
ryoohkii'm ttrying to build a package on x86_64 that says it needs to be built on ppc =>03:37
ryoohki"This package must be built on a PowerPC machine"03:37
ryoohkipbuilder-dist natty build openbios-ppc_1.0+svn640-1.dsc"03:37
micahgryoohki: hmm, it seems to think it needs that..03:41
RAOFryoohki: Time to investigate the wonderful world of virtualisation, methinks.03:41
micahgwe have the same problem on our builders: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78736775/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.openbios-ppc_1.0%2Bsvn1018-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz03:41
RAOFIf you've got qemu-user-static installed you should be able to just ask sbuild or pbuilder to set up a PPC chroot for you.03:42
StevenKAnd it's arch: all. Fail.03:43
RAOFmicahg: Sounds like it needs to go into packages-arch-specific?03:43
micahgaccording to bug 756068, it needs to be built on powerpc, but remain arch all03:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 756068 in openbios-ppc (Ubuntu) "openbios-ppc version 1.0+svn640-1 failed to build on i386" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75606803:43
StevenKRAOF: Not when it's arch-indep, it doesn't03:43
RAOFStevenK: There are a couple of things that are arch-indep but must be built on a specific arch; how do we handle them if not p-a-s?03:44
ryoohkiaah!  thanks!03:47
ryoohkiStevenK: thanks!03:57
StevenKHowever, I feel adding openbios-ppc to p-a-s and then asking LP to built it as arch-indep will just end up with LP complaining the build is for no architectures.03:59
micahgStevenK: I think that's why Colin won't fixed that bug for oneiric :)04:00
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dholbachgood morning07:06
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bdrungLaney: really? you have to backport distro-info, devscripts too10:06
bdrungtumbleweed: no ;)10:06
Laneymainly want the new syncpackage10:07
bdrungLaney: then use https://launchpad.net/~udt-developers/+archive/daily10:09
bdrungLaney: see how many packages needed a backport for working on natty?10:09
* Laney shrugs10:15
Laneyas you wish10:15
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bdrungLaney: that's because we moved a big bunch of scripts10:45
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jtaylorScottK: was python-central set to automatically installed when you tested it for bug 856458?18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856458 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "python-central no longer needed, but not removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85645818:47
ScottKjtaylor: Not sure.18:47
ScottKI certainly wouldn't have manually installed it, but that doesn't necessarily relate to how it was marked.18:48
ScottKThat particular server is now python-support free too.18:50
jtaylorcan't remove central on my desktop yet :(18:51
Laneyis Ubuntu much further than Debian on this?18:52
* Laney has zillions of things depending on both18:52
jtaylora bit18:52
jtaylorubuntu main is -support free18:53
LaneyI guess a lot of them wouldn't be on a server18:53
ScottKjtaylor: No.18:53
jtaylorthanks to barry's efforts18:53
jtaylornot main18:53
ScottKThere's stuff in Main that's not on CDs18:53
jtaylorcd dvd I meant18:53
ScottKRight on CD != Main18:53
jtaylorjust confus it while typing :/18:53
jbichahmm, gwibber still uses python-support19:07
micahgyep, only xubuntu is without python-support ATM19:08
jtaylor:O was something missing when fixing bug 788514?19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788514 in pyxdg (Debian) "python packages on the CDs not using dh_python2" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78851419:12
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ScottKI wish there was a tool I cool feed it two package names and get the intersection of the rdepends of one and the depends of the other.22:58
ScottKi.e. feed if python-support and ubuntu-desktop and get the answer to this question.22:59
broderScottK: aptitude?23:01
broderaptitude search '~D^python-support$~R^ubuntu-desktop$', i think23:01
broder(that might be backwards)23:01
broderthough i guess you probably want recursive rdepends/depends, which that won't get you23:02
ScottKmicahg: No python-support on Kubuntu CDs either.23:08
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