
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
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=== macer1-zlyklon is now known as macer1
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Sep 22 14:59:22 2011 UTC.  The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.14:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired14:59
* davidm waves14:59
NCommanderhrm, the bot ene upgraded14:59
davidmseems like14:59
NCommanderwe have no action items from last meeting so15:00
NCommander#link http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm.html15:00
NCommander#link http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm-ubuntu-11.10-beta-2.html15:00
ogra_i guess we need to start the postponing fun15:01
NCommanderhrm, the tracker is only showing me and infinity15:02
NCommanderogra_: fix it :-P15:02
ogra_i wonder where you look at15:02
ogra_i see the whole team15:02
NCommanderhttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm-ubuntu-11.10.html - I typed the wrong page in my browser15:02
ogra_GrueMaster, your update-initramfs test can be set to done if you made a succwessfull install ;)15:03
NCommanderworkitem wise, we're not too bad off. I have a few stranglers which will die soon (and some I should have marked DONE already)15:03
ogra_infinity, do we plan to still see the apt ship pool whatever changes ?15:04
ogra_looks to me like thats P material15:04
infinityogra_: Yeah, I'd like to land them early next week, I think.15:04
ogra_(pool works as is)15:04
infinityBut I could defer.15:04
ogra_its really late and we should all concentrate on bugs from now on15:05
infinityPool works, but tasks are broken, which is pretty annoying for server.15:05
ogra_and given that it works atm ...15:05
davidmI'd prefer to postpone none critical items until next cycle15:05
davidmLets clean up, get RC solid and be happy15:05
* infinity shrugs.15:05
infinityHappy to defer, though that is a bug. :P15:05
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)15:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
davidminfinity, is it big enough to SRU later?15:06
ogra_GrueMaster, postzpone the preinstalled stuff for jasper too, unless you want to actually test preinstall commands on kernel cmdline (that works since forever)15:06
infinitydavidm: SRUing it's not really an option, IMO.15:06
NCommanderw.r.t. to omap guided partitioning, I *finally* got partman-uboot ina state where it does what it should. I need to cook off a new partman-reciepes, but that shouldn't be too hard. I'll give GrueMaster a modifiednetinstall to test today or tomorrow.15:06
ogra_NCommander, you still have three open items too15:07
ogra_server kernel is on the schedule for P, i think you can postpone that15:07
ogra_the other two look pretty well, like paperwork15:08
NCommanderyup, will do.15:08
davidminfinity, OK then not that critical I suspect15:08
NCommanderpaperwork fortunately isn't affected by freezes15:08
ogra_ppisati, the kernel config WI is also covered by a UDS session15:08
NCommanderi'm unsure if thats a :-) or a :-(15:08
GrueMasterI'm going to mark iSCSI as done.  The only remaining issue was booting from iSCSI and that is being worked on in the server team.15:08
ogra_ppisati, so i'd say postpone that15:08
ppisatiogra_: WI?15:09
* ogra_ guesses that were all WIs that were left15:09
ogra_i must say we did pretty well given the sheer amount of crao we had after UDS :)15:09
ppisatiwork item15:09
ogra_ppisati, see the link above15:09
ogra_you have one open item that can be postponed15:09
ogra_NCommander, move ? :)15:09
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)15:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
ppisatinothing exciting this week15:10
* janimo working on getting ac100 new kernel packaged and uploaded15:10
ppisation my side15:10
ppisatii'm working on the sd removal bug15:10
ppisati(and i found the problem)15:10
ogra_wow, that was fast15:11
infinityjanimo: Didn't you have an mx5 kernel incoming for me too?15:11
janimoinfinity, jcrigby is handling that15:11
ppisatiyep, but i don't know yet how to properly fix it (because that would be a layering violation)15:11
