
=== teddy-dbear1 is now known as teddy-dbear
MutantTurkeyjedijf: got my laptop ordered.00:32
jedijfMutantTurkey: tell more00:36
jedijfand congrats!00:36
MutantTurkeywith the it 2420m00:38
MutantTurkeyI was debating getting the slice battery, but I am got the 9cell00:39
MutantTurkeyjedijf: by the looks of your response it's as if I got a new dog, or wife, or car. not a computer haha00:39
jedijfdude...i just read a cnet review, it's better than that other stuff you mentioned00:42
jedijfhands down00:42
MutantTurkeyI know00:42
MutantTurkeyI am psyched00:42
jedijfi meant dog wife or car00:42
MutantTurkeythat too.00:42
jedijfand its sooooo thinkpad00:43
MutantTurkeyI know00:43
MutantTurkeyI was thinking the edge, but it's just Meh00:43
jedijfi excited for you00:43
MutantTurkeyi am excited to run linux on a non-ghetto system00:43
MutantTurkeyI can actually use new features and run Gnome and things!00:43
jedijfexpectations lead to resentments00:43
MutantTurkeyI am definitely still doing arch00:44
MutantTurkeyI had a half second though of trying ubuntu... I dunno00:44
MutantTurkeyUnity seems cool though, but I don't know if the workflow is any good.00:44
jedijfit actually is00:44
MutantTurkeyI was on a Mac all summer and I am finally getting back into a regular workflow00:44
jedijfonce you get used to it00:44
MutantTurkeyI need tiling really badly00:44
jedijfi am better on unity than gnome3; but that's just because of usage00:45
MutantTurkeygnome3 is not usable imho00:45
MutantTurkeyand also doesn't have any config (wtf?)00:45
MutantTurkeyevery new version the options get dumbed down more and more00:45
jedijfunity on my pacs netty get used all night; gnome3 is sitting on my arch box in the cave, but rarely use xwin on it00:45
MutantTurkeyI want more options not less!00:45
MutantTurkeyonce I get a laptop, this Atom is going to be my file server.00:46
MutantTurkeydebating about dropping my VPS now that I could have a dedicated server.00:46
jedijfyour new one is 12.5?00:46
MutantTurkeyyou better be envious00:47
MutantTurkeythough I ran me a LOT. like 1117.4200:47
MutantTurkeybut Drexel discount helpeed00:47
jedijfenvy disappeared; almost instantly00:48
MutantTurkeyit's well worth it!00:48
MutantTurkeyI mean base config was like 800 bucks, but I need to get all the flashy stuff!00:48
jedijfi can get 150'ish lappys for that00:48
MutantTurkeyI figure, 1 good investment is better than 50 crappy00:48
MutantTurkeyI am using this as my new motto.00:48
jedijfyeah...it is00:49
MutantTurkeylike my guitar, cost 750 bucks, but it will last forever.00:49
MutantTurkeydooode 14 hour battery lifeee is gonna be awesome00:50
waltmanWe've got a Drexel discount?00:50
jedijfwaltman: he used yours :P00:51
MutantTurkeywaltman: yes!00:51
MutantTurkeywe do00:51
MutantTurkeygo on one.drexel.edu00:51
teddy-dbearcan I get a teddy bear discount?00:51
MutantTurkeyregular login -> community link -> bottom right hand00:51
* waltman checks00:51
MutantTurkeyteddy-dbear: are you a member of the linux foundation?00:52
MutantTurkey I think they have discounts too..00:52
MutantTurkeyalso, I think if you just barrowed the link from someone it works, there is not ID needed past the link00:52
teddy-dbearI'm a member unto myself :-D00:52
waltmanthe community link is all athletics and the triangle00:53
MutantTurkeyhold up00:53
MutantTurkeyunder drexel00:54
MutantTurkey ithink00:54
jedijfuh oh, 1100.00 jock strap?00:54
MutantTurkeyunder drexel.00:54
MutantTurkey404 jock strap more like.00:54
waltmanAh, that!00:56
waltmanYou don't necessarily need to go through that. I bought my macbook tax-free with a student discount at the apple store at the Christiana Mall in Delaware.00:56
waltmanIf you don't want to go that far, you can also go to the computer store in the Penn book store.00:57
MutantTurkeywaltman: schvat?01:03
MutantTurkeyI mean... I ordered it online, drexel gave me a 10% discount, so thats like 120 bucks (and i don't even go to drexel xD)01:03
waltmanschvat? what does that mean?01:04
MutantTurkeyit means what but with an schv01:04
waltmanDrexel didn't make you login?01:04
MutantTurkeywaltman: they did, I was a summer intern - therefore I have access01:04
waltmanI assumed you were a Drexel student :)01:04
MutantTurkey:) nope01:04
MutantTurkeyI go to MCCC01:04
ChinnoDogSomeone tell a good joke01:10
jedijfwindows 801:10
MutantTurkeywindows 8 is awesome01:11
MutantTurkeyI am fully convinced that it will bring flash down completely!01:11
MutantTurkeylesser of two evils is microsoft01:11
* MutantTurkey pokerface01:11
MutantTurkeycmon that is at least one good side of windows 801:16
