
sandinoany is here ?00:17
Lithos84sandino: Not any, many :)00:18
sandinoman please help00:19
sandinoterminal not work00:19
sandinofull virus here00:19
Lithos84sandino: It is unlikely a virus, but, what happened?00:20
sandinocant install nothing00:20
sandino"sudo: aptitude: command not found "00:20
sandinocant install themes00:20
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Lithos84try "sudo apt-get install"00:21
Lithos84!virus | sandino00:21
ubottusandino: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:21
=== Flash is now known as Guest9088
=== tjones is now known as Kingh3mp
Kingh3mpHey guys, I'm having problems finding the capacity settings for the trashbin.02:56
SIR_TacoKingh3mp: do you have the wastebin as a plasmoid/widget on your desktop or taskbar?02:59
SIR_TacoKingh3mp: If you right-click on the wastebin and select "Wastebin Settings" you should be able to change the amount of space it uses03:01
Kingh3mpI've found that. Now to my second problem.03:01
Kingh3mpNo matter whatsize I allow, Dolphin keeps warning me that the trashbin is "full" which it isn't.03:02
Kingh3mpAnd tells me to clean it up manually.03:02
SIR_Tacowhat version of KDE?03:03
SIR_Tacoand how do you know that you haven't hit the limit?03:04
kingh3mpKDE4. And I know because I set the trashcan to 90% of its capacity.03:05
kingh3mpOops. I think I accidentally closed the chat.03:08
kingh3mpAnyway, I'm using KDE4.03:08
kingh3mpAnd I know I haven't hit the limit because I set it to 90% capacity.03:08
kingh3mpIs there an easy way to re-format removable media?03:09
AxlinTo manually empty the trash (be sure to type this exactly): rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*03:09
SIR_Tacokingh3mp: if you set the wastebin to be 90% of your free-space.... that's not good03:10
kingh3mpChanged that.03:11
kingh3mpTrashbin is empty now.03:11
kingh3mpNow. Is there an easy way to re-format a removable media device?03:12
AxlinYou can use KDE Partition Manager to do that. sudo apt-get install partitionmanager03:13
AxlinAssuming it isn't already installed. I'm not sure if it is or not.03:13
kingh3mpThanks, Axlin03:13
kingh3mpCan't install that at the moment. KPackage Manager is downloading updates.03:15
kingh3mpthis hp is slow im planing on replacing the 2 half gig ram with 1 gig sticks. is it worth it ?03:26
kingh3mpbrb need 2 restart03:28
LINKSWORD2I think I scared him off. :/03:29
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: I have a few times... so don't worry :P03:31
LINKSWORD2Maybe you scared him off, then?03:31
SIR_TacoIf he keeps coming back, I can't really say I scared him off..... however if he doesn't come back this time... then it's all on you haha03:32
LINKSWORD2Don't make me eat you, Taco.03:32
kingh3mpim back03:32
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2:  you're off the hook I guess haa03:33
kingh3mpdont make me kick u03:33
kingh3mpanyhow  like i said im thinking on kicking up the ram on my hp its a single core 1.7 ghz03:34
SIR_Tacolaptop? desktop?03:35
kingh3mponly has a gig of ram total i was looking at 2 1 gig sticks03:35
LINKSWORD2You're talking about upgrading RAM, and at the same time, shifting discussion over to the processor speed...03:35
* LINKSWORD2 facepalms.*03:35
SIR_Tacokingh3mp: what are you trying to do exactly?03:36
moetunesmore ram is alwaye better03:36
kingh3mpup the ram from 2 half gig stix to  2 i gig sticks to try to speed it up03:36
SIR_Tacokingh3mp: you *may* see a slight speed up... but likely not much unless you deal with ram intensive tasks03:38
kingh3mpwat is ram intensive tasks03:38
kingh3mpbtw link im add03:39
SIR_TacoA database, 3D rendering, movie editing, etc03:39
LINKSWORD2I've checked into the system process manager and noticed that the system does use a lot of its RAM.03:40
LINKSWORD2It could also use a processor upgrade, possibly, but I think the best option is to either upgrade RAM, or scrap the system and get a better one.03:41
LINKSWORD2For the time being, upgrading components is more cost-effective.03:41
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: I guess it depends on how much the ram costs?03:41
LINKSWORD2About $20 each.03:42
LINKSWORD2And I can also find a working battery upgrade for dirt-cheap. :P03:42
kingh3mpya the battery is shot half hour life03:43
SIR_TacoJust saying that you might see some speed-up, but it wont knock you over and thing "holy crap! this is awesome!"03:44
kingh3mpno i kno03:45
kingh3mpi need to get my desk top idea rolling but i live a mobile life03:46
