
philipballewhey kdub enjoying this weather?00:03
kdub_hola philipballew07:25
philipballewhello kdub07:26
philipballewor kdub_07:26
kdub_hah, ghost nick07:26
kdub_you still looking for graphics cards?07:26
philipballewkinda yeah07:26
philipballewI might just look for a desktop to sometime07:27
philipballewi have a feeling my mobo is dying07:27
kdub_i just fired up my new one07:27
kdub_my old motherboard died07:27
philipballewahh, i feel you. it can be a pain in the butt to mess with those07:28
kdub_its going ok so far07:28
philipballewi have a 500 gig hd i still use but its pata. so I might need to get a converter or just buy a used computer07:29
kdub_i scrapped all my pata drives with this new mobo07:29
philipballewsomething to man down the fort for a desktop till i graduate. whats the advantage of sata?07:29
philipballewi guess just faster07:30
philipballewwhat kinda mobo is it kdub_07:31
kdub_sata's faster, thats about all i know07:31
kdub_asrock p67 extreme4 gen307:31
kdub_with i7 2600k07:32
kdub_looks like a great OC board so far07:32
kdub_i don't even know what half these options do :P07:32
philipballewthe i7 seems nice from people i have talked to07:33
philipballewyour thinkpad has that right?07:34
kdub_i5 mobile something07:35
kdub_the i7 2600k has 8 logical cores though, happy about that :D07:35
philipballewso were you gonna go to daves ubuntu hour thing tomorow?07:36
bkerensawhy do some people troll Ubuntu so hard07:37
philipballewi think i will kdub_07:38
kdub_philipballew: i'm going tomorrow07:39
philipballewyeah me to. should be interesting. hillcrest is a nice area07:39
kdub_tough to drive in though07:39
kdub_is it at 6?07:40
philipballewI think. he puts his time in military rime i think. but im gonna take the bus and get there at 607:40
philipballeweasy that way07:41
kdub_alright. i can drop you back off if you don't want to take the bus back07:41
philipballewhum. that would be pretty cool sure.07:42
philipballewno worries if you cant07:42
philipballewthe bus is good, except sometimes the people there are interesting07:43
kdub_eh, its only ~10m out of the way07:43
philipballewthats not bad I guess. you gonna have to come straight from work then?07:44
philipballew6 seems like it might be to early for some?07:45
philipballewbut i dont live the normal life like most07:46
kdub_yeah, i'm coming straight from work, should be ok07:46
kdub_i have an hour to make it from mira mesa to hillcrest07:46
philipballewthat sounds do able07:47
philipballewis that area where most tech business are?07:48
kdub_its a bit scattered. the cool startups are trending towards the east village are downtown07:49
kdub_*area downtown07:49
philipballewi need to find one of these places for school. gotta interview a manager of something sometime. probably gonna call several.07:50
philipballeworacle wont return the call :)07:51
kdub_school project?07:51
philipballewyeah. for school07:51
philipballewgood ol college07:51
kdub_hah, yeah. random projects prepare you for the real world :D07:54
* philipballew enjoys his college bubble just fine 07:55
bkerensaGood Night!07:55
* gua pets a needle07:56
philipballewwell its time to hit the hay all07:57
philipballewnight kdub_07:59
* MarkDude does not normally bring news from Fedora here, but, this is a noteworthy exception. The Board just approved Beefy Miracle as a possible name for the next release. 17:39
MarkDudeALL Hail the Beefy Miracle!!!17:39
pleia2they should just approve it so I don't need to keep hearing about it for every release17:52
jyoIs there actually an order to Fedora codenames?17:54
jyoOr was it that related story between adjacent names thing?17:54
MarkDudeThere has to be a link between old and new name18:20
MarkDudeThere are all sorts of rules about it. And pleia2 more likely this is turning into the joke that will never go away18:20
MarkDudeJust as Bacon has alwys been on the suggested names- it does not get approved for next step for 2 reasons, bacon sofware- as well as Jono18:21
locodir-usereny one here ?!18:22
pleia2hello locodir-user18:23
MarkDudeIt will take a bit for the vote to happen, and in the mean time- expect to see news of it in your social media stream18:23
MarkDudeHello locodir-user18:23
locodir-userI am from KSA and I need littel help!18:23
locodir-userHow I can get ubuntu CD from this site for our  Celebration about  free software ?18:26
