
urlin2uboot the windows and take a screenshot of the disc partitioner in windows and imagbin it.00:00
GreekFreakk gimme a sec00:01
urlin2uGreekFreak, shows a correct unallocated, is this after you removed the xfat00:07
GreekFreakurlin2u: basically I formatted it (slow) so I can make sure all is deleted, and the deleted the partition00:08
urlin2uGreekFreak, just now before posting the the image?00:09
GreekFreakno no00:09
GreekFreakthis afternoon00:09
GreekFreakit has been like this since before we fixed windows loading00:09
GreekFreakurlin2u: that was the reason everything went haywire00:10
urlin2uGreekFreak, hmm, seems to be the graphics card then. It is as it should be for a install to free space. You n=moight try the alternative download or even oneiric00:11
GreekFreakis oneiric stable enough?00:12
GreekFreakI can't inderstand why iot worked before and no it doesn't?00:12
rwwif you have to ask, the answer's no00:12
GreekFreakrww: lol00:12
urlin2umight*    not sure really, other than the graphics GreekFreak , but this is not my strongest area, overall.  Oneiric is in development .00:12
GreekFreakI'm gonna try reformat the drive into something else and try again. you said I shouldn't do it in FAT. is NTFS ok?00:14
urlin2urww, do you have any other options as far as booting a disc or thumb, I have had little problems here myself, so I have not really paid much attention to all the psooibilities that can be used.00:14
urlin2uGreekFreak, the partitioning is not the problem, and no NTFS00:14
urlin2uGreekFreak, did you reformat the thumb before loading it with the startup disc creator. Before you used unetbootin twice without reformatting.00:16
GreekFreakno I reformatted into FAT32 every time00:17
GreekFreakincluding the UNetbootin times00:17
urlin2uGreekFreak, cool, to me it seems like a graphic problem, if it was me I would download the alternative, and try .that00:17
GreekFreakok I'll gibe it a try00:19
GreekFreakI found this, but it also needs me to go into the Live http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184266700:19
urlin2uGreekFreak, hope it works if you get installed try the xswat ppa00:19
GreekFreakthanks I will00:19
urlin2uGreekFreak, that link is for a actual install not boot and it is a wubi problem, so not sure it is relevent, other the=an the error .00:21
GreekFreakk thanks00:21
GreekFreakthanks again for your help guys00:23
facebumpI am having some problems with my synaptic touchpad, it works for a minute or 2 after boot, but then stops.  I can still use a usb mouse01:00
facebumpI found lots of people with touchpads that dont work, but none that stopped working01:01
facebumpI am on 11.10 beta 101:05
ironhalikis beta 2 out? It was supposed to be out about now :>01:15
urlin2uironhalik, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule01:16
ironhalikwell, yeah, thx01:16
ironhalikbut the schedule is not precise enough :P01:16
urlin2utomorrow depends on the mirror01:17
ironhalikalso, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-11.10-beta-201:17
ironhaliklaunchpad claims it should be out somewhat now01:17
ironhalikat least to be expected01:17
urlin2u22nd utc I beleve01:18
ironhalikim nagging it coz my natty install just went to hell01:18
ironhalikand I wanted to try oneiric01:18
urlin2uand you think oneiric is the answer.01:18
ironhalikwell, maybe not the answer ;>01:19
urlin2uwhats wrong with the natty?01:19
ironhalikbut Ive got a choice between reinstalling natty or trying oneiric01:19
ironhalikwell, natty lost half of its configs, its themes, some apps wont launch (like nautilus)01:19
ironhalikand aptitude is broken01:19
urlin2uironhalik, any reason why?01:20
urlin2utweaking and such is the question01:20
ironhalikno idea tbh, I updated some packages, rebooted and it booted like this01:20
urlin2uironhalik, did you rebot it again?01:20
ironhalikI didn't tweak any stuff01:21
ironhalikand ofcoz I rebooted :P01:21
ironhalikWith some effors, its prolly recoverable01:21
ironhalikbut with my linux skills and lack of time, naah :P01:21
urlin2uironhalik, I have had natty do that on occasion as far as themes but a reboot helped sounds like you have tried01:22
ironhalikWell, I cant even access the appearence config tool coz it crashes01:22
ironhalikGDM lost its theme too01:22
urlin2uironhalik, have you tried unity --reset01:23
ironhalikuh, nope01:23
ironhaliksec :>01:23
urlin2utha will set unity back to install, and keep your stuff01:23
ironhalikuh, dunno what to say01:24
ironhaliksomething happened, but considering Im on ubuntu classic right now its hard to say :>01:24
ironhalikits still al grey :>01:24
urlin2uironhalik, if you ran that reboot and see if it has worked.01:25
ironhalikyeah, Ill try that01:25
ironhalikright now Ive got unique mix of classic gnome layout and the unity one :>01:26
ironhalikwell, ni change :>01:29
ironhalikbut it does not matter01:29
ironhalikI can watch media with totem via terminal ;> and chrome works too01:30
ironhalikso I can manage till beta2 of oneiric01:30
ironhalikthx for the effort01:30
itaylor57KM0201, o/02:31
KM0201itaylor57: o/02:31
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nathanelquestion: i own an mx340 for which canon provides only i386 prebuilt packages... i am having issues with broken installs now bc of of unspecified dependencies or new package names ... i have ia32-libs installed to no effect... how could i attempt to solve?04:29
vega-why does ¤#& dash open automatically when i switch workspace? really annoying06:50
vega-and it doesn't do it consistently every time06:50
jbichavega-: the dash shows when there is nothing covering any part of it06:51
vega-on that workspace i have chrome maximized06:52
vega-which means i have to get rid of dash every time before using chrome06:53
jbichaoh, never mind I was confused with the launcher06:53
vega-also, the whole desktop is extremely slow06:53
vega-xorg and compiz using almost all of one core at any time06:54
vega-somehow it seems to only happen when switching to desktop 2 ( alt-f2) but never to others06:57
