not 0.59ubuntu1 </nitpick>00:55
infinityOh, yeah.  Local env issue.  Changelog fixed.00:55
cjwatsonand ubiquity uploaded00:55
infinityAnd I'll anallify the quoting.00:55
infinityMakes vim's highlighting happier anyway.00:56
* infinity glares at duplicity for breaking his dupload tab-completion.00:58
slangasekd-i accepted00:58
infinityDangit, I'll be a cycle late for jasper.00:59
infinityOh well.  I had no plans tonight.00:59
slangasekdo you want me to hold the publisher?00:59
slangasekthat sounds like a yes00:59
infinityslangasek: if you want to do a manual run, sure.00:59
infinitycjwatson: ubiquity still going through local testing?01:00
infinityOh, no, you said it was uploaded.01:00
infinityI can't read.01:00
infinityAnd there it is.01:01
infinityslangasek: May as well hold the publisher until both ubiquity and jasper build, I guess, then we can get on with images.01:01
slangasekinfinity: yep. are you reviewing/accepting ubiquity?01:01
infinityI'm tempted to accept it blind, but I think I'll wait for a diff to look for obvious oopses.01:02
infinityOh look, a diff.01:02
infinityThat level of copy and pasting can't possibly be wrong!01:04
* infinity accepts.01:04
infinityAnd I'll accept my own jasper upload, based on cjwatson's review.01:04
cjwatsonIt can't have taken four goes to get it right, then. :-)01:04
* cjwatson edits reality01:04
cjwatsonjasper> yeah, ack from me01:04
infinitycjwatson: When you get tired, you suffer deja vu more frequently.  You only fixed it once.01:05
slangasekinfinity: poke me if you notice things are ready to publish before I do?  I'm intermittently aware of my surroundings (scrambling to get out the door, here)01:06
infinityslangasek: Sure.  I can drive the publisher, if you're on your way out.01:06
infinityVroom, vroom.01:06
infinityI'm an excellent publisher.  Dad lets me publish in the driveway.01:06
slangasekinfinity: ah, I'll gladly turn it over to you then01:06
slangasekdoing some more reboot testing instead, in that case01:07
infinityOh dear.  I've just gone full Rainman mode over here.  I just said (yes, out loud), "Uh oh, packages on the highway!"01:08
* cjwatson sends infinity to fly Qantas01:09
cjwatsonRight, crashing.  Don't expect me around too early tomorrow.01:20
infinityG'night. :)01:21
Daviey /win 2201:55
* infinity goes to find some food, back in an hour.02:12
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
ScottKhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/oneiric_probs.html seems a tad optimistic (empty).02:19
ScottKI know there's at least one problem I haven't fixed yet.02:19
ScottK^^^ That one.02:30
ScottKNot beta2 critical (fixes armel installabliity for kalzium-dev), but since we haven't rolled dvds yet, it might be nice if someone could review.02:31
charlie-tcamaybe I marked this one too low? bug 85419802:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 854198 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot change keymap language again after double clicking on a language (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85419802:37
infinitycharlie-tca: Curious bug, but probably not a beta blocker.03:06
infinityRelease blocker, likely.03:06
infinityHey neat, I'm finally about to get powerpc buildd time.03:07
infinityScottK: Accepted.03:09
skaetubiquity i386 published, but amd64+armel still pending.... drat.03:11
infinityskaet: I'm waiting on ppc to build, and then publishing the lot.03:12
charlie-tcaWell, I tried...03:12
infinityskaet: I' happy to turn the crank on a new set of images tonight before I go to bed.03:12
skaetinfinity, fair 'nuf.   have at it.03:12
infinityskaet: Or we can make pitti do it when he wakes up. ;)03:13
skaetinfinity,  heh,  I suspect he and NCommander will need to publish them.  :)03:13
infinityWell, they publish themselves.  But post to the tracker and such, yeah.03:14
skaetpoint to infinity,  yes, post to tracker.03:14
skaetinfinity, any images you're aware of that I shouldn't mark as rebuilding?03:22
infinityI intend to just rebuild the world.  People who think they don't want rebuilds are, at this point, wrong.03:22
infinityGiven that we've touched every installer we ship. :P03:22
skaetwas wondering that core might not need it, but *shrug*03:23
skaetall marked for rebuilding now.03:23
infinityserver and edubuntu might want Yet Another Rebuild later, when they sort out their other bits, but building now to smoketest won't kill anyonw.03:23
infinityNor anyone.03:23
infinityOh, I could skip core.  But it takes about 3 minutes to build.03:23
infinitySo, meh.03:23
infinityI intend to copy-and-paste lazily.03:23
infinityScottK: Are you happy with everything under point [6] at http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ubuntu-release?03:24
skaetokie.   update the pad when you start,  and details of what's left when you call it a night.03:24
* skaet figures probably time to call it a night... 03:26
infinityWuss. ;)03:26
skaet:)  yup.03:27
slangasekinfinity: publisher is still down; did everything get published that we were waiting for, and should I unblock the publisher again?03:49
micahgis someone fixing gnome-control-center?03:49
* slangasek assumes so and re-enables the cronjob03:50
infinityslangasek: I'm hand-cranking it in 2 or 3 minutes.03:50
infinityslangasek: And then going back on auto.03:50
slangasekah, ok03:50
* slangasek disables again :)03:50
slangasekand afk again for about 45min03:50
infinityAlthough, the cronjob is close enough to "in a few minutes". :P03:50
slangasekpff, how do we go all cycle with no one filing bugs about the dots-over-text bug *until* I diagnose the issue, open a bug report and start working on a fix and *then* the duplicate bugs come in03:55
infinityQuantum entanglement?03:56
infinityPublisher crontab back on, it more or less lines up with when I wanted it anyway.03:57
pittiGood morning04:16
infinityMorning, Martin.04:16
infinityI was going to start a respin of literally everything (except ubuntu-core, I just did that) when the next publisher run is done.04:16
infinityBut then I was going to bed. :P04:16
infinitySo, if you'd like to do that instead, so you can babysit it...04:16
pittiinfinity: sure, can do; so everything except core, check04:18
pittiinfinity: any particular package version I should check for?04:18
infinityGoing to use the evil wait-on-package script?04:19
infinityLet me find something from this run. :)04:19
infinityShort memory is short.04:19
pittiinfinity: not necessarily04:19
pittiinfinity: just making sure that I don't trigger too early04:19
infinityHeh.  kalzium on all arches should be a good enough indicator.04:20
pittiI had cases where the package I was waiting on appeared a whole hour after I expected it04:20
infinityOr ubiquity.04:20
pittiinfinity: roger; ubuntu images certainly don't block on that one, though?04:20
infinitySee above. ;)04:20
pittiah, that's a good one04:20
infinityPretty much everything's blocking on something until this run's over.04:20
infinity(Except core, since it has no installer and no... packages)04:21
pittiinfinity: alright, will do; so sleep well!04:21
infinityI doubt I'll be sleeping just yet. :)04:21
infinityBut at least I don't have to babysit the World's Nastiest Shell Loop.04:22
infinitySo, I call this a win.04:22
infinityAssuming you execute the blocks of doom from the Pad (minus core), I guess server-preinstalled will be up first.  I might stay up long enough to test that.04:23
infinitySince I did a bad, bad thing, and changed the preinstalled default filesystem during a freeze.04:24
pittiyes, the pipelines were hard enough to put together, I don't reinvent it every time :)04:24
ScottKinfinity: Looking04:25
infinityOh, sweet.  I pilot on Wednesday.04:26
infinity"Your patch is awesome, but we're in a hard freeze for beta, muahahaha."04:26
infinity^-- Practice.04:26
micahginfinity: 1/3 of the current queue is unseeded, so plenty to do :)04:28
micahgand 19 SRU requests (might be some overlap)04:28
ScottKinfinity: It's fine.04:29
infinityScottK: [6] is all happy?  Yay.04:29
infinityWell, except potential size issues.  But you can revisit that.04:29
ScottKinfinity: Won't know about if the seed changes work until after the rebuild, but yeah.04:29
infinityKay. Well, if you don't feel like reading backscroll, we're respinning the world as soon as this publisher run's over.04:30
infinitySo, you'll have shiny things to be annoyed by in the morning.04:30
ScottKinfinity: There's edubuntu and ubuntu-studio still in queue to build for powerpc, on the off chance we care.04:33
* stgraber wonders why edubuntu-fonts is arch any and not arch all...04:38
pittidarn, gnome-control-center was FTBFS on !i386 due to arch desync04:39
* pitti gives back04:39
pittiI'll build kubuntu first, so that it has some time04:39
stgraberok, edubuntu-fonts is just a meta package... I'll poke highvoltage to get that fixed in 12.04, that source package should be dropped and edubuntu-fonts generated from our seeds and edubuntu-meta04:41
stgraberanyway, no point in uploading a new arch all package just now but will need fixing04:41
pittiinfinity: would it be okay for you if I upload colord to add the missing liblcms2-dev dependency to libcolord-dev? this causes FTBFS04:47
pittiinfinity: if we want to spin images now, we have to live with control-center being out of date, but it's not the end of the world; I'd just like to avoid further FTBFSes due to that04:47
infinitypitti: Go ahead.  And there's no massive rush on respinning, should just happen on your watch, so we all have stuff to test "soon".04:52
pittiinfinity: right; I'll try to shuffle the queue to start with kubuntu etc.04:52
pitti^ single targetted patch, fixes regression in .9204:57
pittiNCommander: you apparently still have a backgrounded nano process on antimony on an index.html from August 4; can you please kill this?05:00
pittiubiquity is published, kalzium still behind05:06
