
* nlsthzn waves03:34
superflymorning nlsthzn04:57
nlsthznhey superfly ... sorry got to log of here for a moment... bbl05:07
superflyMaaz: tell nlsthzn it's ok, I can handle rejection05:08
Maazsuperfly: Okay, I'll tell nlsthzn on freenode05:08
=== Chat0619 is now known as kevin
superflykevin: Unless you're here to talk about Linux, Ubuntu and other computer-related stuff, you might want to find another channel to lurk in.05:30
=== kevin is now known as kim
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:51
superflymorning Kilos05:51
inetprogoeie more06:53
superflymôre inetpro06:55
inetproheh superfly, hoe gaan dit?06:56
superflyNie te sleg nie, dankie. Net moeg.06:56
superflyEn self?06:56
nlsthznsuperfly: got the message :p07:18
superflynlsthzn: :-D07:36
nlsthznOne PC many users = PITA07:38
nlsthznspam on the mailing list :/11:47
superflynlsthzn: where?11:48
Vhataon the mailing list!@11:48
nlsthznDoh, sorry superfly not to ubuntu-za... I see it is going to ubuntu-news (forgot I subscribed recently)11:49
nlsthznlol @ Vhata 11:49
drubinVhata: NO ways, unpossible11:54
Symmetriadoes anyone know who the hell mediafire are as a company and what they do?12:00
* Symmetria is trying to figure out exactly why they are in our top 4 largest traffic sources12:00
Vhatayou didn't try http://www.google.com/search?q=mediafire by any chance?12:01
Vhatait's just that the very first match says "Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire", which kind of explains it all.12:02
Symmetriavhata of course I did, it wasnt terribly informative so I was hoping someone knew something more, but as per normal, you are full of crap :)12:02
Symmetriaand unless you have something useful to add, I think I'll just add you back to the ignore list12:02
Vhatastraight into the personal insults, I see12:02
SymmetriaJonathan, really, I have no time for your sarcasm or your attitude, you bore me, really really bore me12:03
Vhatawhat the fuck?  you think that "free file hosting" doesn't explain why they're in your top 4 largest traffic sources?12:03
Vhatathis is #ubuntu-za, and you're bound by the ubuntu Code of Conduct in here, so be civil.12:03
Symmetriaheh, no, actually it doesnt explain it at all, for various reasons :) particularly since almost ALL those things are blocked typically by our universities 12:04
Vhatawell if you're getting a lot of traffic from them, they're clearly not blocked.12:04
Symmetriaand considering I can't tie it down to a specific destination either in the netflow, the traffic flows are... rather confusing 12:04
drubinboth of you enough12:05
Symmetriaand by the way, part of being civil is leaving the sarcasm and language at the door :) but anyway, I got beter things to do, later all :)12:05
drubinSymmetria: Enough. drop it.12:05
nuvolariefgh! does anyone know an XSLT unit test framework other than what google returns?13:01
magespawnevening all16:38
Kiloshiya magespawn 16:45
Kilosi thought you got frightened away16:45
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:45
nlsthznHey Kilos :)16:45
magespawnnah i face down elephants, will take a little more than that.16:47
Kilosha ha ha16:47
Kilostheres no elephants in eshowe16:47
magespawni am also from jozi, if that does not say enough then not much will16:48
magespawnjust at the shop setting a google apps account for a npo17:52
magespawnnon-profit organisation17:53
Kilosdo they sell google apps accounts at shops17:53
Kilosoh ya i shoulda membered that17:53
magespawnno that is done through google, i just help them purchase it, set up the website email and such.17:54
Kilosoh ok17:54
Kilosand they on windows hey?17:54
magespawni am off the kids have finished their move. later.18:10
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:23
inetprogood evening19:14

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