vega-something wrong with keyboard shortcuts?06:57
jo-erlendare there known issues with PulseAudio now?07:22
jo-erlendI just reinstalled oneiric, and I can no longer use my first soundcard, only the second one.07:23
jeepkidsomeone can help me about xubuntu11.10Alternate install with hd-media?07:24
jeepkidi can`t use the vmlinuz & initrd.gz install the xubuntu 11.10alternate...07:27
karlhuntHaving these weird slow donw issues on oneric. Got a sandy bridge chipset. Weird thig is ive notices if i pull the charger out it speeds back up!!!!07:38
jo-erlendinteresting. I also feel that oneiric is slow, but I'm running a desktop.07:39
karlhuntWhen I say slow down i mean the mouse doesnt move where i want it to07:43
karlhuntjust a few pixels in that direction07:43
jo-erlenddoes it help to press esc?07:44
karlhuntno why would that help?07:45
vega-funny, unity seems a lot more responsive without my external monitor07:45
jo-erlendbecause it does here.07:45
karlhuntits not so much that is slow Oneric is much faster than natty on my machine07:50
karlhuntbut sometimes it slows tight down07:50
karlhuntif i unplug the power cord it speeds up and if i plug it in again it slows down I think its compiz07:51
jeepkidanybody install the xubuntu11.10alternate without cdrom??07:56
karlhuntok its definately power management i found a forum post from someone who had the same issue and had to disable power management to fix it08:05
albechbeta2 is supposed to get released today, right?10:33
sebo1Hi all, are there any major issues with updates within the last 24hrs?10:49
vega-how can i make it so that the guest user isn't always the default at login?10:50
vega-i want it to be the last user logged in, as in previous versions10:50
sebo1Since mt last update (about 18 hours ago) I've lost internet connection and can't log into my user10:50
vega-sebo1: have you read the topic?10:52
sebo1@wega was reading line 1, thanks reading the linked stuff..10:54
moinis it possible to install nautilus elementary in Oneiric?11:02
moini hate the nautilus available11:02
sebo1@vega thanks heaps, was a quick fix when you know how!11:03
vega-sebo1: no prob11:03
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
ironhalikwheres beta2?! :>11:18
ironhalikmy natty is going down in flames11:18
ironhalikneed fresh blood11:18
* cwillu_at_work sacrifices 12 virgin ssds and bjsnider on the alter of btrfs11:19
sebo1is the system settings dialogue supposed to have two UbuntuOne logos?11:26
IdleOnesebo1: probably not :)11:30
sebo1need to check the bugs11:30
sebo1because I have two - had them for quite some time now11:31
bazhangperhaps they give you double the storage space :)11:31
sebo1hmm. might be lets get another one *thinkingctrl+c*ctrl+v*11:32
macer1multi touch zooming is very smooth in oneiric...feels like mac os x...lol...11:53
paul_Is evince still the default pdf viewer in 11.10?11:55
Stanley00paul_: yes11:55
paul_Aww...  I wish there would be a better app, and none that I know of anyway.  :(11:56
KNUBBIGpaul_: did you try okular?11:57
paul_Yeah I have.11:57
KNUBBIGokey :)11:57
Stanley00paul_: what do you expect? I think evince is a good apps...11:58
KNUBBIGpaul_: if you find out what exactly to say in !best in #ubuntu-bots, there might be some applications you don't know of yet11:58
paul_Well in general it is funny, some pdf app have this features, and others that...  I wish they were consolidated.11:58
Stanley00paul_: I remember there is Adobe reader in Ubuntu Software Center too... ;)11:59
paul_I was looking for something that gives editing of pdf bookmark in an intuitive interface.11:59
Stanley00paul_: I never used that, may be you should search some pdf editor in Ubuntu Software Center yourself...12:04
paul_Stanley00, Yeah I have.   The best one I like was from java based app, but I got it off the web instead of repo.12:06
IdleOnegv, epdfview, xpdf12:08
paul_IdleOne, thank you.  I'll check it out later.12:09
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macer1wil new banshee be in  11.10?12:53
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bazhang!info banshee12:59
vega-macer1: why don't you check for yourself: http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:59
ubottubanshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.4-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 2031 kB, installed size 7440 kB12:59
macer1I checked that12:59
macer1i am running oneiric12:59
bazhangmacer1, new being what number12:59
macer1but maybe it will go to 11.10 before freeze12:59
vega-macer1: the site also lists oneiric packages12:59
vega-it's already beta2, haven't packages been frozen already13:00
bazhangwhy do you need it macer113:01
macer1bugfixes and new features13:01
bazhangsuch as what13:01
macer1I don't know13:03
macer1but it is not important :D13:03
BluesKajHey all13:03
macer1Hey BluesKaj13:03
BluesKajhi macer113:03
BluesKajthe font settings still won't hold when set in KDE system settings as root for kate or dolphin ...this a real pita on a falt screen tv/monitor13:07
BluesKajerr flat13:07
=== macer1-zlyklon is now known as macer1
OerHekshi, i read Beta2 is out, 1 hours ago, where can i find the download, if not, when ?14:03
OerHeksc/1/14 hours14:03
ironhalikits according to tracker, which is automatic14:04
ironhalikits not out yet14:04
ironhalikat least I cant find it anywhere :>14:04
OerHeksi read this post > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-11.10-beta-214:04
* OerHeks sips coffee & waits14:04
PiciThat just means that the milestone should be reached today.14:06
ironhalikhmm, should beta build have better quality then daily build from aprox the same time?14:07
Piciironhalik: The beta isos are tested for install errors, so yes.14:07
ironhalikwell, ubiquity wont start for me14:08
ironhalikso cant wait :P14:08
bjsnidergnome-shell rc1 cannot build until caribou builds, as it is a build-dep14:18
jbichabjsnider: it also needs the new gjs14:29
gribouilleis oneiric beta 2 released?14:59
albechgribouille: not yet as far as I can see15:00
