
charlie-tcano problem, skaet00:00
charlie-tcaI just had to make sure we get the latest one to sync00:00
skaetubuntu desktop 20110921.2 posted00:20
skaetstgraber, am stepping away for dinner... (really this time),  edubuntu's currently on the builder so should emerge next.00:22
* skaet --> dinner, biab00:22
stgraberskaet: ok00:27
highvoltagestgraber: didn't we also get a newer gbrainy?01:01
highvoltageor is that still in ubuntu by default? even if it's still included in ubuntu by default, it's not explicitely mentioned there so perhaps we should01:02
highvoltage(I updated the page)01:07
skaetstgraber, highvoltage  new edubuntu dvd (20110922) posted01:19
ScottKskaet: Thanks.01:20
skaetScottK, kubuntu dvd's building now,  will be next out01:20
highvoltagethanks skaet01:21
highvoltagestgraber: can you bring those images that you downloaded to the office tomorrow? it will be faster for me to sync from them than from my old ones01:22
charlie-tcaand the software center fixed worked. and the images are working01:25
stgraberhighvoltage: sure, I'll have them both on my laptop in the next 10 minutes or so01:26
stgraberhighvoltage: tech overview looks good, thanks for the changes01:28
GrueMasterskaet: Ubuntu-armel omap/omap4 testing is finished.  I'm leaving the ac100 to ogra and the mx5 to janimo.  Downloading kubuntu omap/omap4 images now, hope to post results in the next couple of hours (slow download).01:33
skaetGrueMaster,  ok.   There are about to be a new set of images for arm emerging from the builders.   Do you want me posting them?01:34
GrueMasterUgh, why?01:34
skaetGrueMaster, ubiquity fixes.01:34
skaetjust a sec.01:35
GrueMasterIf the sole purpose is to be in sync, then no.  I didn't run into issues with this batch of images.  Or are these kubuntu images?01:35
skaetit was primarily for kubuntu,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/85576301:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 855763 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "installer crashed (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Critical,Fix released]01:36
skaetbut there was another minor fix that was made at the same time01:36
skaetWe don't have kubuntu arm images built with the fix,  but if you want them, I can add them to the queue.01:37
GrueMasterSo, these images are kubuntu only?01:37
skaetimages coming off are ubuntu right now (with kubuntu fix) for consistency.01:38
skaetinfinity, NCommander - won't be updating the ARM images on the iso tracker based on GrueMaster comments ^^.01:40
GrueMasterProblem I am having is it is taking me hours to download each image respin, even with zsync.  If I have to test them, I will, but it will take a while.  No guarantees on getting them done before 9am PST (1500 UTC).01:40
skaetGrueMaster.  understood.  Will let NCommander and infinity voice an opinion if they disagree, otherwise we'll go with what you've tested.01:41
GrueMasterSo, was kubuntu being respun with these fixes?01:42
skaetGrueMaster, no it wasn't.  ScottK didn't indicate it was needed,  but if your testing indicates it does.  let me know ASAP.01:43
skaetI'll be monitoring this channel and will start a spin off.01:43
ScottKGrueMaster: I'm willing to defer to your judgement (and availability to retest, so no one with omap/omap4 has appeared)01:43
ScottKGrueMaster: If the right answer is respin and release Kubuntu images late after you get a chance to test, I'm fine with that too.01:44
GrueMasterScottK: I am still pulling down the images.  zsync was a bit behind on my side, and I'm currently looking at ~1-2 hours before I can test 20110921.01:44
skaetScottK, GrueMaster - once the ubuntu arm images come off the builder, I'll proactively start off a Kubuntu set, so the option will be there later tonight.01:45
skaetyour choice or not, to pick it up.  ie. if sniff test yields problems pick up the latest, and get someone awake to post to iso tracker.01:46
GrueMasterskaet: Sounds good.  Can we keep all of these respins in reserve, just in case we don't need them?01:46
skaetScottK,  kubuntu DVD 20110922 posted01:48
ScottKThanks even01:48
skaetubuntu dvd 20110922 posted02:55
stgraber80% of the way through porting qapkgstatus (status.qa.ubuntu.com) to Drupal 7, the code is a lot cleaner, safer and faster :)03:11
stgraberonce I'm done with that one I should be familiar enough with Drupal 7 to port the qatracker relatively easily (still expect it to take a week or so to actually do it)03:12
GrueMasterScottK: Testing kubuntu now.  Had a failure on beaglexm (omap) and it seems to have recovered.  No failure on panda (omap4) so far.  May not need the respin.  Will let you know more details on beaglexm as soon as I can.03:27
GrueMasterBeaglexm may be memory related as we apparently turned off making a swap file some time ago.  Could be hitting oom issues.03:28
GrueMasterAs soon as I created a swap file on the beagleXM, the loadaverage started dropping from 4.95 (now around 2.08 and slowly dropping) and swap usage shot up to over 200M.03:52
skaetGrueMaster, ScottK,  I've started off the kubuntu arm rebuilds IF you need them.   Should be a couple of hours before they're available.03:57