infinityjanimo: Shiny.15:11
janimohis git tree and processes, I had no idea how to make even such a small change15:11
ogra_yeah, its tricky if you are not used to it15:11
janimowhich is sad. One line change and a bugfix that can be expressed clearly in a single sentence (turn on CONFIG_LDBAF) needs a lot of legwork15:12
ogra_and even if you know how to do it ... you will fall flat on your face if it doesnt work right :)15:12
ogra_sincer these scripts are pure mystery15:12
janimowell, some of the docs help, but not everything is documented15:13
janimoworse there is more than one way to do it15:13
ogra_linux is all about choice ;)15:13
ogra_NCommander, ?15:13
janimoyes, and it is refelcted by the awesome market share15:13
NCommanderogra_: ?15:14
* ogra_ puts NCommander on wheels so he starts moving 15:14
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
ogra_gobject-introspection fails :(15:15
infinityThe rebuild test is finally done, we should be combing through the results as quickly as we can.15:15
janimoI tentatively looked at postgres failing.15:15
ogra_and postgres might be intresting for the server side15:15
ogra_(looking at the ftbfs list)15:16
janimoI'd say it is essential?15:16
ogra_beyond that, main looks as good as universe looks bad15:16
ogra_we should all try to paticipate in the 5 a day project cjwatson started ... ate least with one or two packages per week or so15:17
ogra_more if you can :)15:17
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
janimo 2 packages per week is not participation in 5 a day project :)15:18
ogra_janimo, more than nothing :)15:18
janimothat is true15:18
ogra_images look okayish15:18
ogra_they *should* be better at this point of the release though15:18
ogra_desktop really fell behind15:18
GrueMasterNeed to reenable swap, at least on omap.15:19
ogra_but overall they are fine15:19
ogra_i think infinity committed to fix that properly yesterday15:19
ogra_mx5 is a bit in a weird state15:19
infinityGrueMaster: Did I get a bug report?15:19
janimoneeds kernel to test properly15:19
ogra_we know it works but it didnt survive the switch to ext415:19
infinityogra_: I suspect mx5 will be Just Fine with the new kernel, but hard to tell without.15:20
GrueMasterinfinity: I was asleep when you responded, and still on my first cup of coffee, so...not yet.15:20
ogra_infinity, i thought janimo did a local ext3 test15:20
infinityGrueMaster: Kay. :)15:20
janimoogra_, GrueMaster did a test, and so did I15:20
ogra_that should be enough15:20
janimolooked reasonable15:20
ogra_we just need to convince skaet that it is ;)15:21
* skaet is a bit worried about mx5 for good reason.... :P15:22
GrueMasterAny chance of getting a new kernel and a new image today to make release?15:22
ogra_skaet, its all fine, but we only discovered during milestone testing that ext4 support is missing15:22
ogra_GrueMaster, no, builds to long15:22
infinityBroken kernel configs are easy to fix.  I'm not terribly concerned.  Yet. :)15:23
GrueMasterskaet: The image was fine Monday prior to EXT4 switch (and ubiquity churn).15:23
skaetthanks GrueMaster.  :)15:23
ogra_skaet, we will have to skip B2 for it, but from monday lates iot shoudl be fine, its a "community supported" image anyway15:23
janimosave for archive skew :)15:24
janimosince the upload floodgates are open again for the desktop team :)15:24
* ogra_ has nothing else for images ... if NCommander wants to move ...15:24
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)15:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
* GrueMaster wakes up to respond.15:25
* janimo was conned into signing in to iso.qa15:25
GrueMasterRelease testing went...Well it happened.15:25
GrueMasterI really do not feel as good about this release as I have in prior releases this late in the cycle, due to lack of dep testing.15:26
GrueMasterMy focus next week will be dedicated to desktop deep testing to see what I can squeeze out.  We don't have a lot of time left to shake out any bugs, so stay in touch.15:27
ogra_that needs fixing in P15:27
GrueMasterBeyond that, I don't have anything else.  mahmoh?15:28
