
shnatselScottL: I'm reading the log you posted to the livedvd blueprint. Thanks a lot for asking, that's very helpful! I'll contact infinity myself now for details.12:06
shnatselScottL: according to that talk, the guys preparing the seeds are not given the option to test the resulting image locally... so looks like we'll need close contact with ~ubuntu-cdimage guys12:09
shnatselunless I get those docs, which (I hope) will happen12:09
ScottLaye, in some ways it's a cursing and a bless, shnatsel 12:22
shnatselfalktx: Hi there! I've updated gimp-paint-studio packaging with fixes for the "no users present" case and also recompressed it with XZ for smaller size and faster decompression. Please pull 1.5-natty3 version to kxstudio PPA.12:54
falktxshnatsel: sure, I'll do it soon, thanks!12:55
falktxI'll package gimp273 soon too12:55
shnatselfalktx: that conflicts with gimp-paint-studio and gimp-painter12:56
falktxnot really12:56
falktxshnatsel: my gimp27x is on /opt12:56
shnatselhmm... ok, but it won't be able to use them anyway.12:57
shnatselthere were issues with paint studio... I think it crashed 2.7.x.. let me check...12:57
scott-workmorning everyone (although it's almost afternoon now here)15:49
scott-workwork has been uber crazy15:49
scott-worknew beta images available16:19
scott-workcan someone test the amd64 images?16:19
scott-worki can test the i386 tonight16:19
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=== falktx-reminder is now known as falktx
scott-workcan anyone help test the amd64 images for beta2?21:56
falktxscott-work: me!21:56
falktxscott-work: where is the beta2?21:56
scott-workfalktx: outstanding!  thank you21:56
scott-workfalktx: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/6570  for amd6421:57
knomebeta is standing outside? why? ;)21:57
scott-workhi knome  :)21:58
scott-workfalktx: you might want to wait a bit, seems like they may be rebuilding the images again :/21:58
scott-worki'll follow up more when i get home21:58
falktxoh, ok, download canceled21:58
* scott-work is leaving for home now :)21:58
scott-workfalktx: sorry :(21:58
knomebusy man21:59
charlie-tcaScottL: testing the 64bit image on hardware here.22:03
falktxcharlie-tca: is it installable?22:09
charlie-tcaseems to be. It hasn't failed yet, at 67% "Select and install software"22:10
charlie-tcawe're configuring man-db now22:10
charlie-tcafalktx: installing grub. Installation appears to work22:20
charlie-tcaThese respins are for ca-certificates and something else. It should not affect the installability.22:22
falktxcharlie-tca: how is the login screen looking?22:23
charlie-tcajust booting it now22:23
charlie-tcaplymouth looks good, but password positioning for encrypted install is centered on screen22:24
charlie-tcait overlaps the logo22:24
charlie-tcaI know, picky, picky22:24
charlie-tcaI like that backlit plymouth screen!22:24
charlie-tcalogin defaults to gtk-greeter, same as Xubuntu?22:25
charlie-tcafalktx: I got the plain blue background with the names centered for login22:26
falktxcharlie-tca: I guess the lightdm theme has not made it into the repos yet, correct?22:27
charlie-tcaapparently not22:27
charlie-tcabut it installs, anyway22:27
charlie-tcafalktx: I think the menu is wrong too, looks more like Xubuntu menu22:29
falktxno way22:30
falktxcharlie-tca: can you show me a pic?22:30
charlie-tcagetting one22:31
charlie-tcafalktx: http://imagebin.org/17328922:33
falktxcharlie-tca: it's supposed to be like that22:33
falktxcharlie-tca: only the multimedia menu is changed22:33
charlie-tcaOkay, then it's right!22:34
falktxcharlie-tca: please upload a screen of the multimedia menu22:34
falktxI see the line, so I know it's working22:36
falktxyou're missing some apps though22:36
charlie-tcaGreat. I am?22:37
falktxcharlie-tca: thanks! that proves that menu is working22:37
falktxcharlie-tca: yes, the recording, video, etc22:37
charlie-tcaOh, that probably is because I did not select any options22:37
charlie-tcaI do that on the whole disk instead of the encrypted drive22:37
falktxno prob22:37
falktxit's missing the theme though22:38
charlie-tcaThe encrypted install takes long enough as it is.22:38
=== sC is now known as ScottL

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