SIR_Tacook... lets take a step back here...03:46
SIR_Tacowhat do you know about RAM?03:46
* LINKSWORD2 Facepalms.*03:46
kingh3mplittle i took several base classes in highschool03:47
LINKSWORD2SIR_Taco: , we may have to explain that very thoroughly....03:47
SIR_Tacokingh3mp: here's a very quick and dirty idea of what happens in your computer....03:48
* LINKSWORD2 Epic Facepalm!*03:49
* kingh3mp hits head on wall BEGONE EVIL THOUGHTS ! *03:49
* LINKSWORD2 drags kingh3mp's mind out of the gutter.*03:49
SIR_TacoWhen you open a program, it is (or part of it, that's an advanced subject) loaded into RAM. Why? because RAM takes micro seconds to get information from and a hard-drive takes milliseconds...03:50
kingh3mpok im starting to remember03:50
LINKSWORD2RAM stands for "Random Access Memory" and it's designed to be quick and effective short-term memory. It determines the speed at which a system is able to run applications.03:51
LINKSWORD2That's only a partial explanation, though. And I don't want to get into a 3-hour in-depth discussion. :/03:52
kingh3mpas far as my desk top idea its back burner untill i find a home atm i live were ever i roam including under linkswords bed03:52
SIR_TacoIf your RAM fills up and/or the files have been sitting idle in RAM for a long time (depending on the OS), your OS will likely send it to the page-swap/file so that it's not taking up space in RAM03:52
=== root is now known as Guest81910
* LINKSWORD2 lights kingh3mp's shoes on fire.*03:52
* kingh3mp kicks linksword*03:53
LINKSWORD2SIR_Taco:  kingh3mp and I both run Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE 4.03:53
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: the part about "determines the speed at which a system is able to run applications." is not entirely true03:53
SIR_Tacook... I'm going to make the assumption that the two of you play WoW?03:54
LINKSWORD2.... Absolutely not. I despise it.03:55
SIR_Tacothat shoots that anology in the foot...03:55
LINKSWORD2OK, so that analogy relates to games.03:57
SIR_TacoYea it was going to03:57
LINKSWORD2We both have LinCity-NG installed. lol03:57
kingh3mpi watch vidioes and play tons of games03:57
LINKSWORD2I'm not nearly as game-addicted as I used to be....03:58
SIR_Tacoforget it03:58
LINKSWORD2Forget what? :P03:58
kingh3mpshould i go with a newer la;ptop03:58
SIR_Tacokingh3mp: it depends on what you want to do with it03:59
kingh3mpor try to revive this 2005 hp03:59
LINKSWORD2We want to kill Windows and install Kubuntu on it... lol04:00
kingh3mpi like games videoes and i keep in touch with family aside from reserching car stuff04:00
SIR_Tacokingh3mp: ok, so what's your issue with the laptop now?04:01
SIR_Tacoslow how?04:01
kingh3mpevery thing even jams playing solitare04:02
LINKSWORD2! SIR_Taco May I query?04:02
ubottuLINKSWORD2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:02
* LINKSWORD2 dies.*04:08
=== james is now known as Guest86745
SIR_TacoI think LINKSWORD2 and kingh3mp should add 'TT' to the end of their names from now on...04:29
LINKSWORD2Good question. lol04:30
SIR_TacoTT = "Taco Tormentor" :P04:30
* LINKSWORD2 Facepalms.*04:31
kingh3mpgonna go04:37
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Daniel1
HitcherHello, i am trying to install Ubuntu on an old laptop running a sempron 1.2 with 512 ram.... I keep getting a fail message thatr the install could not continue due to an unrecoverable error.... any suggestions05:13
SIR_TacoHitcher: which version of Kubuntu/Ubuntu?05:17
SIR_TacoHitcher: are you sure the hard drive is ok?05:18
HitcherI am aty the install screen and I have turned off the raid opt05:18
HitcherI will run the disk checker just to make sure05:19
SIR_Tacoand are you sure the ram is ok?05:19
Hitcherit has been running the xp for a number of years05:19
HitcherJust gave daughter new laptop, so I thought I would try to put new life in thise old one05:20
SIR_Tacodid it give you a specific error?05:22
Hitcherok no errors found05:25
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exavirI'm new07:32
exavirI have a Q about Kubuntu07:32
exavirCan anyone help me?07:33
exavirNo one????????????07:36
exavirWhat a great IRC07:36
ikoniayou need to ask the question07:37
ikoniathen people will know if they can help you07:37
exavirI installed Kubuntu using Wubi07:37
ikoniaI can't help you07:37
exavirbut my kubuntu doesn't recogonize my wireless card07:37
exavirHow can i fix it?07:38
ikoniano idea, I don't support wubi07:38