GrueMasterOk, this may be interesting.  The beagleXM oem-config crash on initial boot is the same as bug 855763, but I didn't see it in omap4.03:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 855763 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "installer crashed (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85576303:58
GrueMasterDoublechecking logs on omap4 now.03:58
skaetGrueMaster, infinity, NCommander, ogra_  - the ubuntu arm pre-installed images are publishing now,  should be available IF you need them under 20110922.04:00
GrueMasterNope, not seeing it on omap4, which is odd.04:00
GrueMasterskaet: Thanks.04:01
GrueMasterI don't think we will (and with current download speeds I am seeing, they wouldn't be available to me until well after midnight my time).04:01
GrueMasterAs to kubuntu-armel, I don't know what to say.  On omap, I see the bug, on omap4 I don't.  I'll compare manifests to see if they match.04:02
skaetGrueMaster,  ok.  Sorry about the download speeds. :P04:03
GrueMasterBoth match.  Not sure what to think now.04:03
GrueMasterMeh, not your fault.  When you have a popular product...04:04
GrueMasterOther than the results I have already posted, I haven't seen any other issues.04:05
GrueMasterOn the kubuntu installer bug, I only saw it on beaglexm and it recovered without issue.  Didn't see it on omap4 (Panda).  I don't think a respin is necessary.04:09
skaetfair enough.   ok,  I think we have the image set we'll be going with on the iso tracker unless jibel raises some flags in the morning.04:10
skaetpitti,  when you get in, could you go ahead and pre-publish the current images?04:11
skaetpitti, do NOT update the iso tracker to the latest ARM (ubuntu and kubuntu pre-installed) images, looks like tonights builds of them won't be needed.04:12
* skaet --> time to go do the zzz thing.04:12
skaetg'nite all.04:12
GrueMasterNight skaet.04:13
pittiGood morning04:17
pittihey skaet04:17
pittiskaet: eek, we forgot to do that? doing right now then, we'll have to do a release very late then04:17
pittiskaet: arm images> understood04:17
pittiinfinity: we have a script "publish-image-set.py" now which figures out all the commands for you, feeding from teh tracker04:19
pittiinfinity: still awake by any chance?04:26
pittithere is a lubuntu 20110921.2 build, but tracker has 20110921.104:26
pittiis that intended?04:27
* pitti also runs cron.source now, it takes ages04:28
pittiinfinity, skaet: images prepublished04:33
pittinow let the world mirror04:33
stgraberok, finally got Drupal 7 to authenticate against LP and grant access rights on my local ISO tracker based on team membership! that's it for tonight, see you all tomorrow.04:33
pittisleep well, stgraber04:33
ScottKGrueMaster: I get a crash in oem-config too (on i386).05:21
ScottKpitti: Kubuntu i386 alternate is out of date for ubiquity.  The impact is Bug #855763 is still present and so oem-config fails.  I don't think it's worth a respin, but that image won't have oem-config.05:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 855763 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "installer crashed (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85576305:28
pittiScottK: ok, so we'll release-note that this image won't have oem-config?05:30
ScottKYes, unless there's some other reason to respin.05:30
pittiScottK: at this point, do you still see anything in the Kubuntu images which might need a respin?06:28
pittilooks like edubuntu images didn't get any testing yet06:30
pittiso better not unfreeze just yet06:30
pittis/unfreeze/flush the queue/06:31
pitti(I just learned we are going to stay frozen)06:31
infinitypitti: I didn't pre-publish earlier because there was still respinning going on, and then I had to go out. :/06:43
pittiinfinity: ah, np; we'll just have to do the release a little later in the day06:44
pittiinfinity: at some point today we need to decide when we are at the "point of no return" for flushing unapproved; I think due to untested edubuntu that we are at that point yet, but I hope we can get some tests today06:45
pittiwe shouldn't flush unapproved on a friday06:45
infinitypitti: Friday's the best time to do everything!06:45
pittiI'm accepting cogl; it'll land in binNEW, so doesn't affect images08:13
pittiI want to get it built now, so that the other stuff in the queue can already build against it (see bug 856179)08:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 856179 in mutter (Ubuntu) (and 6 other projects) "[FFe] cogl 1.8.0 with soname bump (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85617908:13
pittijibel: bonjour08:38
jibelpitti, good morning08:38
pittijibel: do you guys test edubuntu as well, or is that done by stgraber only?08:38
pittijibel: apparently there was a late respin last night08:39
jibelpitti, stgraber does it, I can help after ubuntu.08:39
pittijibel: wuold it help if I downloaded the kubuntu amd64 image and test that a bit (which will take a while), or is that part of your automatic setup anyway?08:42
pittiit has zero results right now, and thus I'm a little worried08:42
jibelpitti, that would help. We only test ubuntu automatically08:43
jibelI've a couple of bugs to file against ubuntu and I can start testing derivatives in half an hour or so.08:44
pittijibel: ok, then how about you start with edubuntu after ubuntu, and I'll test kubuntu amd64 now08:44
jibelpitti, ok08:45
pittiok, first kubuntu amd64 desktop install finished, looking good09:29
* jibel starting edubuntu i38609:30
