
delinquentmeBarkingFish, thanks .. yeah im new to the octals00:00
rusty149BarkingFish, delinquentme: right so 77300:00
delinquentmerusty149, nope not helping .. still has a locked icon00:00
rusty149delinquentme: F500:00
delinquentmerefresh huh?00:01
BarkingFishso for rwxr--r-- it's 7 (r + w + x) 4 (r only) and 4 again (r only) - read write and execute for the owner, read for the group and read for everyone else.00:01
delinquentmenope no luck00:01
rusty149delinquentme: look at: ls -la00:01
delinquentmelrwxrwxrwx 1 thrive thrive   18 2011-09-19 19:43 arduino -> /usr/share/arduino00:02
rusty149delinquentme: cd /usr/share && ls -la00:02
Coreydelinquentme: That one should go to a pastebin.00:02
CoreyEasier would be ls -al /usr/share/arduino00:03
delinquentmedrwxrwxrwx    6 thrive root  4096 2011-09-19 17:19 arduino00:03
rusty149delinquentme: you need to run the command from the /usr/share directory00:03
CoreyThat's a directory.00:03
lauratikath0r: exactly but they want me to pay for static ip address but it wasnt like that before...00:03
pieroWhere can I get AMD OpenCL for 11.04? Thanks.00:04
delinquentmei gotta chill for a sec .. getting to me00:04
=== G7|AWAY is now known as G7|Cloud
the3nigm4okay...first time on irc..00:05
BarkingFishCorey - you may be able to help me - I know the basic bits of octal, anywhere I can get the numbers for the first perms letter (d, l, p or whatever) please?00:05
edusanquin are you still there00:06
edusani found a solution to the problem00:06
ubuntunoob101chey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed00:06
CoreyBarkingFish: That isn't set via an octal.00:07
rusty149BarkingFish: d is a directory, l is a link00:07
BarkingFishCorey, so when I've seen people give out 4 digit octal perms, what's the first digit for - like 2777 for example?00:07
CoreyBarkingFish: And they be made via mkdir and ln, respectively lad...00:08
CoreyBarkingFish: man chmod, ye scallywag!00:08
rwwCorey: it's past midnight in freenode time, talk normal :(00:08
BarkingFishinternational talk like a pirate day?00:08
Coreyrww: I be on the west cast, ye seadog!00:08
BarkingFishoh dear...00:08
rwwCorey: no excuse to not have your IRC client in UTC :(00:09
ubuntunoob101i hate spamming. can some one help me\?00:09
Coreyrww: You think this be communist China? :-)00:09
BarkingFish!details | ubuntunoob10100:09
ubottuubuntunoob101: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:09
rwwCorey: UTC is best timezone :(00:09
tjiggi_foBarkingFish, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html00:09
BarkingFishtjiggi_fo, thanks :)00:09
ubuntunoob101i have posted several times.....thats why i said i hate spamming "hey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed00:10
ubuntunoob101i have posted several times.....thats why i said i hate spamming "hey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed00:10
ubuntunoob101i have posted several times.....thats why i said i hate spamming "hey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed00:10
* rww sighs00:10
ubuntunoob101i have posted several times.....thats why i said i hate spamming "hey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed00:10
rwwubuntunoob101: ask every ten to fifteen minutes, and look on search engines and forums in between00:10
jribhates spam but spams anyway...00:10
miguethow do i add perl cgi to httpd?00:11
rusty149ubuntunoob101: Did you install the proprietary drivers through ubuntu and reboot?00:11
rwwrusty149: they're no longer in the channel00:11
Coreyrusty149: As a general rule we don't like to reward such misbehavior with answers. :-)00:11
rusty149ubuntunoob101: wow, impatiant00:11
Coreyrusty149: Again, they're still not here.00:12
ubuntunoob101hey can someone help me with a slight problem i am having. i just got natty and its my first linux distro ever and it wont work with  the nVidia graphics card but it says the driver is installed00:12
rwwubuntunoob101: as I was saying, ask every ten to fifteen minutes, don't spam, and use search engines while you're waiting00:12
Coreyubuntunoob101: Yes, you've said this.00:12
bastidrazorrusty149: tab completion will aid you in knowing if someone is gone.00:12
miguetubuntunoob101: it's working.  you just have to be patient.00:13
rusty149bastidrazor: thanks00:13
bastidrazorrusty149: you're welcome.00:13
ubuntunoob101miguet: its not acting like it, it wont run unity00:13
miguethow do i incorporate perl into httpd?00:14
jason_hudsonHi everyone, I need to dualboot windows 7 and Ubuntu and need to install windows 7 from an usb stick, actually tho I have no BIOS option to boot from an USB stick, I happen to see that someone managed to "achieve" this using grub, what would i have to do to make grub2 boot the windows installer from the usb stick?00:14
Coreyjason_hudson: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html00:15
miguetjason_hudson: you can use the USB stick at boot when pressing F11 or another function key.00:15
jason_hudsonmiguet: not supported00:15
Coreyjason_hudson: See my link then.00:16
miguetmust be an old mobo.00:16
urlin2ujason_hudson, http://www.plop.at/  easier then using grub00:16
=== anna is now known as Guest39820
jason_hudsonhow about doing it using grub2 possibly simplifying it a tad?00:17
Coreyjason_hudson: If four lines at the grub prompt are too complex, perhaps the problem lies elsewhere?00:17
Coreyjason_hudson: What's the real world problem you're trying to solve here?00:18
Guest39820When I try to upload files to firefox, GTK's File Chooser only has thumbnails on the side.  Is there a workaround I can stick somewhere to make it look more like nautilus?00:18
jason_hudsonCorey: I think i need something windows specific, unless I'm looking at the wrong 4 lines i don't see it00:19
=== Guest39820 is now known as hughissuper
hughissuperSorry about the username00:19
jason_hudsonCorey: real world problem? pardon?00:22
jason_hudsonHi everyone, I need to dualboot windows 7 and Ubuntu and need to install windows 7 from an usb stick, actually tho I have no BIOS option to boot from an USB stick, I happen to see that someone managed to "achieve" this using grub, what would i have to do to make grub2 boot the windows installer from the usb stick?00:24
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:25
urlin2ujason_hudson, can you boot a diss?00:25
jason_hudsonurlin2u: yes but don't have windows one00:26
bigdis there a way i can hide my mint 11 box from others on my lan? still accessible but not advertised in the network browser?00:26
urlin2ujason_hudson, look at the plop link it is for using a disc to boot the thumb.00:26
rww!mintsupport | bigd00:26
ubottubigd: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:26
nessuswhen I insert a usb drive my Ubuntu 10.04 automatically mounts it. How do I change this auto-mounting option or policy?00:27
bigdwoops hehe00:27
jason_hudsonurlin2u: that stuff is closed sourced tho, and i hear grub2 which is open can do it00:28
urlin2ujason_hudson, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984700:28
jason_hudsonurlin2u: having a look, thanks for bearing with me00:28
urlin2ujason_hudson, geez your installing windows and complaining about closed source , are you mad laddy. :D00:28
strigoi66th0r thank you for the info got wireless going :)00:28
primedeathI was wondering how do I add a persistence option to a bootable ISO of Ubuntu? I used YUMI to create it and Casper-RW Creator to create a Casper-RW.00:29
jason_hudsonurlin2u: windows is needed for a specific use, ubuntu which is the "trusted os" out of the 2 will handle "sensitive" data, better keep it as clean as possible00:29
urlin2ujason_hudson, and that makes perfect sense, lol plop is a safe app.00:30
urlin2ujason_hudson, it just boots the disc that is all it is not a install.00:31
ScuniziIs there a way to create a drop down list in OOo Calc in a cell without using Form Controls? (sorry OOo.org is dead)00:33
jason_hudsonurlin2u: apparently tho windows won't boot that way00:33
strigoi66anyone have wow working on ubuntu 11.04?00:34
B0g4r7_Hmm.  ssh claims my host's key fingerprint has changed, and I don't remember changing the key.00:34
urlin2ujason_hudson, http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#noinstall00:34
th0rB0g4r7_: so to be safe, change it again now00:34
rusty149Scunizi: Data > Validity00:35
B0g4r7_I don't know if I want to even connect to whatever that is.00:35
w30graingert, guess you are gone, too bad. I can't thank you and give you loads of money and silver trinkets00:36
Scunizirusty149, I'll look at it.. thanks00:36
rusty149Scunizi: Change the drop down to list.00:36
=== jason_hudson is now known as alex_Denton
urlin2ujason_hudson, if you set up the windows 7 correctly on the thumb I would suspect it boots with plop,ntfs partiton extract W7 to it, and a boot flag.00:36
Scunizirusty149, yea.. It's been about a year since I've needed this function.. I always have a hard time finding it.00:37
B0g4r7_If it has been compromised, can further damage be done just from the act of me sshing into the compromised host?  For instance, could the ssh password being used be stolen?00:37
B0g4r7_I need to find some other hosts that have copies of this host's fingerprint and see if they agree.00:38
jason_hudsonurlin2u: ok I'll have a look at that thanks00:38
urlin2ujason_hudson, you saw the iso from a partion link as well using grub200:40
B0g4r7_How can I derive the key fingerprint from the key itself?00:40
B0g4r7_~/.ssh/knoown_hosts just has the keys in their full form...00:40
jason_hudsonurlin2u: you mean in the ubuntuforums thread?00:40
nemsis_i think if the guy changed your pass, and you try a wrong pass, it is being logged, so yes he can potentially get it00:41
urlin2ujason_hudson, yeah you may be right with the plop although I see claims to doing it, just might be tricky.00:42
urlin2uthe UF yes00:43
rwwincorrect passwords are not logged in sshd by default00:44
jason_hudsonurlin2u: on the forums it was stated that such procedure does not support windows, i wonder if  an "update-grub" would do it as i actually saw it being listed after i installed grub into the usb stick, but for some reason the pc's grub did not start anymore (must've messed)00:44
rwwthe system logs that an incorrect password was given, but not what the password was00:44
rwwthis is, I believe, configurable00:44
nemsis_that's what I said00:44
nemsis_ha k sorry I'm wrong00:45
urlin2ujason_hudson, personally I would just get a dvd, unless that reader wont read that.00:45
nemsis_it's late here00:45
pr0xypower/settings menu button randomly disappears from menu bar in 11.1000:45
jason_hudsonurlin2u: don't have one for that pc, not anymore and i'd have rather avoided to spend money on a new one, on such an old pc00:45
urlin2upr0ton, #ubuntu+100:45
B0g4r7_The question being whether the cleartext password is ever received by the server being logged into, or whether the ssh protocol only allows a hash of the password to be transmitted.00:45
th0rB0g4r7_: nothng goes clear text with ssh00:46
urlin2upr0xy, #ubuntu+100:46
nemsis_I remember seeing the password in clear text when a wrong pass attemp was made00:46
nemsis_a long time ago..00:46
coz_pr0ton,  yes, you want to be in the #ubuntu+1 channel which is the official channel for pre releases00:46
B0g4r7_I understand that everything is encrypted over the wire...00:47
nemsis_it's easy to test00:47
cobra-the-joker10.04 ... very nice ... been using linux for over 3 years now and this is one of the finest ... amazing job guys ;)00:47
urlin2ujason_hudson, W7 will adjust to low cpu and ram  but only so far, are you sure this is even a good idea?00:48
B0g4r7_How is it easy to test?00:48
nemsis_for the password being shown in clear text in your logs, you know how00:48
jason_hudsonurlin2u: cpu is fairly decent, ram too, I'll need windows for a short length of time i guess it's a "decent" idea00:48
lauratikait's me again people... how do i set a static ip address to my computer00:49
B0g4r7_Well, I know it's not logged by default.  I guess I could see if there is an option to log that documented...00:49
B0g4r7_But even if no such option appears, that is no assurance that the plaintext password is not recoverable by the attacker who is the other participant in the ssh session, and posesses it's keys .00:50
KronsbyI am dual booting fedora and ubuntu and I just installed fedora which got rid of grub. I want to get into my ubuntu00:51
magn3tsI'm a big fan of nautilus crashing all the time. <300:51
urlin2uKronsby, you have the ubuntu disc?00:51
Scunizi!grub2 > Kronsby00:51
ubottuKronsby, please see my private message00:51
nemsis_B0g4r7, yep, sorry I can't help for that..00:52
urlin2uKronsby, read carefully 3 methods  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB200:52
nemsis_that's why they say don't use the same pass everywhere00:52
B0g4r7_It looks like such an attack is indeed possible: http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/analyzing-malicious-ssh-login-attempts00:53
B0g4r7_I guess I'll wait until I can get physical access tomorrow to be safe.00:54
OsmodivsHello. I am trying to setup the Mail notification app in Ubuntu 11.04 64bits. I want to add a Hotmail account, but there is no such an option, there is a POP3 option -I read that hotmail has some POP3 features-, so, I want to know what server is Hotmail, it asks me for a server name, How do I found out what server is hotmail or Yahoo and Gmail?00:54
=== GHost is now known as Guest37669
magn3tsCan anyone recommend a good virtual keyboard?00:55
h00kOsmodivs: you'll have to check out Hotmail's documentation for retrieving by POP300:55
pr0xymagn3ts try orca00:55
magn3tspr0xy, that's a speech system?00:55
ScuniziOsmodivs, if you're not using the paid hotmail service it won't do pop3 or imap00:55
Osmodivsh00k: That's newbi hostile territory00:56
ntr0pylauratika: if its a desktop machine you can use the NetworkManager to use static ip00:56
OsmodivsScunizi: So there is no much of a use for a standard account in this app, eh?00:56
h00kOsmodivs: Gmail will do POP3 and IMAP for free, I don't know about Yahoo00:56
pr0xymagn3ts oops. is this for a tablet?00:57
lauratikantr0py: it is00:57
ScuniziOsmodivs, with hotmail you're out of luck.  like h00k says.. gmail will do what you want.00:57
pr0xymagn3ts try GOK00:57
Osmodivsh00k: Well, I added a Gmail account with no problems, but I do not know how to in Hotmail00:57
magn3tspr0xy, I just need to loan out my KB for a minute. Looks like ubuntu ships with onboard which will work for my purposes.00:57
ScuniziOsmodivs, If you want to get tricky, set up hotmail to forward to gmail and retrieve from there..00:57
h00kOsmodivs: looks like you can't, with Hotmail00:57
B0g4r7_Set the hotmail account to forward to the gmail account.00:58
xanguaOsmodivs: h00k hotmail supports pop3 since more than 2 years00:58
ScuniziI think I just said that...00:58
OsmodivsScunizi: That's sound like a nice plana00:58
h00kxangua: for a price, yes.00:58
ntr0pylauratika, use the icon with the who arrows (up/down) in your Gnome panel to edit the connections00:58
xanguah00k: no, for free00:58
h00kOsmodivs, xangua; I stand corrected00:58
FloodBot1remote_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
OsmodivsWell I stand in e-mail limbo, I tell you what00:59
xanguahttp://bitelia.com/2009/03/hotmail-habilita-pop3-worldwide h00k Osmodivs00:59
h00kxangua: *shrug* okay00:59
Osmodivsxangua: I'll take a look, and be right back01:00
daddy_is there a way i can hide my ubuntu 11 box from others on my lan? still accessible but not advertised in the network browser?01:00
lauratikayes thats what im trying but does not work im using this tutorial http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html01:00
ScuniziOsmodivs, when you set it up, if it has the option to delete the message off the server after forward then that might make your life a little easier managing the two accounts.01:00
Osmodivsxangua: How di you knew I speak spanish?01:00
xanguadid not, i do01:01
FloodBot1ylmfos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:01
rwwylmfos: #ubuntu is the English-language technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux. Please see #ubuntu-cn for Ubuntu support in China, or #ubuntu-offtopic for English-language offtopic chat.01:01
FloodBot1ylmfos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
Guest37669Can someone remote my ubuntu server / lubuntu desktop and fix my wireless card to auto01:02
ntr0pylauratika: im not quite sure if your tutorial uses the NetworkManager, maybe its for a headless (server) machine...?01:02
lauratikai see, i dont know how to set up a static ip address01:02
h00kGuest37669: that's quite dangerous, I wouldn't recommend letting anyone do that.01:03
Guest37669how would i set it to auto use  wlan0 and auto use the wpa01:04
bjvwhere is my DVD drive attached?01:04
bjvdmesg reports: "[    0.865619] ata1.00: ATAPI: ASUS! ! ERW-1612CL! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !, 1.16! !, max UDMA/66 [    0.865623] ata1.00: limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable [    0.880179] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/33"01:05
bjvbut sd only reports: sd 2:0:1:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk01:05
bjvfor my hard drive01:05
bjvwhere is ata1?01:05
h00k!wireless | Guest3766901:05
ubottuGuest37669: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:05
LukaszTarkowskihi people01:07
ntr0pylauratika: if you want to use NM:   http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/03/configure-permanent-static-ip-addresses-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/01:07
LukaszTarkowskiHelp Please01:07
LukaszTarkowskiUbuntu 11.04 doesn't detect my Momentus® XT Solid State Hybrid Drives01:07
bjvany help on how to read from/mount this ASUS ERW-1612CL DVD drive would be appreciated.01:07
tqt1586set theme 101:08
joey_nick ninwa01:08
bjvi expected it to just show up as /dev/sd* /dev/hd* or /dev/sr*01:08
ubuntu__So uh, I was trying to get ubuntu to recognize my android phone so i could tether, and when I rebooted it said file not found01:08
ubuntu__Anyone know how to make that stop happening?01:09
complexityVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device01:09
complexitycan someone please tell me a fix for this...01:09
Guest37669what command to switch to wlan0 on and start using the wireless port01:09
LukaszTarkowskihmm wonder why it won't Ubuntu detect my hdd01:10
complexitycan someone please tell me a fix for this...01:10
lauratikathanx a lot man01:10
complexitymy video card won't go into full screen01:10
complexityand it's acting really slow01:10
complexityVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device01:10
FloodBot1complexity: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
LukaszTarkowski!help ubuntu won't detect my Momentus® XT Solid State Hybrid Drives01:11
ubottuLukaszTarkowski: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:11
LukaszTarkowskiI have 2 primary and 2 logical partitions01:11
john_ramboI have deleted both tyeh gnomem panels ....want to add cairo dock at startup .....HOW TO ?01:13
jon_high9000is there a to setup a splash without working with plymouth? my video card is a nvidia geforce and for some reason doesn't work well with plymouth.01:14
urlin2uLukaszTarkowski, you might try #hardware there may people there familiar with that drive, just another option, seagate has a history of some drives just not working in linux, at least not without some firmware hiding.01:17
edwardthefmahow can i tell if my ip is dynamic or static in ubuntu01:17
urlin2uedwardthefma, look in the network manager is it set as dhcp01:18
bastidrazoredwardthefma: your isp will tell you that. there is no knowing from inside an OS unless you're using a router.01:18
LukaszTarkowskiI did firmware upgrade last week still can't get it to work01:18
G00053has fglrx dropped yet ?01:18
LukaszTarkowskiI will try something be back in a bit01:18
VampsDaBeastok guys when i'm tryin to wget and the url has spaces in it.. what do i use for the spaces in the CL01:19
edwardthefma<bastidrazor>i am using a router01:19
syn-ackThe one time I need help in Ubuntu+1 and no one's there. :(01:19
usr13VampsDaBeast: url's do not have spaces01:19
bastidrazoredwardthefma: set it in the router dhcp and you will have a static ip from your router.01:19
urlin2usyn-ack, 6mins is a bit pushy01:20
sp4zhi all, i have been monitoring my network traffic and i have a lot of ssdp packets being sent is there a way to disable upnp in ubuntu (fresh install)01:20
VampsDaBeastusr13, many of the SourceForge url's have spaces01:20
edwardthefma<bastidrazor> set waht01:20
edwardthefmaforgive my noob ness01:20
bastidrazoredwardthefma: set an ip for your mac address01:20
usr13VampsDaBeast: I have yet to see a URL with a space in it.  Please share with me one that does.  (I do now believe you.)01:21
VampsDaBeastusr13, http://sourceforge.net/projects/vhcs/files/VHCS%202.4/VHCS%202.4.8/ <<< haha.. its adjusted them01:21
usr13VampsDaBeast: So do you now agree that URLs do not have spaces?01:22
VampsDaBeastusr13, in FireFox. i see http://sourceforge.net/progrects/vhcs/files/VHCS 2.4/VHCS 2.4.8/01:22
VampsDaBeastusr13, then you tell Firefox that and make it believe it lol01:23
usr13VampsDaBeast: Trust me, URL's do NOT have spaces.01:23
VampsDaBeastusr13, i'm a web designer, and i knew something was fishy when firefox was showing spaces.01:23
usr13VampsDaBeast: THen you should know.01:24
bjvVampsDaBeast: just run wget like         wget -args "myurl"01:24
VampsDaBeastusr13, i did.. but how am i to know that each system uses the same char set for space01:24
usr13% is now a space01:24
bjvread       man bash    for advanced help on using the shell01:25
usr13% is not a space01:25
surfnsoundSo I've seen this asked before, but can never find one concise answer to the question: I just had to reinstall Ubuntu, decided to stick with 10.04. And now webpages are loading very slowly if at all. I know I had this problem when I first made the switch from 9.04 to 10.04, and cant remember how I solved it01:25
syn-ackWhen did Canonical upgrade the free Ubuntu1 accounts to 5 gigs? wow01:25
VampsDaBeastat any rate. i know now to use %20 as a space..01:25
usr13VampsDaBeast:  use %20 as a space in WHAT?01:26
nsqhello, i installed the font "calibri" on my ubuntu system, but it looks very very ugly in libreoffice (looks like there is no anti-aliasing or something), why is that? how can i correct that?01:27
nsqit looks fine with the fonts shipped with ubuntu, only calibri looks terrible atm (different then in a windows machine)01:27
sp4zdoes anyone know how to turn off upnp?01:27
usr13nsq: Do you need to install MS fonts?01:28
urlin2usurfnsound, without any details your sort of dead in the water, such as which browser, how much cpu and ram to begin with.01:28
syn-acksp4z, Disable Ahavi01:28
nsqusr13: actually "calibri" is my favorite font, so i would really like to use it01:28
usr13nsq: sudo apt-get ttf-mscorefonts-installer01:29
syn-ackusr13, There's nothing wrong with the MS Corefonts. Use them all the time. and you're 100% correct, the corefonts don't Anti Alias in linux.01:29
surfnsoundurlin2u, they wont load in any browser, i've tried chrome firefox and epiphany, all are slow if hey load at all. I have 2 gigs ram, I don't recall the CPU specs01:29
urlin2unsq, the restricted extras install the ms fonts and media codes I believe.01:29
urlin2usurfnsound, you have ipv6 off01:29
usr13urlin2u: Thank you01:30
nsqurlin2u, usr13: i have "restricted extras" and ttf-mscorefonts installed, there was no calibri, so i extracted it from "powerpoint viewer"01:30
usr13nsq: sudo apt-get insta  ubuntu-restricted-extras01:30
usr13*install not insta01:31
sp4zsyn-ack, ahavi is not running. any other ideas?01:31
surfnsoundurlin2u, can you refresh my memory on how I fixed this last time? That does sound familiar now that you mentioned it01:31
nsqactually i have the font now, that's not my problem, the font just looks ugly like in fedora 15, not like in ubuntu (with anti-aliasing and stuff). i updated the font cache and stuff of course01:32
nsqit looks like on a crt display, hard to describe because i dont know so much english :P01:32
knightragehey guys. so i have set my ubuntu machine up with an openvpn server. now, i need to allow routing from my openvpn clients through my ubuntu machine. is there some sort of configuration i need to do to allow my machine to route packets?01:33
knightrage"'my machine" => the openvpn server01:33
tqt1586does anyone know of a good irssi theme that has different color for each person like coloque?01:33
urlin2usurfnsound, method 2 is what I generally use but method 3 will put it in the kernel line. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu.html01:33
usr13nsq: I have calibri  and I did NOT extract it from "powerpoint viewer" (I just confirmed in OO).01:34
qintqt1586: nm.pl (script)01:35
usr13nsq: Mine looks fine.  I'll post a screenshot if you like.01:35
rypervenchetqt1586: I use weechat, it does it.01:35
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nsqusr13: well thats weird, i checked, and i have restricted extras and ttf-mscorefonts installed, but there was no "calibri" in libreoffice, only after i extracted it01:35
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rypervenchetqt1586: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19330159/Random/weechat.png01:36
surfnsoundthanks urlin2u that does look very familiar now01:36
urlin2usurfnsound, you can also get FF6 from a ppa I also use the fasterfox addon.01:36
surfnsounddo I need to reboot?01:36
nsqusr13: would you like to send me your calibri font?01:36
urlin2usurfnsound, if you modified the kernel run sudo update-grub  then reboot.01:36
nsqmaybe i got the "wrong one", dunno01:37
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phelippeSomeone here know how can i fix the sound when i use sudo? I try open one game: gksu et (when the game open the sound dont appear) but when open the game without sudo permission the sound is back. anyone?01:37
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coz_phelippe,  dont open an application with sudo  there is no need,, you could mess up permissions01:40
coz_phelippe,   that's why it has not sound with sudo01:40
usr13nsq: Maybe that is the difference, I'm still using OO01:40
magn3tsseriously, nautilus is crashing about every 10 minutes...01:41
phelippebut coz_  i have a question, i need put this command inside the game set r_customHeight "1080"01:41
phelippeand without sudo permission i cannot change01:41
blsh0pok question01:41
blsh0pwill downloading things like custom mouse icons and desklets make my pc run slow?01:41
coz_phelippe,   ah mmm.. ok I will let someone else take this then ,, I am half asleep and didnt realize the issue01:41
chavophelippe: the et config files are in your home folder01:41
blsh0pwill it make ubuntu run slow?01:41
phelippeyeah but i never found it01:42
phelippei was try found this now hehe01:42
suniceblsh0p: not likely01:42
blsh0pi know for windows os it did01:42
blsh0pand does anyone know how to get rid of the top menu bar?01:43
blsh0por at least edit it01:43
suniceblsh0p it's possible if they are extremely bloated files, but it shouldn't.01:43
chavophelippe: should be a dir name .etwolf in your home01:43
urlin2ublsh0p, which desktop, and release?01:43
nsqphelippe: i have et installed too, and i do not need sudo to run et, i can change everything etc01:43
phelippehere said01:43
blsh0p11.04 unity01:43
phelippeprofiles/phelippe/etconfig but i dont found it01:43
blsh0psunice thanks01:44
meowsusThis might be a really stupid question, but when you delete things from the command line, they are permanent deleted, correct?01:44
urlin2ublsh0p, you can't remove the top panel, it is part of the whole schema, hyoumight try the classic for you needs.01:44
sp4zhow do you disable services from running at startup01:44
usr13meowsus: yes01:44
blsh0pnah i love unity01:44
phelippemy game is here01:44
urlin2usp4z, startup applications for some01:44
coz_meowsus,  as permanently as anything can be deleted on a hard drive01:45
suniceMeowsus: rm is permanent01:45
coz_meowsus,  there are ways to retrieve deleted data however01:45
blsh0pi already have 4 docks with docky, so i can cope lol01:45
phelippeusr/local/games/enemy-territory chavo and nsq01:45
meowsusWell, i ran a rsync command on the wrong directory with a --del switch01:45
meowsus... which i assume is the same as rm01:45
chavophelippe: yes but the config files are in your home dir01:45
sunicemeowsus: there are data recovery programs, but it'd have to be worth a good amount of time or money01:46
phelippethere are some command to try search on the hd?01:46
OsmodivsDoes anyone knows how to setup a POP3 account in the Mail Notifiation Manager?01:46
meowsuscoz_, ?01:46
meowsussunice, totally. Just memories, nothing too major.01:46
rypervenche                           │+bluebomber01:47
coz_phelippe,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery01:47
urlin2uOsmodivs, is it a yahoo free account?01:47
OsmodivsThey say to change TLS Or SSL: yes but there is no way to change that option in that app01:47
coz_meowsus,     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery01:47
meowsuscoz_, gotcha01:47
meowsusthanks everyone01:47
chavophelippe: yes but the directory is ~/.etwolf/etmain01:47
magn3tsand another nautilus crash.01:47
Osmodivsurlin2u: Yes01:47
fidcardcanal español???01:47
Osmodivsurlin2u: For some reason I can't ass it. But for nnow I want to add the Hotmail one01:47
phelippecan i reinstall the game? can you talk with me private? i wanna uinstall and reinstall01:47
urlin2uOsmodivs, I don't think hyou can get that to work with yahoo free, but there is a yanoo mail notifier addon in firefox.01:48
zykotick9!es | fidcard01:48
ubottufidcard: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:48
urlin2uOsmodivs, hotmail I wouldn't know.01:48
chavophelippe: I don't think uninstall will delete your config data, it's probably owned by root now since you ran it with sudo01:49
bjvhelp.   My optical drive is detected in 'dmesg' but does not show up in lshw or /dev01:49
bjvneed assistance troubleshooting.01:49
bjvwhen i put a disk in, i hear it spin up01:49
Osmodivsurlin2u: There is a way to add it via POP3, but like I said, there is no way to modify the TLS Or SSL: yes option01:49
bjvbut nothing is detected in dmsg, and nothing shows up in file browser, eg no media insert popup01:49
urlin2uOsmodivs, it has been a while but  could never get the yahoo free to link up.01:50
Osmodivsurlin2u: What app do you use for that?01:51
Osmodivsurlin2u: There ara instructions here, but there is no way to add that info in this app. http://www.ghacks.net/2009/03/14/hotmail-pop3-configuration/01:51
urlin2uOsmodivs, firefox the yahoo mail notifier, but yes it us the correct call addresses, I could never figure them out.01:51
phelippechavo you can give me a support to uinstall and reinstall the game?01:52
black?/server irc.icq.com 6666?01:52
Osmodivsurlin2u: Does "outgoing Server" is the same as "mailbox name"?01:54
urlin2uOsmodivs, not sure really.01:54
arand&whois nullkey02:01
FlintWestWoodhi there, Im trying to setup my netbooks harddrive to tripleboot with windows7, OSX and ubuntu. The problem I'm running into  is that Windows 7 comes with two extra partitions that are for the recovery stuff. basically i have a system with 3 primary partitions and to squeeze ubuntu and OSX on there i figured an extended partition would work. works great for swap and ext3, but for some reason, i cant add an HFS partiitiion to my02:02
FlintWestWood extended partiition. Any ideas?02:03
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hjaxFlintWestWood: can you burn recovery disks?02:04
urlin2uFlintWestWood, Ubuntu only here.02:04
hjaxFlintWestWood: ubuntu will install on an extended partition, idk about OSX (and idc about OSX :p)02:05
FlintWestWoodits a hackinwinosxuntu machine02:05
zykotick9FlintWestWood, how is HFS in an extended partition, or booting OSX an Ubuntu issue?  I believe it's a violation of Apple's policies to boot OSX on non-Apple hardware.02:05
FlintWestWoodits got 30gb of ubuntu in there :)02:05
nsqFlintWestWood: actually i saw a thread on "insanelymac" about tripleboot with linux, windows, and osx .. maybe you search for that02:06
FlintWestWoodwell i cant add a partition to the hdd for osx to install to02:06
magn3tshackintoshes aren't worth the effort02:07
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nsqtrue. i had a hackintosh, and you are always very afraid of updating and stuff, because it is very possible that osx will be broken after an update/upgrade02:09
FlintWestWoodthis more of a proof of concept02:10
FlintWestWoodthan anything else, normally the triple boot is easy (1 priimary partition per OS) but with windows taking up 3/4 slots..02:11
FlintWestWoodits proving to be the usual pita that iive dealt with since ive started this hackintosh adventure. crazy thing is, ubuntu is way better performance and usability wise than OSX02:12
urlin2u!ot | FlintWestWood02:12
ubottuFlintWestWood: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:12
nsqpolice is here guys :P02:13
silverarrowis anyone familiar with disk utility and hd partitioning ?02:13
nsqsilverarrow: what do you need?02:13
FlintWestWoodWhat are you trying to accomplish?02:14
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urlin2usilverarrow, gparted would be easier just install it.02:16
silverarrowoh I see02:17
silverarrowI started partitioning, and it seems to take forever02:18
magn3tssilverarrow, what FS?02:18
jiohdithe bigger the drive the more they crawl02:18
magn3tsIt can take time...02:18
magn3tsPOS nautilus still crashing every 10-14 minutes02:18
nsqyeah, usally it takes alot on big drives/partitions02:18
nsqif you do no "quick format" thing02:19
nsqhowever, i still have this font issue with "calibra": http://s3.imgimg.de/uploads/fontprobdd18312cpng.png02:19
nsqanybody had this?02:20
urlin2unsq, there is no quick format in linux02:20
magn3tsnsq I have always had it, yes.02:20
silverarrowI'm doing a 20GB ext3 and the rest ntfs I think, regular 320GB02:21
magn3tsnsq, actually is that the lovely, wonderful libreoffice?02:21
nsqyes magn3ts02:21
nsqmagn3ts: but it also looks like this in gedit02:21
urlin2usilverarrow, if all is correct, thaose partiond should be made in less then 5 seconds, are you moving the partition or resizing?02:22
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silverarrowit seems to have finished now02:24
silverarrowurlin2u, I manage to delete the whole thing, disk utility is tricky02:25
silverarrowI was going to move filesystem02:25
silverarrowluckily there wasn't much on it02:25
urlin2usilverarrow, use gparted disk utility is very limited.02:25
silverarrowbut my lupe savefile went out the window02:25
urlin2usilverarrow, I don't think you can move or resize in disk utility is is delete or build, and a few other things.02:27
silverarrowurlin2u, that's probably it then02:27
silverarrowand it does't have that many sanity checks02:28
urlin2usilverarrow, lol open source assumes your sane. :D02:29
silverarrowurlin2u, final warnings, and making thing really clear, oh I need that02:31
pythonirc101Where can i find good wallpapers for ubuntu desktops02:32
pythonirc101especially without license problems02:32
jiohdigoogle images?02:32
nsqpythonirc101: gnome-look.org02:32
pythonirc101nsq: And i'm looking for art mostly, nothing with ubuntu logo on it02:33
nsqthere are much wallpapers without ubuntu stuff there pythonirc10102:33
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Lithos84pythonirc101: gnome-look.org02:34
th0rjoint: stop yelling02:37
dataspynot me I use windows02:37
nsqactually we are all here on #ubuntu because we use windows, we infiltrate them02:38
dataspyvista rocks02:38
phelippeThere are anyone can help me with configuration for install Wolfstein Enemy Territory? I have a problem with sound and permissions to change the etconfig PVP-me please02:38
jointwindows is getting better02:38
silverarrowdataspy, vista has turned a bit sluggish on a hp I have02:38
dataspyuhhh just defrag the hd02:39
Coreyjoint: Did you have a support question?02:39
jointno... im a computer expert02:39
silverarrowdataspy, I do all the regular maintenance02:39
a_p3rsonim looking for somekind of fullscreen notification program (if you know of one for windows thats ok too), that could display things like new RSS notifications, email, calendar, etc, and maybe have im and others plugins builtin, is there anything like that?02:39
Coreyjoint: Then please refrain from trolling.02:39
jointi will... you too02:39
dataspysilverarrow: upgrade to linux :P02:39
silverarrowdataspy, 7 seems better, but now they are forcing 8 on us02:39
dataspysilverarrow: noooooooooooo02:40
silverarrowdataspy, I would, but I have trouble making any buntu boot from cd on hps02:40
jointi think windows 8 is terrible02:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:40
krackcomment on fait pour parler Français.....?02:40
IowamanWhat is 11.10 going to feature?02:40
somsip!fr | krack02:41
ubottukrack: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:41
yagoojoint, everything you said is terrific.02:41
krackmille excusi.....02:41
silverarrowdataspy, 7 runs lighter at least, on systems a couple of years ol02:41
jointthanks.. i appreciate that02:41
silverarrow7 runs lighter than Ubuntu even02:41
urist_what are the most popular torrent clients for Ubuntu?02:41
dataspysilverarrow: you should check out ubuntu 10.04 minimal02:41
urlin2uIowaman, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for that. :D02:41
yagoojoint, in the very literal sense of the word.02:41
nsqurist_: transmission, vuze (vuze is a little bloated)02:41
dataspysilverarrow: it only install the base os and then you selectively install whatever you want from the command line, that's all I use02:42
urist_nsq: does this transmission have a GUI?02:42
silverarrowdataspy, after I found lubuntu I have been pretty happy with it on most computers, but still have trouble booting the cd on HP pavilions02:42
dataspysilverarrow: it won't boot at all?02:42
jointdont boot it on the pavilion... just put it in, and restart it02:42
jointthen it should boot off the cd02:43
nsqurist_: yes, and it installed per default in ubuntu02:43
nsq*it is02:43
urist_oh i didn't know... thanks02:43
jointsometimes the pavilions have a hard time detecting a cd at first if its powered off02:43
nsqurist_: transmission is "light", if you need something more "powerful", install vuze02:44
michelexcusez moi ...!02:44
silverarrowdataspy, trouble is the cd will not boot up to the regular menu, and ends up in a black screen message02:46
michelvous parlez Français....?02:46
silverarrowI cannot get past it some how02:46
silverarrowmichel, bon nuit02:47
jointit was probably a bad burn02:47
urist_nsq: cool, I use vuze on my windows machine, but I'm going to try transmission, I can't see why I would need a bulky client anyway... thanks mate02:47
yagoomichel, /join #ubuntu-fr02:47
michelbonne nuit a vous silverarrow...!02:48
dataspysilverarrow: I've had that happen to me before, it might work if you try a different version of ubuntu and then upgrade02:49
michelfleche d'argent...02:50
jointhow come i can't log into Yahoo Messenger chat?02:51
silverarrowdataspy, I think there are new buntus launched next month even, I shall try them. I think it is hard ware support issues02:51
JoseeAntonioRSorry, is dinda1 here?02:51
michelon ne parle pas en Français ici....?02:52
Logan_!fr | michel02:52
ubottumichel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:52
Atharvahi..Which will be the default ubuntu enviornments in further releases ?02:52
Logan_Atharva: Unity.02:53
w0_I know this sounds trivial, but it's important to me -- I installed the equinox theme pack and my network icon (in the upper right) doesn't display the little lock for vpn connection.  anyone have any ideas? much thx02:53
michelok. merçi ubottu..02:53
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AtharvaLogan_ : Why not gnome ? Any reason behind it ?02:53
Logan_Atharva: Same reason behind it not being default in 11.04.02:54
nsqw0_: looks like the guy who made this theme forgot this icon. maybe you could tell him this "bug"02:54
Logan_Atharva: But, that's really a discussion for #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic.02:54
jointi like messing around with the people in ubuntu offtopic02:55
w0_nsq: I'm hoping there's a setting in the theme I could change .. any links on making themes? (I'm about to google, too =)02:55
ANDruidi cannot save visual effects after reboot my ubuntu02:55
ANDruidanyone help?02:55
h00kjoint: this isn't the place to discuss it.02:55
jointdiscuss what?02:55
ANDruidi want to use Extra visual effects02:56
NautilusANDruid: I saw someone mention similar: http://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/2010/05/ubuntu-lucid-lynx-and-whistles.html02:56
h00kjoint: This channel is for Ubuntu support.  As you know, #ubuntu-offtopic is for other discussions, but it also has rules as viewed in the topic.02:56
* axatrikx 02:56
jointim supporting ubuntu02:57
urlin2uANDruid, which relese and is it actually installed or a live cd.02:57
ANDruidi cannot visit the website.i use 10.4 lts02:58
ANDruidi dont know what s wrong.maybe driver or what??02:58
EearslyaI have headphones with a missing right speaker. Is there any way to force sound to be mono left?02:59
blsh0phow do i use desklets?02:59
blsh0pi just downloaded crispclock from gnome-look.org02:59
blsh0pand i have no clue how to use it02:59
w0_nsq: I just went to control center > appearance pref > customize theme > icons and tried something different.  -- tried unity-icon-theme and it looks alright guess I'll go for that for now.03:00
w0_anyone have any links to teach making/editing themes?03:00
blsh0pEearslya why dont u just buy new headphones?03:00
blsh0pyou can get a good cheap pair03:00
blsh0pAnyone know how to use desklets?03:00
Eearslyablsh0p: No money for it at all.03:00
xanguablsh0p: open your dekslets preferences and add it03:01
blsh0pi cant add it03:01
blsh0ptheres no add option in gdesklets03:01
blsh0phow to i open desklet preferces03:04
nsqblsh0p: afaik it was "desklets" in a terminal03:05
EearslyaNobody know how to force mono sound?03:05
blsh0pthat doesnt work anymore nsq but thanks03:05
blsh0pi cant add any desklets to gdesklets03:06
urlin2ublsh0p, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/27342603:08
urlin2ublsh0p, as well you can add to gdesklets, you just have top figure it out.03:09
blsh0pthanks, i guess i can only do it be dragging the old fashioned way03:10
urlin2ublsh0p, you might check out conky03:10
w0_wait a sec, does unity use GTK themes?03:12
xanguaw0_: yes03:13
w0_you just made me smarter.03:13
w0_thx -- I've been googling for who knows how long!!03:14
w0_(okay, 15 minutes.  but don't tell anyone.)03:14
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Will123456hey guys. i'n trying to compile indicator-appmenu. I pulled down the code using bzr, but how do i compile it? ./configure / make / make install and what not don't seem to work properly. what am i missing?03:15
xanguaand what is wrong with the repository one¿03:16
h00kWill123456: why are you trying to compile it?03:16
Will123456h00k: because i want to mess around with the code and then try it out :P03:17
Will123456what am i missing to compile it? is there an extra tool i don't have?03:17
ANDruidok,now i have solove the problem.but it occurs another problem now03:18
ANDruidthe alert sound that in gedit is miss03:19
Frederickhi folks can I cange language support from ubuntu after it was installed?03:25
CoreyFrederick: Sure.03:26
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AtharvaFrederick : Yes System -> Preferences -> Language Support03:27
FrederickCorey: not tha interface I mean locales I hink it is the locales like if I can visualize folders with wierd encoding03:27
