
apacheloggershadeslayer, ScottK, bulldog98_: is there a use case for a uds desktop app?00:24
ScottKapachelogger: touchegg-gui rejected.01:21
ScottKapachelogger: Dunno.  I'm not going.01:21
ScottKQuite fortunate I procrastinated reviewing touchegg-gui earlier today.01:22
apacheloggerindeed so01:22
ScottKUpdated desktop images are available for testing.01:43
ScottKNew dvd too, so all images should be ready (except armel)01:48
ScottKTm_T: Your powerpc didn't happen to get fixed did it?01:50
claydohScottK: or anyone , is kde 4,7,2 likely for 11.10, or is that going to be too late? 03:08
* claydoh writes blogs, blogilo has no spellcheck for some reason03:08
ScottKclaydoh: Too late.03:10
ScottKBecause 1010 10 = 42.03:10
claydohkk, thought so wanted to get facts straight beforehand03:10
ScottKI think I have that fixed for 12.10.03:11
claydohScottK: the release note on the wiki by lunarcloud look very nice, though I never heard back from him in any fashion.03:12
claydoh42 the magic number!03:12
ScottKclaydoh: OK.  You might contact him via LP.  I'd make what use of it you can.03:12
ScottKYes.  Our dear master was convinced that geeks would think it was cool to realease earlier with more bugs.03:13
claydohhe has the wiki page up https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Beta2/Kubuntu03:13
claydohlooks nice rather03:14
claydohvalorie and I did make some comments on his draft for Final, I like it actually03:15
ScottKWe'll need release notes tomorrow, so ....03:17
claydohI don't have a login to kubuntu.org to edit/create03:21
claydoherrr blogilo is ticking me off, I rely on spellcheck too much03:22
claydohScottK: I'd just steal from the wiki page, it would look good on kubuntu.org.03:28
ScottKSure you do.03:29
ScottKIt's the same as always, AFAIK.03:29
ScottKSorry, thought you said the wiki.03:29
claydohI think the overall text blurb would make a decent text blurb for the website announcement03:30
ScottKNevermind me.  I was confused.03:31
ScottKAllegedly https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=275469 is fixed in trunk.  Anyone care to go spelunking for the commit that fixed it?03:32
claydohso am i03:32
ubottuKDE bug 275469 in widget-taskbar "4 7 Regression: closed windows stay in the taskbar sometimes, taskbar doesn't react on clicks" [Normal,New]03:32
* claydoh thinks bug 856059 should go to the front of the list, cuz I needz spellchek03:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856059 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "[Kubuntu] Blogilo has spellcheck disabled, and cannot enable it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85605903:33
claydohkidding of course03:33
* valorie agrees - good blurb on the wiki04:01
ScottKclaydoh: I checked and there aren't any relevant blogilo changes 4.7.0 -> .1, so it's something else.  FYI.05:08
claydohthanks, its the only thing affected as far as I see so far, everything else has working spellcheck 05:12
Tm_TScottK: I haven't found replacement power source yet, all shops seems to say "out of stock" or something05:31
DarkwingDuckYou need a power supply?05:58
Tm_Tyes, for iboog g406:04
Tm_Tbook too06:04
DarkwingDuckI have desktop ones but, none for a laptop in my graveyard 06:11
valorieso I'm trying to report my tests with my netbook upgrade08:22
valoriecan't find where to report?08:22
Tm_Tvalorie: so that's not iso testing?08:23
valorieok, found it08:24
* Tm_T is puzzled08:24
valorieno, not quite ISO08:35
valoriebut since it's up-to-the minute current, it's worth testing08:36
valorieand it is one of the test cases -- had to use control f to find it08:36
valoriecouldn't get a USB key to work, and there is no cd drive08:36
valorieso it's upgrade or nothing, until I get a different USB key08:37
=== seajey_ is now known as SeaJey
Tm_Tvalorie: ah, was wondering where it should be reported or such, bugs should be reported in LP anyway though08:54
valoriethe only anomaly I found I'm not sure is a bug08:55
valorieso I asked in #amarok-devel08:55
valoriewill report if 'tis08:56
bambeeapachelogger: ping09:38
bambeewhy did you uploaded touchegg 1.0 ? the ffe is not approved ...09:39
ScottKshadeslayer: Can you test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/6720 on your mac?10:38
ScottKGot no testing and it takes having actual Mac hardware to do it.10:38