TeslaTonyFor some irritating reason my laptop will inform me that my battery has reached a low level, then hibernate. I have it set to hibernate at 5%, but sometimes will do it at over 50%. Any known fixes?07:38
ikoniaTeslaTony: does your battery need conditioning /07:39
TeslaTonyIkonia: Not that I am aware of. I get pretty good life out of a full charge, and Windows gives me zero issues with it.07:40
ikoniaTeslaTony: sounds like linux isn't properly supporting your power managment features, it's not that uncommon07:41
TeslaTonyikonia: Yeah. I've had previous issues with getting correct readings on the battery level, though I'm surprised that would still be an issue with this laptop07:43
ikoniawhy are you surprised by the current laptop ?07:43
TeslaTonyHP Mini 110. Fairly common laptop, and from my understanding, HP is rather open-source friendly07:45
ikoniaTeslaTony: they are, and it's a fair assumption, the issue is sometimes the bios stuff which isn't made by them lets them down07:47
TeslaTonyikonia: I need to check, but there's a good chance the motherboard is made by Asus, which is also very open-source friendly. Maybe my next laptop needs to be a Dell preloaded with Ubuntu...07:50
ikoniaTeslaTony: dell is no better/worse being honest07:50
ikoniaTeslaTony: I'm just looking into that HP model now07:51
TeslaTonyikonia: Idle thought, really, though I'd imagine something preloaded with Ubuntu would actually work pretty well with it. My reasonable assumptions will be the death of me.07:52
ikoniaTeslaTony: nope07:54
ikoniaTeslaTony: it "should" but doesn't most dells ship with things like broadcoms etc, that have problems07:55
ikoniaTeslaTony: some dell builds are actually modified ubuntu builds oto07:55
=== manU is now known as Guest35270
studentКак дела?08:14
student_Трон по кайфу08:14
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studentлолка )08:15
student_Училка нормальная!08:16
FloodBotK1student__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:17
student_привнт всем08:18
student__Тема 1.1 Основные понятия и определения08:18
student__Цель изучения темы08:18
student__Усвоение основных понятий теории баз данных и развитие навыков оперирования определениями.08:18
FloodBotK1student__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:18
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rekhi lol08:53
rekwhere's kevin' ?08:54
well_laid_lawnis that like where's waldo?08:54
Tm_Trek: hi, welcome to the support channel of Kubuntu08:55
TheLastProjectHmmm... why is the KPackageKit update manager asking me to update nvidia-common when I am using an ATI graphic card and the official Catalyst drivers, and no NVIDIA card/driver? o-o08:59
James147TheLastProject: because you had it installed (for what ever reason) and kpackagekit just upgrades stuff, dosnt also check to see if you still need the program09:04
TheLastProjectWonder how I ended up installing it =/09:05
=== tobias is now known as Guest53775
James147TheLastProject: shouldnt matter much... if X is working then its likly not doing anything... should be safe to remove09:05
TheLastProjectHmmm, yeah09:06
TheLastProjectIt works without any issue09:06
TheLastProjectGuess I'll remove it :P09:06
truegAre there KDE 4.7.1 packages for Kubuntu 11.4?10:01
James147trueg: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.710:15
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sfuhrmannHello all, how can I remove packages and holding dependencies?10:41
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=== trueg_away is now known as trueg
TheLastProjectOpen your package manager (KPackageKit by default on Kubuntu, located in your Application Launcher (that's start menu for ex-Windows users) under "Computer"), type in the package name and click search10:49
TheLastProjectThen move your mouse over the package you want to remove and click the "Remove" icon, followed by "Apply"10:49
TheLastProjectIf there are any dependencies it doesn't need anymore it should remove them as well, if I am right10:49
TheLastProjectThough I may be mistaking10:49
TheLastProjectsudo apt-get autoclean (I believe) should help if it doesn't10:50
=== trueg is now known as trueg_away
=== trueg_away is now known as trueg
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=== trueg is now known as trueg_away
alkisgHi, I'm not seeing smileys in quassel/oneiric, is that normal?11:57
* alkisg uses quassel for the first time...11:58
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BluesKajHey all13:03
nikolayhello world13:09