gribouillealbech, but it will be released today?15:01
albechgribouille: guess so15:01
albechgribouille: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule15:02
gribouillealbech, I kniw15:03
gribouillealbech, I know15:03
albechgribouille: but they have several more hours15:03
Nom-Hi all... does anyone know if the dovecot package in oneiric comes with fts_solr built in?15:16
nmvictorhow do i install extra themes in oneiric?15:25
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nmvictorhow do i install extra themes in oneiric?15:27
jbichanmvictor: the only other packaged GTK3 theme I know of is Adwaita, available by installing gnome-themes-standard15:27
jbichaand you'll want to use gnome-tweak-tool to set it15:28
nmvictorjbicha: thanks15:28
nmvictorjbicha: uniy isnt working for me, am liking gnome3-shell, save for the fact that its not using compiz. My google hits reveal that its next to imposible having compiz coexist with gnome30shell, so this mutter window manager, can its do desktop effects and if so, how do i tweak, does it have its version  of compiz-settins -manager?15:30
nmvictorguys, uniy isnt working for me, am liking gnome3-shell, save for the fact that its not using compiz. My google hits reveal that its next to imposible having compiz coexist with gnome3-shell, so this mutter window manager, can its do desktop effects and if so, how do i tweak, does it have its version  of compiz-settins -manager?15:33
nmvictorany chance with desktop effects in gnome3-shell, please?15:34
bjsniderjbicha, i don't see caribou anywhere on the list of oneiric-changes, nor is it on launchpad, so when is this build going to happen? pitti said he uploaded it 2 days ago15:34
jbichabjsnider: yes it was uploaded to the new queue before we decided to reject it, pending a bit more work by the Debian devs15:36
jbichaI think we'll push it through today or tomorrow though15:36
jbichanmvictor: I don't know of any tool to customize gnome-shell like you're asking for15:37
psaldenheya folks, I'm running oneiric in virtualbox and after an update the network manager seems gone and I can no longer connect to the internet. Is anyone else experience this? (update as in apt-get dist-upgrade)15:37
jbichaand yes, gnome-shell & mutter are very closely tied15:37
jbichapsalden: you probably need to reinstall libnss3 as there was a critical bug earlier this week that ate it15:38
nmvictorjbicha: im not asking for compiz in mutter, but i hear mutter is a compositing manager too. Does it have effects, and a manager for its effects?15:38
psaldenjbicha: hmm yeah now to do that without internet though :)15:39
jbichanmvictor: yes, mutter has effects but no, I don't know of any easy way to actually customize them, that's not really the point of gshell you know :)15:39
bjsniderwel, compiz is much older than mutter at this point too, so there have been more features added over time15:40
jbichapsalden: you could try sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libnss3*.deb15:40
bjsnideri am going to resist the mutter upgrade which is available until gnome-shell is ready too15:40
jbichabjsnider: good idea, running new mutter with old gshell hasn't really been tested...15:41
bjsnideryeah, and i ain't gonna be the guinea pig15:41
GoldlineHey guys, im looking for ubuntu 11.10-beta2 - according to this release schedule on the froum it should be out 2day: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174764715:42
charlie-tcaGoldline: it should be out before midnight today, UTC time zone. It is not released yet, though15:42
bjsniderjbicha, they're not going to do beta2 until gnome 3 rc1 is all packaged are they?15:42
GoldlineIm from Europe so perhaps i should check back 2morrow>?15:44
charlie-tcaIt is 15:44 UTC now, so there are a few hours left today15:44
GoldlineIts gonna be available on this link/url aint: http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases//oneiric/15:44
Goldlineif its released15:44
GoldlineBeta2 is infact the full version which is being released 10/13?15:45
Goldlinewith minor differences?15:46
jbichabjsnider: beta 2 is basically finished, we've been in a freeze for the past several days15:46
jbichain fact, dist-upgrading today or tomorrow will probably be a bit rough as a bunch of updates are being released15:46
psaldenjbicha: no luck unfortunately15:47
charlie-tcaGoldline: it is pretty close, yes15:47
psaldenthanks for thinking along anyway, I'll figure a way out :)15:47
jbichapsalden: check the forums like this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184618515:50
jbichaGoldline: the final version will have more bugfixes :) (it'll also have GNOME 3.2 final)15:51
GoldlineAnd language packs aswell saw ito n the wiki page15:51
GoldlineOctober 6th15:52
GoldlineReleaseCandidate, LanguagePackTranslationDeadline15:52
psaldenjbicha: thanks :)15:52
GoldlineIam assuming that if an application works on 11.10-beta2 that it will mostlikely work along with 11.10?15:53
rumpe1Goldline, you can also assume that it will work better15:55
zenlinuxJust wondering if Beta2 is about to hit the ftp server soon, or whether I should plan to try it out later in the evening?16:20
dudwell the beta 2 is more like the alpha 416:27
Ian_Corneit's not much mroe stable for me16:27
zenlinuxIan_Corne, stability issues related to Unity or applications in general? I'm probably going to give Unity a spin, but I'm probably going to go with the GNOME 3 shell.16:29
Ian_Corneeverything :p16:29
Ian_Corneunity itself is pretty stable16:29
Ian_Cornebut glitchy16:30
Ian_Cornealtho I think the glitches are mainly graphics driver related16:30
zenlinuxyeah, a buggy graphics driver can wreak havoc everywhere. What's your chipset?16:30
Ian_Cornebut, banshee crashes, picard doesn't launch, empathy, i don't even try16:30
Ian_CorneHD 695016:31
Ian_Cornewell AMD? they threw out the ATI name16:31
Ian_Corneor radeon16:31
zenlinuxright. whatever they call themselves, it would be nice for them to get their act together when it comes to driver support :(16:32