debfxScottK: I hope you'll grant a FFe for digikam even if it adds a gazillion lib, -dev and -data packages ...11:01
ScottKdebfx: It's granted.  It just needs someone to upload it.11:02
debfxreally? the packaging isn't even finished ;)11:03
bambeeapachelogger: finally, pitti closed it as "Fix Released"11:14
debfxlibmediawiki - what a great, utterly non-generic name11:19
alleeScottK: about digikam: is there a ppa to test 2.1.1 (like bluedevil and strigi)?  I've check yofel_ but there's only 2.0.0 for natty11:31
ScottKI don't know.11:31
ScottKI know someone was working on it, but I don't recall who.11:31
alleeScottK: yofel_ was working on it AFAIR but nothing in it's ppas11:31
ScottKdebfx: Yes. I know we want it in and the archive is frozen.11:31
ScottKSo I can just review it in the queue once it's done.11:32
alleeis there a digikam bzr repo with latest pkging changes?  debfx care to build pkgs for your ppa?  I can try to revive my how-to-doit knowledge won't find time until tomorrow morning11:37
debfxallee: not yet, I'll push it to the bzr repo and a ppa soon11:43
alleedebfx: great!  Thx a lot!11:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
didrocksScottK: I think I'll push the bzr branch Qt as soon as we unfreeze (contains a fix for Qt apps using gtk theme which makes either logouting or the machine to swap like crazy (8 GB windows created)12:51
rbelemapachelogger, i will take a look on that12:56
=== Earthwings_ is now known as Earthwings
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
ScottKdidrocks: Did we get fabo's sslv2 patch in?  We need that too.13:06
didrocksScottK: yeah, it's in the bzr branch13:06
ScottKSounds good then.13:07
didrocksScottK: I'm testing this version in the ubuntu-destkop for already some days13:07
shadeslayerScottK: i did, it didn't even detect the usb drive, i dd'ed the image onto the usb, but i'll try with usb-creator now13:13
ScottKdidrocks: Is it in a PPA somewhere?13:16
didrocksScottK: yeah it's in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa. Be warned, you have other desktop stuff in it, but nothing that should be installed by default in a kubuntu machine I guess13:17
ScottKCan someone test ^^^ Qt packages to make sure they work OK with KDE?13:17
shadeslayeri can do that right after i do ISO testing13:18
ScottKbambee: Would you be up for working on getting 4.6.5 ready for natty-updates?13:39
bambeeScottK: sure13:40
ScottKbambee: OK. Here's what needs doing ...13:40
ScottKTake the PPA package in the updates PPA, then check in LP to see if there have been any security updates or SRUs.13:41
ScottKThen look in upstream git/svn to see if there's any really scary looking fixes that hit after 4.6.5 was released.13:41
ScottKThen update the packages in the PPA.13:41
ScottKWe'll need a bug that affects all the packages to coordinate SRU testing.13:42
ScottKOnce someone (i.e. you) has gone through to make sure we're current, then I'll grab them and upload to -proposed.13:42
ScottKbambee: Sound good?13:42
ScottKshadeslayer: We'll need to decide soon if we're releasing amd64+mac and you're the only tester.  How'd it going.14:09
ScottKNo pressure.14:09
shadeslayerScottK: give me a couple of minutes, i'm copying the ISO over and for some reason my local server running sid hangs up :/14:10
ScottKI think we have an hour or two.14:10
shadeslayeralright, i'll do it the old fashioned way14:10
bambeewoo kdelibs has 4 fixes on upstream + a security fix14:12
shadeslayerssh is busted i think14:26
ScottKbambee: If it looks like we have something that should go upstream, please ping someone with upstream access to commit it (if you don't, I don't recall).14:34
rbelembambee, you can ping me :-)14:34
apacheloggerScottK: anything still needs testing?14:34
ScottKapachelogger: Do you have amd64?14:35
rbelemScottK, i could not test the image on pandaboard. tomorrow i will do that, ok?14:35
ScottKrbelem: Gruemaster tested already.14:36
ScottKapachelogger: A few tests left for that: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/671214:36
ScottKapachelogger: Particularly the run once cases.  AFAIK those haven't been done all cycle.14:36
rbelemapachelogger, for bug #851668, i thinkg echidna made a patch for that14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 851668 in kde-baseapps (Ubuntu) "Can't install samba from dolphin : kubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85166814:37