pittiinfinity: still online or asleep?09:56
pittiok, kubuntnu desktop amd64 5/7 pass; can't test wubi, haven't tested netbook10:16
pitti(although kvm also just has 768 pixels in height)10:16
jibelpitti, I'll try wubi and netbook after edubuntu. Kubuntu DVDs pass10:19
jibeledubuntu i386 + LTSP: pass10:27
jibelstgraber, I fail at LTSP live, networl-manager tries to manage the secondary interface and shuts it down before the client connects.10:29
ScottKpitti: As of when I went to sleep, I wasn't aware of any show stoppers for Kubuntu.10:30
pittiScottK: ah, good; I just tested the amd64 desktop one, and it works just fine10:30
pittione nitpick is that oem-install mode doesn't install missing langpack10:31
pittibut that applies to ubuntu just as well, I figure10:31
jibelpitti, same on ubuntu.10:33
jibeland there's a problem with the language selector notification when a language is incomplete after installation too. I'll troubleshoot after B2.10:34
pitticjwatson: so it seems our b2 images are as good as they are going to be10:34
pittijibel ^ any remaining major bugs which have a chance of being fixed?10:35
cjwatsonI'll take your word for it - I've been somewhat out of it this milestone cycle (illness + ADSL problems)10:35
pittiuh, get well soon then!10:35
pitti(both you personally and your interweb tube)10:36
pitticjwatson: I'm a bit anxious to review/clean unapproved, there's quite some fixes there, and I wouldn't want to flush the whole thing on a Friday10:36
ScottKI think it would be good for someone to check and see if Bug 856055 is just me/my system or a general problem.10:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 856055 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu) "Memtest run from DI installer menu never finishes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85605510:36
pittiand it requires some coordination for the cogl binNEW10:36
ScottKpitti: We've got one more week between Beta 2 and final this time, so no rush.10:37
cjwatsonthe engineer reckons ADSL is fixed now (and it does look better), and I think the cold is subsiding too10:37
cjwatsonpitti: I can certainly help with unapproved today10:37
cjwatsonScottK: ok10:37
pittiI missed last week's meeting due to holiday, but I understand that we'll remain frozen for the whole remaining oneiric time?10:38
cjwatsonso I understand10:38
pittithat's going to be a lot of handholding, but oh well10:38
ScottKWe are.10:39
pittiScottK: I suppose that shouldn't be different between u/kubuntu? I can test the current memtest on my 10v here10:39
ScottKpitti: It'd be really odd if it were different.10:39
jibelpitti, no major bug that could be fixed and tested in the next hours.10:39
ScottKI'd be curious how long it takes to run if it does.10:39
pittierk, confirmed; no progress at all10:40
ScottKThat's probably worth a release note.10:40
pittiI'll try on my workstation, brg10:40
pittibrb even10:40
ScottKLooks like amd64+mac testing is minimal this time.10:42
ScottK(for multiple flavors)10:42
pittiScottK: works fine on my X20110:43
cjwatsonworks in KVM10:43
pittiso we can representatively claim that it is broken on 33% of systems out there :-P10:43
ScottKOK.  Hardware specific then.10:43
pittioh, "Informations"? must have been a German who wrote this :)10:44
pittialthough I've heard it from other people as well10:44
ogra_hmm, so oem-config doesnt get removed after install10:44
pittiyou and your weird singular forms!10:44
ogra_Sep 22 12:20:32 localhost ubiquity: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable10:45
ogra_hmm, i guess thats the issue10:45
ogra_everything else in the log looks fine10:45
pittiScottK: release ntoed10:46
pittiogra_: in my recent kubuntu desktop oem install mode that worked, neither oem-config nor ubiquity are installed10:48
jibelogra_, similar symptoms then bug 34946910:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 349469 in debconf (Ubuntu) "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable (affects: 523) (dups: 396) (heat: 3404)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946910:48
ogra_pitti, well, 82051410:48
ogra_bug 820514 even10:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 820514 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "oem-config-remove-gtk not found during preinstalled desktop initialization (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82051410:48
ogra_but that doesnt seem to be actually my issue10:48
ogra_pitti, your bug talks about people using two package managers at the same time ... i dont even have access to a package manager in ubiquity-dm :)10:51
ogra_thats an ubiquity homemade issue i think10:51
pitti"my" bug?10:51
ogra_oh, sorry, that was jibel10:51
cjwatsonjibel: please don't do "similar symptoms" with that class of bug10:52
cjwatsonit's not worthwhile and is confusing10:52
cjwatsonbecause the symptom is "two things tried to talk to debconf at once", and that doesn't come anywhere close to uniquely identifying a cause10:53
jibelcjwatson, understood.11:00
* ogra_ files bug 85629311:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 856293 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "oem-config not removed after install on preinstalled desktop images due to debconf.dat being locked (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85629311:03
