
paultagthafreak: Nah. Not yet. I might, but I'm looking for coding jobs :(01:30
paultagthafreak: I think I have a few solid leads, which is nice01:30
gilbertpaultag: so ur just bumming around in boston w/o a job right now?02:51
gilbertit would be nice to have nothing to do :(02:53
Unit193jrgifford: Not too bad, but you have to not look too closely to it ;P02:53
Unit193Dude from Firefly was in it as was old spock02:55
Cheri703Fairly common occurrence: dropping a phone into a toilet, Could only happen to my husband: dropped phone into toilet WHILE it was mid-flush and the PHONE WENT DOWN....didn't get stuck or anything. So he is phoneless for a few weeks >.<03:31
gilberthaha, nice :)03:31
gilbertgood prize 4 the sanitation workers03:32
Cheri703good ol' flip phone, apparently just the right size03:32
Cheri703sad part was that his sister had FINALLY called him back, and he didn't have the number saved anywhere, but it occurred to me that I could get it from our sprint account page, so I found it :)03:33
jandruskNot willing to crawl through sewage?03:55
Cheri703it didn't stop! it went straight down the drain04:02
Cheri703if it'd stopped up, then maaaaybe we could have gotten it, but....it was gone04:03
gilbertpaultag: i sent a kind message about your dm app :)04:40
gilbertpaultag: i think you're good to go since u have 3 dd's already saying good stuffs, but i wanted to say some kind things too04:41
BiosElementI need to stay away from name.com06:59
BiosElement10 minutes and I have 5 domains ready to go >.>07:01
BiosElementAnyone around care to idiot check my domain ideas?07:30
Unit1931. Yes 2. Is an idiot?07:30
Unit193http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAZdgTVhzsI Tetris anyone?08:13
jrgiffordUnit193: so is that a "it was ok" or was that a "it sucked"? ;P10:40
paultaggilbert: that was super nice of you11:03
paultaggilbert: thank you so much, man11:03
Unit193jrgifford: It's not so bad, just don't notice they would have died about 19 different times each18:38
jrgiffordUnit193: hehe.18:44
Unit193It was good enough. Have you seen firefly? StarTrek?18:44
BiosElementAnyone happen to know much about cherokee/htaccess? Trying to convert a really quite short htaccess that's giving me fits >.>19:26
jrgiffordUnit193: I've seen star trek.21:10
Unit193It's got Leonard Nimoy in it (Guessed it by the voice)21:12
Unit193Don't look for it to be awesome and it's not bad21:12
jrgiffordOk, now I've seen it all. there is a rubygem named "comfortable_mexican_sofa"21:13
Unit193BiosElement: Ever looked up http://burst.net/linvps.shtml ? I know you have/had linode21:31
BiosElementNever, but I'd still recommend Linode in a heartbeat21:32
BiosElementWell the #cherokee irc room is pretty useless >.>22:07
starkittnhi Cheri703_23:02
Unit193Funkey netsplit23:04
Unit193Hello starkittn23:04
starkittnhi Unit19323:14

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