rmg51time will tell01:16
waltmanA pirate walks into a bar...01:29
waltman...and he's got a ship's wheel attached to the front of his trousers.  The bartender asks, "What's that ship's wheel doing attached to your trousers?"01:31
waltmanThe pirate replies, "I don't know, but it's drivin' me nuts!"01:31
waltmanI'll be here all week.01:31
teddy-dbearI won't :-/01:32
waltmanTough crowd.01:32
MutantTurkeylet me give it a shot01:57
MutantTurkeyso MutantTurkey is digging a trench around his house to work on the landscaping,01:58
MutantTurkeywhile standing 5 feet in dirt, the neighbor (very annoying) says "wow I see you are doing a lot of work"01:58
MutantTurkeyso i said "well, I am knee deep in S***01:58
MutantTurkeythat is my funny story of the day01:58
* teddy-dbear waits for the funny part02:00
MutantTurkeythat was the joke.02:02
MutantTurkeyyou know, standing in a hole of dirt.02:03
MutantTurkeysays KNEE deep in s***02:03
MutantTurkeythat was sort of a funny joke02:03
MutantTurkeyanyoe familiar with Sak on linux?02:03
* teddy-dbear wanders off to bed02:05
MutantTurkeyI'll be here all night!02:05
MutantTurkeywell he's a quitter. that's it.02:11
MutantTurkeyI am a quitter too. 10:52 feels like 4am 0_002:52
andrewavast ye scalywags03:14
ChinnoDogwhy did rocket2dmn deactivate himself?03:41
InHisNameI have issues with 11.04 - NONE of the installers work all have crash bug start when trying to use.   So I have choice in 11.04 install disk:   Upgrade 11.04 to 11.04      .....    OR .....     Wipe out 11.04 and install 11.0403:44
jthanDid you back up your stuff?03:45
InHisName72gigs worth Plus list of installs via apt-get saved away.   Should do it all.03:50
InHisNameSOooo, do I try the upgrade or the wipeout and replace ?03:52
InHisNameSandman's got all of you blottoed for the night?03:57
InHisNamePumpkin time !03:59
pleia2ChinnoDog: well, he lives in new jersey04:10
pleia2some people leave teams when they move away ;)04:10
pleia2btw, I'm going to be in Philly on 11.10 release day :)04:55
andrewwhen's that again?04:55
pleia2oct 1304:55
pleia2we should haz party04:55
pleia2I will be staying downtown04:55
andrewas long as it's not saturday evening (or sunday morning) unless you want to hold it out where I'll be...04:56
pleia2the 13th is thursday evening04:56
pleia2I'll be around saturday though04:56
JonathanD morning08:34
rmg51morning JonathanD08:58
JonathanDhey rmg5109:10
JonathanDWhats up?09:13
rmg51just us :-D09:16
rmg51to early for much to be going on09:16
rmg51just reading the paper and getting ready for work09:17
JonathanDI could use some coffee.09:21
JonathanDBut the place isn't open yet.09:21
rmg51you don't know how to make your own?09:32
JonathanDI don't have any.09:33
jedijfJonathanD: didn't i leave coffee at fosscon?11:37
jedijfat least some11:37
jedijfpleia2: we'll have to do a Center City release party!@!!! and a qmart one too, later, with disks11:55
jedijfyour tractor will rock unity release party12:01
jedijfi'm thinking barcade for the pleia2 release party in cc, if they get open12:03
JonathanDjedijf: yes.12:17
JonathanDjedijf: I forgot about that.12:17
JonathanDIt's in my box-o-foss-stuff.12:17
JonathanDI think.12:17
jedijfrabbi fight is now way to start tuesday13:07
JonathanDI need an HDD.13:16
jthanJonathanD: newegg daily deals13:20
JonathanDThe low end ones are only $40 anyway on newegg.13:20
jthanYeah. I'm pretty picky about my drives.13:21
JonathanDThis is for a T60 I have sitting around.13:21
JonathanDI'm not even sure what I'll use it for. Don't want to go nuts on it.13:21
jthanI don't know why. I have mirrored backups now, and it's not like I use windows to worry about using my product key too many times if I had to reinstall :-p13:21
JonathanDI think in this case cheaper is better.13:22
JonathanDMy money goes into the T61, not the T6013:22
jthanandrew: you do mirrored backups, right? If so - what method do you use?13:23
jthanMy way is just rigged - I have a bunch of bash scripts that just use rsync to keep folders in sync across drives.13:24
* jthan is going off on a tangent13:24
JonathanDI think I'll get more ram for the 61, move it's ram to the 60, and get a cheap disk.13:24
jthanWhat kind of disk are you really looking for? If you're really looking for "cheap" there's a whole bunch sitting in my computer room13:25
JonathanD$149 for the ram.13:25
JonathanDjthan: well, I wanted to have this thing around as a spare... for the kids to mess on, or for my parents when they go to the shore.13:25
JonathanDIt'll probably have to be a dual boot since they'll want windows. So "big enough" for that, but thats it.13:26
