
pleia2is wp.xubuntu.org forwarding to www for everyone?07:08
pleia2I think Something Went Wrong with that latest htaccess change maybe07:08
ochosipleia2: for me it is07:08
pleia2ok, I need to get to bed for real, I'll reply to the ticket in the morning if knome doesn't get to it first :)07:09
ochosii mean forwarding to xubuntu.org07:09
ochosiright :)07:09
ochosisleep tight then07:09
pleia2thanks, take care :)07:09
ochosiyou too!07:09
Unit193It's only 3am... ;) Sleep well07:10
knomepleia2, got at it at first.09:59
mvohi, if someone has a current  oneiric xubuntu (livecd or real install) it would be great if you could run software-center from a terminal and pastebin the output on that terminal, this would help me fixing bug #85408712:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854087 in software-center (Ubuntu Oneiric) "software-center crashed with TypeError in _parse_menu_tag(): 'NoneType' object is not iterable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85408712:43
mr_pouitmvo: not reproducible here on a clean vm13:02
mr_pouituntil I remove gnome-menus, that is13:02
mr_pouitwithout gnome-menus, I get the same trace13:03
mvomr_pouit: thanks! I can reproduce it now13:03
knomeoooh, thee mvo (hey o/)13:06
mvohello knome!13:10
mr_pouitmvo: I've a question about that: does software-center only works with gnome-menus, or can it work with another implementation that provides the desktop-directories files?13:10
mr_pouit(e.g. adduser 3.112+nmu1ubuntu513:11
mr_pouitapt 0.8.16~exp5ubuntu913:11
mr_pouitapt-utils 0.8.16~exp5ubuntu913:11
mr_pouitaptdaemon 0.43+bzr69513:11
mr_pouitaptdaemon-data 0.43+bzr69513:11
mr_pouitbase-passwd 3.5.2313:11
mr_pouitbusybox-initramfs 1:1.18.4-2ubuntu213:11
mr_pouitconsolekit 0.4.5-113:11
mr_pouitcoreutils 8.5-1ubuntu613:11
mr_pouitcpio 2.11-7ubuntu113:11
mr_pouitdbus 1.4.14-1ubuntu113:11
mr_pouitdbus-x11 1.4.14-1ubuntu113:11
mr_pouitdconf-gsettings-backend 0.9.0-0ubuntu113:11
mr_pouitdebconf 1.5.40ubuntu113:11
mr_pouitdebianutils 4.0.213:11
mr_pouitfindutils 4.4.2-1ubuntu313:11
mr_pouitfontconfig 2.8.0-3ubuntu213:11
mr_pouitfontconfig-config 2.8.0-3ubuntu213:12
knomeFLOOD! FLOOD!13:12
mr_pouitgcc-4.6-base 4.6.1-9ubuntu313:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-atk-1.0 2.1.91-0ubuntu113:12
mvomr_pouit: it will work fine if the files are missing13:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-freedesktop 1.29.17-0ubuntu113:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0 2.24.0-113:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-glib-2.0 1.29.17-0ubuntu113:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-gmenu-3.0 3.1.90-0ubuntu113:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-gtk-3.0 3.1.90-0ubuntu113:12
mvomr_pouit: the only thing I need to investigate is translations13:12
mr_pouitgir1.2-pango-1.0 1.29.3-0ubuntu313:12
knomemr_pouit, wb13:13
mr_pouitgrrah, stupid mouse13:13
ochosimiddleclick? :)13:13
mr_pouitworse than that, using putty and several VMs on windows right now, and I didn't copy fromt he good one :]13:14
knomemr_pouit, irssi should ask you about multiline pastes, right?13:15
knomeor are you using something else...13:15
mr_pouityeah, I thought so13:15
knomesee '/set paste' to make sure13:16
ochosiautomatic pastebin-ing bot would also be nice13:17
charlie-tcaGood morning13:17
knomewhy bot? you could just bind that to your irssi13:17
ochosiknome: bot because irssi/user-independant13:17
knomeochosi, yeah, but that wouldn't stop accidents from happening13:18
ochosiprolly not yeah13:18
knomewell, the bot could of course quiet the paster13:19
ochosithat was the idea, yes13:19
knomeisn't that what floodbots do, btw? :P13:19
mr_pouitmvo: so, what I tried to say before the "accident", is that libgarcon in xfce also provides the desktop-directories files, and I wondered whether software-center is hardcoded to use the ones from gnome-menus, or it takes whatever can be found in /usr/share/desktop-directories?13:20
mvomr_pouit: it has its own menu file for the display, but it was trying to read the gnome-menus files, this should now be fixed in trunk13:23
mr_pouitokay, thanks13:23
knomemvo, is the 'suddenly switch to speaking german' bug fixed in mvo yet? ;)13:26
mvohaha - it still happens from time to time, especially if I'm in germany ;)13:26
Olbitoday is beta 2?16:55
micahgOlbi: what do you mean?  release i thursday16:56