zenlinuxI've been wary of ATI video cards for years now.16:32
Ian_Cornewell, the fglrx driver is ok16:32
Ian_Corneit works, but it's so late to release updates..16:32
Jcook_5xDataany one here use a AMD E350 processor/GPU laptop? I was wondering how well it can drive and ext monitor16:33
dudi got a sandy bitch and the stability is second to none16:35
Jcook_5xDatasandy bridge is that cpu/gpu ? I can not remember16:36
dudits both16:36
dudwhats libbingobongo?16:39
Jcook_5xDatak that what the E350 is too. On notebookcheck.net AMD Radeon HD 6310 can play cod on medium well. I hoping this is good enuff to replace my desktop.16:39
dudi think i have to add laptop-mode-tools16:40
dudi get stiff neck with unity16:41
dudergonomically unlogic position of the position16:42
Jcook_5xData!libbingobongo | dud16:42
dudyeah this library is responsible for the monkey like error sound when ubuntu crashes on my sandy bridge16:42
Ian_Corneis the usb device permission bug fixed?17:13
=== macer1-zlyklon is now known as macer1
Jcook_5xDataIan_Corne,  yes.. It have been fix for a week or longer17:33
macer1small tip for betatesters, like me. having installing gnome-shell is a good idea, because when unity is very broken, you can run shell then :D17:35
jo-erlendif I don't use my computer for certain amount of time, my primary monitor is powered off and won't be powered on until I log out. How do I prevent this from happening?'17:38
macer1hello jo-erlend17:39
macer1try sleep from power menu. does it wake from sleep then? if not, that may be the reason17:40
jo-erlendmacer1, the system does not go to sleep. It shuts off the primary monitor, but doesn't restart it automatically, and all the applications to control this are being run on the primary screen which won't show anything.17:42
jo-erlendso I keep having to log out and back in.17:42
macer1are you using nvidia?17:43
jo-erlendno, radeon.17:43
macer1do you have binary drivers?17:43
macer1you are using open source drivers, yes?17:44
jo-erlendyes, but I would be extremely surprised if this had anything to do with drivers.17:44
jo-erlendit is a gnome-screensaver issue. I don't know how to fix it without uninstalling it.17:44
jo-erlendin previous versions you could decide how long to wait before locking the screen and how long to wait before shutting down the monitors.17:45
macer1No. You don't need these options.17:46
macer1...this is what gnome devs are saying :D17:46
jo-erlendnow, I have to choose between 1,2,3,5,10,30, or 60 minutes.17:46
jo-erlendmacer1, are you a gnome developer?17:47
macer1jo-erlend, no.17:47
* Feldegast is SO glad he uses kde atm ;-)17:47
macer1And I don't want to be a developer of that thing.17:47
jo-erlendmacer1, because?17:47
macer1They deleted most configuration options :(17:48
jo-erlendmacer1, that is not true.17:48
macer1"<jo-erlend> in previous versions you could decide how long to wait before locking the screen and how long to wait before shutting down the monitors."17:48
jo-erlendmacer1, yes.17:48
macer1so they deleted it?17:49
macer1so is it true or not...17:49
jo-erlendyou should realize that software has to be written before it can be used and that when software is written, it is sometimes not 100% perfect on the first go. Gnome2 took almost ten years. Gnome 3 haven't been around for more than about 5 months.17:49
jo-erlendmacer1, no. They made a new version of Gnome.17:49
macer1jo-erlend, you don't understand17:50
macer1from gnome.org17:50
macer1Easy system settings17:50
macer1GNOME 3 includes an integrated, easy-to-use settings interface. Finding settings is straightforward, and can be done either by browsing or searching. The GNOME 3 system settings include everything that you need and nothing that you don’t.17:50
macer1everything that you need and nothing that you don’t.17:50
macer1They deleted these options specially.17:51
pythonsnakemacer1: are you the bot abuser guy ?17:51
DeviceZer0beta2 isnt released yet has it?17:51
DeviceZer0about to head to work...am hoping i can get it dled before i get home.17:51
winuttry the proprietary drivers, i heard this was an issue on nouveau17:51
macer1jo-erlend: I hope they will give back config options sometime in gnome3 ;)17:51
jo-erlendwinut, it is not a driver issue.17:51
macer1pythonsnake: ?17:51
jo-erlendmacer1, they have never existed.17:52
jo-erlendthis is new software.17:52
pythonsnakemacer1: #botwar17:52
jo-erlendmacer1, the configuration system didn't even exist before.17:52
h00kpythonsnake: please don't advertise other channels in here17:52
pythonsnakeh00k: I'm not advertising...17:52
winutjo-erlend: ok, thanks. has it ever worked?17:52
macer1pythonsnake, I am on botwar. so what?17:52
jo-erlendwinut, what?17:53
pythonsnakemacer1: you abused bot or something17:53
jo-erlendwinut, software that haven't been created, does not work, no.17:53
macer1pythonsnake: maybe17:53
pythonsnakemacer1: abusing nuySupy for two hours. Added in ignore list17:53
macer1pythonsnake: can you write on botwar on priv, not on main channel?17:54
Picipythonsnake: I don't see what this has to do with Ubuntu, can you take this to pm or something?17:54
macer1*or priv17:54
pythonsnakePici: sorry17:54
* macer1 is using kde. I can configure all power settings :D17:55
pythonsnakeKDE is windows-like17:55
jo-erlendmacer1, you're not helping at all.17:55
macer1jo-erlend, sorry.17:56
jo-erlendmacer1, unless you have any references to a decision to not make it possible to deactivate shutting down monitors, you're just trolling.17:56
winutjo-erland: chill out mate17:56
macer1jo-erlend: do you want link?17:57
jo-erlendmacer1, yes.17:57
macer1wait a moment17:57
agrajisn't it high time b2 was released?17:58
agrajbeta 217:58
agrajwhen's beta 2 gonna be released?18:00
kilraeheh, i was just typing that18:01
macer1<kilrae> heh, i was just typing that18:01
macer1bad pasted18:01
h00kI imagine when it's ready ;)18:01
macer1i was trying to past link18:01
macer1agraj, it is in schedule18:01
agrajya, it was suppsed to be a couple of hours ago, right?18:01
