
nhainespleia2: what are you doing in Concord?  And why is it so hot? :)00:22
rwwsee previous tweet, and "because it's Concord"00:23
rwwevery time i go there it's at least 10*F warmer than wherever I came from00:23
nhainesAh, I saw the notifications pop up and didn't get to see the previous tweet.00:28
pleia2another intro to ubuntu at itt tech :)00:38
pleia2it's about 20f cooler at home00:39
* pleia2 class!00:40
bkerensaITT Tech paying you pleia2?00:58
bkerensaor LoCo stuff?00:58
pleia2bkerensa: not paid, just for fun (he said he "found me on the ubuntu website")01:48
dan_mulveywhats up everyone!06:26
dan_mulveyits been a while since ive been in here, i used to go to some of the bug jams in socal about 2 or 3 years ago but i live up in the bay area now, thought id pop in and see whats up nowadays ive been trying to get back into ubuntu etc06:27
guadan_mulvey: welcome back, good to hear06:55
guathere are some nicely active LUGs in the bay area06:55
dan_mulveyyeah i remember hearing a lot about berkeleyLUG when I was still living in socal06:56
dan_mulveybut i havent had a chance to check it out since ive been living up here (in berkeley actually)06:56
guaberkeley lug, dv lug, uhm i'm not sure about sf lug but i heard they didnt' get the best turnout their last official meeting. there are regular linux-oriented meetings at noisebridge though i hear06:56
guaah yeah, if you can make it to berkeley lug i'd recommend that06:56
dan_mulveyim actually going to check out noisebridge tomorrow!06:56
guaah very neat06:57
guabut that places changes by the day. you might never run into someone if you happen to go on different days. heh06:57
dan_mulveyi just heard about NB last night, it sounds really cool. gonna bring a project im working on over there and check out the place06:57
guamany events to go to that some people only go to06:57
guayeah definitely. be sure to scour the wiki for events you'd be interested in06:57
guai gotta make it out to some of the locksport stuff myself06:57
dan_mulveycan i just show up there and work on stuff whenever? is it normal to donate a certain amount or anything? (if you're familiar)06:57
guadan_mulvey: small donation is good if you use stuff there (electricity, food, etc), but yeah you can go literally 24/706:58
guajust if you don't have a key someone needs to be there to let you in. so if you plan to be there later than like 11pm it helps to get there before 10-11pm06:58
dan_mulveyim waiting on an order from jameco to come in & im a few capacitors short of a project, was thinking about seeing what they have there but i wasnt sure how paying for things you use there works and stuff like that06:59
guaask for a tour when you go or when's the next time for a tour06:59
dan_mulveyalright cool, ill def do that06:59
guadan_mulvey: hmm they don't keep much stuff like that in stock. only basic things like solder, irons, etc. but you could ask around on the monday soldering class at least06:59
dan_mulveyive been hanging out in their irc room to get a feel for the members a bit, the people in there seem really chill/helpful so far07:00
guaor they might and i don't know about it. i actually don't know, i'd ask07:00
guadan_mulvey: erm.. well there are quite a few more trollish people in the irc than that are there07:00
dan_mulveyoh alright cool, well i have a shitload of components coming in so if i have to wait a few days for that its no big deal07:00
dan_mulveyhaha for sure07:00
guai hung out in the irc room for the longest time before i went and when i finally went and asked if anyone hung around in irc and hardly anyone did07:00
guasoo.. take irc with a big grain of salt07:00
dan_mulveyahh thanks for the tip07:01
guabut yeah there are really passionate people there so it's fun to work on projects. people just take stuff there and work on it. for like the atmosphere07:01
dan_mulveythey have a laser cutter there too right?07:01
guahm that sounds familiar. i don't know myself.07:02
guayou could ask on the mailing list, or irc. or the wiki would probably mention it.07:02
guamore people that go are on the mailing list than on the irc i think07:02
guaoh and be sure tell your (cool) friends about nb :P07:02
guait's fun to take newbie friends to the soldering classes07:02
dan_mulveythe wiki has some info about the laser cutter i think07:02
dan_mulveynot sure if there's a set cost to use it or anything though07:03
guathere's no set cost for *using* anything that i know of07:03
dan_mulveyi was thinking about etching the faceplates for some guitar effects with it though, seems like it would give the projects a more pro look07:03
guasome people sell like soldering kits, but those aren't out in the open07:03
guayeah, that sounds fun07:03
dan_mulveyoh cool, that might be really useful for me07:03
dan_mulveyturns out i brought the wrong iron with me when i moved up here07:03
guagenerally NB stuff is if it's laying out and doesn't appear to be part of another person's project, it's up for grabs for your project07:03