mahmohnothing here GrueMaster15:28
GrueMastermoving on....15:29
* GrueMaster listens to the silence. Somewhere in the distance, a cricket chirps.15:30
NCommander[topic] Linaro Updates (rsalveti)15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Updates (rsalveti)
rsalvetifirst is the request to help sponsoring the libjpeg-turbo package15:31
rsalvetipackage at revu already, and skaet agreed that it would be good to publish it at least to universe, if possible15:31
rsalvetiduring last week at the release meeting15:32
infinityWhat is it, exactly?15:32
NCommanderrsalveti: what is it and why do we want to uploadless than 15 days from release?15:32
rsalvetiif anyone with time to review it, please :-)15:32
infinityAn ABI-compatible accelerated replacement for libjpeg is how I'd read it from just the name.15:32
janimorsalveti, speaking of which , there should be an organized linaro sponsoring process. As it is now the requests ar ead-hoc and left to the developers themselves, who often do not dare asking or know where to do it, and are content with the many ppas15:33
rsalvetilibjpeg62 replacement, with simd support15:33
ogra_NCommander, its universe ... there will likely still be plenty of packages :)15:33
ogra_s/packages/new packages/15:33
rsalvetineon and such, for those who want to try at arm devices15:33
davidmI'd say lets go for it if skaet is OK with it15:33
rsalvetiskaet already gave OK15:33
davidmsimd support is very good15:33
infinityrsalveti: Too late now, of course, but why aren't the changes in libjpeg itself? :P15:34
rsalvetiwas discussed during last release meeting15:34
GrueMasterI have plenty of jpg images to put it through some paces.15:34
rsalvetiinfinity: long history15:34
rsalvetidefault at firefox, chromium and fedora already15:34
* skaet nods, its universe, so low risk. 15:34
infinityGrueMaster: Porn is not a test framework.15:34
janimoinfinity, this is an upstream fork not a linaro one, linaro contributed though lately15:34
rsalvetilibjpeg-turbo is quite old already15:35
rsalvetijanimo: yeah, planning to discuss that at UDS15:35
rsalvetithere was some discussion over email already, will see how it goes15:35
rsalvetialso worked to get 4460 working with our images15:36
rsalvetisupport is quite broken atm, need kernel and u-boot fixes15:36
* ogra_ wishes we could test that already :P15:36
janimorsalveti, but no new packages, they still go to omap4 right?15:36
rsalvetido we want/need to make the support for the release?15:36
rsalvetijanimo: no new package, just bugfixies15:36
janimoif possible sure15:36
ogra_rsalveti, depends on the impact15:37
infinityWant, sure, need, no.15:37
janimootherwise the borad will appear and there will be no ubuntu support for them till april15:37
infinityAnd yes, depending on impact.15:37
GrueMasterFor 4460?  If we can get it in before release, it would be awesome.15:37
rsalvetikernel should be fine, as it's specific to a board revision15:37
janimois this quad-core or merely dual?15:37
ogra_below 200 LOC might be ok :)15:37
rsalvetiu-boot should be tricky15:37
davidmor we can point folks at Linaro bootloads with instructions on how to fix image15:37
ogra_janimo, still A915:37
rsalvetibut will get it working here first, and open the bugs for them15:37
janimoogra_, even if obfuscated and 80 columns wide ascii art 200 LOC ?15:37
rsalvetithen you can decide based on the amount of required changes15:38
GrueMasterdavidm: That gets ugly.  I am already doing that for Maverick and Natty.15:38
ogra_janimo, i dont care,i dont have to review it *g*15:38
janimowe can always point to linaro images, as they are usually more up to date, true15:38
ogra_janimo, hmm ?15:38
ogra_how can they be more up to dayte if they are a release behind ?15:38
rsalvetiwe're also creating oneiric based images now15:39
rsalvetiand hope to switch to it next month15:39
rsalvetiwe'll see how it goes15:39
janimothey are based on a release behind but ahead with platform support stuff15:39
rsalvetianyway, that's most of ti15:39
janimoold evince, new kernel uboot X15:39
rsalvetiwe're preparing the release, so everybody is busy atm15:39