jthanI think I have a 250GB drive out of a dell sitting right now13:26
jthanBut I'd have to check to verify that13:26
JonathanDSATA 2.5 inch?13:26
jthanI do believe, yes.13:26
JonathanDI think the 60 is sata, anyway.13:26
JonathanDI had a 160 in my desk but I just fired it up and it looks very broken.13:26
JonathanDclicky clicky broken.13:26
jthanHate when that happens.13:26
jthanAnyhow, if you can use it and I do indeed have it, you're welcome to it.13:27
jthanBecause obviously I'm not using it.13:27
JonathanDThat would make me happy.13:27
JonathanDI hate to see a thinkpad not working :P13:27
JonathanDIt was working, mind. When it was given to me it had a 200GB solid state.13:27
JonathanDBut thats in my 61 now.13:28
JonathanDand the disk from my 61 is acting funny.13:28
jthanIf you think of it, PM me later and remind me to check when I get home tonight. I won't get home til about 10 probably.13:28
InHisNameI have issues with 11.04 on my spare computer  - NONE of the installers work all have crash bug start when trying to use.   So I have choice in 11.04 install disk:   Upgrade 11.04 to 11.04      .....    OR .....     Wipe out 11.04 and install 11.04.   /home backed up and saved list of installed goodies from apt-get.13:28
JonathanDas in "writing" stuff that can't be read later.13:28
JonathanDI'm confused.13:29
JonathanDYOu have 11.04, but the 11.04 disk doesn't work?13:29
jthanNo - aptitude/apt-get aren't working13:29
InHisNameyes, the 1104 installed has broken.  Needs to be fixed.13:29
JonathanDthat makes more sense.13:29
jthanInHisName: Where is your /home backed up? If it's on a seperate partition you should be able to keep it in tact when you reinstall.13:30
jthanIf not, you just have to move the files back after your install from wherever your /home is13:30
InHisNameSo, I have choice on 11.04 disk:   upgrade 11.04 to 11.04        ---- or    -------   wipeout partition and install fresh new.13:31
jthaninstall fresh13:31
InHisName   /home is backed up to a networked drive on another box.   I have copy of all installed goodies from apt-get saved in file.  I can use that to REinstall everything.      Why skip over the upgrade same to same ?   Any rationale ?13:35
jthanDoesn't make sense, might not eliminate the problem.13:35
jthanWhy not take the safe road and start fresh?13:35
InHisNameSo You take the do it ONCE and for all and be DONE with it!  method.13:36
InHisNameProbably the best justification of them all.13:37
jthanYes. That's how I work.13:37
erstazihas anyone ever seen a DVD that is larger than 6GB? or is DD just running wild?13:45
InHisNamearen't double sided at 9GB ?13:48
erstaziInHisName: yes, but this is single sided (: I think /bin/dd was running wild!13:49
InHisNameI am trying to reinstall ubuntu.   The partition is lvm.    I've installed in liveCD lvm2.  What else do I need to do to get the partition visible to the installer ?13:50
InHisName/dev/sda9   needs to be connected into lvm somehow13:51
InHisNameerstazi: I assme it is NOT blu-ray13:52
erstaziInHisName: nope. just a data DVD. I think /bin/dd was just running wild13:54
InHisNamebettern' girls gone wild ?13:55
erstaziprobably, who knows (:13:55
erstaziso, this is even more odd, in Win2k3, it says it is 7.54 GB!14:51
ChinnoDogStandard dual layer single sided DVD is 8.4gb. Why is this surprising?14:52
erstaziChinnoDog: this is single layer14:52
erstazialso, it is a very highly proprietary CD.14:53
ChinnoDogWhat is this an install CD for?14:53
erstaziChinnoDog: um, let me PM you. Do you mind?14:54
ChinnoDogsup lamalex15:57
ChinnoDogbts3685|vps: Why has thee forsaken us? I'm going to be in Nola next month. Are you living there or what?18:36
jedijfwhy did you give him time to pack18:37
ChinnoDogShould I have hunted him down without telling him? lol18:37
jedijffacebook him18:39
JonathanDjthan: would you have use for 2x2GB laptop DDR3?18:53
ChinnoDoghi pvl120:53
pvl1whats up20:57
rmg51flame wars++22:09
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!22:09
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=== [1]SamuraiAlba is now known as SamuraiAlba
=== Adom_ is now known as GeekyAdam
GeekyAdamwhy does it say im still logged in as Adom?23:03
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Adomthat's better23:25
=== Joe_CoT` is now known as Joe_CoT
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Guest87527
=== Guest87527 is now known as testtest
=== testtest is now known as Joe_CoT2
=== Joe_CoT2 is now known as Joe_CoT

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