apacheloggercan we get that in plz :D14:38
apacheloggerScottK: stupid alternate14:38
* apachelogger zsyncs14:38
rbelemapachelogger, i'm not sure where the patch is. i will ping him when he shows up14:40
bambeeScottK: no I was talking about a security fix pushed on upstream and not fixed in kubuntu14:41
bambeehttp://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdelibs.git&a=shortlog&h=refs/heads/KDE/4.6  <-- the last one14:41
ScottKNeed to get that fixed then.14:41
bambee(pushed by david faure)14:41
bambeealso there are few important fixes (already backported in ~ppa2)14:41
bambeeI build kdelibs for now, I will push it in the ppa and then I will open a security bug14:42
debfxallee: digikam finished building in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental14:42
bambeeScottK: hehe that's my job ;)14:43
ScottKbambee: I did ping someone on #ubuntu-hardened.14:44
bambeegreat, thanks14:44
debfxwe also need to cherry-pick that commit into oneiric14:48
* yofel would like to have per stable branch kde-commits lists :S14:50
bambeeI don't understand why it was not reported on kde-packagers... :\14:51
alleedebfx: thx!! I'll test when I'm back at home.14:52
bambee(I could be wrong, but don't remember of it)14:52
* yofel updates digikam14:53
shadeslayer"Failed to install the bootloader."14:54
shadeslayersame as last time14:55
yofeland you probably trashed your system grub too this time?14:56
shadeslayerusb-creator is broken14:56
yofelthen it's progress ^^14:56
shadeslayerbug 70228314:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702283 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "usb-creator doesn't create EFI-bootable USB sticks" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70228314:57
shadeslayerfor some weird reason my backlight controls start working after pulling out the adapter on certain occassions15:16
shadeslayerand i get /sys/class/backlight/apple_backlight .. any ideas how to ensure i get backlight controls on every boot?15:17
ScottKshadeslayer: I got a USB that failed like that when kauth crashed during the usb setup.15:23
shadeslayerwell, for me, the USB isn't even detected if i dd the ISO, so can't test15:24
shadeslayeri'm searching for a CD, can't find one 15:24
yofeldoes someone know where the translations for the ubiquity slideshow are?15:30
yofelcan't find them15:30
ScottKRosetta, I'd guess.15:32
ulyssesyofel: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu15:33
ScottKryanakca: Did image uploading for kubuntu.org get fixed yet?15:40
yofelulysses: ah thanks, I didn't know I had to go to a specific release15:44
bambeedon't find kdeaccessibility on quickgit.k.o :\15:50
bambeearrff it has been splitted ^^15:51
yofelfun, isn't it15:51
shadeslayeryofel: Quintasan did anyone of you add more questions to the poll?15:51
shadeslayers/anyone/either one/15:52
kubotushadeslayer meant: "yofel: Quintasan did either one of you add more questions to the poll?"15:52
yofelhm... my beta2 amd64 install test is stuck at 90% with ubiquity, jockey-text, rsyslogd and log-output hogging 2 cores15:52
yofelshadeslayer: don't think so, and I won't think about neon before the weekend15:52
ScottKWait for it.15:52
bambeemhhh everything in the same branch... fun... xD15:53
yofelafter I'm done with the backports it's neon maintenance time15:53
yofelScottK: I've been waiting for 20 minutes so far15:53
ScottKHow much RAM on the system?15:54
ScottKMaybe jockey is compiling something.15:54
* shadeslayer looks at neon TODO15:55
Quintasanshadeslayer: I did not, I think that should be enough15:58
QuintasanIF I get some ideas I will add them15:58
shadeslayerthe poll is ... too small :P15:59
apacheloggerScottK: I really do not get why we need to test all this stuff really16:16
apacheloggeralternate does not even differ from ubuntu's16:16
ScottKBecause sometimes it works on one and not the other.16:16
apacheloggerand since only the installer itself is tested all we'd needs is a test case "shows kubuntu branding"16:17
apacheloggerScottK: why is that?16:17
apacheloggerepic waste of resources that is IMHO16:17
* apachelogger gets more coffee meanwhile16:18
didrocksScottK: pushing Qt? agateau tested his patch under kubuntu I guess (and it only affect when the gtk theme is selected)16:37