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netzsoochello... hey, If I have no /home partition is there a way to create one without loosing data I have in it?03:29
rww!separatehome | netzsooc03:29
ubottunetzsooc: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving03:30
usr13netzsooc: You should have /home  I don't see how you wouldn't.03:30
usr13netzsooc: Oh, you want to create a separate /home  partition. Yes.  You can.03:30
usr13netzsooc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving03:31
netzsoocexactly usr13, I want to install another distro and I want Ubuntu and new distro to share a /home and swap partition03:31
usr13rww: Sorry didn't see your post.03:31
usr13netzsooc: Yes you can do that too.03:32
cdnjayDoes anyone know if Ubuntu Server supports SSL 1.1 or 1.2?03:32
netzsoocusr13 rww thanks for the link03:33
netzsoocanother question about /home, is it possible to create home on a remote box? using for example ubuntuOne03:35
usr13cdnjay: openssl version03:35
cdnjayusr13: Sorry?03:36
usr13netzsooc: I don't think so.  No03:36
usr13do you have ubuntu server installed?03:36
cdnjayusr13: I do, yes.03:36
usr13cdnjay: Open a terminal and type    openssl version    and hit enter.03:37
cdnjayusr13: OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 200903:38
polyconhello on the otherside  can someone help me with the beagleeboard xm and ubuntu03:41
s0m380dyДобрый день, имеется вопрос :)03:41
AlessonZaire!ru | s0m380dy03:41
ubottus0m380dy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.03:41
s0m380dy!ru | s0m380dy03:42
ubottus0m380dy, please see my private message03:42
TohuwWhat does "sendbytes: NAK bailout" mean?03:43
polyconhello can somebody help  i am trying to use ubuntu on a beagleboarc xm03:44
polyconshould i go to a different chat for help with beagleboard xm03:45
organikshey all03:46
organiksim trying to resume a screen03:46
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polyconorganiks can you direct me to help for beaglleboard xm and ubuntu03:47
usr13!screen | organiks03:47
ubottuorganiks: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen03:47
Tohuworganiks: screen -r03:47
organiksand its saying "no screen to be resumed" but says there is a screen available how do i get the to that screen03:47
qinorganiks: screen -dr03:47
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organikscan i still export=display:0p03:48
AkaitoraHi, can anyone help me with a script?03:49
Tohuw!ask | Akaitora03:49
ubottuAkaitora: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:49
usr13-p switches to previous screen03:49
Akaitoraalright, can someone help me make a script that mounts an .iso image and then runs a program using wine?03:50
usr13Akaitora: Maybe03:50
TohuwAkaitora: #bash03:50
usr13Akaitora: http://paste.ubuntu.com/693495/03:53
Akaitoraalright, I'm going to try it03:54
Nicolusick c_nick03:57
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Akaitorausr13: the mounting works, but wine does not execute the program04:04
w30How can I get unity to start compiz with --indirect-rending argument? I need it for successful suspend on my Dell laptop.04:08
KarisIndeed: "I want to enjoy masturbating, the way it should be. Being locked into watching porn to substitute sensitivity is NOT fun anymore."04:10
xangua!ops | Karis04:11
ubottuKaris: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!04:11
IdleOneKaris: your browsing habits are none of our concern04:11
elkyKaris, those kinds of comments are not welcome here.04:11
KarisI was over in #slackware to come over here.04:12
KarisThey told me.04:12
mordofif I want to launch an application from gnome-terminal, but don't want that terminal monopolized by the running application, how do i launch it in a seperate process?04:14
lostsonname of app &04:14
mordofah, so it goes <app> & .. i thought & was in there, I guess i kept putting it in the wrong spots. ty04:14
bobsaccamanoHi..im booting off a jaunty live cd...i am unable to install gettext package - 404 not found error04:16
thrillERboyHi guys, please name a good program to auto-complete frequently used text, with <keyword>tab trigger, for ubuntu.04:16
Lithos84!jaunty | bobsaccamano04:16
ubottubobsaccamano: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.04:16
lacrymologycan I get a hand setting up samba?04:18
Lithos84!smb | lacrymology04:20
ubottulacrymology: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:20
=== static_void is now known as static_void_
Guest86365i was trying to install something and in the process of doing make I chose to include an option that apparently is not there. But it seems this make option is stuck and everytime I try to runt make it tells me that this option is not available. Is there a way of cleaning this make history_04:23
lostsonGuest86365: make clean04:24
mordofAH! google search supports arrow key navigation!, lol.. i didn't even know that04:24
lacrymologyLithos84: ty. when the cat is done being pet' I'll check them..04:25
Guest86365lostson, tried, but still same error04:25
Lithos84lacrymology: :) You're welcome04:25
lacrymologyfr                                d dcx04:25
Guest86365lostson, make rmconfig did the trick!04:26
mordoflostson: appname & doesn't work from terminal04:26
lostsonmordof: always works for me04:27
mordoflostson: it passes it as a command line parameter..04:27
robertzaccourhow do I find out what my screen resolution is?04:28
lostsonmordof: ok then04:28
urlin2urobertzaccour, monitors04:28
mordoflostson: sarcasm?04:28
lostsonmordof: no not sarcasm if i run firefox & in a terminal it launches firefox and my terminal is then free for me to use04:29
robertzaccoururlin2u: what do you mean? thats what I'm trying to find out, what my screen resolution is04:29
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
mordoflostson: hmm.. any idea why it would be different for me?04:29
urlin2urobertzaccour, there is a app called monitors.04:29
lostsonmordof: so as to why it wouldnt work for you I have no idea04:29
mordoflostson: there's gotta be something that changes it.. *thinks*04:29
th0rmordof: what command are you trying to run?04:30
robertzaccoururlin2u: I don't see it in software center04:30
urlin2urobertzaccour, it is already installed it is in the menu.04:31
robertzaccoururlin2u: in xubuntu?04:31
robertzaccoururlin2u: Oh I found it in display settings04:32
urlin2urobertzaccour, there you go it has been a while since using xubuntu.04:33
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
=== Nicolus is now known as c_nick
nawkHi, can someone tell me the configuration settings for "System->Administration->Login Screen"?04:35
nawkCurrently I have set it as "Log in as <user> automatically" using Ubuntu Classic04:36
nawkI messed up something, and I need to be able to change the setting to Ubuntu Classic (No effects)04:37
nawkwhich configuration file(s) do I need to modify?04:37
nawkI need to know which files to modify04:38
conrad90How do I find the directory where my CD-ROM drive is mounted?04:38
th0rnawk: turning off the auto login is usually handled via the gui interface for configuring the login screen04:38
th0rconrad90: mount04:39
h00kconrad90: usually like /media/someplacehere04:39
h00kconrad90: /media/cdrom/ perhaps?04:40
conrad90apparently it is /media/VBOXADDITIONS04:40
nawkth0r well, I messed up the screen and I can't pull up the gui interface.  essentially if I could find the configuration file for controlling what type session to start I am fine.  I need to change it to "Ubuntu Classic (No effects)04:41
lacrymologyok, I've supposedly created and shared a directory with samba.. is there a way I can check it from Ubuntu?04:43
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
nawksorry, my session restarted.  did i miss a reply to where to find the configuration file for Login Screen Settings04:44
almoxarifelacrymology: virtualbox? run another os04:46
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
almoxarifelacrymology: you could also look to see if your folder shows in networks04:48
robertzaccourHow do I capture audio in ffmpeg? I'm only getting video here04:48
Frederickfolks how can I install lastest java from sun in firefox I got only the icedtea plugin04:51
mordoflostson: ok, so it's working.. just that some programs continue outputting to that terminal until i hit enter04:51
bullgard4nawk: What is your Ubuntu release?04:51
lostsonmordof: yep04:51
mordoflostson: even after i hit enter.. lol04:52
nawkbullgard4 natty narwhal.  All I need to find out is where to find the configuration file for the "System->Administration->Login Screen"04:52
mordoflostson: they're in the background - so warnings still show up :\04:52
robertzaccourDoes anyone have advice on how to capture audio in ffmpeg? I can paste my output command if that would help any. Also fullscreen doesn't play in fullscreen (1366x728)04:52
nawkbullgard4 I need to be able to have it auto log in using "Ubuntu CLassic (No Effects)"04:53
mordoflostson: ah well, i'm not that concerned about that. My main goal was to be able to close unnecessary terminal windows, so this'll suffice04:53
mordofi'll just close/create new instance04:53
robertzaccourffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1366x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi  this is my ffmpeg output. how do I get audio in there?04:54
lostsonmordof: when it does that to me i hit ctrl-c and then it stops the app printing to the terminal04:54
mordoflostson: ah there's that too :) good to know04:54
robertzaccourthere is no audio recorded04:54
Frederickfolks how can I install lastest java from sun in firefox I got only the icedtea plugin?04:54
bullgard4nawk: I am not sure what you mean exactly: When  I selected "Classic (No Effects)" then my Ubuntu computer alway started in this mode after I entered my login password.04:54
nawkbullgard4: yes, that's what that "Login Screen" Gui interface allows you to do, but essentially there should be a configuration file that stores that setting04:56
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lacrymologyI don't have another OS, my samba folder doesn't show in networks, trying to connect to my own samba server by name doesn't work...04:56
lacrymologyand the only other client I have is a wii, so it's not.. easy, to check04:56
mordofnawk: well, it's possible but.. it's also possible that's it's not an easy thing to do04:56
ChogyDanFrederick: I think you can enable the partner repos, install sun-java, then remove openjdk and icedtea04:56
FrederickChogyDan: can you provide me a link?04:57
bullgard4nawk: Yes, this setting is stored in a configuration file. But I do not know the name of this configuration file. Sorry that I cannot help you.04:57
ChogyDan!partner | Frederick04:57
ubottuFrederick: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:57
nawkmordof: for starters, I need to locate the configuration file that stores the setting.04:58
mordofnawk: i'm looking, hold on04:58
Coreynawk: Sounds like a job for grep?04:58
nawkis the Login Screen GUI interface exclusively on Ubuntu? or is it also in Debian04:58
mordofnawk: no idea04:59
mordofnawk: under environment variables i'm seeing a DESKTOP_SESSION and GDMSESSION, but they're both set to gnome for me05:00
mordoftruthfully i have no idea what mine would be set at. My normal boot up is under the one Unity should use - but I don't have unity shell running xD lol05:00
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
* mordof disabled Unity05:00
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest97019
apporcEvery time i use synaptic to upgrade packages , i need to input root password to authorize. I mean why it isn't a "sudo" process?05:01
FrederickChogyDan: cant find package sun-java05:02
mordofapporc: do you want anyone that sits down at your computer to be able to mess with your packages?05:02
mordofapporc: that's the whole point of making it REQUIRE root access05:02
bullgard4Installing the DEB program package »keychain«, why does the Synaptic dialog window "Changes Applied" say: "(keychain is being set up.) You have to configure "localpurge with the command 'dpkg-reconfigure localepurge' to make /usr/sbin/localpurge actually to function. Nothing to be done, exiting..."?05:02
apporcmordof: i remembered that , i used to input my own password but the root's at the same position.05:03
ChogyDan!tab | Frederick see if tab gets you further05:03
ubottuFrederick see if tab gets you further: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:03
apporcmordof: i thought it was what i had done changed system's behaviour. i am wrong?05:03
mordofapporc: right.. your account (if it has sudoer access) should be fine to use your password05:03
mordofapporc: if your account didn't have sudoer access, you would have to use the password of an account that did05:04
apporcmordof: but now ,it always asks me for my root password.05:04
Frederickltest version for all05:04
apporcmordof: my account have sudoer access.05:04
mordofapporc: hm. not sure on that, one sec05:04
mordofapporc: i guess it's supposed to automatically be launched as root from the menu05:05
mordofapporc: i tried to launch it without sudo in the command line, and it complained to me that i didn't have access - and so it was read online05:05
mordofbooo!! when I do sudo synaptic my theme isn't applied ;_; lol05:06
mordofthis isn't fun...05:06
AthenonWhat solutions exist for backing up directories that are constantly being written to...ie game servers and the like?05:06
apporcmordof: maybe it's because of that i have changed my xdm again and again. from gdm to kdm and to gdm again...05:06
furyoshonenIs there a ubuntu equivalent for itunesU ?05:06
lacrymologynmbd never runs05:07
snellydoes anybody know of a cross-platform (windows, *nix) serial-over-network server?05:07
h00k!players | furyoshonen05:07
ubottufuryoshonen: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:07
lacrymologyI run sudo nmbd and it doesn't fail, but it's not there05:07
bullgard4!enter | mordof05:07
ubottumordof: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:07
snellyAthenon: LVM05:08
Athenonsnelly:  will that work over a network?  (i know nothing about lvm :/)05:08
furyoshonenubottu, but I still have to find the all of the universities myself?05:08
ubottufuryoshonen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:08
snellyAthenon: read and find out.05:08
bullgard4Athenon: Use rsnapshot05:08
mordofbullgard4: noted, although I only did it once that was worth mentioning it05:08
furyoshonenubottu, your the best bot I have ever talked to05:09
ubottufuryoshonen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:09
snellyi need to figure out a way to get this serial device (attached to my linux box) to show up as COMn on this Windows box05:09
snellythere are lots of *nix-to-*nix solutions05:09
snellyand even some win32-to-win32 solutions05:09
cache_surplussnelly: ?05:10
cache_surpluscould you explain a little more....05:10
snellycache_surplus: so i have this embedded microcontroller for ham radio stuff05:11
snellycache_surplus: and it communicates with a PC via serial port at 4800 baud05:11
snellythere's a nice windows app to configure it but my only windows installation is a VM on my Mac and I don't have a USB<->serial05:11
snellyyep, hang on :)05:12
snellyso i have it attached to my ubuntu box and I'm using cu(1) to talk to it05:12
snellyi'm trying to find a utility/driver that lets me send the serial activity over the network05:12
snellylike this:  http://lpccomp.bc.ca/remserial/05:12
snellyproblem is, none of that stuff is cross-platform05:12
snellyit's an odd request, i know05:13
cache_surplusi dont think the ubuntu room will be too helpful... however, try #linux they are more interested in topics of this nature. i have no clue, i would have to spend a day or so figuring it out. chk out #linux snelly  satification rating will increase05:13
snellythanks chris___007605:13
snellyerr cache_surplus05:14
cache_surplusyou work with kermit?05:14
FloodBot1snelly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:14
cache_surpluskermit - the criptable communications software ;)05:14
cache_surplusopps scriptable05:14
cache_surpluscu is for calling up i believe or phone sys05:14
cache_surplushavent heard that term in ages lol05:14
bullgard4Installing the DEB program package »keychain«, why does the Synaptic dialog window "Changes Applied" say: "(keychain is being set up.) You have to configure "localpurge with the command 'dpkg-reconfigure localepurge' to make /usr/sbin/localpurge actually to function. Nothing to be done, exiting..."?05:14
cache_surplussnelly and you ... oh he left05:15
chris___0076well snelly, you are welcome ^^05:15
=== chris___0076 is now known as chris_0076
cache_surpluswhats the irc command to change nicks on the fly and post to screen?05:15
ex0its /nick05:16
mordofcache_surplus: /nick ..?05:16
cache_surplusum, thats small shyt05:16
cache_surplusits is it's05:16
cache_surplusthis isnt English 10105:16
mordofisn't :p05:17
cache_surplusi never use apostrophies05:17
* mordof falls over.05:17
cache_surpluscheck out #English and #Grammar lol05:18
brezguys, when I set ubuntu to login via 'classic' (so unity is disabled) my current themes does not work05:18
brezon the top & bottom bar -- only on windows05:18
mordofbrez: i'm guessing the theme isn't designed to work with ubuntu classic then05:19
brezwell, it's a gtk2 slickness theme05:19
brezmordof: the theme is actually working on window borders, just not the top and bottom task bar05:20
mordofbrez: got a link to the theme page?05:20
brezlemme get05:20
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
bz_mordof: my apologies, net died: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Slickness+Black?content=7321005:26
depressedanyone know of any good google reader managers? i've tried so many but they all crash05:27
mordofbz_: ah, so it does support it directly.. i have no idea then :\05:28
mordofbz_: i THINK you can specify different settings for the gnome-panels in their properties if i'm not mistaken05:28
mordofthese could override theme settings05:28
bz_tried rebooting etc... for example, my terminal window running irssi right now is using the theme.05:28
bz_mordof: attempted that -- no dice! seems it's all set correctly.05:28
ShirakawasunaWhy did no one tell me about synapse?05:28
bz_is there a way to disable unity, with out switching to classic mode?05:29
mordofShirakawasuna: synapse?05:29
mordofbz_: yes :D05:29
bz_how so?05:29
mordofbz_: that's currently what i'm running, lol05:29
bz_mordof: would be great if you could advise :-)05:29
mordofbz_: be aware though that you will have absolutely nothing running in terms of panels05:29
bz_mordof: so the top/bottom panel, will cease to exist?05:30
MyrttiShirakawasuna: because we don't support it?05:30
mordofbz_: indeed. if you disable unity but don't substitue anything else - you won't have anything05:30
Shirakawasunapfff, that's no reason05:30
mordofbz_: I strictly use command key shortcuts and gnome-terminal to use my computer now05:31
MyrttiShirakawasuna: actually it is a very good reason...05:31
bz_mordof: hrmm -- doesn't seem too be what I'm looking for! ;-), thanks anyway!05:31
mordofbz_: though i have a fancy vintage screenlet clock that looks really nice against my background :o05:31
Myrtti!ppa | Shirakawasuna05:31
ubottuShirakawasuna: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa05:31
Shirakawasunabz_: what would you like to remove?05:31
mordofbz_: i'm gonna get you a screenshot, hold on xD lol.. just because i'm proud of it05:32
ShirakawasunaMyrtti: lol, I'm not asking for a ppa, I'm joking about a nice app (apparently popular) I just discovered05:32
Shirakawasunamuch nicer than kupfer05:32
bz_Shirakawasuna: just unity -- I enabled classic mode (to get rid of it) but then in classic mode, my themes do not work on the whole gnome desktop.05:32
MyrttiShirakawasuna: it's not in official repositories tho...05:32
Shirakawasunabz_: which parts of the themes don't work?05:32
grendal-primehey guys.05:33
bz_Shirakawasuna: the panels.05:33
ShirakawasunaMyrtti: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/synapse :)05:33
bz_mordof: ok, no problems!05:33
Shirakawasunabz_: ah. Well, the panel is part of unity.05:33
grendal-primei need a script...or something that will scan the network locate a gateway, reconfig the interfaces file and figure out how to get out to the internet.05:33
mordofShirakawasuna: his theme is meant to work with gnome-panel in classic05:33
bz_Shirakawasuna: I've switched to classic mode*05:33
mordofShirakawasuna: there shouldn't technically be a problem05:34
Shirakawasunamordof: yeah05:34
mordofbz_: http://cl.ly/291P2J123G2Q3v1D1h2G05:34
grendal-primethis is not for malware but simply for ease of setting up an appliance.05:34
grendal-primeanyone got any ideas?05:34
ShirakawasunaI guess I was assuming that gnome2 might be slightly buggy now that it's less supported05:34
Shirakawasunabut it's probably something else05:34
MyrttiShirakawasuna: I stand corrected, noticed that once my unresponsive device coughed up info...05:34
Shirakawasunabz_: In classic mode are things working better?05:34
urlin2usynapse is in the universe repos.05:35
Shirakawasunamordof: have you tried out tiling wms?05:35
bz_Shirakawasuna: wasn't a matter of better, or worse, I just like simplicity.05:35
mordofShirakawasuna: tiling wms? no05:35
bz_mordof: looks nice, similar to my desktop when I was running cairo-dock, I had no top/bottom panels.05:36
mordofbz_: :)05:36
mordof<super>+z to launch gnome-terminal, simple05:36
mordofShirakawasuna: example?05:36
Shirakawasunamordof: might want to try one out (awesome3 or xmonad are the ones I personally like)05:36
Shirakawasunamordof: sure, I'll find a good screenshot05:36
mordofcan't say for sure if i'll want to use it. I'm really enjoying not having anything except my running applications and my clock on my screens :)05:37
mordofso it all depends on what it offers05:37
qinnsgrendal-prime: ifconfig? nm-cli?05:37
somsipmordof: the relevant question might be how attached you are to using the mouse. Tiling WMs tend to be more keyboard based05:38
Jeremy3Danyone know of any good screen printing/ t-shirt design irc channels?05:38
mordofsomsip: with this setup it's keyboard based as well, though I still use the mouse some05:39
ex0google knows05:39
qinnsex0: lol05:39
Shirakawasunaall the screenshots I find are ugly. My xmonad was never quite this ugly ;)05:39
mordofsomsip: I'm not against getting rid of mouse functionality provided that it's more efficient of a setup to just go to the keyboard entirely05:39
somsipmordof: k - sounds like Shirakawasuna is finding you some links. Could be worth looking at tiling if you happy with shortcuts05:39
Shirakawasunathis is slightly less ugly05:40
Shirakawasunamordof: http://uhsure.com/xmonad-log-applet.jpg05:40
Shirakawasunayou can make it much prettier than that05:41
mordofI don't really like tiling my windows like that tbh05:41
Shirakawasunabasically, most windows will be auto-maximized. If you open two windows on the same desktop, it's splits them.05:41
mordofI'm used to organizing my windows with workspaces anyhow05:41
ShirakawasunaYou can store windows on different desktops, or have them auto-load to different workspaces, to ensure that some apps always get the whole screen05:41
mordofyeah.. that wouldn't be too good for me05:41
Jeremy3Dex0, google dont know jack. i've asked him already05:42
mordofi tend to have lots of them overlapping simply based on priority, but arranged so i can get at them easily05:42
Shirakawasunathere's also different layouts you can use.05:42
Shirakawasunasome will be fullscreen all the time05:42
Shirakawasunaand you use shortcuts to toggle through the windows05:42
Shirakawasunae.g. alt+j05:42
mordofShirakawasuna: yep, i have those currently as well05:42
ShirakawasunaIt's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, mordof, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try :)05:42
mordofShirakawasuna: i've got lots of window management shortcuts set up in compiz05:42
qinnsmordof: There is great moment in life of linux user, when you will realise that there is The Compiz out there.05:42
ShirakawasunaI'm not even using a tiling wm atm05:43
mordofqinns: lol, a large majority of my current setup is based on custom Compiz settings :)05:43
Shirakawasunamostly because if someone else rarely has to use my computer, xmonad drives them insane05:43
mordofShirakawasuna: actually i like my computer like this :) when nothing is running - there's absolutely no way to launch something unless you know the shortcut keys XD05:43
Shirakawasunathat's how most people run xmonad imo ;)05:44
Shirakawasunathey have a little status bar at the top of their screen with no clickable elements :)05:44
mordofif I ever feel the need for an auto-organizer of my windows I'll take a deeper look into it05:44
mordofick - can that be removed?05:44
Shirakawasunait's not default, iirc05:44
bz__mordof: you know when I first login, the theme is working, then it switches off?05:45
mordofbz__: so something that launches is breaking the compatibility05:45
bz__very irritating!05:46
Shirakawasunabz__: so is it just gnome-panel that doesn't match everything else? Maybe you could configure it (right click -> something about panels)05:46
mordofbz__: yeah, i've had that happen in the past.. but i'm still not quite sure how to fix it05:46
bz__Shirakawasuna: correct, but all the panel properties etc are set to "theme"05:47
bz__mordof: little things like this kill me, hence why I just use terminal!05:47
mordofShirakawasuna: bz__ 's problem is that there's an application preventing the panels from being themed properly05:47
bz__mordof: although they theme at the start. then something loads, and bo0o0om! gone~05:47
mordofbz__: lol, yeah05:47
Shirakawasunabz__: Try setting it manually to something that matches the theme and see if it'll stick. It's both a workaround and a test of how deep the problem is.05:47
bz__even nautilis is themed05:48
Shirakawasunayou could always try a little `mv ~/.local ~/localbak` *after* logging out05:48
mordofbz__: i'm not used to reading an analog clock in my top right hand corner -.-; lol05:48
Shirakawasunaor check your startup applications and slowly remove them05:48
Shirakawasunagnome lets you just uncheck them, yes? Easy to restore startup apps?05:49
* mordof nods05:49
bz__maybe I'll roll back to hefty? :-)05:49
mordofbz__: you know.. i was just thinking. This background (the ambiance and everything of it) + the color and style of that clock.. Did you ever play the game Thief?05:49
bz__mordof: never! :P05:50
mordof1 sec05:50
cache_surplushow can i tell how much memory onboard my graphics card has? cmdline please. thanks05:51
mordofbz__: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/images/june08/limbo2-thief.jpg  it was an old game05:51
mordofbz__: it gives off a similar feel to it i guess.05:51
bz__mordof: I see -- nope, only ever played ARC, and call of duty!05:51
bz__mordof: this Ubuntu session is installed on a virtual machine, so I try to keep all the colors equal.05:52
bz__mordof: have 3 screens, 2x 24", 1x 42"05:52
mordofbz__: you have tri-monitor working on ubuntu?05:52
bz__mordof: 2 are running Win7.05:52
mordofoh, they're not all on the same computer then...05:53
bz__mordof: yes, all running win7, ubuntu is on the 42 as a virtual box.05:53
mordofbz__: oh, that's entirely different then05:53
bz__Brb! going to reboot, there was a 'visual enhancer' on the startup apps.05:53
mordofbz__: i run ubuntu as my main OS, and i have 2 monitors with TwinView currently.. I've done some research and adding a third looks to be a paid05:54
FloodBot1piotrek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
YcareneI run Xubuntu, and I want to give unity a look-see but I can't seem to see it in my list of sessions.06:03
Shirakawasunait probably isn't installed, Ycarene06:04
YcareneI did install it06:04
Shirakawasunawell, that's all I got ;)06:05
ShirakawasunaI'm not sure if you need to restart gdm/lightdm/whatever for it to recognize a new session06:05
Shirakawasunarestarting the computer entirely would do the same job06:05
Shirakawasunaalso my $.02 is that xubuntu is nicer :), at least for 11.04.06:07
ShirakawasunaIt might be more worthwhile to try out a VM version of oneiric standard ubuntu (w/ unity of course), since it should have more features06:07
brezstill trying to do it!06:08
YcareneWell, I haven't even tried unity so I can't honestly say it's better, (though I suspect, at least for me, it is).06:08
brezdisabled a whole bunch, and nothing --06:08
Ycarenebrb, gonna try something.06:08
blacksunsevenhow do i kill a defunct process?06:08
blacksunseven(i've googled this aplenty. sudo kill -9 doesnt do it)06:09
Ycarenekill its parent06:09
blacksunsevenwhat if its parent is process id 106:09
PatrickBicis this the right channel to ask a question regarding to .desktop/.directory files?06:09
scarleoblacksunseven: which process is it?06:09
Ycarenewell, um, hmm.06:09
blacksunsevenscarleo, xbmc06:09
urlin2ublacksunseven, htop?06:10
scarleoblacksunseven: kill -9 xbmc xbmc.bin06:10
scarleoblacksunseven: that should do it06:10
blacksunsevenscarleo, that's what causes it to become defunct06:10
Shirakawasunablacksunseven: reboot and sob06:10
scarleoblacksunseven: did you kill the bin as well?06:10
Shirakawasunablacksunseven: and avoid using kill -9 whenever possible06:10
Shirakawasunaxbmc usually doesn't need it (I kill it all the time)06:11
blacksunsevenxbmc crashes any time i stop video playback.06:11
urlin2uPatrickBic, if ubuntu yes.06:11
PatrickBicurlin2u, yep06:11
blacksunsevenit wont clear the last frame and then i try to kill it to get back to desktop06:11
blacksunseventhen it just goes defunct06:11
scarleoShirakawasuna: I have had that with xbmc and believe me it needs -9 sometimes06:11
Ycareneblacksunseven - try using pstree to see all the processes associated with it.06:11
PatrickBicok: do i need to look at categories.xml to get the menu entries (aka directories) or do i need to look at each individual .directory file?06:11
ShirakawasunaI've had it as well, and killall xbmc.bin eventually works06:12
blacksunsevenps -A | grep xbmc06:12
blacksunseven 2128 ?        02:06:49 xbmc.bin <defunct>06:12
scarleoblacksunseven: did you kill the bin as well?06:12
blacksunsevenpstree | grep xbmc06:12
blacksunseven     |-xbmc.bin---{xbmc.bin}06:12
blacksunsevenyes scarleo06:12
scarleoblacksunseven: try logout and then in again06:12
blacksunsevenscarleo, rebooting fixes it, it's just, i'm trying to avoid having to do that every time this happens06:13
blacksunsevenwhich is everytime i stop video playback in xbmc06:13
siesondoes anyone know how ubuntu deals with multimedia keys on modern keyboards? I know about xf86 driver that deals with these keys but I've tested and the events generated by these keys are not passed to x11. I cant figure out how to capture these events.06:13
blacksunsevenso far the xbmc people have been far from helpful06:13
Ycarenedon't grep it, less it and see if there's anything other than init above it.06:13
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blacksunsevenYcarene, nope, just init06:14
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scarleoblacksunseven: does xbmc log say anything useful?, you should get crashlogs06:14
blacksunsevenobviously the ideal solution would be the FIX XBMC raaaage06:14
blacksunsevenscarleo, not that i have found06:14
scarleoblacksunseven: are you running stable or unstable?06:14
Shirakawasunahave you tried changing your video rendering settings, blacksunseven? Even to the dreaded 'software'?06:14
Shirakawasuna(in xbmc of course)06:15
blacksunsevenShirakawasuna, I have changed the video rendering in xbmc quite a bit, to get rid of any screen tearing06:15
ShirakawasunaI would set it back to defaults and try software rendering, just to see. It's basically xbmc's safe mode.06:15
blacksunsevenok, i have to reboot, but i'll give it a shot06:16
PatrickBicanyone some idea? :(06:16
scarleoPatrickBic: About what?06:18
PatrickBicrepost:    ok: do i need to look at categories.xml to get the menu entries (aka directories) or do i need to look at each individual .directory file?06:18
scarleoPatrickBic: I don't understand what you are talking about, what menu entries?06:19
PatrickBicevery DE constructs its menu out of some config files; so it puts the installed apps into categories and displays them.    such categories are listed in /usr/share/app-install/categories.xml with names and synonyms.    but such categories are also listed in /usr/share/desktop-directories/*.desktop with name/etc06:21
PatrickBicwhich one to choose?06:21
blacksunsevenAlright, changed to software rendering and tried playing/stopping  - same results06:22
adam_I have a dwa-130 dlink adapter which worked with ubuntu 11.04 using ndiskgtk windows wireless drivers. Just updated to ubuntu 11.10 does not seem to work. maybe gnome 3 compatibility issues? any help?06:22
brezguys,  have set ubuntu to 'user defined' login, now I don't have any panels, how can I change this back?06:23
scarleoblacksunseven: I found this error: in your logs ERROR: Unable to load libcrystalhd.so.3, did you try install ilibcrystalhd?06:23
adam_opps wrong place06:23
adam_I am going to go to ubuntu+06:23
scarleoblacksunseven: Also, are you using VDPAU? If so try without it06:23
scarleoblacksunseven: correct name is libcrystalhd306:25
blacksunsevenscarleo, apt-get that?06:25
scarleoblacksunseven: yes, it's in xbmc repos06:25
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blacksunsevenok its installing06:26
blacksunsevenonce its done, i'll reboot and disable VDPAU and try again06:26
xtor_If I can manage to run xvnc inside an openvz container then would I be able to connect to a gnome/kde desktop and run stuff like xchat the way people use RDP to connect to windows desktops?06:27
sattyhi all06:28
adam_I want a usb wifi card. Are there any that are specifically plug and play for ubuntu?06:29
bullgard4Installing the DEB program package »keychain«, why does the Synaptic dialog window "Changes Applied" say: "(keychain is being set up.) You have to configure "localpurge with the command 'dpkg-reconfigure localepurge' to make /usr/sbin/localpurge actually to function. Nothing to be done, exiting..."?06:30
scarleoadam_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported06:31
bullgard4adam_: Consult the Ubuntu Hardware Compatibility List please.06:32
crassany recommendations on distributed fs's with offline mode?06:34
blacksunseven;_; same problem persists06:35
blacksunsevenVDPAU disabled, software rendering on, libcrystalhd3 installed06:35
tinybirdHi all! I want to edit some .pdf document under ubuntu. Which software should I use?06:36
scarleoblacksunseven: is xbmc scanning library or doing anything else when you are trying to exit?06:36
blacksunsevenscarleo, how could i check that? if you're asking if there're any gui indications of that, the answer is no06:36
scarleoblacksunseven: it is possible to get scanning dialogue in settings06:37
blacksunsevenyeah, i mean, when it is scanning i see it in the top right06:37
scarleoblacksunseven: otherwise start it and let it just sit for a long time, then exit and let it sit for a real long time totry to get a clean shutdown06:37
blacksunsevenbut i'm not seeing that when this is happening, no06:37
blacksunseveni mean, should i just do a fresh install from source?06:38
blacksunsevenXBMC used to work flawlessly for me on 10.0406:38
scarleoblacksunseven: maybe, or perhaps try unstable, it's not that unstable06:38
scarleoblacksunseven: running out of ideas06:39
blacksunsevenwould i be able to just move my config files between the two or would i need to reconfig everything?06:39
scarleoblacksunseven: if you are to get rid of problems I would start over fresh06:39
shadowmancerhi all06:39
blacksunsevenalright, well, i appreciate the help06:39
blacksunseven...gotta restart again06:39
scarleotinybird: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-pdf-editing-tools-for-ubuntu.html06:41
dwp__does anybody know weather there have been any issues with the AMD phenom II X6  processor and ubuntu 10.0406:43
boumacould someone help me access an encrypyed 7zip file made on mac osx with a gui 7zip proggy, it has aes i think? how do i extract? p7zip ignores it with -d06:43
boumais there a standard way to have aes data in a 7zip06:45
boumafile reports it as 7zip file data ver 0.306:46
bouma: 7-zip archive data, version 0.306:46
scarleobouma: did you run: 7z e yourfilename.7zip06:47
sattyhey guys06:47
sattymy system hangs when i install 3g modem06:48
sattyand resumes after few second06:48
blacksunseveninstalling the unstable xbmc from the ppa now06:51
scarleoblacksunseven: hope it works better for you06:52
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:55
liranjoin #ubuntu-cn06:55
liranjoin #ubuntu-cn\06:55
liranjoin #ubuntu-cn06:55
FloodBot1liran: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:55
shadowmancerhey all, i lost my desktop in the update to 11.04, i've been googling for the last hour, and have tried sudo service gdm restart but nothing works, has anyone got any suggestions on how to correct this issue06:55
ikonia /mode -b *!*@AToulouse-652-1-230-158.w92-136.abo.wanadoo.fr06:56
liranbu xing a06:56
liranjoin  #ubuntu-cn06:56
liranjoin #ubuntu-cn06:57
Shirakawasunashadowmancer: which part counts as your desktop? Can you see any graphics at all (X is running)?06:57
Shirakawasunashadowmancer: or are you talking more about the actual desktop itself (wallpaper + icons)?06:57
rwwliran: /join #ubutnu-cn06:57
shadowmancerShirakawasuna: x isnt running at all06:57
tinybirdHi all! I want to edit some .pdf document under ubuntu. Which software should I use?06:58
shadowmancerShirakawasuna: sorry should have said that to be clear >.<06:58
Shirakawasunashadowmancer: Look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for (EE). Google the messages that pop up/post it in here if it's short.06:58
Shirakawasunamost likely you'll have something along the lines of 'no screens found' in there at some point06:59
shadowmancerShirakawasuna: isn't there a way i can grep the solution out to a plain text file07:00
Shirakawasunashadowmancer: grep "(EE)" > outfile07:02
Shirakawasunagrep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log > outfile07:02
Shirakawasunaor use nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log and use ctrl+w to search07:02
shadowmancernever used nano, more of a pico user07:02
Shirakawasunaalso you might need more quotes or escape characters than I listed07:02
Shirakawasuna/usr/bin/pico is a link to nano07:03
Shirakawasunaactually it's a link to a link of nano07:03
shadowmanceroh ... didn't know that07:04
shadowmanceryou learn something new every day07:04
shadowmancer:) *07:04
Shirakawasunaand when it's nerdy linux stuff, that makes it a good day!07:04
shadowmanceroh yes definitely07:05
ShirakawasunaI have to go to sleep, sorry! General recommendation is still to check for an error and all that. Most likely you need to reconfigure your graphics stuff somehow. I'm new to ubuntu, so I'm not sure which tool is preferred. Hopefully asking around here or searching the forums for that error (and your graphics card manufacturer) will lead you to a solution!07:07
iuytfris it possible to backup file with tar ?07:08
scarleotinybird: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-pdf-editing-tools-for-ubuntu.html07:09
chaospsychexis there a program for ubuntu i can use to recover deleted files on a NTFS partition?07:09
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solarswhats the default logfile for cron?07:10
solarscan't find it07:10
schadiinstalował ktoś ubuntu na raidzie07:11
scarleosolars: /var/log/syslog07:12
solarsah :) thought it has its own07:12
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liran oh07:15
mecoThe keyboard becomes unresponsive starting with the graphival login screen. It works fine in grub, with terminal login, and in Windows, but it suddenly won't work under xterm. Any suggestios bar a clean reinstall?07:19
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brez_Fixed the unity issue with the themes.07:31
vindolinhello.. after adding the remmina ppa I get this error: "W: GPG-Fehler: http://archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates Release: Die folgenden Signaturen waren ungültig: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5" every time I do "apt-get update" .. tried everything suggested on http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-the-ubuntu-gpg-error-badsig.html07:32
Dayrokquick question for 10.10 gnome ..what was the compiz fusion extra plugins command for terminal ?07:32
sexcopter5000hi, I'm trying a simple script to backup my Diablo II save folder before launching Diablo 2 (through wine). This line is failing ("bad substitution"), can anyone point out what is going on and what I'm doing wrong? The line is "cp ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Diablo\ II/save ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Diablo\ II/save.${date +%F_%R:%S}"07:32
llutz_vindolin: just for the records: thats a warning, not an error07:33
sexcopter5000oh wait, as soon as i typed it... i just thought, does cp need -r or something for folders?07:33
llutz_sexcopter5000: it needs, "man cp" for more info07:33
sexcopter5000just looking now. thanks, i feel quite silly for not thinking of this07:34
mecoI'm using 11.04 (I think). The keyboard has become unresponsive starting with the graphical login screen (which prevents logging in). It works fine in grub, with terminal login, and in Windows, but it suddenly won't work under xterm. Any suggestios bar a clean reinstall?07:34
quiescensyour ${date +%F_%R:%S} should most likely be () and not {}07:35
chaospsychexwhat do i do with .run ?07:36
vindolinsexcopter5000: right.. but it scares me :)07:36
Susan_hi Hak07:37
me-1hi... where can i download wine for 10.04 for offline install07:38
Susan_ah...offline install07:38
Susan_once u need to download iso image07:38
me-1Susan_,  i have no choice , I dont have inter connection right now , i want to use my friends pc download put it in falsh usb and dpkg -i on my ubuntu07:40
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Susan_u don have iso image? CD07:41
me-1Susan_,  10.04 CD?07:41
Susan_older version07:41
me-1I have 10.04 and newer versions07:42
Susan_the best way to keep maintain the computer is to leave iso image for older versions in HDD or CD07:42
Susan_you runs 10.4 for on your pc?07:42
Snicksiemaybe you can download the deb-packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/wine1.2 ?07:43
quiescenseither way, wine isn't included on the default install cd even if they still had it07:43
Susan_he doesn't have internet connection07:43
quiescens!offline | me-107:44
ubottume-1: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD07:44
Susan_full HDD disk copy to others07:44
Susan_making clone07:44
tdnI am trying to use the transcriber program, however, when I start it, I get this error: Unable to open mixer /dev/mixer. What to do?07:45
me-1why wine websie is not offering a .deb download .07:45
cheaterhi i am having a problem sharing my internet connection from my laptop to the desktop. it worked just an hour ago and then just stopped. i restarted the laptop but that didn't help07:46
llutz_me-1: because they heve better things to do than to create packages for all different distros available. thats job of the package-maintainer of your distro, so check distro-repos07:47
tdnme-1, start terminal. Write: sudo apt-get install wine07:47
Snicksiehe doesnt have internet tdn :)07:47
Snicksieat least at the computer he wants to install his wine07:48
llutz_me-1: read what ubottu told you about synaptic07:48
me-1i will07:48
cvamI've downloaded a study material in torrent. The files has extension with .bin and .cue.  Is there any multimedia content or any executable in .bin & .cue files07:48