ScottKkalzium only affects the Kubuntu dvd.05:12
pittiah, ok; starting with server and kubuntu desktop then05:12
ScottKIt affects edubuntu too, FYI.05:13
pittieh, seems cron.daily is broken, it returns immediately without any error message05:16
slangasekwell, it helpfully sent errors in email05:21
pittiah, there05:21
pittiok, that's better05:23
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20110920.6/ posted05:44
pittiScottK: ^ FYI05:45
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20110920.2/ posted06:04
pitti*mumble* publisher taking over an hour these days *whine*06:06
infinityYeah, it's gotten ridiculous. :/06:07
pittiis that because process-death-row has been running for two days now?06:07
pitti(eating IO, or what not)06:07
infinityWait, is it still running?06:08
infinityThat sounds ungood.06:08
infinityLP people might want to know about that.06:08
* pitti starts some more builds, kalzium published06:10
slangasekhmm, I was going to ask whether the publisher is actually that slow or if contents-generation just overran, but contents-generation has been failing since Sep 1106:11
pittiok, livefs builds fail, too06:12
* pitti pokes for logs06:12
pitti"E: Invalid Release Signature (key id 40976EAF437D05B5)"06:14
infinityMirrors need a re-trigger, or the publisher did Something Bad?06:14
pittilamont, infinity: ^ do you happen to know if anything changed there since yesterday? it fails right away in debootstrap06:14
* slangasek files bug #854449 about the broken Contents generation06:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 854449 in launchpad "generate-contents-files.py failing on Ubuntu archive since September 11/12 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85444906:15
pittiok, then I'll just wait a bit until the publisher comes to a rest06:15
infinityI retriggered the mirrors for good measure anyway.06:17
pittiwow, publisher finished after 75 mins06:18
pitti*sigh*, does any of the images *not* fail?06:20
infinityIn theory, none of them should. :P06:21
infinityBut if the mirror signature issue is plaguing you, nothing will work.06:21
infinitySuccessful live-based images aren't exciting if the livefs failed...06:22
infinitySince it just uses yesterday's.06:22
pittino, I mean my alternate build attempts all silently failed06:22
pitti(will check logs in a bit)06:22
pittiare we even doing armel+ac100?06:23
pittiand imx51?06:23
infinityFor mx5...06:23
pittithe tracker seems to have all these added (disabled, though)06:23
infinityAnd ac100.06:23
infinityFor daily-preinstalled.06:23
infinityubuntu, that is.06:23
infinityNo other flavour.06:23
infinityYou'll get all the right defaults if you just run the scripts. :P06:23
pittiinfinity: I mean for the tracker06:24
pittiUbuntu Desktop armel+ac100 (rebuilding...)06:24
pitti^ these06:24
infinitypitti: mx5 and ac100 should be on the tracker for ubuntu-preinstalled.06:24
pittiso we do those, ok; I think we didn't for b106:24
infinityYeah, that.06:24
pittiserver ac100, too? because the cron job didn't build those06:25
infinityAlso, that preinstalled server image looks suspiciously like it contains a current livefs...06:25
infinityLike, it may be okay!06:25
infinitypitti: No, server is only omap/omap4.06:25
infinitypitti: If the tracker lists ac100/mx5 for anything other than ubuntu desktop, it's wrong.06:25
infinity(And I thought I went over this 12 hours ago with skaet... Hrmph)06:25
pittiok, removing alternate mx51 and server ac100 from the tracker06:26
pittiScottK: are we doing kubuntu preinstalled and/or kubuntu-mobile preinstalled?06:27
pittican start a build now if we want them06:27
pittiinfinity: ok to accept the unity upload? it whitelists update-notifier for the systray to make slangasek get updates again06:28
pittiinfinity: it was a rather unnoticed (by us) behaviour change in unity-2d after b106:29
pittino other changes06:29
* pitti takes the bullets and accepts06:31
pittiotherwise some beta-2 users might be stuck, not ever getting updates again06:31
pittiScottK: starting those builds, I'll just post them; let's see what sticks06:32
infinitypitti: Err.  It's a fix in the library?06:34
pittiinfinity: it's just a configuration change, there's a gsettings key for the whitelist06:34
infinityWas just curious how a unity upload would fix unity-2d.06:35
pittiif it doesn't make it to the images, it's not the end of the world, but as I have queued the ubuntu images last in the chain anyway, it might just make it06:35
pittiinfinity: ah, it's in unity-common, which ships the gsettings schema06:35
pitti/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.Unity.gschema.xml, systray-whitelist FYI06:36
infinitySo, it turns out that there's a point where you have enough bandwidth that downloading a 600MB image is faster that zsyncing a 10% delta.06:36
infinityAnd I'm at that point.06:36
pittiheh, nice06:36
infinitys/that z/than z/06:37
infinityI'm actually oddly disappointed by this.06:38
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/20110920.1/ posted06:46
pittiseems kubuntu arm isn't happy, failed06:47
pittikubuntu-mobile, too06:47
* infinity waits for logs.06:48
infinityOr, I could force an update. :P06:48
pittikubuntu dvd build failed again on invalid release file, will try again later06:49
infinitykubuntu-mobile was the same failure (bad sig)06:51
infinityAnd kubuntu-preistalled.06:52
infinitySo frustrating. :/06:53
pittiit has always been a gamble, but I don't remember it being that hard06:53
infinityIn theory, it should never break.06:53
infinitydists/ on ftpmaster is always consistent.06:53
pittianyway, I'll keep trying and post 20110920.257, if it ever condescends to build06:53
infinitySo, the only way for it to break is for syncproxy and beyond to have issues.06:53
infinityI think you want "consents".06:54
infinityThough I like "condescends". :P06:54
pittiI actually mean it that way :) you have to address it very carefully and properly, otherwise it's grumpy and fails06:55
infinityAhh, how I've missed awkward German English constructs. ;)06:56
pittiso is that bad grammar?06:56
* pitti checks dictionary "to condescend to do sth." seems valid06:56
* pitti runs anonftpsync manually and crosses fingers06:58
pittidamn you, mirror06:58
infinitypitti: That usage certainly exists (or existed?), but either it's only used in countries I never hang out, or it's archaic.06:59
slangasekI would tend to prefer 'deign'06:59
infinitypitti: (The more common meaning of "to condescend" is to talk down to someone, or treat them as an inferior)06:59
pittiinfinity: ah, might be; I think I heard it first in the last song of "Cats"06:59
* infinity is down with deign.07:00
pittibut apart from that, anonftpsync didn't help07:00
infinityForcing a trigger from cocoplum might.07:01
pittiinfinity: ah, the language barrier again -- what is "force a trigger from cocoplum" in shell?07:01
infinitylp_publish@cocoplum:~$ /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/cronscripts/publishing/distro-parts/ubuntu/finalize.d/90-trigger-mirrors07:02
infinity(Which I just did)07:02
infinitypitti: After that, when syncproxy ( stops suckling on port 873 on cocoplum, you should be good to go to re-sync from antimony.07:04
infinity(At least, I think that's antimony's upstream mirror... I lose track of everything around this time of day)07:04
pittitcp    63999      0     ESTABLISHED -07:04
pittiwthis one, I suppose07:04
infinityYeah, that's antimony's mirror, I'm not losing it.07:06
infinity(antimony's upstream, that is)07:06
infinityWell, for non-ports.07:07
infinityFor ports, it's... ports.07:07
pittithat just has a TIME_WAIT one, so is being closed?07:07
infinityAnd ports just finished.07:07
Davieyinfinity: is that an ssh trigger?07:08
infinityIt's a bit sad that I find the easiest way to remember the ANONFTPSYNC magic environment variable for config files is to "grep anonftpsync /src/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bin/*"07:09
infinityDaviey: Yeah.07:09
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
DavieyHow come we are on .2?  We've had 3 spins today?07:17
infinityMirror issues.  See above. :P07:18
infinityWe've not had more than one successful spin of anything today, but it's taking some effort to get 1 of everything.07:18
DavieyHmm, we need some more duct tape.07:19
infinityOr WD-40.07:24
pittiah, seems the cocoplum mirror push finished, running anonftpsync again07:31
infinityAlright, server-preinstalled with ext4 seems to work correctly, I think it's bedtime for me now.07:33
infinityIf I can sleep. :P07:34
pittierk, did the DC just fell off the planet?07:38
infinityI still see it.07:38
infinityMaybe it's you that no longer exist?07:38
* pitti dissolves into a logic cloud07:38
pittiLP and chinstrap both don't respond right now07:38
pittiI think it wants to tell me "go have breakfast at last, dammit" or so07:39
infinityPossibly. :P07:39
infinityI never got around to breakfast today.07:39
* pitti bows to the higher deity of interweb tube failure and toddles off07:39
sladenScottK: yeah, there may be a case for splitting it into multiple binary packages to allow for selective shipping  It would be good to have some feedback if that might be necessary07:47
sladenScottK: do you have specific examples in mind?07:47
infinitysladen: Say, is it intentional that items on my desktop recently developed nearly-unreadable grey text, instead of... Whatever it was before that I could see?07:52
pittiyay, DC back for me, and kubuntu dvd build doesn't fall over right away08:03
pitti... and there it goes again; my provider seems to hate me today08:06
pittiinfinity: would you mind starting this in screen:08:06
pittiecho kubuntu preinstalled && buildlive kubuntu daily-preinstalled && (for-project kubuntu cron.daily-preinstalled &) && echo kubuntu-mobile preinstalled && buildlive kubuntu-mobile daily-preinstalled && for-project kubuntu-mobile cron.daily-preinstalled08:06