ScottKIf he tested in KDE, then I'm fine if you go ahead.16:38
didrocksdoing then16:38
yofelhm, is it just me or muon software center isn't in system settings?16:53
yofelgreat, and now muon-installer tells me another package management software is running while apt-get runs perfectly fine (and isn't running when I try to install something in muon)16:58
apacheloggerScottK: is it desired that the alternate rescue mode is in purple?17:19
apacheloggerdebfx: ping17:25
debfxapachelogger: pong17:26
apacheloggerdebfx: how do we do desktop file translation for own projects now?17:26
apacheloggerI have a desktop file that should probably go into KDS 17:27
DarkwingDuckjjesse: ping17:27
jjesseDarkwingDuck PONG17:28
* apachelogger really needs a new laptop17:28
DarkwingDuckjjesse: Have you done the translated .POT back to .xml before?17:29
jjesseDarkwingDuck whats up?17:29
debfxI'm not sure yet, it would be interesting to know how other ubuntu projects handle that (e.g. unity-2d)17:29
jjesseDarkwingDuck nope17:29
DarkwingDuckjjesse: Okay. Once I get them back we'll sit down and I'll go through that with you. also, I re-worte the script for updating the .pot files from the xml. I'll do that with you too. The deadline is the 29th for that.17:30
DarkwingDuckjjesse: we have teh 29th to the 6th of Oct to get it17:31
jjessesounds like fun17:31
jjessei've already made some changes in my own branch once P opens up17:31
jjessethings i didn't get done cause i'm a huge slacker17:31
DarkwingDuckjjesse: awesome. Once other thing I wanted to do is update the screen-shots17:32
jjesseyeah that needs to get done, P will be LTS right?17:32
DarkwingDuckjjesse: Yes.17:32
DarkwingDuckjjesse: I'll be pushing for no major updates in the LTS so we can do more in the docs17:33
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: ^^^ :P:P17:33
apacheloggerI'll switch to opensuse17:34
apacheloggeroh great17:34
apachelogger1 TB of prn17:34
* apachelogger orders new disk on the amazones17:35
DarkwingDuckSell it on ebay... Wonder how much that would sell for.17:35
ScottKapachelogger: No.17:35
ScottKI filed a bug about that, IIRC.17:35
apacheloggerah, a bug to leave rotting :S17:35
* apachelogger should go zen linux17:36
jjessei only use hanah montana linux17:36
* apachelogger beats jjesse with a stick17:37
apacheloggerthy shalt not use inferior software17:37
apacheloggeror whas it thou17:37
DarkwingDuckI should do a Justin Beaver linux.17:37
* jjesse grabs that stick and turns it into a microphone and starts singing17:37
* apachelogger shrugs and filelights his prn17:37
apacheloggeroh, turns out only 43gb is prn :O17:38
jjessethats disappointing17:38
apacheloggerfattest thing is a folder called Movies17:38
apacheloggermight also be prn on second though17:38
* apachelogger investigates17:38
apacheloggerwell, some prn17:39
DarkwingDuckjjesse: You should have seen some of the collections the guys had on the ship17:39
apacheloggerquantum of solace17:39
apacheloggerI cant even remember what that was about17:39
apacheloggermust have been a good move17:39
apacheloggershift del!17:39
jjessequantom of sollace is james bond movie17:40
* bambee wonders if one day apachelogger will watch anything else than prn with phonon17:40
apacheloggerI still cannot rmember17:40
apacheloggerchitty chitty bang bang17:40
apacheloggerah, casino royale17:42
apacheloggerI remember that one, partially17:42
apacheloggerit plays in a casino17:42
bambeecasino royale <3, eva green <317:42
apacheloggerle fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain17:42
apacheloggerI think that gets a shift del... I saw that once in german and now I can't watch it no more without getting a sick feeling17:43
bambeethis movie rocks! seriously, it was made by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (alien 4)  :)17:43
apacheloggermonty pyth0rn17:43
* apachelogger starts singing17:44
apacheloggerthe great escape17:46
apacheloggernow that is a good movie17:46
apacheloggerI think17:46
* apachelogger remembers only the music17:46
apacheloggerScottK: all run once passed17:57
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.17:57
ScottKWho was doing strigi?18:32
schnellehi kubuntu devs. can you pull patch for this bug to kubuntu packages: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28180419:24
