
lemelinmY a-t-il quelqu'un qui teste Oneiric beta1?00:29
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jibelubuntu desktop posted to the tracker, (ku|lu|myth|xu)buntu and ubuntu studio are also there13:17
paultagdoes anyone happen to know where our version of lintian.debian.o is? I can't find it on Launchpad13:18
paultagreally any lintian reports on the archive13:19
charlie-tcaGood morning14:18
jibelgood morning charlie-tca14:21
charlie-tcajibel: Thank you very much for doing some of those tests!14:22
skaetcloud images have been posted to tracker15:19
jibelDaviey, could someone from your team test RAID1 and iSCSI today or tomorrow morning so we don't discover last minute critical issues ? (unless you plan a respin of server images soon of course)15:26
DavieyI think there may well be a re-spin.15:27
* patdk-wk hates respins :(15:33
DavieyDidn't we decide to start calling them twirls?15:35
patdk-wktest invalidators15:35
Davieypatdk-wk: Do you know who is doing manual tests atm?15:35
patdk-wkI'm downloading iso's for the esx and iscsi tests15:36
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Davieypatdk-wk: Rocking!  Will you be at UDS?15:42
patdk-wkwhere is uds?15:43
cr3patdk-wk: orlando15:44
patdk-wkfreaking hell :(15:44
patdk-wk Iwas suppost to be there the week before15:44
patdk-wkand we are moving offices that week :(15:44
patdk-wkit's going be hell15:44
patdk-wkbut will be there in november :(15:45
patdk-wkso close15:45
patdk-wkparents live in orlando15:45
cr3patdk-wk: you need to synchronize moving offices with ubuntu releases, much easier that way :)15:45
cr3patdk-wk: you could even have similar milestones, beta-move, rc-move, ff-move, etc :)15:46
patdk-wknot with my boss :)15:46
patdk-wkthey signed the paperwork last thursday for the lease15:47
patdk-wkthey won't let me start on a phone line or internet access till next week15:47
patdk-wkwe move in nov 1st15:47
patdk-wkto me, that is a 3 month project15:47
patdk-wknot a 1 month15:47
cr3patdk-wk: best of luck to you, moving is always very painful :(15:47
patdk-wkwell, sounds like they are willing to get all new equipment, so we don't have to *move* critical services too much15:48
patdk-wkbut no burn-in time for anything :(15:48
Davieypatdk-wk: sorry to hear that.. would have liked to buy you a drink. :)15:50
patdk-wkI'll make one sometime15:51
patdk-wkmaybe not till the next lts, but :)15:51
cr3hi folks, how would you feel if we had more, much more, conversations about checkbox and the ubuntu-friendly programme in this channel?15:55
patdk-wklooks like 10min left on iso downloads16:15
patdk-wkiscsi looks broken again :(17:44
patdk-wkwell, iscsi works, but bringing up networking takes a good 5min, doesn't happen on local install :(18:12
Davieypatdk-wk: :/19:11
Davieypatdk-wk: Can you raise a bug with as much detail as possible19:11
patdk-wkI'll try, it will be later19:12
patdk-wkbut what should I file against, and what info?19:12
patdk-wkeverything works, it's just sits there for so long19:12
Davieythanks patdk-wk !19:12
patdk-wkI don't file bugs from testing enough to remember :)19:13
patdk-wkthis is pretty sad, been on this phone call with HP for 3 hours so far, and only managed to get one replacement sas drive19:14
patdk-wkgave me lots of time to test :)19:14
patdk-wknow onto next HP issue, why does their drive array only give me 240iops and 170MB/sec when it's a raid10 of 60 sas 10k disks19:15
calebHso, is 11.10 going to launch with gnome 3.0 instead of 3.2?  and has anyone heard of plans to add 3.2 to the repositories?19:28
patdk-wkit's way too late to add 3.219:31
calebH @patdk-wk: that's what I was just thinking20:11
calebHit's too bad too, cuz I'm looking forward to this 3.2 release.  Hopefully there will be a PPA :)20:12
patdk-wkoh, it will be in ppa, if it isn't now20:12
patdk-wkand I would believe it is now :)20:12
calebHoh, that's true - I didn't even think about looking now20:13
xdatap1hi guys20:34

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