tdnme-1, without internet:  start terminal. Write: sudo apt-get install wine --download-only    ---- then when it is done, you find the downloaded .deb package and copy it to your offline computer.07:48
cheateri have tried invoking dhclient from the pc (the client) but no dhcp requests are seen on the laptop when i do tcpdump. in fact it does not show anything at all. buth my ethernet interfaces on the desktop are shown as down by mii-tool. on the laptop when i do mii-tool i get an error. also, NetworkManager shows eth0 and eth2 while ifconfig only shows eth1 weirdly enough. what can i do?07:49
tdnme-1, also, you can find all the packages  on packages.ubuntu.com07:49
cheaterthis is very confusing please help07:49
brez_nice phone07:49
me-1tdn,  i am a new user . I cant handle so many dependebcies07:49
chaospsychexhow do i execute a .run file ?07:50
FishFacecvam: Those would be files to burn a CD / DVD. Or you might be able to mount the .bin file.07:50
tdnme-1, then use apt-get install <package> --download-only. It will handle dependencies for you.07:50
llutz_chaospsychex: chmod +x foo.run && ./foo.run07:50
llutz_tdn: that'll only work if packages on both machines are identical. synaptic offers an easy way to go07:51
me-1tdn,  got it i will try and ask here if i needed help07:51
chaospsychexthose commands don't work07:53
llutz_chaospsychex: they will, if you change them to correct filename/path07:54
chaospsychexi did that07:54
chaospsychexsudo ./doom3.run says command not found07:54
chaospsychexthe other command does nothing07:54
Mewohallo ubuntu07:55
Mewoich bin ubuntu07:56
Mewoich bin UBUNTUTUTU07:56
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:56
Mewound sitze im unterricht07:56
padi999If I open a libreoffice document (xls), I click one field (like as to copy a text saved in there) and then close the document again,it asks if I wanted to save my edits... there were no edits!! This is so annoying07:56
mecoI'm using 11.04 (I think). The keyboard has become unresponsive starting with the graphical login screen (which prevents logging in). It works fine in grub, with terminal login, and in Windows, but the keyboard suddenly won't work under xterm. Any suggestions bar a clean reinstall?07:56
padi999sorry, ods07:56
ujjainUbuntu really sux with Dual Screen, have to run shell scripts manually at boot up to fix. And notifications in wrong monitor.07:57
cvamFishFace: I have a .bin file and a .cue file. What steps should I follow to use things inside this files?07:57
insmodmeco: unplug then replugin -- does it work?07:58
kostmoI've been searching for a bug report without success: when playing (unmaximized) videos with VLC or totem, if I bring another application to the foreground, the video overlay obscures all other applications. I am using the AMD/ATI proprietary FGLRX driver on Natty using Ubuntu Classic. The bug happens both with and without Desktop Effects enabled.07:59
mecoinsmod: Haven't tried that. Maybe I should do that before reinstall at least...07:59
cvamI have a .bin file and a .cue file. What steps should I follow to use things inside this files?07:59
insmodmeco: ya08:00
llutz_cvam: burn it on cd/dvd or convert it into .iso and mount it08:00
FishFacecvam: You can either burn the data (image) to a CD (Use K3b for example) or you can mount it. Either way you will have to fuss around a bit. Its not instant.08:00
cvamFishFace: I tried to make it iso file. After making iso file , I extract that iso but again I got  bin and cue file08:02
insmodFishFace: if it'a movie ffplay and mplayer can do it08:02
logoped_1Всем привет08:03
FishFacecvam: The .bin file is the larger file. When burned to a cd the contents are extracted onto the cd in a fashion you can use. So, you can burn a cd or you can 'mount' the .bin file (or .iso if you did it right) as a virtual CD.08:04
logoped_1Отладил себе GUI Compiz-ом, частенько проавдают значки с рабочего стола, не могу ничего выделить на рабочем столе, в том месте, где стоит Cairo-dock, появляется черное поле, помогает релогин в систему, в чем мог ошибиться в конфиге Компиза, кто знает?08:05
llutz_!ru  logoped_108:05
llutz_!ru | logoped_108:05
ubottulogoped_1: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:05
FishFacecvanes: This is the easiest explanation and how to do it that I found - http://www.hackourlife.com/mount-iso-images-using-gui-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/08:08
FishFaceWhoops...that was for cvam08:08
cvamFishFace: thanks08:09
crassso I guess the coda filesystem isn't really supported in ubuntu? I see no coda-client or code-server08:10
Tracker3join # ubuntu-es08:13
cvamFishFace: I got it with bchunk  . thank you any way08:17
nibbler_on my 11.4 i cannot find the settings for power-managing when on battery - i can only configure "when on AC power" settings. where can i fix that?08:21
nibbler_left-click on battery symbol in notification area, preferences that is...08:21
ex0_Error: Package: tor-core- (blag140k-fedora-updates) Requires: fedora-usermgmt08:22
ex0_anyone have any ideas?08:22
ex0_cant seem to get the package either08:22
txomonhi, does anyone know if it is posible to install a 32 bit kernel in a 64 instalation?08:22
LjLex0_: err... this is the Ubuntu channel, not Fedora O.o08:22
nibbler_ex0_ sounds like you used a fedora package? and what command did you issue to get this error?08:22
ex0_i know sorry but thought it coulda been seen my bad. no one on redhat08:22
nibbler_txomon, you wont be able to run your binaries (most of them)08:23
txomonnibbler_, I know, thats why im asking for how to install a 32x kernel08:24
almoxarifetxomon: you should be able to do a standard ubuntu install on a 64bit machine08:24
nibbler_txomon, install a full 32bit linux on a seperate partition08:25
almoxarifetxomon: or run the 32bit os in virtualbox08:25
serenhello all08:27
sereni need help with NFS08:27
TL1Hey, I'm installing grub2 and it is saying something about bootblocks bad idea and to use --force should i use this ?08:27
TL1notice I copied all files from my ubuntu filesystem to a virtual disk.08:27
serenmy install is on,my mac is on, i wan to share a nfs drive from the arch linux to the mac can some oe help please08:28
TL1because of my external harddisk08:28
txomonalmoxarife, I was asking about using a 32bit kernel08:28
txomonhaving a 64x installation08:28
txomonthe question is, how do I get that kernel into the computer08:28
serenmy /etc/exports is /Video/2,sync,no_root_squash,subtree_check)08:29
=== vindolin_ is now known as vindolin
serenbuti can not connect to the nfs from os x08:29
TL1Help plz :-(08:29
sereni see on peroblem08:29
TL1I'm using the chroot method08:30
almoxarifetxomon: not sure what fixation is on the 32 kernel, you can run ubuntu 11.10 64bit with the 'noarch' option which then allows you to run 32bit apps till the cows come in, otherwise no idea08:31
BlackhexHello everyone. I'm trying to share ethernet connection on my Ubuntu desktop to Android phone. The problem is that USB network device (usb0, eth1) is not created. Please have you found some tutorial how to configure the USB networking device? I didn't.08:31
freeroutetxomon: you mean at boot?08:32
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nibbler_Blackhex, worked automagically for me - did you enable usb tethering on android?08:33
TL1anyone ?08:33
nibbler_seren, export there, import here? the first ip is a typo i assume?08:33
nibbler_seren, ask steve, this is ubuntu support08:34
serenhere ill astebin my nfs configs08:34
TL1I mean help with restoring ubuntu08:34
Blackhexnibbler_: Do you mena "Share internet connection via USB"? Isn't that opposite direction of internet sharing?08:34
txomonfreeroute, yes,08:34
nibbler_Blackhex, its the wrong way, but it enables this usb-net thingy on android. from then on its up to you to set your routes, masquerading etc.08:35
freeroutetxomon: are you using GRUB?08:35
txomonfreeroute, yes, but I dont have installed any x32 kernel, i first need to install it08:37
nibbler_my power manager preferences lack the "on battery" tab - how to activate this?08:37
Blackhexnibbler_: I've tried that but no device is create either now: http://nopaste.info/7383efc975.html08:38
serenplease someone step by ste im lost08:38
nibbler_txomon, just copy it over from any 32bit linux (vmlinuz-* initrd-*)08:38
serensteve  nfs08:38
txomonnibbler_, ?¿ i dont have a 32 x system... If I had it, I would use it08:39
nibbler_seren, you are talking about an arch linux and a mac, so the steve you need to ask is not in this channel ;-)08:39
StucKmanhow do I add a new locale to a machine? locale -a does not show it08:39
jattsudo apt-get --reconfigure locale08:40
serennfs is not working in ubuntu either08:40
htlmHi yall08:41
zs1otbGood day to all here08:41
StucKmanjatt: do you mean, «dpkg-reconfigure locales»?08:41
TL1bad day to me only08:41
jattsomething like that yes08:41
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zs1otbIs there a person who knows anything about the "new" error on the JACK server not being able to connect as a client. I have this problem since yesterday... Any help?08:42
llutz_nibbler_: is the battery recognized at all? ls -l /proc/acpi/battery/08:42
chalcedonyi'm upset. my computer upgraded itself to natty, 11.04 and i can't use my ps2 keyboard. Where can i find resources to fix this?08:43
TL1anyone GRUB2!! LUCID ?08:43
zs1otbIs there a person who knows anything about the "new" error on the JACK server not being able to connect as a client. I have this problem since yesterday... Any help?08:43
nibbler_llutz_, it shows me BAT1, also a charging time etc.08:43
aldosgood morning. when i press the wireless switch ubuntu crashes and i have to force a reboot. any solutions?08:43
nibbler_aldos, dont press it? did you try to read system logs (like ctrl-alt-f1 stuff?)08:44
zs1otbI have a  "new" error on the JACK server not being able to connect as a client. I have this problem since yesterday... Any help?08:45
aldosnibbler_ , no i haven't tried yet08:45
llutz_!repeat | zs1otb08:45
ubottuzs1otb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:45
StucKmananswering myself: install the proper language-pack-foo package08:46
nibbler_aldos, so crash it, try to get to a console and tail /var/log/syslog - also use alt-sysrq-r,e,i,s,u,b to reboot to avoid an unclean filesystem08:46
htlmaldos what are you talking about..? And what switch08:46
TL1how about me ?08:46
nibbler_html, i guess  a killswitch for wlan?08:47
htlmTL1 what's you need ?08:47
nibbler_TL1, what was the grub command you were giving?08:47
TL1sudo grub-update08:48
TL1sudo grub-install /dev/sda08:48
snargim a noob to linux. just installed the newest ubuntu a few weeks ago now i'm checking out a few different things. tried to install xmms a music player but in order to do that i need glib which has been such a pain in the but to install. does anyone know how to install glib?08:48
aldosnibbler i tried to press ctrl+alt+f1 and i wasn't able to come back here08:49
aldosthere was a command line08:49
TL1htlm: I'm installing grub2 and it is saying something about bootblocks bad idea and to use --force should i use this ?08:49
TL1htlm: notice I copied all files from my ubuntu filesystem to a virtual disk.08:49
llutz_snarg: why xmms, isn't it dead since a while? tried audacious or qmmp?08:50
snargi like winamp and i read xmms is similar. audacious or qmmp i have not checked out..08:50
TL1I'm using the chroot in grub2 documentation08:51
llutz_snarg: theres xmms2 in the repos, maybe read about that too08:52
zs1otbI have a  "new" error on the JACK server not being able to connect as a client. I have this problem since yesterday... Any help?08:53
htlmsnarg well thanks for trying out the os ,and find the exact spelling and name off what you need then google it, search the package manager under system/ admin08:54
rabbi1copied few fonts, how to reset those from terminal ?08:55
zs1otb<Snarg> I'm using audacious and it works great the sound quality also good...08:55
rabbi1rhythmbox is also good08:56
htlmAudacious ? Long time nice app IM not sUte how to get it to work but I heard good things08:57
Aquixtry clementine08:57
htlmTL1 dont force,and nobbie08:58
paul68is there a way to create a script that allows me to check if the remote machine is online and if this is the case I transfer a file from this machine to the remote?08:58
zs1otbIs there anybody who knows something about JACK servers?08:58
almoxarifepaul68: setup a ftp server on the other08:59
llutz_paul68: like:  ping -c1 <machine> && scp file machine:path08:59
jpdspaul68: Why don't you just transfer the file and if that fails, report an error?08:59
nibbler_aldos, ok, so go there, check out the syslog for anything (using tail /var/log/syslog), check dmesg|tail, if you feel like it use "sudo restart gdm" to restart your graphical screen, you can also try alt-f7 to switch to the window manager, but as it hangs this wont help you without a restart (see before). also try t tell what exactly is hanging...08:59
jpdspaul68: It's possible that the machine replies to ping for instance, but SSHd is not running.09:00
rabbi1how to reset the font from terminal ?09:00
paul68llutz something like that09:00
paul68jpds ssh is running on both machines09:00
llutz_paul68: easier to let the machine pull the file when coming up09:00
nibbler_paul68, just use scp and check the return value to see if it was successfull09:01
TL1htlm: what then ?09:01
corecodewhat am i doing wrong if my external keyboard doesn't map caps to ctrl?09:01
paul68llutz_ this way the remote machine checks if this one is online and then get the file from this machine09:01
jpdspaul68: Yeah, but it might stop running for $whatever reason.09:02
htlmTL1 is a  bad combo  , do your research first ask a lot of people ,cox if you break it well ,,its not pretty,...  just keep in mind that finding the answer is 1/3 the problem the other parts is trying to get it to work and fixing it  it didn't work ..09:02
htlm corecode mm check to see if you have the right keyboard language set09:03
TL1htlm:  :|09:04
TL1htlm:  '<09:04
htlmcorecode and see if the keyboard setting are set right09:04
rabbi1guys, copied few fonts to usr/share/fonts/ folder but not reflecting in ooo. should i restart the pc ?09:04
corecodehm, running setxkbmap again fixed it09:04
ujjainGrub no longer automatically boots an OS, how can I fix this? I have to manually choose.09:04
corecodeseems i have to do that every time i plug in a keyboard09:05
corecodeoh well09:05
melvincv_Hi all, In Evolution, when I click on the To: button in Compose new message, I cannot see my contacts, which are in the Personal address book?09:05
ujjainGrub no longer automatically boots an OS, how can I fix this? I have to manually choose.09:05
ujjainoh crap, I thought I didn't write, sorry09:05
llutz_rabbi1:  try "fc-cache -rv"09:05
rabbi1i prefer thunderbird for evolution09:05
TL1ujjain: do your research first ask a lot of people ,cox if you break it well ,,its not pretty,... just keep in mind that finding the answer is 1/3 the problem the other parts is trying to get it to work and fixing it it didn't work ..09:06
llutz_rabbi1:  try "fc-cache -fv"   sry typo09:06
nibbler_ujjain, i had the same, uncomment the timeout in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:06
nibbler_ujjain, comment it, sorry09:06
rabbi1llutz_: o great, :)09:07
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melvincv_How come I can't get rid of evolution's mail and settings, even if I purge evolution???09:07
ujjainTL1: hmm, I haven't really touched it though.09:07
rabbi1llutz_: what? but -rv worked09:07
ujjainnibbler_: I have multiple OS'es though, Windows too.09:07
rabbi1anyway, thanks a lot due09:07
melvincv_And the contact sync function is not working either...09:07
ujjainI have more issues with Ubuntu. It automatically logs out within a few minutes after logging in, all software is closed.09:07
dmtarmeygood day eveyone can anyone help with this error W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ natty/partner i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_partner_binary-i386_Packages)09:07
dmtarmeyW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/ natty-getdeb/apps i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.getdeb.net_ubuntu_dists_natty-getdeb_apps_binary-i386_Packages)09:07
llutz_rabbi1: odd, -r isn't even mentioned in the man-page :)09:08
nibbler_ujjain, logs out or crashes?09:08
htlmTL1 IM talking for my mistakes and 3 different Linux os  ups... If you don't mind starting over then go ahead ...  but just look up the  info given when it happens ..google it09:08
ujjainnibbler_: Logs out. I see login screen.09:08
nibbler_dmtarmey, its not an error, its a warning. you can chose to ignore, or fix the lists mentioned there to not have duplicate lines09:08
rabbi1llutz_:  a bug ?09:08
Revo_unrar: invalid archive 'ed.rar': Value too large for defined data type   <<< Need to unrar a 11Gb file, says its too large :( any ideas?09:08
nibbler_ujjain, you see logging out process? sounds more like a crash to me09:09
dmtarmeynibbler_ i have tried repairing it with apt-get update still same09:09
llutz_rabbi1: more like "undocumented feature" i'd guess09:09
* melvincv_ is wondering if he could get Evolution to work again, after purging it.09:10
rabbi1llutz_: yeah what does -fv stand for ?09:10
ujjainnibbler_: hmm, I don't know though, I don't see things crashing but could be, I just hear a sound and then the login screen09:10
ujjaindevelope tty7         :0               Tue Sep 20 10:59 - 11:06  (00:07)09:10
llutz_rabbi1: force recreation of fontcache and talk about (be verbose)09:10
chalcedonyi upgraded to 11.04 and now it can't see my ps2 keyboard. i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1594898&highlight=natty+ps2+keyboard  - the last post says it's the .gconf  - is this likely to be the case in 11.04?09:10
nibbler_dmtarmey, that command does not fix anything there. this command uses the lists to update your repository. yout remove on of the "http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ natty/partner" lines in /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_partner_binary-i386_Packages09:10
dmtarmeyok which one should i remove ?09:11
ujjainnibbler_: Yes, it seems a crash.09:11
rabbi1llutz_: :) anyway, its working. that's what matters.... thanks a lot09:11
ujjainCaught signal 3 (Quit). Server aborting09:11
TL1melvincv_: i think complete removal might help09:11
nibbler_dmtarmey, any of the two. but make sure you leave one in place. so best is just to put a # in front of the line instead of actually removing it. then run aptitude update09:11
parapanyo' fellows I need some support uninstalling freeNX server /or maybe NXserver from computer and installing-it back on .....problem is I was running dpkg -r but the system reports the server is still running ?1?!?!09:12
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llutz_parapan: broken prerm-script. sudo killall nxserver     or however the process is called09:14
melvincv_Also, it is weird that when I my account settings, I see that evolution's settings window is beyond the screen, though my resolution is 1366x768. Why so?09:14
chalcedonyparapan, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/09:14
htlmTL1 you still need help with grub?09:15
chalcedonyhtlm can you answer my keyboard won't work in fresh install of natty question?09:16
chalcedonyi upgraded to 11.04 and now it can't see my ps2 keyboard. i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1594898&highlight=natty+ps2+keyboard  - the last post says it's the .gconf  - is this likely to be the case09:16
htlmTL1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:17
dmtarmeynibbler_ how do i get access to the file to change its name it is locked09:18
chalcedonydmtarmey, sudo -i maybe09:18
nibbler_dmtarmey, sudo (vim|nano|gedit) /path/to/file09:18
paul68!cn | baker09:19
ubottubaker: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:19
nibbler_dmtarmey, you might also be able to use some "select repository" gui tool that comes along with ubuntu...09:19
bakerthanks a lot09:19
parapanllutz_: no process found . . .09:19
Davsthi people09:20
htlmdmtarmey property forward slash permissions...09:20
llutz_parapan: ps aux |grep -i nx09:20
DavstI'm having a odd issue with audio in ubuntu. atm I am outputting audio via hdmi, but atm I can only get proper sound output via flash.09:21
parapanllutz_: ID 2088 ..when doing killall - no process found09:22
llutz_parapan: sudo killall 208809:22
llutz_parapan: err: sudo kill 208809:23
parapanllutz_: no process found .....I think is a ghost process or so ....09:23
parapanllutz_: kill: no such process09:23
llutz_parapan: pgrep nx09:25
txomonhi I just have installed lubuntu and ubuntu server, and when I boot for first time, it puts a blank screen09:25
txomonwith nothing else than a cursor09:25
parapanllutz_: I have a bigger problem I think I've installes nxserver and freeNX both together ...now the situation is messy :d09:25
htlmreallyyyy messy09:26
MoeinHello,Is there any body here help me about installation Tor,I faced a big problem.Thanks.09:27
llutz_!tor | Moein09:28
ubottuMoein: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl09:28
parapanllutz_: http://pastebin.com/w2NDZZvw - could you please check this ?09:28
Moeinlets chat in new windows.Thanks.09:29
htlmtxomon how ling did u wait for it to come up...  time you install and first boot up is the most worries,, just give it sometime ,,09:29
llutz_parapan: sry i don't use nx and cannot help you with that09:30
dmtarmeynibbler_ i have root privlages with sudo -i but i still cant save the file privileges are still locked, how do i cut and past ctrl c and v dont work in chat09:30
txomonhtlm, 30 mins09:30
parapanllutz_: Ok but how should I uninstall that packages ??09:30
htlmMoein what u need?09:31
htlmtxomon 30min for?09:31
txomonhtlm, 30 has been with the cursor09:32
llutz_parapan: aptitude purge '~nfreenx' nx-common nxagent nxlibs09:32
txomonI did a clean install, with no packets selected at install time09:32
TheHackOpsHello, is there any way i can force all my audio through the one sound server09:32
TheHackOpsPulse audio and skype hate eachother09:32
htlmReally why09:32
bullgard5TheHackOps: Get rid of Skype.09:33
TheHackOpsbullgard5: Would be nice, can't do that because all my friends and fam use skype09:33
TheHackOpsNext solution?09:33
llutz_TheHackOps: get rid of family too ;)09:33
sp4zllutz_ lol beat me to it09:33
nibbler_dmtarmey, just mark it, and press middle-mouse in chat. dont paste more than 1 or 2 lines, use pastebin for that09:34
TheHackOpsllutz, Now your talkin sence09:34
htlmControll alt f409:34
parapanllutz_: it will work even if not installed through aptitude ???09:34
TheHackOpsBut srsly does no one know the answer09:34
llutz_parapan: yes, aptitude is just another frontend to apt09:34
parapanllutz_: yes but if they were installed by dpkg ????09:35
chalcedony i upgraded to 11.04 and now it can't see my ps2 keyboard? help09:35
llutz_parapan: shouldn't matter09:35
parapanllutz_: or by configuration scripts ???09:35
Moeinunfortunately when i want to connect tor.project i can not, because it is filtered in my country!09:35
nibbler_TheHackOps, shold be possible somhow. you cannot control skype, but all the rest. i just think its not supported in a userfriendly way09:35
dmtarmeynibbler im using a laptop with no middle mouse button09:36
TheHackOpsnibbler_, Skype is rubish software on linux, fair enough but ubuntu is the god of O/Ses and i know it would be possible to force all audio through the normal sound server09:37
nibbler_dmtarmey, press both buttons at the same time09:37
dmtarmeynibbler_ cheers09:37
jellowI'm having issued burning an iso to a dvd , it's been going to 12 hours only half way done. Is the dvd broken or is it a harware issue?09:37
chalcedonynibbler_, Skype can work fine. it has been for me on 10.04 and 10.1009:37
faLUCEhi. apt-get autoremove lists too many thing... is there a possibility that something is broken in my packages?09:37
nibbler_Moein, can you not use any proxy to acces tor project page?09:37
Moeinunfortunately when i want to connect tor.project i can not, because it is filtered in my country!09:37
TheHackOpsjellow, errors?09:38
MoeinI donot know any proxy and how I can?09:38
chalcedonyMoein so google proxy09:38
nibbler_jellow, read spead of the source medium is fine? check dmesg09:38
jellowTheHackOps: I don't see anything in dmesg , where else can i look?09:38
TheHackOpsMoein, i have a private proxy u can use09:38
TheHackOpsjellow, wikitrolls.org use the glype proxy09:39
BardologyIsn't there normally an admin group?09:39
Moeinwhat must i search?09:39
BardologyI am trying to create an admin user and disable root09:39
htlmchalcedony ps2 ? What are you Talkin about ...and using ........ Next time  when you say you need help tell us more of what's wrong ...what your using ... And what your trying to do... Cuz they well cuz likely help u when u say this ... Cuz we all have limits09:39
nibbler_Moein, you know how to setup a proxy in firefox eg?09:39
TheHackOpsno advertisin prommis09:39
Moeinnibbler_, add on?09:40
llutz_Bardology: root-pw is already disabled by default09:40
TheHackOpsjellow, what do you mean in dmesg09:40
nibbler_Moein, well ok... simpler: http://hidemyass.com/ try this. use ssl! and be aware that this webpage knows what you are doing09:40
Bardologyllutz_: not in the default installation my provider spun up09:41
TheHackOpsnibbler_, Gonna be my saviour?09:41
BardologyI expected to have to log in as ubuntu09:41
Bardologybut it's root, instead09:41
txomonso anyone any idea about why when first booting from clean install with no packages selected does just show a blank screen-?09:41
nibbler_TheHackOps, nah, dont have too much experience with sound servers.09:41
llutz_Bardology: then ask you provider for support. this is "pure ubuntu" support only09:41
parapanllutz_: it seems to work ...no more server reporting to run .....09:41
TheHackOpstxomon, Because Xorg is broken09:42
nibbler_txomon, in grub edit the kernel line and remove the quiet and splash options for more verbosity09:42
htlmMorin LOL just cuz you can't get it on the site just ask someone here to give it to you .... Just ad long as your doing good things with it09:42
Moeinnibbler_, It is filtered09:42
chalcedonyhtlm i have an ibm model-M keyboard which is a ps2 keyboard. I didn't move it or change it. I seem to have upgraded to Natty, although i sure didn't plan it. now it sees my keyboard UNTIL the os loads, and then it doesn't see it.. I tried changing the/etc/X11/xorg.conf but it didn't make it work. I have been searching for 5 hours. Im on a laptop, the computer in question is my desktop and i'm a grandmother. HELP.09:42
jellowtxomon: have you tried booting without splash and quiet , for errors?09:42
nibbler_Moein, can you access www.geekbox.info09:43
TheHackOpsX0Rc0re, Sup09:43
Bardologyllutz_: I'll just add an admin group and add my new user to that :)09:43
X0Rc0reTheHackOps: do you enjoy hacking?09:43
kajdoes anyone know how to restore the widgets in 11.04 ubuntu09:43
llutz_Bardology: ubuntu-default is the "admin" group which holds the sudo-users09:44
MoeinTheHackOps, your proxy works///09:44
Bardologyllutz_: yeah, there was no admin group!09:44
Moeinnibbler_, yes it works09:44
htlmchalcedony link of you model keyboard please... IM on my cell so IM trying to help out09:45
llutz_Bardology: then go and try it. just make sure it works _before_ deactivating the root-account09:45
TheHackOpsX0Rc0re, Only legal why09:45
TheHackOpsMoein, Yea i knw09:45
TheHackOpsI had a spare server as the readme says09:45
Bardologyyup :)09:45
X0Rc0reTheHackOps: as i am quite the grey hat09:45
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nibbler_Moein, hang on a minute....09:45
Moeinnibbler_, ok09:45
Anubishi ! i have a question: when i'm using iptstate i'm seeing that some connections have a very long TTL ( e.g. 119:59:59).09:46
TheHackOpsX0Rc0re, Hmmm.... I would rate my hacking 709:46
TheHackOpsi ain't gonna help you if thats what you want09:46
Anubisis there a way to kill those connections ?09:46
paul68Moein you can also setup a proxy using ssh09:46
kajdoes anyone know how to restore the widgets in ubuntu 11.04 classic env.09:46
Moeinpaul68, can you help me how?09:47
TheHackOpsX0Rc0re, Would you belive that ' or' '1'='1 still works on some servers09:47
MoeinTheHackOps, how use tjhis site to pass filter?09:47
TheHackOpsMoein PM09:47
paul68Moein http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/09:48
txomonhow do I show the grub at boot time?¿09:48
chalcedonyhtlm, this is hardly helpful. the problem is the new installation of ubuntu, the question is what broke. A ps2 keyboard is what we had before USB: http://www.clickykeyboards.com/09:48
txomonit doenst show09:48
ikoniaMoein: please do not ask for help bypassing your countries security09:48
TheHackOpstxomon, mash keys09:48
Moeinpaul68, I can open that!09:48
TheHackOpshhaha thats what i do09:48
nobodiesi have a remote server running ubuntu and the local time is correct for the servers location, i have then set the localtime in my bashrc file from my user account and it is 1 hour out from my user account. I assume it has something to do with GMT/GMT+1 but im not sure how to fix it09:49
Moeinikonia, why?please help.09:49
TheHackOpsMoein, Go to the private chat09:49
ikoniaMoein: because we do not help people bypass the rules and regularions of their enviornment09:49
TheHackOpsikonia, Some open source supporter you are09:49
ikoniaTheHackOps: it's nothing to do with open source.09:50
htlmchalcedony www.google.com/m/imgres?client=ms-opera-mobile-android&q=IBM+ps2+keyboard&channel=new&start=0&site=images&imgid=ANd9GcQ4wm8ddFL93yd_KV03Mao6cx-BOWFhYBLSZJ-55WsQG6nyJktsWJ454tbW&imgsz=82989&imgurl=http://forums.pelicanparts.com/uploads18/ibm%2Bmodel%2Bm%2Bkeyboard1299218132.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.myapplespace.com/forum/topics/usb-to-ps2-adapters-do-they&ht=444&wd=700&tbnh=89&tbnw=140&ei=R2F4TrDINpH0MIWVAQ&ved=0CAkQ9QEwAA    is this what u have ?09:50
htlmSorry yall09:50
chalcedonyhtlm, yes it sure is :)09:51
htlmMoron what are you doing09:52
htlmWooowwwww thats olld!09:52
txomonhtlm, jellow , loading essential driver, then starts with scripts, the init-premount the local-top the local premount the local-bottom and finally the init-bottom, then, blinking cursor09:53
TheHackOpsikonia, Freedom of information. Also you seem like a knowledgable person09:53
TheHackOpscan you help me with ALSA09:53
htlmchalcedony  do you have a usb keyboard by chance?09:54
ikoniaTheHackOps: freedom of information is not open source, and not ubuntu , so not in this channel09:54
chalcedonyhtlm,  we tried changing things in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf - then it quit seeing the usb keyboard i plugged in after it wouldn't see mine.09:55
TheHackOpsHmm well i link them together anyway, How can i force skype to use ALSA not pulse audio09:55
dmtarmeynibbler_ i found this command gksudo getit/etc/apt/sources.ist on http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/add-ubuntu-repositories.html09:55
chalcedonyTheHackOps, go ask in #alsa09:55
TheHackOpsThanks man, didn't even know that chan existed09:55
htlmTxomon that all it does for a half hr. ?09:56
TheHackOpsALSA Chat room = dead09:58
chalcedonyTheHackOps, people are awake at different hours09:58
dmtarmeynibbler_ im now getting the following error W: Failed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/natty-getdeb/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'apps1/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)09:59
LjLMoein: meanwhile if you want help with Tor or proxies you might join the entirely unofficial channel ##club-ubuntu at your risk, as i believe you might find some help there09:59
nibbler_dmtarmey, then you got a line complete wrong :/09:59
htlmWell IM am not good at keyboards  but I  if you can't get it to work (usb one ) then ...  and ask around I think thoughs really dinosaur ones are not suported09:59
dmtarmeyok ill put it back10:00
chalcedonyhtlm, then what good is it? and why when i clicked no do i have 11.04? i call it a bug!10:00
htlmchalcedony not in  this distro10:00
chalcedonyhtlm, that's crazy10:00
Laurenceb_my machine wont hibernate10:01
Laurenceb_it just goes to the login screen10:01
chalcedonyhtlm, i really do very much appreciate your trying to help10:01
Laurenceb_can anyone help?10:01
chalcedonyhi ex0s10:03
htlmchalcedony lololololo rotf !  11.04 ? Really ? ?  thats a  buggy , and hope it works  os,, gpu Ha! It laughs in your face when you want something done....10:04
dmtarmeynibbler_ i put the name of the file back and did update and error has gone10:05
chalcedonyhtlm, i wish this was a nightmare and i'd wake up from it.10:05
paul68!help |Laurenceb10:07
ubottuLaurenceb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:07
chalcedonypaul68, are you the designated policeman or do you help too?10:09
paul68I am not a policeman and if I know the answer I will help10:10
nibbler_Laurenceb_, try executing the pm-* commandos in a shell and see for their output10:10
Laurenceb_i thinks its swap space10:11
htlmLaurenceb_ did you make sure you looked up your problem first, .... Is it a bug what os it is .. Come on I dint know what's going on it you dont tell me the "other" need details  what's you haredware, os, problem, what you trying to do .. What info you got on the subjectt...stuff like this should be in one big statement ,,, its better  allround this way .. And do it it the future10:11
Laurenceb_do i need used swap+used ram < total swap10:11
Laurenceb_html: i looked it up ^thats what i found10:12
IamTryingI am trying to install this but failed. $ sudo apt-get -f install xdotool10:12
htlmchalcedony well just install 10.04.3 and if its reallyyyyy old then lighen the gui with a different one ...10:13
chalcedonyhtlm, is it possible to downgrade? i don't think?10:14
m6locksyeah force it10:15
chalcedonyif it's not natively supporting ps2 then it ought to have some drivers somewhere for it?10:15
chalcedonyhtlm, it worked fine with 10.1010:15
chalcedonyi was /happy/10:15
htlmchalcedony a fresh install is best ... So you don't get "the unknown bugs"10:15
markivIamTrying, can you paste the error you're seeing?10:15
chalcedonyi'm in the middle of a court appeal the last thing i need is this10:16
IamTryingmarkiv, plz see here: https://gist.github.com/122879810:17
htlmchalcedony well before you force it... Just incase have 10.04 ready if all else fails10:17
moodydeathhi guys, using 10.04 - is there a possibility to use network-manager-openvpn with static ip? the option is greyed out and only dhcp is available for me?10:18
hurdseanhi, old slackware user has a ubuntu question: I'm testing a usb modem, but both /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages remain totally empty?10:18
chalcedonyi didn't want it to upgrade from 10.10 all i want now is for it to /work/ - - it toasted firefox too, and other things - i'm mad.10:18
markivIamTrying, simply 'sudo apt-get -f install' without specifying any package didn't help?10:19
htlmchalcedony do you have everything backed up10:19
IamTryingmarkiv, no same error10:19
NotTooDumb3what is headless ubuntu image?10:20
chalcedonyhtlm, i have 3 partitions, so the os is separate, and i backed everything up on 9-1 but i would hate like crazy to lose things. - why?10:20
pkugHi there, just installed fresh 11.04 along with updates, however for some reason it uses VESA which doesn't support 3d acceleration instead of Xorg's open-source Intel driver (it's installed however), how do I fix that ?10:20
markivIamTrying, if you have Synaptic, I would try to completely remove and reinstall xdotool from there.10:20
paul68NotTooDumb3: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/10:21
chalcedonypkug, we should form a support group for people who were crippled by the upgrade to 11.0410:21
IamTryingmarkiv, ok thank you10:21
htlmchalcedony your in the core messing with admin perssion10:21
markivIamTrying, or you could install directly from the tar.gz file from here: http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/#id27006410:22
pkugi haven't upgradet, it was fresh installation.. VESA is being used instead of Intel driver.. I think I need Xorg.conf but i don't understand why it doesn't try to use it by default :\10:22
chalcedonyhtlm, i'm not doing anything but chatting with you.10:22
IamTryingmarkiv, cool10:22
pkugdpkg-reconfigure thing didn't help too10:22
htlmSo you have all your files right?10:23
mecoI just had to perform a full reinstallation )11.04) because the keyboard stopped working with xterm. Now the only monitor resolution I get is 640 x 480, 0 Hz, and Monitor Preferences is unable to detect my monitor. How can I address this?10:23
htlmchalcedony agreed about the 11.0410:24
chalcedonypkug http://askubuntu.com/questions/37761/xorg-conf-in-ubuntu-natty-11-0410:25
htlmchalcedony... What file did you edit10:25
Skummelanyone in here remember the ips of googles dns servers?10:25
nibbler_8.8.8.8 8..8.48410:26
pkugchalcedony, thanks man10:26
chalcedonySkummel, fix my ubuntu problem and i'll tell you10:26
nibbler_8.8.8.8 this way10:26
chalcedonyi'm a grandmother, you're very welcome though :)10:26
nibbler_Skummel, these ones?10:27
htlmchalcedony  LOL a  45 sounding grandmother10:27
ronny_after i installed ubuntu ultimate in my laptop...it cant sense earphones at all....help..?10:28
htlmSkummel whyby need them10:28
Skummelmy isps ones is down.10:28
chalcedonyhtlm, my oldest son moved to texas, got married and has a job as the Linux expert/  System Administrator for a large firm.10:29
htlm(htlm) Skummel why do u need them. And Wells it for10:29
chalcedonysadly he is too busy to fix computer problems for his parents these days.10:29
chalcedonyhtlm, /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:29
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chalcedonyhtlm, i don't think we found the conf.d10:30
htlmchalcedony  job as the Linux expert/  System Administrator for a large firm ... Which is.?10:30
chalcedonyhtlm, he got the job, are you looking?10:31
chalcedonyhey tonsofpcs :))10:32
htlm(chalcedony) yes...10:34
mecoI just had to perform a full reinstallation )11.04) because the keyboard stopped working with xterm. Now the only monitor resolution I get is 640 x 480, 0 Hz, and Monitor Preferences is unable to detect my monitor. How can I address this?10:35
chalcedonymeco, drivers?10:35
htlmGet ride of our version of vista10:35
mecochalcedony: OK... How do I find those?10:36
chalcedonyhtlm, if you're good there are jobs10:36
chalcedonymeco, which video card do you have?10:36
bullgard4meco: I would try the Ubuntu recovery mode.10:36
htlmchalcedony etc x11 xorg.conf ubuntu 11.04  search this and how to remake  it10:37
mecobullgard4: I'll start there then10:37
chalcedonyhtlm, hmmm so you don't think it's this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1594898&highlight=natty+ps2+keyboard  - the last post says it's the .gconf10:38
renier_why does i can't detect my printer hp f300 series?10:39
htlmetc x11 xorg.conf ubuntu 11.04   is just trying anythingthat well atleast get the keyboard working10:40
htlm and what ever idea needed is just a possibilities needed to go though10:41
renier_can anyone here knows how to change the brightness and gamma of my monitor?10:47
stimpierenier_, you could use the terminal command xgamma10:48
Zac12hi there10:48
ljsoftnetrenier_ what monitor is that LCD or CRT or LED?10:48
Zac12anyone know where i could find more information on the .autorun file?10:48
renier_i don't know what number i should put10:48
Zac12i need to create a flash disk that auto runs a bash script10:49
ljsoftnetrenier_ start from 5010:49
renier_what is the command for gamma?10:49
ljsoftnetusually monitor have a manual control connected to it10:50
renier_how to change it without using terminal?10:50
uuplatinai have a 320G harddrive  with  |3M|3M|2G|300G|  partition: and i want to clone to   640GB hardrive with |6M|6M|4G|600G|  ;   what is best way to do this10:50
ljsoftnetrenier_ it doesn't have manual controls?10:50
chirag_d_gr8hello. Is anyone else having problem of too high core temperature in kubuntu 11.04 like me?10:50
renier_what is the command to change gamma?10:51
renier_all windows os i can install intel GMA but here in ubuntu i think it's impossible10:52
M1N1Mexgamma -gamma 0.310:55
M1N1Meor just xgamma10:55
paul68renier_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88932310:55
ljsoftnetrenier_ i think ubuntu is already using the intel gma driver for your PC10:55
ljsoftnetrenier_ im on intel GMA too10:56
IamTryingI have same error with this package installation e.g: $ sudo apt-get install redshift You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: desktopvideo : Depends: dkms but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies.10:57
pkughow can I remove PPA and downgrade the affected packages using CLI only ?10:58
ANDruidmy ubuntu sound theme seems broken11:01
MonkeyDustpkug: sudo ppa-purge ppa:blah/ppa/11:01
ANDruidafter i change my visual effect11:01
ANDruidthe bell for EOF is not work now...11:02
ANDruidi will bell in gedit before11:02
crispy_chunksHello. I am looking for recommendations regarding watching cable TV on ubuntu. If anyone has some nice working solutions software and hardware-vise they would like to recommend.11:03
StaRetjiFolks, I need help with gsm modems. I have two gsm modems and each time I unplug them they have different ttyUSB. Can someone help me out how to force them to be alway on same ttyUSBnumber? THX!11:04
compdoccrispy_chunks, I use an hdhomerun and mythtv, although there may be other programs you can use11:05
SavageWolfUh, my computer seems to heat up really fast when I'm doing openGLy things, I have a ATI graphics card.11:07
crispy_chunkscompdoc: does it play over wireless N also?11:07
crispy_chunksoh sorry, G i meant11:07
compdoccrispy_chunks, I dont use wireless, so not sure11:08
crispy_chunksProbably not is my guess, think I can manage some way around it though. Seems like xbmc supports it out of the box also11:09
crispy_chunkssweet :)11:09
crispy_chunkspretty pricy though ;<11:10
htlmcrispy_chunks well what kind of horse power do you got... And right off the bat Theres this one its 205$ but the thing is broadcasted over your whole network socony pc planning to sheen or possibly mac can watch this .... 1/2 part11:10
uuplatinai have a 320G harddrive  with  |3M|3M|2G|300G|  partition: and i want to clone to   640GB hardrive with |6M|6M|4G|600G|  ;   what is best way to do this11:10
crispy_chunksuuplatina: looked into the dd command?11:11
crispy_chunksI just plan to watch it on one computer -- although if its possible to watch on all computers on the wireless G at once it would be even cooler11:12
vittuuuuuI LOVE HUGE BALLS11:12
uuplatinacrispy  does dd command work  when  partition size is different?11:12
htlm crispy_chunks,hdhomerun and myth combo  but its the best without must hassel and you can do wireless to11:12
johnhamelinkHi, I'm trying to run ubuntu live on HTPC I've just built. Every time I get initramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system. How do I debug?11:12
crispy_chunksuuplatina: I think you can expand the partitions afterwards11:13
dovekieDumb question but... How can I tell which one is the FIRST super block?   http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=DFiHnWWW                <---- Last of the first digits from Left to right?11:13
Fudgehi how do i activate on ubuntu the cpu turbo mode11:13
crispy_chunkshavent tried that though, but give it a shot, its pretty simple -- first partition the 640 gig then dd the old partitions to the new ones and expand11:13
uuplatinacrispy_chunks  partition are already created on new harddrive11:13
dovekieI don't want to screw up my precious harddrive (okay it's not precious, I just want to avoid doing work)11:13
crispy_chunksthen dd the partitions one at a time, see what happens -- worst that can happen is that it doesnt work and you have to partition the 640 gig again right? :)11:14