ubottuKDE bug 281804 in style "Clementine Player's seek bar started to blink since version 4 7 0" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:24
schnellevideo of the bug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPA_bC4mJl819:24
schnellefix will be released in kde 4.7.2 so is is not included in default oneiric packages19:25
ScottKShould be able to.19:26
schnelle thanks :)19:27
ScottKapachelogger: Could you look over -workspace and see if there are other things we should cherrypick?19:28
ryanakcaScottK: The last we discussed, Ng was going to take care of it that afternoon. I'm not sure on any progress. I'll find out.19:34
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.19:37
ScottKshadeslayer: Find any CDs?19:38
apacheloggerScottK: sure if dirk had managed to actually tag 4.7.1 in git19:38
ScottKapachelogger: There's at least a commit that says
ScottKYou can work forward from that.19:39
bambeekubuntu-ppa/ppa needs testing19:39
bambeeit's almost done19:39
ScottKbambee: Is this the updated 4.6.5 stuff?19:39
apacheloggerthere is a segfault fix19:40
bambeeI backported patches for : kdelibs, kdebase-workspace, kdeedu, kdemultimedia and kdeplasma-addons19:40
ScottKbambee: Cool.19:40
apacheloggermem usage optimization19:41
bambeeapachelogger: every important fix in KDE/4.6 for each package has been backported19:41
bambee(using quickgit.k.o)19:41
ScottKbambee: apachelogger's on 4.7.1+19:42
bambeeok ;)19:42
apacheloggerfixes kwin assert leading to black screen19:42
ScottKbambee: Take notes though, maybe you could cherrypick these and push in bzr for oneiric?19:42
mgraesslinapachelogger: ?19:43
ScottKf8d4bfbda31f3bbb43e29341a8f00411dcac4280 <-- fixes oxygen style19:43
apacheloggersimple signal signature fix19:43
ScottKmgraesslin: We're looking through 4.7 for post 4.7.1 changes we want since 4.7.2 is too late for us.19:43
bambeesure, but could you please put the name of the package... ? o.O19:44
ScottKbambee: kde-workspace19:44
apachelogger6747d98264646f123b6da33f36e063eeb5f1fe4a behaviour fix ... not particularly backport worthy from a QA perspective19:44
bambeeScottK: thanks19:44
apacheloggere11273f75c020cdb3797da73b0523dbc7b0cb250 we need for tablet stuff19:44
mgraesslinScottK: does that mean we will get for half a year again the bugs agains 4.7.1 ;-)19:45
ScottKmgraesslin: It does.19:45
* bambee will save this log in a todo.txt19:45
apacheloggerc3c5b1ba1777b6186f0ccb2e1c4511b975d9aa4c appearance imporvement (also not particularly interesting19:45
ScottKI argued for a later release at the last UDS and lost.19:45
ScottKmgraesslin: I got the schedule fixed for the next fall release though, so as long as KDE stays on it's normal schedule we'll release with 4.8.2/4.9.2 for the next two cycles.19:46
mgraesslinScottK: for next time I can prepare a list of all the bugs reported against the version shipped with Kubuntu and had been fixed before the release of Kubuntu19:46
apachelogger1b2dd9cb6b848c2b1ee46897d4c577ba637912aa actual fix for e11273f75c020cdb3797da73b0523dbc7b0cb25019:46
ScottKWe're getting ready to push 4.6.5 for maverick now.19:46
* apachelogger loves when a fix is not actually a fix so that it needs a fix for the fix19:47
ScottKWhat we really need to do is push 4.7.5 (or whatever is last) sooner.19:47
apacheloggerfor all I see we could just grab the entire diff between 4.7.1 and dump it into a patch....19:47
ScottKapachelogger: Sounds reasonable.19:47
apachelogger95d3b39f29cff42ecf17fa17665ec1d3eb84415a is a bit weird though19:48
bambeeinto ONE patch ?19:48
* apachelogger has no idea what it does and the message is also no fun19:48
mgraesslinjust do git format-patch19:48
ScottKWho's on digikam and strigi?19:49
ScottKI know we need those in soon.19:49
ScottKRiddell: If you have a moment, would you please accept my kde-baseapps upload.19:49
bambeeeuh... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80659343/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.kdeplasma-addons_4%3A4.6.5-0ubuntu1%7Eppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  <-- LOL ?19:56
* apachelogger reminds ScottK of bug 85561219:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 855612 in Ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception for akonadi-facebook" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85561219:57
