
skaetubuntu daily-live 20110921.2 posted00:20
skaetcorrection xubuntu daily-live 20110921.3 was posted.00:21
charlie-tcaThank you very much00:21
skaetedubuntu dvd 20110922 posted01:20
skaetkubuntu dvd 20110922 posted01:49
charlie-tcaseems the keyboard issue got fixed too, or at least went away01:52
skaetubuntu dvd 20110922 posted02:55
charlie-tcaXubuntu done except wubi, we can't actually do that one03:02
charlie-tcawill help run Kubuntu in the morning, if still needed.03:03
charlie-tcabut, I need to rest again tonight. It has been a long day03:03
valoriehello, I'm trying to do the reporting phase of some testing08:12
valorieI tested Kubuntu i386 upgrade08:12
valorieI see http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/DesktopUpgrade and did the tests, although for Kubuntu, they don't really apply08:13
valoriethen I went to http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/KubuntuDesktop and did those08:14
valoriebut where do I report the results?08:14
jibelHey valorie , thanks for testing Kubuntu08:22
jibelvalorie, you can report the results on the ISO tracker http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker08:23
jibelvalorie, if you find bugs, you can report them on Launchpad and add a reference to the bug on the tracker08:23
valoriewith control f, I finally found the upgrade option08:24
jibelvalorie, yw08:25
jibelDaviey, any news on server testing, there are very little results on the tracker.08:26
jibelDaviey, good morning :)08:26
Davieyjibel: good morning!08:26
valorienow to make a USB image that will boot08:26
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Davieyjibel: many of us have been smoke testing.  Looking through the jenkins tests now08:31
jibelDaviey, ok cool. And what about iSCSI ?08:32
Davieyjibel: patdk-lap tested that and encountered the udev bug.08:32
Davieyjibel: any chance jenkins can have the openid plugin added?08:32
Davieyjibel: some of the tests look like a false failure?  I'd quite like to run a fresh set of tests on the failed cases08:33
jibelDaviey, sure, I'll ask patrickmw when he's back08:33
jibelDaviey, agree, looks like infrastructure failures, I re-ran LAMP on AMD6408:35
jamespagejibel, Daviey - looks like the amd64 tests struggled08:38
jibelpatdk-wk, patdk-lap thanks for testing iscsi, could you update the tracker and link the launchpad bug please ?08:38
jamespagethe test failures in i386 are standing failures08:38
jamespagejibel, Daviey - want me to kickoff that test again?08:39
jamespageah - seems to be running already08:40
jibeljamespage, I restarted the failed tests and it passes08:40
Davieyjibel: i think jibel did?08:40
Davieyerr jamespage ^^08:40
jamespagewon't let me resubmit when its already running aways08:41
jamespagelooks OK now08:41
jamespagebut a little worrying08:41
Davieycan the other failed ones be retried?08:41
jibeljamespage, hggdh caught a failure earlier this week and the filesystem of the VM was read only on boot. We need to clone a failed VM for investigation.08:42
jibelDaviey, done.08:42
Davieyjibel: hmm, not showing as in progress?08:44
jamespageDaviey: the results publish out to the public instances after testing08:45
jamespageso no inprogress08:45
Davieyahh, why is that the case?08:45
jamespageDaviey: because its a publishing process09:02
jamespageDaviey, jibel: postgresql test on amd64 has rebooted with a ro filesystem09:02
jamespageI killed that individual test so that the vm lurks around09:03
jamespageI have console access to it now09:03
jamespageDaviey: I'm sure that its related to the LVM/udev issue we have seen09:04
jibeljamespage, what's the LVM issue ? I also have a problem with LVM on alternate amd64 but I'm unable to figure out whats wrong there09:05
jamespagejibel: basically you get *some* lvs09:06
jamespagebut not all -  then everything panics and goes read-only09:06
jamespagelemme dig the bug09:06
jamespagebug 818177 and bug 80149409:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 818177 in udev (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "HP DL380G5 root disk mounted read-only on boot and boot fails (affects: 4) (heat: 36)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817709:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 801494 in ubuntu "Multi part LVM layout: system fails to boot due to missing volumes (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80149409:08
jamespagejibel ^^09:08
jibeljamespage, Daviey it seems critical enough to track it in Oneiric.09:14
jamespagejibel: agreed09:14
Davieyjibel: it's a foundations issue, that is assigned to jhunt, adam_g & hallyn have also been sniffing it.09:19
jibelDaviey, it's already assigned, I won't change the assignment, just added it on release-team's radar. Then they'll decide if it must/can be fixed within the next 2 week or postponed to P.09:20
Davieyoh, and smb09:24
Davieyjibel: I think this is pretty releae crtical :)09:24
jamespagejibel, Daviey: that postgresql test case does not boot reliably09:28
Davieyjamespage: Hmm..10:49
DavieyThat surely cannot be related to postgres10:50
jamespageno - I think that is perchange10:57