jibelskaet, I confirm the desktop upgrade issue bug 85449008:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 854490 in cups (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "update from natty to oneiric hangs on libpam0g upgrade and cups reload (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85449008:07
infinitypitti: Running.08:10
pittiinfinity: thanks, I see them (can log into the DC again)08:17
* infinity finally passes out.08:36
infinitySee you all in the morning, or some approximation thereof.08:36
pittiinfinity: sleep well!08:38
infinityThanks.  I'll be back in ~8 hours. ;)08:39
mvoskaet: I can confirm 854490 as well and we have some idea what the problem is now08:51
mvojibel: heh, I knew that there would be a bugreport already about the cups thing, nothing escapes your hawk eyes :-)08:51
jibelmvo, :) I'm running the upgrade with debug mode enabled now.08:57
jibelmvo, BTW there is also bug 853688 that affects upgrades08:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 853688 in gcj-4.4 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Natty to Oneiric - failed to calculate the upgrade with gcj-4.4-jre installed (affects: 12) (dups: 5) (heat: 52)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85368808:58
mvojibel: thanks! I put some info into #854490, see comment #11 and #13 for the cause of the issue09:00
mvojibel: I got one report about a dpkg failure for duplicated changelogs:09:01
mvoUnpacking libglib2.0-0:i386 (from .../libglib2.0-0_2.29.92-0ubuntu1_i386.deb)09:01
mvodpkg: error processing09:01
mvo+/var/cache/apt/archives/libglib2.0-0_2.29.92-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack):09:01
mvo './usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz' is different from the same f09:01
mvo+ile on the system09:01
mvodpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)09:01
mvojibel: have you seen anything like this? iirc that was a dpkg bug that got fixed in oneiric, but I may misremember09:01
jibelmvo, nope. nothing that I remember.09:04
seb128mvo, I've seen those errors09:06
seb128mvo, it's bug #83562509:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 835625 in apt (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "apt may try to unpack a foreign-arch multiarch library before the native package is at a multiarch version, prohibited by dpkg (affects: 6) (dups: 5) (heat: 54)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562509:06
seb128slangasek, ^ btw I'm not sure there is no bug there, we got several duplicates about this change.Debian.gz being differents09:08
mvoseb128: hrm, hrm, the problem here of course is that its the old apt calculating the ordering09:15
pittiseb128: changelog being different> that's not just from locally built/installed debs?09:33
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
seb128pitti, no09:33
seb128I will not pretend I understand the bug, but we got several bugs from people doing natty to oneiric dist-upgrades09:33
seb128the bug title suggest that somebody understands what the issue is though " try to unpack a foreign-arch multiarch library before the native package is at a multiarch version, prohibited by dpkg"09:34
pittieek, kubuntu alternate amd64 is uninstallable, nevermind; I'll rebuild it09:35
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20110920/ posted09:47
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-preinstalled/20110920/ posted10:00
Davieyis apport-retracer working?10:12
pittiDaviey: i386 and dup checker should, amd64 is down ATM10:13
pittiI'm working on that on the side10:13
ScottKsladen: Kubuntu ships the Ubuntu font. I assume other flavors do too.10:15
ScottKpitti: We're doing kubuntu preinstalled for omap/omap4.10:15
pittiScottK: thanks for confirming; I posted them (mobile still building)10:16
Davieypitti: thanks10:17
pittiat last! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20110920.8/10:17
pittiDaviey: ^ ... and you were complaining about .2 :)10:18
Davieypitti: I want a .42!10:18
pittidon't say that too loudly :) mirrors and publisher have been so naughty today, it might actually happen10:18
NCommanderpitti: killed (didnt see your ping earlier)10:23
pittiNCommander: thanks10:23
pittinote to whoever accepted gtimelog: it will be uninstallable until pango1.0 is accepted as well (no big deal, though)10:24
pittithat can happen after b210:24
ogra_something changed last night in debian-cd it seems ... and that broke ac10010:27
* ogra_ curses loudly10:27
Davieyogra_: aiui infinity changed the default for arm images to ext4, could that be related?10:29
ogra_he changed a lot more (and broke a lot more)10:30
cjwatsonev: please push your release commit of lupin to bzr10:44
cjwatson(bound branches!)10:45
evcjwatson: will do10:45
evoh, it is bound, but I hadn't done the actual debcommit -r yet10:45
evdone now :)10:45
cjwatsonI have an 'ubuntu-release' script to stop me forgetting that10:46
DavieyInteresting, never used debrelease10:49
evcjwatson: neat, will poach10:52
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, is it correct that bin-compress_images overwrites the .type file ? publish-release really gets confused by this for tarballs10:52
cjwatsonno idea10:52
cjwatsonthis stuff is totally your team's problem :)10:52
ogra_infinity added code to suppress the actual gzip call for already gzipped files10:52
ogra_but the original code still rewrites .type which makes all images end up as img.gz10:53
ogra_hmm, k10:53
* ogra_ will wait for infinity ... i think that behavior is wrong in general not actually arm specific10:53
pittiNCommander: are you sure?10:57
pitticdimage  21674  0.0  0.0  10440   208 pts/2    T    Aug04   0:00 nano index.html10:57
pittiNCommander: ^ still seems alive10:57
pittistate "T" seems like Ctrl-Z'ed without bg'ing it10:57
pittii. e. an fg in your screen session should bring it back10:58
pittiev: do we need this lupin upload in b2? it's got no bugs attached, so I don't know about the impact11:00
evpitti: without it, Wubi installs will always boot, but they'll never have a proper grub configuration11:00
pittiand which images does this affect? only the wubi one, or desktop images, too?11:00
evbut they'll be fixed on first update11:01
evjust Ubuntu wubi images11:01
pittiwubi isn't built/published yet, but a lot of desktop images are already11:01
evit doesn't affect Kubuntu wubi or anything else11:01
pittiev: ah, that's fine then11:01
pittiev: accepted, will wait for this for the wubi image build (that still needs a bit anyway)11:01
evokay, cool11:02
evwubi also is missing swap. I'm working on that now, but it'll be a post-b2 thing.11:02
nigelberr, sorry!11:03
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20110920.4/ posted11:39
ogra_would someone mind if i ran a cron.daily-preinstalled for ac100 ? (i need to check a fix)11:39
ogra_(or could someone do it who drives the builder anyway)11:39
pittiogra_: let me check, before lunch I still had three images building11:40
pittiogra_: but I haven't started ubuntu preinstalled builds yet, that's still in my pipe11:40
ogra_k, i only need the cdimage run, no new livefs11:40
pittiwas waiting for control-center and ubiquity11:40
ogra_should be quick11:41
pittiwe need a new livefs, though?11:41
ogra_why ?11:41
pittiogra_: did you already build on a few hours ago?11:42
ogra_i need to test a fix in debian-cd, livefs sits on the livefs builder already11:42
pittioh, does it? not from me11:42
ogra_i dont plan to publish that11:42
ogra_no idea how old that livefs is11:42
pittimy queue is: edubuntu/ubuntu dvd, ubuntu desktop+dvd, ubuntu preinstalled11:42
ogra_hmm, i would like to have it tested before you actually do a preinstalled build11:43
ogra_the test takes 10-12min ... a full build will take hours11:43
pittiposting http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-mobile/daily-preinstalled/20110920/11:43
pittiogra_: ok, then go ahead please11:43
pittiogra_: and let me know when I can start the full one11:43
* pitti will rebuild core and ubuntu desktop/DVD in the meantime11:44
ogra_running, should be done soon (and shouldnt interfere with anything you do anyway)11:44
ogra_pitti, thanks, done (seems i need to rm the broken img.gz files, they seem to stick from former builds)12:05
pittiogra_: working then? can I queue the ubuntu desktop preinstalled builds?12:09
ogra_wait a sec, it seems infinity switched debian-cd to ext4 over night but forgot some places12:09
ogra_while ac100 now works the others complain about the lack of an ext4 filesystem12:10
ogra_i guess buildlive wasnt switched12:10
pittisure, waiting for your word then12:10
ogra_yeah, as i thought, still builds ext3 rootfses12:11
* ogra_ fixes12:11
ogra_ohm, he swuitched already but after the last livefs build, thats why we have no ext412:15
ogra_pitti, all fine, was justa  race between his commit and the last buildlive ... go ahead12:15
pittiogra_: running12:16
pittiposted http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110920/12:43
pittijibel: ^ FYI12:45
stgrabergood morning13:13
pittiev: argh, booting the i386 CD just gives an ubiquity error13:14
pittiev: AttributeError: "NoneType" object has no attribute "set_online_state"13:15
evwill pull down the CD now and fix13:15
pittiev: known, or want a bug?13:15
evbug please13:15
cjwatsonoh good, that doesn't look like it was my fault13:20
pittiev: bug 85470613:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 854706 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in set_state(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_online_state' (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85470613:22
pittiseb128, ev: is it deliberate that the desktop does not have an "Install 11.10" icon any more? ubiquity is just in the launcher now13:25
seb128pitti, I don't know about this change13:25
pittiev: followed up; only happens when the machine is offline13:27
