
=== gorilla is now known as Guest35579
=== Guest35579 is now known as gorilla
sagacizzz looks like another month, another loco team meeting and no mention/decision so far05:18
gorillayeah.. Nice one. Put into place rules and procedures but not the resourcing to carry them out in a reasonable fashion.05:48
xannenEvening all.  Is anyone around?08:02
head_victimsagaci: on reapproval or?09:03
sagacihead_victim: yeah09:09
sagacii know there's the whole volunteers yadda yadda but there's been a bunch of other teams either reapproved or at least looked at within the past 3 months09:19
head_victimYeah, I just posed the question if we should abandon the bug report idea and get up for a 4am meeting09:20
paul_Hi Guys10:30
gorillahi paul10:33
paul_gorilla, how are you?10:38
gorillanot bad... a bit tired but okay.10:39
paul_Such is work?10:39
gorillasuch is 7:00 starts (at the office)10:49
paul_Is evince still the default pdf viewer in 11.10?11:26

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