
bkerensarww: You around?03:39
Unit193He has /away set03:43
rwwbkerensa: now I am!03:58
bkerensarww: a user was getting a bit offensive in offtopic03:59
bkerensaall is well now rww :)03:59
rwwbkerensa: ah, okay. #ubuntu-ops for that in future :)03:59
elkyalso, not bringing up inflammatory topics helps04:00
bkerensadiscussing breaking news is hardly provocative04:14
bkerensaJust about as general as many things discussed in offtopic04:14
elkySomeone's murder isn't provocative?04:20
IdleOneI wouldn't describe the carrying out of a death sentence as murder BUT the topic, no matter which side you are on, is provocative.04:22
macer1is it normal that ubottu ignores me? i.e. @whoami12:34
ubot2macer1: I don't recognize you.12:35
ubot4macer1: I don't recognize you.12:35
macer1but ubottu don't respond12:35
ubot4IdleOne: I don't recognize you.12:40
ubot2IdleOne: I don't recognize you.12:40
IdleOnemacer1: it appears so.12:40
macer1so it is normal?12:41
IdleOneI believe it is. ubottu tends not to respond to users it doesn't know when it comes to administrative functions12:41
macer1How can I make ubottu know me :D?12:43
macer1ubottu: hello. my nick is macer1. do you know me now?12:43
ikoniamacer1: is there a reason you keep messing with the bot12:44
ikoniaafter you've been asked not to12:44
macer1i am sorry12:44
macer1just out of curiosity...12:45
lubotu1Error: You are not identified12:45
ubot5Error: You are not identified12:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:45
lubotu3Error: You are not identified12:45
lubotu2Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.12:45
IdleOnemacer1: ubottu only knows users that have been granted access12:45
macer1IdleOne: ok I understand12:45
ubot4Myrtti: I don't recognize you.12:45
ubot2Myrtti: I don't recognize you.12:45
macer1I don't understand why ubottu said "<ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail". I don't  posted any edit request o_O12:45
Myrttiyes you did12:46
Myrttiu bot tu: .... is ....12:46
IdleOnemacer1: because you did ubottu: my nick is ....12:46
ikoniamacer1: because you made an edit request and you don't have permissions to make edits, so it was forwarded to people who do have permission to make the request if it's a good request12:46
macer1Oh, "is" makes ubottu edit request12:47
macer1I didn't know that12:47
IdleOnewhen ubottu sees "anything" is ... it assume that is a edit request12:47
macer1(please cancel it...)12:47
IdleOnealready cancelled12:47
macer1thanks and sorry ;)12:47
IdleOneno worries.12:47
Myrttinot cancelled, ignored ;-)12:48
ubot4macer1: macer112:48
ubot2macer1: macer112:48
macer1are ubots ubottu clones?12:49
ikoniayes, local versions12:49
ikoniafor the loco channels and non-core channels12:49
macer1so, if some channel owner ask for ubottu on his channel, there goes ubottu clone - ubotX?12:50
IdleOnemost likely.12:50
ikoniaas long as it's an official ubuntu channel12:50
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
macer1I looked at wiki page of OP requirements. Do I understand it correctly? Just apply to team on launchpad and if there will be need for new OP, IRC Council will look for persons who want to apply?13:48
macer1So what can I do now, is just apply to IRC team?13:49
macer1on LP13:49
IdleOnefollow the steps on the wiki :)13:49
macer1OK, I am following, so clicking to join team ;)13:50
Pici'irc-team' is deprecated iirc.13:50
IdleOneI think it's now ~irc-CHANNEL-ops13:57
macer1Oops, computer reset. I am back13:58
macer1IdleOne: so https://launchpad.net/~irc-ubuntu-ops ?14:02
macer1for main ubuntu channel14:02
macer1Your request to join #ubuntu IRC Operators is awaiting approval. ;)14:02
=== rww is now known as tardis

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