jamespageno - I think that is perchance10:57
jamespageit just happened to occur on that test10:57
jamespageDaviey: ^^10:57
Davieyah thanks jamespage11:02
jibeljamespage, is it you who updates EC2 results on the tracker ?11:13
jamespagejibel: I do sometimes11:15
jamespagesmoser and utlemming share the load11:15
Davieyas does hggdh11:15
Davieydoesn't he?11:15
DavieyIf only computers had an sort of application interface we cuould programme against to automate some of this stuff.11:16
jamespageit would make life alot easier11:17
Davieyjamespage: I really hate the idea of screenscraping + mechanize..11:18
Davieyjibel: Do you know if someone on QA is driving a blueprint to make the iso tracker suck-less?11:18
Davieyfor P-Series11:18
pgranerDaviey, I am11:28
Davieypgraner: rocking11:37
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jibelstgraber, here13:15
jibellets not pollute #u-release with testing considerations :)13:15
stgraberindeed :)13:16
jibelstgraber, from syslog, n-m tries to configure eth1 and fails of course but keeps retrying13:18
stgraberjibel: hmm, and I'm guessing it's trying to do DHCP on it, not apply the static IP?13:19
jibelstgraber, right13:19
stgraberdo you have a LTSP.xml file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ ?13:20
jibelstgraber, LTSP not LTSP.xml13:21
stgraberah yeah, right, should be fine anyway13:22
stgraberjibel: can you try running: sudo nmcli con up id LTSP iface eth113:22
jibelstgraber, Error: Unknown connection: LTSP.13:25
jibelstgraber, I unchecked 'connect automatically' in the connection property and now LTSP is known13:28
jibelstgraber, there's something wrong with nm13:30
stgraberjibel: hmm, that's really weird. I have never seen that before13:30
stgrabercyphermox: ^13:30
jibelstgraber, it sees both card as the same connection.13:31
cyphermoxjibel: what's the permissions on the LTSP file?13:31
stgrabermight just be a bit racy though, I already have a time.sleep(2) in the code to wait so that NM detects the new connection, but in your case, it still doesn't see it minutes after it got added to the directory...13:31
cyphermoxstgraber: I think the issue might have been permissions13:31
jibelstgraber, and now I can connect a thin client13:32
jibelcyphermox, 60013:32
stgrabercyphermox: well, ltsp-live runs as root and the same code works here. Permissions on the file are supposed to be 60013:32
cyphermoxstgraber: could it have changed during the install?13:38
cyphermoxwell, unfortunately as soon as you uncheck something and click Save or whatever, the permission would probably change13:39
stgrabercyphermox: no, ltsp-live is the python gui I worked on on the plane from Vancouver. It's started by the user from the Edubuntu livecd, asks to select an interface, then generate the connection, waits 2s and asks nmcli to set it to the interface13:40
cyphermoxstgraber: well, that's what I'm concerned about13:41
stgrabercyphermox: so the connection file isn't shipped in the package but generated at run time and the code does a os.chmod(path, 0o600) just before moving it to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections13:41
cyphermoxjibel: you on the livecd then?13:41
patdk-wksorry, jibel, had several issues come up and having had any time to follow up :(13:47
patdk-wkeveryone is freaking out over this tls1.0 issue13:47
stgraberjibel: what's weird is that both jibel and I run the same test in similarly configured VMs and it works fine for me (tested it around 8 times since yesterday)13:50
stgrabercyphermox: ^ (that was for you ;))13:50
stgraberjibel: what language are you using at the moment?13:50
cyphermoxstgraber: I was only concerned that if the livecd writes the file, then it's installed to disk to be used, the permissions could have changed then?13:51
jibelstgraber, en_US.UTF-813:52
cyphermoxotherwise, I have no idea, dropping a file in the directory is pretty much instant13:52
stgrabercyphermox: no, it's installed and used only in the live environment13:52
stgrabercyphermox: that file disappears at install time13:52
stgrabercyphermox: that option basically starts an LTSP server from the Edubuntu livecd, so it creates the config for NM, activates it on the interface, then install ltsp-server and a bunch of other packages to act as a LTSP server13:53
stgrabercyphermox: if the user chooses to keep that setup when installing to disk, we then update /etc/network/interfaces to contain the static config for the interface (on the target system)13:54
stgraberjibel: can you try rebooting to have a clean environment. Then start "sudo ltsp-live" from a shell and see if you get any output? if you don't, dmesg and syslog might be useful to have13:54
stgraberjibel: oh, and also /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/LTSP would be good to have13:58
jibelstgraber, filing a bug with that information.13:58
stgraberjibel: thanks14:02
jibelstgraber, bug 85646014:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 856460 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "ltsp-live fails to configure internal NIC (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85646014:36