bambeehttp://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdeplasma-addons.git&a=commitdiff&h=44df71f6730ea7f54c873a4ec79ee1a980ab35d8 <-- this patch breaks building o.O19:57
apacheloggerbambee: it happens19:57
bambeeI know, sometimes I commit shit myself. but it's in kde/4.6 not in master19:58
bambeewell, fixing19:58
ScottKapachelogger: Meh.  Whatever.19:59
ScottKapachelogger: Approved.19:59
apacheloggerbambee: flashdance20:01
bambeewhut? lol20:01
apacheloggerbambee: the akonadi-facebook is missing a license copy20:03
apacheloggeror multiple20:03
apacheloggerat least one20:03
apachelogger   <2011> Roeland Jago Douma <unix@rullzer.com>20:04
apacheloggerthat line has a tab20:04
apacheloggerin copyright that is20:04
apacheloggerand WTH does that thing builddep on webkit20:04
apacheloggerwhat the cake20:04
apacheloggeralso stuff in the control exceeds 80 chars per line20:05
apacheloggerW: akonadi-facebook source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends libkfacebook-dev20:05
apacheloggerbambee: symbols file is all diffy20:07
apacheloggerW: libkfacebook-dev: description-synopsis-starts-with-article20:07
apacheloggerW: libkfacebook1: description-synopsis-starts-with-article20:08
apacheloggerE: libkfacebook1: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol _ZN10NoteAddJob11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv@Base and 481 others20:08
bambeeapachelogger: I added your comments to my todolist20:20
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: ping20:45
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect | Archive Frozen | Kubuntu 11.10 Beta 2 Released! | TODO: http://goo.gl/BD9JL | 4.7.1: http://goo.gl/x6iOf | Congratulations to Tonio_ | 42k schools with Kubuntu: http://goo.gl/3M0G6
ScottKSomeone please update #kubuntu.22:05
apacheloggerScottK: no b2 announcement page on wiki?22:13
apacheloggerScottK: incidentially enough ... low fat is not mentioned :P22:13
ScottKapachelogger: Feel free to edit.22:33
ScottKFixed the link on kubuntu.org22:34
ScottKapachelogger: Please add your lowfat here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Beta2/Kubuntu22:34
apacheloggerbut what to write? :S22:49
apacheloggeralso I think kwin does not cascade window decroration style settings22:49
ScottKapachelogger: I provide the pallet.  The picture is a matter for your artistry.22:53
lunarclouderror on the website's announcement - "Kubuntu this final Beta release IS"22:57
lunarcloudsounds like yoda22:57
* ScottK looks23:00
ScottKlubyou: Fixed it up a bit.23:02
ScottKerrr.  That was meant for lunarcloud, who didn't stick around ...23:04
apacheloggercurious fact: low-fat improves time to desktop by about 33% and mem consumption by about 32%23:04
ScottKThat's worth a mention.23:04
apacheloggermore interesting fact... I could probably reduce time to desktop by about 90% with a one line change :P23:04
ScottKrm -rf plasma-desktop?23:05
apacheloggerjust make plasma-desktop not wait for some dbus stuff23:05
ScottKWhat happens if you don't wait?23:05
apacheloggerksplash drops you to the desktop while plasma is mocking along with its blocking loading of plasmoids23:06
apacheloggeruseful enough krunner is not the same binary so you can use krunner from that point on IIRC23:06
ScottKI see.23:06
apachelogger76% faster23:07
apacheloggernot the visually most apealing thing (i.e. if a kded fires a notification it will not be cought by plasma and thus be unthemed KDE 3 style knotify)23:08
apacheloggerincidentially enough our notification helper does that for updates23:09
apacheloggerwe should change that23:09
apacheloggerno need to check for upgradable packages at init23:09
apacheloggercan easily be pushed back 60 seconds or so23:09
ScottKTrue.  Should wait a bit for things to settle down.23:09
ScottKIf it's a surgical strike, I'd probably approve an FFe to move that.23:10
apacheloggerI think we are semi-lazy already23:11
apacheloggerso it would be a matter of changing a qtimer 23:11
apacheloggerthen again I looked at the code 2 years ago last :P23:11
ScottKI think that makes you the expert.23:12
ScottKUses less memory/CPU than your normal every day Kubuntu.23:15
claydohwho/what/when/where/how, the why can wait23:15
claydohI can haz?23:16