Olbibecause at sheet where we have marked beta2 it is 20 september :)16:57
charlie-tcaeta2 testing today and tomorrow16:57
micahgwe're supposed to have images to test today16:57
charlie-tcabut we track our tests on the QA ISO tracker, too16:57
charlie-tcaOlbi: any tests you do should be marked at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ today and tomorrow16:58
charlie-tcaYes, I marked it beta2 because we are testing the beta2 images before they can be released Thursday17:00
charlie-tcaThere are three days marked beta2, right?17:00
Olbiright :)17:01
Olbiso today we need testing :)17:01
Olbiwhich I should take?17:01
Olbialternate amd64?17:01
charlie-tcaThe beta2 does not release three days in a row. It releases Thursday, if we get the testing done17:01
charlie-tcaOlbi: we track our tests on the QA ISO tracker, too17:01
charlie-tcaOlbi: any tests you do should be marked at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ today and tomorrow17:02
charlie-tcacheck the tracker there, Xubuntu is towards the bottm17:02
charlie-tcacheck the tracker there, Xubuntu is towards the bottom17:02
Olbiaccount from lauchpad work there?17:03
charlie-tcaI don't think so, but it has been three years since I registered therer17:04
charlie-tcaOlbi: our goal for this testing is 5 of each test, if possible. So even if the tests are marked done, that is only one person did them17:06
OlbiI know :)17:08
charlie-tcaand the images might get respun, in which case we test again :)17:13
charlie-tcathe text is blurry here, but let's do it17:32
knomeit's just a shade17:32
charlie-tcacould be my eyes too17:32
charlie-tcaall text is a bit blurry today17:32
knomesee days 7, 14, 21, 28, 3017:33
charlie-tcabut I would like a countdown for us17:33
knomeif we want, i can do "1 week and 3 days" style too...17:33
charlie-tcadays is fine. We are already under 30, close to three weeks17:34
knomeyeah, but i chanhed the 7,14... to "1 week" "2 weeks"17:34
knomeit's not a problem, it's automated17:34
charlie-tcaI see that. It looks fine to me, either way.17:34
charlie-tcayour choice, sir17:34
knomelet me try the "n weeks and n days" style17:35
knomeno, it's better without that17:39
charlie-tcaOkay, I will add that countdown timer to the release notes, too17:42
knomelet's see how we'll get those online :)17:43
charlie-tcaknome: you have website access or do we need to get pleia2 to put it up?17:56
knomecharlie-tca, we need IS i think18:15
charlie-tcaI see the old website at xubuntu.org, don't I?18:16
* micahg likes that we seem to have more people in xubuntu-devel now18:16
charlie-tcaIf we have to have IS do it, I suspect it won't happen before the release.18:17
charlie-tcamicahg: agreed18:17
knomecharlie-tca, we can try18:45
knomecharlie-tca, i've seen several people coming and asking about their desktop breaking because they enabled the root account. it IS needed in the website, and to be honest, i think it should be in the top 10 FAQ if it isn't.20:21
charlie-tcaI know you think so, but there is much documentation already available in the help wiki, and that doesn't stop them20:22
pleia2why does enabling the root account break the desktop?20:23
knomepleia2, no idea, but it looks like it does.20:23
pleia2shouldn't it just create a root profile and ignore the user accounts?20:23
charlie-tcabecause when you log into the users /home as root, it takes control of too many files20:23
charlie-tcaWhen it takes things like .ICEauthority and the .config files, the user can no longer use them20:24
knomecharlie-tca, sure. but it doesn't hurt to have it on the website. moreover, if we are following the original idea to make the website more rich on content than it is now, we do need more content than we do now.20:24
charlie-tcaLet's worry about actually getting the website switched over and working20:25
charlie-tcaWe can't even hae a countdown timer on the website, and you worry about adding stuff?20:25
knomecharlie-tca, i've worried about that too, and we're really close to publishing it.20:26
knomecharlie-tca, who said we can't? i'm on the issue. remember, you said we can't get the new logo in grub, but i investigated and sorted it out. please let ME worry about it.20:26
knomecharlie-tca, i have assigned it to MYSELF. it's not away from your time if i do something.20:26
knomethank you.20:27
charlie-tcaThe problem is you have no responsibility to this team, except when *you* decide to. I always have responsibility here.20:27
