
Unit193Pandora updated, saver2/pithos/pianobar will be broken, they are already working on it01:42
jrgiffordUnit193: "will"? was still working earlier today...01:50
Unit193jrgifford: Try using it now02:03
jrgiffordI will in a minute.02:05
Cheri703met (briefly) a lubuntu user tonight at my job. had to go back in from break, but going to talk to him more hopefully at some point04:24
Unit193Really? Awesome!!04:25
Unit193Wasn't even me...04:25
Cheri703I will direct him here. he was asking if any of the reloco folks were developers04:43
dzhoITYM "would admit to being developers"14:16
dzhoalso, do we mean developer, or do we mean "web developer"?14:16
thafreakWindows requires admin privileges to set a default browser for a user? how fscking stupid14:39
Cheri703not sure dzho, will hopefully talk to him more at some point14:50
Cheri703*shrug* /me enjoys developing black and white film/prints...15:14
Cheri703so am a developer15:14
Cheri703anyone have thoughts on the sprint version of the samsung galaxy S II ? Considering it in November when we sign a new contract...15:40
thafreakI'm in the market for a new phone as well (and possibly new service provider)...15:54
thafreaktmobile has been alright...15:54
thafreakbut dead spots are everywhere...15:54
thafreakverizon seems to be really over priced...but maybe it's justified because you get so good of service?15:55
Cheri703sprint is kind of the best of all worlds16:02
Cheri703still (for now at least) has unlimited data, can roam on verizon network, so very few dead zones16:03
Cheri703and really well priced plans16:03
Cheri703at&t is pricey too16:03
* Cheri703 is going to be doing customer support for at&t...poked at some of their plans...to have one with 100 less anytime minutes, and tiered data instead of unlimited, I'd pay ~$100 more per month16:11
dzho> can roam on verizon network16:14
dzhoI did not know that.16:14
dzhoSo, I guess so long as you have coverage where you use the phone the most, so as not to incur roaming charges, you're OK?16:15
canthus13Cheri703: Ew.16:34
canthus13Cheri703: I didn't know you were in India...16:34
Cheri703dzho: free roaming16:35
dzhothere was a guy at our lug who was griping about poor coverage with sprint16:37
dzhobut there was a guy at the hackerspace talking about forcing the phone into always-roam mode16:37
dzhoso, maybe the first guy didn't know about what the second guy is talkin about16:38
dzhoin the 2nd case, the issue is if you have marginal sprint coverage, you'll get poor service if the phone prefers to connect via sprint16:38
dzhobut if you force roaming and move it away from marginal sprint service to superior vzw service, then I guess you're ok?16:38
Cheri703depends on the phone16:49
Cheri703mine can't force roam16:49
Cheri703but some can16:49
dzhoso, you'd be in a pickle in the given situation16:49
Cheri703I've always had pretty good coverage with sprint16:49
Cheri703and it hopped over reasonably well16:49
Cheri703only place with marginal is at my parents' house in rural NY, and if I go outside, it's fine16:50
Cheri703here in mansfield, most people have verizon, but sprint does fine. t-mo and at&t are crap here16:50
Cheri703also depends on the radio in the phone, two different phones will have different service levels in the same place16:50
Cheri703*can have16:51
dzhoit's just interesting to me to learn this added dimension of "it depends on the phone"16:52
Cheri703eh, different phones have different antenna layouts and such, different radio strengths, etc16:54
Cheri703think of the iphone thing with putting your finger in the wrong spot and losing service because of antenna design16:55
Cheri703ok, I have to go and get ready to go to work now. may be back, may not :)16:56
dzhohaha, right.  I mean, of course you expect different radio properties based on the design.17:11
thafreakwow HP owns and addresses in there tried to brute force one of my machines18:15
paultagthafreak: well, it appears that way - or the machines have been hacked18:15
thafreakand MIT owns, and there are TONS of machines compromised there trying to brute force me18:17
thafreakyeah, but hp should be on their game...not have any compromised machines18:17
paultagor students on the network18:17
thafreakprobably windoze boxes18:17
_bbb_probably OS/218:17
_bbb_damned nuns18:18
thafreakdoubt os/2 would be so easily compromised ;)18:18
_bbb_i used to love that shit18:30
_bbb_running my dual node bbs18:30
_bbb_while playing duke nukem18:30
thafreakI only had a single machine bbs...with a single phone line19:05
thafreakand if I wanted to use my computer, I had to shut down my bbs :)19:05
thafreak_bbb_: L.O.R.D.?19:06
_bbb_and tradewars19:07
jrgiffordAfternoon jandrusk.19:14
_bbb_guess not19:29
* jrgifford shrug19:32
thafreakOh boy...seems some one from a DoD network tried to bruteforce my machines...nice...20:00
canthus13thafreak: Prolly a compromised machine. :P20:21
thafreakha, and an IP from Halliburton20:59

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