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=== vinces_ is now known as vinces
amichairSo... will kde 4.7.1 be backported to Natty anytime soon?13:35
nokiahi every1.suddenly the 'a' char button in my keyboard has stopped workin.It is not hardware prob bcoz its workin fine in win7 os.plz tell me how reset my keyboard?13:38
BluesKajkmenu>computersystem settings>input devices13:41
BluesKajnokia, ^13:42
TheLastProjectI hate it when stuff sometimes works and sometimes doesn't work >_>13:44
nokiaBluesKaj: can u plz tell me wat i hav to change in input devices.I set everythin to default but stil its not workin13:45
OerHeksnokia if other keys do work, your 'a'  is broken13:46
nokiaOerHeks:no ther is no hardware prob,bcoz its workin fine in win7 os, besides its not workin even if i connect external keyboard also13:48
BluesKajnokia, look for your KB maker in the drop down and see if various model settings work13:49
BluesKajon the hardware tab13:50
=== macer1-zlyklon is now known as macer1
rcmaehl\o/ Kubuntu is using under 300mb of RAM14:21
shane2perukeyboard shortcuts?  Does anyone know of a way to press a keyboard combo of keys and have the date automagically inserted in any document?  I know there must be a way to do that.14:48
=== richard is now known as Guest4020
OerHeksafter update flash, my chromium askes for ... update :( what do i need to do to get this right ?15:06
OerHekswhy is chromium so bad ?15:09
OerHeksall i can find is about chrome, not chromium, is it so bad even google hides results ?15:11
shane2perulol, not sure, I use Chrome, as I got tired of the fun 'n' games with Chromium15:16
OerHeksi just installed chrome, still no video15:17
OerHeksi try the windows way, maybe reboot does the trick15:17
=== vinces_ is now known as vinces
OerHeksnice, even firefox does not have the flash plugin update ..15:24
OerHeksbad, very bad update :(15:24
OerHeksany help to get flash back working again ? chromium or chrome or firefox ?15:25
=== eyes_ is now known as EyesIsServer
=== Wojtulas_ is now known as Wojtulas
OerHeksflash aid does not exist in Kubuntu ...15:29
genii-around!info flashplugin-installer15:31
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (natty), package size 8 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)15:31
OerHeksi know, but even firefox does give an error ...15:32
genii-aroundOerHeks: Did you install it from the package manager, or off Adobes site?15:32
OerHekspackagemanager update15:32
OerHeksjust installed chrome, it should have flash inside it, somehow15:33
BluesKajthen flash will be on chrome, OerHeks15:34
BluesKajI like chromium a lot but it's failure to have have adjustable toolbar and bookmarkbar fonts has me using FF :(15:36
OerHekstry to reinstall tru software centre, firefox does not even shot it in about:plugins, verry odd15:37
genii-aroundOerHeks: What says the result of command: update-alternatives --list firefox-flashplugin15:40
OerHeksi just ran flash-aid in forefox, that is working now, now testing chrome15:42
OerHeksodd, should everybody needs flash-aid to correct this issue ?15:42
OerHekschrome works now too :(15:42
=== mgagne is now known as wftl
OerHeksyour command gives me: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for firefox-flashplugin.15:43
OerHekslost my recent bookmarks over this flash-thingy:(15:48
BluesKajhow could flash plugin remove bookmarks15:56
BluesKajOerHeks, if you have FF on another machine witht same bookmarks , just resync FF16:02
OerHeksjust had the old from 5-22-2011, now i understand why a bookmark backup script is so nice16:04
OerHeksi deleted chromium to resolve this flash issue, so bookmarks with it16:05
BluesKajOerHeks, if you just uninstalled , you can re-install and migrate the bookmarks from chrome to FF16:06
OerHeksyes, i know, but my default browser used to be chromium, i didn't een start firefox untill today16:07
BluesKajOerHeks, ^16:08
OerHeksbookmarks i really miss are about the BEAST script, and the dev to fix it16:08
OerHeksehm yes, handy, but they are gone now, and never been in FF16:09
BluesKajyou can still import frome chrome , just install chrome again , it will retain your old bookmarks from the conf files left ]behind16:10
BluesKajBBIAB ...16:11
=== user___ is now known as Approximator
ApproximatorGentlemen, I have a question about Wayland in Kubuntu. does somebody know when?16:24
FloodBotK1Hannspree: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:36
david__i can't adjust my backlight17:00
david__please help me17:00