dan_mulveygave my brother my good one, the one i have doesn't work anymore :(07:04
dan_mulveythats awesome07:04
guaoh i mean like leds and little soldering boards. for like diy arduino things07:04
guai dunno if people sell actual irons07:04
guaif they don't they'd know good places to get them though i bet07:04
dan_mulveyfrom what ive been reading on the wiki it seems like it operates similar to the co-op housing here in berkeley ( i live in one of the student co-ops up here)07:04
dan_mulveyalright cool07:04
dan_mulveyi havent done any arduino work yet07:05
guaah that's neat. yeah the whole place is very woah-these-people-are-so-nice-is-it-real07:05
dan_mulveyim gonna take my gf to the monday soldering class though, hopefully they have some arduino kits there so i can get into that07:05
guaarduinos are wicked. i know they have an arduino meetup.. i forget if it's the same night as the soldering class07:05
guaoh they definitely will07:05
guashe can solder some led shields :D07:05
dan_mulveyi think she wants to make electronics jewelry07:06
dan_mulveyshes done some before hacking apart old computer motherboards and stuff so i thought it would be cool to teach her how to actually desolder stuff and solder things together etc07:07
grantbowcircuit hacking is Mon nights at noisebridge.net in SF. They do arduino too.07:07
dan_mulveyspeaking of arduino actually, do you know if theres any good library or something available if i wanted to make a universal remote for my tv/stereo?07:07
grantbowtv-b-gone is a project taught Mon nights at nosiebridge.net to turn off all TVs. lol.07:08
guathere's a lot of craft-hacking stuff that your gf might be into. stuff like sewing. dunno if that includes jewlery07:08
grantbowerr, noisebridge.net07:08
dan_mulveyi want to make something that i can use as a physical controller but possibly also write an android app that could talk to it as well07:09
guayeah first thing that comes to mind is tv-b-gone. it's a lot less featureful than a universal remote heh07:09
dan_mulveyhaha yeah ive seen the tv b gone stuff over at adafruit.com07:09
dan_mulveyi suppose itd be a good starting point at least07:09
guadan_mulvey: might checkout the mythtv forums/wiki. ir stuff comes up a lot07:09
guathat's pretty linux oriented, i don't know how well that would translate to a controller or android07:10
dan_mulveyoh sick i forgot about mythtv07:10
dan_mulveyill take a look around on there too07:10
guadan_mulvey: posting or looking around arudino forums would probably dig up what there is07:13
guai haven't really done anything with arduinos so i don't know ;/07:13
dan_mulveyalright cool07:13
dan_mulveyim sure someones done something similar out there somewhere on the internet07:14
guayeah probably. just guessing it'll probably be easier to do the android part, being similar to linux and all. gl though07:16
dan_mulveyi think it shouldnt be too difficult to find the ir codes at least for my tv & stereo07:17
dan_mulveyat the very least i could just program them in manually07:18
dan_mulveybut it would be nice to find some sort of library for that so i could make something that would be useful for other people if they wanted to copy my project or something for their own tvs and stuff07:18
guaoh yeah finding the codes won't be hard at all. just having a thing to generate them is what i'm not sure about07:18
guaah yeah, toss it up on github or bitbucket or something :)07:18
dan_mulveyi should be able to transmit them similar to the way the tv-b-gone works right?07:19
dan_mulveyi think it uses an attiny microcontroller and IR leds07:19
pleia2I'm going to be out of down during the oneiric release, so if we want a release shindig on release day someone else will have to plan it :)18:49
* pleia2 goes to other people's release parties in the fall (last year I was in dublin)18:49
nhainespleia2: great slides from ITT.19:08
* nhaines steals.19:08
pleia2thanks :)19:13
nhainespleia2: where'd you get the template?19:13
pleia2they are more bullety than I like, but it was expected for the audience19:13
nhainesgt haha, yeah, I was going to harrass you about the bullets.  :)19:13
* nhaines should make slides using Ubuntu Mono just because no one else can.19:14
pleia2it was students taking notes, so I wanted to make it easy for them ;)19:14
pleia2it was really more of a Q&A session than a formal presentation anyway19:14
nhainesThat's nice of you.  ;)19:14
nhainesYeah, I figured.19:14
nhainesThose slides certainly don't follow the branding guidelines though....19:17
pleia2branding guidelines are hard to follow by mere mortals19:25
nhainespleia2: indeed!  But the advantage is less orange.20:32
nhainespleia2: I'm sure my slides fail but I at least copied the palette right.  Made for friendlier text.20:32
* nhaines resists the urge to patch the spreadubuntu template.20:32
philipballewwhats a good way to black list a wifi driver22:28
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