jibelwubi is broken on kubuntu. filing a bug.11:57
ScottKExcept for desktop amd64+mac, I'm pretty comfortable with where Kubuntu is.12:01
pittiedubuntu seems fine, too12:15
pittiand ubuntu12:15
pittixubuntu almost complete, mythbuntu has a successful test, lubuntu complete12:16
pittiI think we can call these "beta-2" and start reviewing unapproved to unblock further development12:16
pitticjwatson, ScottK, jibel ^ any objection?12:16
ogra_arme seems fine as well12:16
ogra_*arm even12:17
pittiogra_: is the oem-config removal bug a race condition, or reproducible? if so, should we release-note it?12:17
ogra_pitti, we could, it happened every time i tested ac100 but i dont have any debug data12:18
ogra_apart from that one debconf.dat line there is nothing in the logs12:18
pittiogra_: does the installed system actually work? I suspect it breaks late enough that the only effect is the extra packages12:19
ogra_right, i even guess apt-get autoremove would wipe them12:19
cjwatsonI don't see anything on the iso.qa bug list that I consider a showstopper12:19
cjwatsonso no objection from me12:20
pittiok; I'll start with some "safe" ones, just in case12:20
pittilike clutter, which is only on xubuntu, and not being used for anything but quadrapassel (the game)12:20
ogra_oh, i think mx5 shouldnt be released, that waits for a missing kernel config option12:20
ogra_(working fine beyond that, but not supporting ext4 when the images default to it is somewhat a showstopper :) )12:21
pittiogra_: ok, I'll remove it from the tracker then?12:21
pittiso that publish-image-set doesn't pick it up?12:21
ogra_ah, i thought it need to be on the tracker12:21
ogra_i exoplicitly asked jani to add it, if publish-örelease depends on it though, yeah, remove it12:22
pitticjwatson: FYI, please keep apt in the queue for now; I accepted pkgbinarymangler which blacklists libapt's translations, that should publish first12:22
pittiogra_: not "depend", it'll just publish everything which isn't disabled in the tracker12:23
pittiERROR: Cannot handle image Ubuntu Core armel (20110920.1)12:23
pittioops, I guess that needs fixing, too12:23
ogra_hmm, i thought adam had added that last milestone12:24
cjwatsonpitti: OK12:25
pittifixed in ubuntu-archive-tools12:25
cjwatsonpitti: I asked for that apt upload so I do want it fairly soon mind :-)12:25
pitticjwatson: if it's urgent, we can also do another rebuild after wards12:25
ogra_pitti, where do i find ubuntu-archive-tools (for the next time we add a new image format) ? is that publically accessible fro non ubuntu-archive people ?12:26
cjwatsonnah, xdeb isn't release-critical in any sense12:26
cjwatsonogra_: bzr co lp:ubuntu-archive-tools12:26
ogra_thx !12:26
* ogra_ suspects it will not know about .bootimg files yet12:26
ogra_ah, it doesnt look at file suffixes at all12:29
cjwatsonpitti: are we holding off on kerneloops for a bit?12:42
pitticjwatson: disabling it seems a little premature to me12:42
pittinot sure whether the kernel team actually wants to have it stopped already, apw?12:42
pittiogasawara: ^12:42
pittiok, 'nuff staring at diffs for nwo12:51
pittiI accepted everything which I trust enough to not break another image build12:51
cjwatsonI'm still going, I'll deal with the rest12:51
pittialso, I want pkgbinarymanger and vala-0.14 to publish first12:51
cjwatsonah, heh, I did accept a couple of vala packages ...12:51
pittithere are some valaish things in the queue which I'd rather build against the current one, just to ensure that they don't ftbfs or so12:51
* cjwatson will avoid those for a while then12:52
pitticjwatson: ok; no worries, it didn't change syntax or abi or anythign, it was just being cautious12:52
cjwatsongnome-games and libgee12:52
cjwatsonyeah, probably best leave most of the rest for now then12:53
cjwatsonthe buildds have plenty to chew on12:53
pittiheh, was just gonna say12:54
* pitti takes a break, lawn needs mowing, and seems we are finally out of catastrophes \o/12:55
cjwatsonactually I think I'll accept binutils too: it looks safe, fixes build failures, and shouldn't break anything if skewed12:55
pitticjwatson, infinity, skaet: FYI, my cron.source run finished, so that will be fine for publishing12:55
stgraberjibel: hmm, that's ltsp live from Edubuntu's DVD?12:56
cjwatsonpitti: good12:57
jibelstgraber, yes, full installation + ltsp passed with the same network setup.12:58
stgraberjibel: that's really weird that network manager even tries to touch the interface post-install as the installer generates a /etc/network/interfaces entry for it12:59
stgraberjibel: oh, ok, I see, post-install is fine but not live13:00
stgraberjibel: let me try it here quickly, I didn't see any problem yesterday...13:00
jibelstgraber, yes post-install is fine but not live13:00
ogasawaracjwatson, pitti: precedence in previous releases indicated we've turned off kerneloops around beta-2 so I told bdmurray to go ahead and disable it13:04
Laneycharlie-tca: I guess bug #836324 is a P-thing now?13:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 836324 in blueman (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync blueman 1.22~bzr707-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 17)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83632413:05
ScottKpitti: Sounds fine.13:05
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel|flu