stgraberjibel: thanks14:43
hggdhjamespage, Daviey: are the current ec2 test on Jenkins the final ones?15:37
hggdhjibel: good afternoon/evening, I am back :-)15:38
jamespagehggdh: just discussing with smoser and utlemming15:39
* hggdh goes to -server15:39
* jamespage waves at utlemming and smoser from #ubuntu-testing15:39
jamespagehggdh: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-server-ec2/9/ main test15:40
jamespagewe just did a followup on the three issues we saw with ebs/amd64 in eu-west-1 and us-east-115:40
jamespagehggdh: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-server-ec2-adhoc/15:45
hggdhjamespage: ah, marvelous15:46
hggdhjamespage: I will start transposing15:47
* jamespage waves at utlemming15:49
jamespagehggdh was just saying that he will start transposing the test results into the ISO tracker for ec215:49
jamespageboy do we need to automate that15:50
hggdhjamespage: you will get complete agreement from anyone who has transposing it ;-)15:53
jamespagehey - I did them all the other day - and then we re-span the images - doh!15:54
jibelgood afternoon hggdh , welcome back :)15:57
hggdhjibel: why, thank you. I am indeed happy to be back...15:58
skaetchadadavis1, how are the Ubuntu amd64+mac image looking?  safe to release?16:56
skaetjibel,  ^^ any data?16:57
jibelcjwatson, what do you think of bug 855871 ? I've no idea of the importance and if it's specific to the setup.17:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 855871 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Grub install fails after manual xfs partitioning (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85587117:16
cjwatsonXFS has long been a bit problematic; I'm about to finish for the day, but I'll queue it up and have a look17:20
cjwatsonoffhand I'd call it Medium17:20
cjwatsongood grief, XFS on GPT with no BIOS Boot Partition, glutton for punishment!17:21
jibelCould anyone verify that the latest Ubuntu Desktop on mac boots ?17:27
Samsagaxjibel: got a question: I'll try to install Oneiric with the Alternate install (don't want to install grub, btw is there a chance to enable that option in ubiquity?). The test-case description seems outdated, I'll make my own partition layout, does it count for the test?17:30
jibelSamsagax, yes it does count. There is a testcase that covers manual partitioning http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateManual. If you use slightly different steps, then add a comment when you report the result.17:34
jibelSamsagax, thanks for testing17:34
Samsagaxjibel: I wan't to test it on real hardware. Tired of VBox :P. But is there a way that Grub is not installed on mbr throug ubiquity?17:35
chadadavis1jibel, cjwatson, skaet, Ubuntu Desktop boots fine on Mac, but I'm also still trying to narrow down bug 85587117:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 855871 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Grub install fails after manual xfs partitioning (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85587117:39
skaetchadadavis1, thanks.18:22
charlie-tcaskaet: I have studio 386 test running here18:22
skaetcharlie-tca, thanks.18:23
chadadavis1skaet, at the moment I might add 'no xfs on mac' in the release notes. Otherwise, no serious issues. I'm just testing exotic partitioning scenarios.18:24
cjwatsonmm, I can't say I'm desperately worried about XFS not working (although the bug may well be more specific than that)18:33
SpamapSIs there a publicly available jenkins dashboard that we can show people for all the EC2 tests we do?19:37
jibelSpamapS, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-server-ec2/ ?19:42
SpamapSjibel: perfect, thanks. :)19:44
jibelcharlie-tca, screen reader install still failed?19:54
charlie-tcamissed that one19:55
charlie-tcaI think it works half bad now19:55
charlie-tcabut I am not sure, to be honest19:55
jibelcharlie-tca, ok, trying now.19:56
charlie-tcaThanks. You should be able to hit Ctrl+s at the "try now, install now" screen19:56
charlie-tcaThat starts the accessibile install. It will fail completely in 3d yet19:57
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jibelcharlie-tca, screen reader install pass on Ubuntu, I filed 6 bugs, 2 are serious.21:19
jibelcharlie-tca, I tagged them a11y21:19
charlie-tcaThank you21:19
charlie-tcaAt least it works, kind of21:20
Samsagaxhi there22:50
skaetJust wanted to say thank you very much to Alessio Grosso Sgarrillo, alo21, ameetp, angelabad, AntonioAllegretti, apachelogger, bambi, bennachie, Letozaf_, chadadavis, charlie-tca, cking, Claudinux, claydoh, DomenicoRotolo,23:00
skaetnjin, FrancescoRuvolo, freefly, gema, gilir, gjditchfield, GridCube, GrueMaster, hggdh, jamespage, janimo, JanRathmann, jibel, kidsodateless, ScottK, Lance, MarcoBuono, marius78, Fly82, mvo, NightSilente, ogra, totopalma, PaoloRotolo, PatrickDK, phillw, pitti, primes2h, Samsagax, evilshadeslayer, sharkbait, smoser, SpamapS, starslights, stgraber, superm1, Fo5150, valix, xdatap1 and yotux for testing the beta 2 ISOs.23:00
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