
=== Cheesehead is now known as Cheesehead_away
lostsongood evening all03:48
h00kI'm around.03:49
h00kBritt's gone for a few days :(03:49
lostsonaww are you lonely03:49
lostsonwas just going over this article starting to get the 11.10 itch03:51
h00kwhich article?03:53
lostsonthat one03:53
h00kThe alt=tab changes are hot03:53
lostsonoops must of forgot to hit ctrl+v03:53
lostsoni am almost tempted to upgrade this machine and see what happens03:57
h00kI'm running Oneiric of all my machines03:57
lostsonwell i dont want to break my setup03:58
h00kIt seems to have the best Sandy Bridge support03:59
lostsonyeah i read that somewhere03:59
lostsonand i am really anxious to try out lightDM03:59
lostsoncant wait to get rid of gdm03:59
h00klightgdm is hot03:59
h00kand fast.03:59
lostsoni hope the multiple monitor support gets better as well04:00
h00kI don't have multi-monitors at the moment on any setups04:01
lostsonyeah i am liking that direction with lightDM I hope they get away from Unity depending soo much on gnome based stuff lighten it up some04:01
lostsoni am running twin 22's at the moment04:01
lostsonyou really could replace nautilus with pcmanfm keep firefox thunderbird pidgin and xchat build some system apps and you would be set04:03
lostsonNeed to get back to work on my Unity theme as well I have had one partially working for a long time I need to finish it up04:09
lostson73 unread in my ubuntu-kernel folder oh my looks like they have been busy04:11
h00kokay sorry, internet provisioning broke the modem.04:27
h00klostson: I saw your G+ last night, I like the man-cave.04:28
lostsonnot really a man cave if i am down here the kids usually follow me04:28
h00kthat's cool, though.04:28
h00kI like it.04:28
lostsonyeah it is starting to take shape pleny of room down here got 2 more machines to setup yet04:30
lostsonperhaps I can start hosting lan parties again04:30
h00kWe have 3 meg DSL from 1 meg (moved into new house), which should make Oneiric updates easier.04:30
lostsonyeah it should04:31
lostsonI have 30mbps down and 5mbps up04:31
lostsonmight go to the 50x10 here soon though04:32
lostsonok brb laundry04:32
h00kWe only havd DSL available here04:32
lostsonyeah you up nort04:45
h00kYeah...kind of in the boonies.04:46
h00kHousesitting for a guy for a year04:46
lostsonyeah i remember you posting that somewhere i believe04:47
lostsonsounded like a good gig04:47
h00kUpped from 1 meg dsl to 3 for...4$/month extra,04:47
h00kworth it!04:47
lostsoni still need to setup my attack box as well05:00
h00kattack box?05:00
lostsonyeah i put different distros on it and see if i can hack my way in05:00
lostsonkinda like my own mini defcon capture the flag05:01
h00kYou could host an event05:02
h00kDMZ it or something05:02
lostsonits been kind of another hobby i have had for years05:02
lostsonit is a safe way to appease the black hat in me without getting arrested05:03
lostsonwell better get some sleep got to have the kids up by 630am and getting ready for school talk to everyone later good night05:08
h00kSounds good. Have a good nght05:08
=== Cheesehead_away is now known as Cheesehead
Cheeseheadlostson: IRC logs of the Technical Board meeting yesterday. 10 minutes on how to make the -users mailing list useful again, or other alternatives17:25
bigbashHello all man, nice to finally get back on here20:23
bigbashI need to work on my apostrophe placement :(20:23
CheeseheadWelcome back!20:27
h00kbigbash: welcome back20:34
Cheeseheadbigbash: Now get back to work :)20:34
bigbashh00k, thanks!  I was past your next of the woods last week20:34
bigbashCheesehead, will do!20:34
bigbashyou guys know where Cable is?20:36
CheeseheadYou want a real answer, or an almost-funny answer?20:37
CheeseheadReal: I would ask Google.20:38
CheeseheadFunny: Yah, I got a couple sppols of it in the basement20:38
Cheesehead(As I said, almost-funny)20:39
bigbashI was wondering if the funny one was going to be spool of cable or X-Men Cable20:39
bigbashbah still circling20:42
h00kbigbash: oh yeah? where at?20:50
h00kCable, yeah20:50
bigbashWe were at Mogasheen Resort for the Fat Tire Bike Festival20:51
h00kThere was the Tomahawk Fall Ride this past weekend20:51
h00k'Little Sturgis'20:51
bigbashShoot I have to go, we are landing now20:51
h00kIRC on a plane20:52
h00krock on.20:52
bigbashplane has wifi20:52
h00knot too bad.20:52
bigbashnot bad, we've been circling for a while so it was worth it20:52
bigbashwell gotta go20:52
CheeseheadI want to IRC on a dirigible.21:00
h00kThat'd be sweet.21:01
h00kAlso, probably a first21:01
CheeseheadWell, I *Really* want to re-enact the 1927 Graf-Zeppelin around-the-world tour. But, of course, I lack a large cruising Zeppelin, the crew, and the budget. Details.21:04

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