kilraei saw the release schedule, it's why i'm not installing beta 118:02
kilraei was going to upgrade my desktop, but seeing as beta 2 is imminent, i figured i would wait (unless it has been delayed)18:03
macer1jo-erlend, there was some blog entries of gnome3 devs, that was posting mockups and saying that there will be no settings for some things.18:04
agrajso, does anyone know whether beta 2 has been released?18:04
macer1I can't find it now18:04
agrajso, does anyone know whether beta 2 has been delayed?18:04
jbichait will show up on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/ when it's officially released18:04
jbichano, beta 2 has not been delayed18:05
kilraeok, i'll just wait for it18:05
jo-erlendmacer1, I am very aware of that, and I strongly support it. I do not think that includes the decision to not power on the primary monitor when you come back.18:05
macer1jo-erlend, yes, I know that...18:05
macer1maybe it is in dconf18:06
macer1some settings are hidden in dconf :)18:06
macer1or was that gconf...18:06
jo-erlendno. That obviously should never be configurable, because such a config option would never make any sense.18:06
macer1jo-erlend, ?18:06
jo-erlendmacer1, why would you want to configure your desktop system not to use monitors?18:07
macer1wait, I dont understand what you mean18:07
jo-erlendif that's done in KDE, it's extremely stupid. I don't believe it is. And now I've wasted a half an hour on obvious trolling.18:08
macer1you said something else on begging...18:08
jo-erlendmacer1, I said that when the monitors are shut down after a certain amount of time, my primary monitor is not switched back on afterwards. You told me that was because Gnome 3 should not be configurable.18:09
macer1It looks like I don't understanded you fully then. sorry18:10
jo-erlendno, you were probably too busy making fun of Gnome.18:11
macer1"<jo-erlend> in previous versions you could decide how long to wait before locking the screen and how long to wait before shutting down the monitors."18:11
macer1so I said18:12
macer1that it is a decision of gnome devs so it is not in this release of gnome18:12
jo-erlendmacer1, were you talking about that option in particular?18:12
jo-erlendhave you actually seen something like "It should not be possible to not switch monitors off after a certain amount of time"?18:13
bjsnidergnome 3 does have monitor power saving settings18:14
jo-erlendbjsnider, yes, but not the option for "Never". macer1 says this is a conscious decision from Gnome. I'm sceptical about that.18:15
bjsniderwhy not remove all doubt18:15
bjsnidergo to irc.gnome.org and join #gnome-shell. they're all in there. they will respond to questions.18:16
bjsnideralthough it's a pretty stupid issue18:17
macer1I looked at gnome settings18:17
macer1there is really no such option :O18:17
bjsniderapps like gnome-mplayer can stop power saving mode indefinitely while playing video18:17
jo-erlendmacer1, yes and instead of complaining about it, I'll simply go and fix it.18:20
bjsnideri don't know of any other reason why the monitor would have to be on constantly. a person is not going to sit doing absolutely nothing except stare at the screen for hours on end18:20
macer1jo-erlend: ok sorry for that18:20
macer1I asked on irc.gnome.org18:20
bjsniderwhat did they say?18:22
macer1I am waiting18:22
bjsnideri see18:22
macer1it look like they are ignoring me18:23
macer1or maybe not18:23
dudmy sandy bridge needs a lot of time to install with apt18:23
dudi think its an weird issue18:24
macer1I am going away for some time...18:24
kbroulikif I install Oneiric Beta 1 e.g. will it become a "final version" when it is released when i upgrade my packages?18:52
trismkbroulik: yes18:52
macer1it is hidden in dconf settings, but you can modify it there18:55
macer1<halfline> macer1: i think it's in dconf-editor under /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/sleep-inactive-ac18:55
macer1<halfline> (and sleep-inactive-battery)18:55
macer1hello FernandoMiguel18:57
alkisg_kubuntuHi, could someone verify that pasting "τοπ" on his terminal results in "Sorry, command-not-found has crashed" ?19:04
=== alkisg_kubuntu is now known as alkisg
alkisg(in oneiric; it didn't crash in previous versions)19:04
macer1I can confirm19:04
alkisgThank you, I'll file a bug report19:04
jtaylorknow issue19:05
jtayloralkisg: no need to file another19:05
alkisgAh, ok19:05
macer1polish characters also is crashing it19:05
macer1like ąśćżęłó19:05
jtaylorits crashing on everything non ascii19:05
jtaylorincluding öü19:05
jtayloralkisg: which version do you have installed?19:07
jtaylorpleasse upgrade, it should be fixed already19:08
alkisgTy, upgrading..19:08
macer1i am looking at this bug now19:09
macer1bug 83960919:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839609 in command-not-found "[11.10 beta1] UnicodeDecodeError crash on localized input in multiple encodings/languages" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83960919:09
macer1Oh i remember that i was not upgrading19:11
macer1it is trying to delete gnome-shell19:12
macer1but I will update only this package so OS won't break19:12
macer1krzysztof@krzysztof-MacBook:~$ ąśðĸ@→łóję¶đfffffffðć19:13
macer1ąśðĸ@→łóję¶đfffffffðć: nie znaleziono polecenia19:13
macer1I hate when canonical people are posting videos in bug reports on canonical servers19:14
macer1and then nobody can see it19:14
macer1only canonical people...19:14
jtaylorwhy is there a video of that xD19:15
alkisgYup, console-not-found works fine now19:15
jtaylorthat bug report is incredibly long anyway19:16
jtaylorsomeone wasted a lot of time on this trivial issue ^^19:16
macer1jtaylor: try to view video from bug report -_-19:17
macer1this is just not fair19:17
macer1c0mrade_: Access denied. Permission denied for writing to /dev/tty019:31
macer1ikonia: what happened?19:32
ikoniadon't worry about it. He was being a pain.19:32
neglesaksdamn programmers19:35
bjsniderikonia, he must have been in some other channels too19:38
pythonsnakeis there a way to upgrade lucid to oneiric ?19:42