janimoI know I'd pick the second set if only that works on my board :)15:39
ogra_depends what you want :)15:40
davidmogra GrueMaster do you have 4460 boards yet15:40
GrueMasternot yet.15:40
davidmYea, thats what I thought15:40
ogra_nicolas wanted to ask around once again15:40
ogra_i'll ask him tomorrow again :)15:40
davidmI got an email asking for shipping addresses which I provided15:40
davidmbut nothing so far then15:40
infinityOoo, new toys?15:40
ogra_same toys, new heart :)15:41
davidmApparently not ....15:41
rsalvetiinfinity: you should join the ti call ;-)15:41
ogra_if you like to get up in the middle of the night :)15:41
infinityrsalveti: That would involve one more meeting a week.15:41
infinity(And that)15:41
rsalvetifirst issue is that the led gpio is now connect at the mpu o_O15:41
rsalvetiso once you boot the board, and the led is on, it'll basically turn itself off15:41
ogra_fun !15:42
rsalvetifixed already, but was fun :-)15:42
rsalvetianyway, I'm done15:42
NCommandersorry about that15:42
NCommandermy laptop suddenly decided that it didn't have a wifi card15:42
ogra_NCommander, we didnt notice15:43
ogra_but yuo can move ;)15:43
ogra_*you even15:43
janimorsalveti, do linaro have beagle images too?15:44
janimoomap3 I mean15:44
davidmNCommander, moving on15:45
NCommander[topic] AOB15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
rsalvetijanimo: yes15:45
rsalvetijanimo: igep, overo, beagle, panda, and so on15:45
janimono pandas this cycle for armel builds? We carry the timed out builds to P15:45
ogra_we are already building on pandas15:46
ogra_partitally at least ... until infinity needs them15:46
rsalvetione question I had, are we really planning to go just with armhf for next cycle?15:46
ogra_half half15:46
rsalvetijust because it'll be a lts15:46
infinityjanimo: We have a bunch.  Though once armhf toolchain changes land, they'll get repurposed to armhf.15:46
ogra_was always the plan15:46
rsalvetibut was initially for this cycle15:46
ogra_we have to pick which one is the default15:46
infinityrsalveti: "Hope" is a better word than "Plan" with al the delays we've had. :/15:46
rsalvetiand have only armfh for next cycpe15:46
rsalvetiinfinity: yeah =\ that's why I'm asking15:47
ogra_no, you need at least one release where you have them in parallel15:47
GrueMasterso was getting all the pandas in the build farm online.15:47
rsalvetiinfinity: what's the current status on that?15:47
infinityrsalveti: Need to land a GCC change, test it, re-bootstrap, and go.15:47
* janimo wonders if giving back packages that fail after 10 hours hoping they land on a panda this time is a good use of build resources15:48
infinityWell, can probably skip most of re-bootstrapping with a compat symlink for a while.15:48
ogra_a gcc change after b2 ?15:48
rsalvetiok, cool15:48
infinityogra_: One that only affects a new architecture.15:48
ogra_ah, k15:48
infinityjanimo: No.  If you want that to happen, talk to me, and we'll force it.15:48
GrueMasterMuch as I personally hate to say it, I think we will need to make both armel and armhf images for testing next cycle.15:49
janimoinfinity, good. Last time you said it is only possible if everythng is on manual, which is a hassle. I'll check the list to see what the latest status is15:49
infinityWe already knew that.15:49
ogra_but we will only release one of them15:49
infinityWe have to test both until some arbitrary cutoff point where we choose one for release.15:49
janimoand will only test one of them :D15:49
rsalvetiand are we supporting both as LTS?15:49
ogra_janimo, nope15:49
rsalvetior just armel15:49
infinityjanimo: It *is* only possible with everything on manual. :P15:50
ogra_rsalveti, unlikely that we support both15:50
infinityjanimo: But that's not rocket science either.15:50
rsalvetiguess a good discussion for uds15:50
ogra_we cant destabilize server15:50
ogra_so hf needs to be rock solid before we switch15:50
infinityrsalveti: We won't really know by UDS.  But we'll support the one that doesn't suck.15:50
* janimo thinks of the churn in debian packaing to replace/amend armel ifdefs with armhf15:50