pleia2locodir-user: unfortunately it's the end of the cycle and we don't have any more pressed CDs left18:27
kdubDarkwingDuck: does cafe libertalia have fud?18:28
MarkDudeWhere are you located locodir-user ?18:28
locodir-userIam in saudi Arabia18:36
pleia2oh, this is the california team :)18:37
pleia2you probably want to contact http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-sa18:37
pleia2Bilal Akhtar is a nice guy18:37
locodir-userthank you18:38
MarkDudeodds on ubuntu's next codename18:56
* MarkDude is still hoping for Penguins18:59
MarkDudeGeeknic is cancelled for this weekend19:41
* MarkDude is having smaller bbq at house tho19:41
MarkDudeBig bbq would be too hard to do, so I am going to ask for volunteers to help with some details. I cant cancel for next month- and the location is rain or shine19:42
TtechMarkDude, Where is it?20:18
* MarkDude lives in Danvile20:22
MarkDudeand has air conditioning20:22
jyoWouldn't it be awesome if we got... Pangolin for the next codename?20:23
MarkDudeWell I still would prefer Penguin20:26
pleia2pangolins are teh cute20:26
MarkDudeit would be acceptable tho20:26
pleia2finding such a stuffed animal would be hard though...20:26
* pleia2 frowns at finding the wrong kind of stuffed pangolin20:28
jyotoy pangolin gets you a bunch of plastic ones and a plush one from Alibaba that "can come up to the standards of many international safety inspection"20:29
MarkDudenp, pangolin and ocelot are commonly known animals ;P20:31
pleia2yeah I found the alibaba one, it seems a bit frightening :)20:33
pleia2"the stuffing is made of lead chips, it's fine if you don't lick it!"20:33
jyoIf you wouldn't lick it, I'm sure your pet wouldn't either?20:37
kdub^^^ my vote20:52
nhainesI prefer no cats, because I'm sick of hearing about Apple comparisons.20:57
pleia2we have been quite cat-heavy lately21:06
pleia2heading over to ITT Tech in oakland in a bit for a talk on Ubuntu for a linux class \o/22:00
MarkDudeKick some ass pleia222:05
pleia2thanks :)22:05
MarkDudeI know you will22:05
nhainespleia2: good luck.  :)22:45
nhainespleia2: what will you focus on?22:45
pleia2nhaines: thanks, it's just a 10-15 minute presentation on what ubuntu is and why it exists, then Q&A22:45
pleia2the class is intro to linux, and they do their work on fedora, so the professor wanted an ubuntu person to widen their exposure22:46
nhainespleia2: oh, that's cool.  :)22:48
MarkDudeBoth operating systems are decent. Ubuntu hella wins on the community thing22:48
MarkDudeend of talk22:48
MarkDudeDont forget to include that Fedora has complete lack of jono22:48
MarkDudeI mean Ubuntu wins on most accounts22:49
pleia2I don't really plan on comparing the two, I honestly don't know enough about fedora22:49
MarkDudeWell if you are keeping score Ubuntu wins on community, parties, and the jono thing22:49
MarkDudeFedora has Beefy Miracle, and some crap about the Foundations and freedom, and the saying be excellent to each other22:50
* MarkDude may be jonking bu tcommunity honestly is best part to include. Fedora in international community, with very little local stuff22:51
MarkDudeOh, and the fact Apt is roughly 1 million times quicker than rpm crap22:52
pleia2I'll certainly mention the community, but it's a linux class at a work-ready training school and I'm a sysadmin, so I'll be more focused on the user side and goals that ubuntu has22:52
MarkDudeapt get moo would amaze a few people used to working with how quick it is22:52
pleia2I'm not recruiting community members this time, just exposing people to what Ubuntu is if they choose to use it :)22:53
MarkDudeOk, dont forget many people that dont use ubuntu still promote and are part of the community ;)22:54
MarkDudeI am willing to bet just your talking about it , will get at least a few interested, you ARE that good pleia222:55
pleia2MarkDude: oh! I passed the A's home in Phoenix while I was there :) they are near the phoenix zoo22:55
MarkDudeCool, near that dinosaur rock hill22:55
pleia2I would have taken a picture, but I was driving22:55
* MarkDude wants to make it to spring training next year22:56
MarkDudelast home game is Thur22:56
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
nhainespleia2: A coworker is taking a Linux class.23:36
nhainesI spent about 90 minutes yesterday explaining the 'cp' command, unified file system, and 'mount'.23:37

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