crispy_chunkshdhomerun seems like an excellent solution thansk11:14
johnhamelinkAnyone help?11:15
dovekieI'm trying to "restore the superblock from the backup" using this command "sudo e2fsck -b block_number /dev/sdb"  following this tutorial on how to fix a ext4-partition @ http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/11:15
MonkeyDust!helpme| johnhamelink11:15
ubottujohnhamelink: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:15
dovekie<johnhamelink>, what are you trying to do?11:16
johnhamelink@MonkeyDust, sorry11:16
htlmjohnhamelink mmm ill grey to you in a bit.... State your whole problem , specs on os and hardware  what's you trying to do11:16
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ujjainAnybody who uses Keepass?11:18
johnhamelink@dovekie, @htlm, I have an ASUS AT3iont-i duluxe motherboard, 2x 1GB OCZ ram sticks, an 80GB WD800BEVT Harddrive and a Sony DVD rewriter (which I currently can't see the model number of). I'm trying to install ubuntu desktop 11.04, but it keeps dropping down to the initramfs when booting from liveCD or from installing the minimal version11:18
ujjainIs there no integration on Firefox for Ubuntu? Then how do you save your Firefox passwords safely.11:18
uabn93I have an open guest account on my laptop. Which directories would you recommend hiding in addition to /home?11:18
htlmcrispy_chunks  google it with   TV tuner and u might get what in sayong.... There is this very  specialized on ...works on windows and most odd Linux11:19
htlmcrispy_chunks  dint take of yet ill see if o still have the book mark11:20
dovekiejohnhamelink: Have you tried creating the USB stick with Unetbootin?        http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/11:21
TheCowboyujjain, i use keepass211:21
uabn93Ujjain: that's insecure. Try keepassx, lastpass, or clipperz instead11:21
johnhamelink@dovekie, no I haven't. I'll try that now!11:21
TheCowboyi'd use keepass2 before keepassx11:22
zHammeRzjohnhamelink, when you burned the cd/dvd, what speed did you use?11:23
uabn93TheCowboy: why is that?11:23
uuplatina04:03] <+uuplatina> and i have to type  mount -t xfs -o rtdev=/dev/sdb4 /dev/sdb3 /mnt/media     in order for me to read the data11:23
uuplatina[04:04] <+uuplatina> when i browse through  /mnt/media;   how do i tell what files are in   /dev/sdb3  and what files are in /dev/sdb411:23
johnhamelinkI'm on a mac right now (I know, I know), and I just used the default disk utility to burn the disks - but I've burned like 5 of them now11:23
htlmjohnhamelink 11.04 has giving so many PPL  in the last 4 hrs. numerous problems ,,,and I warn u now.. If you HAbe a gpu lol... Good luck... It might not work11:24
johnhamelinkhtlm, I have an ION CPU, so it's onboard11:24
johnhamelinkhtlm, would you recommmend I stick to 10.10?11:25
TheCowboyuabn93, my rough understanding was that keepassx is slightly behind, and plans to move in the direction of keepass211:25
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TheCowboyalso, if you want to use keepass2 on other platforms, keepassx doesn't support the keepass2.x databases yet11:25
txomonhi, can anyone help me? I installed lubuntu in a VM, with no extra packages and when I rebooted, i have a black screen, with a cursor.11:26
txomonim taking out in the grub the splash and quiet words11:27
ujjainTheCowboy, uabn93, keepassx = keepass1, keepass2 is available for Ubuntu, but no firefox extension?11:27
ujjainI care about the Firefox integration, it worked pretty well. I have a Firefox passwords.dbx, and 2 others.11:28
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTest speak. Hello all!11:28
uabn93TheCowboy: hmm.11:28
TheCowboyi haven't tried any of those though11:29
uabn93I didn't know keepass2 had Linux support11:29
ujjainTheCowboy: Only work on Windows.11:29
txomonso anyone?11:29
ujjainkeepass2 is available for Ubuntu, not in default respoitory.11:29
ironhalikhmm, ive got the ~/.config/google-chrome dir intact from previous installation - can I retrieve the settings from it for my new OS install? Copying it directly make chrome whine about bad config files11:29
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaOh, that's really strange. I can speak on #ubuntu but not in #archlinux...11:29
ujjainkeepassx is in default repo, but looks not as good.11:29
ujjainaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: identify, leave & rejoin channel, should work then.11:29
montyhHi Guys, what would be the best channel to discuss embedded linux related topics? Cheers :)11:30
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaujjain: Thanks, I'll try that.11:30
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uabn93Ujjain: so its only the professional version that works on Linux?11:31
LjLmontyh: probably ##linux11:32
ujjainuabn93: I didn't know there were multiple versions. I used http://maketecheasier.com/install-keepass2-on-ubuntu-natty/2011/05/1411:32
montyhLjL: cheers! :)11:33
TheCowboyit's easier to install than that makes it out to be, or at least it was for me11:33
uabn93I find it strange that keepass2 isn't in the default report11:34
Davstanyone here good at pulseaudio/alsa ?11:35
htlm(johnhamelink) htlm, would you recommmend I stick to 10.10     ... Actually if its a Linux only machine  dual boot it ... And it help if this is a htpc  to get a min of 2 gb of ram... 4 to 8 is better  ( if you go with a TV tuner  you must have that  high horse power.. Well and windows loves you even more  ..) so 10.04.3 LTS will be around for a Betty long time... And use this as your base os  dual boot the other side as a testing os ...if u messy up its ok11:35
johnhamelinkhtlm, I dunno I think i'll just stick with the latest11:35
johnhamelinkI don't mind if it breaks, I just want it to work now :P11:36
Monkey_bquestion, i created a system user, but when i ssh into the box, its almost like the shell is operating in a completely different mode than what im used to... i tried googling 'ubuntu shell mode' but nothing of relevance seems to pop up11:36
Monkey_bbut everything i do is off.. i cant explain it11:36
Monkey_blike if i press the up arrow and i expect my last command to appear, i instead get wierd characters11:36
jribMonkey_b: how did you create the user?11:36
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ujjaininstalling keepass2 was a breeze, 1min install.11:37
Monkey_bi was logged in as root and used 'adduser'11:37
compdocMonkey_b, maybe thats from the ssh client youre using11:37
Monkey_bthing is as root everything works fine...11:37
Monkey_bits when i use the new user that it all acts weird11:38
Monkey_bi can try deleting/recreating it i suppose11:38
jribMonkey_b: interesting.  Please paste output of: getent passwd WHATEVER_THE_USERNAME_IS_HERE11:38
compdocroot shouldnt even exist11:38
uabn93Lastpass is great, too.11:38
uabn93O..looks like I have to go11:39
glebihancompdoc, root always exists, just has no password11:39
Monkey_bguys im an idiot11:40
Paladinlawi got a problem, while booting up the system after the logo screen i get an popup error with a red X icon. There are no texts or anything else. there is just one  button and after i press it i will end up at my desktop.11:40
Monkey_bi think i did a 'useradd' not a 'adduser'11:40
jribMonkey_b: yes...11:40
stimpieMonkey_b, welcome to the club11:40
htlmjohnhamelink IM really trying to set u straight and make sure you dorky spend the last 5bea trying too get11.04 to work    when she was a lawyer and Court  was due soon...  then bams her keyboard didnt work .... Its our version of vista and macs newest loin11:40
Monkey_bi just deleted/recreated the account and everything works fine11:40
Monkey_bsorry and thank you :]11:40
jribMonkey_b: useradd will set the shell to "sh" by default which points to dash11:40
johnhamelinkhtlm, predictive text? o.011:40
ujjainYeah, would've been interesting to see /etc/passwd.11:40
ujjainbut glad that it works11:40
htlmjohnhamelink compare to... And yes ..)11:41
johnhamelinkhtlm lol!11:41
DennisRasNeed some help here. Been googling for hous now. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 with the windows installer (I'd really like to migrate from win to ubuntu, but this is doing my head in), and now I can't seem to upgrade to 11.04: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade (Before this error I get a message about some packages being disabled). Any hints?11:43
htlmMonkey_b thats the way to do it,,, I just wish  Linux had a reset button for everything11:44
IbisHave reccomendation for best file system to be used for a backup drive?11:45
auronandaceDennisRas: installing ubuntu inside windows is called wubi, you are better off with a vm or installing ubuntu proper in its own partition11:45
htlmDennisRas... ooh ouch hate that bug(s)11:46
DennisRasauronandace: thought that the "wubi" installation had partitioned as well11:46
Valihi to all , can anyone tell me how to connect to wireless network with channel 13 , because Ubuntu can't find channel 13 just 1 to 1011:46
glebihanDennisRas, was it a fresh install of 10.10 ?11:46
htlmauronandace agreed11:46
auronandaceDennisRas: no, its just a file on the ntfs partition11:47
DennisRasglebihan: that depends on what "not fresh" is then. Had nothing installed prio11:47
DennisRasauronandace: but does that mean you can't actually upgrade ubuntu? odd?11:47
glebihanDennisRas, what I meant is : did you just install it or was it there for some time already ?11:47
htlmVali  ...?   thats mostly Japan and a few like counties11:48
DennisRasglebihan: new install yes but with the win installer11:48
* auronandace really doesn't get the point of wubi, especially when you can install ubuntu in a vm11:48
glebihanauronandace, you can also do a real install trough wubi11:48
Valinot i'm from europe11:48
IbisWhat's wubi?11:48
auronandaceglebihan: seriously?11:48
DennisRaswin ubuntu installer i guess11:48
glebihanDennisRas, then you should probably just get a 11.04 CD and run the installation from the beginning11:48
DennisRasauronandace: Yeah I'm quite sure11:48
glebihanauronandace, yes but it also raises quite a lot of issues11:49
auronandaceglebihan: does sound like quite a hack11:49
DennisRasWell the only reason I used wubi is that it gives me a fallback in case something goes wrong11:49
auronandaceDennisRas: a vm is more safer anyway11:50
olnI have a strange issue with the network. It only works if i try to ping an adress that doesn't exist. As soon as i stop the ongoing ping command I can't access anything on the network. If i don't do this, the ethernet connection works for a few seconds after connecting.11:50
DennisRasI wasn't fully committed to ubuntu yet, but now i am and cant really get it up and running :/11:50
olnCan't see anything suspicious in the logs, works fine in windows. Worked fine yesterday.11:50
IbisROFL, wubi is the best thing, it gets people to try ubuntu the easy way.  Trying to install under ubuntu can be extremely alienating for some people glebihan. HELL-O, these are windows users you speak of.11:50
IbisIt's enough they worship and bow to windows.11:50
htlmVali  wifi channel  13 is restricted in most countries,except a pan in some like minded countries.... What's you need it for?11:50
glebihanauronandace, not a hack at all11:50
DennisRasIbis: You are 100% right about that11:51
glebihanIbis, and ? they'll have less issues with a normal install than wubi...11:51
htlmVali japan11:51
DennisRasBeing a win user since I was a kid and suddently changing is quite a challenge and a big step to me11:51
Valibecause of my ISP  ,11:51
Valii'm from Albania11:51
IbisOops, that message was meant to go to auronandace here.11:51
DennisRasSo is wubi just a teaser then?11:52
auronandaceIbis: a vm is safer and imo easier11:52
Valimy ISP has the default channel 13 , so i can't do anything htlm11:52
RomokuI never could get wubi to work11:52
renier_anyone here knows what chat did nikita useD?11:52
glebihanDennisRas, maybe not just a teaser, but definitely not the best solution to do a complete install11:52
Valihtlm:  what do you think is the solution ?11:53
IbisDennisRas, it's just less ALIENATING to windows user.         All you do is repeatedly click on the NEXT button without reading (typical windows user)            Then they wonder why their computer is godawfully slow with a gazillion webbrowser TOOLBARS.11:53
mydogsnameisrudyliveCD dualboot then11:53
mydogsnameisrudynever use win again11:53
DennisRasWell the issue here is that I've got no other hardware than this laptop so I can't just wipe off Win and all the docs I've got there, so I guess  I'll have to go crazy with the backups and wipe this laptop clean11:53
glebihanDennisRas, the purpose of wubi is to let people try ubuntu without having anything to change to their system, once you decide you want to use ubuntu as a daily system, a "real" installation is better11:53
DennisRasglebihan: yeah I get that now11:54
IbisI never understand why these companies markets stupid toool bars, they NEVER have any real use. Best tool bars I can think of is handy crap that can be useful for website developers.    I found toolbar that was for different purpose (nothing to do with developing) but still.11:54
htlmIbis rotf! LOL11:54
RomokuWhat I don't get is why firefox can't do vertical tabs like chrome11:55
fliebelDoes this work in Ubuntu? http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet#Screencast_recording11:55
isUanyone knows where i can find the setting file of gnome2 panel? i got a problem..http://hiphotos.baidu.com/elvis5437/pic/item/1bec22124d4d82a8a6ef3f23.jpg11:55
thomas1Question. I uninstalled the nautilus and then the installed again. Now Unity does not workand many problems came up.Does anyone  Know whether if it is possible to correct the problems;11:55
IbisDennisRas and yea< i do got your point there. I LOVE virtual box.        OMFG, it's funny, you can "Herp-derp" windoze... It makes me sometimes feel sorry for windows... NOT! xD11:55
TheCowboyChrome can do vertical tabs now?11:55
}[oo]{problem with WPA2 auth failing; no discernable cause. identical install on another machine has not failed to auth.11:55
auronandaceDennisRas: you don't have to wipe out windows, just shrink the windows partition and install ubuntu in its own partition (dual boot)11:56
DennisRasauronandace: it's already like that11:56
RomokuChrome has done vertical tabs for awhile11:56
Romokuit has the "New Tab" button at the top11:56
xannenSuggestion for Eclipse and JQuery plugin?  Aptana?11:56
Romokuand every other browser has it at the bottom11:56
DennisRasauronandace: wubi has an option to create a partition and a dual boot which im using11:57
auronandaceDennisRas: oh, i don't see the point of that when you can just do it normally11:57
DennisRasmy ubuntu installation is not linked with the windows partition (or so I believe) except that there's an ubuntu installer/uninstaller in the win part11:58
DennisRasauronandace: well as Ibis said, it's to make it easier for Win users to get involved11:58
RomokuIt might have resized the windows partition11:58
parapanone question > can someone recommend some video processing softwares for linux ? some like Sony Vegas or adobe After effects or ....whatever ....mostly basic video editing and encoding; eventually some authoring also ?11:58
Romoku@parapan Virtualbox maybe11:59
}[oo]{has the "I'm booting from a partition that starts > 137GB into the disk and it fails" issue ever been solved?11:59
itaihi guys, need help with a bash script, i want to put a script on the desktop that would run a program located in /etc. i know nothing about bash, my guess first line is cd /etc/some/directory second line the name of the program , correct ?11:59
htlmDennisRas   no need  most of us even me thinks of how to make it better  with out crapware and spyware ,viruses and and mostly is the os of portableity  ....  so if you have a flash drive run it off that .... Try that with winows...withOUt! Sweeping the os11:59
Ibisauronandace, yea VM/Virtual Box is safer. I just love it. It's really funny to see windows run in it. (Runs a bit faster in it too).             I remember google searching something, and someone complained about windows going TOO FAST, so I'm there giggling to myself "wow that's new, lol".12:00
DennisRashtlm: I didn't really understand some of that12:00
Romoku@itai You might want to read up on bash first. But basically you'll need to do a CD into /etc/<directory> and ./<program>12:01
DennisRasmeh all I wanted to do was to upgrade my ubuntu :(12:01
rumpe1itai, could work, except if you want to execute a program at the current directory you usually need "./program"12:01
htlmDennisRas  LOL right now if I were physically there I would take my flash drive.... U still with me ? And plug it in and put Linux on that12:01
thomas1Question. I uninstalled the nautilus and then the installed again. Now Unity does not workand many problems came up.Does anyone Know whether if it is possible to correct the problems;12:02
rumpe1itai, and you usually only need to cd to the directory of the program, if the program itself is kinda stupid12:02
auronandaceDennisRas: i've never upgraded ubuntu, i've always fresh installed12:02
DennisRasauronandace: do you backup all your stuff externally then?12:02
auronandaceDennisRas: kept what i need on a seperate storage partition12:03
auronandaceDennisRas: and backup to an external harddrive yeah12:03
Paladinlawim getting this message while trying to open the sound settings "waiting for soundsystem to respond". I cant change my volume.12:03
DennisRasproblem is I don't have the luxury of doing that as I don't own anything but this laptop12:04
auronandaceDennisRas: i've seen a fair few people have issues with upgrades, a fresh install negates all that12:04
htlmDennisRas if you don't trust  yourself then do this... Ive done this about 50 times already12:04
rumpe1DennisRas, backups are luxurious?12:04
Ibis@itai: Where <directory> can be Any folder name.      cd (lowercase letters, most commands and program names in linux are lowercase for a good reason).        ./        or    period-Forward-slash  or  "dot slash"    means to "EXECUTE program" in the current directory you're reading. Example:         ./firefox12:04
DennisRasrumpe1: having hardware available to do backups12:04
auronandaceDennisRas: you can't make an extra storage partition to keep your files on?12:05
rumpe1DennisRas, then you data isn't worth anything i guess :)12:05
Davstcan i force apt-get to not remove a package that it wants to remove when I'm installing a new one?12:05
htlmauronandace  Teresa you didn't get the  unknown bugs12:05
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
Ibisitai:        To see a list of programs/folders/directorys,     run this command in terminal:        ls12:05
jribDavst: be more specific12:05
itaiIbis, rumpe1, Romoku i want to run a VPN, the line would look like sudo openvpn --config 15\ -\ trVPN\t.ovpn can i do it in bash? also what about sudo, how will i provide the password?12:05
DennisRasrumpe1: That makes sense but some of it is just temp anyway and I'm not worried about the current hardware crashing right now12:05
DennisRasauronandace: don't know how to12:06
Davstjrib: have a xbmc from the unstable ppa, when i try to install xbmc-send it says it also will remove xbmc12:06
Davstjust want it to ignore removing xbmc12:06
jribDavst: pastebin: apt-cache show xmbc xmbc-send12:06
auronandaceDennisRas: partitioning is a basic computer skill you need to learn12:06
rumpe1DennisRas, you could backup your data via email.. or use something like dropbox (within encrypted containers maybe).12:07
auronandaceDennisRas: gparted makes it rather easy12:07
DennisRasrumpe1: I know how to do backups12:07
auronandaceDennisRas: if you want to practice, get a vm and have a go12:07
DennisRasauronandace: How many people own a PC do you think? Can't expect everyone to know everything12:08
Ibisitai: sudo         means  "super user do this"     (Okay, I may be wrong but it helps me remember the purpose of the command).       sudo  makes your DO/run  programs under a superUser named root,    when you run sudo, it will immediately ask you for a password. So you'll know when to type it.       When your type, you WILL NOT see asterisks **** things. Because it's not suppose to. It's a security feature.12:08
Davstjrib: http://pastie.org/256262512:08
htlmDennisRas drox box is good   ...)12:08
DennisRasI'm not trying to make an issue out of everything, but I've actually never bothered tinkering with hardware or software on boot level12:09
auronandaceDennisRas: i don't mean to insult you, i'm just making sure you don't mess things up12:09
itaiIbis, that not what I mean, I'm gonna put it in a script , i was wondering when/how i will provide the password when the script runs12:09
=== gizem is now known as gizemb
auronandaceDennisRas: the amount of people i've seen partitioning and not knowing what they are doing is frightening12:09
rumpe1itai, uh... there are several ways. When exactly should it be executed?12:09
ex0swin size 7012:09
auronandaceDennisRas: especially when they don't back-up12:10
rumpe1itai, automatically providing the password is usually a really bad idea.12:10
DennisRashtlm: I know what backups are and that I can just use a cloud service, but the real issue (to me) here is that all I've got is this laptop and nothing else. No disc, no flashdrive, no nothing. I can get some in a couple of days of course12:10
jribDavst: look at the dependencies.  I don't even see xbmc in normal ubuntu repository.  Where does it come from?12:11
zHammeRzauronandace, even better when they say they are the admin of some company they are working for :)12:11
DennisRasAnd when I don't know how to safely work with partitions, I could easily screw something up and be left with nothing12:11
Romoku@DennisRas what version of windows are you running?12:11
ujjainFOr people who has both a desktop and laptop. Why not use your laptop as desktop with a monitor?12:11
itairumpel the idea is to have the script on the desktop and click on it whenever i want to connect to the VPN, hopefully the script will contain my user name and password for the VPN .12:11
rumpe1DennisRas, in this case i really wouldn't change anything important on the system.12:11
jribujjain: #ubuntu-offtopic for that please12:11
BarryBHi, can anyone give me an active respository for UBuntu 9.04 Jaunty. I am its EOL and not supported anymore. Thansk12:11
auronandacezHammeRz: funny yes, inspires you with confidence: not so much12:11
Davstjrib: team-xbmc ppa.. its a media center for linux12:11
Ibisitai, I learned when I wanted to make a script that does that... You just really cant do it. It's a security feature.              As a typical linux user, it is /NOT/ not nOt a good idea to put a password in a script unless specifically told to do so from a TRUSTED source (Example being Apache, MySQL).                  I wanted to do this before but I read something that you would have to change the way to authencate yourself (or make it so you do not ne12:12
MrPopinjayujjain, I use a desktop for gaming, processing audio etc. You can get more power for less money with a desktop and it'll last longer too.12:12
auronandaceDennisRas: thats why i recomend using a vm12:12
auronandaceDennisRas: safe and easy environment to practice in12:12
zHammeRzauronandace, I like it when noobs break stuff at corporations...makes me a LOT of money to fix/restore .. or a short term contract when they get fired until a replacement is hired12:12
rumpe1DennisRas, even the next update could render your laptop useless12:12
DennisRasrumpe1: yup I know12:12
RomokuIf DennisRas is using windows 7 he could create a system image to burn to a CD12:13
DennisRasI just like to keep things updated. There's usually a good reason that software gets updated in the first place12:13
RomokuBut I wasn't here for the entire convorsation.12:13
jribDavst: does the place you are getting xbmc-send to not have its own version of xbmc?12:14
itaiIbis, ok how about a script that would cd to the directory, run the program and open a terminal for me to input the credentials?12:14
ujjainMrPopinjay: right, fair point :) I just wonder if I should even get a seperate for both, but gaming is a fair point.12:14
Ibisitai: This is what I meant http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1510272  "Edit the /etc/sudoers file so that you can run that script without providing a password. For example ..."12:15
Ibisitai, that is what you CAN do.12:15
=== compengi` is now known as compengi
Ibisitai, are you using gnome?12:15
itaiIbis, yes12:16
MrPopinjayujjain, If I didn't do those things and I didn't get backache from hunching over a laptop all the time I'd certainly just spend the money on a slightly more powerful laptop, that's for sure.12:16
Ibisitai, hang on, I will make an example.12:16
itaiIbis, thanks12:17
pamwe_cheteMrPopinjay, don't hunch, and excercise atleast an hour per day12:17
rumpe1itai, the problem with the sudoers-file is, that minor errors can deactivate the whole sudo-command. Be careful or use "visudo".12:17
RomokuAnyone use a multi-gp setup?12:18
MrPopinjaypamwe_chete, I'm currently without a desk until I move back to brighton but once I'm set up I should be fine :)12:18
itairumpe1, i guess that if the script would result in a terminal window coming asking me for a password then its ok12:18
Ibisitai,        http://pastebin.com/4F3wCvTV              <--- try that script.            BE SURe to give that file permission to execute. (just to the owner, IF applicable)12:19
unkcan anyone help me regarding connecting the vodafone data card in ubuntu ???12:19
Davstjrib: think i figured it out12:19
itaiIbis, thanks, i will try , can i get back to you later >12:20
Ibisitai What it does is cd to /etc/               and then opens up a GTK      sudo-password box      to run a program called   GEDIT     to edit a file named host      that's inside the /etc/ directory folder.12:20
Ibisitai, longstroy short, it's to edit  host in      /etc/          (please DO NOT make any changes to that file. that's just an example).12:20
Paladinlawim getting this message while trying to open the sound settings "waiting for soundsystem to respond". I cant change my volume.12:21
unkpaladinlaw    I m getting the same problem12:22
pamwe_chetethe canon website has drivers for ubuntu for all of their printers, and they work great, just mentioning it 'cause i saw someone in here the other day (dr_willis) say that canon there are no canon drivers for  ubuntu12:22
ms_i'm trying to resize an ext3 container, but get end of device error12:23
Paladinlawunk: did it  come for you from nowhere? for me it worked great until today12:23
unkPaladinlaw ya when i install a new OS then it came up. The sound is comming very slow12:24
Paladinlawanyone knows how to fix the "waiting for sound system to respond" problem?12:25
Paladinlawmy sound is very low and i cant change the volume12:25
Paladinlawworked great yesterday12:25
MonkeyDustPaladinlaw: in Terminal, type alsamixer12:26
itaiIbis, oh , i figured it out...never mind...thanks12:26
unkPaladinlaw  what version you r using?12:26
Paladinlawunk: 11.0412:26
IbisPaladinlaw, might want to try this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-10-04-tip-how-to-fix-waiting-for-sound-system-to-respond-problem.html12:27
essdyHi ppl can anyone help me with flash disk partition ? I can see both of my partitions in ubuntu12:27
essdy (fat32, ntfs) but in win 7 only fat32 :/12:27
itaiIbis, one last question , to run the VPN i need two parameters one is user name and another is password, is there a way for the script to at least reemeber the user name for me ?12:27
PaladinlawMonkeydusk: thx now i got high sound12:28
BluesKajHiyas all12:28
MonkeyDustessdy: wrong channel, ask in ##windows (double hash)12:28
essdyok thx12:28
unkcan anyone tell me is it possible to run vlc in ROOT??12:28
jribunk: why do you want to?12:29
essdyI though it was problem that i splited it in ubuntu ...12:30
unkjrib: i want to try to use vlc while i m log in as root12:30
MonkeyDustlog in as root?12:30
jribunk: yes, you asked that.  But that's not a good idea.  So why would you want to do that?12:30
unkjrib:   i just wna try is there any possibility. I know it's meaning less but i wana give a try?12:31
jribunk: yes, it's possible.  But there's no good reason to do it.12:32
MonkeyDustunk: methinks you won't find advice or support for root here12:32
unkMonkeyDust: then where??12:33
MonkeyDustunk: no idea12:33
unkMonkeyDust: okk12:33
jribunk: why don't you tell us the reason you want to do this?  We can likely tell you a better way.12:33
unkjrib:  there is no particular reason. i just want to find out why vlc is not allowing root user. Can't root listen the music ?? lol12:34
jribunk: why are you even trying.  There's no reason to ever want to do that12:35
unkjrib: okk12:35
th0runk: actually, there isn't even supposed to be  a root user.12:35
Picith0r: thats incorrect.12:36
Picith0r: root exists, its account is just locked.12:36
bastidrazorth0r: its just disabled12:36
unkMonkeyDust: this is regarding alsamixer. do i have to go to terminal every time to decrease or increase the volume ??12:36
th0rwell, whether it is locked or disabled....it shouldn't be running12:36
Ibisunk, first time using Ubuntu?12:37
IbisOr any kind of linux?12:37
tasslehoffAnyone with 11.04 and ati graphics that can check Catalyst version?12:38
unkIbis: ya12:38
MonkeyDustunk: lesson one: be careful with root12:39
paul68unk by preference do not use root unless you are 1000% certain of what you are doing12:39
unkMonkeyDust:  okk12:39
Ibisunk. Okay.  Yes it's very possible to use vlc as root.            But it's not all too special, I mean it'll appear the same exact way as though you were just opening vlc yourself.12:40
unkpaul68: ok12:40
unkIbis: but when i just type  vlc  is says 'VLC is not supposed to be run as root. Sorry.12:41
unkIf you need to use real-time priorities and/or privileged TCP ports12:41
unkyou can use vlc-wrapper (make sure it is Set-UID root and12:41
unkcannot be run by non-trusted users first).'12:41
MonkeyDustunk: root is for advanced users, who know what they are doing and why12:42
unkIbis: then wat to do ?. Previously in 8.04 this problem was not there?12:42
OerHekstrue, no need to run VLC as root12:42
unkMonkeyDust: ya true12:43
unkMonkeyDust: i know these software like vlc , chrome uses some kind of sandbox (security) thats y they dont allow root user to use it? can u say something regarding this12:49
sxiperioIf i make my  laptop wireless access point, using ubuntu and hosdapd, can i use internet on them after setup?12:49
nmvictormacer1: hi12:52
yaccRecommendation for a harddisc integrity test?12:52
macer1nmvictor, hi :)12:52
ANDruidubuntu not beep after changing visual effect12:52
ANDruidhow to make my beep back?12:52
Ibisunk, I sent you a private message.12:52
ANDruidwhere is my lovely beep??? TT12:53
ANDruidanyone help??12:53
ares_Hello anyone can help me? :)12:53
IbisANDruid, beep for what?12:54
unkIbis: ya i got it12:54
ANDruidlike edit in gedit,you will get beep when reach EOF12:54
ares_Is it possible? to make from ubuntu x86 to ubuntu x64 is there a tool for it or something else?12:54
ANDruidmy system only beep when input the loggin password.12:55
ANDruidand there is no logging music..strange problem12:55
ares_labai :D12:55
BluesKajlooking at M-Audio soundcards ...experience to share , if any ?12:55
ares_Is it possible? to make from ubuntu x86 to ubuntu x64 is there a tool for it or something else?12:55
ANDruidi use laptop12:56
ares_Is it possible? to make from ubuntu x86 to ubuntu x64 is there a tool for it or something else?12:56
danishbackerAn error occured in avast! engine: Invalid argument ?12:56
frostschutzBluesKaj: use case? m-audio makes some cards that are nice for recording, but they dont offer anything special to the normal pc user12:56
patrunjelHi guys. I have one quick question. My mom really needs to use yahoo (with a microphone), but I only have Ubuntu installed, can you please tell me what chat client (like empathy) has voice chat for yahoo?12:56
ares_danishbacker delete your windows :D12:56
danishbackerpls help12:56
ares_Is it possible? to make from ubuntu x86 to ubuntu x64 is there a tool for it or something else?12:56
MonkeyDustpatrunjel: try aMSN12:57
yaccAny idea for a hdd integrity test (I don't mean fsck, I wonder if data written to the hdd returns the same when read, and if the corruption happens on read and/or write)12:57
Hexchdanishbacker: you are on channel ubuntu not avast :)12:58
patrunjelMonkeyDust, but I need to log into yahoo...12:58
MonkeyDustpatrunjel: i think it's possible with aMSN12:58
patrunjelMonkeyDust, ok, thanks :D12:59
ANDruidhow to make my beep back12:59
BluesKajfrostschutz, I'm looking for sound quality . I hear from my audiophile friends that M-Audio's card components make them sound much better than the regular onboards , and I'm tired of the distortion that my card adss to the music.12:59
untekakithe chali hai gobi da ful bn k kudiye badami adiye13:00
BluesKajfrostschutz , but my primary concern is does The M-Audio card run on the alsa driver13:00
MonkeyDustANDruid: in Terminal, type alsamixer, there you find speaker13:01
itaiunteka, is that hindi ?13:01
untekaMai kiha chan ji salam kende haan13:01
danishbacker@Hexch sorry, i din know there was a channel for avast :) im new to this. thanks13:01
untekaanyone knows how to install system sounds on BT 5 gnome??13:04
BluesKajdanishbacker, running on wubi ?13:04
MonkeyDustunteka: BT?13:04
danishbackerdual boot13:04
popeyunteka: BT isn't supported here13:04
popeyunteka:  #backtrack-linux13:05
untekaits Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid13:05
popeyunteka: no, it's backtrack, and we don't support it here13:05
MonkeyDustunteka: type #join #backtrack-linux13:06
MonkeyDustunteka: type /join #backtrack-linux13:06
unteka #join #backtrack-linux13:06
danishbackerthere is no one in avast channel :(13:07
Davst libsdl-image1.2 depends on libjpeg62 (>= 6b1); however: Version of libjpeg62 on system is 6b-15ubuntu1. (shouldn't 6b-15 be newer than 6b1 ?13:07
popeyunteka: you want /join #backtrack-linux13:07
braeemmaacn any1 hlp me install mobile partner for ubuntu on my laptop13:07
macer1Can VirtualBox run Win aero? I am not sure because it is written in DirectX...13:08
babothumbs babo@eire:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ apache2 -S13:08
baboapache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}13:08
jribbabo: that's normal (because of the way debian/ubuntu setup apache)13:08
babojrib, i've set my website to the one i want and i've restarted apache but my old website keeps coming up13:09
jribbabo: you need to provide more information13:10
babojrib what do you want to know ?13:10
jribbabo: what "set my website to the one i want" means13:10
MonkeyDustmacer1: type /join #vbox13:11
macer1MonkeyDust, ok :>13:11
baboi've a2ensite'd my favorite site and i've a2dissite'd the site i don't want, then i reloaded apache but my old site keeps coming up13:11
BluesKaj!dual boot | danishbacker13:11
ubottudanishbacker: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:11
essdyis it possible to change removable bit in ubuntu ?:)13:11
jribbabo: provide the actual contents of /etc/apache2/sites-available/*13:12
babojrib babo@eire:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ ls13:12
baboalbumshopper  default           mobiit       secretgardenagency  ul13:12
babodara-teacher  default.dpkg-old  mobiit_test  tarait13:12
babodeady         default-ssl       recruitage   tellitit13:12
FloodBot1babo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:12
jribbabo: the contents of the files13:12
=== root is now known as Guest67043
Guest67043всем привет13:13
jrib!ru | Guest6704313:13
ubottuGuest67043: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:13
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:14
Guest67043чо за хрень13:14
babojrib, i posted the contents for the two files in question http://paste.ubuntu.com/693764/13:15
Guest67043народ  а в етом чате есть файлообменник?13:15
jribbabo: and by "my old website keeps coming up", what do you mean exactly?  What do you enter in your browser?  Have you cleared your browser's cache?13:16
Udabais anybody here ?13:16
Udabai need help13:16
jribUdaba: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)13:17
Udabai want to register13:17
compdocfor freenode?13:17
Udabaok im sorry !13:17
Udabahow i can register ?13:17
jrib!register | Udaba13:17
ubottuUdaba: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:17
Guest67043tut est  dchub????13:17
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:18
sxiperioPleas, help! If i make my  laptop in to wireless access point, using ubuntu and hosdapd, can i use internet on them after setup?13:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:19
sxiperioIf i make my  laptop in to wireless access point, using ubuntu and hosdapd, can i use internet on them after setup?13:19
herkupussxiperio: over the same wireless interface? no13:19
Guest67043da vy 40 ebu4ki??  mol4ite???13:20
LjLenglish here please13:20
Udabait was something like \ns register13:21
Udabaabyway :P13:21
Guest67043dchub://   zahodite13:21
ironhalikcould someone refer me to some nice WYSIWYG html editor in ubuntu?13:21
LjL!kompozer | ironhalik13:21
ubottuironhalik: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.  Note that there is a GTK incompatibility in !Intrepid and !Jaunty, so users of those releases should use the !PPA at https://launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/+archive/ppa instead.13:21
Guest67043flylink ili strongdc13:21
sxiperiono not on the same, i have usb wireless adaptrer, and i have 4G modem and i have one installed in to hardware wireles adapter13:21
Romoku@ironhalik emacs13:21
ironhalikthx LjL13:21
LjLRomoku: how is emacs WYSIWYG?13:22
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:22
Davstlibsdl-image1.2: Depends: libjpeg62 (>= 6b1) but 6b-15ubuntu1 is to be installed. How do I solve this? (running Lucid ubuntu)13:22
Romoku@ LjL http://x-symbol.sourceforge.net/13:23
RomokuPleanty of latex for emacs13:24
IsrafelI've got a lot of MKV files I want to burn to DVDs with all the audio tracks and subtitles. Brasero (Which came with Ubuntu) has no options for this. What would be a better application?13:25
popeyIsrafel: devede?13:25
andygraybealwhat is the best gui way to search the contents of a files in a directory for the word 'andy' ?13:26
Israfelpopey, checking it out. It has all that support?13:26
herkupussxiperio: what is a "hardware wireless adapter"?13:26
Romoku@ andygraybeal use the find application13:26
andygraybealis this a gui interface?13:27
popeyIsrafel: i think so, not used it recently, but it;'s good13:27
Romokuwhat ubuntu version are you using?13:27
andygraybealRomuku: 10.0413:27
Romokuit should be in "Places" at the toolbar13:28
RomokuThere'll be a find/replace tool13:28
andygraybealRomoku, okay, is see it - i don't understand how to search within files for a string like "Andy"13:28
Romokuoh within a file13:29
Romokuunfortunately I don't know of any gui ways13:29
sxiperiobuilted in to the hardware in to trhe notebook13:29
andygraybealyea, Romoku, thank yuo for the assistence.. i will look online!13:29
andygraybeali found a thread in the forums13:30
RomokuHave you tried Nano?13:30
Paladinlawis there a way to change name on many files? just adding like 1 or something?13:30
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andygraybealRomoku, nano, the editor?13:31
RomokuInside nano press ctrl+w and type the string to search13:31
andygraybealyes, i have... it's a ton of files in a folder.. if this is the route your heading :)13:31
Romokuthat's more of a script13:31
andygraybeali need to find my name in meeting minutes for our corporation to see the last time i was at a meeting :)13:31
Romokucat each of the files in a directory and grep the output for andy13:32
jribandygraybeal: use grep13:32
andygraybealyea, i was hoping to find a way to do it with a gui :)13:32
andygraybeali understand how to do it with the comand line.13:32
andygraybealit would be nice for people who don't know how to use the ocmmand line to be able to find data inside of files :)13:32
andygraybeali think i found something named 'catfish' i will keep looking13:32
ericincoldohiowhere can I see a driver history, I've been using this computer for a year, and now whenever I play a video for a few minutes the entire computer shuts down...wondering if it was updated or soemthing13:32
jribandygraybeal: do you have tracker installed?13:33
andygraybealjrib, i don't.. i'vebeen reading about it on the forums.  and thinking about installing it.13:33
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Guest76352Hi I'm trying to install server 11.04 amd64 on a HP Prolient ml350 but the installation hangs around the network config point (before partitioning). Could anyone help with why13:34
Guest76352(10.04 server installs fine)13:35
jribandygraybeal: try "searchmonkey"13:35
zykotick9ericincoldohio, something else you can try: is changing the VideoOutput of you media player, ie x11,xv,gl to see if that makes any difference.  My wild guess, is that you are using ATI.13:35
andygraybealjrib, okay thank you jrib... i hope that tracker works well with 10.0413:35
Romoku@Guest76352 have you tried memtest and checked the disk for defects?13:36
sebsterI've created a bash script and set a shortcut to execute it. It worked last night and rebooting today it stopped working. I've created a new shortcut for a different key with exactly the same command and that is now working. Any ideas what has gone wrong?13:36
scarleoPaladinlaw: Can you tell more exactly what you want to do?13:36
ericincoldohioits a gforce...just trying to determine if its hardware or software13:36
Davstlibsdl-image1.2: Depends: libjpeg62 (>= 6b1) but 6b-15ubuntu1 is to be installed. How do I solve this? (running Lucid ubuntu)13:36
ericincoldohioif it's software, I need to fix it...if its hardware i get to go to newegg13:37
bryanhi everybody13:37
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RomokuIf the hardware is fine then I owuld install in expert mode and skip the networking step.13:37
Guest34499i am installing openvas  but i cant get my real ip13:37
zykotick9ericincoldohio, well, i'm surprised then.  You should be able to check /var/log/dpkg.log for any new versions of packages installed.13:38
ericincoldohioyeah..I'm thinking its hardware..nothing changed on this computer in 2 years actually...used 1 year with this ubuntu install13:38
ericincoldohiothanks for the file link...what i'm looking for13:39
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nmvictorI loaded ubuntu 11.10 daily builds on a USB drive for installation, after selecting "Try Ubuntu" option, the screen goes deem and the fn keys do not work to adjust the brightness, all i see is a very faint installation window and i cant even make for the buttons. I am using Acer Aspire 5734z with Intel graphics card.13:40
zykotick9nmvictor, reask in #ubuntu+113:41
MonkeyDustnmvictor: wrong channel, try #ubuntu+113:41
nmvictorzykotick9: MonkeyDust Thanks13:41
Paladinlawscarleo: i have many files that are named like "unknow" and i have many other files named the same "unknow". I want to change one of them to "unknow-1"13:41
ericincoldohiodoes dell still make linux systems?  only one around I can find anymore is system76?13:42
scarleoPaladinlaw: So you mean you have several files with exactly the same name in the same folder? Didn't think that was possible...13:44
zykotick9scarleo, it's not13:45
scarleozykotick9: I know ;)13:45
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scarleoPaladinlaw: What are the actual names of the file you need to rename?13:46
Paladinlawscarleo: ok let me try again... i got files called "unknown1"."unknown2" and so on... and i got another folder with the same names. i want to change one of the folders to "unknown1-1"13:46