stgraberjibel: LTSP live seems fine here. An "LTSP" connection gets added and set to the interface selected in the LTSP live dialog, once the dialog disappears I can boot a thin client just fine.13:07
stgraberjibel: Just checking, did you use the LTSP live configuration dialog (from the launcher) and selected the right network interface (eth1 in my case), then waited for it to disappear? at this point Network Manager should be happy with both interfaces connected...13:08
stgraberjibel: unless you're testing on real hardware with a crossover cable, then Network Manager won't like the interface link state changing 10 times during the thin client boot13:08
jibelstgraber, I used the LTSP live from the launcher but the dialog never disappeared. When I select eth1 (which is the internal NIC) it changes back to eth0. I'm trying again.13:13
stgraberjibel: oh, that's weird. How much RAM do you have on that system?13:14
jibelstgraber, 1G, what's the minimum requirement ?13:15
stgraberjibel: with LTSP, usally 768M though we recommend 1G so you should be fine13:16
charlie-tcaLaney: why? we can't do an FFe now?13:17
LaneyYou want to change defaults this late? Also, no progress on the requested testing.13:18
charlie-tcaWe may have to change defaults this late, since at this late date, Xubuntu has no bluetooth13:19
Laneywell, consider this a poke then :-)13:20
charlie-tcaThank you. I do appreciate that.13:20
ogasawaracjwatson, pitti: after chatting with bdmurray I'm fine if we hold off on disabling kerneloops until around final freeze13:33
ScottKLaney: Did you request the monodevelop-* syncs?13:33
Laneynot me guv'nor13:34
Laneyprobably directhex13:34
ogasawaracjwatson, pitti: I assume it can just be held in the queue or bdmurray can re-upload13:34
ScottKAh, no.13:34
Laneybut I think we want them. Is there a problem?13:34
ScottKYeah.  It was.13:34
ScottKDo they need an FFe?13:34
ScottKSomething like 2.6-1 sounds like a new feature release, but OK.13:34
cjwatsonogasawara: holding in the queue should be fine13:34
ScottKJust checking.13:34
LaneyI think we had the prereleases before13:35
ScottKAccepting based on "Laney said so."13:35
Laneyyeah, 2.5.92 — should be bug fixes then13:35
ScottKOK.  Done.13:36
ScottKpitti: The LO update looks non-trivial, so if it's going in, I think sooner better than later (and no, that doesn't mean I'm volunteering to review it).13:36
pittiScottK: yes, I agree; I just didn't want to block the buildds with it just yet13:52
pittiogasawara: understood, thanks13:52
ScottKOK.  Makes sense.13:52
ScottKBTW, I have a tester lined up for Kubuntu amd64+mac, so we may get to release those.14:05
ScottKpowerpc has no tester ATM, so that's a no go for us.14:05
pittihello skaet, good morning14:06
skaetgood morning pitti.   :)14:09
pittiskaet: so, images look fine, and we started flushing unapproved14:21
skaetyup, spotted that surge.14:23
pittiskaet: so, bug 856405 might require some further explanation14:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 856405 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Add Ubuntu One packages back to default install and CD (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85640514:45
pittiskaet: I'd like to do the seed changes now and upload -meta, so that these packages will be on tomorrow's CDs again14:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - gnome-settings-daemon uploaded :)14:46
* chrisccoulson waves goodbye to several seconds of startup time :)14:46
pittiskaet: in short, there was some back and forth with the U1 team, and they tried to introduce the concept of the u1-installer14:46
pittiskaet: but all it does is to just install the very packages that we have shipped in natty and before14:46
pittiskaet: so we don't have these in the default install and in the live session for testing them, for no good reason14:47
pittiskaet: so we had a phone call last week to clarify what the purpose of these was, and it turned out that it was something between mis-communication, the installer concept not being finished yet, and us wanting them back14:47
pittiskaet: I was part of the call and have argued for putting them back for weeks, so I feel too biased to making the call now14:48
ScottKSeems to me like they should either go back right now or not at all.14:49
pittiyes, that was my thought14:49
pittiwas too late for b2 unfortunately14:49
Laneyho boy14:49
pittibut many people (including desktop team) have htese packages installed all the time anyway14:50
Laneydo we revert the disabling U1 patches?14:50
pittiLaney: what do you mean?14:50
Laneyfor example the banshee extension was on the CD by virtue of a recommends14:50
ScottKI'm not unbiased either as I think integration of proprietary web services isn't appropriate for the default install (I lost that argument long ago), so I'm not one to express an opinion for either way either.14:50
pittiLaney: it'll be put back through seeds; does anything need to be patched for this? that'd be strange14:51
pittias software should certainly work with the package being installed right now, too14:51
Laneyno, seeding will work14:51
Laneywhy would you do that rather than having banshee recommend it again though?14:52
pittiLaney: doesn't matter much, but explicit seeding seems cleaner to me14:52
pittialso, it avoids having to change packages for this14:52
