
slashtomhey airurando20:53
airurandohi slashtom20:54
slashtomsorry about missing the meeting, it must have slipped past our schedule20:54
airurandonot to worry.20:54
airurandowe need a lot more people at then anyway if they are to be worthwhile20:55
slashtomor less of them ;)20:55
slashtombut is that allowed?20:56
airurandopity about ebels driving test earlier today.20:56
slashtomi know, not to worry20:57
airurandoin this country it is second time lucky for most anyway20:57
slashtomas we don't have a car or plan on getting one, it's not too much of an issue20:57
slashtomit's just the licence is a good thing to have20:57
airurandoaye again20:58
slashtomare they still busy ploughing out your way?20:58
airurandofinished this evening finally20:58
airurandostill difficult getting home this evening but it should be OK from now on20:59
airurandohi ebel20:59
slashtomaye, until winter anyway20:59
airurandosorry to hear the driving test didn't go well20:59
slashtomi should call that ubuntu hour soon20:59
airurandoslashtom don't bring up winter yet please!!!21:00
ebelairurando: ah tis ok21:00
airurandoit was a nightmare last year21:00
slashtomairurando: for an ubuntu hour, i'm thinking either saturday 1st, 22nd or 29th of october21:03
* airurando checks my work schedule21:03
airurandoonly one of those I'm off for is the 22nd21:05
airurandobut go with whatever works best for you21:05
slashtomgrand, 22nd will do nicely21:05
slashtomthe 15th is the release party, and the 8th we're in london21:06
airurandoshould we call another date for a meeting in Sept21:06
airurandoor let it slide to Oct21:06
slashtomis there anything on the agenda?21:06
airurandoI just had Jam wrap up21:06
airurandorelease party next steps (promotion)21:07
slashtomwe can probably push it out to next month21:07
airurandoand first stab at end of year event21:07
airurandoI still don't know if the Galway Jam went ahead21:08
airurandohow will we promote the release party?21:10
slashtomask on the mailing list21:10
slashtomas laura says, it has many subscribers21:11
airurandonice mail from czajkowski.21:11
airurandoslashtom: how many of those subscribers read the e-mails to the list.21:20
airurandohow many are interested?21:20

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