vltHello. When I use Firefox on Ubuntu all the radio buttons are rendered way too large. How can I avoid this?13:46
nmvictorzykotick9: MonkeyDust: though i am experiencing the same problem with 11.04, my current installation. I managed to fix the problem with kamal Mostafa's kernel, see bug 568611 , It is claimed the the bug is fixed upstream in Oneric,13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861113:47
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nmvictorIs it possible to access and modify the filesystem.squashfs  in my USB drive13:48
Stanley00nmvictor: yes, but you have to extract it, and then repack it...13:50
yaccCan it be that LUKS / LVM can "eat" read errors?13:50
yaccI'm getting corrupted data, but nothing in the kernel log :(13:51
Stanley00nmvictor: if you just need install more apps, you can use uck tool, it uses to change liveCD13:51
sebsterwhen you press the brightness up/down keys in ubuntu, what executes the command? which package, function, mechanism internally? TY13:52
nmvictorStanley00: i need to go to the /sys directory in the filesystem and change something13:52
sxiperioIf i make my  laptop in to wireless access point, using ubuntu and hosdapd, can i use internet on them after setup? I heve one wireless usb adapter and one installed in to the notebook, but i want to share connection from another usb adapter who connect thru 4g internet prepaid.13:52
Stanley00nmvictor: then, you have to extract and repack it manually...13:53
Stanley00nmvictor: you may need to install "squashfs-tools - Tool to create and append to squashfs filesystems" to do that13:54
nmvictorStanley00: Im listening13:54
nmvictorStanley00: ....13:54
Paladinlawis it possible to change the name of all the files in a folder to a prefix? like [hi]filename?13:55
jribPaladinlaw: sure, you can use "rename" for example13:55
Stanley00Paladinlaw: I think you should ask in #bash, that will be faster ;)13:55
jon_high9000can XSplash be used in natty?13:56
stimpiesebster, you might want to check /sys/class/backlight/????/brightness13:56
jribPaladinlaw: why?13:56
Paladinlawjrib: only rename? :P13:56
jribPaladinlaw: well obviously you need to learn its syntax :)13:56
Paladinlawjrib: can you give me a code :D13:57
sebsterok, will so ty13:57
samsul!ping sebster13:57
jribPaladinlaw: I think it's better for you to at least try to figure it out otherwise you'll need an irc channel anytime you want to do something13:57
Paladinlawjrib: :D... but how do i target all the files in a folder?13:57
sebstersamsul, whats up13:58
jribPaladinlaw: did you read rename's man page and learn the basic syntax?13:58
Paladinlawjrib: yes13:58
qbunnyi'm transfering file from one internal ip to the other. i have a gigabit switch, non-gigabit port router, does it affect the speed of transfer between computers?13:58
Paladinlawjrib: remane filename filename13:58
nmvictorWow, I have mounted the iso, and extracted the fs using instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization , anything else i need to do?I need ur assistance Stanley0013:58
scarleoPaladinlaw: I was just looking for a guide for you, found this: http://www.go2linux.org/rename-bulk-files-with-linux-console-command13:58
M1N1Mealmost perfect fstab -> http://pastebin.com/ymTnnpmh13:59
jribPaladinlaw: no, look at the "synopsis" line in the man page and the examples provided13:59
Stanley00nmvictor: ok, please wait, I'm reading it...13:59
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nmvictorHmm, Linux Comands are powerfull, will windows ever catch up?14:00
Paladinlawjrib: all i can find is to match files... cant find target all files14:00
hook`ms dos commands are quite powerful too14:00
jribPaladinlaw: what do you mean by "all i can find is to match files"?14:00
Paladinlawjrib: ^ matches the beginning of the line... and so on..14:01
meta_Hi all!14:02
nmvictorPaladinlaw: I will live doubting that, if its all i ever do... :)14:02
scarleoPaladinlaw: check the guide I linked to, it will explain it to you14:02
meta_Something automatically mounts my virtualbox shared folder as /media/sf_SHARENAME, under gnome ubuntu 11.04. Can anybody tell me what is that and hw can i prevent that?14:02
Stanley00nmvictor: hmm, /sys is not an usual directory, I'm confusing now...14:02
jribPaladinlaw: right the syntax is "rename perlexpr files", so you have two tasks.  One is easy: How do I have it work on all files?  For this you have to understand basic globbing.  The second question: How do I write an expression that inserts something at the beginning.  Which one do you want to answer first?14:03
subterfugeLooking for a link to gmail settings for IMAP for evolution mail client that work, my issues is it receives but doesn't send --- Using Evolution 2.32.2 in Ubuntu 11.04 - Have googled the shit out of this and tried a bunch of settings changes, none have works14:03
Stanley00nmvictor: it's contain nothing until it is mount with type sysfs, so I doubt if you can modify it?14:04
danileigh79subterfuge: I have the same problem14:04
Paladinlawjrib: i want the answer to "whats the code?":14:04
Paladinlawomg im lazy :D14:04
danileigh79subterfuge: waiting for a return mail from google support14:04
nmvictorStanley00: Ouch, that hutrs14:04
nmvictor*hurts Stanley0014:04
jribPaladinlaw: ok, I'm not willing to answer that at the moment :/  Good luck though (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you asking for that; feel free to do so.  I just don't want to answer it personally)14:05
subterfugedanileigh79: thats a bummer i am sick of people telling me to just bail to thunderbird... I would like to make this work14:05
nmvictorStanley00: How else can I ever change the default brightness value for my computer?14:05
bhearsumwhat's the binary name for the tool that lets me change my timezone? launching it via the menu bar / control center isn't working :(14:05
Paladinlawjrib: ok... wait-- how should i get the answer?14:05
msowan somebody tell me how to install  and use my windows softwares on ubuntu?14:05
Paladinlawjrib: lets try it your way14:05
danileigh79subterfuge: it obviously has something to do with the most recent updates in 11.04, since it worked perfectly in 10.1014:06
msowcan somebody tell me how to install  and use my windows softwares on ubuntu?14:06
jribPaladinlaw: right the syntax is "rename perlexpr files", so you have two tasks.  One is easy: "How do I have it work on all files?"  For this you have to understand basic globbing.  The second question is "How do I write an expression that inserts something at the beginning?"  Which one do you want to answer first?14:06
scarleosubterfuge: whats wrong mith smtp.gmail.com[587] ? Not working?14:06
danileigh79msow: Use wine14:06
hook`subterfuge: did you try the things on this webpage? https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IoRrp18WP8sJ:weakish.int.eu.org/tutorial/configure-evolution-for-gmail.xhtml+&cd=1&hl=sv&ct=clnk14:06
subterfugedanileigh79: right14:06
nmvictorStanley00: actually, for ubuntu, as it boots. After I select the "Try Ubuntu" option, the screen deems to almost 0. So i was hoping to adjust the brightness from withing the file system.14:06
Stanley00nmvictor: does your USB persistence?14:06
nmvictorStanley00: what?14:07
Stanley00nmvictor: it looks like your video card is not recognized.14:07
danileigh79msow: Ubuntu doesn't support .exe files, the only way to use .exe's is to install them via a windows emulator such as Wine14:08
subterfugehook the list of things I have tried is long, I HAVE tried the port 993 settings HOWEVER I don't remember the page you linked to so I will read through and see if it has anything I haven't tried14:08
subterfugehook: thanks14:08
jribPaladinlaw: I am willing to help you answering these questions, but you must tell me which one you want to work/need help with first14:08
macer1nmvictor, do you tried latest 11.10 daily?14:08
DavstI'm trying to install a library, but the ubuntu repo seems to not be linking it correctly.. i get Err http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/universe libsdl-image1.2-dev 1.2.10-114:08
Davst  404  Not Found [IP: 80]14:08
DavstAny ideas how to fix this?14:08
msowdanileigh79: thank you...I installed wine, but I don't know how it works14:08
macer1Davst, sudo apt-get update14:08
Davstallready done14:09
Paladinlawjrib: answer me the first one14:09
danileigh79msow: y6ou can find numerous support guides online14:09
Paladinlawjrib: cant find it14:09
msowdanileigh79: can you help me please...?14:09
danileigh79msow: With what?14:09
Davstmacer1: I did this, still doesn't work14:09
jribPaladinlaw: what do you know about globbing (i.e. what your shell does with '*')?14:09
hook`subterfuge: ye it was on google but the page seems gone so thats the cached version google had without pictures. seems it was rather easy to achieve14:10
danileigh79msow: I do not use wine, I have several comps, if I need to use a windows program, I switch to a windows computer, I do not install anything non-linux related on my linux computer14:10
Paladinlawjrib: * means like anything14:10
jribPaladinlaw: ok.  So how do you think we should tell rename we want it to operate on all files in the directory?14:10
Paladinlawjrib: jr* will do auto jrib14:10
vltyacc: What's the actual error msg?14:11
subterfugehook: have to step out of the office, will try it when I get back, thanks14:11
msowdanileigh79: ok14:11
Paladinlawjrib: with *?14:11
msowdanileigh79: thank you14:11
jribPaladinlaw: yes.14:11
Paladinlawjrib: hmm14:11
msowdanileigh79:I will read online and see14:11
msowdanileigh79: see yea!14:11
Paladinlawjrib: ok ok... now i need to find how to do it :D14:11
jribPaladinlaw: so you know command will be: rename ???????? *.  We need to figure out the ???????? which was the second question14:11
jribPaladinlaw: what do you know about regular expressions?14:11
nmvictorStanley00: Its working fine with Natty, I had the same problem and managaed to fix it with bug 568611, In my current install, Natty system, I have /sys/backlight directory .14:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861114:11
yaccvlt, there is non. Torrents containing rar files are usually corrupted, "recheck" in the client, and after fetching a tiny amount of bad data the rar file has no corruption. Ah, the last 2 weeks, I managed to corrupt twice a git repo, ...14:12
sxiperioIf i make my  laptop in to wireless access point, using ubuntu and hostapd, can i use internet on them after setup?14:12
nmvictormacer1: Yea, The screen is deem, too deem for me to see  anything. I try adjusting with the fn keys and they are not working14:13
Paladinlawjrib: how to match files?14:13
macer1nmvictor, you said that some blabla kernel option helps, yes?14:13
Paladinlawjrib: but we dont need that?14:13
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jribPaladinlaw: have you used sed before?14:13
Guest67704Hi, I need to add the vmalloc=256MB setting to my grub but I can't find the config file; anyone know where to find it on 11.04?14:13
Paladinlawjrib: nope.. kinda new on codes :D14:13
Paladinlawjrib: rename *.mp3 [hi]*.mp314:14
Paladinlawjrib: works?14:14
erkan^http://www.6wunderkinder.com/blog/2011/09/20/two-new-members-join-the-family-assistly-and-wunderlist-for-linux/ ... I have a question. how install i that?14:14
jribPaladinlaw: no.  Can you pastebin what the contents of the directory are so I can construct some examples?14:14
Stanley00nmvictor: I think some tricks are needed here, like an init script, or so...14:15
Paladinlawjrib: all are mp3s14:15
Paladinlawjrib: with different names14:15
vltHello. When I use Firefox on Ubuntu all the radio buttons are rendered way too large. How can I avoid this?14:16
jribPaladinlaw: ok.  Run this: rename -n 's/mp3/paladiniscool/' *.mp3             (note the -n will make it so it only tells you what it would do and won't actually do anything)14:16
Paladinlawjrib: /mp3/paladiniscool/?:P14:17
vltyacc: Can you check md5 hashes of files you stored on the LUKS/LVM?14:17
jribPaladinlaw: yes, just so you see basic syntax of search and replace.  Note the expression starts with an 's'14:17
yaccvlt, well, that's a hard thing, as it happens not that often, e.g. it managed to corrupt on the /home partition once per week, hard to catch that one.14:18
Paladinlawjrib: what if im already inside the folder?14:18
jribPaladinlaw: yes, we expect that you are in the folder14:18
Paladinlawjrib: then whats "s/mp3/paladiniscool/" that?14:19
jribPaladinlaw: 's/mp3/paladiniscool/' is an expression that means replace "mp3" with "paladiniscool".  Try it, you will see14:19
samsul* test14:19
yaccvlt, any way, 2 of my 4 hdd seem to have troubles, although SMART does not yet report warnings, some raw values suggest that this is THE moment for backups, ...14:19
Paladinlawjrib: nothing happend?14:20
jribPaladinlaw: it should have given you output.  If it didn't, what exactly did you execute?14:20
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/mp3/paladiniscool/' *.mp314:21
jribPaladinlaw: and it gave you no output?14:21
Paladinlawjrib: it said that it change the mp3s to paladiniscool14:21
Paladinlawjrib: but in the folder they are mp3s14:21
jribPaladinlaw: because of the -n.  I assume you don't /actually/ want to change your mp3s to paladiniscool files14:21
jribPaladinlaw: what if you wanted to change 'abc' to 'xyz', what would you do?14:22
Paladinlawjrib: nope.. just want to add like [hi] to the filename14:22
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/*.mp3/paladiniscool*.mp3/' *.mp3                works?14:23
espereguhow to install old software? I want to install the same version of mythtv on 11.04 that I installed via the packages on 10.0414:24
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jribPaladinlaw: they all "work" in the sense that they do something.  But what we care about is that they do the something we want to do :P  Remember, the reason your files did not actually change is because of the '-n'.  If you were to not include it, then the program would actually rename things instead of just telling you what it would do.  Can you figure out how to change 'abc' to 'xyz' in all the files?14:25
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/(\d{8})\.mp3$/hi_$1\.mp3/' *.mp314:26
Paladinlawjrib: found this14:26
jribPaladinlaw: use brain, not google :)14:27
Paladinlawjrib: no time::D gtg .. plz give me the code :P14:27
bitolcanecda kako si?14:27
jribPaladinlaw: how did we change "mp3" to "paladiniscool"?  What was the code then?14:28
jrib!mk | bitolcanec14:28
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/mp3/paladiniscool/' *.mp314:28
jribPaladinlaw: what if you wanted to change 'abc' to 'xyz', what would you do?14:28
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/abc/xyz/' *.mp314:28
bitolcanecwhats new ppl?14:29
bitolcanecim bored at school14:29
famineim running fglrx....is there a way to uninstall it and use the open source radeon drivers? (if i uninstall fglrx I get libgl errors whenever I try to open something that uses 3d)14:29
jribPaladinlaw: exactly.  Now this part after the 's/' and before the second '/' can be a regular expression.  That's basically like a glob but more powerful.  Keep that in mind.  Now that we understand how to do basic search and replace, can you repeat what you want to search and replace?14:29
jrib!ot | bitolcanec14:30
ubottubitolcanec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:30
bitolcanecfuck you14:30
Paladinlawjrib: brb 10 min... then we will fix this ok?14:30
jribPaladinlaw: ok14:30
Fawzibquestion: installed natty from server cd, installed xorg, and tried startx its asking for fglrx. I have no xorg.conf14:30
jribbitolcanec: mind your language in this channel14:30
bitolcanecok bot14:30
macer1!ohmy | bitolcanec14:31
ubottubitolcanec: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:31
bitolcanecsee ya14:32
bitolcaneci go to hell14:32
dada xD14:32
Fawzibquestion: installed natty from server cd, installed xorg, and tried startx its giving me an error: (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0), i want to use the open source drivers14:36
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bitolcanecyo ma niggaz14:38
Jeremy3DI want Google Chrome on Ubuntu 11.04.  Should I download a Fedora or Debian version from the site, or is Chromium the same thing?14:39
macer1Jeremy3D, debian version.14:39
macer1is says ubuntu/debian version14:39
Jeremy3Dshit i'm blind as a bat14:39
rumpe1Jeremy3D, Debian version. Chromium is Chrome without some features.14:39
macer1Chromium is a chrome without flash built-in, mainly14:39
Jeremy3Dso Chrome is really the way to go then?14:40
Jeremy3DI'm pretty sure I installed 64 bit way back .Is there a way to check?14:41
jribJeremy3D: uname -m14:42
jrib!chrome | Jeremy3D14:42
jrib!chromium | Jeremy3D14:42
ubottuJeremy3D: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa14:42
Jeremy3Djrib, ty14:43
jribJeremy3D: also, chromium-browser is in ubuntu's universe repository14:43
jrib!info chromium-browser14:43
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.742.112~r90304-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 16095 kB, installed size 55952 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)14:43
zastaphI setup ubuntu-server with a public/private key generated from Putty in Windows .. Now I'd like to connect from Ubuntu desktop aswell.. Can I reuse the private-key, and if so, where do I place and call it?14:43
m6lockszastaph: /etc/ssh/14:44
macer1!info chromium-browser oneiric14:44
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 13.0.782.215~r97094-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 17179 kB, installed size 60172 kB14:44
daffy_I am looking for advice o a tower, It will turn on for 5 secs then turn off then turn back on14:46
rabbi1my acetoneISO message while mounting a .iso file :   p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Error, could not mount image.  Solution: Try converting the image to ISO or extract the content to a folder from the upper menu "Image Conversion." NOTE: it is NOT possible to mount multi-sector images. What do be done?14:46
zastaphm6locks, do I from ubuntu desktop only put the private key there? or also the public? and do I name it ssh_host_rsa_key ?14:46
Paladinlawjrib: back14:47
jribPaladinlaw: exactly.  Now this part after the 's/' and before the second '/' can be a regular expression.  That's basically like a glob but more powerful.  Keep that in mind.  Now that we understand how to do basic search and replace, can you repeat what you want to search and replace?14:47
Paladinlawjrib: all mp3 in a folder to [hi]*.mp3 or hi-*.mp314:48
htlmJeremy3D yes, Theres a command line for that14:48
jribPaladinlaw: so you want to replace ____ with ____?14:48
jribPaladinlaw: fill in blanks14:48
Paladinlawjrib: no no... i want to keep the file name but just add and prefix or whats it called14:48
rabbi1how to extract .iso file ?14:48
m6lockszastaph: you might need to convert it first14:49
jribPaladinlaw: yes, and if I insisted you fill in the blanks?  Could you say what you want in some way?14:49
daffy_you have to mount it14:49
Paladinlawjrib: *.mp3 with hi-*.mp3?14:49
unkrabbi1: use this command to mount it.   mount -t iso9660 -o loop "iso file name"  "mount point"14:49
=== ThrashOut is now known as thrashout
rabbi1unk: that command gives me error14:50
nmvictorHow do i know my bios version?14:50
nmvictorin ubuntu14:50
unkrabbi1: what error ? tell me that14:50
rabbi1saying its not 9660 something14:50
unkrabbi1: then it must not be an iso file14:50
htlmdaffy_ power supply  problems, mbr /and or  grin is broken,14:50
rcmaehlhow do I do a large port scan on my lan?14:50
unkrabbi1: what it is in iso14:50
rcmaehlusing zenmap14:51
rabbi1unk: 2 mins, brb14:51
jribPaladinlaw: yes, that is one way.  I was looking for "beginning of filename" with "hi-".  At this point, you should ask "but how do I specify the beginning of the file"?  And I would point you to http://www.regular-expressions.info/ where you would learn all about regular expressions, come back, and tell me that '^' is a special character that signifies the beginning of line/filename/whatever.  So we want to14:51
jribreplace '^' with 'hi-'.  How would you do that?14:51
auronandacenmvictor: generally, you don't. you usually have to access the bios settings to find out the version14:51
htlmdaffy_ a few other thing else14:51
Paladinlawjrib: wait wait...14:52
jribPaladinlaw: ok14:52
rabbi1unk: ajax files14:52
Paladinlawjrib: the filenames doesnt start with hi- now..14:52
jribPaladinlaw: correct14:52
daffy_I have a computer problem,  The tower will turn on for 5 seconds thenturn off, never reaching the bios, repeat14:52
Paladinlawjrib: ok continue :D14:52
unkrabbi1: how do you come to know that14:52
Picidaffy_: Thats not really on-topic for an Ubuntu channel.  ##hardware would be a better place to ask.14:53
Fawzibinstalled xorg on a clean server install, gives me an error: Failed to load module "fglrx", radeon drivers are installed14:53
jribPaladinlaw: is it fair to say that you want to replace the beginning of the filename with "hi-"?14:53
rabbi1my friend gave me in .iso, he has this ajax collection of books and codes14:53
Paladinlawjrib: hmm kinda14:53
Paladinlawjrib: dont want to replace anything just add :D14:53
m6lockszastaph: this might help http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/howto/ssh/public_key/14:53
danileigh79subterfuge: I used the imap settings that were in that link and now my evolution sends as well as receives14:54
htlmdaffy_ can u boot into a live CD ?14:54
jribPaladinlaw: now, I am telling you that '^' will match the beginning of the filename.  You can think for example if you have the file "paladin.mp3", it looks like "^paladin.mp3" and you want to replace '^' with 'hi-'.  How would you replace '^' with 'hi-'?14:54
sburwood1Could someone tell me the brand and model of a Wifi Key via the USB port that would be the best - but not pricey - for my Ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit and would be just as good for 11.1014:55
nmvictor_macer1: I have tried and its not working,14:55
jribPaladinlaw: this is like replacing 'abc' with 'xyz' but with different phrases14:55
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/^*.mp3/hi-*.mp3/' .mp3 ?14:56
jribPaladinlaw: we said nothing of '*.mp3', only '^'14:56
sk8ersHello everyone...14:56
Paladinlawjrib: wont it replace text if i dont specify *14:56
jribPaladinlaw: we can try and see :D14:56
sk8ersi installed ubuntu in windows and now windows got corrupted14:56
Paladinlawjrib haha14:57
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/^.mp3/hi-.mp3/' .mp3 ?14:57
sk8ersanyway to remove windows and make ubuntu the primary OS?14:57
jribPaladinlaw: remember the -n will let you experiment without worry of doing anything bad to your files.  We also said nothing of '.mp3', only '^'14:57
auronandacesk8ers: sure, just repartition14:57
sk8ersbut windows was my primary OS?14:58
Paladinlawjrib: rename -n 's/^/hi-/' .mp3?14:58
auronandacesk8ers: make sure you definitely want to get rid of windows though14:58
sk8ersand i installed Ubuntu as a programme inside it!!14:58
rabbi1unk: this is the error "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,  missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try  dmesg | tail  or so"14:58
Paladinlawjrib: nope dont work :D14:58
Paladinlawjrib: this is hard14:58
auronandacesk8ers: then install ubuntu properly14:58
sk8ersthen i'll loose both OS and the files in it na??14:59
jribPaladinlaw: very close, but remember the last argument we give (which currently you have as ".mp3") needs to specify all the files we want "rename" to work on.  We don't want it to work on the ".mp3" file, we want it to work on all files that end in .mp3.  So we should do: rename -n 's/^/hi-/' *.mp3   .  What happens when you try this?14:59
auronandacesk8ers: backup what you want to keep14:59
unkrabbi1: what is the name of the iso full tell me   with full extention.14:59
rabbi1"Ajax Book Collection"14:59
oooaaaoooquick question about conky: are the wireless variables available right off the bat or do we need to rebuild conky first(ubuntu 11.04 conky installed from repos)14:59
Paladinlawjrib: wow nice14:59
usr13sk8ers: YOu could add another HD and install Ubuntu on that new HD.  (That's the way I like to do it.)15:00
rabbi1unk: now its ABC.iso i renamed while attempting to mount15:00
sburwood1What is the best choice in wifi in USB?15:00
Pici!floodbots | sole15:00
ubottusole: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.15:00
sburwood1and, if I'm on the wrong channel, tell me where to go for that question15:00
Paladinlawjrib: nice thx.. now i know that :D :D15:01
rabbi1unk: raw CD image (application/x-cd-image)15:01
usr13sburwood1: Is this a Desktop or Laptop?15:01
jribPaladinlaw: you can read more about regular expressions at http://www.regular-expressions.info/ (remember that's the part that goes between the first two slashes).  A lot of characters have special meanings (like the '^' means the beginning).  Some of those characters with special meanings are the '.' and the '*'.  They mean new things in the regular expression context (as opposed to globbing).  So the15:01
jribexamples you were giving with *.mp3 would not work exactly.15:01
Paladinlawjrib: what does s/ do?15:01
Jeremy3Ddangit i accidentally installed Java on my desktop. is there a way to delete the installation off my desktop so i can start over?15:01
nmvictor_macer1: please, do i put my kernel params after or before the  - - lines?15:01
nmvictor_macer1: please, do i put my kernel params after or before the  -- lines?15:01
oooaaaoooanybody know much about conky ?15:02
jribPaladinlaw: s/regularexpression/replacement/ means match the regular expression and SUBSTITUTE it with the replacement15:02
sburwood1usr13: I have a desktop and an EEE PC.  I'm talking about the desktop, as I plan on forgetting wired connection - it costs too much where I live.15:02
sburwood1usr13: And using the unprotected wifi in the area where I live15:02
Jeremy3Dif  i just delete the folder will it go away? or do i need to do a proper uninstall somehow?15:03
unkrabbi1: just go to terminal and use command15:03
sburwood1usr13: Besides, the EEE has problems15:03
coventrydebsums is reporting no md5sums for a bunch of packages.  Is this normal?  Do some packages just not ship with md5sums?15:03
jribPaladinlaw: often you will notice people in this channel fix their typos in this way.  Example to follow...15:03
jribPaladinlaw: you're a col guy15:03
rabbi1unk: this is the error from the terminal "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,  missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try  dmesg | tail  or so"15:03
jribPaladinlaw: s/col/cool/15:03
auronandace!uninstall | Jeremy3D15:03
ubottuJeremy3D: To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/15:03
unkrabbi1:apt-get install furiusisomount15:04
Paladinlawjrib: so its the command that replaces?15:04
unkrabbi1:this app will automount the image whether it is in ISO or any other format15:04
jribPaladinlaw: basically, yes15:04
rabbi1unk: currently using "AcetineISO" would you like me to install that as well ?15:04
Paladinlawjrib: ok nice thx :D15:04
rabbi1unk: o good, checking15:04
MCR1Hi. I would like to compile compiz from git source but I'm having troubles to accomplish that. Anyone here who could help me or show me a link to a step-by-step howto instruction ?15:04
Guest31038Anyone by any chance has an issue of not being able to see Gnome-3 Interface in Ubuntu 10.04?15:05
usr13sburwood1: Why not use a PCI or PCIE wifi device.  (USB is not as good.)15:05
Guest31038I can only see the purple light background, nothing else.15:05
lacrymologyapt-get install samba doesn't bring an /etc/samba/smb.conf file with it?15:05
auronandace!gnome3 | Guest3103815:06
ubottuGuest31038: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.15:06
Paladinlawjrib: rm -n 's/-()/' *.mp3            if i write that what happends?15:06
usr13sburwood1: To tell the truth, I've not used any of the USB devices....15:06
sburwood1usr13: Ok, I'm game, but what kind would work the best?  I bought a D-Link Wifi key (USB), but it doesn't work15:06
coventryRegarding no md5sums, googling around, it looks like it's pretty standard. http://lists.debian.org/debian-security/2007/10/msg00025.html15:06
DavstI have ubuntu desktop on my htpc.. I have the netbook remix ui installed.. but all text and stuff is still tiny to read from the couch.. are there any appearance themes made for htpcs?15:06
jribPaladinlaw: probably a syntax error15:06
Paladinlawjrib: hmm15:07
sburwood1usr13: direct me towards something that is good but NOT expensive15:07
Guest31038auronandace, gee, I thougth that's gnome3. Well Unity then.15:07
usr13sburwood1: If you bought it on eBay, just sell it again and buy another.15:07
jribPaladinlaw: why did you write "rm" instead of "rename"?15:07
Paladinlawjrib: if i want to remove all files that ends with ().mp315:07
sburwood1I got it from Pixmania15:07
usr13sburwood1: PCI or PCIE ?15:07
=== Guest31038 is now known as Ibis
sburwood1I don't know15:07
auronandaceGuest31038: i didn't think unity was available for 10.0415:07
tomodachiDavst: increase the font size or lower the resolution15:07
MCR1Anyone running compiz 0.9.5+ on natty ?15:07
sburwood1usr13: hold on, I don't know if I have PCI-E15:07
unkPaladinlaw: use  rm -rf *.mp315:07
tomodachiMCR1: sounds bleeding edge , i like to stay with the stable stuff15:08
ikoniaMCR1: you'll find %99.9 are running the ubuntu official packaged version15:08
Ibisauronandace: But it has that new interface thing that is completely different from Ubuntu Classic.15:08
sburwood1usr13: I bought the quad core 2.4G computer on e-bay15:08
Paladinlawunk: not all files.. only those with *().mp315:08
Ibisauronandace, Oh snaps, I meant 11.0415:08
tomodachiMCR1: does it feel faster? unity in REALLY slow15:08
usr13sburwood1: Look inside and see what kind of available shots it has.  (The long ones or short ones.)15:08
unkPaladinlaw: for example like abc().mp3 ??15:09
sburwood1usr13: It's inside the desk slot.  Is there a command line thing to tell me what I have?15:09
MCR1tomodachi: I have trouble installing 0.9.5 - 0.9.4 runs here, but is sometimes buggy, especially with some plugin combis...15:09
jribPaladinlaw: for this you should just use regular globs.  Try: ls *'().mp3'15:09
bytesaber_worklate upgrade to 11.04 but whats with the unity thing?   My workstation at work suddenly became a giant tablet with a keyboard and mouse.15:09
MCR1but generally 0.9.4 runs very smooth...15:10
Paladinlawjrib: cool worsk15:10
auronandacebytesaber_work: feel free not to use unity15:10
unkPaladinlaw: or you can use rm *\().mp315:10
Paladinlawjrib: works*15:10
auronandacebytesaber_work: i usually stick to xfce15:10
Krawnsbiebytesaber_work, I do not like it either. You do not have to use it though15:10
bytesaber_workauronandace, i changed it to gnome.  just wonder.  what's the reason for defaulting to unity.  it's a very non ubuntu-ish thing to do.15:10
Paladinlawjrib: rm *'().mp3'           works?15:11
jribPaladinlaw: should15:11
MCR1sometimes the window manager needs to be reloaded and all window decos disappear for example (Emerald)15:11
Krawnsbiebytesaber_work, but be warned. 11.10 is going to be either gnome 3 or unity and gnome 3 is not much better15:11
IbisIn Ubuntu 11.04, I can only see the light purple background and nothing else.15:11
bytesaber_workno trying to troll, just asking what is ubuntu upto.15:11
bytesaber_workKrawnsbie, hmmmmm15:11
conrad90How do I find out the temperature in my computer tower?15:11
Paladinlawjrib: linux is kinda cool :D15:11
auronandacebytesaber_work: thats the way canonical wants it (they don't agree with the direction gnome3 is going in)15:11
ikoniabytesaber_work: they have greated a new shell for gnome, it is default in their OS15:11
jribPaladinlaw: :)15:11
Ibisbytesaber_work, up to no good. Muahahahaa.15:11
ikoniabytesaber_work: nothing more15:11
sburwood1usr13: in "System Profiler and Benchmark", it seems to say that I have PCIE, but is there a benefit between PCI and PCIE?15:12
bytesaber_workodd.   oh well.15:12
bytesaber_workguess us PC old farts are being phased out and will have to fend for ourselves15:12
KrawnsbieI need a wifi usb card that works with ubuntu. My dwa130 is such a pain. Anyone have a good usb recommendation?15:12
ikoniabytesaber_work: what are you on about at all ?15:12
paulina#join olsztyn15:12
Ibisikonia, what's the huge difference betteen unity and gnome shell?15:12
bytesaber_workbecause we're in the future now >: )15:12
ikoniaIbis: check them both out, they look quite different15:13
ex0scat netstat |grep: nvidia15:13
macer1nmvictor, sorry I was away  - before "--"15:13
sburwood1Krawnsbie: I have a problem with a DWA13515:13
auronandaceIbis: it is difficult to describe, best to try them and see15:13
ikoniabytesaber_work: you are free to use whatever desktop you want, what are you talking about ?15:13
Krawnsbiesburwood1, what is the problem?15:13
montyh<Krawnsbie>  jaycar - digitech high-power wireless-n usb adapter15:13
sburwood1Krawnsbie: usr13 said that he/she doesn't use USB15:13
bytesaber_workikonia, just found it odd that the default changed to a big tablety interface.15:13
Paladinlawjrib: while your in a helping streak do you know anything about "waiting for soundsystem to respond" problem?15:13
sburwood1Krawnsbie: lsusb recognizes the key, but iwlist scan doesn't15:14
jribPaladinlaw: not really... what do you do to get that message?15:14
LudipeHi there! I use Xubuntu and when I try to delete any file from an external devices all I get is an error message : "invalid error" ; anyone knows how to fix it?15:14
Ludipewhen on superuser I get 'invalid argument'15:14
sburwood1Ludipe: Could it be a question of permission?15:14
Paladinlawjrib: i cant change my volume and when i press at my sound settings i get that message15:14
rabbi1unk: used FIMT, where can i find the content of the mount file, showing nothing :(15:14
sburwood1Krawnsbie: What is your problem with the DWA130?15:15
Ludipesburwood1: Dont think so, i also used thunar with superuser premission15:15
Krawnsbiesburwood1, I got my dwa130 to work with ndiswrapper after a long time of just fiddling with it but now i upgraded to 11.10 and ndiswrapper just does not seem to work15:15
unkrabbi1: try any other ISO file and check whether it is working in your system or not15:15
auronandace!11.10 | Krawnsbie15:15
ubottuKrawnsbie: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:16
sburwood1Ludipe: I'm a newbie, so I didn't expect to have the best answer, but I'm trying15:16
IbisI can use Ubuntu 11.04 (unitu) fine in Virtualbox, but not in real(real computer).  I can only see the purple background with some light. That's all i get. I do not even get a menu. It's all hidden/invisible.15:16
bagelsDoes anyone know a kindle-calibre ebook work-around?15:16
Ludipesburwood1: thx anyway15:16
Krawnsbiesburwood1, I want to just go buy a new one and put this crap behind me15:16
Paladinlawjrib: i have tried google it and tried their solutions but doesnt work for me15:16
rabbi1unk: i don't have any other .iso file at all :(15:16
jribPaladinlaw: what ubuntu version?15:16
LudipeI cant remove files from from external devices ( even in superuser mode ) and I get a error window which says : ' invalid argument '15:17
rabbi1unk: that's ok, will chuck that off15:17
Paladinlawjrib: 11.0415:17
rabbi1unk: thanks for your time, i will kick his ass15:17
unkrabbi1: hard luck buddy . NO problem15:17
jribPaladinlaw: what happens when you run "pavucontrol"15:18
rabbi1unk: this windows people use lot of nonsense15:18
unkrabbi1:   LOLL15:18
Paladinlawjrib: Home directory /home/paladinlaw not ours.15:19
Paladinlawjrib: got a popup with connection problem or something15:19
Paladinlawjrib: connection failed: connection denied15:19
jribPaladinlaw: did you use sudo or something?15:19
Paladinlawjrib no15:20
Paladinlawjrib: same result with sudo15:20
jribPaladinlaw: you shouldn't use sudo.  I'm just confused by the message about home directory.  WHat does « ps -ef | grep alsactl » return?15:20
LudipeI cant remove files from from external devices ( even in superuser mode ) and I get an error window which says : ' invalid argument ' ( I use Xubuntu )15:21
=== asheron is now known as asheron_jquery
bagelsDoes anyone know a kindle-calibre ebook work-around?15:21
=== asheron_jquery is now known as asheron_j
Paladinlawpaladinlaw    18611  6208  0 17:21 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto alsactl15:21
Paladinlawjrib: paladinlaw    18611  6208  0 17:21 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto alsactl15:21
jribPaladinlaw: ok.  What does « whoami » return?15:22
ikoniabagels: explain the problem15:22
sobczykis there any opengl -doc package in ubuntu? (ie for libgl1-mesa-dev)15:22
bagelsikonia, when you download books from Amazon, they won't let you just download the file, instead it goes to a server that you can access with the kindle App, which for me is not working in wine15:22
Frederickhello folks, how an I get to install the java jdk plugin and not the icetead plugin for firefox?15:22
Paladinlawjrib: btw changed my comp name for safety reasons15:22
jribPaladinlaw: how did you do that?15:22
bagelsikonia, therefore I can't access the .epub file, and can't put it in calibre for transfer15:23
ikoniabagels: I'm aware of that process, however I'm not surprised it doesn't work in wine, try #winehq channel15:23
Paladinlawjrib: instead of comp name i wrote paladinlaw15:23
jribPaladinlaw: where?15:23
bagelsikonia, I guess i could also try reinstalling it15:23
ikoniabagels: bit random, I'd speak to the wine guys first to see if it's known15:23
Paladinlawjrib: compname    18611  6208  0 17:21 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto alsactl15:23
jribPaladinlaw: oh15:24
Paladinlawjrib: but that should be a prob?15:24
bagelsikonia, I will, but also maybe it just didn't install.  I'll enter that channel15:24
jribPaladinlaw: is your compname also your username?15:24
Paladinlawjrib: in irc?15:24
jribPaladinlaw: on your computer15:24
Paladinlawjrib: i think so?15:25
jribPaladinlaw: I'm not sure if by "compname" you mean "hostname" or "username"15:25
Paladinlawjrib: compname = username15:25
jribPaladinlaw: ok15:25
Paladinlawjrib: which i login with and so on15:25
Frederickfolks any suggestion for me?15:26
PolahFrederick, for what?15:26
Paladinlawjrib: yesterday the sound worked fine15:26
hansg01hey i am using a hp g6 1117tx15:26
jribPaladinlaw: what changed since yesterday?15:27
Paladinlawjrib: today when i started my comp i tried to change the sound...15:27
FrederickPolah: I ned to install java jdk plugin but I only ot icedtea plugin which doesnt wrk for what I nee15:27
Paladinlawjrib: nothing?15:27
hansg01i am facing amajor problem after installing ubuntu15:27
jribPaladinlaw: does the issue persist after reboot?15:27
Paladinlawjrib: yes15:27
jribPaladinlaw: can you modify the volume using alsamixer?15:27
Paladinlawjrib: yes15:27
hansg01the blck screen with the last msg as checking battery state and den nothing more15:28
Paladinlawjrib: i get sound too15:28
PolahFrederick: IcedTea is the Java browser plugin. You can get openjdk-6-jdk, or for Sun java you'll need to add the Sun PPA (look it up) and install sun-java6-jdk if their package nmaes haven't changed since I knew them15:28
jribPaladinlaw: pastebin ~/.xsession-errors, output of: « env », and output of: « ps -ef | grep pulse »15:28
hansg01i am not able to go to the ubuntu gui15:28
ChheapshotIs there any tricks to try to boost performance on slow netbookk machine. Gets choppy while watching online video streams. Running on 11.04 lubuntu and using chromium as browser15:28
FrederickPolah: I did not but strangely the plugin was not listed as an altrnative to my firefox15:28
Paladinlawjrib: when i start my comp i get this message: Could not update ICEauthority file /home/compname/.ICEauthority15:28
PolahFrederick: Firefox doesn't have a built in Java plugin, doesi t?15:29
jribPaladinlaw: throw in: ls -ld ~/.ICEauthority15:29
FrederickPolah: not frm java15:29
hansg01ne suggestions?15:29
Paladinlawjrib: cant find .xsession-error?15:30
PolahFrederick: openjdk-6-jre and icedtea may come by default with Ubuntu Desktop, but you'll need to install openjdk-6-jdk for development, or like I said, the Sun JDK from the Sun PPA15:30
jribPaladinlaw: try: gedit ~/.xsession-errors15:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!15:31
ikoniabin_: what ?15:31
jribbin_: ?15:31
jpdsbin_: 'sup?15:31
Paladinlawjrib: You have exceeded the maximum file size of 500 kilobytes per paste15:32
jribPaladinlaw: haha, what do you see in it?  Anything interesting at the beginning or the end?  Pastebin the beginning and the end15:32
tsukasa_i want to have a few env variables be displayed in the terminal always. other than screen is there an easy way to do this?15:33
jribtsukasa_: put them in your prompt15:33
Paladinlawjrib: http://pastebin.com/PH8ZgAwn15:33
tsukasa_that's ugly15:34
Paladinlawjrib: ENV http://pastebin.com/VbTWBVcJ15:34
andornautI havea  linuxraid setup with 4 drives (2 pairs, each in separate raid1). Is it better to put each member of the same array on a different onboard sata controller; or put members of the same array on the same sata controller - from a speed and reliability standpoing?15:34
jribtsukasa_: at least in zsh, I can have multi-lined prompted and right-aligned prompt15:34
Paladinlawjrib: http://pastebin.com/ChXZuBK7           ps -ef | grep pulse15:35
jribPaladinlaw: what's the output of: ls -ld /home/your_username_here15:36
Paladinlawjrib: http://pastebin.com/ti6BV6f1             ICE auth15:36
Paladinlawjrib: drwxr-xr-x 68 1016 1016 4096 2011-09-20 13:53 /home/compname15:37
jribPaladinlaw: do: sudo chown $USER: ~15:37
jribPaladinlaw: now, what's the output of: ls -ld /home/your_username_here15:38
Paladinlawjrib: drwxr-xr-x 69 ahmad ahmad 4096 2011-09-20 17:37 /home/compname15:38
jribPaladinlaw: reboot, see if issues persist15:38
Paladinlawjrib: which of them?15:39
jribPaladinlaw: what?15:39
Paladinlawjrib: nvm brb15:39
cat5would anyone know if there is gnome classic shell available somewhere for 11.10 ?15:39
cat5or, what is it's package name ?15:39
auronandacecat5: gnome2 is no longer supported in 11.10 onwards15:40
fossalaI guess there are some people here using 11.10 with nouvea? How are they working?15:40
auronandace!11.10 | fossala15:40
ubottufossala: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:40
fossalaauronandace, Thats not what I asked15:41
auronandacefossala: your question is better addressed in the appropriate channel15:41
Paladinlawjrib: iceauth fixed15:41
fossalaahhh sorry15:41
Paladinlawjrib: volume still broken15:42
=== thrashout is now known as ThrashOut
jribPaladinlaw: does this return anything: find ~ ! -user $USER15:42
Paladinlawjrib: yes15:42
Paladinlawjrib: http://pastebin.com/8GjWgPV815:43
jribPaladinlaw: are those things that you know should not be owned by your user?  Is there anything in your home directory that you do not want owned by your user for some reason?15:43
tqrstCan anyone recommend software that can take a csv file and quickly allow me to do basic visual exploration tasks like "plot this column against this column"? I want something lightweight, simple and interactive (i.e. not oocalc).15:43
Paladinlawjrib: what do you mean15:43
cat5auronandace: I know, I just dislike Unity - would prefer the old shell. Any recommendations ?15:44
jribPaladinlaw: I will take this as a "no" (You would know if you wanted such a thing).  Do: sudo chown -R $USER: ~15:44
auronandacecat5: xfce, also you should be asking in #ubuntu+115:44
rumpe1tqrst, maybe gnuplot15:45
Paladinlawjrib: i need one of those files :D15:45
jribPaladinlaw: it only changes ownership15:45
jribPaladinlaw: back to your user15:45
Paladinlawjrib: ok15:45
Paladinlawjrib: one got denied15:45
jribPaladinlaw: which one?15:45