ogra_janimo, the debian hf port should have a good bunch already15:51
janimoinfinity, what are the suckage risks? Toolchain issues?15:51
infinityjanimo: Honestly, my only concern is having it all built in a couple of months.15:51
infinityWhenever the armel buildds are idle, I intend to steal most of them for armhf to try to speed that process up.15:52
infinityWe'll see how that works out.15:52
davidmrsalveti, we'll make at call at freature freeze which will be what we go out with for ARM15:53
janimois buying setting up 20 or more boards to help such an obstacle?15:53
davidmonce we choose, we will stop testing images on the other arch15:53
rsalvetidavidm: fair enough15:53
janimowe seem to spend more in man hours trying to cater for that deficiency15:53
davidmjanimo, getting pandas is VERY hard again15:54
rsalvetiimx53 is a *lot* easier now15:54
GrueMasterjanimo: We have systems that aren't online yet.  It isn't due only to a lack of boards.15:54
rsalvetiand with sata15:54
davidmI'm hoping something else will pop up soonish15:54
infinityI'd happily take a bunch of mx53s.15:54
janimoGrueMaster, hence my 'setting up' in the question15:54
ogra_rsalveti, well, it hads to proove stable first :)15:54
GrueMasterjanimo: Manpower is also a big limiting factor.15:55
janimoindeed, lots of mx53s are good to, it;s not like we used dual cores so fa15:55
ogra_with things like ext4 support missing in the kernel i wouldnt go for a buildd on it yet :)15:55
rsalvetiwell, at least you'll have support from linaro :-)15:55
infinityGrueMaster: Other than the master/slave in the DC being fiddled with for the "PPA cluster", we have others not online?15:55
janimoGrueMaster, right but seems a lot of manpower - albeit that of different men - is wasted to work around such issues, and to twddle thumbs while waiting15:55
GrueMasteriirc, we have 5 in a sudo state.15:55
GrueMasterWe can discuss offline.15:56
davidminfinity, GrueMaster  lets take this off-line and talk to the folks that know whats going on15:56
* infinity nods.15:56
janimoGrueMaster, sudo state - the one in which a person gets you a sandwich without opposition?15:56
janimolike a trance you mean?15:56
GrueMasterNCommander: Close?15:57
NCommanderclosing in 315:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Sep 22 15:57:28 2011 UTC.15:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-22-14.59.moin.txt15:57
AlanBell@defaultcapability remove misc.last16:14
meetingologyAlanBell: The operation succeeded.16:14
=== macer1-zlyklon is now known as macer1
* pitti waves18:00
pittiso, just the two of us plus half a cjwatson18:01
keesheh. yeah, not sure where Keybuk is.18:01
mdz1/2 of me18:03
pittihey mdz18:03
mdzwho is chairing?18:03
pittiI didn't notice anything on the lists recently18:03
pittimdz: I don't think we picked a chair last time as we just skipped the meeting18:03
keesI was out last meeting; was there a summary sent?18:03
pittino, there was nothing happening18:03
pittiwe just stated that cjwatson's item (brainstorm) was/is happening18:04
* kees nods18:04
mdzmy only agenda item is that I'm disappointed that we haven't kept up with the brainstorm reviews18:05
mdzwe made a public commitment to do it once a quarter and we haven't met that commitment18:05
mdzthe previous one was...March?18:06
keesis there some kind of infrastructure or reporting we could put in place to help stay on schedule?18:06
mdza calendar would do18:06
pittiwe noted on the agenda when the next one was due18:06
pittibut apparently it was dropped now18:06
mdzI think I put it on the ubuntu engineering calendar as well18:06
keespitti: ah, like a count-down?18:06
pittiI think whenever we do one we shold bump the date there, not drop the item completely18:07
pittii. e. * Brainstorm review [next due: Month Year]18:07
pittiso the normal cycle would have been to have the next one nowish, right?18:10
pittiso we should do the next one over christmas?18:10
keespitti: yeah, seems right18:13
* pitti adds it back then18:14
pittiso I guess that's a wrap?18:15
pittiso, good night everyone!18:17
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