jtaylorno supported way19:42
macer1pythonsnake: yes, reinstall19:43
pythonsnakedownload again 700MB19:43
jtayloryou have to download pretty much the same amount in an upgrade, if not more19:43
charlie-tcaCan always do the upgrade path, too. Lucid -> Maverick -> Natty -> Oneiric19:44
pythonsnakehow to upgrade to maverick ?19:45
bjsnidercharlie-tca, i'm sure that would work19:46
jtaylorin the update manager there should be a setting, notify me about all ubuntu updates19:47
jtaylormaybe update-manager -c also works, don't know if that checks the lts/non-lts setting :/19:48
Ian_Corneit is there..19:49
charlie-tcapythonsnake: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the last line to PROMPT=normal19:49
jtayloras you want to upgrade from an lts, note that oneiric is still in development and still has a bunch of bugs, do not upgrade if you want a stable working system19:49
Ian_Cornethere is a setting19:49
charlie-tcathan run update-manager19:49
Ian_Cornejtaylor: I think you'll get a lot more problems with that19:51
jtaylorwith what?19:51
Ian_Corneif you let normal user have the chois of going to beta19:51
jtaylorI don't get the context, but yes inexperienced users should not upgrade to devel releases19:53
bau_hi all, i have a problem with my server: yesterday evening i could access to shared folders via lan using samba, but now I can't see the server but i can ssh and ping it... what's wrong?19:54
Ian_Corneare you running 11.10?19:54
bau_me? 10.0419:56
pythonsnakebau_: #ubuntu19:56
pythonsnakeis 11.10 safe to use19:56
ikoniait's in beta19:57
ikoniayou've just seen Ian_Corne offering wise words about it19:57
macer1pythonsnake, mainly compiz is crashing20:00
macer1with gnome-shell i.e. it is more stable at this time20:00
ikoniano it's not20:00
ikoniathe topic has some serious warnings also20:01
kbrouliktrism: thanks :D20:03
pythonsnakeikonia: btw, can I get unban, as I said, no more help20:06
dashavoogrr... I hate it when packages are old versions of the software :(20:16
dashavoojtaylor: playonlinx in this case, but I generally just hate it :P20:18
dashavoook, in this case I particularly hate it, as being as the application is non-functional due to being out of date20:19
jtayloryes applications that tend to require updates very offten are not well suited for distributions20:20
jtaylorthose should make it easy for users to install it manually20:20
dashavoothis isn't a particularly bad case, as being as they provide lots of packages on their website20:23
peto_Do you think that it will be good enough to make an update from 11.04 to the October 13 final release? Or will it be much safer to save all documents and then format and install 11.10 from scratch?20:23
jtaylorbefore doing any kind of upgrade, backups should be done, just to be sure20:24
dashavoopeto_: personally, I would recommend that you save everything and install from scratch, making a separate home partition in the process. That way, whenever you want to install a new version you can do it fresh without losing documents.20:24
jtaylorupgrading is generally a bit safer than a fresh install, but it also tends to work less well20:25
jtaylorsafern = no chance of accidentally formating the wrong partition or similar20:26
peto_yes, that what I did last time, install 10.04 from scratch20:26
jtaylorthe least amount of work is, make a backup and upgrade20:27
jtaylorif all works well leave it, if there are some upgrade issues due to some configuration change or so you can still reinstall20:27
dupondjeHi, would like to know if there is a way to remove saved wireless networks in the networkmanager gui ?20:28
peto_yes, may be a good idea20:28
peto_very good indeed20:28
jtaylordupondje: edit connections -> delete?20:30
dupondjejtaylor: huh, where do you have that?20:31
dupondjeusing gnoome3 btw20:31
jtaylorunity, rightclick on the networkmanager indicator20:31
Guest31125Any word on Ubuntu 11.10-beta220:32
dupondjejtaylor: then i can choose "Network Settings"20:33
kbroulikthumbs up for the Oneiric Kubuntu installer :) it now says "Next" instead of "Forward" *g* aaaaand partition dialig is much faster now :)20:33
dupondjeThere I can configure the wireless networks20:33
dupondjebut not delete ... :s20:33
jtaylornm-connection-editor in the terminal20:34
dupondjeheh yea that does the trick20:34
dupondjebut quite annoying its not in the gui ?20:34
jtaylorit is in unity20:34
jtaylormaybe file a gnome3 bug20:34
jtaylorbut maybe its prt of the hide everything that scares people with iq < 10 gnome 3 philosophy20:35
dupondjeyea indeed20:36
dupondjeits quite sad20:36
dupondjebut I don't like Unity20:36
dupondjeso not many options anymore :(20:36
charlie-tcaSorry, could not resist today.20:37
Guest31125Any word on Ubuntu 11.10-beta220:38
charlie-tcastill thinking sometime today20:38
Ian_Cornecharlie-tca: xubuntu for the interface only then20:38
Ian_Corneif you're going light, lubuntu is the way to go20:39
charlie-tcaWell, very light, yes20:39
dupondjeI like the workflow on gnome320:39
dupondjeits quite nice20:39
dupondjebut settings :(20:39
sykeI'm having very consistent difficulty with linker errors when building packages from source in Ubuntu 11.1020:40
sykeare the official binary packages themselves build with gcc 4.6.1 and binutils-gold?20:40
sykeeven something as 'simple' as glib is giving me this:20:41
syke./.libs/libglib-2.0.so: undefined reference to `__open_too_many_args'20:41
syke./.libs/libglib-2.0.so: undefined reference to `__open_missing_mode'20:41
sykeI have the latest gcc and binutils installed as of this morning20:41
jtayloryes the linker is more strict20:42
jtaylorthe default flags are now --as-needed and --no-copy-dt-needed20:43
jtaylorthis means you need to link against everything you use (no indirect linkage) and the ordering on the command line must be correct20:43
sykejtaylor: I got that, but does this mean the binary packages aren't generated using the new system default compiler?20:44
sykeshould those flags be added to the BuildFlags.pm?20:45