cat5auronandace: thanks, was not aware of that channel - will ask there, but also not interested in xfce or others.. and kde, forget it since 4 came out..15:46
Paladinlawjrib: /home/compname/.gvfs15:46
jribPaladinlaw: that's fine15:46
tqrstrumpe1: that's my current choice, but it's not the most pleasant tool to use15:46
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yuvatejahow toconnect the tataphoton+  in ubuntu15:47
Paladinlawjrib: i have a volume changer at my bar but its not the original one?15:47
Paladinlawjrib: weird15:48
zastaphm6locks, i figured out how to convert putty->OpenSSH key.. now I put it in /etc/ssh and call it what to avoid having to type ssh -i keyfile ?15:48
jribPaladinlaw: does it work at least?15:49
rabbi1which is the preferred CHM viewer ?15:49
MonkeyDust!best| rabbi115:49
ubotturabbi1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:49
jribzastaph: no, use ~/.ssh/id_rsa for your private key15:49
zastaphjrib, thanks15:50
rabbi1i never mentioned "best" ....15:50
Paladinlawjrib: ye...15:50
^NiNjAi just accidentally hid my window menu bar.. anyone remember how to get it back?15:50
jribrabbi1: same issue15:50
Paladinlawjrib: its placed beside the shut down button. the normal sound button doesnt work. it says on it Label Empty15:51
rabbi1jrib: just need channel opinion on what could be used, chill out guys15:51
jribrabbi1: did you try bestbot?15:51
oooaaaooohi guys how do i list my essid via cli?15:51
rabbi1bestbot? what's that?15:51
nytek_oooaaaooo: ifconfig15:51
jribrabbi1: the bot ubottu told you about :)15:52
jribrabbi1: he lives in #ubuntu-bots15:52
auronandacerabbi1: re-read the factoid15:52
rabbi1jrib: will check out there, thank you15:52
rabbi1auronandace: reread my previous msg15:53
oooaaaooonytek_: nope no essid15:53
madurax86hello, i get random hangs on oneric, i dont see anything in my logs what can i do to debug?15:53
auronandacerabbi1: the factoid is pretty clear, if you insist on opinions ask the bestbot15:53
rabbi1auronandace: i said " will check out there!!!"15:54
auronandace!11.10 | madurax8615:54
ubottumadurax86: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:54
oooaaaooonytek_: nvm sudo iwconfig does the trick15:54
macer1hi, WormDrink15:55
WormDrinkI want to set up some ssh connections when ubuntu comes up15:56
WormDrinkport forwards15:56
WormDrinkubuntu server15:56
tatasome programs for linux, like visio windows?15:56
nytek_im loving the new vmware 8.015:56
nytek_windows xp with unity rocks15:57
rabbi1jrib: which is chmviewer you use ?15:57
jribrabbi1: xchm15:57
tsousahey i have a question15:57
rabbi1hope this is not asking for best, or asking for opinion :D15:57
tsousawhen i update my ubuntu 11.04 i am not able to connection to wireless15:57
rabbi1jrib: great, thank you ;)15:57
auronandace!equivalents | tata15:57
tsousaany solution?15:57
ubottutata: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot15:57
nytek_tsousa: check with iwconfig to see if your wifi card is installed15:58
tsousanytek_, i have wireless now15:58
tsousabut i update my system i will not be able to connect15:58
MonkeyDustWormDrink: http://linuxmanpages.com/man1/screen.1.php => try screen -d -m16:00
rabbi1other follow bot if you got lot of time :)16:00
WormDrinkMonkeyDust, no - I need it to come up when I start the system16:01
MonkeyDustWormDrink: it says: "This is useful for system startup scripts."16:02
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MonkeyDusthm, de vroege misfits zijn echt wel skate-punk16:03
jiahuihello everyone16:04
jiahuidid any one know how can i ssh into my vmware16:04
auronandacejiahui: just like you ssh into any other machine16:05
auronandace!ssh | jiahui16:05
ubottujiahui: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:05
dudwhere the heck is the login screen setup?16:05
jiahuiauronandace: sorry,i never ssh into other machine16:06
jiahuii have opened ssh server in the vmware system16:07
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jiahuiwhen i use putty to ssh into it . it says login as:16:08
mattalexxHow can I tell the command that's actually being called by Unity to launch an app?16:08
mattalexxI used to be able to right click the menu and click "Edit Menu" to see.16:09
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llutzjiahui: login as the user you created when installing ubuntu-server16:09
anandvenkat4Hi Room16:10
anandvenkat4I need to programatically implement PPTP in Linux16:11
anandvenkat4Are there any library API's for this?16:11
anandvenkat4like RASAPI for Windows?16:11
DaghdhaHi, my NAS just died again. That is.. it's network connectivity.16:12
DaghdhaThis is due to a recent upgrade maybe?16:12
DaghdhaCan i see if my NIC is still 'up' in Ubuntu GUI?16:13
jiahuillutz: i login as the user i created ,but when i typed the passwd, it says Access denied16:13
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jiahuillutz: i don't know why...16:14
Daghdhajust 1 of my 2 NIC is dead... strange16:14
TheKirbStompI am trying to teach myself a couple of computer languages for programming. I have a prior knowledge of HTML, but that is it. Suggestions?16:14
jribTheKirbStomp: python... #python for more info16:15
zagibuit's kind of useful in combination with html, you know16:15
Exodusanandvenkat4, linux has a bunch of libraries, for almost everything, including pptp, just google for pptp linux library api.16:15
llutzTheKirbStomp: python, perl, C, C++, java    pick what you like16:15
DaghdhaDepends what you want to do realy16:15
zagibubut if you don't care about that, python is a good choice indeed16:15
Exodusanandvenkat4, openvpn should help narrow a search.16:15
Daghdhai disagree with python. I suggest c++. Java or c#16:16
zagibureally, now16:17
zagibuand why is that?16:17
TheKirbStompThanks! That was much easier than I thought it would be. I am trying to get into some software design. I figure once I can afford it i will go to college for it but for now I'd let to get started with some learning on my own.16:18
Daghdhawidely used, proper OO languages.16:18
nytek_TheKirbStomp: learn c16:18
grounduphttp://pastebin.com/UKATkM0F When I restart Ubuntu, it mounts read-only. I can remount rw by doing "mount -o remount rw /" but I can't restart. Since it is read-only, nothing is logging during that time.16:18
zagibualso, huge and cumbersome16:18
Frederickfolks I got an american keyboard but I need to write in portuguese how can I achieve it under ubuntu?16:18
nytek_TheKirbStomp: just learn everything lol, do some research and find waht you like but you should start with c or java16:19
zagibunever start with C16:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:19
Daghdhahow can i restrt the network service in ubuntu?16:19
furyoshonenwell, if your interested in programming for the web, then I agree with zagibu, Javascript or HTML5. Otherwise, c++ is most useful, but much more difficult than html.16:19
dv310p3rI recently got a new hard drive. I want to copy my old drive exactly as it is over to my new one. Is this possible and does anyone have any suggestions?16:19
MonkeyDustdv310p3r: try dd16:20
TheKirbStompI do know a little Javascript.16:20
rumpe1dv310p3r, "dd" would do that... but it would also copy the "empty" space as data.16:21
mattalexxHow can I tell the command that's actually being called by Unity to launch an app? I used to be able to right click the menu and click "Edit Menu" to see.16:21
TheKirbStompI think I'll start with C. Thanks again everyone.16:21
rumpe1dv310p3r, but maybe this is what you mean with "exactly as it is" ;)16:21
jribTheKirbStomp: I'd suggest you at least look at some higher level language as well and then decide.  But this conversation belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic16:22
Daghdhai am connected trough VNC and sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop  does not disconnect me16:22
TheKirbStompMy appologies, I'll move!16:22
DaghdhaHow is that possible? Shouldn't it kill all network?16:22
omerasdI have a serious problem, I ran a program that saves temporary data, accidently left it open, it used up all my pc space, I deleted all it's data but the space wasn't freed16:22
omerasdnow ubuntu won't let me log in16:22
omerasdI can use the terminal though16:22
omerasdcan someone help me with this?16:23
dv310p3rrumpe1, Basically i don't want to have to set up all my apps, and settings all over again. I've got my localhost setup perfectly as I like it, and also I had some sound issues that are a mission to resolve. Resolving them once 6 months ago was hard. Remembering what I did is even harder.16:23
g30ocean is cocksucker ubunt sucks get real linux....16:24
g30ban me nubs16:24
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bastidrazorg30: you're a silly one16:25
g30hey ocean u know ubuntu sucks nothing works un it lmfao16:25
g30just use debian thaths what ubuntu copies16:25
furyoshonenthe new version is a little buggy....16:26
g30tries to anyhow lol16:26
furyoshonenI'll give you that g3016:26
m4v!ops | g3016:26
OerHeks!language | g3016:26
ubottug30: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!16:26
ubottug30: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:26
furyoshonenbut I just left windows 7, and I am much happier16:26
rumpe1dv310p3r, then dd would be an option, but for best results you would always have to not use the respective partitions (e.g. booting another linux/medium-medium)16:26
MonkeyDustdv310p3r: this worked for me => http://paste.ubuntu.com/693870/16:27
rumpe1MonkeyDust, that wouldn't include the various system-changes he made in /etc and maybe elsewhere16:30
mcophow to change ip address in ubuntu 11.0416:30
AndChat|Ubuntu sucks just use debian?16:30
MonkeyDustAndChat|: whatever suits your needs16:30
williamCMastersI need help with something.  Whenever I need to use root privileges, like to use update-manager, and the authenticate window pops up, it asks for the password for root, not for my username, therefore my user password does not work.16:31
AndChat|Copycats just like the chinese16:31
williamCMastersHowever, I am able to use sudo from the command line16:31
AndChat|Ubuntu does not work16:31
MonkeyDustAndChat|: nobody forces you to use it16:31
martianI have an entry in my fstab to mount a resource using sshfs, but it seems that the mounting always fails on startup (because networking hasn't been started yet?) and so causes my system to sit there waiting for me to hit 'S' to skip this step before finishing the boot process. Is there a way to either make it work, or to not have the system wait for a manual skip?16:31
bastidrazorAndChat|: you are the same silly fellow16:31
martianwilliamCMasters: That's unusual. Did you do something to cause this?16:31
bastidrazormartian: there is an option to delay mounting until networking has started.. let me find it.16:32
rumpe1williamCMasters, which ubuntu?16:32
AndChat|Just saying16:32
ikoniaAndChat|: I'm not laughing, stop the ranting16:32
williamCMastersmartian: I did a16:32
williamCMasters$sudo usermod -G vboxusers william16:32
ubuntu_I have a problem with a synaptic download script16:32
martianbastidrazor: Thanks. I would search, but I wouldn't know what to search for :-/16:32
williamCMastersyesterday and it's been broken ever since.  I've never had this problem16:32
AndChat|Why waste time with ubuntu when u can get debian?16:32
ubuntu_wget won't resolve cdrom16:33
martianwilliamCMasters: ahh, you forgot to use -a along with that, so what you did was replace ALL your groups with that one. -a will append the group you're specifying to your groups list.16:33
rumpe1ubuntu_, what is a "synaptic download script"?16:33
bastidrazormartian: add the option _netdev16:34
williamCMastersmartian: crap... ha ha.  I fixed it now.  Thank you so much16:35
martianbastidrazor: yay! thanks!16:35
martianwilliamCMasters: seems like it would be more sane if usermod assumed you're appending unless specified, right? oh well :)16:36
williamCMastersmartian: for real.  Oh well, that's what I get for using a command carelessly.16:36
ubuntu_rumpe1: you can create scripts with synaptic to download packages16:36
rumpe1ubuntu_, uh, nice to know :)16:37
anandvenkat4Is there any equivalent for RASAPI in Linux?16:37
The_BROSHello! How to set sound alert when letter comes in Thunderbird?16:38
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martianThe_BROS: it's in Thunderbirds settings... 'general' settings in the main preferences16:41
bastidrazorPH: you're here!16:42
The_BROSmartian: Thanx!16:42
SpecialEmilyUbuntu on mac hardware, yay or nay?16:46
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ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:46
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suniceSpecialEmily: my son runs it on a ppc16:46
suniceSpecialEmily: works great for him.16:47
SpecialEmilyI'm looking to buy a new laptop, but I dont want osx16:47
ActionParsnipMac hardware is a nay here16:47
vehystrixanyone know how I can set up twinview from a shell script?16:47
auronandaceSpecialEmily: thinkpad are brilliant16:48
ActionParsnipSpecialEmily: then save cash and dont buy mac, buy a laptop and put ubuntu on it16:48
ShikhinSomething is leaking here - I get only 31.5 free in my 160 GB partition. :|16:48
martianThat's funny because I wouldn't mind OSX if I didn't have to buy some really expensive hardware to run it stably(a word?)16:48
aniapis it normal that Xorg uses 300MB RAM?16:49
ActionParsnipmartian: exactly 100%16:49
WormDrinkTrying to write my own upstart script16:49
SpecialEmilyOddly enough the costs aren't that bad here for a pro book16:49
WormDrinkit works for start/stop cases16:49
WormDrinkbut it wont autostart16:49
WormDrinkit has to start after networkmanager16:49
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:49
ShikhinSomething is leaking here - I get only 31.5 free in my 160 GB partition. :|16:50
arooni-mobilehi folks;  i can't format a SD it doesnt show up in gparted.  how can i fix?16:51
Clint_hi all16:51
anandvenkat4I desperately need some help on PPTP in Linux16:51
anandvenkat4Anyone there?16:51
ActionParsnipWormDrink: could make a script to sleep for 10 seconds, then run your command, maybe16:51
anandvenkat4Any library call for programatically call PPTP?16:52
anandvenkat4or any IRC channel I could look into?16:52
FishsceneHi. I created an amazon ec2 ubuntu VM, but I have no clue how to access it. Does anyone know where I can ask about how to access the VM?16:52
ubuntu_Help the synaptic package download script wont work wget can't find the resource cdrom16:53
stillParsnipShikhin: uninstall old kernels can help16:53
ShikhinHow to do that? :P16:54
stillParsnipubuntu_: do you have  web access on the system?16:54
Titi1Hi there16:54
Clint_how do i remove gnome3 its causing me problems it didnt install correctly and now i cant update my system16:54
ShikhinstillParsnip: How?16:54
mimicoHi, I am running 10.10.  It is dualboot.  When I try to boot into ubuntu i get an error message about assigning MMIO... hitting esc, I get a screen with a bunch of stuff I don't understand, and "Checking battery state..."  and nothing happens.16:54
mimicoany help would be appreciated16:54
Titi1I need help to update the version of my ubuntu software16:54
qinClint_: From Natty?16:55
Titi1Could anyone give me a hand?16:55
auronandace!gnome3 | Clint_16:55
ubottuClint_: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.16:55
stillParsnipShikhin: run: uname -a    to see the running kernel. Then run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2      to see i16:55
Sidewinder1Titi1, What ver are you using now?16:55
qinClint_: foo bar16:55
Titi1I am running 8.04...16:55
stillParsnipto see installed kernels16:56
auronandace!8.04 | Titi116:56
ubottuTiti1: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.16:56
mimicoIt says fsck from util-linux... at the top of the screen, but everything has an [OK] next to it.16:56
Clint_cheers i'll just restore my system16:56
mimicojust won't go to login screen16:56
Shikhinii  linux-image-2.6.38-11-generic         2.6.38-11.48                               Linux kernel image for version 2.6.38 on x86/x86_6416:56
Shikhinii  linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic          2.6.38-8.42                                Linux kernel image for version 2.6.38 on x86/x86_6416:56
ShikhinThat's it ;-)16:56
stillParsnipShikhin: if the current kernel is ok, you can remove all the other installed kernels. Do NOT remove.the current kernel16:57
Shikhinsudo apt-get rm?16:57
Sidewinder1Titi1, It would be best to back-up your data, music, videos and bookmarks. Ie, your /home to external drive and the clean install 10.04.16:57
Sidewinder1than. even.16:57
Titi1what I need to know is if I can update from 8 to 11 straight or if I need to go to 9 and then 10 and then 11....16:57
unfuquitableis there a good facial recognition program on ubuntu16:58
aniapTiti1: no, I tried this with 9.04, ended up with everything crashed16:58
Sidewinder1Titi1, No.16:58
auronandaceTiti1: you can upgrade to the next lts16:58
auronandaceTiti1: which would be 10.0416:58
stillParsnipShikhin: sudo apt-get --purge remove package    or use software centre to do it graphically.16:58
Titi1okay, i will try this16:59
auronandaceTiti1: but it would likely be better fresh installing16:59
Sidewinder1auronandace, Not if he hasn't updated 8.04 in a while; and it has been a awhile...16:59
ShikhinTrying - brb.16:59
martiertHi. I have a jack headset, which doesn't work in natty. I have two outlets, one in the front and one in the back of the machine. The one in the back works for my speakers, but the front for my headphones don't work in natty16:59
ShikhinDo I need to re-run grub?16:59
organikswhen using screen how do i get the display to output everything? i cant see certain things17:00
ShikhinRemoving symbolic link vmlinuz.old  you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]17:00
ShikhinThe link /initrd.img.old is a damaged link17:00
Sidewinder1Titi1, Have you read this? :  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Why%20choosing%20a%20fresh%20install17:00
auronandaceSidewinder1: hence my recomendation to fresh install17:00
ShikhinRemoving symbolic link initrd.img.old  you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]17:00
ShikhinSo, do I need to rerun grub?17:00
stillParsnipShikhin: its part of the postrm script, so will happen automagically17:00
Sidewinder1auronandace, Agreed; that's also what I suggested. :-)17:00
Titi1OK, many thanks guys17:00
Sidewinder1Titi1, Best of luck. :-)17:01
Titi1I will give a try using your procedure17:01
watermarkHowdy, anyone know when ~/.profile is executed?17:01
SpecialEmilyAny verdict on Sony vaio? I am a little unsure about them17:02
stillParsnipwatermark: i believe its when a terminal is opened, or a new tab17:02
organikshow do i get screen to output everything/17:03
ShikhinStill not working - it increased a bit but not much. :|17:03
stillParsnipSpecialEmily: check the HCL for Linux17:03
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:03
ShikhinPlease note that my home folder is encrypted.17:03
WormDrinkno see17:03
WormDrinkI wrote my own upstart - but it wont start17:03
WormDrinkits basically exactly that17:04
stillParsnipShikhin: sudo apt-get clean    may help too. Installing and running bleachbit as user and root with as many apps closed can save a tonne of space. Be careful with options17:05
ShikhinOk - thanks.17:05
watermarkstillParsnip: I've added to my path in .profile, but it's not sticking17:05
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stillParsnipwatermark: add to you path in ~/.bashrc17:06
userbest with to use to restore lost files from FAT par?17:06
userSD Card17:06
nuclearwormhello , can someone recommend a boot disk image to flash bios? i already have bios and program, thanks17:07
stillParsnipUser:.use your backups17:07
MonkeyDustuser: try testdisk / photorec17:07
stillParsnipnuclearworm: www.bootdisk.com17:08
ShikhinstillParsnip: Seems like I am recovering some spaec.17:08
* Shikhin crosses fingers.17:08
watermarkstillParsnip: that did it.  Funny though, there is a call in .profile to call .bashrc.  Would think .profile was called first.  Thanks for the input17:08
aniapI experience memory leaks in my natty when it is up too long. Is there any way to find out what application cause them?17:08
nuclearwormstillParnsnip , i ve been there but dont know which one to choose17:08
stillParsnipUser: i guess you don't have backups, so foremost may save you but the files you retrieve may be damaged17:09
martiertHi. I have a jack headset, which doesn't work in natty. I have two outlets, one in the front and one in the back of the machine. The one in the back works for my speakers, but the front for my headphones don't work in natty17:09
stillParsnipwatermark: what did you add to add the folder to path?17:09
useri'm my phone so i don't keep backups of the SD in that17:10
watermarkstillParsnip: Copied from the line above that came with it.  PATH="$HOME/workspace/cakeportal1.3/cake/console:$PATH"17:10
nuclearwormstillParnsnip , i have a image with 1.4mb do you think it has enough free space to put bios and program?17:10
stillParsnipwatermark: its usually:   export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/folder17:11
stillParsnipwatermark: i'd do it without quotes and escape the fullstop17:12
stillParsnipUser: you should backup everything you don't want to loose. It that simple17:13
Janusmananyone using playonlinux? =)17:13
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:13
meowsusI just installed 11.04 on my laptop which i intend to be walking around with. I encrypted my home directory, generated the passphrase, and rebooted before I saved it (d'oh!), is there any way of re-generating that passphrase again?17:14
userstillparsnip: yes, thank you. but pics i didn't see as a high risk on phone. but i was wrong.  i now have ubuntu one uploading pics when i take them. so i have resolved issue.17:15
* Shikhin is going to restart - hopes this works - and didn't break anything. :-)17:15
stillParsnipmeowsus: if its a fresh install, you can always reinstall if you get no joy17:16
meowsusstillParsnip, yeah, i know, but theres no way to regenerate that passphrase?17:16
stillParsnipUser: nice :-)17:16
caotichi there. does anyone knows how can i two directories in my lan without redownloading the ones that are already on a given location ?17:17
m4rzh4llwela raga17:17
stillParsnipmeowsus: i dont use encrypted filesystems myself, causes too many headaches. I also walk around with my systems17:17
stillParsnipcaotic: look into rsync maybe17:18
nuclearwormhow do i create a bootable floppy with bios and writing program?17:18
stillParsnipnuclearworm: you can dd the image to the floppy disk in most cases17:19
nuclearwormstillParnsnip , i still haven t the image caan you tell me one to choose17:21
meowsusstillParsnip, I getcha, I'll just reinstall,17:21
comoI have a problem: gnome tries to automount an sshfs folder at login, the mount parameters are old and don't work, so it blocks me from logging in.17:21
comohow do I fix it?17:21
usr13como: What is a sshfs folder?17:22
vockJust wondering if anyone knew of a good how-to to get dual monitors working? I have an on-board video card (ATI) and a PCI-E Ati card as well, trying to dual monitors, but not sure how to go about it17:22
comousr13: you know, sshfs remote-dir local-dir17:23
usr13como: And I didn't know that gnome would try to mount anything in the first place.    YOu need to give a bit more detail.17:23
usr13como: Do you mean nfs ?17:23
comousr13: then you probably won't know how to fix it17:23
comousr13: no, sshfs17:23
^NiNjAvock,  are you trying to use both video cards for two separate monitors?17:24
kdogWhat is the preferred way to report bugs? How does one determine if it is a Ubuntu, Debian or upstream bug?17:24
vock^NiNjA, I was under the impression that i could use one vid card for 1 monitor17:24
nuclearwormi have a boot disk image how do i add it the bios and writing program?17:24
vockand the other for a second monitor17:25
rwwkdog: run "ubuntu-bug package-name-here", we usually have people file them in Launchpad unless they're sure it's not an Ubuntu bug.17:25
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:25
usr13como: Maybe you should use nfs instead of sshfs17:25
^NiNjAvock,  so you want one video card for one monitor and the other for another monitor17:25
kdogrww, thanks. Will ubuntu-bug walk you through like reportbug?17:25
vock^NiNjA, yup!17:25
rwwkdog: it gathers together a bunch of information with apport, has you confirm it, then connects you to Launchpad that walks you through it, yes17:26
usr13como:  Is this a wired network?17:26
vock^NiNjA, I just want dual monitors, don't care how it's done really, i was under the impression you needed 2 video cards to do it17:26
^NiNjAvock,  ok I am no expert with SLI or Crossfire. But I ma not sure if you can actually do that. I would start by trying the ATI help or tech support first that way you know if it even can be done before trying the linux applications of it17:27
vock^NiNjA, i didn't think SLI or Crossfire was required? What is the best way to get dual monitors then? 2 off the same card?17:28
^NiNjAvock,  for just dual monitor support, you do that through the system settings/monitors settings17:28
vock^NiNjA, so both monitors plugged into a single vid card?17:28
^NiNjAvock,  to get both video cards working at the same time is Crossfire for ATI17:29
usr13como: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8904?page=0,117:29
^NiNjAvock,  if your video card has two connections with dual heads you can connect two monitors to one card17:29
^NiNjAlike mine has my monitor and my tv hooked up17:30
^NiNjAone through DVI the other through HDMI17:30
^NiNjAi control each monitor through the monitors app in system settings in ubuntu 11.04 (my version)17:31
nomikeis it possible to enable xdmcp in natty? I've tried gooling but all i found where tutorials for using vnc or nx which seems to be a big overhead for what i want to do...17:31
vock^NiNjA, thanks17:32
^NiNjApersonally I have two many crashes using the proprietary ATI drivers so i tend to stick with the open source drivers that come with Ubuntu. NP17:32
TiCPUI've got a really annoying problem with gnome-terminal, the scrollback buffer stays blank and even some parts of the normal buffer, any idea?17:32
sliptteeshi guys, i have one netbook school, LCD 7", video intel 945GM, please howto set splash 800x480?17:34
^NiNjAanyone had any luck with the LDM in the repos for 11.04? specifically with ATI video and 3d enabled?17:35
jamil_1hi all, my kubuntu system is not shutting down. any suggestions ?17:35
^NiNjAwhats it doing exactly?17:36
jamil_1^NiNjA: its doing nothing17:36
sliptteesjamil_1, first, i update system17:36
^NiNjAlol, i mean does the shut down,reboot, et. all interface show up or what?17:37
jamil_1slipttees: my  pc is pretty much updated17:37
jamil_1^NiNjA: yes the interface show up, but clicking on an of them doesn't have any apparent effect17:37
^NiNjAok is there anything running in either the taskbar or system tray?17:38
^NiNjAor even an open terminal running a process?17:38
nuclearwormi would appreciate some help in how to create a bootable floppy to upgrade bios17:38
jamil_1^NiNjA: printer applet, Nepmunk, and AkonadiTray are running17:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!17:39
^NiNjAjamil_1,  ok I ma not running Kubuntu but rather ubuntu. so bear with me a sec.17:40
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^NiNjAjamil_1,  okay go to the system monitor app in the control center17:40
Picistevee_: yes?17:40
idlemindnuclearworm as far as i know you may only be able to do that in windows unless your bios manufacturer provided linux files to create or run a bios update. this isn't anything ubuntu/linux has control over sadly17:41
newnomeI just typed in a new login password but it stays greyed out and doesn't finish changin it, and I cannot cancel it, what should I do?17:41
^NiNjAonce that is open click on the processes tab at the top17:41
jamil_1^NiNjA: ok...17:41
jamil_1^NiNjA: now what ?17:42
^NiNjAnow click on the status column so the little arrow next to is pointing up17:42
nuclearwormidlemind , im trying to follow a mix of two tutorials i ve found in the net but unfortunately i dont have the knowledge enough i suppose17:43
^NiNjAthe very first ones in order now should be saying something like running or sleeping or zombie17:43
jamil_1^NiNjA: there is no status column17:43
sunsonI have a partially downloaded (via torrent) iso. I know that the checksum is not right. Is there a way to incrementally download the file?17:44
idlemindnuclearworm link me those tutorials i would like to look them over. a bios update is vendor specific (hp,dell, or mobo manufacturer) so it should be an interesting trick if someone has a workaround17:44
^NiNjAu are running system monitor and open to the processes tab at the top?17:44
sunsonI do not possess the original .torrent file.17:44
jamil_1^NiNjA: yep17:44
angel56sunson: without the torrent, probably not17:45
jamil_1columns are: Name, Username, CPU, Memory, SharedMem, Window Title17:45
^NiNjAcolumns should be  name, status, %cpu, nice, id, memory, waiting channels17:45
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jamil_1^NiNjA: ok got it, there are system monitors one for kde other for gnome17:46
^NiNjAok , yeah as I said im not using KDE17:47
idlemindnuclearworm you have a fdd and a disk still? or you trying to apply this to a usb drive ?17:47
nuclearwormidlemind , im trying to apply it to a floppy drive17:48
^NiNjAanyhoo look through there and see what may be stuck, frozen or running , should be fairly straight forward anything hogging cpu or memory17:48
meowsusIf I'm going to back up my home directory, do I need ~/.cache at all? There are two huge files in there (.fr-4aHSee & .fr-01qx24) and some other, what i presume to be, temp data directories.17:48
idlemindnuclearworm what commands in that first tutorial are giving you trouble?17:50
macer1AlanBell: ping17:50
nuclearwormidlemind , the unmounting one , im not able to see the created directory17:50
NenelI NEED HELP17:51
idlemindnuclearworm is the device still mounted? run just "mount" and look for /tmp/floppy in that list17:51
macer1!caps | Nenel17:51
ubottuNenel: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:51
macer1!details | Nenel17:52
ubottuNenel: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:52
idlemindalso nuclearworm can you copy and paste the exact error the umount command gives you?17:52
Neneli need pakages from mpeg and xvid for audio and video17:52
lokomisNenel "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" covers that I believe17:53
lokomisor pull up the software center and search for restricted extras in there17:53
lokomisI think I got the package name right though17:54
nuclearwormidlemind , i havent explained me well, after unmounting i couldn t see /tmp/floppy anymore so ive runned the first command again maybe i shouldn t have done that17:54
idlemindo that is a natural side effect of umounting /tmp/floppy17:54
idlemindwhen you issue that umount command it is going to save the changes back into that fdoem.144 file17:54
idlemindso now you need to either write fdoem.144 to a cd or a floppy17:54
idlemindmy guess for a floppy you would do: dd if=/path/to/FDOEM.144.gz of=/dev/fd017:55
Neneli cant do with sudo because its tell me is not fiind17:55
nascentmindhi. I am getting BADSIG with extras.ubuntu.com and when I try to connect to the keyserver it times out. How should I fix this?17:56
nuclearwormidlemind , so is the fdoem.144 changed , i mean does it have the added files?17:56
idlemindyes if you issued the copy commands to put the files you need into the image17:57
idlemindprior to umount'ing the virtual device17:57
Nenelfrom where i can get pakages for audio and video please17:57
lokomisNenel did you try searching for it in the Software Center?17:57
Nenelyes but its show me a error17:58
AlanBello/ macer117:58
idlemindnenel audio and video are broad topics what are you looking for specifically17:58
lokomisWhat error?17:58
nuclearwormidlemind , ok  im going to try what you ve told me , thanks17:58
idlemindnuclearworm gl have fun17:59
macer1AlanBell: please look at your private messages17:59
Nenelwhen i try to reload pakages18:03
Nenelis showing me this18:03
NenelCould not download all repository indexes18:03
lokomisNenel What version of Ubuntu are you running?18:04
CosmicVoyagerHi. I f I use the same usernam of different OSes, should I be able to move drives between them and have full read write access?18:04
Neneli run 9.0418:04
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^NiNjAim not sure 9.04 is even still supported18:05
rypervencheCosmicVoyager: I always have.18:05
^NiNjA10.04 is LTS18:06
Neneli know18:06
CosmicVoyagerrypervenche Hmm. I gave "Ubuntu" read write access on my Mac, but I can;t read write with the Ubuntu LiveCD for which the username is Ubuntu.18:06
pythonsnakehello, how much time is left until ubuntu 10.4 support is dropped ?18:07
Polahpythonsnake, 2013 for desktops, 2015 for servers18:08
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  the read/write access is per ubuntu, its independent of the mac os18:08
mentocAnyone have any advice for mounting /usr to /dev/sdb2 ?18:08
pythonsnakePolah: wow!18:08
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^NiNjAlinux filesystems can access windows/mac/ et.al  files18:09
Polahmentoc: Why do you want to mount something at /usr?18:09
^NiNjAwell most modern ones can anyway18:09
mentocPolah: I need to move /usr to a different partition18:09
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA so it should work if I add Ubuntu to permissions on my make drive?18:09
rypervencheCosmicVoyager: I'm not sure when it comes to live sessions. It may be different.18:09
Guest75316hi, I've just upgraded my graphics to have 2 cards (gt430 & 8400gs) running 3 monitors; now flash plugin to firefox just crashes every time it tries to load. I'm on 11.04 and have upgraded and rebooted to no avail. Is there a way to look at the crash reports so I can see what the error is?18:10
mentocPolah: It's too much space, so I need to mount it on a larger data partition.18:10
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georgsi have a question18:10
Polahmentoc: You'll have to move all the data to the drive then remount it18:11
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  I am not a amac expert but i run a dual boot win7/ubuntu 11.04 setup using two separate drives. I can access any file or folder on my win 7 drive from ubuntu18:11
mentocPolah: mv /usr/ /mnt/foo/ #assuming /mnt/foo has /dev/sdb2 mounted?18:11
suboneHow could i change this command to remove the "x:" part of the output? MLOC=`xdotool getmouselocation`; echo `expr "$MLOC" : '\(x:[0-9]\+\)'`18:11
georgswhen i am botting ubuntu i get an error> cant start boot splash becouse shared libary cant be loaded ... i stops there and does not bott ubuntu ... any suggestions ?18:11
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA What format shouls I use that will work on all OSes?18:11
^NiNjAi never needed to login to win 7 but then I do not run a multiple user or password coded account in win 718:12
mentocPolah: I assume I should do this as single user mode18:12
subonei tried using a positive lookbehind but i think im getting the escaping wrong or something18:12
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA Mac wont write to NTSF18:12
^NiNjAubuntu defaults to EXT4 , which will be fine18:12
georgswhen i am botting ubuntu i get an error> cant start boot splash becouse shared libary cant be loaded ... i stops there and does not bott ubuntu ... any suggestions ?18:12
anggussI've just set up a vncserver on my server running ubuntu, but when I login I only get a grey screen with 3 checkboxes, anyone know what's wrong?18:12
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA Doe sthat have a file size limit of 4gb?18:13
^NiNjAMAC wont and WIN7 won't to either one18:13
^NiNjAnor will they write or read linux partitions18:13
mentocgeorgs: Try editing the boot cmd by changing "splash" to "nosplash"18:13
pythonsnakeWill I have to download Ubuntu each new version ?18:13
^NiNjAthey do that so you can't dual boot each others os's18:13
pythonsnakeOr I can do something like upgrade ?18:13
mentocPolah: Thanks for the help18:13
georgsmentoc: in grub ?18:13
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA Ext4 can be read or written on all OSes and has no file size limit?18:14
^NiNjAno size limit like that. a standard current ubuntu setup will be an EXT 4 file system, and will read viirtually any size drive I know of on the market18:14
usr13I think ext4 has filesize limit of 16TB18:14
anggussThis is what's being displayed: http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/7898/qttempemu264.png18:14
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA ok i will try again....18:15
^NiNjAok good luck man18:15
PolahCosmicVoyager: Not on Windows, but Windows doesn't like to read anything other than NTFS or FAT by default. You can get tools to read ext4 though18:15
MAREK_BENC_NetBYou can? I think there are only for Ext218:15
Monotokono they read ext4 too :)18:16
^NiNjAPolah,  yeah i think he was wanting read/write access to mac from his linux part18:16
^NiNjAhe was worried about password and permissions across both partitions18:17
B0g4r7Linux can read/write HFS+, but you need to disable journaling.18:18
^NiNjALinux File Systems tend to try and have support for as many other file systems as they can, because they are generally expected to interface with almost anything18:20
=== mdpatrick_ is now known as Neurotiquette
^NiNjAanyone here tried using LDM instead of GDM in Ubuntu 11.04?18:22
melteycould someone pls help me with my HDD problem?  Ive bought new HDD and a month later, the S.M.A.R.T. says that my read/write error rate is 10...is it possible?18:22
Polah^NiNjA: Ubuntu is moving to LightDM with 11.1018:22
saliakanyone had luck installing the headless natty image on a beagleboard XM?  i got it to boot ok, but the network device doesn't work.  I can use the network from the test angstrom image that comes with the beagleboard, however, so the hardware is good.  seems like the drivers are not included in the installation or something?18:23
^NiNjAmeltey,  drives can be bad out of the box or very shortly after.. it happens.. I would try your HD manufacturers tech support or help. here we focus primarily on Ubuntu specific issues18:23
w3bg33kwhen I run apache2 -S (in place of httpd -S), I get this -> apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}18:24
w3bg33kany suggestions on how to get that to work?18:24
^NiNjAPolah,  yeah I was just wondering about using it in my 11.04 install.. I fear BETA lol18:24
lokomisNenel still there?18:24
Polah^NiNjA, only have to wait a month for 11.10 (:18:24
melteyso that value definitely means my HDD is dying?18:24
^NiNjAtrue, not sure i will upgrade tho.. I hate unity.. sorry but I just do18:24
glebihanw3bg33k, check the value of APACHE_RUN_USER in /etc/apache2/envvars18:25
^NiNjAI run classic mode right now. I tweak it so you can barely tell its gnome18:26
w3bg33kglebihan - www-data18:26
Polah^NiNjA: You can use any environment you want with 11.10 too..18:26
^NiNjAI thought in 11.10 you had unity, unity 2d, or Gnome 3/shell you can get from the repos?18:27
glebihanw3bg33k, does the user www-data exist ? (maybe it was deleted by mistake)18:27
w3bg33kglebihan - yes18:28
Polah^NiNjA: By default yeah, but you can switch to any DE you want... The same way you used to have GNOME by default or in some other types of Linux other DEs by default.18:28
w3bg33kit's also part of the www-data group18:28
^NiNjAyeah but gnome isn't supporting 2x anymore so its either 3 or unity soon18:29
glebihanw3bg33k, the problem may come from the way you're starting apache, does "sudo service apache2 start" work ?18:29
Polah^NiNjA: Unity, or GNOME3, LXDE, Xfce or anything esle you want. There's lots of DEs18:29
^NiNjAhopefully they allow more settings and tweaking in unity or gnome 3 soon18:30
w3bg33kglebihan - yup, works (with just 1 NameVirtualHost warning, that's unrelated to this site)18:30
^NiNjAi am just old set in my ways i guess lol18:31
glebihanw3bg33k, ok so that was it, apache must be started that way for the environement variables to be correctly set18:31
^NiNjALXDE looks interesting but i hate learning a new DE..part of that old thing lol18:31
ThomaZzis it okay to just ask a question in here? :)18:32
joelcoxI'm connecting to a Ubuntu 10.04 server from OS X Lion over SSH, but the connection is really laggy - it takes up to two seconds for characters to appear after I've typed them on my local machine. This doesn't happen when I SSH into another Ubuntu 10.04 box, which in in another network. Ping and traces to the first box both look fine.18:32
^NiNjAask away18:32
angel56ThomaZz: that's how it works18:32
w3bg33kglebihan - wait...apache2 worked, but the site still doesn't18:32
glebihanw3bg33k, what happens when you try to access it ?18:33
ThomaZzwell, I just installed Xubuntu and sometimes I get a seemingly random error message saying "invalid argument, wrong operation"18:33
ThomaZzit usually happens when I'm browsing through my home folder18:34
ThomaZzdoes anyone know whether this is a common thing and where it comes from?18:34
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA Ok i gave permissions to ceratain users on my mac than plugged the drive in ubuntu computer and the permissions i set are not there18:34
^NiNjAsounds like a file permissions issue. where you trying to copy or move something from there?18:34
w3bg33kglebihan - I get a directory listing when I can verify that there are files in the directory specified18:34
ThomaZzmmh perhaps accidentally..18:35
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA ubuntu permissions just shows roor and 8018:35
ThomaZzi am not used to the tapping, which I can't seem to turn off in xubuntu18:35
glebihanw3bg33k, and you don't see the files in the directory in the listing ?18:35
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA root and 80. it does not show the user i added18:35
ThomaZzit does cause me to do stuff i did not intend to do18:35
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  linux will work independently of mac users18:36
ThomaZzI'll pay close attention, thanks!18:36
w3bg33kglebihan - nix it...it appears that one of the site's configured weren't config'd properly.  I just deleted everything else out (last resort), and restarted and it work18:36
w3bg33kglebihan - thank you for your time & help18:36
^NiNjAlike mine allows me access to my entire win 7 hard drive18:36
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA it wont let me write on the disk18:36
^NiNjAfrom within linux18:36
^NiNjAthats a new one for me.. Maybe its a mac specific thing18:37
glebihanw3bg33k, you're welcome18:37
ThomaZzthanks, ^NiNja18:37
^NiNjAsince mac doesnt recognize linux it wont accept permissions from linux18:37
^NiNjAnp ThomaZz18:37
artzrahi every body18:38
BPowerDoes anyone know why I have a bunch of [HASH].14.0.797.0_service_ipc files in my home directory?18:39
BPowerThey're really annoying me.18:39
macer1Hi artzra, how we can help you?18:39
BPowerI'd like to remove them, if I can.18:39
^NiNjAany file writing you do to mac will have to be from mac or linux. unless you are running specific security features in mac which block that18:39
Chaseris there any directive to add passwords to ~/.ssh/config  ? Can add User Port etc but is there a password directive ? I do not wish to ssh-copy-id.18:39
artzra;qcerlm , marcel, i have o problem to fixe my language setup (keybord and system) don't applie18:40
BPower^NiNjA, Chaser, are you talking to me?18:40
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  sorry im not more adept with mac.18:40
safiredoes anyone know what firefox uses to generate it's list of application extension to applications map?18:40
