
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
BabuI want to be accepted into the Quickshot developer team09:13
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
Babuneed help on starting with quickshot10:23
Babu_Gajendranhow do i start quickshot10:25
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== MichealH` is now known as Guest53887
=== MichealH` is now known as Guest6567
c7pgodbyk: ping22:33
godbykc7p: pong(ish).  (on the phone so I may be slow to respond)22:35
c7pgodbyk: ok np if you don't have prob :). quick question22:37
godbyksure. fire away. :)22:38
c7pi want to use \seclink for ubuntu-one section (it's on the working with ubuntu section)22:38
c7pi don't know how to write it22:38
godbykc7p: Find the \label command that follows \section{Ubuntu One} (or whatever.22:39
godbykshould be something like \section{Ubuntu One} \label{sec:ubuntu-one}22:39
c7pah ok got it22:39
godbykif no label exists, then create one.22:39
godbykthen use \seclink{sec:ubuntu-one} (or whatever the label was)22:39
c7pbtw we need new authors for oneiric, right ?22:40
godbykc7p: I'm guessing so.22:41
c7pi guess i should come up with what's the work to be done, and then spreading the word. What do you think ?22:42
godbykyeah, I think that's a good idea.22:43
godbykwe need to sort out what new stuff needs to be written, what needs to be updated, what needs to be removed, etc.22:43
godbykthen find authors/editors to help with those tasks.22:43
godbykbreak the work up into small tasks and assign them to authors/editors.22:44
godbykmake sure they get the work done fairly quickly (small tasks shouldn't take too long)22:44
c7pi think we need something more like "section authors" not chapter authors22:45
godbykand the sections should be fairly short.22:51
godbykI'm hoping that if break things into smaller tasks, someone will be more likely to pick one up and follow through on it.22:51
godbykIt's a bit overwhelming to write an entire chapter.22:51
godbykBut writing a couple short paragraphs isn't too daunting.22:51
c7pgodbyk: just checking the contents of the manual. Why we have the "Burning Cds/DVDs" under Hardware chapter instead of working with Ubuntu ?23:27

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