jtayloryes they are, but they may have patches to make it work20:45
syke... and those patches aren't being included when I go 'apt-get source <xxx>'?20:45
jtaylorthey should20:46
jtaylorlibglib does not build?20:46
sykeI get the error above20:46
jtaylorthats a high importance bug20:46
sykeseems like it, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy ;)20:46
sykecan you give it a shot, if you have an up-to-date 11.10 amd64 box handy?20:46
dashavoodupondje: the new kde is pretty, try kubuntu20:47
sykeI want to make sure it's reproducible before I file anything20:47
jtaylorhmm there is no bug filed against the package although there was a rebuild a few days ago20:48
* jtaylor downloading source20:48
sykejtaylor: thanks for the help, I really appreciate it20:48
BluesKajinstalled unison , but it's nor showing up in the menu , doesn't launch from the terminal or the run command ...any ideas ?20:50
GreekFreakhi all20:53
jtaylorBluesKaj: whats the error message from termianl?20:53
BluesKajjtaylor, it just gives a list of options ...looks like it needs to be configured , but the tutorail led me to believe the app uses a GUI20:58
jtaylorunison-2.27-gtk will probably start a gui20:59
jtayloror unison-2.32-gtk20:59
sykejtaylor: glib build work for you?21:01
jtaylorstill building21:01
sykeheh ok21:01
jtaylorits now running the test suite21:02
jtaylorso it probably built fine21:02
FernandoMiguelso who here has a 160 char man on iptables?21:03
FernandoMiguelneed a crash course. for yesterday21:03
TophanI installed Ubuntu 11.10 and then gnome-shell21:03
Tophancan I change LightDM to start Gnome3 instead of Unity?21:03
sykejtaylor: what's your output for gcc --version and ld --version?21:04
TophanI mean, to use Gnome3 as default21:04
Tophaninstead of unity21:04
atari2600awhat's going on with the wallpapers?21:04
jtaylormaybe you have a package installed that I don't which enables another feature21:05
atari2600athey're...not even on the beta 1 CD21:05
KronsbyHey I have ubuntu 11.10 beta 1. How do I upgrade to 11.10 beta 2?21:06
jtaylorsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:06
sykejtaylor: hmmm21:06
jtaylormaybe dist-upgrade21:06
Kronsbyalright I will try21:07
jtaylorsyke: can you post the logs of the configure calls21:07
jtaylorsyke: I can't even find the functions you paste din the source21:08
sykeok. this may be related to my LTO flags, but that seems nonsensical to me..21:08
sykeI'm trying without -flto now21:09
jtaylorits possible21:09
jtaylorthere was a bug with -flto and --as-needed21:09
sykelibxml2 and a few others built fine21:09
jtaylorI think it was fixed today21:09
jtaylorso it may not be published yet21:09
sykeyea, I saw that bug. it was one of the problems I ran into when trying to build openssl with LTO21:09
jtaylorif its not fixed please file a bug21:10
jtaylorbug 778292 and bug 690194 I mea21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778292 in binutils (Ubuntu Oneiric) "undefined reference to `pow' when building with -flto" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77829221:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 690194 in binutils (Ubuntu Oneiric) "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.5/lto1 crashes with segmentation fault when both -fopenmp and -flto are used" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69019421:11
sykeyea, I poked doko about the first one yesterday21:12
sykethat's definitely fixed21:12
jtaylorhow do I enable lto for glib?21:13
sykeI *think* you need to modify /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/BuildFlags.p21:13
syke.pm, rather21:13
jtaylorurg that can't be the correct way ^^21:13
sykeevery package seems different, some use those defaults, some use the debian/rules, some use the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS21:14
sykebeen driving me fuqn crazy21:14
jtaylorediting $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dpkg/buildflags.conf should be more appropriate21:14
sykeI couldn't find that file on my system21:15
jtaylorcreate ot21:15
* syke slaps forehead21:15
jtaylordo you apply flto to compilation *and* linking?21:18
sykeand you're right -- removing -flto makes it get further21:19
sykeif I file a bug, what's the likelihood I'll be yelled at for filing a bug on a "new" compiler feature?21:20
jtaylorno lto should work21:20
jtaylorits one of the key new features of gcc 4.[56]21:20
jtaylorgot the same error wit lto but it works without21:22
jtaylorwith the newest binutils21:23
jtayloryou going to file the bug?21:23
sykejtaylor: sure, unless it would get more attention if you do it21:24
jtaylorthat won#t make a difference21:25
sykejtaylor: ok, I'll file it in a moment21:26
rodriespexcuse me, do you know when will Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 2 be released?21:26
rodriespit will be today or tomorrow?21:27
jtaylorrodriesp: when its done21:27
jtaylorshould be today21:27
rodriespahh, it should be today, that was what i thought21:27
dashavooanyone know what ports need to be open for video / sound to work with jabber in empathy?21:27
rodriespjust to know where do they announce the release?21:28
rodriespit appears on the schedule?21:28
BluesKajjtaylor, looks clunky ..I'll just use scp21:28
dashavooactually, I'll ask in #ubuntu it isn't really +1 specific21:28
charlie-tcarodriesp: it appears in the topic on this channel21:28
rodriespohhh, i understand know, thanks21:28
kbroulikumm, kpackagekit aka Apper is no longer in Oneiric repository?21:30
jtaylorthere should also be a mail un ubuntu-dev-announce21:30
kbrouliklol Muon - you can't be serious about that?21:39
tarvidI need some help with testdri ve21:39
tarvidI installed Oneric-server with testdrive and the installation finished. How do I save the image?21:40
jtaylorsyke: filed the bug already?21:53
triunenatureSo i asked eariler, but if my NIC driver isn't working, how can i install/reinstall my NIC driver?21:54
triunenatureLoL whopps, wrong chat! Sorry21:55
sykejtaylor: just wanted to test one more thing21:55