evseb128: that's not purposeful. Perhaps someone broke casper?13:28
everr pitti :)13:28
seb128pitti, ls ~/Desktop ?13:28
pittiuh, it's there13:33
pittiwhy the heck isn't it displayed?13:33
pittiexamples icon is there, although with dark grey text, hard to read13:33
seb128pitti, is it bug #85440113:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 854401 in nautilus (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "the text on desktop icons doesn't adapt to the background color (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 32)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85440113:33
pittiseb128: OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;13:34
seb128pitti, yeah, the text color issue is "known", I've pinged upstream13:34
seb128pitti, oh, need to have Unity added13:34
seb128Unity is different from GNOME since oneiric13:34
pittiev: ^ want a bug for adding "Unity" to OnlyShowIn as well?13:34
pittior JFDI?13:34
pittiI confirmed that this fixed it13:35
pittiweird, how did we not get that in b113:35
evpitti: by all means, JFDI. Working on a fix for 854706 now13:35
stgraberpitti: do we have an edubuntu build scheduled? I was a bit surprised not to get my usual e-mail from the tracker this morning :) though based on the above, if there isn't one building at the moment, I'd rather wait for these ubiquity fixes.13:35
pittiev: I can't commit to lp:ubiquity, so I'm afraid for JFDI you have to do the change13:36
pittistgraber: yes, it's in the pipeline13:36
evpitti: sure thing13:36
pittistgraber: it's building already; I won't post it, I guess13:36
pittistgraber: (unless you want to)13:37
stgraberpitti: ok. I'll rsync it anyway and do some tests on LTSP but won't do as much testing as an actual beta2 candidate13:37
pittistgraber: I'll ping you once it's built13:37
stgraberpitti: thanks13:37
pittijibel: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/20110920/ is ready for smoke-testing, but won't publish to tracker due to bug 85470613:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 854706 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in set_state(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_online_state' (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85470613:38
jibelpitti, ack.13:39
pittiScottK: ^ I'm not sure whether this affects Kubuntu as well13:39
stgraberpitti, ev: I commited the .desktop fix13:53
evstgraber: thanks13:53
pittistgraber: merci13:54
skaetgood morning14:13
stgrabergood morning skaet14:14
utlemmingjamespage: ping14:14
* skaet catches up on the backscroll, whew, busy day. 14:20
jamespagehey utlemming14:23
skaetmvo,  thanks for confirmation on bug 854490.  Any update on bug 848659?14:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 854490 in pam (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "update from natty to oneiric hangs on libpam0g upgrade and cups reload (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85449014:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 848659 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Upgrade from natty fails with 64-bit oneiric beta cd (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84865914:25
utlemmingjamespage: I believe your the one that I hit up on adding the daily build of oneiric to the tracker?14:26
pittihey skaet, good morning14:26
jamespageutlemming: hrm - sorry I can't do that but I can kick off the automated testing when required - jibel are you able to ^^14:26
utlemmingjamespage: getting my names crossed....can you kick the automated testing for the 20110920 daily build?14:27
skaethey pitti, busy day for you I see.14:27
jamespageutlemming, sure - will do14:28
pittiskaet: yeah :)14:28
skaetpitti, am having problems since last night accessing ether pad,  is it working ok for you?14:28
ogra_skaet, yeah, we are coordinating in #ubuntu-keep-pitti-busy14:28
pittiskaet: it often times out here, but so far I was able to keep it up with the reconnect button14:28
skaetogra_, lol14:28
skaetogra_,  are there things on your must fix list today for ARM?  (saw some angst on the backscroll, but not sure if its sorted now or not)14:30
skaetpitti, yeah, in again now.  was seeing crashes/fails to find last night as I left though,  so might be prudent to keep a periodic screen scrape. :/14:32
ogra_skaet, i will know once the current build finishes14:32
ogra_waiting idly for that atm14:32
skaetogra_, gotcha.14:32
pittiskaet: current builds are ubuntu preinstalled arm, and ubuntu chinese14:32
* skaet crosses fingers for ogra_ 14:32
pittibut the current dvd/chinese builds are in vain, for above bug14:33
skaetpitti, which bug?   (there are a few of them up there ;) )14:34
pittiskaet: bug 854706, see pad14:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 854706 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in set_state(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_online_state' (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85470614:34
skaetpitti,  thanks!14:34
slangasekseb128, mvo: it's not bug #835625; 835625 is about trying to unpack a Multi-Arch: same package while a Multi-Arch: none one is still installed, the bug you're seeing is about the contents of the Multi-Arch: same packages being different - which means, according to Multi-Arch, that one of the packages has wrong contents.  Maybe there's still a package manager bug, but if so it's a different bug14:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 835625 in apt (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "apt may try to unpack a foreign-arch multiarch library before the native package is at a multiarch version, prohibited by dpkg (affects: 6) (dups: 5) (heat: 54)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562514:39
skaetpitti,  is someone actively looking into 854706?  not clear from the bug assignments...14:39
jibelskaet, ev is on it14:40
seb128slangasek, ok, I'm just saying that the changelog.Debian.gz is the same between i386 and amd64 (checked from the .debs) and that several user ran into in the issue, it seems during natty to oneiric dist-upgrades14:40
jibelskaet, <ev> pitti: by all means, JFDI. Working on a fix for 854706 now14:40
seb128slangasek, the first bug we used to track it is bug #839744 but Torsten dupped it from the other one14:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 839744 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "package libglib2.0-0 2.29.16-0ubuntu3 [modified: usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz] failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: './usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz' is different from the same file on the system (dup-of: 835625)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83974414:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 835625 in apt (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "apt may try to unpack a foreign-arch multiarch library before the native package is at a multiarch version, prohibited by dpkg (affects: 6) (dups: 5) (heat: 54)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562514:40
evjust updated the bug to reflect that I'm working on it14:41
ev(done now, just testing the hell out of it)14:41
skaetthanks ev14:41
slangasekseb128: one possible explanation for this is that /usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz is a symlink on their system due to some previous upgrade issue14:41
skaetthanks jibel.14:41
slangasekseb128: also note at the top of bug #839744 that the changelog file is listed as "modified"14:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 839744 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "package libglib2.0-0 2.29.16-0ubuntu3 [modified: usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz] failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: './usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz' is different from the same file on the system (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83974414:46
seb128slangasek, right, same on bug #83974414:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 839744 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "package libglib2.0-0 2.29.16-0ubuntu3 [modified: usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz] failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: './usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-0/changelog.Debian.gz' is different from the same file on the system (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83974414:50
slangasekseb128: I see you marked 843836 as a duplicate too, and that has nothing to do with upgrades; were you meaning to dupe it to a different bug?14:58
seb128slangasek, yes, probably a tab-by-one error, fixing it, thanks for pointing it ;-)14:59
seb128btw can be interesting for people there:15:00
seb128it's the first draft of next GNOME cycle, https://live.gnome.org/ThreePointThree#Schedule15:00
seb1283.4.1 would be for april 1615:01
seb128which would be nice to get in the lts if we can15:01
evwould someone remind doing peer review on http://paste.ubuntu.com/693820/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/693821/ . It's a small change, but I'd rather prefer a second set of eyes on any change I make to pciutils :)15:05
pittiev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693820/ > how does that work?15:07
pittiev: at least with dh_install, *.dirs files are usually not necessary at all15:07
pittibut even if you have the dir, don't you need to modify an *.install file or debian/rules to actually install it there?15:07
evah, indeed15:08
evapols, I did that quickly and apparently without thinking clearly15:08
pittiev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693821/ > I think that needs to be something like "usr/sbin/biosdevname sbin/"15:08
cjwatsonbiosdevname to /sbin> implementation details aside, I endorse this product or service15:08