ChaserBPower, not specifically - was a general question.:)18:40
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA ok i read i have to turn off journaling...buthat is not an otpin18:40
^NiNjAsorry BPower18:40
artzramarce1, i have o problem to fixe my language setup (keybord and system) don't applie18:40
safirebecause with a blank profile, firefox seems to think I have an installation of acroread in my home directory that isn't there18:41
safirewhich means that firefox is getting it's information from somewhere else.. possibly gnome?18:41
BPowerChaser, oh sorry, I thought it was a follow up question for my question -- I didn't read your whole message18:41
^NiNjAwell CosmicVoyager  im about to the limit of my mac/linux interaction knowledge.. sorry.18:41
ChaserBPower, no problem.18:41
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BPowerChaser, wish I could help though -- I'm not familiar enough with it though18:42
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^NiNjAdoes your mac partition show up in your my computer window on the left?18:42
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warfarendoes ubuntu work well with SSD drives?18:42
ChaserBPower, cool thats ok. I did google for it but thought somebody here might know.18:43
sunsonit would be nice if ubuntu provided 'rsync' servers to rsync from.18:43
johnhamelinkHey, can anyone help answer my question on askubuntu.com, it's been 2 hours and noone's replied: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62295/ata2-comreset-failed-errno-1618:43
artzramarce1, i have ubuntu 11.04 , all setup is realy fine, except language, systeme desktop, and keybord, ( i select my language, set , and when  i reboot,  its make nothing)18:43
BPowerwarfaren, I don't see why not.  though, I'm not the best to ask.  I was thinking about replacing my laptop HDD w/ an SSD so I'd like to know the answer to that too.18:44
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  does your mac partition or drive show in the left pane of your computer window?18:44
sunsonanyway, i just finished wasting 690 MB of an ubuntu mirror's bandwidth (just because I have a partial/corrupt ISO file (perhaps, only 3 MB was missing))18:44
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA yes18:44
warfarenalright, i was mainly thinking if it had been specifically configured for usage with an SSD. i believe there are a lot of settings that should be reconfigured for the system to utilize an SSD optimally. also with the wrong config it would probably wear the drive out really fast.18:45
^NiNjAok can you browse its directory at all?18:45
ant30I think I have got problems with my SSD18:45
warfarenare you running ubuntu on it?18:46
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA yes, its a mac artitioned drive18:46
BPowerwarfaren, I would think since most people use Ubuntu as a local (or remote) server, that it would work just fine with it.  I mean, you can run Ubuntu off a flash drive (practically the same thing but slower, right?)18:46
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA i cant use it on ubuntu18:46
Chasersunson, download via torrent :)18:46
warfarenyes. i heard about people who installed an OS on a compact flash card. but they're not very durable with the heavy writing an OS may cause18:46
MAREK_BENC_NetBBPower: I report success installing Ubuntu from the mini.iso to a USB stick18:47
^NiNjAtry copy and pasting something from linux to a mac folder. if it works then its allowing read/write18:47
ant30warfaren I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 on it18:47
^NiNjAyou may need root privelages in linux18:47
warfarenafter all flash memory have a limited amount of writes18:47
BPowerMAREK_BENC_NetB, I have ubuntu installed on my USB drive -- i used it only once though because it's way too slow.  Maybe it'd be faster with a USB 3 drive18:48
ant30warfaren it's very fast18:48
warfarennice. how fast do you boot up?18:48
ant30warfaren and root partition don't need much writes cycles18:48
ant30warfaren 8 secs18:48
warfareni noticed even on a modern pc with a decent hard drive you boot really fast18:48
warfarenWOW! that's insane! so you're not running a swap partition on the SSD i guess?18:49
ant30warfaren this a intel value model18:49
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA ok i found out i have to disable journaling, but you cant disable journaling on a drive that has time machine backups on it.18:49
MAREK_BENC_NetBUbuntu really does boot fast, compared to other UNIX OSs18:49
ant30warfaren read at 220MB/s and write over 50 MB/s18:49
ant30its very slow writting18:49
warfarenand i thought my brothers computer got fast with windows booting in one minute, when he got an SSD18:49
mordoflostson: another viable alternative (and a more reliable one) is using nohup18:49
ant30warfaren i disabled ureadahead18:49
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  okay. thats odd... ext4 (ubuntu) is a journaling FS18:50
MAREK_BENC_NetBIt is18:50
^NiNjAya stummped me CosmicVoyager18:50
^NiNjAi will do some reading and see if i can be more help18:50
mordoflostson: even with the & operator, some windows still rely on the terminal. it's odd, but using nohup it prevents output, and if the window tries to hold on to the terminal - it'll just keep nohup from finishing. in which case ctrl+c kills it, but the window stays running18:50
* BPower is wondering if he can delete all the [HASH].14.0.797.0_service_ipc files in his home directory18:51
ant30warfaren is very important enable "discard"18:51
warfarenwhat does that do?18:51
ant30warfaren and use align the partition / lvm18:51
i0x71hey, i am trying to setup authentication with active directory through nss_ldap, i configured /etc/ldap.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf restarted nscd, if i understand correctly at this point i should be able to see user entries with getenet passwd, however it seems to only show local users18:51
swizzcheezHi all -- I have a VG that claims to be missing a PV. It's PVs are all MD SW raid1 devices and all seem to be okay. When I force active with -P, everything *seems* fine, but I'm suspicious (Ubuntu 64-bit 10.04LTS). Should I be worried and/or how do I correct this?18:51
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA id ont know ehere i read that. this is a nightmare. I have been trying fro days get write acces to my mac drive in ubuntu18:52
ironhalikok guys, is my laptop going to melt or explode if i try to upgrade 11.04 to 11.10? :>18:52
pythonsnakeironhalik: probably18:52
ant30warfaren you can search info on google, it's depend about your SSD unit18:52
mordofironhalik: uhhm.. it might have issues. 11.10 isn't officially released ye tis it?18:52
ironhalikits tempting :/18:52
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  i found a link that may help it seems its simple but not something one would know easily18:52
ironhalikyeah its in beta right now18:53
oCeanmordof: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion18:53
Legend_XeonHow do i detach a terminal session tab from a list of opened tabs. It's interfering with irssi as the channel change key is also alt+118:53
ironhalikah, ok18:53
warfareni see. well it would be nice to see all these settings auto configuring with the installer, if it detects an SSD18:53
^NiNjAlet me know if that helps any18:53
bencchow can I check in a script if an upstart job is running?18:53
BPowerant30, warfaren, also mount SSD volume with noatime (if that's set up, it won't write the "last accessed time" on files it accesses)18:53
ruffleShi. has anyone had any luck making a liveUSB out of oneiric's .iso (x86) ?18:54
icerootruffleS: #ubuntu+118:54
ant30BPower and I have put "/tmp" and /var/run on tmpfs18:54
pythonsnakeironhalik: it'll mell down18:55
CosmicVoyager^NiNjA according to that, using the same username will not work18:55
BPowerant30, ya I was just going to say that -- nice timing (pst warfaren)18:55
pythonsnakeironhalik: You'll see it burning18:55
pythonsnakeironhalik: Just kidding18:56
^NiNjAyeah, its in the UID number18:56
ironhalikpythonsnake: tbh, I wouldnt be all that surprised18:56
^NiNjAwin7 doesnt use that so of course its not an issue in mine...the one time windows does something smart lol18:56
pythonsnakeironhalik: I need to do better jokes IMO18:57
ant30BPower but at present, sometimes the root partition is booting as readonly18:57
oCeanpythonsnake: better, and not in this channel18:57
BPowerant30, odd - do you know why?18:57
ironhalikpythonsnake: it was a nice try ;>18:57
ironhalikpythonsnake: considering the OSS context ;>18:57
ant30BPower i'm debbuging it18:58
^NiNjACosmicVoyager,  make sure you follow the link in the post as well, it seems to go into more detail in thats post18:58
BPowerant30, warfaren, http://askubuntu.com/questions/1400/optimizing-the-os-for-ssds18:58
NOORALEXHello Friends I like to know your opinion about my web site for my new Company http://www.nooralex.com I make every think by my self.19:00
oCeanNOORALEX: don't post that here, thank you19:00
bradjIs there a command line way to determine if there are security updates in the -updates pocket?  The gnome update tool apparently can tell, but how to do the same with apt-get?19:01
derangohey guys I have question, I installed an app through ccmake / install and now i wanna reinstall it19:01
derangohow do I remove it?19:01
derangoit is integrated in the shell now19:01
mordofin compiz - what is the key KP4?19:01
^NiNjAwell im gonna go get some work done later guys.. and good luck CosmicVoyager19:02
artzraplease help ;e to find the solution to fix my languages setup19:02
MAREK_BENC_NetBNOORALEX: As far as i know, this is a Support chanel, if you want to ask people things like this, go to #ubuntu-offtopic on irc.freenode.net19:02
rumpe1bencc, maybe with "initctl status <processname> | grep running ; echo $?"  (should return 0, if it's running)19:02
bradjartzra: Be patient, if someone can help, they will19:04
mordofartzra: what's wrong?19:04
artzra;ordof brqdj19:05
benccrumpe1: I'm trying: if [ status myjob | grep -q 'start/running' ]; then19:06
artzramy proble; is to fixe the keybord in azerty and all language in french19:06
rumpe1bencc, ah... status... nice :)19:06
benccrumpe1: this is inside a postinst script so I don't know if the syntax is right19:06
benccrumpe1: not sure if this syntax is correct: if [...]; then19:06
mordofartzra: so you want your keyboard, and your entire operating system, to be french?19:07
artzrai do it config with keyboard preferences , and language support and its downlaod and its make nothing19:07
artzraits the first time i see this comportement in ubuntu  ?19:08
NeurotiquetteHow do I upgrade PHP5-cli using apt-get? When I run apt-cache show php5-cli it says "5.2.7". I need at least 5.3. If I check sources.list it lists "lenny"19:09
mordofyou're in Unity then and you're not finding what you need to change?19:09
llutzNeurotiquette: this is Ubuntu, ask in #debian if you use lenny19:09
TitiI am trying to follow the procedure I was referred to for updating my Ubuntu 8.04. My problem is one I type "sudo do-release-upgrade -d", my screen says "no release found"19:11
Neurotiquettellutz: Hrm. uname -a said ubuntu.19:11
Neurotiquettellutz: This is a VPS19:11
PiciNeurotiquette: What does lsb_release -a say?19:11
artzra;) i have find why, in this distro there is all pakage mixed ,,,,  sorry so there is a lot of  system conig19:11
mordofartzra: you want to load language support. hold on19:12
MoeinCan I install MATLAB by wine?19:12
llutzNeurotiquette: then fix your sources, you shouldn't use debian-repos if using ubuntu. it _could_ break things19:12
mordofartzra: type gnome-language-selector  in terminal to get to language support19:12
artzrabecause i thing its KDE + GNOMe application mixed19:12
dznutsI'm trying to mount a Windows Share from a remote computer and am getting the error "invalid credential filename specified"19:13
dznutsany idea what i'm doing wrong?19:13
* BPower is wondering if he can delete all the [HASH].14.0.797.0_service_ipc files in his home directory19:13
gigenieksHello, guys! Once again need help - have strange issue - I can't copy now anything in my USB flash drive (3min before I could (deleta and copy stuff)) How to resolve?19:14
* BPower knows that they are "socket" files19:14
* MAREK_BENC_NetB is wonndering if he can make a Ubuntu/kFreeBSD19:14
* BPower doesn't know what that means though19:14
gigenieks"paste" option is greyed out and I have Xubuntu ;)19:14
artzramordof, its that my problem this is with this gnome setup19:14
mordofBPower: here's how you test that - cut them and move them to another directory. if your OS stops working, worst case scenario you boot into a live CD and move them back19:14
Neurotiquettellutz: OK, according to lsb_release -a it says debian... but maybe that's because I just ran apt-get upgrade on a bunch of debian repos :/ (thank god its just a VPS)19:14
oCeanBPower: please don't use the silly /me messages, just post your question, in detail in single line in the channel19:14
* BPower is glaring at MAREK_BENC_NetB for stealing his thunder.19:15
MoeinCan I install MATLAB by wine?19:15
artzrai try oser think ...19:15
leftisthi is ebox still affiliated with ubuntu?19:15
oCeanMoein: try support in #winehq19:15
jwrigleyMoein: why would you install MATLAB by wine, when there is a linux version available?19:15
leftistis there an alternative to ebox for ubuntu?19:15
artzrai must reboot ( soon  ciao)19:15
BPowermordof, ya I would normally, but I can't on this machine -- it needs to remain active.19:16
BPoweroCean, I did :)19:16
Moeinjwrigley, I have windows version!19:16
mordofleftist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:16
gigenieksAny help for me (I need that USB flash so I can install things on my virtual machine (XP).19:16
jwrigleyPretty sure you can just download the Linux version from Mathworks, if you have a matlab license. That's what I do19:16
jwrigley^^ Moein19:16
gigenieksfor studies19:17
mordofBPower: well, I've had enough issues with my computer recently that I'm not about to test something else like that out, lol19:17
Moeinjwrigley, !!!!19:17
mordofBPower: i have no idea what they're used for. it might be something specific that your setup uses and someone elses doesn't also19:17
BPowermordof, i guess I'll just leave them alone then19:18
=== lolcat^ is now known as lolcat
BPowerI wish config/settings files weren't stored in /home/*** though.  or at least have them all under /home/****/.systemdata/19:20
mordofBPower: why? your home folder represents everything custom to you19:20
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jwrigleyMoein: yep, you create an account with mathworks (if you haven't already), then when logged in you can click on Manage Licenses. Then you just register your license, and download away.19:20
mordofBPower: it's a good idea to mount /home on a different partition for specifically those sorts of reasons - you can reinstall or update, restore, etc.. without losing those config settings19:20
BPowermordof, i guess i really meant I wish config/settings files were stored in /home/****/.systemdata/19:20
=== derp is now known as pet_queer
mordofBPower: *nods*19:21
dv310p3rSo, I'm still working on my permissions and now I have another issue, my apache error log says the following (13)Permission denied: /home/dv310p3r/www/coolwebsite/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable19:21
oCeanBPower: the /home/user/.config directory is for that (amongst various other .directories)19:21
oCeanBPower: are you using cromium browser?19:22
dv310p3rThe problem is that the .htaccess file isn't in that directory, it's supposed to be one directory deeper in /www/coolwebsite/website/.htaccess19:22
MAREK_BENC_NetBI'm using Dildo web browser!19:22
mordofMAREK_BENC_NetB: -.-; really...19:22
jwrigleys/d/l/ would have sufficed19:23
BPowerI do like the ability to copy my home dir to a new unit or back to a restored unit19:23
BPoweroCean, Chrome19:23
CombatjuanHello.  I'm running Lucid, 64bit server.  When I try and use gdb on python, and print a py-bt I get "Error occurred in Python command: 'gdb.Frame' object has no attribute 'function'".  Seems relevant to this old bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/59102319:23
oCeanBPower: that's were the files are from19:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 591023 in gdb (Ubuntu) "AttributeError: 'gdb.Frame' object has no attribute 'function'" [Undecided,New]19:23
BPoweroCean, but programs save their settings/etc to /user/myname/.theirname all the time19:24
oCeanBPower: socket files are not configuration files19:24
oCeanBPower: those are UNIX-Domain socket files for inter-process communication.19:24
robertzaccourare there any free VOIP clients for Linux? google-talkplugin doesn't install now19:25
BPoweroCean, I wasn't really talking about those19:25
spetreaI've some problems with dpkg-buildpackage19:26
CombatjuanThis gdb/python bug was filed over a year ago.  Is it really possible that it is still "Status: New", Unassigned and unfixed?  I'm not trying to criticize, I just have no idea how the patching process works for Ubuntu.19:26
jwrigley!voip | robertzaccour19:26
ubotturobertzaccour: VoIP is Voice over IP. The default VoIP client for Ubuntu is !Ekiga. There is also an xmpp voice component in !Empathy. Kubuntu Clients include Kphone and Twinkle. Proprietary Clients include !Skype and Gizmo5. VoIP server applications include Asterisk and Yate ( both in repositories ), FreePBX, and SipX.19:26
spetreaI made a package and used dh_make to the debian/ thing with all configuration files19:26
spetreanow I did dpkg-buildpackage and that made me a .deb19:27
robertzaccourjwrigley, I meant free ones. I'm googling for stuff atm thanks anyway19:27
spetreabut when I want to make a new .deb and use dpkg-buildpackage for this, the .deb stays the same regardless of my changes to debian/19:27
spetreafiles in debian/* actually ..19:27
spetreaand if I remove the .deb in an attempt to ask dpkg-buildpackage to rebuild the package from scratch I get an error19:28
jwrigleyrobertzaccour: ekiga?19:28
spetreadpkg-genchanges: error: cannot fstat file ../libweather-perl_0.05-1_all.deb: No such file or directory19:28
BPoweroCean, I'm talking about these: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4115701/Screenshots/Selection_002.png19:28
robertzaccourjwrigley, I can call phones for free with ekiga?19:28
Combatjuanspetrea: I think that it likes you to run dh_clean.  I remember having similar problems though I never got them fully resolved.19:29
goodasi was trying to update my firefox flash plugin, from the official site and when i download the .rpm package and try to run it i get "failed to install package" i reckon thats "kpackage" program thats opening it19:29
=== MichealH is now known as KowalskiJ
mordofa lot of my panel items have %U in the command arguments. I've been told that it's specific to Ubuntu. anyone know what this flag does?19:30
jwrigleyrobertzaccour: what? you can't call phones for free with anything. The phone company that connects the call will want money.19:30
oCeanBPower: yeah so?19:31
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trismmordof: they aren't specific to ubuntu, see: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html19:31
spetreaCombatjuan: I'll give it a shot, thanks19:32
oCeanBPower: it's customary to use that19:32
jwrigleyrobertzaccour: The program is free. free as in beer and free as in free speech. That's as much as we can hope for.19:32
dpritchettSo I have a new ubuntu server VM and I just changed my only sudo-capable user's primary group and now he can't sudo.  Can I recover this or should I reformat?19:32
jwrigleyrobertzaccour: unless of course you setup your own telephone network, that includes all the people you wish to talk to.19:32
BPoweroCean, I was just venting. I'd prefer those all to be in their own folder to keep things clean e.g. /home/user/.systemdata/ or /home/user/.appdata/19:33
mordoftrism: based on that document, a lot of my panel items are using it wrong.. though i still don't quite understand it19:34
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Darkenvywow force of hapit ><19:34
=== testing123111 is now known as macer1
gaspar|workHello! Is there a tutorial on how to install ubuntu 10.* ON a usb drive so that I can keep my files etc? I have an old nebook with 8GB drive that needs windows installed and I cannot get to squeeze Ubuntu on it. Having it work off of usb would be perfect for me.19:36
mordoftrism: nevermind, upon reading it a second time i think I get it19:36
dv310p3rHow can I make apache not care who the owner of the files are? I'm trying to either add my user to the apache group, or vice versa so I dont' have to change the permisisions of 10000+ files.19:36
dv310p3rI had it working just like that before having to get a new hard drive.19:36
dv310p3rAll the data is exactly the same, permissions, etc...19:37
dv310p3rSorry wrong channel19:37
=== JameZ7 is now known as James_E
shane2peruanyone know of skype dialing app?  I know there are a few, for example jpilot offers a plugin to dial out to skype, is there anything more universal?19:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:39
CosmicVoyagerno matter how i format my hard drive, there is a folder called lost+found taking 50GB i cant get rid of19:40
mordoftrism: any chance you know of a link to explain what ubuntu is replacing those exec keys with?19:41
mordoftrism: because i know nothing about this, i'm having a hard time finding anything relevant in google :\19:41
cjs226anyone using imfile with rsyslog?19:46
mordoftrism: nevermind, found it :D such useful info to know19:46
=== Mud is now known as Guest18060
nicofsWhat do I have to type in nautilus ("open location") to open a specific folder in my network (specified by either pc name or ip)? "smb:///name-or-ip/folder" ?19:48
meowsusI have 150 output directories from a PhotoRec recovery. Each file inside is either an avi, dv or mpg file. There are about 500 files per directory. I want to move each file to one of three other directories, named after their exctension (so each .avi goes into /foo/bar/avi), but when i run the command I obviously get the "argument list too long" error. What can i do about this?19:49
nicofsMAREK_BENC_NetB, is there a specific reason why i can see many computers in "network" but not all even if they should be there?19:50
MAREK_BENC_NetBI don't know much about Dos.19:50
MAREK_BENC_NetBOk, now it's called "NT"19:52
MAREK_BENC_NetBBut it's basicly DOS19:52
jakempHow do I disable scroll momentum?19:52
LjLMAREK_BENC_NetB: nonsense19:52
adi11hi all. i need help with booting ubuntu 11.04 on a hp dv6700. after a fresh install from USB drive, the system hangs on after grub page. it stays like purple screen and nothing happens. can any one halp me. thanks19:52
nicofsIt's always a nuisance to have win and linux in one network... nothing works... win can't see my shares i can only see half of the win shares... it's really crappy19:52
marvimotois there someone who can help me to get my m-audio delta audiophile 2496 working with kubuntu19:53
adi11is this something that has to do with nvidia drivers or the kernel issue or a grub issue?19:53
MAREK_BENC_NetBnicofs: So setup something simpler, Like an FTP! In windows, you can use FileZilla, and on linux, you can use vsftpd.19:54
dv310p3rI've added my user to www-data, and I've added www-data to my group. If the owner of all the directorys and the files is my user, shouldn't I not get any permissions errors.19:54
nicofsMAREK_BENC_NetB, it's someone else's pc... can't go there and just set up something... that sftp:/// isn't working, either...19:55
earthling_Is there a shortcut key to logout? I'm looking to do the log out option at the power icon. Ctrl-Alt-Del doesn't seem to have this option.19:55
meowsusFigured it out. Find command.19:55
zykotick9!nomodeset | adi1119:55
ubottuadi11: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:55
nicofsearthling_, i think you can do that in energy options...19:55
ted__hey, this is driving me nuts. http://imgur.com/c6psi. How do you press <ok>?19:56
earthling_nicofs, do you mean power management?19:56
glebihanted__, press Tab then Return19:56
llutzted__: TAB key19:56
MAREK_BENC_NetBInstall dontzap19:56
nicofsearthling_, yes...19:56
ted__thanks guys19:56
idlemindted_ use tab then endter19:56
idlemind* enter19:56
BlackHandEvenning yall'.19:56
earthling_nicofs, ok, will check, thanks19:56
MAREK_BENC_NetBearthling_: Dontzap is the thing you want, google it up19:56
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap19:57
zykotick9!dontzap | earthling_19:57
ubottuearthling_: please see above19:57
adi11the only way i can get in the sys is to boot recovery mode, and after some text on the black screen i can type "exit" and finally i can get in ubuntu19:57
jackoriperhi, despite i plugged in earphones , sound comes out laptop speakers,  what could be the problem ?19:57
earthling_!dontzap | earthling_19:57
ubottuearthling_, please see my private message19:57
shane2peruanyone know of a skype dialer app for ubuntu?19:57
zykotick9earthling_, i don't think dontzap will help with logout!19:57
zykotick9earthling_, dontzap re-enables the ctrl+alt+backspace to restart Xorg19:58
earthling_hmm ok19:58
MAREK_BENC_NetBIt Kills X, and GDM restarts it19:58
llutzin that case, you can use sysrq+k19:58
zertyui just instal virtualbox4 on my ubuntu, my printer not detecting19:58
zertyuwhat i have to do ?19:58
BlackHandAnyone here that can tell me if Ubuntu 11.10 BETA 1 is stable?19:59
llutzkilling stuff != logout19:59
zykotick9zertyu, ask in #vbox as it's not the support ubuntu version19:59
oCeanBlackHand: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion19:59
adi11how to find out what driver my graphic card is using? thanks19:59
MAREK_BENC_NetBadi11: dmesg?20:00
adi11MAREK_BENC_NetB: thanks20:00
EgyParadoxBlackHand, its not stable yet applications still crashes, I suggest waiting20:00
EgyParadoxstill crash*20:00
glebihanBlackHand, beta=not stable20:01
* zykotick9 thinks the ONLY point of installing ALPHA/BETA versions of ubuntu is to report bugs20:01
oCeanadi11: also try  lspci -k | grep -i graph -A 320:02
BlackHandCool, thanks for all the replies.20:02
* MAREK_BENC_NetB thinks ubuntu is not stable at all20:02
* MAREK_BENC_NetB Compared to other Distros20:02
* zykotick9 agrees with MAREK_BENC_NetB20:02
oCeanMAREK_BENC_NetB: please stop the silly /me messages20:03
OdaymI installed phpmyadmin through "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"20:03
Odaymand restarted apache20:03
Odaymcan't I find it in "localhost/phpmyadmin"?20:04
Odaymalthough it installed nothing in /var/www/20:04
Odaymit's in /usr/share20:05
oCeanOdaym: in /etc/apache2/conf.d should be a phpmyadmin.conf20:05
oCeanOdaym: in there should be the actual location (/usr/share) - is this correct?20:05
BlackHand@MAREK_BENC_NetB: What distribution do you consider stable then?20:05
OdaymI am in that folder now20:05
OdaymArch is pretty stable, so is Debian20:05
Odaymthere's no phpmyadmin.conf under the /etc/apache2/conf.d directory, oCean20:06
oCeanOdaym: please check /var/log/apache2/error_log if any errors occurred during restart20:06
oCeanOdaym: there is not? I think it should be there20:06
Odaymno error, only 2 errors from when I tried accessing localhost/phpmyadmin in my browser20:06
ThePendulumGreen things20:07
BlackHand@Odaym: Never heard of Arch before, though I have used Debian ofcourse.20:07
oCeanOdaym: give me a sec, starting another machine which has phpmyadmin running..20:07
OdaymArchLinux, BlackHand ...come on! :o20:08
oCeanBlackHand: Odaym this channel is for ubuntu support, not discussion on other distributions20:08
Odaymof course20:08
ThePendulumMy network printer (Kyocera) returns nothing but %!PS-Adobe-3.0 $$LanguageLevel: 2 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atent) %%Document if controlled by Ubuntu20:08
oCeanOdaym: I checked, phpmyadmin.conf should be (as i said) in /etc/apache2/conf.d20:08
Odaymand if it isn't?20:09
oCeanOdaym: something failed to create that during installation20:09
Odaymwhat would you suppose went wrong?20:09
CaptainKnotsI'm running lucid....my network manager allows me to connect to wireless with wpa, but it drops about 66% of all packets. does anyone know what could be causing this?20:09
Max229How do I change the login screen image?20:09
adi11where i can find the correct driver for this: 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M] (rev a2)20:09
oCeanOdaym: you can try reinstalling by adding --reinstall to the apt-get install command20:09
adi11i think now its using default driver "neauvou"20:10
oCeanOdaym: do you have an /etc/phpmyadmin directory? Does it contain apache.conf file?20:10
Odaymit does, oCean20:10
Odaymat the top it says "Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin"20:11
oCeanOdaym: in that case, you can create the link:   sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf20:11
ThePendulumAnyone? :O20:12
Odaymdone, oCean20:12
oCeanOdaym: restart apache, and try again20:12
Odaymthank you20:12
oCeanOdaym: welcome20:13
=== B0g4r7__ is now known as B0g4r7
adi11 driver for this  ???    00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M] (rev a2)20:13
adi11anyone thanks :)20:13
Guest1131Is anyone by anychance having an issue where they can not see anything except the purple background in ubuntu 11.04? (This worked fine in my Virtual box), but  I can't use this "For real" and I can only use ubuntu classic. :(20:14
CaptainKnotsI'm running lucid....my network manager allows me to connect to wireless with wpa, but it drops about 66% of all packets. does anyone know what could be causing this?20:14
Odaymwhat do you mean by "for real"?20:14
cheakoHello, what's the boot arg to not start GDM/X?  to boot into runlevel 2?20:14
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
cheakoWhere are the boot args documentd?20:15
Odaymand get a real nickname, Guest1131 ..20:15
BlackHand@Guest1131: I had that issue, have you tried updating yout Ubuntu installation? That fixed it for me.20:15
=== Guest1131 is now known as Ibis
guntbert!nox | cheako20:15
ubottucheako: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:15
adi11Guest1131 : i am seeing purple screen after grub.20:16
guntbert!runlevel | cheako although20:16
ubottucheako although: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.20:16
IbisNickserv kicked me off my name -.-  although it said I logged in.20:16
cheakoguntbert: thx!20:17
IbisAnyway, I'm over this IRC.  I've updated and I'm still having this issue.20:17
guntbertcheako: you're welcome :-)20:17
NazarynThank you #linux.20:17
trinimosesguys i am looking for a cheap 10gbe copper switch20:17
Ibisodaym, "To not use virtualbox and install Ubuntu  the regular not-in-virtualbox way".20:18
NazarynSo I pulled out my laptop in a class of 120+ undergrads. Kid behind me goes: "Holy.. what is THAT?" -- It's Linux. "Wow, how much does it cost?" -- Slowly: It's Free. -- FREE?! -- Free as in free beer. -- D: .. Cool Points +9000 today20:18
BlackHandIbis: Tried another theme perhaps?20:19
=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
IbisI would but I can't even do that.20:19
cheakoI've only access to internet via socks proxy and I know others are behind http/connect proxies.  Empathy for one has a lack of support and there is a bug 304889.  I was wondering if there was more assistance thous forced to use proxies can get?20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304889 in telepathy-idle "Does not use system proxy settings" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30488920:20
BlackHandIbis: Strange, when I had that issue, I could at least still right-click... :S20:20
IbisI only get desktop background, that's it.  No mouse cursor. I can click around on invisible things and some stuff would popup. but it's rather irritating -.-20:20
philinuxTest from android20:20
cheakoguntbert: Appending text didn't work.  What about runlevel 2...  is it the same as 3 and 4?  I guess I'll have to resort to single user mode.20:21
guntbertcheako: how did it "not work"?20:22
cheakoguntbert: No effect.20:22
guntbertcheako: where did you append it?20:22
zykotick9cheako, to disable GDM from starting you can MOVE the GDM file in /etc/init/ to GDM-FOO.disabled20:23
cheakoguntbert: After the other boot args in grub on the line starting with linux.20:23
IbisOH now that I think about it, I was only able to use this in virtualbox.  When I wanted to show my friend the cool stuff I was doing, I couldn't get any screenshot. The screenshot  thing will only photograph my purple desktop background and nothing else.  Virtualbox "preview" of a virtual system that runs only shown the purple desktop background as well.20:23
cheakozykotick9: I'm trying to boot with no X, the root issue is that my keyborad is non-functional(save syskey) in X.  Attempting to trigger the X keeps crashing dialog also failed.20:24
gdoubleu_where can I find beta ISOs for 11.10?20:24
zykotick9cheako, disabling GDM disables Xorg - so it will boot to command line20:24
bilygatesDoes anyone know a fix for the Xorg bug/memory leak that's taking up 700+ MB for some users?20:24
bilygatesgdoubleu http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/20:25
gdoubleu_seems that there should be a link somewhere on the get involved pages, but I'm not finding one20:25
cheakozykotick9: "No user input."  This makes even trivial changes like moving or deleting files a little tricky.20:25
* Raphael 20:25
zykotick9cheako, ahhh, i'm on the trolley now.20:26
cheakoCurrently my only access is via the mouse and syskey...  also grub.20:26
cheakobooting with single appears to hang, but when I did the three finger solute I say the menu for what mode I wanted.  So this time I'll try switching VTs.20:27
IbisWas I just kicked? o.O20:28
Paladinlawis it possible to convert all .ppm files in a folder to .jpg?20:29
cheakoI'm now working on looking into X to see why it's not binding to the keyboard.20:29
guntbertcheako: sorry, I was trying to reproduce the steps for you but fails with a uncooperative VM :-(20:29
PolahIbis: No, you disconnected20:30
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=== KKSlide is now known as The_Mysterious_S
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llutzPaladinlaw: for i in *.ppm; do convert $i $(i/ppm/jpg}; done20:30
bilygatespaladinlaw you need to have imagemagick installed too20:31
bilygatessudo apt-get install imagemagick20:31
guntbert!nickspam | KKSlide20:31
Paladinlawbilygates: i have it thx :D20:31
ubottuKKSlide: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »20:31
cheakoguntbert: I've got single user mode now, but having a runlevel with nox is a good idea, so a sysadmin can go from single usermode to a mode with nox...  currently I don't think that's possible if the only access to a text boot is by boot args.20:31
Paladinlawllutz: for i in *.ppm; do convert $i $(i/ppm/jpg}; done             doesnt seem to work?20:31
Paladinlawllutz: i get > in terminal20:32
llutzPaladinlaw: for i in *.ppm; do convert $i ${i/ppm/jpg}; done                    sry typo20:32
guntbertcheako: the concept of "runlevels" is being phased out in ubuntu, so changing them will also be meaningless20:33
cheakoguntbert: That's like saying were not going to use the concept of memory...  even if you have only one you still have a runlevel.20:33
gaspar|workIs there a way to install Ubuntu on a usb drive so it keeps my files etc. after restart? I found some tutorials online but they are outdated.20:33
bilygatesis anybody else having troubles with Xorg taking up huge amounts of ram? :(20:34
KKSlideI've installed ubuntu for the first time on a windows PC. I was getting a problem with a blank screen but found a solution for that. Now when ubuntu installs after I boot it I've been getting an error "no root file system defined"  anyone know what I should be doing20:34
Paladinlawllutz: nice it worked :D any know for removing all .ppm?:P20:35
llutzPaladinlaw: rm *.ppm20:35
cheakoregardless your going to have conditions where the system is shutting down and booting up, so these will be two run levels.  Also going to have a third for maintance so that's a total of four diffrent runlevels.20:35
guntbertcheako: I'm not advocating here, just telling you the facts - and no: runlevels have been much more than just X vs. no X, so you cannot definitely state "I'm running in RL3 now" if you are not...20:35
Paladinlawllutz: LOL omg thx20:36
Paladinlawllutz: sick linux20:36
DasEi1KKSlide: reinstall grub-pc, either with subergrubdisk or first link of :20:36
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:36
cheakoWell, whatever you call then there will be at least four... so making a fifth shouldn't be a problem.20:36
cheakoI'm not advocating keeping runlevels, I'm just saying that whatever is used to replace them should have some amount of flexibility.20:37
PolahIf I install Ubuntu on a partition of an external USB drive, could I make a second partition containing various ISOs for architectures of various systems and configure GRUB to be able to choose to boot from each of these ISOs or the Ubuntu system installed?20:38
KKSlideokay thanks20:39
guntbertcheako: and that is not a support issue, developers are rarely here so your statement *here* doesn't help any20:39
MikeChelencan anyone recommend a media player with tagging and categorization for videos?20:39
newbie435645Hello! I need help. I am getting http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/6031/42418785.png if i wright sudo apt-get install xautomation epiphany-browser. What is the problem and what can i do?20:39
LjLnewbie435645: is Universe enabled?20:39
cheakoguntbert: Not excellent at triage.  Perhaps I could get help with that?20:40
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bullgard4When plugging in a USB hard drive, Nautilus recognizes the label of a partition. When clicking on this label, Nautilus opens a message window: "Unable to mount <partion_label>. Not Authorized. OK". About 20 days ago I could mount this partition without any problems. How to fix this problem?20:41
guntbertcheako: help with finding a place where to discuss such decisions?20:41
newbie435645LjL: I am running live cd on virtual box. First i do "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove all "#" . After "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove network-manager network-manager-gnome && sudo apt-get install xautomation epiphany-browser"20:41
newbie435645LjL: remuving not all # but if after comes deb20:42
B0g4r7_How can I modify which services are started automatically at boot time?20:42
newbie435645LjL: and i dont know what is Universe20:43
LjLnewbie435645: i'd run sudo apt-get update separately and make sure there aren't any errors output20:43
LjLnewbie435645: Universe is a component of the Ubuntu repositories. it should indeed get enabled if you remove the # from "deb" lines.20:43
vic20gmri have 2 questions, 1] if i use an older version off ubuntu will i be able to use fglrx that supports r350/360? and 2]what is the newest older version that will give me an fglrx driver that will work on my radeon 9600 [r350/360]?20:44
newbie435645LjL: Yes i did it. Thanks for help :)20:44
newbie435645LjL: will wait you :)20:44
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vic20gmri understand that if yes is the answer to either of these, ill be usin an unsupported version of ubuntu, but i have a real nead to install an older version, for specific times20:45
cheakoYay!  I got my kbd working.  Xorg-edgers has dropped input-kbd from there repo, so I turned on autoadddevices.20:45
SkroMa`aWhat about this page friends.. ---> http://ihjalp.se/drupal6/.20:48
SkroMa`aWhat about this page friends.. ---> http://ihjalp.se/drupal6/ :)20:48
guntbert!yay | cheako20:49
ubottucheako: Glad you made it! :-)20:49
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TL1hey i fixed my grub today but it showing a - only then no harddisk activity (Vmware) any ideas ?20:50
TL1after choosing my kernel20:51
TL1also in recovery mode20:51
jbehlingdoes anyone know why nothing is being written to my auth.log in 11.04?20:51
jbehlingor where to check to make sure gdm / pam is logging to auth.log20:52
mlncnThis may seem like a question i've answered if i'm in here, but what IRC client do you recommend for Ubuntu?  Not liking Xchat.20:52
Neurotiquettemlmcn: Konversation is my favorite20:53
* yeats uses irssi20:53
TL1I'm using the one with the opera browser it is good20:53
Neurotiquettemlncn: That being said, I've noticed when I upgrade ubuntu it started having weird issues. Kind of sick of the new ubuntu layout anyway, may switch to mint. Probably not the place to be bragging about that. :>20:53
NeurotiquetteKDE looks pretty nice20:53
mlncnNeurotiquette: hehe, i'm seeing how long i can go before i add the 700+ mb to use KDE programs.  Now's probably the time to just do it  :-)20:54
* TL1 is looking for an answer20:54
mlncnyeats: can irssi save chat rooms?  just tried it and i seem to start at square one.  But then Skype crashed my Ubuntu in the middle of a session...20:55
TL1mlncn: opera can.20:55
IbisSo anyone else had this "I can only see desktop background" issue in Ubuntu as well?20:56
mlncnTL1: cool, i was an early-ish Opera adopter years ago on Windows, been in Mac land and used it as backup, it'll be fun to come back to it on Linux, if only for IRC  :-)20:56
bullgard4When plugging in a USB hard drive, Nautilus recognizes the label of a partition. When clicking on this label, Nautilus opens a message window: "Unable to mount <partion_label>. Not Authorized. OK". About 20 days ago I could mount this partition without any problems. How to fix this problem?20:56
mlncnTL1: opera isn't in the repositories?20:57
cheakoIbis: What about clicking the background?  left/rt/middle?20:57
TL1mlncn: i think so20:57
TL1mlncn: get a copy from their website it's linux native20:58
Ibismlncn: http://www.opera.com/              You'll get your ubuntu/debian-ish            .deb         package installer. And it will add their own repository. (Controlled by opera).20:58
IbisBRB need to reboot.20:58
mlncnah yes!  Ibis, TL1, thanks!20:58
* TL1 Welcomes mlncn20:59
edwardthefmawho hear knows how to set up a dns using freedns.afraid.org21:00
mzuverinkedwardthefma, whats wrong with dyndns21:01
edwardthefma<mzuverink> you have to pay to use a domane name that you alredy own21:01
mzuverinkedwardthefma, true enough21:02
edwardthefmayou know how i can set it up21:02
mzuverinkedwardthefma, I only use dyndns, so I cant help, sorry21:03
edwardthefma<mzuverink> you wana be my back up for help if i cant figure this out21:03
newbie435645LjL: did you checked it? :)21:05
TL1help with the blank screen plz21:05
jbehlingcan anyone help me with rsyslog and the auth.log file?21:07
MikeChelencan anyone recommend a media player with tagging and categorization for videos?21:07
bullgard4jbehling: Do you mean /var/log/rsyslog?21:09
jbehlingwell i guess i mean the logging facility in general21:09
jbehlingi'm not getting anything written to /var/log/auth.log21:09
jbehlingtrying to debug pam21:10
SpiderFr1dhi I installed arch but I couldnt log in as root(wrong pass) so I thought I misstyped it when installing I reinstalled the system and there was same problem again21:10
jbehlingnormally i get tons of info in /var/log/auth.log after each login attempt21:10
jbehlingnow i have nothing there, and a /var/log/auth.log.1 with some really old data in it21:10
jbehlingit works fine on other natty systems i have21:11
jribSpiderFr1d: you installed "arch" as in archlinux?21:11
newbie435645I am doing "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove all "#" from "deb" . After "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove network-manager network-manager-gnome && sudo apt-get install xautomation epiphany-browser". I am getting http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/6031/42418785.png if i wright "sudo apt-get install xautomation epiphany-browser" . What is the problem and what can i do?21:11