pittialso, makes it easier for derivatives to not ship it, etc.14:53
pitti(cf. ScottK's argument above)14:53
pittiLaney: so by "patch" you meant the Recommends: removal, not source patch?14:54
Laneyyeah, "change", whatever you want to call it14:54
pittiah, ok14:54
skaetpitti, sorry for the pause,  am checking some things.14:55
stgraberskaet: Edubuntu looks good to go. Only bug that was found is a ltsp-live problem that jibel found, can't reproduce it for now, will start poking at it now.14:58
Laneylooks like some U1 stuff was re-seeded a few days ago anyway?15:06
skaetpitti,  agree with you and ScottK,  if its going to go in,  best now.    What will this do to the image space?  (ie. what's going to drop off?)15:06
pittiskaet: nothing; it's 360 kB15:06
skaetpitti,  goodness.15:07
pittiskaet: would you mind sending your formal +1 to the bug, so that we have a paper trail? I just sent my view of the regression potential, etc.15:07
Laneyor supported-desktop-extra is just to keep stuff in main?15:07
skaetpitti,  will do.15:07
pittiskaet: that's what I meant with "there was no reason to drop them" :)15:07
pittiLaney: righht15:07
pittiLaney: I'll drop it from there again, for cleaning up the redundancy15:08
LaneyI'm a bit surprised that there was a miscommunication though; the intention seemed quite clear15:09
skaetpitti, which seeds will be getting the change?  (CD, DVD, ...)  is it going to go on the ARM ones?15:10
pittiskaet: it's "desktop", so all ubuntu ones: desktop, alternate, preinstalled, DVD15:11
pittiskaet: doesn't affect any of the derivatives, they have their own seed15:11
skaetpitti,  ok, just wanted to check if it was going to be consistently applied, so am fine.15:11
ScottKdnspython and iotop have an FFe that needs review/approval: Bug #85647815:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 856478 in iotop (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "FFe: Let's get python-support off of ScottK's server (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85647815:19
pittiScottK: just accepted15:19
pittierm, approved15:19
* pitti likes the bug title15:19
ScottKpython-central is already gone.15:20
skaetpitti,  comments added.15:29
pittiskaet: ah, thanks; -meta uploaded now15:30
pittiskaet: will we have a meeting tomorrow?15:43
ogra_oh, gooood question :)15:43
pitti(not that I'm pushing for one, I'll have a holiday)15:44
skaetpitti,  yes there will be a meeting tomorrow.15:44
* skaet started on the agenda for it yesterday. 15:45
skaetpitti,  who's rep from desktop then?15:45
pittiskaet: seb128 kindly stepped up for questions, etc.15:46
pittiskaet: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus with the report, RC bugs, etc.15:46
skaetpitti,  could you take a pass at the desktop bugs in http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-mgr-o-tracking-bugs.html,  and make sure you agree that those listed under the desktop team make sense to be.   I'll cross check with your DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus later, after the release is out.15:47
skaetalso,  check you agree with the priorities on the desktop ones too.15:48
pittiskaet: I did actually, most of them are mentioned on our report page15:48
skaetpitti,  :)  goodness.15:48
skaetthank you.15:49
Davieyslangasek: Hmm. Just seen your qemu question..  Are you still planning to do it for qemu-linaro?16:11
slangasekDaviey: well, I may have mentioned earlier that I was hoping to piggy-back onto your FFe so I didn't have to do the paperwork ;)16:11
DavieyWhilst the testing proved that it was a viable candidate, we really don't have the time to dedicate to fixing to fallout if it goes bang.16:11
DavieyFor something so core to the server product.16:11
slangasekI think an update for qemu-linaro would be the best course of action, but I'm not sure we get enough benefit for me to justify going through a proper FFe16:12
Davieyslangasek: so myself and hallyn did use it from a PPA for over a week, and it did look good.16:12
DavieyNothing obviously regressed.16:13
slangasekDaviey: does that mean if I proposed a qemu-linaro new upstream version for FFe, you would approve it with your ubuntu-release hat on without me going through the upstream changelog?16:13
ScottKSuddenly the downside of being on the release team emerges ...16:14
slangasekwell :)16:15
slangasekhe doesn't need to sell *me* on the update, after all :)16:15
ScottKNo, I was thinking for him.16:15
ScottKNow he's got to sit there and make a decision ...16:15
infinityDecisions before noon are hard.16:16
Davieyslangasek: I did go through the changelog, and there are a few nice new features.16:17
DavieyOne reason i was keen for us to consier it - is that t is most likely the release for the LTS.. whilst it's bad karma to test drive it in a release, for server LTS, it would have been useful.16:17
DavieyIt's had very little exposure in Debian, with rc2 still in experimental and nothing in Sid.. didn't hep confidence.16:19
Davieyhallyn, our qemu guru wouldn't have been able to dedicate time to fixing an explosion.16:20
Daviey... not to mention, everything is broken enough already :)16:20
slangaseksure, I understand16:20
slangasekbut for qemu-linaro, what do you think?16:20
Davieyslangasek: I don't think that is a bad idea, really.  I don't know that people use qemu-linaro for anything other than experimetal stuff, do they?16:21