pittiev: if upstream make install installs to /usr/sbin/15:08
cjwatsonor configure --sbinidir15:08
pittiev: or configure with a --bindir15:08
cjwatsonwith spelling and everything15:08
skaetcloud images (20110920) have been posted to tracker.15:18
jamespageutlemming, running now - litmus test across all regions was OK15:41
utlemmingjamespage: glady to hear :)15:41
jamespageresults will appear here - > https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-server-ec2/15:41
jamespagein about 1.5 hours15:41
pittiskaet: can you take over the coordination now? I'm in desktop meeting and will call it a day soon15:44
skaetpitti,  can do15:44
pittiskaet: right now we are mainly waiting for a new ubiquity, and then respin everything desktop-y15:44
pittiskaet: my ubuntu arm preinstalled images shouldn't take too long any more, I'll still post them when they are done15:45
skaetpitti, sounds good.   I'll let you post those last and then set up do the respin the images when ubiquity lands.15:45
skaetslangasek,  what's the outlook on bug 854490?  (would like to include it in the next set of respins)15:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 854490 in pam (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "update from natty to oneiric hangs on libpam0g upgrade and cups reload (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85449015:55
jibelev, could you look at bug 854717 before any respin.15:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 854717 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Broken panel icons and dialog style during ubiquity-dm and OEM install/final user configuration (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85471715:56
slangasekskaet: haven't had a chance to look into it yet; it's possible we can improve the pam logic, but I think something's seriously wrong with cups if it hangs like this15:57
evjibel: will do15:57
skaetslangasek, understood.  Will ping and see where we are before the next respin.16:00
pittislangasek: do you have an idea how to avoid it?16:13
pittislangasek: it tries to start cups while it's libraries and daemon are being upgraded/unpacked/unconfigured16:14
pittino amount of Depends: can rectify this, AFAICS16:14
pittislangasek: would it be hard to apply the "ignore if it is not already running" logic that it applies to gdm to also apply to all other services?16:14
slangasekpitti: why does cups hang when things are not yet upgraded?  if /usr/sbin/cupsd fails to run, it should fail quickly... even hitting the respawn limit shouldn't take very long16:18
slangasekpitti: I'm not keen on "check if it's running, then start"; gdm is a special case because we have to use 'reload' instead of 'restart', the same logic would not be appropriate in general16:21
pittislangasek: according to mvo's tests, it actually should fail quickly, with a symbol error16:21
pittislangasek: oh, wow; I actually expected that to be fairly uncontroversial16:21
pittitrying to start a daemon from an unconfigured package with unconfigured dependencies is prone to fail, and not really necessary either -- it will restart itself once it's configured16:21
slangasekwell, it basically means we're bypassing the invoke-rc.d policy interfaces that exist for a reason16:21
slangasekso I want to be sure I understand why we need to bypass them before doing so16:22
pittiwell, we could also fix this in invoke-rc.d to not start a daemon if the package isn't configured16:22
mvoslangasek: it fails quickly, but there seems to be no respawn limit16:22
pittibut that seems harder to do16:22
slangasekit may be that we should just get rid of the "invoke-rc.d $foo stop" / "invoke-rc.d $foo start" and replace it with restart16:23
slangasekmvo: there's a default respawn limit16:23
pittiand even if we work around it in cups, we don't want to apply workarounds to the other 20 packages16:23
mvoslangasek: how big is that?16:23
mvoslangasek: thats in upstart itself, right?16:23
pittiand it would be a work around no matter what; we can't suddenly introduce the expectancy that a packagae will DTRT when not being configured16:23
slangasekmvo: "Default COUNT is 10. Default INTERVAL is 5 seconds." - so this should hang the upgrade for 50 seconds max16:23
slangasekmvo: yes16:23
pittithat only exists for essential pacakges16:23
slangasekpitti: I'm *not* expecting that the package will start when not configured16:24
pittislangasek: asked the other way around, why does the postinst need to start services which are not running in the first place?16:24
slangasekI'm expecting that it not hang indefinitely16:24
slangasekit doesn't!16:24
mvointeressting, I'm pretty sure that I waited (way) longer then 50s16:24
pittiI thought the idea of that was to restart *running* services to make them use the new libpam16:24
slangasekit is, but that doesn't mean I agree with the hammer you've chosen :)16:24
slangasekplease let me think through this horrid code for a bit16:25
* mvo runs the test again with a stop-watch and more patience ;)16:25
pittimvo: I wonder if the problem is that upstart doesn't notice that cupsd has failed, and then runs the post-start script?16:25
pittibecause that tries to talk to the daemon, and might cause long timeouts16:25
slangasekinvoke-rc.d restart doesn't help; this is defined to try to start the service if not already running16:27
pittiright, I think we need to ask invoke-rc.d <service> status16:29
slangasekI'm still really of the opinion that we should not have to care in the postinst about whether the service is configured yet.  invoke-rc.d is supposed to protect us from starting services that should not be started by policy, and trying to start an unconfigured service should fail gracefully16:29
slangasekand 'status' is an optional init script target16:29
jibelslangasek, mvo I waited way longer than 50s like I had time to have lunch.16:29
* pitti needs to leave for an hour or two, will check in again later16:31
slangasekpitti: ^^ so we can't do a wholesale switch to 'status' without reviewing whether each one of these services implements the target16:31
pittislangasek: I see; so as an approximation we might rather check if the package is configured then?16:31
slangasekpitti: might it not be easier to fix whatever's causing cups to hang, which we should fix anyway?16:32
pittislangasek: it might, but who tells us that the very same problem doesn't apply to the other services it tries to restart?16:32
slangasekcalling dpkg a couple dozen times isn't going to make the upgrade any faster :)16:32
slangasekpitti: the fact that this code has been in place for years and this is the first time anyone's reported a problem :)16:33
pittias I said, we can certainly work around this in cups, but we still need to check an upgrade with the others16:33
slangasekit's not a "workaround".  'invoke-rc.d cups start' should not hang indefinitely, regardless of whether the package is configured; that it does is a bug in the cups package somewhere16:33
pittiI still think it's wrong to try and start unconfigured packages, but if you say it's too hard to fix in libpam0g, I'm ok with looking into cups here specifically16:34
pittiadded a cups task16:35
pittiwill look into this tomorrow morning, so hopefully we have something working for b216:36
pittiand crossing fingers that it doesn't affect other packages16:36
pitti(cups' upstart script also hasn't changed for ages, so it's probably just bad luck that we got this particular unpack order now)16:37
* slangasek nods16:37
pittianyway, good night! see you tomororw16:38
slangasekg'night :)16:38
* slangasek has a poke at cups himself16:38
slangasekpitti, mvo: at least some of the slow-down is caused by the post-start script; upstart sees cups as started, then stopped, so it waits for the post-start script to finish running before it tries to respawn16:42
slangasekoh, and this means it never hits the respawn limit16:43
slangasekbecause the respawn limit is defined as COUNT respawns in INTERVAL seconds, and the post-start script takes 10 seconds to run16:44
mvoslangasek: fwiw, its running on in my auto-upgrade tester (or rather its not running ;) I will have dinner and see if anything happens when I come back16:51
slangasekmvo: ok. I've reproduced the problem locally by manually hamstringing cupsd16:51
slangasekmvo, pitti: cups library interdependencies are wrong.  pam *already* only restarts services that dpkg reports as installed; new libcupsmime1 has been unpacked without deconfiguring cups, but somehow breaks the old version of cups.16:58
slangaseksounds like libcupsmime1 dropped symbols without an appropriate soname change16:58
ScottKpitti: I think it does.16:59
skaetogra_,  how are the ARM images looking?  Is there something that goes on the must fix & respin list - or should some images be posted for further testing?17:07
ogra_skaet, still waiting17:08
ogra_we havent had successfull builds for desktop since august 30th17:08
skaetogra_, ack.17:08
ogra_Ursinha, i doubt he can help :)17:09
ogra_unless he is a soyuz coder ;)17:09
Ursinhaogra_, heh17:09
Ursinhaogra_, what's the problem?17:09
GrueMasterI wouldn't say that.  Send him a panda.17:09
Ursinhasoyuz? ugh17:09
Ursinhaogra_, you said soyuz, anything wrong with Launchpad?17:10
ogra_Ursinha, lets go to #ubuntu-arm, i dont want to spam the channel17:10
GrueMasterUrsinha: Between pool skew and mirror issues, we haven't had a desktop image since Beta 1.  Unfortunately I was buried in server testing to notice.17:10
* infinity sees one today, and one yesterday, at least...17:12
stgraberpitti: is 20110920 the edubuntu images you said were building this morning? (just want to check I can smoke test these)17:12
jamespageutlemming: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-server-ec2/8/17:22
jamespageec2 testing completed - only a couple of issues17:23