jbehlingcan't figure out why this is different21:11
Ibyss1Okay now I can not see any icons  in Unity. I can finally see the interface.21:11
jribnewbie435645: pastebin your sources.list21:11
Ibyss1Well, Actually I do, but just not on the unity bar on the LEFT side of my screen.21:12
jbehlingbullgard4: any thoughts?21:12
newbie435645jrib: will try to do it. One sec please :)21:13
bullgard4jbehling: I have no idea why your /var/log/auth.log is not filled. With me it is filled. I suspect that you have mingled your computer.21:13
uuplatinawhat is the difference between "xfsdump -J -s ew_gpfs -s ew_media - /mnt/media1 | xfsrestore -J - /mnt/media2"   and  just copying  "ew_gpfs" "ew_media"  from /mnt/media1 to /mnt/media221:14
rxt0hi there, i'm having some issues while switching themes on ubuntu 11.0421:16
* TL1 tried all kernels still no boot21:16
* TL1 also tried to ctrl+alt+f121:17
rxt0http://pastebin.com/ZCN64HaD  <- output21:17
rxt0http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa474/drkpkg/error3-1.png  <- some screenshots21:17
* TL1 dosen't know what to search for21:18
LmtdAtHow do I search for packages using Kubuntu?21:18
DasEi1jbehling: check  /etc/rsyslog.conf       for     auth,authpriv.* pointing to /var/log/auth.log21:18
LmtdAtI thought it is something like "apt-get search <pkgname>"21:18
LmtdAtbut that clearly doesn't work.21:18
DasEi1LmtdAt: apt-cache search21:18
DasEi1LmtdAt: apt-cache search ssh for example21:18
jbehlingDasEi1: thanks, that was setup correctly. I ended up fixing it by removing /var/log/auth.log* and now it works fine21:19
* TL1 requesting help21:19
LmtdAtDasEi1, danke!21:19
uuplatinawhat is the difference between "xfsdump -J -s ew_gpfs -s ew_media - /mnt/media1 | xfsrestore -J - /mnt/media2"   and  just copying  "ew_gpfs" "ew_media"  from /mnt/media1 to /mnt/media221:19
DasEi1LmtdAt: and info about a certain package is apt-cache show gedit21:19
LmtdAtDasEi1, Thanks again.21:19
TL1HELP !21:20
msilvieraTL1, could you be more specific?21:20
TL1msilviera: I boot my kernel and i see nothing.21:21
TL1msilviera: even on recovery mode21:21
i_is_brokeTL1 > !ati21:22
msilvieramaybe it didn't write a mbr or set the partition bootable?21:22
TL1i_is_broke: no vmware21:22
TL1i followed exactly the documentation21:23
TL1and reinstalled it21:23
msilvieraTL1, so you see nothing at all from the moment it begins booting?21:23
bullgard4When plugging in a USB hard drive, Nautilus recognizes the label of a partition. When clicking on this label, Nautilus opens a message window: "Unable to mount <partion_label>. Not Authorized. OK". About 20 days ago I could mount this partition without any problems. How to fix this problem?21:24
TL1msilviera: grub menu then nothing21:24
Fuchsbullgard4: check whether consolekit is running and whether the partition is _not_ in /etc/fstab21:25
msilvieraunless it's failing on the very first driver, sounds like grun is passing control to nothing21:25
Fuchsbullgard4: also try mounting by hand and see if this produces a more verbose error message21:25
=== Zephr0 is now known as Zephr0`afk
TL1msilviera: I can notice some hard disk actvity then null21:26
msilvieraso it's not getting as far as successfully loading the console driver21:26
blsh0pwhats the irc for docky?21:26
Ibyss1My issue appears exactly like this. No icons on the left tray.  http://i.imgur.com/Wa4Xx.jpg21:27
TL1msilviera: I've been playing with the system all day and i shrinked it21:27
TL1msilviera: yap21:27
msilvierayou shrinked the partition?21:27
newbie435645jrib: my virtualbox freezed so i cant do pastebin of sources.list now. I will need some time to turn it on again. I will do it a bit later when i turn it again on21:27
Gentoo64blsh0p, not sure there is one. try #docky21:27
TL1msilviera: yes21:27
msilvieramaybe the kernel mods needed didn't get moved to the new inside of the shrunk partition?21:28
TL1msilviera: im not a ubuntu god21:28
TL1is there a way to reinstall ubuntu21:29
TL1like windows21:29
TL1i mean with same settings and programs and files21:29
uuplatinawhat is the difference between "xfsdump -J -s ew_gpfs -s ew_media - /mnt/media1 | xfsrestore -J - /mnt/media2"   and  just copying  "ew_gpfs" "ew_media"  from /mnt/media1 to /mnt/media221:29
=== G7|Cloud is now known as G7|CloudyDay
IdleOne!clone | TL121:29
ubottuTL1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:29
DasEi1TL1: let's see again, I just switched back in, youz shrunk a partition and now ubuntu won't boot ?21:30
msilvierado you have any other things (like windows) on the same harddrive?21:30
TL1DasEi1: kernel21:30
DasEi1TL1: does ubuntu boot or not ?21:30
TL1my hard is ext4 , ntfs ,ntfs ,ntfs ,ntfs21:30
TL1but no windows install21:31
msilvieraTL1, you may have to zero all the secotrs in the extfs partition and do a reinstall21:31
TL1DasEi1: not but i can see the menu21:31
Gentoo64TL1, if you want to reinstall just reinstall over the ext4 bit21:32
DasEi1TL1: first thing would be to check the uuids of fstab, which will be different after resizing, use a live cd21:32
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
DasEi1!info blkid | TL1:21:32
ubottuTL1:: Package blkid does not exist in natty21:32
TL1Gentoo64: would it be the same again21:32
TL1im on lucid21:32
Gentoo64idk what the prblem is21:32
DasEi1TL1: run sudo blkid from a livecd21:32
DasEi1TL1: then check if that's what /etc/fstab knows about your drive(s)21:33
t0ken"$have_money ? show_money() : get_a_job();"   <--- what's that called?21:34
tripelbhi. what I want to know is what is the text processor that uses this kind of instruction --- http://www.google.com/21:34
TL1DasEi1: once ago i edited this file he was telling me that he can't mount my ntfss but no he don't21:34
* TL1 working on the live cd21:34
=== G7|CloudyDay is now known as G7|Cloud
msilvieraTL1, do you have yet any important data on the extfs parition?21:35
DasEi1TL1: mind that you need hd's fstab, not the one from livecd21:35
TL1!info blkid21:35
tripelbhi. what I want to know is what is the text processor that uses this kind of instruction --- s/goo/good/21:35
ubottuPackage blkid does not exist in natty21:35
DasEi1TL1: run sudo blkid from a livecd21:35
DasEi1TL1: that command is in a metapackage21:36
qintripelb: sed, ed?21:36
almoxarifeis there a simple way to keep two folders on two machines on a local network synced?21:36
bullgard4Fuchs: The partiotion is not in /etc/fstab.21:36
jribtripelb: a lot of programs use that... for example: perl, sed, vim21:36
TL1where was fstab21:36
TL1ok so etc21:36
Fuchsalmoxarife: well, unison with some frontend would be a possibility21:37
qinalmoxarife: Yes, rsync21:37
slimвсем привет21:37
Fuchsalmoxarife: or just rsync, which is used by unison (which makes it more comfortable)21:37
TL1my fstab contains 2 lines only21:37
msilvieraTL1, if your install worked before the shrinking, and if you don't have any irreplacable data on the extfs partition, it might probably be less effort to erase and start over than to figure out the problem21:37
almoxarifeFuchs: which has a gui? :)21:37
Fuchsalmoxarife: if you want: it can have a gtk+ GUI21:38
Fuchsalmoxarife: you can use it with a CLI as well, depending what you prefer21:38
homerohi to all....i'm new in this great world of linux...but i have a problem with the wifi conection of my notebook compaq cq56224 la21:38
homeroplis i need help, thanks! ;)21:38
almoxarifeFuchs: cool, cli is hard on me, my typing skills suck21:38
TL1i wan't to reinstall the easy way21:38
chaospsychexhomero: do you get a msg upon booting about 'missing firmware' ?21:38
TL1i don't want to download the updates all over again21:39
slimрусские есть?21:39
Fuchsalmoxarife: then try the GUI, it is rather nice21:39
TL1and the packages21:39
almoxarifeFuchs: gui on which package?21:39
Fuchsalmoxarife: however, you first have to set up unison on both machines, and a way on how to connect from one to the other (e.g. ssh)21:39
LSDelusionsHello, I recently tried from live CD ubuntu 11.04 and 10.04. They seem very different on 1st glance ( I don't know anything on linux). Which one should I install?21:39
Fuchsalmoxarife: read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Unison21:39
almoxarifeFuchs: thnks21:40
Fuchsno problem21:40
TL1also when i try to boot physically my exhdd my hp craptop dosen't even show the menu21:40
qinLSDelusions: Which one you like better.21:40
msilvieraTL1, fair enough21:40
TL1DasEi1: only two lines21:41
homerochaospsychex, thanks, but i don know write and read very well in english21:41
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...21:41
TL1msilviera: is there anyway to do this ?21:41
chaospsychexyou speak spanish? there is a ubuntu spanish channel i think?21:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:41
pythonHello, I've lost my id_rsa key, but I still have my pub key, is there anyway to recover it ?21:41
Ibyss1Anyone having this problem? No icons on the left side of the screen (the unity bar thing).  I can not change my cursor.  http://i.imgur.com/Wa4Xx.jpg21:41
jpmhpython: if there was it would make a mockery of PKI21:42
jribpython: no, of course not21:42
homerochaospsychex, how i doit that?21:42
pythonSo I'm lost21:42
jribpython: use your backups21:42
DasEi1TL1: so mount your root, cd there and compare the strings with that output21:42
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pythonDon't have backup21:43
jpmhpython: if you could persuade the NSA or someone like to helo you the it probably could be done21:43
jribpython: take this as opportunity to realize you should make backups :)21:43
qinIs there any tool to fetch ISBN and eventualy manage collection?21:43
homerosi hablo español chaospsychex21:43
chaospsychexhomero: type '/join #ubuntu-es' to join the spanish channel21:43
jpmhqin: there is a perl module that grabs the data given an isbn if that;s what you mean21:43
chaospsychexEscribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter21:43
homerothanks ;)21:44
TL1DasEi1: he is talking about sdc.21:45
TL1i think that i don't have21:45
qinjpmh: Have collection of pdf (mostly with author title in name), my job is to make it tidy, evaluate, and get ready for online search and reading.21:45
DasEi1TL1: use the right uuid from blkid, without the quotes (")21:46
jpmhqin your are getting into applictaions rather than OS here21:46
LSDelusionsqin: Don't ehy have any other difference apart from the interface?21:46
qinjpmh: I know.21:48
msilvieraTl1, it's good to know you shouldn't shrink the boot parition. I'll have to make a mental note of that21:50
bullgard4Fuchs: The process console-kit-daemon is running. --  The command '~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb/ /mnt works flawlessly and I can play a piece of music from this partition.21:50
bullgard4Fuchs: The process console-kit-daemon is running. --  The command '~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1/ /mnt works flawlessly and I can play a piece of music from this partition.21:51
TL1DasEi1: do you mind looking at that21:51
Fuchsbullgard4: are you able to mount other partitions from nautilus, or is just this one not working?   (oh, and it is probably not /dev/sdb/ but rather /dev/sdbsomenumber)21:51
TL1msilviera: i don't have one if i reinstalled should i create one21:52
msilvierawhat do you mean you don't have a boot parition?21:53
Gentoo64you dont need one...21:53
nickradfordHow do you write an upstart script that will allow any user to start the service without using sudo?21:53
msilvierayour boot parition would be the extfs you're booting from?21:54
DasEi1nickradford: you can make it executable and add it to /etc/rc.local21:54
DasEi1TL1: pastebin it21:54
KrenairWhat would cause Natty to stop recognising my audio and video inputs?21:54
TL1i did21:54
TL1DasEi1: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69405321:55
qFoxquick question, whats the current default desktop UI for ubuntu (11.04) called? and what was it's predecessor called?21:55
DasEi1TL1: ah21:55
PolahqFox: Unity and GNOME. Unity is based on GNOME though21:55
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qFoxah unity, that's right21:55
qFoxthanks :)21:55
usr13nickradford: What service are you talking about?21:55
KrenairIt just like21:56
KrenairDoesn't recognise them21:56
KrenairAt all anymore21:56
bullgard4Fuchs: Nautilus does not mount another 2 partiotions of the same USB hard drive either. Let me haten to add that I can mount all 3 partitions automatically on another Ubuntu computer though.21:56
Gentoo64Krenair, have you checked alsamixer? or the sound control panel thing?21:56
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Ibyss1qFox: Are you having troubles seeing icons on the left side of your screen when you're in unity?21:57
DasEi1TL1: so sdb1 aka  UUID="180dd15e-4611-49be-a344-c7478c264eb0 will be your root, correct that then21:57
TL1msilviera: oh i meant a seperate one21:57
KrenairGentoo64, yes21:57
KrenairIt was recognised a few days ago21:57
KrenairI'm wondering if an update killed it or something21:57
qFoxi removed unity. i think it's a serious p.o.s.21:57
Gentoo64Krenair, possibly21:57
nickradfordDasEi1: I'll try that21:57
qFoxi'm using classic desktop, so GNOME :)21:57
Ibyss1qFox: But did you?21:57
Fuchsbullgard4: do other media, such as flash memory, work?21:57
qFoxuh, no, i saw the icons on the left. in the OSX kind of way21:57
nickradfordusr13: It's a node.js application that I'm trying to daemonize21:58
msilvieraTL1, if you can boot from the cd, perhaps you might copy all the update files off the extfs parition to one of the ntfs partitions, and then erase and do a clean install?21:58
qFoxbut creating new ones is just madness, imho21:58
KrenairIt doesn't recognise my webcam21:58
Ibyss1Alrighties. For some reason, mines is just missing icons21:58
qFoxwhoever thought of that should be ... well.21:58
qFoxwhat do you mean with missing?21:58
qFoxthe bar is there though?21:58
slbmehhello, i'm trying to help a friend troubleshoot a new install.  the issue that we are encountering is that reboot raises a kernel panic... shutdown -r does not21:58
nickradfordDasEi1: I don't have a directory at /etc/rc.local21:58
Ibyss1Yea. The name of the app appears only if I "over where the icons should be at".21:58
TL1DasEi1: i dont see a pkace for root uuid21:59
qFoxsounds like a bug, but as you might be able to tell i'm not that much of an expert myself21:59
Ibyss1It's like this picture here: http://i.imgur.com/Wa4Xx.jpg21:59
qFoxhave you tried widening it?21:59
Ibyss1I will just use Ubuntu classic.21:59
tensorpuddingIbyss1: nice bug21:59
qFoxi've actually fixed a silly bug with vertical rendering with the panels package manually :s21:59
mzuverinkIbyss1, I agree21:59
TL1msilviera: i dont know where are they ,2- replacing the old ones would do the trick ?22:00
DasEi1nickradford: it's a file where you add your script (including path and made executable) to22:00
qFoxIbyss1, do you plan on having a vertical bar again?22:00
qFoxin classic desktop22:00
mzuverinkIbyss1, classic know is where it is at unless running a netbook22:00
Ibyss1tensorpudding: I can't even change my cursor. I can see  the cursor when I hover it in some apps. (or whe ni want to rename a file).22:01
nickradfordDasEi1: And then I'll be able to run `start myservice` ?22:01
DasEi1TL1: /dev/sdc3       /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1 to UUID=180dd15e-4611-49be-a344-c7478c264eb0   /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 022:01
DasEi1nickradford: yes22:01
slbmehanyone know of what would cause a reboot to go in to kernel panic?  i wasn't able to find any related bugs or similar issues (there was one related to iwlagn in early 2009) that seem like they would apply22:02
mzuverinkIs gnome 3 making the 11.10 release?22:02
Ibyss1I do not plan on having a vertical bar again qFox.22:02
nickradfordDasEi1: and what's the syntax for the rc.local file?22:02
Ibyss1It's too alienating for my taste.22:02
blakeHi, I'm having a problem where when I type skype or try to run skype it says file not found but the file definately exists (At /usr/bin/skype) Why would this be happening22:02
DasEi1nickradford: gksu gedit /etc/rc.local22:02
DasEi1nickradford: add a line above exit 0 ./mysript.sh , that will be called as root at bootup then22:03
digdigHelp please, is it possible to start installing apps (via synaptic or software-center) to another disk too? or when the first disk is filled up. the first disk is sd22:03
nickradfordDasEi1: That's not what I need to happen. I need to be able to start or stop an upstart service via command line, and I wrote the .conf file for it.22:04
digdigHelp please, is it possible to start installing apps (via synaptic or software-center) to another disk too? or when the first disk is filled up. the first disk is ssd22:04
usr13blake: which  skype   #What does that say?22:04
blakeblake@blake-laptop:~$ which skype22:04
DasEi1nickradford: that would be /etc/init then, but it might be easier to do it directly , like service ssh start (or stop)22:05
blakeHowever blake@blake-laptop:~$ /usr/bin/skype22:05
blakebash: /usr/bin/skype: No such file or directory22:05
nickradfordDasEi1: which is what I was asking22:05
usr13$PATH  #See if it includes /usr/bin22:05
blakeIt does22:05
BlackHand@Digdig: Good question, I'd like to know too for future reference. :-P22:05
usr13blake: If you use the full path does it start and run?   i.e.    /usr/bin/skype22:06
nickradfordDasEi1: I have a service (call it foo) which I *can* run `sudo service foo start`, but the end users won't know the user account's password22:06
bullgard4Fuchs: No, Nautilus deals with an USB thumb drive the same way as with the USB hard drive: It does not mount when asked.  But the labels of the partitions of the thumb drive appear in Nautilus22:06
* TL1 working on22:06
blakeusr13: Nope, it wont execute, always says the file does not exist. even with the absolute path22:06
digdigHelp please, is it possible to start installing apps (via synaptic or software-center) to another disk too? or when the first disk is filled up. the first disk is ssd22:06
DasEi1nickradford: so just add service foo start in rc.local22:07
nickradfordDasEi1: The service may crash at some point, and the users will need to be able to start and stop the service.22:07
digdigHelp please, is it possible to start installing apps (via synaptic or software-center) to the second disk when the first disk will be full ??. the first disk is ssd22:07
TL1ive got video22:07
Fuchsbullgard4: check whether you get more errors in ~/.xsession-error22:07
Lithos84!repeat | digdig22:07
ubottudigdig: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:07
FuchsI am off to sleep now22:07
TL1but it said something about gconf sanity22:07
DasEi1nickradford: then visudo is your friend for just that particular service22:08
TL1and gnome power manager not installed corrctly22:08
digdigHelp please, is it possible to start installing apps (via synaptic or software-center) to the second disk when the first disk will be full ??. the first disk is ssd  , How i can do that if its possible ??22:08
BlackHand@digdig: I don't think you can, however, you can always use APTonCD to backup your current packages, then replace the hard drive with a bigger one, and restore the packages?22:08
waivaРусские есть????????????22:08
msilvieraTL1, it should say in your apt.conf where the default directory was that apt-get places all your packages22:09
usr13blake: sudo find / -name skype -type f   #See where it really is...22:09
TL1DasEi1: configuration server error status 25022:09
digdigThis is bad22:10
DasEi1nickradford: <your username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: service foo22:10
digdigThen i should be lucky and hope my ssd will not be full with apps22:10
TL1status 25622:11
TL1error configuration server22:11
usr13blake: That may take a while but...22:11
DasEi1nickradford: I'm off for bed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers22:11
digdigWhy ubuntu is so slow on mechanical drives i mean launching apps , etc22:11
msilvieradigdig, maybe you just need a better mechanical drive?22:12
blakeusr13: Yeah its running. My root partition isn't that big so it shouldn't take too long22:12
digdigyes i'm building a desktop (miditower) pc now with an ssd and a new 1tb hdd22:12
BlackHand@digdig: I have to agree with msilviera - not slow on my machine either.22:12
blakeusr13: blake@blake-laptop:~$ sudo find / -name skype -type f22:12
blake[sudo] password for blake:22:12
sunicedigdig: if that is a question and not a complaint please provide system details22:12
blakeThats its final location, nowhere else22:12
digdigHave you tried to download many torrents with transmission ?22:13
usr13blake: sudo apt-get upgrade skype22:13
digdigi can't do that22:13
digdiggray windows all over the desktop22:13
edwardthefmawho knows how to use inadyn22:13
TL1can i reconfigure all packages from live cd22:13
blakeusr13: No joy, I've already removed and reinstalled it22:13
digdigfrozen apps.22:13
chaospsychexif i put an ISO in /boot will i have problems? i am trying to boot an ISO with grub22:13
usr13blake: file /usr/bin/skype22:13
usr13blake: ls -l usr/bin/skype22:14
msilvieradigdgi, given a choice of whether it's your mechanical drives fault of the ethernet's fault, I'd have to say probably the ethernet22:14
blakeusr13: blake@blake-laptop:~$ file /usr/bin/skype22:14
blake/usr/bin/skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped22:14
blake * sorry for the empty message22:14
digdigwhen i try to copy some files from on folder to another it tells me i have 5mbytes a second speed22:14
jpmhchaospsychex: I do not know the complete answer but I use unetbootin to convert the iso to bootable22:14
usr13blake: ls -l usr/bin/skype    #What does that say?22:14
blakeusr13: blake@blake-laptop:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/skype22:14
blake-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21362968 2011-06-08 11:26 /usr/bin/skype22:14
edwardthefmawho knows how to use inadyn22:14
msilvieradigdig, a 1terabyte drive running at 5mb/sec?22:15
digdigwhen i try to copy some files from on folder to another (on my old drive) it tells me i have 5mbytes a second speed some times 10 mbytes/sec22:15
AJ_Z0TblakThose permissions are very wrong and deeply suspicious22:15
usr13blake: Is everything else working on this system?22:15
blakeusr13: As far as I can tell22:15
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digdig(my 1tb hdd is new and i have installed on my desktop pc i wait for other parts to come and assemble it)22:16
digdigThe answer maybe that i run ubuntu on an intel imac22:16
msilvieradigdig, something must be wrong with your sata drivers, that would be the slowest sata drive ever22:16
OerHeksedwardthefma, maybe this is a help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS#inadyn22:16
LSDelusionsCan i install ubuntu in a different HD than my windows and still dual boot? thanks22:17
digdigMy temporar machine is an iMac Intel core 2 duo 3ghz  8gbytes ram22:17
Lithos84LSDelusions: Yes.22:17
LSDelusionsLithos84: no need to change anything at the bios?22:17
blsh0pwhat are some cool tools for ubuntu desktop?22:18
edwardthefma<OerHeks> thx22:18
digdigMy temporar machine is an iMac Intel core 2 duo 3ghz  8gbytes ram which i hate so much and i can't figure out the reason i bought it. (maybe because i found it a lowered price as used)22:18
blsh0pi just got docky, and i love it, anything else that pimps out ur desktop?22:18
usr13blake: apt-cache policy skype22:18
msilvierayou can either install grub on one of the drives to multi-boot for all of them, or you can just use the bios to select a boot drive22:18
Lithos84Lithos84: You just need to change the boot drive (e.g. where you install GRUB)22:19
usr13blake: see my pm22:19
chaospsychexis grub-rescueboot or grub-imageboot available for ubuntu ?22:19
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msilvieradigdig, the problem may be that you're using an imac22:20
LSDelusionsLithos84: so i just move up the drive from which i boot linux right, at bios?22:20
digdigYes i know i started to believe that ubuntu has problems but i used ubuntu before22:21
gh0stWhen I "sleep" my laptop it doesn't actually sleep. It's like it only locks the screen. What's the deal?22:21
Lithos84LSDelusions: Right.22:21
BlackHand@blsh0p: Screenlets perhaps?22:21
LSDelusionsLithos84: and it will dual boot?22:21
blsh0pblackhand i downloaded it, gonna give it a try22:21
digdigI will donate it to my sister and i dont want to see an apple again22:21
sunicedigdig: you are not the first person I've heard of having issues on a intel based Imac22:21
Lithos84LSDelusions: Yes.22:21
digdigTheir hard disks sucks22:22
LSDelusionsLithos84: thanks a lot man!22:22
Lithos84LSDelusions: You're welcome!22:22
digdigI always was building my pc with my own hands22:22
digdigand always had top performance22:22
digdigand now i have a hard disk that is dying22:23
bullgard4Fuchs: I found an entry when I played that one piece of music all right. --  I detected 2 similar lines. One line reads: "623 ** (process:1600) : DEBUG zeitgeist-datahub.vala:174: Inserting 1 events." --  I found another 2 similar lines. One reads: "627 **(gnome-fallback-mount-helper:1597): DEBUG: Volume 0xf92a20 removed, removing from the queue." Nothing more of interest in this file.22:23
BlackHand@blsh0p: Also, Compiz is cool, though it's giving some issues on 11.04... :S22:23
digdigAlso the tearing on flash is constant22:23
digdigdo you have tearing on flash 1080p videos ?22:23
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blsh0pi know, i used compiz and it really messed up unity, had to get rid22:23
TL1i have a dying system and stuck on login screen22:23
BlackHand@blsh0p: A shame really... :(22:24
blsh0pi know, i was very let down22:25
TL1what should i see in recovery mode22:25
laanancan someone refer me to a shell script I can run at startup which will enable wifi? Currently, I have to right click and select enable wifi manually, which puts a slight drag on my otherwise super fast startup...22:27
albackerhow do i disable GDM?22:27
yeatsTL1: you should see a text-based menu with some recovery options22:27
synackfinhow do I get the owner of a package in ubuntu?22:28
synackfine.g. the equivalent of `rpm -qo (file)` in fedora22:29
TL1yeats: i dont see anything and in normal error gconf exit status 256 contact your admin22:29
TL1yeats: no logiin also no admin22:29
msilvieradigdig, slow hdd access doesn't necessarily mean a dying hdd, though it could, the reason for being slow was lots of bad secotrs22:29
digdigyes i have many of those22:30
msilvierawell, bad sectors will definitely slow things down22:30
Lithos84albacker: You could simply remove it.22:30
antibodyyo I want to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib32/nvidia-current system wide..what's the file to do it?22:30
DrArchehwhen i boot Oneiric with a newer kernel, it fails to boot because /var/run is a symlink to itself. it works with an older kernel, but only after i `apt-get --reinstall install initscripts`  from an install cd, is this a known problem?22:31
digdigmy sister needs a good pc and i will be back to the midi tower desktops22:31
digdigimagine how much money i should give for this22:31
msilvierait won't be a good pc for your sister if it's drive is full of bad sectors22:32
digdigto replace the drive of an imac lol i dont think so22:32
digdigwindows 7 runs ok. After all i need a good graphics card22:32
digdigto play games some times22:32
bullgard4DrArcheh: It is not known to me. I am running the newest offered amd64 kernel, and I have got no problems.22:32
msilvieraI'm running a seagate ultra320 scsi drive, and it's very fast22:33
digdigseagate ?22:33
antibody~/.profile right?22:33
BlackHandSCSI FTW.22:33
msilvierayes, Seagate is a hdd manufacturer22:34
digdigavoid seagate22:34
DrArchehbullgard4: i might have ctrl-c'd the do-release-upgrade to oneiric? any chance that could cause it? or would apt-get dist-upgrade after that sort everything?22:34
digdigwestern digital hard drives are the best22:34
bullgard4Fuchs: I am falling asleep.22:34
digdigby the way i love unity22:35
DrArchehit just seems really random that it symlinks /run -> /var/run and /var/run -> /var/run22:35
digdigspecially unity on 11.1022:35
digdigsweet !22:35
* TL1 is devastated and going to sleep22:35
* TL1 thanks all22:35
digdiggood sleep22:35
digdigand sweet dreams22:35
bullgard4DrArcheh: I believe that 'apt-get dist-upgrade' will cure almost all these problems.22:35
msilvieraTL1, if your installation is too far hosed, a reinstall maybe the olnly way22:35
bullgard4DrArcheh: in due time.22:36
i-was-fedorahi , i have a problem dealing with some of my (iso) file types over my (hard disk) ... i don't know what happened , but now they are read as (data) by the file utility ....not able to mount them or extract files from them .. any suggestions ??22:36
digdigor something like that ?22:37
sharehow can I remove audio from a .flv file?22:37
qinshare: ffmpeg22:39
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shareqin: is there a gui way22:39
qinshare: avidemux, kino, cinerella?22:39
qinshare: Propably few more22:40
shareqin: I just want a simple program22:40
shareqin: I want to keep the video as it is and remove the audio22:40
bilygatesffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -an outputfile.avi22:41
bilygatesgoogle is your friend :p22:41
Lithos84share: Try "mkvtoolnix-gui".22:41
qinbilygates: thx22:41
sharebilygates: not .avi22:41
bilygatesit should work with .flv too, i guess22:42
shareIf the file is using B-frames as reference it can lead to a crash or stuttering.22:42
sharebilygates: thanks man it worked like a charm22:43
bilygatesnp, all i did was google it22:45
bilygatesquestion: will i be able to easily use/install gnome2/3 in oneiric (e.g. from PPAs), without unity?22:47
edwardthefmawhat type of software do i need to get inorder to host a web page22:48
magusI just installed ubuntu server and the default editor for sudoedit is nano. How do I change it? I've tried setting EDITOR and VISUAL in .bashrc22:48
bilygatesedwardthefma you need a web server like apache22:49
qinbilygates: Oneiric uses gnome3 and you can install gnome-shell with no problem, but gnome2 is bad idea.22:49
bilygatesprobably also php22:49
bilygatesyay for gnome3 :)22:49
bilygatesbut why would gnome2 be a bad idea?22:49
qin!lamp | edwardthefma22:49
ubottuedwardthefma: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:49
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msilvieraI've actually found postgres to be more stable and usuable22:50
qinbilygates: Coz is no longer developed, apart of some off shot projects.22:50
edwardthefmaok thx22:50
bilygates+1 for postgres22:50
bilygatesok, tx qin22:51
bilygatesi was hoping someone was still maintaining it22:51
sharebilygates: it touched quality22:51
msilvieraI once spent most of two weeks trying to get mysql running in a stable manner22:51
pierohow can I tell apt or aptitude ou dpkg to reinstall all the packets in the system, redownloading from the repositories?22:52
bilygatesi haven't tried gnome3 yet, is it good/efficient?22:52
qinpiero: Why would you want to do so?22:52
pieroqin, ubuntu+1 broken packets22:53
sharebilygates: framerate was set at 100022:53
qinbilygates: After using Gnome-shell, Unity looks like success ;)22:55
frendosmadoes anyone know what kernel version the current release is at ?22:55
qinpiero: sudo apt-get install -f ; otherwise seek help in #ubuntu+122:55
urist_i love unity... only complaint I have is that Unity makes my laptop slow, otherwise I would use it on both computers22:56
bilygatesdoes gnome3/unity play nice with dual monitors? mainly, can i have a panel on each monitor with its open windows? :d22:56
frendosmatrying to fix grub anyone got any ideas22:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:58
bilygatesfrendosma: maybe try update-grub ?22:59
bilygatesif you have grub223:00
frendosmaI'm stuck on the bootloader :S23:00
r3mHi all, how do i change my screen resolution23:01
frendosmaI know the config exists still but not sure how to get it back23:01
bilygatesoh, i have no idea, then23:02
bilygatesmaybe you could try booting with an ubuntu live cd and do update-grub from there23:03
Krenairwhy is there so many people joining all of a sudden?23:03
MikeChelencan anyone recommend an organizer for large tv / movie file collections?23:03
tbruff13Yes can someone help me with orca I have it and i want to know how to add new voices i followed these instructions and used the script23:04
kriceMikeChelen you can look into multi media device23:05
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tbruff13Yes can someone help me with orca I have it and i want to know how to add new voices i followed these instructions and used the script23:07
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bilygatesfrendosma you could also try "grub-install /dev/XXX" from a live cd, if "update-grub" doesn't work23:07
gh0stWhat do I do with a .bundle file?23:07
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jwrigleyMikeChelen: movies you have on disk, or just a database?23:08
jwrigleyMikeChelen: strike that23:09
jwrigleyMikeChelen: boxee?23:11
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tbruff13Can anyone help me at all23:15
hdhzeroyoo o/23:15
tbruff13hdhzero: can you help me i am trying to install voices in orca23:16
jwrigleyr3m: xrandr23:16
SIFTUtbruff13: the best place to ask is in #vinux23:17
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santoscrewdoes someone have a downloadlink for the ubuntu monospace font for someone on windows?23:21
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Shadow-Eaglewrong syntax23:26
Shadow-Eagleto much time on other systems23:26
spartificialIs it normal for the following command to crash a server:23:27
spartificialcd /var23:27
spartificialfind . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep 'string';23:27
chaospsychexi am trying to boot an ISO from a partition23:27
Shadow-Eaglenope assumeing that you have the needed authorty23:27
chaospsychexi used unetbootin to put the ISO on a partition but when i did sudo update-grub it's not there?? help?23:27
spartificial@Shadow-Eagle well it came up with a few permission errors. No permission to edit certain files23:28
spartificialThen the whole thing just crashed.23:28
Shadow-Eagleis it your server?23:28
spartificialIt's a dreamhost server.23:28
Shadow-Eagle@spartigicial then it may be unrealted23:29
jwrigleysantoscrew: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf23:29
BrownNoMorehow does one create an operating system like ubuntu23:29
Shadow-Eagle@spartificial yes that23:30
th0rBrownNoMore: ubuntu isn't an os, it is a distro23:30
spartificialSeems fairly coincidental, just as I ran the command, boom.23:30
spartificialBut ok, thanks.23:30
Shadow-Eagleas it is hosted offsite your command may just have been timed bandly23:30
Shadow-Eagleor it is a defence system to stop you getting at stuff you are not ment to23:30
Shadow-Eaglewhy are you after the /var anyway23:30
jwrigleychaospsychex: you grub does not include "CDs" in the grub-menu.23:31
spartificialI was just trying to see how websites has been set up on the folder.23:31
spartificialCouldn't find any virtual host files in /etc/apache2 (in fact directory is fairly empty).23:31
chaospsychexjwrigley: ???23:31
spartificial*set up on the server23:31
B0g4r7No, such a command should not normally crash a system.23:31
chaospsychexcan someone help me do a loopback on a ISO using grub ?23:32
cheakoNo apport report written because MaxReports is reached already23:32
oraclewhat Live USB creator could I use to take a Windows 7 ISO image and apply it to a flash drive?  I've used UNetbootin for many things, but I tried with one windows iso and it didn't work correctly23:32
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cheako...How can I process these?23:32
bilygates@spartificial have you also tried /etc/apache2/sites-available and sites-enabled?23:32
MonkeyDu1toracle: wrong channel, ask in ##windows (double hash)23:33
cheako<MonkeyDu1t> oracle: I was thinking there are none, save windows PE.23:33
spartificialOnly directory in /etc/apache2 is mods-available.23:33
jwrigleychaospsychex: oh, right, thought you had done something else. have a look at pendrivelinux.com23:34
bilygates@oracle if you have a windows box lying around, you can download microsoft's tool23:34
spartificialQuite strange.23:34
cheakoCertainly no way to take an iso and put it on a USB.23:34
chaospsychexjwrigley: that's not what i am trying to do23:34
oraclecheako, there are many tools to do it23:34
oracleUNetBootin is one, the thing is it didn't work with the windows iso I had23:34
chaospsychexi am trying to boot to a ISO using a loopback from grub223:34
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bilygatesyeah, unetbootin doesn't work with windows iso's afaik23:35
urlin2uchaospsychex, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984723:35
chaospsychexurlin2u: thanks!23:35
oracleso what does? and this has to be a tool I can run on linux (without wine) because I don't have a windows box just lying around........actually I do but it's slower than the speed of smell and I don't wanna turn it on23:35
urlin2uchaospsychex, no problem23:36
cheakooracle: UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD.23:36
jwrigleychaospsychex: indeed. you will find instructions on pendrivelinux.com on how to set up grub to do ISO loopback23:36
oracleyes, I know, but what about WINDOWS23:36
cheakooracle: None of those tools with work with windows iso.23:36
MonkeyDu1toracle: wrong channel, ask in ##windows (double hash)23:36
oracleI tried and it didn't work23:36
cheakoMonkeyDu1t: Don't send him off to find the holy grail.23:36
bilygates@oracle that tool is win-only. i had the same problem and i ended up making a bootable usb from windows :(23:36
urlin2uoracle, in Ubuntu the thumb has to be NTFS, a boot flag, and extract the W7 to it.23:37
oraclewhich tool is windows only?23:37
oraclewhy not Fat32? all the linux distros worked while it was a fat32 partition23:37
cheakooracle: There are "none" tools that will take a windows iso and load it onto a USB stick.23:37
bilygates@oracle http://emea.microsoftstore.com/UK/en-GB/Help/Windows-7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool23:37
K-Richlater all23:38
BlackHandUniversal USB Installer should be able to?23:38
urlin2uoracle, follow my post and you will be set.23:38
oracleurlin2u, what's the w7?23:38
oraclebilygates: I'm not paying for that23:39
urlin2uoracle, "what Live USB creator could I use to take a Windows 7 ISO image"  or use this app   http://liveusb.info/dotclear/23:40
bilygates@oracle erm, it's free :/23:40
urlin2uoracle, a rip or a bootable thumb?23:40
kbreitI tried to install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04 last night and it messed up my system.  In doing searches, it appears they don't exactly play wel together.  Does anyone know how to make them work properly?23:40
bilygates@kbreit i would wait for 11.10 for gnome323:41
oraclebilygates: nowhere does it show where to download that23:41
oracleit's a 4 GB USB Flash drive23:41
kbreitbilygates: So it is tough to get tehm to play together huh23:41
bilygates@oracle http://images2.store.microsoft.com/prod/clustera/framework/w7udt/1.0/uk/Windows7-USB-DVD-tool.exe23:41
kbreitbilygates: Am I able to get gnome 2 on here?23:42
urlin2uoracle,  use nics and tab them if your talking to me look at installation, use a french to english lang convertoer23:42
bilygates@kbreit i tried getting gnome3 on my netbook with 11.04. nothing worked and I had to reinstall from scratch afterwards23:43
bilygatesgnome2 where? on 11.04?23:44
kbreitI don't really love Unity.  Don't adore gnome 3 either, but I prefer it.23:44
bilygateslogout, select user, select "gnome classic" from a dropdown somewhere on the bottom, log in23:44
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tripelbthanks qin jrib -- you said that  s/onee/one/ is used by  sed, ed, perl, vim    (thanks)23:45
cheakoI've need to use a non-compositing window manager(for playing movies and other special purpose tasks), but gnome3 makes that impossible.23:47
stupidheadhi all, using dwm and looking to set random wallpaper with feh.... not sure how to pipe this command to feh though... : find /usr/home/user/Downloads/ -type f -print | random | tail -123:49
stupidheadcould anyone help please?23:49
cheakostupidhead: " | xargs -n 1 feh" ?23:50
cheakoAlso " | read fil; feh $fil"23:50
cheako...does the same.23:50
jribstupidhead: or just use $()23:50
bilygatesgoodnight everyone, if it's night where you are :P23:51
l3dhey is bleachbit a good cleaner app to use23:51
stupidheadi would preffer to use the $()... but not sure how to use it? do i wrap it around my  argument like this?: feh --bg-max $(find /usr/home/user/Downloads/ -type f -print | random | tail -1)?23:52
jribstupidhead: yes23:52
stupidheadjrib: ahh.. this is giving me an illegal variable name.... i should say i'm using sh NOT bash.. take it this makes a difference?23:52
jwrigleyman sh23:53
jribstupidhead: just use bash :)23:53
cheakostupidhead: Yes.23:53
jribstupidhead: what's "random" do by the way?23:53
adam_Hi I Have my os on 31 gigs and a 250 gig partition free. How can I extend that without booting from cd?23:53
cheakoor just use one of my examples.  both are sh frendly.23:53
qinstupidhead: lol=$(find /usr/home/user/Downloads/ -type f -print | random | tail -1); echo $lol23:53
stupidheadjrib: random takes directory and randomises it :)23:54
adam_Hi I Have my os on 31 gigs and a 250 gig partition free. How can I extend that without booting from cd?23:54
ThersiTI just installed compat-wireless. It works great for a USB card I installed it for but now my internal wifi card dosen't work. I found a launchpad bug about the problem #395630.23:55
qinstupidhead: but $lol itself do not look ok. Why do you use find?23:55
stupidheadqin: Illegal variable name.23:55
jribstupidhead: it seems to return empty sometimes23:55
michael_phi question how i hacve 2 computers one mac osx and 1 ubuntu  they are borth running off the same router how do i access the ubuntu from my mac osx desktop23:55
stupidheadgin: i'm using find to print full directory path to images... it's how feh needs them. can't figure out how to use ls to do this23:55
stupidheadso using find23:55
alkafoomichael_p: access to do what23:56
jribstupidhead: yes, seems like you have (1/2^n) probability of not having a background :D23:56
qinstupidhead: cd is easier. And what is "random"23:56
cheakoI've tested random from bsdgames(on debian) and it works as expected.23:56
michael_plike terminal something like that23:56
ThersiTIs there anyway I can get Ubuntu to load wl.ko from .../updates and the 80211 stuff from my regular kernel modules?23:57
alkafoomichael_p: you need openssh-server installed and the sshd init/service running23:57
ohziemichael_p: You can use SSH or VNC23:57
ohziemichael_p: Mac has both of these things.23:57
alkafoomichael_p: then /sbin/ifconfig will tell you the IP to ssh to23:57
jribman 6 random states: random reads lines from the standard input and copies them to the standard output with a probability of 1/denominator.  The default value for denominator is 2.23:57
stupidheadican fix random later by feeding it the number of files in that directory.. giving every file an equal chance... but for now i can't figure out how to feed the resulting filepath to feh.... anybody know?23:58
cheakowhile [ $(find /usr/share/backgrounds/ -type f -print | random | tail -1) ]; do true; done; # This never exits on my box.23:59
jribstupidhead: use of random doesn't seem like the right approach since the chance always exists that it displays nothing23:59

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