claydohhmm howd I miss that?23:16
claydohdo you just install on a normal system?23:17
ScottKsudo apt-get install kubuntu-low-fat-settings23:18
ScottKapachelogger made it.23:18
claydohI must kiss apachelogger 's feet or then23:18
claydohI did try using sqlite for akonadi in place of the mysql backend, not sure that gave any improvements23:19
apacheloggerclaydoh: it should23:21
apacheloggerlow-fat doesnt do that yet23:22
apachelogger(mostly because akonadi cannot be switched in a sane way)23:22
claydohapachelogger:  I didn't look at too long, really, then did a clean install23:22
claydohneed to try that on the old laptop, if the black electrical tape holding it together is still good23:23
apacheloggerfrom a user perspective it is mostly just editing a config23:24
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: my new laptop has gesture support in the touchpad. I can do more testing with that.23:24
apacheloggerfrom a packaging/automation POV that is a bit of a pain in the butt though23:24
DarkwingDuckOh, and I have a feture request from a few people in the community23:24
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: what are we talking about?23:25
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Sorry, I read your blog on your site RE touch stuff23:25
DarkwingDuckin 11.1023:25
apacheloggerwe have no UI right now23:26
apacheloggersomeone decided to change around the stack ^^23:26
apacheloggerclaydoh: you surely want to expand the beta2 wiki page a bit?23:26
apacheloggerwith low-fat stuff23:26
apacheloggerinstall kubuntu-low-fat-settings23:26
apacheloggergain up to 33% improvement in login time and memory consumption23:27
claydohapachelogger: yes, looking at it now, maybe even a blog post too this is good stuff23:27
DarkwingDuckyeah, I'll be doing that when I get my laptop next week *sigh*23:27
apacheloggertakes away semantic features, ui goodness, krunner features, some background services23:27
claydohbetter than kmail2 migration madness23:27
apacheloggerclaydoh: first the wiki page :P23:27
DarkwingDuckwhat krunner fetures does it pull?23:28
claydohlemme eat and stare at accessories for my new phone23:28
claydohlooking at what the settings do, making a list23:28
apacheloggerthey stop the printer-applet from starting23:29
claydohyup. looking at the config files23:29
apacheloggerif you have questions...23:29
claydohapachelogger:  will ask :)23:29
apacheloggerbtw, kwin style change does not work for some reason23:30
apacheloggergotta talk to martin tomorrow23:30
claydohwell it looks pretty self explanatory 23:32
apacheloggerScottK: it appears the package upgarde stuff comes form muon23:33
* apachelogger had thought jon the taco had learned from master apachelogger when they did the kubuntu-notification-helper23:34
apachelogger    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(init()));23:35
apacheloggeroh he did23:36
apacheloggerScottK: one line change to delay all the action of the muon kded module23:36
apacheloggerwe should talk to jonny tomorrow23:37
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  Let's have it though.23:37
apacheloggerat some point :P23:37
apacheloggerI have copyright on the muon kded23:38
apacheloggersomething tells me that code is borrowed from kubuntu-notification-helper ^^23:38
apacheloggerScottK: bug 82059123:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820591 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Logging out of the live session of kubuntu prompts to "abort active sessions"" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82059123:53
apacheloggerthat is a completely random issue23:54
apacheloggerseems to be related to graphics driver though23:54
apacheloggerhappens for ages23:54
apacheloggermade me thinking about simply removing that feature23:54
apacheloggermaking it an option turned off by default23:54
claydohapachelogger:  what is this for: [KDE-Global GUI Settings] GraphicEffectsLevel=0 in kdeglobals do?23:55
apacheloggerclaydoh: no one really knows, it apparently defines how many graphical effects a style should use23:56
apachelogger(it is the second tab in the style kcm)23:56
apacheloggerinfluences software shadows for menus for example23:56
claydohok, got it thanks23:57
claydoha setting i usually tweak myself23:57
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