knomeright. have a nice evening then. i'm out.20:28
pleia2charlie-tca: we lost a User Days instructor, are you availble Saturday evening for a talk on Accessibility Apps? :)21:25
pleia2schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/natty21:26
pleia2looking to fill 21:00 utc21:26
charlie-tcasure, put my name down21:27
charlie-tcaThis saturday?21:27
pleia2the 24th21:28
charlie-tcasure, I can do that21:28
pleia2yay! thank you21:28
pleia2I'll add you now and forward you the "welcome instructors!" email :)21:28
charlie-tcaoh, you are welcome21:29
Olbinew thunar 1.2.3 :D21:35
Olbipleia2: what's that link?21:35
pleia2Olbi: link for?21:36
Olbihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/natty :)21:36
pleia2oh, the schedule for User Days on Saturday21:36
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays is the page about it :)21:36
Olbisounds nice ;021:36
pleia2it's fun21:36
Olbibut I have wiki days in Poland in PoznaƄ :)21:37
Olbiso couldnt been on User Day :(21:37
pleia2well, we'll post logs afterwards if you want to read through some of the sessions afterwards21:38
Olbicool :)21:41
Olbiwhen will be next User Day?21:41
pleia2not sure if there will be one, Ubuntu Open Week has changed from being about teams to being user-directed, so User Days may be redundant now :(21:49
pleia2it's a lot of work to put together, and I'm not sure I want to put in the effort if it's a duplicate of another event21:49
* charlie-tca thought it was just him thinking that way22:07
charlie-tcapleia2: email received. Thank you22:19
pleia2sure thing22:19
ochosican anyone confirm that using the "install" option from the beta-livecd (as opposed to the: "try without installing") gives you this broken mess: http://imagebin.org/17329223:02
charlie-tcaThat broken mess is known as bug 84009423:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840094 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84009423:03
ochosiwell, also: there is no theme!23:03
charlie-tcaand we need bug 845549 fixed to resolve it23:03
ochosisry, i'll read the bugreport first...23:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 845549 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Do not ship /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84554923:03
charlie-tcaI think23:04
charlie-tcaIt happens because there is no session running23:04
ochosiok, well thanks for clearing that up23:05
ochosihope that'll get fixed in time...23:05
charlie-tcaYeah, me too23:07
charlie-tcabut it seems to be a hard one to get things done to fix it23:07
charlie-tcaWe ain't giving up, though23:08
madnick_If one uses Skype, do not sign out, and press "Shutdown", the shutdown manager will not respond, and it will kill xfwm4, so that it must be manually restarted on next boot (this happens every time i tried)23:08
charlie-tcaThat's because policy kit won't allow the shutdown until Skype is shut down, but the xfwm4 gets shutdown anyway23:09
ochosik, the 2 screenshots that need an update in the installer slideshow are software center (looks completely different now) and thunderbird (because it mentions the 11.04 release)23:09
madnick_So its a known bug?23:10
charlie-tcanot really, no, since so few of us have Skype, but it happens with other stuff too23:10
charlie-tcareport it, but it won't be a high priority to fix it23:10
madnick_okay :)23:11
charlie-tcaskype is proprietary, so it is hard to get things fixed involving it23:11
charlie-tcaochosi: so a bug report for that will go through since they just released the updated software center23:12
ochosiyeah, i suppose so23:12
charlie-tcabesides, we just got a fix committed for software center in oneiric23:12
ochosino chance to change the screenshot earlier23:12
charlie-tcait doesn't really work for xubuntu yet23:12
charlie-tcaso you can't really get a screenshot in Xubuntu, even23:12
charlie-tcahm, I seem to have frozen while updating natty here.23:13
charlie-tcawonder if I have hardware going bad again23:13
ochosiyeah, i'm just reinstalling my vbox of oneiric cause it crashed big time before...23:13
charlie-tcathat's twice it froze on me23:13
charlie-tcaor the keyboard batteries died again23:14
charlie-tcahm, it says I interrupted the updates23:23
charlie-tcaall images being rebuilt for oneiric beta2 now23:26

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