
chris4585wouldn't an older computer from say 98 suck more energy than a computer from 2003 or so?01:49
wrstchris4585:  i can't imagine it not01:58
Unit193cyberanger: pianobar will be broken for a little bit01:58
chris4585wrst, I think I got my answer01:59
chris4585<Cole> I would think so, on older electronics there was a substantial discharge which would be expended and used nowhere.01:59
chris4585<Cole> I believe they've upgraded diodes and capacitors enough to where the discharge is redirected and used, which means less electricity overall01:59
chris4585<Cole> Also, now that I think about TV's and such.01:59
chris4585<Cole> The amount of power that monitors and hardware need is substanially less01:59
chris4585<Cole> On new models.01:59
wrstok cool what I was thinking but not nearly that detailed just know that most chips now are designed to be effecient also02:01
wrstCole gives out good answers chris4585 :)02:02
cyberangerUnit193: broken how? (and currently it's working)02:06
Unit193cyberanger: Try to stop it and start it again02:07
wrstchris4585: you working on some old machines?02:07
Unit193(i) Login... Error: Protocol incompatible. Please upgrade libpiano.02:08
cyberangerUnit193: like I just did 5 minutes ago (to change out proxy settings)02:08
cyberangerwell, luck of the draw atm I guess02:08
Unit193I knew before I tried it as I'm on the right channel :D  (They are working on it now, fixed soon)02:09
* wrst tries to figure out what a piano has to do with proxy settings02:09
chris4585I want to setup a computer to solely run irc for idlerpg02:09
cyberangerUnit193: I knew cause you told me, and yet it's still running02:10
cyberangerwrst: pianobar, cli pandora (as in the pandora.com music service) client02:10
wrstchris4585: i have a little atom machine I run for a server and hardly notice it running on the power bill02:10
cyberangerproxy is for it's network settings02:10
wrstcyberanger: I play piano... but didn't know there was a linux piano02:11
wrstohhh ;)02:11
Unit193It's going to work if it's still running02:12
chris4585wrst, thats something I'd like to have02:18
Unit193cyberanger: irc.coldfront.net/#saver2 , but pianobar guy isn't there right now02:19
wrstchris4585: its pretty sweet02:19
wrstit does run a little warmer than I thought but of course no fan02:19
wrstand I think a lot of the heat is from the cheap-o power supply02:19
Unit193cyberanger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pithos/+bug/856035  - Launchpad bug 856035 in pithos (Ubuntu) "Need v32 protocol -- "Pandora does not support your client version"" [High,Confirmed]03:09
Juzzy$7 for 4gb of laptop ram12:07
wrstJuzzy: that's a good deal12:08
Juzzys'why I posted it ;)12:08
wrstha ha :)12:10
wrsthowdy average_guy13:22
average_guyHi wrst13:22
average_guyanything exciting going on wrst?13:23
wrstnope other than cyberanger got me using bitlbee average_guy13:23
average_guyWow! looks kinda awesome13:24
wrstit is average_guy especially if you have an always on irc13:25
average_guyI might have to check that out13:25
wrstthey have a server you can try it out on13:26
average_guyit looks like it supports all the protocols I use13:28
average_guyi've gotten so used to pidgin13:29
wrstyeah average_guy i was using finch on my server but now I have everything contained in one quassel window which i like13:33
wrsthowdy Xpistos13:53
XpistosGot offered the new job at the sal I wanted13:57
Xpistospace_t_zulu_: Hollar at me when you get a second13:58
wrstcool Xpistos!13:58
XpistosI have to let them know on Friday what I want to do13:58
XpistosQuote from Xpistos "Commisssion is spelled right! It is for more trivial types of a commission."14:41
Xpistosnot a lot of chatta today I guess.17:50
cyberangerXpistos: it varies, depends on how much noise we make17:53
* wrst makes some noise17:55
Xpistoscan anyone tell me why broadway is good?17:55
XpistosI can open apps in fireox yeah17:57
cyberangerXpistos: becuase it's in a city that never sleeps?17:58
* cyberanger wonders if that is a trick question, or am I missing something17:58
Xpistossome kind of backend that allows you to run apps in a browser17:58
wrstXpistos: that's cool not for sure that I see a lot of use in things now but I'm sure there is a good reason :)18:49
XpistosSo I gots me a new job after all18:51
XpistosI said no you need to give the kid more money or I walk18:51
Xpistosthey said don't work here is more money18:52
XpistosI said well let me talk to my peeps and I will get back with you on Friday18:52
XpistosAH messed up my own joke18:53
XpistosThey said no don't WALK, here is more money18:53
wrstmore money is what you want... that's what we all want :D18:54
Xpistosanybody using thunderbird know if you can export your email ala pst files in outlook?19:34
chris4585anyone good with upstart in here?19:59
Juzzywho isnt?22:02

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