slangasekit's used for all the arm emulation people are doing16:21
DavieyAs in, is it at the core of anyones deployment?16:21
slangasekcertainly not "experimental" - but probably development-only16:22
DavieyYeah.. That sounds like a reasonable target audience to through something less tested, than the rest of it.16:22
DavieyPerhaps i'm being maverick.16:22
Davieyslangasek: I wish there was a 'decent' qemu-system-arm machine, something with plenty of RAM.16:24
DavieyUsing it during this cycle, all the options seemed to be balancing fail.16:25
slangasekI personally only use it in user emulation mode16:25
slangasekbecause the system emulation overhead is irrelevant for my needs16:25
* Daviey continues going OT, and asks if upstart works with tat now.16:25
slangasekno idea16:26
cjwatsonspeaking of late updates, what do people think about a significant xdeb update?16:26
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/695191/ so far16:27
cjwatsonI haven't actually checked but I have a rather strong suspicion that it's basically busted in oneiric right now anyway16:27
cjwatsonand AFAIK it's only used by a small community of people working on cross-building, who want to be current anyway16:27
slangasekcjwatson: yeah, I think xdeb is an easy decision on that basis16:30
Davieycjwatson: universe and popcon is reporting 153 installs.16:31
slangasekif the new version works for the 4 people using it, we should take that one :)16:31
stgraberDaviey: you mean running upstart using qemu's userspace emulation?16:31
stgraberDaviey: if so, it doesn't and very likely won't for quite a while still16:31
cjwatsonDaviey: boggle16:31
cjwatsonthat's 149 more than I expected16:31
Davieystgraber: tah16:31
stgraberDaviey: that's because upstart uses ptrace() to follow the forks of the process and qemu-arm uses ptrace to catch the syscalls made by the binaries you're running16:32
Davieycjwatson: That is probably GrueMaster turn-and-burning fresh installs 145 times. :)16:32
stgraberDaviey: and you can't ptrace something twice, so upstart fails16:32
cjwatsonDaviey: ... with xdeb?16:32
cjwatsonthat would be astonishing16:32
stgraberDaviey: though one hack I've done that works relatively well is to run an x86 upstart in an ARM container and then have everything else being armel16:32
slangasekcjwatson: 150 machines sitting at TI that they don't know are phoning home? :)16:33
DavieyThat popcon is based on ALL, so goes back to Maverick.16:33
* GrueMaster hears his name16:34
stgraberslangasek: btw, any plan on making libnih multi-arch? :) that'd make it a lot easier to run armel containers on x86 (as we can then simply install upstart:amd64 in the container and be done with it)16:34
stgraber(not that I actually need that, I have arm boards where I can run actual arm containers, but would probably be fun to have for some people)16:35
slangasekstgraber: why do you need it multiarched to install upstart:amd64?  Can't you just install upstart:amd64 + libnih:amd64?16:35
slangasek(no, no plans currently)16:35
slangasekah, ureadahead and mountall also need it; is that the issue?16:36
stgraberslangasek: yep, that'd be the issue16:36
stgraberthough I guess I could use the x86 version of these as well, but the goal is to have as little of these as possible...16:36
slangasekstgraber: well, then you get into plymouth depending on mountall, and, and...16:39
slangasekso yeah, libnih ought to get multiarched16:39
slangasekfeel free :)16:39
skaetScottL,  what's the status on the testing of Ubuntu Studio Alternate?   do we know the images are good?16:49
skaetstgraber,  does Edubuntu upgrade ok?16:50
pittigood night everyone!16:56
pittigood luck with the rest of the release16:56
skaetthanks for your help pitti.   good night.16:57
charlie-tcaskaet: I tested studio 64, then the tracker updated, but the image had not changed.17:00
charlie-tcaupdating tracker for it17:01
skaetcharlie-tca, if image didn't change we shouldn't have lost results.  weird.    Ok,  thanksfor confirming its ok.  :)17:01
charlie-tcaI agree. But at least the 64bit image worked17:02
LaneyI'd like to approve bug 856579; would anyone mind reviewing in binNEW?17:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 856579 in banshee-community-extensions (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Merge banshee-community-extensions 2.2.0-1 from Debian Unstable (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85657917:13
Laney(new packages from Debian)17:14
LaneyScottK: ^ since you offered (for unapproved, but ...) :-)17:34
ScottKLaney: If it's just bug fixes, it doesn't need FFe.17:37
Laneyit adds new packages17:38
* ScottK reads again17:38
LaneyI want to ack it, just need someone for NEWing17:38
ScottKYeah.  That's fine.17:38
ogra_did anyone else get 4 mails for each upload that was released from the queue or is my evo wonky ?17:52
ogra_(mails to -changes i mean)17:52
stgraberskaet: not sure someone actually tested upgrades. I can start one in a VM now though.17:59
skaetstgraber,  thanks.18:00
slangasekis this changed recommends in deja-dup expected / approved?18:02
stgraberskaet: ETA for upgrade testing is at > 3 hours (takes a while to grab the images, then upgrade, then dist-upgrade). Will report in the tracker anyway.18:48