jtaylorit gets further wirth -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE but hits an "not implemented error later"21:56
sykeverified it passes when adding "-floop-strip-mine -floop-block -ftree-loop-distribution -floop-flatten -floop-interchange" to CFLAGS21:56
jtaylorI have to go soon and will only be back tomorow evening, I'd like to add my info to the bug21:56
sykeFORTIFY_SOURCE is really useful; it's interesting it only fires with LTO, though21:57
sykeok, one sec21:57
jtaylorbut as its an flto issues its not so important, ubuntu only supports its default flags21:58
neglesaksbeta 2 torrents are active.21:59
sykejtaylor: it's too bad the feature isn't better-integrated; so far, the libs that do work with LTO are 5-10% smaller in size and always improve in benchmarks21:59
jtayloryes lto is a nice feature21:59
jtaylorand about time gcc gets it22:00
jtaylorllvm can do it since much longer22:00
jtaylorbut glib is a hard testcase22:01
jtaylormost applications should compile fine with lto now22:01
jtaylore.g. firefox works I think22:01
jtaylordidn't work in gcc 4.522:01
sykejtaylor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils/+bug/85683922:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 856839 in binutils (Ubuntu) "libglib2.0-0 fails to build using dpkg-buildpackage when added "-flto" to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS" [Undecided,New]22:02
sykejtaylor: firefox kinda works, but you need 8+GB of RAM. it's MUCH better with 4.7 trunk/gcc-snapshot22:03
sykein fact, let me test this glib thing with gcc-snapshot, see what that gets me22:04
sykejtaylor: anyway, trying to figure out what works since it would be nice to have at least some packages leveraging LTO by default22:08
sykegcc-snapshot ICEs when compiling glib22:09
sykeI'll file a bug in the gcc.gnu.org bugzilla22:09
sykejtaylor: filed the 4.7 ICE here: http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5049022:17
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 50490 in lto "ICE when compiling libglib2.0 with LTO" [Major,Unconfirmed: ]22:17
sykemy first experiments with LTO type stuff was when I was trying to get my XBMC to play 720p video22:18
sirninjahow do you change the font settings in ubuntu 11.10?22:18
sykeby compiling most of the source files for various libs into one compilation unit, I was able to get it to around 12fps for 720p xvid22:18
syke(up from 3fps)22:18
jtaylorso thxfor reporting this to gcc, I must go now bye22:19
sykejtaylor: you're welcome, thanks for your help to repro! :)22:21
sykewonder twin powers, activate!22:21
sirninjaI'm having trouble installing gnome-tweak-tool. I get the error: "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." Any advice?22:24
jbichasirninja: gnome-shell is temporarily uninstallable22:33
sirninjajbicha: so that's what's preventing gnome-tweak-tool from being installed? Do you know of any other way to change the font settings? It seems to be missing from the appearance window22:34
jbichasirninja: you can try dconf-editor22:35
Viper550I saw there's a beta-2 directory now, but no 32-bit images22:36
kbroulikso my conclusion to Oneiric: Muon sucks, Bluetooth doesnt work anymore, screen brightness is no longer adjustable, … so I think this will be the first time I will not upgrade to the next major version of kubuntu right after release :(22:37
Viper550I mean: why isn't there a 32-bit desktop image for Beta 2?22:38
charlie-tcabecause it is not released yet?22:38
IdleOneViper550: not ready yet?22:38
Viper550oh wait22:39
Viper550its not on cdimage.ubuntu.com22:39
katlhuntanyone noticed sandy bridge power/acpi issues22:46
katlhuntMainly when I plug in my power choirs my system grinds to a halt and load average goes through the roof22:47
macer1177 security updates are avaible22:49
macer1maybe it is a bug withing update manager :D22:50
charlie-tcaCan we update the topic to show beta2 released? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-September/000897.html22:59
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot | This channel is not a replacement for logging bugs | Release schedule: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Beta 2 released | http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/download
IdleOnecharlie-tca: that ok ^?23:02
charlie-tcayup, looks good to me23:03
charlie-tcaThank you, IdleOne23:03
IdleOnehmm maybe the ML link is better as it has other useful links23:03
katlhuntThere is a major power management bug. I don't have launchpad can some one log it for me.23:03
katlhuntMy system is completely unusable with the charger pluggedin. System load hours through the roof. Latitude e5420 sandy bridge23:05
charlie-tcaLogging it without that machine means none of the data or logs will be accurate.23:07
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot | This channel is not a replacement for logging bugs | Release schedule: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Beta 2 released | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta2
macer1dist-upgrade want to delete shell23:12
macer1how can I upgrade without packages that want to delete shell?23:12
IdleOneis it replacing them?23:14
IdleOneyou can't just look at what it removes.23:14
macer1IdleOne: hmm?23:15
macer1blablabla these packages will be remobed: gnome-shell gnome-tweak-tool libcogl223:15
IdleOnewhat I mean is that sometimes upgrading a package requires removal of the old version23:15
macer1IdleOne: OK. But I have gnome-shell installed and it wants to delete it23:16
PiciThere was one held back package when I updated a few minutes ago.23:16
IdleOnePici: was chromium-browser?23:17
IdleOnebecause of a l10n package seems fixed now23:17
IdleOnefirst reboot with beta2, here goes nothing23:19
macer1yay beta2 is out23:30
bjsnidermacer1, gnome-shell 3.2 rc1 is waiting to be built pending the arrival of dependencies. when those are built, the shell will be. i would hold off on updating until then23:45
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