slangasekmvo: uhoh, I've gone full circle and now think bug #854490 is an apt bug ;)18:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 854490 in pam (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "update from natty to oneiric hangs on libpam0g upgrade and cups reload (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 24)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85449018:05
slangasekbecause in the log, the cups package has never been deconfigured... but it's definitely broken18:06
slangaseklibcups2 declares a Breaks: on old cups already18:06
slangasekhmm, but libcups2 *hasn't* been unpacked yet18:08
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
smoserslangasek, skaet bug 854927 seems of high to critical priority to me18:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 854927 in openssl (Ubuntu) "wget, curl can't verify certificates (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85492718:27
kirklandsmoser: slangasek: +1, I found this this morning in ec218:29
kirklandsmoser: slangasek: no https from the command line == bad for beta :-(18:30
skaetsmoser, ack.  thanks for flagging18:30
slangaseksmoser, kirkland: is this a regression vs. beta-1?18:31
kirklandslangasek: yes, this is a regression since yesterday18:31
kirklandslangasek: or thereabouts18:31
smoserit is demonstratable regression on ec2 instances.18:31
kirklandslangasek: i'm reproducing here on my up-to-date oneiric laptop, wget https://google.com18:32
slangasekwell, we haven't changed openssl in the past 24 hours; the last update was 6 days ago?18:32
kirklandslangasek: i was thinking maybe it was blocked/queued until recently?18:32
slangasekkirkland: no, my laptop shows libssl1.0.0 was upgraded on my system 4 days ago18:33
kirklandslangasek: do you have an up-to-date oneiric?  can you wget https://google.com?18:33
kirklandslangasek: note the "https"18:33
DavieyI'm not sure i can reproduce this18:33
slangasekkirkland, smoser: can you give me a package delta between the working/non-working images, please?18:33
kirklandlooks like wildcard certs are the problem18:33
smoserslangasek, working on it.18:34
kirklandslangasek: smoser: wget https://www.google.com works, but not google.com18:34
Davieyah yes18:34
slangasekkirkland: so did google change the certs on their side?18:34
Davieysmoser: on your bug report, www failed?18:34
kirklandokay, https://launchpad.net18:34
Davieyhttps://launchpad.net WFM18:35
evjibel: I've had a look at that bug, but I'm not going to be able to fix it tonight, so I've uploaded ubiquity as is.18:35
kirklandslangasek: I'm wrong about my local laptop being affected18:35
kirklandslangasek: ec2 images, though definitely are18:35
smoseri can verify failure of www.google.com on a CanoniStack instance right now18:35
kirklandDaviey: yeah, sorry about that18:35
Davieysmoser: i cannot.18:35
slangasekkirkland: are you missing ca-certificates from the ec2 images, then?18:35
utlemmingI've confirmed it outside EC2 on virtualbox VM -- same story18:35
smosermy local laptop is affected18:35
evjibel: it appears to happen in regular ubiquity as well.  Probably something we're missing from the ubiquity-dm session or a race condition.18:35
* Daviey suspects the cers are missing18:35
slangasekopenssl doesn't ship any CA policy18:35
evjibel: though I've only been able to reproduce it in oem mode18:36
kirklandslangasek: $ dpkg -l | grep cert18:36
kirklandii  ca-certificates                 20110502+nmu1                           Common CA certificates18:36
kirklandii  ssl-cert                        1.0.28                                  simple debconf wrapper for OpenSSL18:36
slangasekthat all comes from the ca-certificates package18:36
Davieyubuntu@server-972:~$ dpkg -l | grep cert18:36
Davieyii  ca-certificates                  20110502+nmu1                           Common CA certificates18:36
Davieysmoser: I cannot reproduce this in an upgraded oneiric instance.18:37
DavieyIt sounds to me like an issue with the latest cloud image builds missing someting.18:37
slangasekkirkland: strace -ff -e file wget https://launchpad.net 2>&1 | grep usr/lib/ssl ?18:37
kirklandslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693945/18:38
Davieyslangasek: http://pb.daviey.com/okGB/18:38
utlemmingDaviey: I would agree -- expect my VirtualBox instance is a Beta1 Server that was installed ISO and upgraded18:38
smoseri only see failure with google.com on local system.18:38
smoserso yes, that would seem to indicate not a global issue.18:38
smoserand user failure to report that. but it does reproduce with www.google.com on ec2 instance.18:38
slangasekkirkland: you get different behavior than me or Daviey18:38
slangasek(I see what Daviey sees)18:38
slangasekkirkland: I notice that the stat size is completely off18:39
kirklandb5534824873e947df1c3e07bedfd688e  /usr/lib/ssl/certs/55a10908.018:40
kirklandlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2011-09-20 01:34 /usr/lib/ssl/certs/55a10908.0 -> ca-certificates.crt18:40
DavieyThose who are seeing this, please can you confirm the history of the install?  daily AMI from what day?18:40
Davieyutlemming: you seeing it from iso install, dated?18:40
* slangasek blinks18:40
kirkland-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 240312 2011-09-20 01:32 /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt18:40
slangasekyes, that's not normal18:40
slangasekthe hash symlinks normally point to the individual certs18:41
* kirkland is still getting used to Ubuntu Monospace ... he just read "yes, that's not moral"18:41
kirklandslangasek: how are these installed/generated?  I find this puzzling:18:42
kirklandubuntu@domU-12-31-39-04-9C-3B:~$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt18:42
kirklanddpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt18:42
highvoltageI thought that that is called dyslexia?18:42
utlemmingISO 2011-08-31, and upgraded. Seen on daily 2011-09-20. Checking others now18:43
kirklandDaviey: i'm running the current day's AMI18:43
slangasekkirkland: /usr/lib/ssl/certs is a symlink to /etc/ssl/certs, the contents of which are managed by the ca-certificates package18:43
slangasekugh, mixed spaces/tabs, slap slap18:44
kirklandslangasek: in a makefile or something?18:45
slangasekno, in the postinst18:45
slangasekmaking it difficult to read18:45
smoseris the data i have.18:46
smoser20110914 works, 20110918 fails18:47
smoserpackage diff at pastebin18:47
* Daviey raises again that if we had a snapshot archive like Debian have, we could bisect this automatically.18:48
slangaseksmoser: oh. nothing more recent than 20110914?18:48
smoseri'll try bisect, slangasek18:49
slangasekok, yes, this is a regression in openssl; I can recreate the issue by running c_rehash manually18:49
kirklandopenssl *has* changed in smoser's list18:49
smoseri can try a 15 and an 1818:49
smosererr.. 15 and 1718:49
slangasek(which wouldn't get run on an upgrade because there was nothing in need of rehashing)18:49
mvoslangasek: I can have a close look into the cups issue tomorrow morning (in ~ +12h). but I think its best to workaround in libpam0g or cups for now18:51
utlemmingsinge 16 was broken due to a armel build failing...18:52
slangasekmvo: I'm not sure how to sanely work around it in either place.  Maybe the new libcupsmime1 should also say it Breaks: cups?18:52
Davieyutlemming: arm failure breaks the supported arches?18:52
Davieyslangasek: Are you driving the ssl issue?18:53
smoserok. 20110915 pass, 20110917 fail18:53
smosergetting diff of those18:53
slangasekDaviey: yeah, I can; I'm close to a workaround via ca-certificates18:53
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ when you're around, maybe you can comment on the behavior change in c_rehash suddenly preferring ca-certificates.crt as a target and blowing up18:54
slangasekDaviey, smoser, kirkland: do we need to fix this for upgrades from these images, or do we only care about fixing it on new images?18:56
mvoslangasek: yeah, I can muck around a bit and see if I can get it to work18:57
slangasekmvo: ok, thanks18:57
Davieyslangasek: Not many people use oneiric ec2 images, so the support of them can be weak... however, this also hits people who installed the daily iso for the last 6 days, on all flavours?18:57
DavieyDesktop aswell?18:57
smoserslangasek, well i would hope we'd support someone upgrading from beta-1.18:58
smoseradmittedly there are not likely a lot of people who would care though.18:58
slangaseksmoser: this doesn't affect people upgrading from beta-118:58
Davieysmoser: upgrades are not the issue, it's fresh installs18:58
slangasekit *only* affects people who installed in the window since the last openssl upgrade18:58
smosercan those people fix themselves ?18:59
smoseri would think it would be ok if there were a documented work around for those 6 days of install18:59
slangasekI'm not sure where to document a workaround... or whether it's worth the effort, considering we're talking about people installing from random dailies19:00
smoserwell, for hte cloud-images, i think its ok to ignore it.19:01
smoserbut really, if someone did a install of the isos, and their ssl is busted, and the "fix" is reinstall, that sucks.19:01
utlemmingif you're installing from dailys, lets face it, you like pain. I would suggest we put it in the bug.19:01
slangaseklp:ubuntu/ca-certificates contains a tentative fix; I'm afk for a few minutes, can people put that change through its paces?19:02
slangasekto fix an existing install, it should be sufficient to run update-ca-certificates --fresh with the new package19:03
Davieybah, might it just be easier to include that in the postinst if people are upgrading from that package?  It can be dropped when openssl is next uploaded after this.19:05
DavieyFWIW, i don't care that much for the 6 day window.19:06
DavieyPeople should expect some manual work-arounds pre-release.19:06
smoseri tihnk its < 6 day window too19:07