skaetstgraber,  ok,  we'll update the release notes if there are issues after.18:48
DavieyDesktop has no known-issues?19:03
ScottKkde-baseapps is mine ^^^, so I'd appreciate if someone else could review/approved.19:16
skaetDaviey,  pitti didn't add any, but I agree there are some that need mentioning.   I'll be adding those after jibel finishes his edits.19:25
jibelskaet, done19:29
skaetjibel thanks.19:31
charlie-tcaskaet: studio does install; ran encrypted LVM, now doing entire disk19:31
skaetcharlie-tca,  ScottL owes you several beverages of your choice.19:32
jibelskaet, for desktop there is bug 832603, bug 852012, bug 85412419:32
charlie-tcaYeah, maybe. Sometimes help is good19:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 832603 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete() (affects: 641) (dups: 88) (heat: 2980)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83260319:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 852012 in unity-2d (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "unity-2d-panel assert failure: *** glibc detected *** unity-2d-panel: corrupted double-linked list: 0x094bc9b0 *** (affects: 21) (dups: 21) (heat: 178)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85201219:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 854124 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "opening the system settings preferred application dialog breaks the defaults (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85412419:32
skaetjibel,  ack.  There are some critical DX ones I'll probably add as well.19:33
jibelskaet, if you go this way its worth mentioning the windows stacking issue in unity (bug 805087) and bug 85032019:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 805087 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "Dash and launcher appear underneath windows (affects: 91) (dups: 21) (heat: 430)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80508719:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 850320 in unity-2d (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "bad memory leak in unity-2d-panel (affects: 5) (dups: 1) (heat: 28)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85032019:37
=== doko_ is now known as doko
dokoaccepted glance. one more step for the MIR20:11
Davieycan a AA please promote glance, based on bug 80129921:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 801299 in glance (Ubuntu) "[MIR]glance (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80129921:33
ScottKskaet: If we can save the Kubuntu amd64+mac image, I have someone who may test it.22:04
skaetinfinity, jibel, ^^22:04
infinityScottK: Oh, I may have published it anyway... I didn't even notice the 1 missing test.22:08
skaetScottK, infinity,  it is published.22:17
ScottKamd64+mac desktop got ~no testing for Ubuntu or Kubuntu.22:31
ScottKI don't think we should be publishing then.22:31
ScottKOh, wait.22:31
skaetScottK,  amd64+mac got testing for Ubuntu22:31
ScottKKubuntu did too since I last looked22:32
skaetheh, that's ok then.22:32
ScottKskaet: Nevermind. I think both Kubuntu and Ubuntu are OK to go.22:32
ScottKSorry for the confusion.22:32
=== skaet changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Beta 2 released! (Archive freeze remains in effect.) | http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ubuntu-release | Oneiric Ocelot Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team with beer | we accept payment in cash, check or ocelot food | melior malum quod cognoscis
slangasekinfinity: where do the package lists for the preinstalled desktop images live?  (bug #820514)22:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 820514 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "oem-config-remove-gtk not found during preinstalled desktop initialization (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82051422:59
slangasekskaet: hurrah!22:59
charlie-tcaThank you for all your time, skaet23:00
skaetThank you all!   Team effort indeed.  :)23:01
charlie-tcaShould also say thank you greatly to the rest of these people, too!23:01
charlie-tcaAll your hard work is appreciated!23:02
skaetThanks to infinity who got all the bits out the door, welcome back to the release team!    :)23:05
ScottKdoko: ^^^ should fix python-omniorb.23:12
infinityslangasek: Same place as everyone else's?23:14
slangasekinfinity: which is the seed being used?23:14
infinityI think it's the same as everyone else now.  But let me double-check that.23:16
infinityslangasek: Yeah, it's just ubuntu-live.23:18
infinityOr, should be. :P23:18
infinityslangasek: Stopped forking long ago.23:19
infinityslangasek: We bring in oem-config via jasper.  But I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that oem-config should be blindly trying to run oem-config-remove-gtk just 'cause some other GTK package exists. :P23:21
slangasekinfinity: excellent!  You disagree, you can follow up on the bug instead of it remaining incomplete indefinitely :-)23:23
infinityIf by "follow up", you mean "reassign to ubiquity", you bet!23:23
slangasekwell, as long as it's not hanging in incomplete :)23:24
infinityWe need a "very complete" status.23:27
charlie-tcaIsn't that "Triaged"?23:28
infinity"So confirmed, that I just broke something unrelated."23:28

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