winuthas it worked before?17:00
david__i can't watch in my display17:00
david__no i use kubuntu first time17:00
david__i have acer notebook17:01
winutdoes it work on windows?17:01
david__i never had a linux here on this laptop17:01
winutseems like an bios/acpi feature17:01
winutmaybe your missing the correct method from your dsdt?17:02
winutwhat is the model?17:02
david__i adjust brightness by fn key + arrow left or right17:02
david__acer aspire 5742g17:03
winutg model what? lol17:03
winutah, ok, thanks17:03
david__lol numlock xD17:03
david__i put the another monitor in my laptop because i can't watch in lcd display of notebook17:03
winutmaybe look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164938417:04
winutcant see any joy here, maybe its a bios issue?17:07
david__no i think it's not bios17:08
david__no option in bios about graphics17:08
david__i have here nvidia graphic card and integrated intel graphichs17:08
david__i think this computer use the integrated graphich hardware for default17:09
winutif you could extract your dsdt and fix the graphics brightness there and override the dsdt using grub, maybe it would work OOTB?17:10
david__oh, i don't know what is it17:12
winuti had a look at your bios dsdt table and it has methods like BRTS, _BCM etc so it should work. maybe there is no driver support yet. is it a new laptop?17:15
david__yes it's new17:16
david__i bought it few months ago17:16
winutits possible that the brightness control this was badly implemented ort just non standard. ok makes sense. also looked here http://www.mail-archive.com/platform-driver-x86@vger.kernel.org/msg02389.html17:16
winutseems like you might have to wait for anew kernel17:16
=== bronz_ is now known as bronze
david__i don't see the xorg file17:21
david__in kubuntu17:21
david__where is it ?17:21
winuta lot of manufacturers are lazy towards linux support and implement dodgy code in their bios, expecting windows to fix all, which it normally does17:21
winutso you have 2 choices, wait for linux developers to fix everything or fix it yourself in the dsdt etc17:22
david__i will try that dsdt but i don't know how to use it...17:23
winuthowever, that is not easy for most users. you can refer to the acpi specs if your seriously interested in doing so17:23
=== macer1-zlyklon is now known as macer1
winutanother link for another distro, mint on this issue -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/unable-to-adjust-brightness-on-my-laptop-876826/17:24
david__ok thanks for helping me17:25
genii-arounddavid__: Is module acer-wmi loading?17:26
david__i have some notifications17:28
david__about that17:28
david__acer wmi not loaded etc...17:28
genii-arounddavid__: Perhaps to add acer-wmi into /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, sudo update-initramfs -u  and see if it makes a difference next boot17:38
genii-aroundThat is if: modprobe -l | grep acer       shows you have that module available17:38
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MTProwerHiya awesome fun peeps18:35
MTProwerIs there anyone here?18:36
MTProwerhiya kot18:37
kotкак дрова установить18:38
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adwait_sharmaI have recently downloaded Kubuntu. Can someone suggest me any good irc client for it?21:30
mark__anybody here?21:34
=== massimo is now known as Guest64116
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Beta 2 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-1110-beta-2-released
=== stephen is now known as Guest82117
shaun_hello everyone.  =]22:40
shaun_is it possible to remove gnome so i can use kde only?  or is that not advised....22:42
winutyou could probably do it from command line quite easily22:43
sea4everI think there's a program called 'switchdesk' that would let you switch between gnome and kde22:43
winutyou just need to know what to uninstall and install22:43
sea4everOh no sorry, no switchdesk22:44
winutii might be easier just to do a clean install of kubuntu and keep your current home folder in tact22:45
winuthowever, when my dad did this, he can no longer get the gnome-keyring to start automatically at login, which he needs for evolution22:46
winutdo you keep your home folder on a separate partition?22:47
winutdoes anyone know how to setup gnome keyring to kick in at kde login? thanks22:48
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minai'm new to linux where i can find social  chat rooms here ?23:50
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