smoser20110915 daily build PASS19:07
smoser20110917 daily build FAIL19:07
smoserso worst case its 20110916 -> 20110921 window.19:08
smoserso current desktop isos would be affected?19:10
smoserand server isos ? or am i missing something.19:10
Davieysmoser: It should be all flavours, surely.19:11
* utlemming confirms fix19:11
smoserutlemming, did you build a binary ?19:13
utlemmingsmoser: yes, through pbuilder19:13
utlemminginstalled it and then ran "update-ca-certificates --fresh"19:14
smoserand that fixes issue ?19:16
utlemmingyes, I verified it on two instances and I'm doing a couple more for good measure19:16
slangasekDaviey: yeah, we can probably call that from the postinst; but it's a heuristic, and I'm always wary of heuristics when trying to land an urgent fix19:22
skaetDaviey, can you review the latest nova upload in the pending queue, and determine if you want it accepted and included in the next server build?19:25
utlemmingsmoser, slangasek: I tested the fix on 6 instances that had the problem. After updating and running update-ca-certificates, the problem goes away19:26
* Daviey lols at seeing "skype (source)" in the queue.19:27
zulDaviey:  it contains some fixes needed for juju as well19:28
Davieyzul: ack19:28
Davieycan squid be accepted please?19:29
skaetDaviey, yeah looks straight forward.  accepted19:32
Davieyzul: nova-2011.3~rc~20110920.r1192/debian/nova_sudoers seems to have introduced a tab vs space issue?19:33
zulyeah it should be fine19:34
skaetdoko,  why is there a binutils in queue - bug number I'm spotting is bug: 690194, which doesn't look like release blocker.  Am I misunderstanding something?19:37
Davieyzul: didn't we want to add the flag True for force_dhcp_release ?19:37
Daviey(as in, the whole reason we got dnsmasq-utils into beta2?)19:38
zulDaviey: crappers..are you sure?19:38
Davieyzul: can you confirm, perhaps i missed something?19:38
skaetdoko, and bug 778292,  which is down as medium19:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 778292 in gcc-4.6 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 5 other projects) "undefined reference to `pow' when building with -flto (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77829219:39
zuldaviey: that branch only contained the debian/control and the sudoers change19:39
zulperhaps i missed something19:40
Davieyzul: Yeah, the merge from Vish didn't include the conf file change.19:40
Daviey(it defaults to False.)19:40
Davieywe want True19:40
sbeattieslangasek: behavior change in c_rehash is likely due to the patch that fixed http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62878019:41
ubot4Debian bug 628780 in openssl "Wrong hash link to cacert.org.pem and wron certificat hash handling at all" [Important,Fixed]19:41
zulDaviey: ok gimme a sec19:41
slangaseksbeattie: aha, thanks for the pointer19:41
Davieyzul: fancy resolving the tab vs space?19:41
slangasekca-certificates uploaded; can someone review please?19:41
slangasekinfinity: ^^ ?19:41
infinityslangasek: On it.19:42
slangasekskaet: ^^ that's the fix for bug #854927; ca-certificates is on all images, so a respin seems to be in order19:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 854927 in openssl (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "c_rehash creating bogus links to ca-certificates.crt (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85492719:42
infinityWell, on it when it lands...19:42
Davieyzul: is the lack of not declaring a --bridge an issue?19:43
skaetslangasek,  yup.19:43
slangasek(since this is a major problem for cloud images and they can't release beta2 with it)19:43
zulDaviey: no19:43
Davieyzul: grep for, 'WARNING! ACHTUNG! Setting the bridge to br100 '19:43
dokoskaet, it's not marked as a blocker. it's a regression fix for our ld --as-needed default19:44
infinityslangasek / skaet: Any qualms about letting in that new light-themes?  It's not particularly RC, but the broken desktop text is certainly something that will make Beta screenshots awful. :P19:46
infinity(And I assume we're rebuilding anyway for other reasons)19:46
skaetinfinity,  I was wondering about that too.   ok, by me.19:46
zulDaviey: ok uploading19:47
skaetinfinity, and yes we're rebuilding.  see: ubiquity fix, and ca-certificates19:47
infinity+nmu1ubuntu1 ... That version needs more icky.19:48
infinityI, err... Uhm.19:49
infinityslangasek: lolwut?19:49
infinity+       if [ "$2" = 20110502+nmu1 ]; then19:49
infinity+         update-ca-certificates --fresh19:49
infinity+       else19:49
infinity+         update-ca-certificates --fresh19:49
infinity+       fi19:49
slangasekthanks :)19:49
slangasekinfinity: please reject, I'm reuploading with -v19:50
infinityThe info box really needs to not say "OK: <package>" on rejects.  I keep having little heart attacks.19:52
* skaet makes note of rejectified, plans to use it with twirling images.19:52
infinityskaet: Rejectificated is also useful.  It all depends on how hard you press the button.19:53
slangasekca-certificates reuploaded19:55
slangasekshould I stall the publisher for a few minutes?19:55
LaneyFYI I got some kind of libproxy working but I think it is probably too much too hard at this time19:55
infinityslangasek: With how long it's been taking, I would.19:55
Davieyslangasek: Are we planning a respin in the next 2 hours?19:56
infinityslangasek: Also, congrats on missing the upload queue by 5 seconds.19:57
* infinity goes for a smoke for the next 3 minutes.19:57
ScottKSigh.  Kubuntu desktop just grew by 5MB.19:58
skaetScottK.  okie.  adding it to the respin list.20:00
dokoo kdesvn: kdesvn-kio-plugins libsvnqt620:01
doko   [Reverse-Depends: kdesdk, kdesvn-kio-plugins]20:01
dokoScottK, ^^^ still on your list?20:01
infinityslangasek: Accepted.20:02
ScottKdoko: It's an artifact of kdesdk FTBFS on powerpc which I've got no hardware to work on.  michahg said he might take a shot at it on the porter box, but it needs someone with hardware.20:02
ScottKThe powerpc hardware I had access to died.20:03
dokoahh, ok20:03
ScottKIt's probably a reasonably tractable FTBFS is someone with hardware would take alook.20:03
infinityScottK: I could give you remote access to my firewall, if you promise to be a Good Boy.20:04
ScottKDoes it have a oneiric chroot that you could install the build-deps for kdesdk into?20:04
infinityslangasek: Please don't publish until ubiquity's built all over.20:04
infinityWhich should actually be really soon...20:05
infinityScottK: It could do.  I have the technology.20:05
Davieyskaet: can the topmost nova be accepted, and the prior one be rejected please?20:06
skaetDaviey,  go ahead, you know them better than me. :)20:06
Davieyskaet: I'm not an archive-admin. :)20:06
DavieyI assume ~ubuntu-release was an archive admin.. seems not.20:07
Laneythat reminds me20:08
* Laney repings20:08
skaetDaviey, hmm. thought that ubuntu-release had the perms.   going in now.20:09
skaettopmost: 2011.3~rc~20110920.r1192-0ubuntu2 - accepted.20:10
LaneyI guess nobody reads ubuntu-archive@, eh?20:10
DavieyLaney: you mean the most noisest list ever?20:10
skaet2011.3~rc~20110920.r1192-0ubuntu1 - rejected20:10
Laneythat's why He invented procmail20:11
DavieyLaney: do you filter out SRU acceptance crap?20:11
ScottKskaet: There's an open bug asking to get ubuntu-release access to the unapproved page in LP.20:11
DavieyLaney: things like, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2011-September/043772.html really don't interest me.20:11
skaetScottK, if you can find the bug number at some point,  I'll add it to the list of ones I'm discussing with the launchpad team.20:12
LaneyDaviey: I'm not subscribed to that list, but I have some heavy duty filters for other ones20:13
Laneyon the order of Launchpad? => Blah/bulk20:13
Laneylaunchpad gives you headers, but they can only go so far20:14
DavieyLaney: well yes, we all do that.. but what i am saying is that ~ubuntu-archive isn't the most interesting of reads, at the best of times.20:14
DavieyThe only time i look at it, is when someone mentions something that makes me look.20:15
Laneysometimes people do need to mail the archive administrators though, and for that there is no other list20:15
infinityMeh.  We need to replace all our old arm buildds with more Pandas.  This ubiquity build is taking longer than I expected.20:17
infinity(And just when we have enough Pandas, maybe we'll get real server hardware!)20:18
ScottKskaet: Bug #64861120:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 648611 in launchpad "Queue admin permissions need pocket and status granularity (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64861120:19
slangasekinfinity: is there an eta for that build?  You want me to keep waiting?20:20
skaetThanks ScottK,  added it to my tracking20:20
slangasekah, it's on dh_builddeb, that's promising20:20
infinityslangasek: That's deceptive.  It's d-i, it builddebs about 4000 times.20:22
slangasekah, heh.20:22
slangasekso, no ETA?20:22
infinityNot sure.  I could look at an old build log and see where we are. :P20:22
infinityCan't respin armel without it, though (like, not at all, since it causes skew with oem-config)20:23
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
skaetslangasek, infinity, while we're waiting for the arm builder, could you check the pad and confirm I've got the state of what needs to be rebuilt accurate?20:33
GrueMasterI would also suggest rebuilding kubuntu for arm (unless they don't want to release).  They will need the ubiquity fixes and the jasper-initramfs fixes.20:36
infinityskaet: I'm not sure what the archive skew bit's meant to be about.  Was that just Oliver having a bit of a fit earlier? :P20:37
GrueMasterBut not my call.20:37
infinityskaet: It can probably be boiled down to "everything but ubuntu-core needs rebuilding due to ubiquity and ca-certs"20:38
skaetinfinity,  yes, wasn't sure if there were problems, since he was waiting for a rebuild.20:38
