
knomehas anyone EVER encountered a problem that the receiver doesn't see a part of a plaintext email?00:02
cjohnstonmhall119: i figured out how to do that lead = models.ForeignKey('Attendee')00:09
james_wcjohnston, hey, so, linaro has two track leads for one of the tracks this time00:10
james_whope that doesn't conflict with your plans too much00:10
cjohnstonjust need to add that to it00:11
cjohnstonI think that would go back to needing a leadmodel.py00:11
mhall119yeah, we would00:16
cjohnstonthats what i was trying to do to start with00:16
mhall119either thay or put one of the leads on some government watch list so they can't attend00:17
mhall119whichever is easier00:17
mhall119ok, I'm off to do school work00:17
cjohnstoni work for the FD.. the second option would be easy00:17
* james_w makes a note to never get on the wrong side of you two00:33
nigelbcjohnston: pong02:27
nigelbSorry, was I way sort of burned out last night. Came home at 11 pm and went straight to bed.02:28
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mhall119james_w: can we prep a deployment of summit for IS today?16:20
james_wI'd like that loosen-restriction branch to be part of it16:23
james_wand can fix that pad url bug in a minute too if you would like that to be part of it?16:23
mhall119that's be good, are there any other know bugs we can fix quickly?16:26
james_wI should fix the regression too16:27
james_wthat's a bit trickier, but I can fix most of it pretty quickly16:27
mhall119what regression?16:28
james_wwith the band-aid fix I took out16:28
james_wit was fixing another bug16:28
* mhall119 hates bandaid fixes for exactly this reason16:29
james_wget() finding multiple objects, when the guard is only for zero objects16:29
james_wit only occurs if you schedule one meeting in multiple places though16:29
james_wso it's not the end of the world if it doesn't get out today16:29
mhall119james_w: is the need to allow linaro meetings in the same room just for hackfest, or for all linaro meetings?16:32
mhall119if it's just hackfests, I'd rather make a new meeting type for "hackfest" and add it to the type_exceptions list16:33
mhall119either that or add a flag to the Room object to allow adjacent meetings of the same track in that room16:33
mhall119if either one of those solutions would suit your needs16:33
james_wfor all linaro meetings16:34
james_wthe Room one would likely work for us16:35
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james_wmhall119, a flag on room, or a flag on track?19:51
james_wtrack more closely models what we want I think19:51
mhall119I suppose that would make more sense, yeah19:54
mhall119that'll make it easier to apply to only Linaro stuff and not UDS stuff19:55
james_wharder to work in to the admin UI though20:28
james_wI'll work on that now20:28
mhall119just make it part of the Track inline20:42
mhall119it'll show on the Summit's admin page20:42
mhall119that's what I did for the Track.color field20:43
james_wfighting with test isolation issues first though20:46
james_wit's not a django TestCase20:49
james_wpushed the change to add that to the model20:57
mhall119james_w: test_check_schedule_errors_on_same_track_in_previous_slot defines a 'track2' but never uses it21:15
james_wit's just to check that it doesn't check that all the tracks match21:16
james_wsorry, I mean it should use it21:16
james_wI accidentally commited the commenting out I had done trying to debug that test isolation issue21:17
james_wfix pushed for that21:20
james_wand a branch pushed for the pad URLs21:23
mhall119james_w: needs to be done for the other pad url function too21:29
mhall119that was the one that would cause a 40421:29
james_wmissed that, sorry21:46
james_wwhy have a bunch of tests started failing in all my branches22:06
james_wI'm really hoping this isn't something to do with the time22:07
james_wanyhow, I've pushed the change for the edit links, as I don't see how the pad changes would cause these failures, and it happens with or without them22:11
james_wyeah, time-dependent tests22:44
james_whttp://paste.ubuntu.com/695356/ fixes it and seems like a good idea to me anyway22:52
mhall119ah, good catch23:04

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