skaetinfinity,  yeah, that's what its looking like.20:38
GrueMasterAnd netinstall.  We don't need it respun.20:38
infinityskaet: Yeah, I saw him freaking out in backscroll.  Most of the issues this morning were actually mirror issues, but many other scapegoats were found. ;)20:38
infinityGrueMaster: netinstall == d-i upload, not an image.20:39
skaetGrueMaster, netinstall?  or you mean netboot?20:39
infinityskaet: Same thing.20:39
skaetcoolio. :)20:39
infinitynetinst and netboot are just ways of saying "those random little pxe and mini iso images that d-i spits out".20:40
GrueMasterwhat he said.20:40
GrueMasterI look at what iso.qa lists for Arm.  Everything but core and netboot. to respin.20:40
infinityDear buildd with the unpronouncable hostname, please build ubiquity faster.  No love, Adam.20:41
GrueMasterDo the kubuntu guys have someone to test their images?  If not, I will need to plan for it (after my regular testing).20:41
skaetScottK ^^20:42
ScottKNot for omap/omap4, afaik.20:42
ScottKI'll check though.20:42
infinityslangasek: Ooo, we're in the home stretch.20:44
slangasekdoes that mean it'll be done before the next regularly scheduled publish? :)20:45
infinityYeah, yeah.20:45
infinityI may have SLIGHTLY miscalculated that based on not realising that it was building on a babbage...20:45
infinityStill armel images take the longest to build, it sort of makes sense to get the archive in order for them first, and then queue up the world.20:46
ScottKGot one maybe for omap.20:46
ScottKHe's checking to see the status of the system.20:47
skaetinfinity,  just talked to rbelem,  kubuntu mobile images aren't going to be published with beta 2.   Removing them from the ISO tracker.20:49
infinityskaet: This doesn't hurt my feelings.20:50
slangasekskaet: I don't see anything missing from the pad, but I'm not sure that I would either20:50
skaetslangasek,  thanks.20:52
infinityWell, honestly, if you just run pitti's rebuild blocks of doom, minus the two "ubuntu-core" bits at the beginning of the preinstalled block, you should be good to go. :P20:52
infinityAssuming nothing fails.20:52
slangasekubiquity armel accepted, publisher now running20:52
slangasekwell yes, I'm not sure if those are "pitti's rebuild blocks of doom" or if they're modified :)20:52
infinityIf they're modified, he'll be grumpy.20:52
infinityHe took a while writing those pipelines. :P20:53
slangasekmine were better, less duplication of code :)20:53
skaetmine had timestamps, so I could gather stats.  ;)20:53
infinityKids, kids.20:55
infinityYou can each bring me a beer.20:55
infinityAnd then someone can write a parser for etc/crontab and have a proper script on antimony to rebuild the world. :P20:55
slangasekthat would be slow compared to the current scripts20:56
slangasekthe cronjobs wouldn't interleave20:56
infinityWell, I implied a "good" parser.20:57
infinityOne smart enough to know how to do what the current mess does, but adapt.20:58
infinityAlso, as sarcastic as this suggestion is, with crontab being stuffed as full as it is these days, this does get worse every release.20:58
infinityI remember when "rebuild the world" meant "Ubuntu alternate and live for three arches".20:58
infinityAnd we whined about how long THAT took.20:59
slangasekwe could, hmm, stop letting it get more stuffed?20:59
infinityI like this idea.21:00
infinityWe could drop everything but Xubuntu.21:00
infinityAll in favour?21:00
skaetheh, yeah,  there are all those arm images ;)21:00
* skaet just wants to not build what doesn't get tested, as a starter. 21:01
skaetDaviey, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/2011.3~rc~20110920.r1192-0ubuntu2/+build/279653421:08
Davieyskaet: hmm.21:09
DavieySo it's Dep-wait.21:09
skaetits Dependency wait on vernadsky - retry?21:09
DavieyPlease don't assume it wasn't build tested.21:09
infinityskaet: No point retrying.21:09
DavieyThe reason it's now depwait, is that nova has been promoted to main since the last build21:09
DavieyThe dep it is waiting on is still universe, and i've already chased the MIR.21:10
infinityskaet: It'll retry itself when that MIR is sorted.21:10
Davieyinfinity: jdstrand is trying to grok the complex package, it was only recently handed over to him from the previous person undertaking the MIR.21:12
infinityDaviey: Seems a bit odd that you got nova promoted before it's build-deps though. :P21:12
skaetDaviey wasn't assuming it wasn't build tested. ;)  just wondering if temporary glitch.  universe -> main would explain it.21:12
DavieyWe either pre-promote it, and make doko shout at us - or just hold out for jdstrand to finish. :)21:12
Davieyno pressure jdstrand :P21:12
infinityPlease don't pre-promote it.21:12
* doko is wondering why people wait with MIR's until the last minute ...21:13
Davieydoko: Is that a general assumption, or specific to this one?21:14
DavieyMIR opened 2011-06-23 fwiw.21:15
dokoDaviey, people very often cry for pre-promotion, and don't realize that the MIR is incomplete on their side. yes, for some this seems to be business as usual21:16
DavieyI'm sure i have been, and will be in the future guilty of that.21:17
* Daviey pre-apologises21:18
highvoltageit's impossible to pre-apologise.21:20
slangaseknah; it would be impossible to pre-metalogize, but that's not a word :)21:23
slangasekpublisher claims to be done21:24
infinityThanks to the magic of language evolution, it is now.21:25
slangasekskaet: ^^ are you driving the respins?21:25
infinityProbably better if one of us does, she has Big Plans tonight.21:25
skaetinfinity,  can you do the honors.  Would rather you're able to watch it.21:25
infinityI'll flip a coin for it.21:25
skaetor slangasek.21:26
infinityslangasek: My coin says it's your turn.  But it could be wrong.21:26
slangasekinfinity: would appreciate it if you could do it, I was intending to be off-line doing flicker-free boot debugging21:27
infinityI'm happy to, if you and Patty have plans tonight.  And no, making plans hastily in the next 5 minutes doesn't count. ;)21:27
infinityOh, or if you're working on other work crap.  Sure.  I'll respin.21:27
skaetinfinity,  I'll go ahead and mark the iso tracker that the respins have started.21:28
slangasekinfinity: thanks21:28
infinityAlright.  Any last words from anyone?21:28
slangasekklatuu verata oneiricto21:29
stgraberyeah! might have something to test for Edubuntu tonight then (for some value of tonight I guess)21:29
infinityHrm.  Going to skip wubi and chinese-edition from the loop, unless anyone has arguments against that?21:30
infinityAnd, they're off.21:32
infinityAnd our first round of livefs builds fail.21:34
infinityOh, FFS.21:37
infinityE: Invalid Release signature (key id 40976EAF437D05B5)21:37
slangasekwhich means we need to stab the mirroring?21:38
infinityslangasek: Wait... How did you run the publisher?21:38
slangasekcopying the command in lp_publish's crontab21:38
infinityslangasek: That shouldn't be a mirror at all... livefs builds (unless broken), should be pulling from ftpmaster.internal.21:38
infinityWhich should NEVER be broken.21:38
slangasek/srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/cronscripts/publish-ftpmaster.py -d ubuntu -q21:38
slangasekoh bah21:39
slangasekthis setting of env vars at the top of crontabs, it is not a thing of good21:40
slangasekrunning again21:40
* infinity wonders how this broken signature situation affects alternates, if at all...21:43
* jdstrand doesn't feel any added pressure. I'm getting to all these this week and actively working on them now21:48
infinityjdstrand: Would you feel more pressure if Daviey repeatedly poked your forehead while you worked?21:50
* jdstrand sorta feels that way already :P21:50
jdstrandseriously though, I got all this this week, and am working on them this week21:51
infinityThe correct answer is "every time someone bugs me about something, it loses an hour in my queue".21:52
infinityWhich, given the expense of context switches, is likely true.21:52
infinitySo, shoo.21:52
infinityStop being bugged.21:52
LaneyScottK: is there any precedent for bouncing wishlist FFes to backports?21:52
slangasekinfinity: ok, publisher done again21:54
infinityslangasek: With 38% more keysigning?21:54
infinityslangasek: Or, releasesigning, rather.21:54
* infinity asks a livefs builder.21:55
slangasekthat's an annoying failure mode.21:55
infinityIt's an annoying variable to have to set.  We used to have per-machine configs that got symlinked on LP rollout.21:56
infinityApparently, that was effort, so now it's all in variables in crontabs.21:56
infinityAnd I weep.21:56
infinityOkay, no failures yet, we'll call it good.21:57
infinityOn the plus(?) side, debian-cd seems to completely ignore sigs for alternates (this could really be seen as a bug), and just blissfully downloads unverifiable packages and re-signs them with the cdimage key.21:58
infinityI guess if we don't have a trusted path to our own internal archive, we have bigger problems, but that still feels broken. :P21:58
infinityIt probably doesn't help that someone has LPCONFIG=ftpmaster in lp_publish's bashrc...22:04
* infinity fixes.22:04
infinityslangasek: ^-- That should make it less error-prone, I hope. :P22:05
skaetinfinity, publisher crontab re-enabled?22:09
infinity(apparently, yes)22:11
slangasekinfinity: heh, ok22:12
skaetinfinity,  am going to need to leave now for a while.22:37
infinityskaet: Mmkay.22:38
* skaet passes baton to infinity to keep an eye on those images and bugs. 22:38
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
sCare the ubuntu studio images being respun again?  the beta images are showing a line through them in the QA website23:38
=== sC is now known as ScottL
ScottLah, better23:38
infinityScottL: Everything's being respun, yeah.23:42
charlie-tcayes, all images are being respun23:42
ScottLoh, okay...thank you23:46

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